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The weekly Republican. (Plymouth, Ind.) 1911-1922, September 21, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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r "u C 2 fr J J J fr 5 5 fr J fr fr ! ! fr 2?
It is the
open season
for colds
Anybody is justified in -.taking a
cold at any time aller this date owing to
the cool evenings and frequent changes
in the weather. .
But nobody is justified in allowing 5
a cld to get hold on them or nf sufftr-
iog from one for the usual period:
Our Cold Cure is Guaran
teed to Cure
If it fails we refund the money. x It, stops colds in the
start if you use the remedy promptly. It cures colds quickly
n matter in what stags they are. Sold by ua only. Price 25c.
The People's Drug Store,
Dr. A. C. Hume Dentist. Kendall dDe.
Dr. Eikenberry, the specialist, will . . Iru-int
be in his orlice everv Fridav here- I
A. B. Farmwald is in Warsaw on
J. R. Jone: is in Rochester on busi
ness today,
M loner of Tvncr was here on
(13-7-w7 !
Mrs. Fred Pelzer is in Ft. Wavne
Mrs. Frank Grow and son, Wil
bur, who have been visiting relatives
at North Manehester for the past
ten days, returned home.
II. W. Itortree and the Misses
Emiline and Edna Bortrte, who have
been spending the summer at Pretty
Lake, returned home today,-
Mrs. Oilmore, who has been visit
in? relatives at Flint, Mich., and
Chicago for the ytast two weeks re
turned home last evening. ,
Mis. Jce Snindell and sister, Mrs.
Mm chard left for Attica this morn
ing, vhere rliey will spend about
tlu'co we ks at the sanitarium.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klinsrerman of
Warsaw, who have been visiting
relatives here for the past lew
days, returned home last evening
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Smitn ' of
near Donaldson, left this morning
for Bangor, Mich., where they will
spend a month or more with their
Remember that the Bremen Fair
j dates are next week. Sept. 26-27-2S-
29. Tins is the 23rd bigger and
better than all the others. Don't
fail to attend.
For Sale Indian Runner Ducks
and White Leghorn chickens, S. B.
Fanning, 1002 X. Walnut. lw
, Eulls for Sale.
Short Horn and Tolled Dnrhams
pure bred red ami roans. Call, write
wire or phone. C. T. Mattingly, Plym
outh, Ind. wtn
Stock for Sale.
One Registered Guernsey Bull, 1
grade bull calf, 2 grade heifer
calves, 1 grade cow. J. V. Keifer,
Phone 7091. wl4-21-2S.
For Sale Large sized ' hand
cjder mill. Good as new. Can be
used for any kind of fruit. For
sale very cheap. Inquire of C. A.
Reeve. d & w tn
We have a large number of ecne
and single pulleys, and pieees of
shafting. If you are in need of any
thing of this kind, call and see if
we have what you want. dwtrr
'WANTED Local and traveling
salesmen representing our reliable
goods. Any man of good appearance
who is not afraid of work can make
this a satisfactory and permanent
"tusiness. Write at once for terms.
Outfit free. Territory unlimited.
Big money can be made. Apply
Allen Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y.
on business todaj.
Pasture for rent Blue grass, good ! - Irs. E. O. Berg of Inwood was
water, shade. Bert Hand, R. 13, here ' on business today.
Arges. jrtn : T. A. Martindale made a business
j trip to Argos today.
A. l. Fink of Tyner was in the
city on busin?ss today,
Mrs. G. F. Fresar of Knox was in
the citv cn business todav.
Mrs. W. 1. fJood of Donaldson
was a Plymouth visitor today.
M?ss Lyrel Morris is a . South
Bend visitor today.
Bob Espich made a business trip
to Argos last evening. x
L. E. Phillips ofWarsaw was in
the city on business Monday.
Mrs. J. E. Work and Miss Anna
Barr are Warsaw visitors today.
W. II. Roberts and son Frank of
Warsaw are in the city today.
Miss Ruth Logan left for Chicago
todav where she will attend school.
Mrs. W. M. Sherland of Lapaz
was in the city on business today.
Mrs. Mary McCoy of Warsaw is
the guest of her' sister. Mrs. Gar
rett. Harry Woodbury left this morn
ing for Bloomington, where he will
attend school.
Mrs. Kate Edwards of Culver is
visiting Mrs. Julia E. Work during
Home Coming.
Mr. and Mrs Mark Trowbridge
are the proud parents of a baby girl
horn Monday.
Mrs. C. II. Buck of Denver, Col.,
is visitimr here parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Hill.
'Mrs. 0. P.'Willermuth of Royal
Center is the guest of W. II. Mat
thew and family.
