Newspaper Page Text
r PRESIDENT ASICS JRÜSTCHARTERS V Message to Congress Advocates Federal License. "LET SHERMAN LAW ALONE" Would Have Large Corporations Or ganize Under Federal Law and Be Subject to Strict Supervision by Industrial Board. Washington, Dec. 6. Standing un waveringly for the Sherman law as It Is today, President Taft still would like to supplement it with a "volun tary" federal incorporation act. This plain statement of the adminis tration's position on the trust question as the sole subject of the short, clear message sent from the White House to the second session of the Sixty-Second congress. The "constructive policy" of the message may be summed up in these sentences: I renew the recommendation of the enactment of a general law providing for the voluntary formation of cor porations to engage In trade and com merce among the states and with for eign nations. It is even more manifest now that the denunciation of conspiracies in re straint of trade should not and does not mean the denial of organizations large enough to be intrusted with our interstate and foreign trade. Federal corporations should be sub ject to rigid rules as to their oreanlza tion and procedure, including effective publicity, and to the closest super vision as to the issue of stocks, and bonds by an executive bureau or com mission in the department of com merce and labor, to which in times of doubt they might well submit their proposed plans for future business. Such a bureau should be ?n execu tive tribunal of the dignity and pow er of the comptroller of the currency or the Interstate commerce commis sion. It must be distinctly understood that incorporation under a federal law could not exempt the company thus formed and its incorporators and man agers from prosecution under the anti trust law for subsequent illegal con duct, but the publicity of its procedure and the opportunity for frequent con sultation with the bureau or commis sion in charge of the incorporation as to the legitimate purpose cf It"? transac tions would offer it as great security against successful prosecutions for vio lations of the law as would be success ful or wise. The president expressly declined to set forth these general principles In "terms and sections of the statute." Against amendment or repeal of the Sherman law Mr. Taft-blazed forth with an intensity and passion -that have not been found in all his mes sage. . 9 lie denounced as "glittering gener alities" all recent suggestions for changing thv anti-trust act. Tie could see some advantage, he said, in "sup plemental legislation which shall de scribe and denounce methods of com petition which are unfair and are badges of unlawful purpose;" but he had no patience with those who sought to alter the Sherman law "the ex pression of the effort of a freedom loving' peorle to preserve equality of opportunity." "This statute," he reiterated, "as construed by the supreme court must continue to be the line of distinction for legitimate business." The president carefully defended the great dissolutions made under the . anti-trust act. He praised the North ern Securities division; he said that the Standard OÜ company had been compelled to disse've and of the Amer ican Tobacco decree he asserted that "not in the history of American law has a decree more effective for such a purpose been entered by a court" As to further prosecutions for viola tions of the Sherman law the execu tive had this to say: "As the offense becomes better un derstood and the committing of it par takes .more of studied and deliberate defiance of the law, we can be confi dent that juries will convict individu als and that jail sentences will be im posed." The message concluded with an ap pendix showing the number of trust prosecutions instituted by all admin istrations since 1890. Seven were credited to President Harrison, eight to Cleveland three to McKinley, forty four to Rooievelt and thirty-seven to Taft to dato. RIVER PACKET IS SUNK Passengers Are Safely Taken Off and Cargo Will Be Lightered. Cairo, 111. Dec. 6. The St Louis and Tennessee River Packet com pany's boat, the City of Savannah, bound 'from the Tennessee river to St Louis, eank in twelve feet of water near Buffalo Island, when she hit an unknown obstruction. She la laying perfectly straight The passengers have been taken off and aant to St Louis by, rail. The heavy cargo Will be taken, off by a fleet of rorernraent 'boats,' now on their way to render assistance. There wa3 bo losr of life.;- Make Appointments. Washington, Dec. 6. President Tali sent to the senate the nominations of John W. Garrett of Maryland as min ister to Argentina and that of Fred ericKIJ. Magdeburg- of Wisconsin as pena?on agent at Milwaukee. W, E. D. Stakes I Worse. York. Dec 6. W. E. D. Stokes, 5rho was taken 111 with acute indigea- ticn ca Ttinkssiving day and its cca fined to his apartment in the Aisosi e'res. fcs3 Ukea a rucaen . tura cr W. MORGAN SHUSTER American Who Is Cause of Trouble in Persia. '- t .' . , J 'i. X- . :. -.S ;.;:-:-.y::-.;- v :.