Newspaper Page Text
i tu 1. 1. 1 lfm i oriotg!yi4gifoia v - i V Perfect and Spectacular Flight of Wright Bros. Biplane Pleases Beyond Expec tation the Large Crowd at Home- V Coming on Saturday Av:ator Howard Gill made two of the most perfect and spectacular flights crer witnessed in this state on Saturday afternoon at the Home Comin-jr. in' the presence of fully ten thousand people. On his second flight he soared to a height of fully 3,000 feet. At the time he was above the southern limits of the city, and was plainly seen by all the people down town. He turned and scared on a down ward flipit to the fair jrrormds. IJoth flights were as perfect as any ever seen, and far surpassed those at the State fair this year. Everyone was greatly please 1. with them and more than atisfieil. Mr. F. 15. Little, who showed the talk- in;r pictures .at the Crystal, said he had seen ir.anv flights in manv states, bat never had seen anvthintr that equalled thosa of Mr. Gill on Saturday. They wer? perfect in every respect. The paid advrrssioiis on Saturday were onlv a little more than those on Friday. On the former day th? receipts were .$5S2.":0 and on th latter day $5S4. Some money was collected by passing the hat to those on the outside. irr. Oill was found to be a renle man in every respect, aside from be in? a crood aviator. He was much pleased with Plymouth and her people, and wants to thank the people for their uniform courtesy to him while he was here. He declar ed that lie had never been in a place where the citizens wen so unanimously in accrl in boosting their town. Mr. Gill left Sgturdav for Kempton. N. D., where he will make his next flight. About three thousand people on the fair "rounds Friday sa.v Wright I?ws. avaitor, Mr. Howard Gil 3. make a splendid flight in his biplan?. About three thousand more people saw the flight in a way from out side the grounds, but they did not know what they missed by not be-1 ing ipside and seeing the most inter in? part of the performance. Mr. Gill was in the air fully ten minutes. He circle! many times around above the grounds, sailed away to the south, returned, made a number of dips toward the ground and ascended azain, finally coming gracefully and easily to the ground, alonjr which his biplane ran on its bicycle-like wheels. Mr. Gill estimated that he was about 500 or C00 feet in the air. His machine is a rte wone, it having made not more than four cr fiv? flights.1 Mr. Gill himself has been flying only about six months. His home is in Baltimore, but he and his mechanician. Mr. Edwin Kncesel, cam to Plymouth from Dayton, O. They sro Trom here to North Dakota. A machine like the one here costs about $0.000. It is smaller and lighter than thoe for tha earning of passengers. The planes measure thirty feet fron tip to tip, and the tail plane measures ten fet. All Like To See It. ' The advantages of beta? inside the ground is not realized by those who were not there. The people were permittde to gather around the biplane and inspect its make-up. They could s-e tb strong, yzt light wooden-and metal braced, the . wires, the powerful and compact ergine, the gasoline tank, the wheels on which tie liplan? runs a it stprts on its flight a nti on which it strikes rhca it comes to earth a train. This starting up from the ground and alighting aain is th? most interesting f? of ' tl ? flights, and of course, can only ha seen by getting into the -rounds. One old 'farmer who was greatly pleased by the flight said. Vheo ask ed if lie got his money's worth: 4 Well, I- should say I" did. I Piildn 't have missed it for a dol lar." "I have a world of eonfidence in Chamberlain 's Cough Remedy for I have used is with perfect s.eces.,, writes Mrs M. I. Basford, Pooles Tille, Md. 'For sale by all dealers. NEWSBOY DIES A LANDLORD St. Louis Man Haa a'$112,CC0 Apart s ment and Stand He Cwned 23 Yearr St. Loui3. Mo., Se?:. 26. William Grevenburg, the liehest rtwstcy In St. Louis, ,is buried. . His death yzs caused by pneumonia. 