Mrs Lester Zumbaugli left this
morning for a month's visit with
relatives in New York.
Mrs. Dr. Brown of Chicago is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.Brown
of west of Plymouth.
Robert Wood of Bourbon was in
the city Monday, the guest of his
brother, Dr. E. R. Wood.
Plymouth seems to be suffering
from Councilman Bowell trouble.
Indianapolis Commercial.
Mrs. Sam Butcher, who has been
visiting Chas. Walburn for the past
few days left for Geneva, Ind., this
At the meeting of the G. A. R.
Monday night F. M. Welsh was
elected Adjutant in place of-W. E.
Baily. who resigned.
Solomon Stockman leaves this
evening for Conlen, Texas, where
win looK alter ousmess in
terests for himself.
Meet your friends at this store during 'Home-Coming week
Home-Coming Visitors-will Profit by Our
Stock, Moderately Priced .
WE WILL SURPRISE THOUSANDS OF VISITORS who visit this city and this store in the vast ' .
and splendid assortment of merchandise we carry. A stock which would be a credit to any city three
times as large; and here you have it for your convenience in your little city of 4,500. Our selections
for Fall show up the prettiest styles, patterns and fabrics we've ever displayed, in fact they've made a
hit they're being talked of over town already. Spend a few hours with us and view especially these
lines: Ladies' Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Dress Goods, Furs, Millinery, Shoes, Men's and Boys' Suits,
Overcoats, Hats and Caps. ,
In the matter of the estate of John
C. Hacg, deceased.
In the Marshall Circuit Court,
September term, 1911.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as Executor of the estate
of John C. Haag deceased, has pre
sented and filed his account and
vouchers in final settlement of said
esate, and that the same will come
np for the examination and action of
said Circuit Court on the 16th day of
October, 1911, at which .Ime all per
sons interested in said estate are re
quired to appear in said Court and
snow cause, if any there be, why
said account and vouchers should not
be approved. And the he"" of said
estate, and all others int -re-ted there
in, are also hereby reqn r d, at the
time and place aforesaid, to appear
and make proof of their heirship or
claim to any part of said estate.
Done Sept. 20, 1911.
Samuel J. Haag, -
WITNESS, the Clerk and Seal of
said Marshall Circuit Court, at Plym
outh, Indiana, this 20th day of Sep
tember, 1911. A
J. C. Whitesell, Clerk,
JW. H. Matthew, Attorney. w9:21-23
Wednesday, Sept. 20.1911.
Eggs ,... .19
Butter 22
Lard .10
Potatoes 75 to $1.00
Beans $2.25 to $2.75
Oats 33
Wheat . 85
Rye 75
Corn .58
Clover seed per bu. $8.00 to $10.75
Timothy $15.00
Clover $15.00
Old Roosters 05
Ducks .03
Geesa .03
Turkeys (old) JO
If 70a offer from bleeding, It&lnc, blind
or protruding Tile, evtl me joar address,
and I will tell 70a bo to core jounel at
borne by the new arorptim treatment ; and
vlU also send some of this borne treatment
free, for trial, with refer enee from your
own locality if requested. Immediate re
lief and permanent cure awured. Send no
aaoeey. bat tell others of this offer. Write
today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. Notre
-D. A. Rhinehart left this morning
for Indianapolis where he is at
tending the Indiana University
School of Medicine.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Bradley, of
Twin Lakes, who have been visiting
near here for the past few days,
returned home todav.
Cvrel Foreman will leave this
evening for Bowden, North Dakota,
where he has accepted a position as
principal of the public schools.
Mrs. II. Burkett of Culver left
for Columbia City this morning
where she will visit her daughter
the coming week.
Our Yearly September Shoe
Sale Commencing. Sept. 15th,
and ending Saturday Sept. 30tb.
liev. A. 1. Love will preni from ' jWVjlj V , 'd-M
the p;iliit of t!e Rot'ornwl church ( Af $4?it&fs r?M JS3
Sunday mornini. Sqt. 24. ::!!)
c Vlock. 'Let all tlio .members auil , ft,lt,IMM f.lk I
friends strive to lie present ami dve ! I J iT'W?!l'W
t!,e brc,l,er a ?o-l au.lienc, jl MjlMitt
-i . as
i , - Urn
. W.m ml
u -f 1 I
' i Im
. , The World's Greatest Tailors
Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and
Overcoats Displayed, Only Here
Mr. Owen Butcher, who has been
visiting his uncle, Chas. .Walburn,
ot this city, left this morning for
Mill Creek. Mr. Butcher was form
erly principal of the schools at
Mill Creek, and having just cora-p't-td
a trip around the world goes
there to lecture.