-.-.-: Copyright by CUnedlnst. WHERE MONEY WENT Destination of Secret Fund Ex ' pended by McNamara. Much of It Distributed In Postal Or ders and Recipients Are Being Looked Up. Indianapolis, Dec. 6. Important clews to the distribution of the funds used by John J. McNamara in the dy namiting conspiracy, including evi dence respecting persons who received the money, have been discovered In the records of the pestoffice here, and they are being gone over carefully and will be presented to the federal grand jury. According to these develop ments, McNamara used money orders in sending money to his agents in stead of checks, and the authorities have unearthed many cases that throw light on the use of dynamite and lead to the detection of the men who were paid for it. McNamara, it is alleeed, also did business with the Indianapolis office, and with the mails under a fictitious name part of the time. It is charged that he rented a lock box at the In dianapolis postoffice uncler the name of C. J. Sandusky, and that consider able of the mail he received was through that box. This charge has been made by detectives. The importance of the money order investigation is seen in connection with the work which is said to have been done in trying to ascertain how J. J. McNamara spent the. $1,000 a month, set aside for "organizing pur poses" by order of the executive board. KING GEORGE V. English Monarch Now in India to Attend Durbar. Jt, t'.&- : K S v. j'-.v..-- d k it ..f . W-"V ' -.ifc. ' BESUME LOBIMEB PROBE e Hearings in Washington to Be Held Daily. Several Illinois People and a Travel Inig Man Called Upon to Teitlfy. ' i I f . J -.v.'.v.v.v 1 I ? "4 ' 1 i , i . - f j I ,v ' J 1 v ' ?'V J .v i :--f r Washington, . Dec 6. The senate Lorimer committee, after a brief respite following its hearings on the election of Senator Lorimer of Illinois In Washington, with Fred G. Hull and F. L. Brown of the Illinois Central railroad of Chicago as the scheduled witnesses. Mr. Hull is an oScial hav ing to do with the transportation of the railroad and Mr. Brown a conduc tor. They were called to Identity passes made out to Charles A. White. White la the former Illinois state rep resentative who made a eo-cal!ed con fession of accepting a bribe in the Lorimer 'election. The committee hearing will be held dally with a view to permitting Attor ney Elbridge O. Hanecy for the de fense to call all the witnesses that he may deem necessary. Today's wit nesses are George E. Gloss and Mrs. Ella Gloss, William Stürmer, and E. J. Bell, all of Chicago, and Fred Zentner, a traveling man. These wit nesses teitlfy fcx the defense regard ins conversations alleged to have been teli vith Wtlte. 5 WEST UNION. Rev. Force of Winona stayed over night with D. Couts last Satur day night. Mr. King, who is the teacher at No. 12, i? sufferiinig wth erysipelas in his foot. Mrs. Wolf who cut her hand very badiy on a piece of broken looking glass about four weeks ago, still has a very sore hand. Nov. 27. Mrs. D. Ilojderead was calkxl last Aveek to Walkerton to see her mother, who was supposed to be dying, but she is some better now. Three more children have been en rolled at No. 12. They are the chil dren of Chas. Baker who has mov- l ed within a half mile of the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Merl Stone burner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dills and little daughter, Thelma took Sundav dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dills. The teacher training school which is held every other Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas is well attended and much interest is manifested. Mrs. J. Appleman is the teacher. In a letter received from Amsa Thomas. who is living on- a claim near Reynolds, Washington, he states the snow is very deep and it is very cold there but thinks there is no place like Washington. Strand, Jack. Ray and Homer Clark. John Schroeder and Gale Thomas spent last Wednesday even in? at the home of Chas. Ruff where they had some fine music. Mr. Schroeder played the organ and Jack Clark the violin. PLYMOUTH MARKETS Wednesday, Dec. G. Butter N.26 E??s . 