1 Frcm poverty Grecnbur, rcse to re a landlord 2nd at hi5eath vcs the owner of a 112.0C0 apaitmcr.'t znl the ' news stand . which he established, zfU eellirs papers cn the streets for al most twenty-three years. FALLS FROM TRACTION CAR Fairland Man Injured So Seriously He Will Probably Die. Sheibyville, Ind., Sept.. 2.'. Albert Kay, a tinner' living, at Fairland, was returning home on the west-bound In dianapolis and Cincinnati traction car hen he fell frcm the platform on which he was ktandins and struck cn his head. He was picked up unconscious and b'cod was cozing from his ncs v outh i.nd eais. He almost carried Gary Updike, of RushvMIo.' th1 con- (inrlrr, with him fr;m the rar There Is little chance for his recovery. BRIDEGROOM FOUND DEAD Hangs Himself -After Ore Day's Ex perience as Married Man. C'onnorsville. Ind., Sept. 2". Em mett Jobe, aged tnirty-cn. a bride irroom of one day, handed himself in his barn, half a mile south of Ahjuina He was a well-to-do farmer, was mar ried to Miss Charlotte Murphy ant,' Vhey went to the farm to bej;in house keeping. On being mised search was made and Jobe was found hanging in the haymow. He left no note in explcna tion of the act, and the cause is a rny: tery. LEFT STINGER JN TONGUE Bee, in Apple, Makes Trouble for Farmer Who Ate IL Pendleton. Ind.. Sept. 25. -After eating an apple at a riiir mill. Wil liam Jones, a farmer. sufTe'rd severe ly fmm a swolUn tpngue and finally went to a physician who extracted a bee's stinger frcm his tongue. The bee Is believed to have Wen In the apple and to have started opera tion after entering tin; farmer's mouth. KIN TAKE ALLEGED SLAYER Man Who Escaped Jail Brought Back by Father and ; Brother Noblesville, Ind.. Sept. 2.". After a general alarm had ben sent to police officials throughout the state for the capture of. Harry lliatt, charged with murdering his wife, who escaped from jail here, the man was brought into the sheriff's office by his father and biother and was returned to bis ceil Struckby Automobile. Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 25 Gus Bon ner, a meat dealt r. was struck by an automobile hire and so badly hurt he will probably die. Mr. Honner is six ty-five years old, ar.d ha3 conducted meat markets in Lafayette for nearly half a century. He whs crossing the street v.hen a tourir.g car struck him. throwing bin' to the pa pment and pro duciiiconoussicn cf the crain. No Change cf Venue Asked. Crown Pcirt. Ind.. Sert All of the Gary ccunc ihnen accused of ac cepting bribes, from Thomas B. Dean, decided not to ak a change cf vnue Trom Iake county and the motion to withdraw the application they made a week ago for1 a change of venue from i Lake county wa3 granted. This means that if they are tried at all they will be tried in Lake county. Girl Shoots Stepmother. South Bend, Ind.. Sept. '-'.". Ruth Herb, aged fifteen, shot and seriously wounded her stepmother, Mrs. Jick son Herb, wlfile enacting a scene from a moving" picture exhibition with . 2 leaded revolver. Before shooting her j stepmother, the girlsnapped the gun while Tcintin? at herself, but the car tridge failed to exi Icce. Lewis Appears Eefcre Committee. ' Indianapolis, Sept.--25. Thomas L. Lewis, defeated candidate for presi dent cf the United Mine Workers of America, has appeared before an in vestigating committee to furnish, if possible, any evidence as to the al leged disappearance of several thou sand votes cast at the last election. Killed by Kick of Mule. Owensville, Ind., Sept. 23. John Green, aged thhrty-five, was kicked by a mule and instantly killed near Craw- leyville, Wabash township, where he was employed by. a construction ccm-j pany. ASSASSIN HANGED Dmitry Bogroff Gees to Russian Scaf fold Without Seeing Rabbi. "' Kiev, Russia, Sept- 26. Dmitry Bog roff, the assassin cf Premier Stolypin, who was condemned to death by "a court-martial, has teep hpnged. Before his execution the young man asked that.he might see a rabbi, but refused