Mrs, J. W. Parks is spending the
day at 'Bourbon.
Mrs. Anderson Beagles is in La
porte today.
Mrs. J. E. Silvius is visiting her
mother at Argos.
Geo. Vinall made a business trip
to Lakeville today.
Miss Fern Dowell of Lapai was a
Plymouth visitor today.
Silas Meyers of Warsaw is in the
city on business.
L. P. Coleman of Warsaw was in
Plymoutli visitor today.
A new roof is being put on the
Episcopal Rectory.
Miss Irene Kuhn is spending the
dav at South Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith were
South Bend visitors today.
Mr. Freed made a business trip to
Bourbon today.
Orville Roberts made a business
trip to Liuonier today.
Mr. and Mr. P. J. Troyer are
spending the daj at South Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Simmons are
in South Bend on business todav.
Reson Hawn of La pore was in the
city today enroute to Pierceton.
C. Keller of Culver was in the
city on business today.
Mrs. A. M. Ulrica and Miss Buzzle
are visiting relatives at Argos.
Miss Ruth ..Chadwick and Miss
Kate Edwards spent the day in
South Bend. "
Mrs. Mail Swoverland and son and
Mrs. J. D. Astley were Bourbon
visitors today.
Mrs. J. Lieneman of Loganspor.t
is visiting Chas. Garver and other
friends here.
Frank Martindale left for Bloom
ing this morning where he is attend
ing school. .
J. W. Landis and family who have
been visiting Mrs. Rebecca Landis
for the past few "days returned to
their home in Chicago today.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hupp of Man
kato, Minn., "are here for two weeks
visiting with Mrs. Julia Work. Mrs.
Hupp is a sister of Mrs. Work.
Mr. and Mrs. EäVärd H. Leppsr
have moved from Warsaw to Plym
outh, ana" lives at 513 west Jefferson
street wEere they are going to run
a, boarding ana "rooming house.
Mrs. John Soladan of Rochester,
Penn who has been visiting Mrs. E.
J. Soladan of this city for the past
few days returned home this morn
ing. She was accompanied by Mrs.
E. J. Soladanwho will remain there
for about two weeks, returning by
way of West Virginia, where she
will spend a few days.
Come in during these festal days and let us show you
the grand assortment of Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits
and Overcoats. They are the new fall styles, in a variety
of models and weaves to select from: blues, grays, browns.
self stripes and plain colors. Every fabric used by Hart r
Schaffner & Marx is all-wool, strictly; they use no other;
you're sure of the quality. The tailoring is iust as good 'I
as the cloth; and there is no question about style. We
want you to have the best; we know it pays you to have
it; what pays you pays us.
H. S. & M. Suits $18 to $30
Other good makes $10 to $18
Overcoats $15 to $27
Overcoats $6 to $15
Attractive Display of
Cloaks, Suits, Skirts,
Take time this week and view these
displays on our second floor. It will be
to your advantage to do so. Visitors es
pecially are welcome. Come! We'll
surprise you, ( both in the advantage and
completeness of our stock, and then best
of all. in our low prices. Yes, this Fall
we've outdone ourselves; we've brought
here to your home town the greatest
selection of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear that's
ever been displayed in the city
''l if
' i ill IU
TT TT TP .TT) fTT) 4477
50 Dor. Boys' School Shoes .reduc
ed to I.. $L35
50 Doz. Girls' School Shoes at $1.35
40 Doz. Children's Shoes 50c, 70 c20c
20 Der. Hen's Solid Shoes.... $1.53
10 Doz. Ladies' all leather shoes
at $1.25 and $1.50
v Unheard of Bargains in Footwear.
All Furnishing Goods are included in
this Sale.
See our Hen's Trousers at.... $1.50
See our Hen's Hats at $1.00
Call and set the Best Valne3.
To the Trade. Having placed
new machinery in our mill we solicit
for pur good mill the confidence and
patronage so long enjoyed by this
flour and feed mill and beg to an
nounce that we are" now prepared to
grind grists of any size and hind
promp'tly. V '-
d20w21 : Zehner Milling Co.
Xtonrben Fair.
The Bourbon Fair, will occur this
year Oct. 3, 4, 5,- 6. Good racing
the last three daysl
My child was burned terribly
about the face, neck and chest. VI
applied Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil.
The pain ceased and the child sank
into a restful sbep'Mrs. Nancy
M. Hanson, Hamburg, N. T. 36
Furnished by Cressner & Co.
Abstracters of Title, Plymouth, Ind.
Owners of the only Abstract books
in Marshall County. Abstracts of
title to all lands in Marshall county
compiled promptly and accurately.
Real Estate Transfers From Sept. 9
Raal estate Transfers From Aug.