03 I-ard 10 Potatoes 75 Beans $2.25 to $2.50 Grains Oats 43 Wheat 87 Rye 80 torn ; 42 Clover seed per bu.-$8.00 to $1050 Timothy $15.00 Clover f 15.00 Poultry TT 09 Springs 09-10 Ducks OQ --------- - V V Old Roosters 05 Turkeys 10-15 Geese .08 No. 13414 N CG TO ISON-PESIDENT. State of Indiana, Marshall Coun ty, ss: In the Marshall Circuit Court, November Term, 1911. Isaac Pavey vs Geonre Myers et al Complaint Quiet Title. The plaintiff in the aboe entitled cause, by Bailey & Bailey his at torneys, has filed in my office a com plaint against the defendants; and, ic apeared by the affidavit of a com petent person that the defendants; George Myers if he be living, the un known heirs of Geonre Myers if he be dead. Myers, wife of George Myers, Myers, widow of George Myers, if she be linn?, the unknown heirs of Mvers. widow of George Myers, if she -be dead. George Mayres, if he be living, the unknown heirs of George Ma yres if he be dead, Mayres wife of George Mayres, Mayres, widow of George Mayres, if she be living, the unknown heirs of Mayres, widow of . George I Mayres, if she be 1 dead. The un- I 1 t !" ir Known neirs 01 ueorge luayres de ceased. Rebecca Mayer, widow of George Mayer, if she be living, the unknown heirs of Rebecca Mayer, widow of George Mayer, if she be dead. William 0. Smith if he be living, the unknown heirs of William O. j Smith, if he be dead. Smith, r wife of "William O. Smith, Smith, widow of William 0. Smith, if she be living, the unknown heirs of Smith, widow of William O. Smith, if Ahe is dead. Ambrose M. Fink. if he be living, the unknown heirs of Ambrose M. Fink if he be dead. Fink, wife of Ambrcse M. Fink, Fink, widow of Ambrose M. Fink, if she be living, the unknown heirs of ; Fink, widow of Ambrose M. Fink, if she be dead. A. N. Fink, if he be living, thev unknown heirs of A. N. Fink, if he be dead,. 1 Fink, wife of A.N. Fink, Fink, widow of A. N. Fink, if she be liv ing, the unknown heirs of Fink, widow of A. N. Fink, if she be dead, Ambrose N. Fink, if he be living, tha unknown heirs of Am brose N. Fink, if he be dead. Sarah C. Fink, wife of Ambrose N. Fink, Sarah C. Fink, widow of Am brose K". Fink, if she be living, the widow of Ambrose N. Fink, if she be dead. James S. Fife, if he be living, the unknown heirs of James S. Fife, if he be dead. Fife, Fife, widow of James' S. Fife, if she be living, the unknown heirs of Fife, widow of James S. Fife, if she be dead. James T. Fife, if he be living, the unknown heirs of James T. Fife, if he be dead. Comfort A. Blodgett,wife of John W. Blodgett, Comfort A. Blodge.t, widow of John W. Blodgett. if she be living, the unknown heirs of Comfort A. Blod gett, widow of John W. Blodgett, if sh; be dead. William W. Drum mend, if he be living, the unknown heirs of William W. Drum mo ml, if he be dead, Drummond, wife of William W. Drummond, Drummond, widow of William W. Drummond, if she be living, the un known "heirs of Drammond, widow of William W.-Drummond, if she be dead. John Shearid, if he be -living:, the unknown heirs of John Shearid, if he be - dead, Shearid, wife of John Shearid. Shearid, widow of John Shearid, if shesbe living, the unknown heirs of S Shearid, widow of John Shearid, if she be dead. John H. Shearon, if he be living, the un; known heirs of John H. Shearon, if he be dead. Adelade V. Shearon, wife of John H. Shearon, Adelade V. Shearon, widow of John II. Shearon, if she be liv ing, the unknown heirs of Adelade V. Shearon, widow of John H. Shearon, if she be dead. John II. Shearin, if he be living, the un known heirs of John II. Shearin, if" he be dead. Adalaide V. Shearin, wife of John II. Shearin. Adalaide V. Shearon, widow of John II. Shearin, if she be 'living, the un known heirs of Adalaide V. Shearon, widow of John II. Shearin. if she be dead. John H. Shearion, if he be living, the unknown heirs of John H.Sherion. if he be dead. Adalaide Slerion, wife of John II. Sherion, Adalaide Sherion, widow of John II. Sherion, if she be living, the un known heirs of Adalaide Sherion, widow of John II. Sherion. if she be dead. J. F. Kinney, if he be liv ing, the unknown heirs of J. F. Kinne v, if he be dead. Kin ney, wife of J. F. Kinney, Kinney, widow of J. F. Kinney, if she be living, the unknown heirs of Kinney, widow of J. F. Kin- nev, if she be dead. Alexander Peckham, if he be living, the un known heirs of Alexander Peckham, if he be dead. A. Gilmore, if he be living, the unknown heirs of A. Gilmore, if he be dead. Gil- more, wife of A. Gilmore, Gilmore, widow of A. Gilmore, if she be living, the unknown heirs of Gilmore, widow of A. Gil more. if she be dead. James A. Gilmore, if he be living, the un known heirs of James A. Gilmore, if he be dead, are non-residents of the State of Indiana; they are there fore hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against them, and unless they apear and ans wer thereto on or before the call ing of said cause on Monday, the 12th day of February. 