this consolation when Inform ed that the interview must be in the j presence of officials. JUDGE MAKES MUNCIE WET Decides Remonstrance Cases and Grants 26 Licenses. Miracle, Ind., Sept. 26. Muncle be came "wet" When Judge Bagot for mally rendered his decision in the Sec ond ward remonstrance cases, and then granted licenses to twenty-six ap plicants. Th remjonstratoi3 say an appeal will be taken to the supreme court. It probably will be the middle oi next week before any of the licenses are out, as tne applicants must wait until th? court record is made up. The applicants have agreed among themselves :o open at one time. UNIONS SNUB GOV. MARSFALL Indiana Executive Is Not Invited to Address Convention. Louisville; Ind.. Sept. 2G. Governor Marshall was in this city today, when the annual convention of the Indiana Federation of Labor opened. He had not teen invited to address it. The report that the slLght was due to the governor having signed the re quisition for John J. McN'amara. sec retary treasurer of the structural Iron workers', union, was the principal t topir of conversation among the dele- j gates. Governor Marshall will address j the Allied German Societies of Indi- ana. MARION SALOONS WIN - Judge Nash Sweeps Awy Every Con tention of "Drys." Marion, Ird.. Sept 25. Followins his decision cn the Marion liquor eases in the grand circuit court, through which practically every legal contention of the "drys" wis swept aside. Jiifiee Nssh, acting as special magistrate, granted twenty-one li censes fcr .the retailing of liquors in the city, and five wholesalers licenses. Salccns will be crered at once, as all of the men who obtained licenses have their rlr.cs in readiness. BROTHER LOST 30 YEARS Indianapcüs, Ind., Woman and Cali fornia Relative in Reunion. Indianapolis. Sej t 26. Mrs. Minnie j Krieg cf this city was surprised hap pily when she met for the first time in thirty years her brother, H. C Skokneth of Los Angeles. Cal. All trace cf Skokneth was lost until receutly. when a daughter of Mrs. Krhg learned of Skokneth's existence in ( California. Correspondence fol lowed and the meeting was aranged. STATE CONSTITUTION STANDS Act Proposing a New One Is Declared Void in Circuit Court. Indianapol'a. Sept. 26. The act or the Indiana general assembly cf 1011 propopirg a new state constitution to te voted cn by the people is unconsti tutional and vcid. according to a de cision by Judge Charles Reinster of the circuit court cf this county. The case wilil b appealed to the Indiana supreme court. Change In Friends' School. Westfield. Ind.. Sept ' 2ß. The Friends' Academy in this place, found ed fifty years ago, has opened under the name cf "Union Bible Seminary." The principal change In the organ! zation is the fcur.ding of a seminary for the training cf Friends ministers, missionaries. Dible school teachero. and ether rhri?tian workers, to which the academy and graded departments become tributary. Pumpkins Prove Good Crop. Oaklaud City, ln, Sept. 2C--Oakland City can soon be called "Punkin Center" and still no shadow be cast over the pride of its citizens. The shipment of the pumpkin crop wil! scon commence and many car loads will leave for the city markets and canning factj.-ies. Alleged Murderer Escapes. Edinburg, Ind.. Sept. 25. Joseph Brawner. seventeen years of age. whe was in the lock-up here, on a charge ct assault and battery with intent tc murder Gordon Weaver seventeen years of age. escaped. Friends of the prisoner, it is alleged, picked the lock on the jail. I P,,rc In rurtrftm Columbus, lnd-.. Sept. 2ü While Miss (Jrace Flora of this city was testifying in a larceny case in the city court here her pockotbeok containing a considerable sum of money was stolen She' left the purse lying on a chair when she went to the stand to testify. i Germans Oppose Local , Option. Evsnsville. Ind , Sert. 26. The al lied German societies of Indiana ire' in annual convention here and raised resolutions indorsing tbe stand taken by the Deu:ccrats of Indiana in the campaign cf 1910 in advocating tie repeal of the cevnty local option law. Oliver Plans Not Affected. South IlenÜ. Ind., Sept. 2G. The re fection of reciprocity by Canada will j nave no effect on the plans of the Oli- vcr Plow V'crks of this city, in'so far J a3 the erection of a mammoth branch ! plant at Hamilton, Ont., 'is concerned. I Kicked to Death by Mule. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 26. Raymond ; Green, thirteen years of age. employ ed with a construction force on the reads near here, was kicked on the head by a mule, and died of his in juries. r- : ,V; ' : " " Col. J. J. McCcck Dies. J r Fire Rag 23 N?ar Dakota Town. New York, Sept. IS, Cclcr.el . John j Lead. S. IX, Sept. 18. Forest fires J.McCcck died at his summer hcmejvMch broke cut in the lumber ccun- at Jtumscn, s. j., in his sixty-seventh, tv surro.mdlnc I-ead menaced vo r r l'mrt : .1. ... . . ... J ''-3 eg ni-1 f.cwn A 1:1 2 r. wind fannea tne rames. tack of rnenmcnia frcm vhich it waa ' Savprnl n -inrs were called out. and 1 1! J t . Leiie?tu recoverng was the f cause or ceutn. Third Pennant for Wl kesbarre. Wilkestarre, Pä., Seit. 18. The J l wukn r n0E dced viih llkeshaireVinnint ; the pennant! f.- V. Vi, I .. 1 - ; - . v. eu0VU! HENRY WALLACE Präsident of the Third Na tional Conservation Congress. . "v" , :...T;. V.-:;v.v. mmmwm ALLEGE BLACKMAIL PLOT Chicago Police Solve Mystery cf So Calle J "House of'Deat:;." Chicago, Se;jt. 26. That Kriil IMs ncs. vho was shct to death Ly Dr. Wil liam H. Falke- in the "house of death" a; ol.'JÖ Hamilton avenue,, bed evolved a blackmail plot to furnish a home for a weman was the theciy cf Captain Xcotbar after questioning Eozo Mar- tinovic, ä fellow-countrymen of th-e victim. "So far as the police are conrerned this case is cleared up," said Captain Xcot.':ar "It is apparent thct Ci-nos plotted the death of Dr. Fa'.ker cr to hold him fcr r?rscm. He was in need of mcjeey. He hit oh this plan cf blackmail to raise fund3. Dr. Falkcr is fortunate to have escaped with his life," Labcr War Ccst $3,539,CC0. Chicago. Sept. Iß. : Labor leaders estimated that the fight between the steamfitters and t!:e plumbers has ccst the budding trar'es workmen o! Chicago fS.ÖM.OOO. This con pv tat ion is based on the sympathetic strikes which have prevailed for 100 days. Clevelander Murdered at Fatal Corner. Cleveland, O., Sept. 26. Angelo Di prano was killed at the corner of East Kighty-Nimh street zziti Booth ave nue, the scene of three unsolved mur ders in !es?-than three months. Di rr?no was siot by a man who was fol lowing bini. I SPORT ON THE DIAMOND I NATIONAL LEAUbc. W. L. Pet. W. L Pet NT. Y. ..90 43 .GS2 St. L. 73 6S .518 Chi. ...84 57 .C22 C;n ..C 80 AÖ2 Pi:t.. ..82 63 .EGG U-ook 57 S2 .410 Phil. ..76 64 .543 l.!cs. i.SG 102 .LGl At Chicago. Chicago vs. Boston First game, wet grounds. Sec end game R. U.E. Doston 1 0 1 02 00 0 15 12 1 Chicago 30010001 1 G S 0 Yourg and Rariden; Richie, Ccle, Brown and Archer. At Pittsburs ft. H. E. Brooklyn 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 C 5 11 3 Pittsburg .....2 02 000 0 0'J 4 11 3 Rucker and filler; Hendrix, Cam nitz, Gardner and Simon. At St. Louis St. L011I3 vs. Philadelphia R2in. At Cincinnati R. H. E New York 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 11 1 Cincinnati OOOqOOOCC 0 4.1 Crandall and fdeyers; Sugs. Fromrie and McLean. AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. L. PCL W. L. Pet Phil. ..So 4G .674 Chi. ..70 71 .497 tt.N...85 57 .509 Eos. ..71 72 .4?7 Cleve .75 67 .528 Wash 59 S4 .413 IN". Y. .-.74 63 .51S St. L. 40 103 .280 At N'ew York R. H. E. L-llCagO 'JU1UU1U1U J Ö 4 'ew York . . . .2 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 x 7 7 2 Scott and Block; Fisher and Wil- Hams. At Foston R. H.E St. Louis 01 0000 1 00 I 6 5 Boston 1 30 1 0 22 Ox 9 12 1 George and Stephens; Wood and Nunaiaaker. At Philadelphia R. H.E. Detroit 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 03 7 0 Philac'eli hia ..0101010 o (i 3 7 1 Mullin and Stanage;1 Morgan and Livinj'-ton. . At Washington H. H. E. Cleveland 0 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 h - 0 Washington ...000 0 10 1002 7 1 Blanding and Easterly; Hughes and Street. - AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. - W. L. Pet. Minn. .90 64 .5S9 Ind. ..76 84 .