2G to September 8th, 1911 inclusive.
William F Young and wife wd'to
David Holderread lot3 also east half
of lot 4 Youngs sub div Plymouth
$700.00. ; I
John W Kit eh andwife wd to
German Home Builders Association
west half of swl-4 12-34-3 German
tp also block 8 also lots 1-2-13-14
block 2 Huffs 2nd add Bremen $3000
Emery Manual and wife wd to
Dwight A McCullough and wife east
42 acres of south half of sel-4 18
33-2 Center tp $3300.
Susannah Rearick and hus wd to
Nancy Elizabeth Leighty und 1-13
part of nwl-4 4-32-1 Union tp $1.00.
Harriet M Laser et al wd to Sarah
C Laser lot 4 Masts add Bremen
Sarah C Laser et al wd to Anna
L ColUer et al tract in nwl-4 35-35-3
German tp C920.
Harvey Smitn et al wd to Christ
Yockey anä wife lots 9 and 10
Koöntz add, Bremen $310.
Harmena Tohm and hus wd to
Emma L Koontz lots 18 and 19 Cres
sners sub dir Plymouth $1.
Emma L Koontz wd to William
Tohm! and Ida Tohm his wife lots 18
and 19 Cressners sub diy Plymouth
Henry -;Y Shirk and wife wd to
William R 'Vermillion 80 acres in
sec. 3 mrl North tp $3200.
Flora B Lambert and hus wd to
Winifred S Miller west one acre of
Out lot 12 Ewings add Plymouth $10.
Indiana Loan and Trust Co., qch
to John Sheaks one acre in 28-35-1
Polk tp. $13.59. V
Estella Goddard and hus wd to
Jacob S Wickizer lot 42 Williams
add Argos $70Q. . ' ' .
Philip Krathwhol wd to Sarah E
McGrew- lot 79 Fredericksburg ". ex
cept east 6 feet $110.
John J Huffman and wife wd to
James E.Hillis lot 4 also part of
lots 3 and 5 Murrays Plat Maxin
kuckee Lake $950.
Nilas Wolf and wife wd to Jacob
W Edison nwl-4 of swl-4 13-33 3
Bourbon tp $6000.
Martha J Disher and hus wd to
Charles O McCullough 120 acres in
32-34-3 Center tp $9000.
Indiana Loan and Trust , Co. qcd
to Cornelius N Jones lot 68 Thayers
add Bourbon $205.01.
Florence D Fishbarn and bus 'wd
to Thomas McDonald lot -102 Origin
al plat Plymouth $1600.
Daniel H Simmons and wife wd
Edvin M Bell 80 acres in 33-33-3
Walnut tp $6545.
Jesse W Crabb and wife wd to j Samantha Linkenhelt vs. C. Öscar
Schuyler C Shilling lot- 35 Original Tribbey, Thos. Tribbey and Elton
plat Culver $1000. 'Boggs, on note. Attorned S.' N.
David Holderread and wife wd to
Ransom M Holderread and wife lot
3 also part of lot 4 Youngs sub div
Plymouth $700.
Arthur S Morris and wife wd to ,
Schuyler C, Schilling east half k
lots 20 and 21 Knapps add Culv$
Charles M Kreigibaum and wife
qcd to Jacob W Kreighbaum and
wife, 160 acres in 30 32 2 Gr-en tp
$800i I
John'P Walter,' and wife wd to
Edwin R Culver 'part of lot 15
Morris Plat of 16 321 Lake Maxin
kuckee $400.
Henry Zechiel wd to Sylvester L
Zechiel lot t34 Zechiels add Culver
$200. V
Sarah. A Lower wd to Charles
Moslander lot 10 Blains add Plym
outh $1000.,
Marriage Licenses.
Cloice'M. Bolenbaugh of Marshall
county to William : C. SchulU of
Laporte county.
. Hazel Garrison f Nappanee to
Lloyd Lucas of. Atwood. v
Carrie E. Price of Marshall coun-v
ty to ohn R. Elsesser of Bourbon.
Ada J Belhmire and hus qcd to
Omar F Neff 80 acres in 17-34-3
German tp $1.
Marv J Mishler and hus wd to
Abraham Mishler and Marietta
Mishler 40 acres in 35-35 2 North
tp $3500: x ,
Charles Hhoade et al wd to John
C and Emma J Berger SO acres in
Wayne Oil Tank ' and Pump Co.
vs. Oliver J. Warner, on contract.
Abraham Spiglcmyer Petition to
have guardian appointed for Nora
David Zehner, ditch petition.
Cynthia Armstrong vs. Alva S.
Armstrong fo divorce.

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