1912, being the 1st judicial day of the February term of said Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in Plym outh., Marshall County, Indiana, on the 2nd Monday of February, A. D., 1912, said complaint and the mat ters and things therein alleged will be heard and determined in their absence. WITNESS, the Clerk ami seal of said Court, at Plymouth, Indiana, this 28th, day of Nov., 1911. J. C. Whitesell, Clerk Marshall Circuit Court. Bailey & Bailey, Plaintiff's Attorneys. wl2:7-14-21 No. 13413. NOTICE TO 2f ON-RESIDENT. State of Indiana, Marshall Coun ty, ss: In the Marshall Circuit Codrt, November Term, 1911. Martha A. Coldren vs. Gerrah M. Richardson et sL Complaint Quiet Title. The plaintiff in the above entitled cause, by Bailey & Bailey her at torneys, has filed in my office a com plaint against the defendants; and, it appearing by the affidavit of a competent person that the defend ants; Gerrah M. Richardson, the un known heirs of Gerrah M. Richard son, deceased, Richardson, wife of Gerrah M. Richardson, Richardson, widow of Gerrah M. Richardson, the unknown heirs of Richardson, widow of Gerrah M. Richardson, deceased, Sarah M. Richardson, the unknown heirs of Sarah M. Richardson, de ceased Richardson, husband of Sarah M. Richardson, Richardson, widower of Sarah M. Richardson, the unknown heirs of Richardson, widower of Sarah M. Richardson, deceased, Garrett M. Richardson, the unknown heirs of Garrett M. Richardson, de ceased, Richardson, wife of Garrett M. Richardson, - Are Yea Dagpy?. If you are it Is safe to say that you enjoy good health, as it is impossible to be happy unless you are well. Noted physicians will tell you that bad stomachs and torpid livers arc the cause of 95 per cest of all diseases. For the past 42 years SEVEN CACXS has proved to be the unequalled remedy for all STCILICD, LTYn and troubles, and the greatest tonic and blood purifier known. It makes your digestion what it should bo and keeps your entire system in good con dition. Price of CASTS is but 50 ctata a bottle at all druggists. Honey re funded if not satisfied. Address LYIllN E:TTN, CS IZzrrtj Si Kw Ycrk, W.Y. wife of James S. Fife, Richardson, widow of Garrett M. Richardson, the unknown heirs of Richardson, widow of i Garrett M. Richardson, deceased; Stephen M. Farnsworth, the un known heirs of Stephen M. Farns- worth, deceased, Farns- worth. wife of Stephen Farns- worth,- -Farnsworth, widow j of Stephen Farnsworth, the unknown heirs of Farnsworth, widow of Stephen M. Farnsworth, deceas ed. Abijah Bigalow, the unknown heirs of Abijah Bigalow, deceased, Bigalow, wife of Abijah ' BJiralow, Bigalow, widow of Abijah Bigalow, the unknown heirs of Bigalow, widow of Abijah Bigalow, deceased; William Wickershpui, the "unknown heirs of William Wiekersham. deceased. 1 Wichersham, wife of William Wiekersham Wiekersham, widow of William Wiekersham, the unknown heirs of Wiekersham, widow of William Wiekersham, deceased are non-residents of the State of Indiana; they are therefore hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against them, and unless they appear and answer there to on or before the calling of said cause on Monday the 12th day of Ely B. Milner Milner & Grube Grain Dealers All Kinds of Grain and Seeds Feed, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Sewer Pipe, Tile, Salt, Etc. f WINTER WHEAT FLOUR-j ( C SPRING WHEAT FLOUR j office: and West Garro Street, West PHONE Plymouth I ;;xn-v..v-.;:..-;..--....v...