-173 j K. C. ..S7 63 .561 Mil. ...74 S3 .472 Col. ...86 73 .541 T Ido .73 S6 .459 St. P. . .78 82 .4S8 Lois 63 9o AQo At Minneapolis Minneapolis, 4; In. dianapolis, 0 At St Paul St. Paul. 1; Toledo, S. At Milwaukee Milwaukee, 5; Louis ville. 4. i ! At Kansas City vs. Columbus Game ,p:styoned. the Lead 13 beiieed to be safe. Cberrtu taken by Rebels. ShanstcF. Sent. IS. It is reported that the rebel- hae captured C3u:n?tu, that high officials: have been slain, A ... -vm. u j barely managed to escape, ; ; . Ulm XlTUl li;eiv.e.u "u ma muui; ilTBEE SURGERY 3 BEING DONE PURDUE UNIVERSITY MAN AT WORK TRIMMING THE FINE MAPLES OF THE CITY. WOUNDS ARE HEALED Many Holes and Bad Spots In Trees of the City Are Being Cared For By Mr. Nisley and Helpers. I am, indeed, sir, a stiron to old shoes. When they aret in danger I recover them." )says the Cobbler in Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar. Just so tcday -ve have surgeons to old trees. "When trees are in dan ger they are recovered by these surgeons. Mr. Geo. E. Nisl?v of Lafayette, a graduate in forestry of Purdue University, has been here for several days and is caring for many trees of the city. His work is in trimming the limbs as they should he and filling up any holes and wounds which are found in the trees. Mr. Xislsy has already oared for the trees at Dr. H tehei ck's residence, Frank Brooke' residence, Nicholas Haas's property occupied by S. E. Boys, J. . Bergman, Harry Humrichouser and Jas. W. Thayer. There is no doubt that most of those owning trees in the city will have their trees attended to while Mr. Ni?Iev is here. It is interesting to note the pro cesses used by the tree trimmers. All the unnecessary limbs are re moved from the entire tree. Then, as a dentist would ilisr into cavities in your teeth, so these tree surgeons ditr out all ,the decayed portions of every hole in the tree, usina: sharp chisels and mallets. After this is done, the holes are filled with a cement. Over the cement is put a covering of zinc, which is nailed to the tree and thtn covered with a black pitch to keep out. all insect life. This covering of the holes and wounds on the tree . allows It to heal up and continue with a jrood healthy growth. There are many the tree and then covered with a which would otherwise gradually de cay and break, down, being lost to the owner and the city. Mr. Nisley is doing a good work for the citv in general bv his work here and all should be grateful that he has come to Plymouth at this time. Ho also sprays the trees ac cording to t! eir needs. Many trees are now being devoured by the cottony maple seal?. Some on La porte street ar? noticed on which the limbs are already beginning to die, and soon the whole trees will le gone unless protected in a short time. This scale can be killed by the proper spray and Mr. Nisley is prepared to do the work. v ' Courthouse Tre?s Butchered., Mr. Nisley could not express his disgust for the barbarous manner in which the trees in- tie courthouse yard had "been butchered' and all but ruined. He did not say whether they could be saved and put into any kind of condition for beauty or service, but if anything of the kind can be done the Commissioners should certainly do it. As usually treated, a spra:ned ankle will rlisable a man for threo or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as the injury is received, and ol-serving the directions with ?ae'' bottle, a cure can be effected, in from two to four davs. For sale bv'till dealers. CASTOR I A For Infants au'd Children. flia Kind Ycu Have Always Bsugbt Biars the Sfnatnre of fire Yoh lappy? f you are it is safe to say that you enjoy ood health, a3 it is impossible to be happy unless you are well. Koted physicians will tell you that bad stomachs and torpid I:ver3 are the cau3e of 95 per tent of all diseases. 