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A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS si EVERYONE OF WHICH HAS OUR REPUTATION AND PERSONAL GUARANTEE BACK OF IT This should mean something to you when it comes to selecting a - CHRISTMAS PRFSFNT When you give a present that has been purchased from THE PEOPLE'S DRÜG STORE you have every reason to believe that it represents quality and affords satisfaction in every way you will not be disappointed f Afford yourself the pleasure of viewing this magnificent Christmas stock. We will give you every possible assistance that you desire when it comes to selecting suitable or particular presents. Every article suitably packed, wrapped, and de livered to any address at any time you say. :: :: :-: :: HAIR BRUSHES TRAVELING SETS TRAVELING ROLLS CIGAR CASES HAT BRUSHES MILITARY BRUSHES POCKET BOOKS CLOTH BRUSHES Collar and Cuff Boxes BIBLES MIRRORS SAFETY RAZORS CARD CASES WHISK BROOMS Holiday Stationery BOOKS PERFUMES SHAVING SETS TOILET SETS BRUSH & COMB SETS CIGARS MNICURE SETS GLOVE BOXES POST CARDS The old fashioned Christmas spirit is all over our store. Our Yule-tide stocks are thoroughly complete, every case and coun ter is laden with Holiday purchases and we are all trying hard to please to accomodate and to be of some real service. Look over the above list. You will find suggestions of useful attrac tive articles. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 highest bidder. Henceforth those taken up as -wanderers on the city streets will be confined in the Coun ty jail as the law provides. At the last regular meeting of the Council a committee was appointed to draft resolutions thanking Benj. Zook for his assistance at the time of the Elevator fire, and the com mittee presented the following which was sisned bv the Mavor and all members of the Council, and the Marshal directed to present the same to Mr. Zook. "Plymouth, Ind., Nov. 27,1911. For valiant and much needed ser vice rendered to the City of Plym outh, on July 9th, 1911, in aiding with private hose to quench a fire threatening great disaster, we the Mayor and Common Council of the Citv of Plvmouth, Indiana, desire at this tardy date, to extend the grate ful thanks of the citizens of Plym outh to our fellow citizen, Benjamin Zook." The Treasurer made his monthly report, and the usual number of bills Avere ordered paid. There was some general talk regarding electric lights, etc., after which the Council adjourned. THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE CHAS. REYNOLDS, PROPRIETOR, PLYMOUTH, INDIANA Hi - A K.5 TT . ' I I I 5 iJ II f : I rv - - CITY COUICIL Does His Unty. The law provides that physicians shall make report of births and deaths, and as this has been neglect ed somewhat, and the officials of the Board of Health have been censur ed for neglect, they have decided that hereafter all such happenings must be reported as the law directs. Notice of this was given to nil doctors but cue doctor paid no heed to it. The result was that Dr. L. D. Elev, secretary of the Board of Health, filed an affidavit against a leading physician of Plym outh, and on being brought before a justice of the peace, and pleading ffuMtv to the chanre, he was given a fine of $10.00 and costs, amounting in all to $18.80. which he paid, and thanked the officer for letting him off so easy, r.nd not pushing the case further, and taking his license away from him, Dr. Eley has concluded that so long as he is Secretary of the Board all physicians will have to live up to the laws, as well as other people, and it is to Le hoped that one lesson of this kind will be enough. 2S4 r op 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444.4.4.4i4t444t444t4t -J;; ' - " - -y. - .. , , M.. -J:! i T - . 1 AOTÖkAt;Gt?tGUL.Türf'r ;Keeps H Cat. U n ifö r m"'"X ..-.V: : : - , ' .ri;T Vv' sr j'-1 Iii; ; :"vat:.;: xj&nr . XLf'SivÄ'FUbf r'-ANITARr FURNACE. Te nd the fi re o nee a day. IN REGULAR SESSION IRK 3Ii-s Ruth Maxey is at Argos visiting her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Everly are lr.nv ing a part of their household goods into the new Sanitarium, and will aid in getting the business started at this insitution this winter. They will store the. rest of their goods in the south part of their house on ('cuter street, and rent the north part. In the spring Mr. Everly will remodel this house, making it a double house, to rent. He will be gone much cf the summer as. he was this, as he has just taken a coitract that will engage his time till September of next year, involv inir some $50.000. ! i r --iirU - -7-- ' New Residence of Samuel Schlosser in Plymouth wHere the i'FarQuar', Heating System is Installed. YOUR HOME IS IT properly ventilated and heated? "FARQUAR" This is the Important Que tion. . Investigate the SANI rARYFURACE It is a WELDED STEEL. SELF REGULATING FURNACE and embodies a VENTILATING SYSTEM that is co rect. It is the first of its class a reform in house-heating. It affords benefits never before enjoyed 4 4 4 $ - $ J -J f J THE FARQUHAR FURINACECO. OF INDIANA 521 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. INDIANAPOLIS SOUTH UEND BRANCH. 