-v,.,..v.v.r-v! r Have Youji Seen It Tells the Story of a Wonderful We wanted you to get ' acquainted with the Favorite Base Burner that's why we had the city covered with these beautiful colored posters that you see every where. We knew that if you once became familial-with the superior points of the Favorite as compared with other base burners learned that it actually has no equal in beauty, durability, and fuel-economy you would buy no other heating stove. The Favorite will keep every part of your house warm all winter, and do it with from 2 to 3 tons of coal Every square inch of this unequalled stove radiates volumes of heat which constantly circulates throughout tho home, maintaining an even temper ature, nirjht and day. The Favorite is built in a plant erected especially for the production of fine stoves. Only expert workmen are al lowed to take part in its con struction. Sixty years of stove experience are concentrated in it. The many exclusive feat ures that make the Favorite SPECIAL SALE ON WEAR-EVER AlyoiDoymnr Cookäog Utensils MILTON February, 1912, being the 1st judi cial day of the February term of said Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in Plymouth, Mar shall County, Indiana, on the 2nd Monday of February, A. D., 1912, 1 said complaint and the matters and things therein alleged will be heard and determined in their absence. WITNESS, the Clerk and seal of said Court, at Plymouth, Indiana, this '28th day of Nov. 1911. J. C. Whitesell, Clerk Marshall Circuit Court. Bailey & Bailey, Plaintiff's Attorneys. w7-14-21 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE. In the matter of the estate of Marv Je Ail's deceased. In the Marshall Circuit Court, Nov. Term, 1911. "otic? is hereby given that the undcrshne'V as Executor of the estate of Mary Jeffirs deceased, has presented and fled her final ac count and vouchers in final settle ment of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examina tion and acticn of sail Circuit Court on the 18th day of December, 1911, at which time all persons in- Clinton H Grube "Diadem' "Columbia City Perfection" ''Nappanee Peifection' "Gold Medals J$,s ..xxxx . "Wingola" elevator Side Lake Erie Depot 876 -:- Indiana W Ni) supreme among heating stoves are all patented, and can be found on no other stove. You will find the principle reason why it is the best in the cele brated Separated Flue con struction and this feature is patented. Why not save two or three tons of coal this win ter with a Favorite? You will AT E0 Tiki Di A R OWARE terested in said estate are required to- appear in said Court and show cause, if any there be, why said ac count and vouchers should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate, and all others interested therein, are also hereby required, at the time and place aforesaid, to ap pear and make proof of their heir ship or claim to any part of said estate. Done Nov. 27, 1911. Anthony J. Keller. WITNESS, the Clerk arid Seal of said Marshall Circuit Court, at Plymouth, Indiana, this 27th day of Nov. 1911. J. C. Whitesell, Clerk. Adam E. Wise, Atty. w30. 12:7 17ÄTGH chain FREE I STEM WIND ! AND Ladles & Genfs Styles W posttiTtl? ri" beautiful stem wind and ftern set wt tu ladles or rents gt vie . also chain and ring-, set with brilliant rn. for iM-liintr our Hitrh tirade Art Tost Card. Order a) M kaKv to sell at 10 cents -r packasre. When sold ae-nd na $iuO and ill promptly aend yon pre. paid the & year fruar- a n t e e d Watch, Hinz and I Chain. PEERLESS WATCH CO.. Otpt 8, No. 1 133 C. 63d St- Chicago, Ills. BR, COX'S Barbed Wire LINIMENT GUARANTEED to hf-p.I without leav ing a blemish, cr MONEY REFUNDED. 50c anJ $1.00 sizci for fresh wound?, old sore?, soreback3 and shoulders, burns and bruises. 25c elzo for Famil y Use. DR. COX'S PAINLESS BLISTER i3 painles3 and puarantecd to euro Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Sweeny, Splint, Ptiffa, or s.iry enlargement of " bone or muscle, or money refunded. Price 50c. FOR SALE BY FOR WOMEN Dr. J. A. McGill'a Famous Female Suppositories Are a famous remedy for all female diseases Suffering Women try ' a Sample For sale hy all Druggists PRICE 91.00 Call on your home druggist for book and free sample O o o CO O Finest Heating Stove in the World s Poster ? Heating Stove get more warmth and satis faction, too. Here 10 Our Offer Put the Favorite in your home. Try it for thirty days, two months, all winter, if you want to. Then, if you do not find that everything we have said of it is true, we wül take back the stove, and refund your money. Can you think of afairerproposition than that? We could not afford to make this offer if we did not KNOW that the Favorite would backus up and do just what we claim for it But we are positive that after you once tried the Favorite you would not part with it for twice what it cost you, if you could not get another.iust like it. If money counts if comfort counts if the health and happi ness of your family count you cannot afford to buv or use any heating stove but the Favorite. 01CE tls trcrsa.