1 For the past 42 years SEYLN BAEKS has proved to be the unequalled remedy tor all JTOIUCI!, LIVER and KIDNEY troubles, and the greaf f t. toni c and blood purine r known. It n.aso'jrour digestion what :t should be and kec your entire svstem in good con dition. Stice of SEXN BACKS w but 50 cents a kittle at all uruggists. Money re ulded f not satisfied. Address LYMAN LZiWSy Cü Jlsrm SU New Ycrk, N.Y. i I PLYMOUTH A Wise Old . Said Shiftless Sam: "It is easy enough tom3kc money if you have money to make it with. I see charces everyday to make money if I only had a little stake to start with, but a fellow that has no capital doesn't have a fair shake inthis world Said the Wise Old Owl: "You never will have a stike until you start. Stop your spending and try saving. Pinch out a little of your earning ar.d start a bank account no matter how small. Add to it. The longer you put itoff the longer oppor tunity will give you tiie cold shoulder." Which one was right. Sam or the OwJ? This Ad contains five words as fallows: I. A possessive pronoun. 2. To cut in two. 3. A unit of measurement. 4. A small boy. 5. Used to sharpen tools. 25 cents will be allowed oa a $1.00 savings sccouat for each correct solution. i nn con inn PLYMOUTH. INDIANA LATEST in After visiting the Eastern Markets also those in Chicago, I am prepared to show anything from practical Street Hats to those for Dress occasions at right prices. Miss Gillert, who was with us last season is here to assist me in pleasing the pub ic ALSO HAIR, GOODS Dessa T. (Vlyers 401 North Michigan Street. Plymouth. Indiana lis YOU CAN'T PREVENT ACCIDENTS 11163' will happen. Save yourself never mind the carriage we can doctor that allright. If your run ning gear is loosened, your wheels sprung, or any Occident has injured your carriage we will make it as ?ood as new at a reasonable cost. Special prices on new Bugrades and Wasrons. RINGGENBERG & CULLISON Center Street. UMBRELLAS ! C. Z. HOWE -ÄSS rilMG tm ; k3t is m E oslcess THEN REMEMBER that a pair of glasses furnishtd by us means much to you iu co j fort, convenience and econemy. We fit the most diflicult cases. We can duplicate any glass. ( . We please in qualty and prices, and guarantee a correct fit. Examination Free. DR. E. R. WOOD . Resident Eyeslaat Soeclalkst. Office over Overmyer & Andersen Shoe Store, Plymouth, lad. j Phone. 522 a . "I I . Si V J c 1 A : Ä - 5 t 1 (ill s ) -Sf In I p V 1 & I- s U . n Owl IT iituöi MILLMEKY INESS CARDS J. A. MOLTER Mouty toloauon farms a specialty- PI mouth, Indiana G. F. HITCHCOCK, DENTIST All kiada of Dental work ach Crowe!; 2 b.ise work. Platet ad KlUlari of 07 kind, face orer MarsaalJ Co. Trust & Sarlnrs Co B'k NtfB. ASPINALL Physician and Surgeon , 08 N. Michigan Stre PLYMOUTH, - . INDIASA Surgeon to the Peansvlvania. Vanialu and Lake Shore Railroadi. Da F M. Bursktt Ua. C. W. ßcBKrrr DENTISTS v Offlce hoars 3:30 a. 0. to '2 ri. 1 p. ci to 5 p m. Rooms in Burkett Building PLYMOUTH - - INDIANA. All tic Fall and Winter Goods have arrived, with All the Latest Styles. An Early CaU will be to Your Advantage. BERGMAN, the TAILOR iVlARIINELLO PARLORS 124 E. Washington St. . TREATMENTS OF SCALP, PIMPLES, MOLES. WARTS, ACNE. FACIALS, SHAMPOOING. HAiR DnESSINC. MANMCURINC. ELECTROLYSIS CHIROPODY 1RSAUT. LAWRENCE TELEPHONF 4222 Eyes Examined Free and Headaches Preten ted ' ,0 OA - ; BURKE i SJÄC 0PT!C!AN; !' 6 av; v;vy Glasses fitte-1 at moderate price catisf actic c Kuaraateeil. OR. J. BURKE & CO., Optonielrisis 230 South Mirützaa Street. Smus Bend. India. Established l'JOO HOCKS 1'to 5:30 P.M. 7 O 3 S3 TELEPHONE Offce 402 Resilience 60 DR. H. P. PRESTOiN Special Attention irento Wseastf cf ce Eve. Ear. Ncse aid Threat. Gtt fitted. OFFICE: OVER BALL A CO. rLTMOUTH ; 01 S I BUS