2 33 SOUTH MICHIGAN STREET NORTH CENTER STREET SEWER FINISHED AND ASSESSMENT ROLL ORDERED TO EE MADE. Front VI w of ''tnftrr brrg Culllson's Wafon Fact.rr. PIir.outn. Indiana One of the pood smaller factories of Plymouth is the Waion and Buggj manufaeturinff p'ant and black smith shop of RINGGENBERO 4 COLLISON, located on Center street. The Ringsenberz & Cull'soa wawn is known all over Marshall county and beyond for its excellence cf workmanship and latinsr quali ties. Those who have them buy them atrain. if ever the ones they tare wear out. One of the 'specialties of this factory is the nrakinff of school frägons, and many of these are now in;', 'use over Indiana. Tre prett'est, strongest, Deatest and most con venient school, waon made is the one turned out bv this Plymouth tryin-r work of general road use such as cream wagons, and others! used in gathering or delivering pro ducts in the country. The shop in which this factory is located is 60x30 downstairs and 00x80 upstairs, with a blacksmith shop 35x40 in the rear. Ten men are employed here the year round. Three of these are kept in the black smith shop where the most expert work is done. One man is an ex pert fitter and does little else than to see that the shoes are fitted right to the horse's foot. The force in this shop is sufficient to care for all.patrons as fast .as tbey come.'. The general idea that a big shop and a large amount of machinery CALABOOSE CLOSED Vote of Thanks Given to Benjamin Zook for Service Rendered at the Elevator Tire July 9. factnrv. A splendid top bu?ev is. is necessary in order to make was produced, which for combined li?ht- ns and. busies as cheap as possi tiessl durability, strength and beauty He, is wronr, said Mr. Cullison. cannot be excelled. These buggies Most all of the work must be done are-not shipped in and assembled- hy hand anyway, and we can do it tbev are made risht here in Plym- as cheap or cheaper than they can outb. and those who are using them ia a big shop. We can make good lcrow they are as good in all points wagons and buggies as cheap as any as bn?2ies can be. of them. This fact has been found Besides the making of the wagons to be true by many persons, who 'and buggies the Ringgenberg & Cul- after getting prices on special wag lison factory does a large business in ons or buggies, have found the tbe rerair and painting of all kinds Ringgenberg & Cullison prict s the of. vehicles. Hacks, automobiles, best, with the advantage in addition tnirrips, etc., when they pet old and that the work was being done right adly worn, are made new again. at borne and could be seen a it This factory makes to order fine progressed, delivery wagons in a large number " " of styles, for laundry, grocery, dry For -0od ?onS' "0od bues' troods, medicine wagons, and also Sod repair work and good horse vehicles for the larger and more shoeing, go to RINGGENBERG & CULUS0N CENTER STREET, PLYMOUTH, INDIANA 4 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chapman of .Anros, parents of Mrs." Edmund Myers of this city, left yesterday for. Topeka. Kan. and other points to yisit relatives. k Mr. and Mrs., Edwin Myers of north Walnut street were Argos visitors over Sunday, saying good by to Mrs. Myers' people who are leav ing for Kansas. ti The 'City Council met in regular session Monday night, at the Council-chamber, in the City Hall build ing. After reading of the minutes of the last meeting, a petition was read from Harry Armstrong to tap the Sophia street sewer, and as pay ment has been' made, the request was granted. " City Civil Engineer English made report on the completion of the north Center street sewer, and City Attorney Hess presented a resolu tion on the acceptance of the same, which was adopted by the council, and the assessment roll will be made and submitted at the next meeting. The entire cost of this sewer is $1124.87. On account of the danger ous condition of this street from Harrison to Novelty streets, it was ordered that the Street Commission er build fences to keep vehicles off the street until such time as the Council shall deem the street safe. This was done so as to preclude the city having to pay for any more htrses. The subject of maintaining a cala boose for the housing of tramps was before the Council, and on ad vice of the City Attorney that the city was under no obligation to keep up such an institution, a reso lution was passed ordering that it be taken down, and sold to the ' -ft A lb fi Lime Cement Pulp Plaster Keen's Cement Stucco Silica Sand Rock Plaster Metal Lath Water Proofing Cement Blocks Hydrated Lime t Cement Coating Common Brick Pressed Brick Building Paper Deadening Felt Pitch Tar Asphalt Roofing Sewer Pipe Fittings Flue Lining v J m m m ; ikP1" i i Just Make a Bill of Material You Need, and get our prices. We can please you. Company ' Everything in Building Material nyoiMtii, Mmm Hemlock Yellow Pine Poplar Oak Birch' Doors Windows Glass Mouldings Lath Shingles Posts Conductors Eave Trough Siding Mantels Stairs Cupboards Porch Columns Grilles Ceiling Flooring i 4 4- 4 4 4-4-4 4- 4 4- 3 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft