Ä Merry Xfinas
To Every One
PLEASING PRESENTS la a profusion of varieties
: for all Xmas Shoppers at Economy Prices.
FOUNTAIN PENS All shapes, sizes and prices for
STATIONERY---The preitiest Christmas boxes of Paper
that have ever been shown anywhere. Don't fail
to sec them.
PERFUMES Well, Christmas ccud not be complete
without that daintiest of all presentsPerfume,
We have the best of every perfume out, both Do
mestic and Imported; also Sachet Powders, Per
fume Automizers, and Christmas Cards and Book
lets galore. . ,
CIGARS-- Cigars in convenient, tasty and appropriate
Christmas packages. Boxes of 12, 25, 50 and 100.
M id and strong cigars. Something to please
every smoker's taste. Place your order NOW.
TOILET WATERS Toilet Waters that are dainty
and different. Exclusive odors in cut glass and
plain b ittles Artistically packed. Ideal gifts
for Children and Grown people.
CHAS. REYNOLDS, Proprietor.
- it . ?
John Richardson left on the 9:07
train Wednesday moraine? for Chica
go II. A. Shanibaugh made a busi
ness trip to South Bend Wednes
day. Peter Newsby of Bourbon was in
Plymouth on the early morning train
Ed Shipley and wife went to
South Bend this morning-on the
early train.
. Mrs. Bion Faulkerson went to
South Bed today to visit her sister,
Mrs. L. C. Miles.
Mrs. Edward Fenimoru and two
daughters of Tyner were Plymouth
shoppers Tuesday.
T rrk in our window, a $2.00 parlor
met n;e for $1.00 Saturday only.
Bunrcll's Furniture Store. dl5-22w21
Mrs. Wm. Watson and Mrs. Jesse
Sequest of Bourbon are Plymouth
visitors for the day.
XT. B. durch News.
Every branch of the church was
well: attended last Sunday. The
Christian Endeavor is becoming very
interesting. -
The chicken dinner given by the
Ladies Aid Tuesday evening was a
üne spread. The attendance was
fair and the proceeds satisfactory.
The Sunday school is preparing
for a grand time Sunday evening.
A Christmas tree will be the attrac
tion, the tree will be decorated with
presents by all who desire to bring
them. The treat will be given to
the school on Sunnday morning. An
earnest request is that all be pres
ent at 11:45 a. m. so you may enjoy
this Christmas gift.
Subject for Sunday morning ser
mon will be "The Christmas
Splendor.' ' The evening serviee will
be given to the children. All cordial
ly invited.
R V A N '
is governed bv the Service Idea not
the Bargain Idea.
The Bargain Idea, goes t-ack to the
centuries of tie past when the msr-1
caut as a peddler selling from a
pack at markets and fairs. The in-1
teJlient buvers of today are looking
for the store that deals in service-
able goods, not bargains.
Our njoods are right, our prices
are rigfct.N j
T a.Vs Alaskas .75 '
ladies "Ruobers 1 .50 , ,
ladies Lined Shoes. .$1.25-$1.50
Mens Holiday Slippers 50
Mufflers 25 i
Ties .25
Mens Dre3s Shirts 50
"Vor-s Fine Sliurers $1.00
Mens Lined Shoes $2.00
Mens Caps 25 and .50
Mens Tine Silk Hose .25
These goods are all Reliable Ser
viceable merchacdise of the best
nnality and are to be sold at honest
A Splendid Line of Holiday Goods
Call, you will bexwell pleased.
Mrs. Lee Kendall and her sister,1
Miss Bertha Walker, went to South
Bend this morinnsr:
Norman Myers went to Twin
Lakes this morning to ( attend the
f uneral of Moses Holem.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. 'Doan of
South Bend are here to attend the
funeral of Mrs. John Pfender.
Mrs. Caroline Trowbridge of Three
Oaks, Mich., is visiting friends near
Plymouth for a few days.
H. H. Miller of Bremen is in the
city looking up some business affairs,
and visiting his son Charles.
John McFarlin is at Twin Lakes
today looking after business matters.
Charles Phillips is at Warsaw on
business today. . j
Tr. and Mrs. Walter Wolfe came
down from" Tvrier Tuesdav for the
purpose of doing a little Christmas
In the crowd who came to Plym-,
outh from Tyner on Tuesdav wpt"
Ar. Jese Bennett' and Mrs. Minnie
Mrs. Leonard Shaffer and .Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Smith attended the
funeral of Mrs. John Hittle Tnes- .
day, at Lapaz. ,
Dan Jacobv and Jesse McXeeley
took Carl Thacker of Bourbon, who
was adjudged to be of unsound mind,
to Long Cliffe Wednesday morning.
Two candidates for initiation at
the Easle Lodsre Room Wednesday
.-.. -n ooti, nt p o'clock follow
ed by a German lunch. Let all
Kailes be present..
Dr. Preston and the two Burketts
shut up shops today for a few hours
rnl re"nt west o an hunting expeti
Tv.ev took the two dogs with
them, are likely to pret some game.
Charles Reeve, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. At Reeve, will return home
for the holiday vacation this even
in?. He is attending the Howe
Military Academy.
Mrs. T. J. Carson of South Bend,
was visiting her sister at Indian
apolis, when her baby was taken sick.
Thinking she had better get homer
with it, she started, and the baby
died between Logansport and Plym-,
Lloyd McCIosky of the engineering
force of the United States Battle
ship South Carolina, is home on a
fifteen day furlough. Lloyd joined
the navy Jan. 23, 1910, and looks
well in his uniform. His ship is
now stationed at New York.
Bargains Baldwin Piano, slightly
used, good as new or new Vose Up
right Grand, second hand. Address
Box 172, Plymouth, Ind. Telephone
8574. d20-21-22-23 w21
Mrs. Morgan Johnson of Cleveland
Ohio, is visiting friends in and
about Plymouth for a few days. She
was the wife of Morgan Johnson
who was Auditor of Marshall county
and died since moving away from
Plymouth. The family occupied the
residence where Dr. Martin now
"lowers ake the most precious
ad aceptacble gift at Xmas time.
They show forth God's own handi
work in every leaf, carrving both
sunshine and good cheer. Place your
orders early.
Mary Reslar, City Florist.
W. G. Hendricks, former owner of
the Tribune, which was consolidated
with the Chronicle and named the
Republican, came up from Logans-
port on some business matters. Mrs.
Hendricks, who was sick when the
family moved to Logansport, was
much better, and then had another
spell which lasted for several weeks
She has now recovered, and is quite
J. JJ. .fields, better Known as
"Dave" Fields, was helping William
Wa-mer "shingling a barn on a
Josiah Jacobv farm east of the citv,
and on Tuesday evening at four
o'clock fell from the roof a distance
of seventeen feet. He was brought
to his home on AngeL. street t near
the old Wagon Works, and attended
by D. C. Knott. No bones are brok
en, but Mr. Fields is badly bruised
on the hip and chest, and other
portions of his body. Mr. Fields is
an old veteran of the Civil war, and
must be caretul, as he is not as
active as he was fifty years ago.
His friends will be glad to hear that
his injuries are not so severe as at
first reported.
The Republica for news.
ä Ä
pedal Chris
OffferS mid
Th" Store with the Christmas Spirit
Look at our Windows For Suggestions
Men's and Young Men's
uits arid Overcoats
Just the opportunity you have been looking for, it means a positive saving of
rE want it understood
that ever)' Suit and
Overcoat in this Special of
fer is a $20.00 value, and
Worth Every Cent Of It.
We have too many on hand
and thought best to make
this special offer to you, right
NOW, when perhaps you are
in need of the goods. A
great variety of patterns in
all WooL, hand tailored
goods to select from, all got
ten up in the very latest
models. Let US have the
opportunity of showing you
this Great Value.- They are
all Kirschbaum & Kuppen -heimer
hand made garments;
J i
Boy s Special Suit, and
Overcoat Sale at $3.50
JN Boy's fine Knickerbock
er Suits, ages 6 to 17, in
fine fancy Cashmeres and
Z II Kuppeuheuner ,
' f) Chicago ' V1yskSS,NV
Worsteds Double-B rested
Coats, peg' top trousers and
some have (2 pair trousers.)
Overcoats in the nobby con-
vertahle and presto styles, in
xtra good fancy pattrens and
plain shades and all sizes.
Come in and see them.
Troubled With Xmas Worries?
Here's a "boiled down" list from our
Special Christmas Stock
House Coais, Mufflers, Shirts,
Neckvear, Fine Umbrellas,
Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes,
Handkerchiefs, Pajamas, Night
Robes, Neckwear Sets, Suit Cases
Traveling Bags, Fine Hats,
Caps, Everwear Hosiery Fine
Leather Collar Bugs, Tie Kings,
Scarf and lie Cases, Traveling
Sets, House Slippers, Fine
Mittens Underwear, Shoes, Fine
Slip 04i and Cravenette Coats,
Fur Caps, Jewelry and hundreds
of useful gifts, all sold at Special
Holiday Prices.
Bear in mind this is the Christ
mas Store for the Men and Boy
folks. We will be glad to assist
you in making your selections.
Prompt and Courteaus treat
ment to all
F. W.-Bosworth Co
Ä ffierry Christmas to our Customers
Holid ay Good Cheer Is At
its Height when Christmas
Shopping is done satisfactorily. Our
highest aim is to make it an easy
task for the shopper by having the
right goods at the right prices. This
year we have bought with greater
care than ever before and are now
prepared to show you the
Royal Road to Christmas Shopping
Christmas Suggestions for Men
Kid. Gloves, Fancy Handker
chiefs, Fancy Hosiery, House
Slippers, Scarf Pins, Knit Muf
flers, Etc.
For Ladies
Fancy Linens, Kid Gloves,
Fancy Handkerchiefs, Fancy
Hosiery, Hand Bags, House
Slippers, Furs, Dress Silks, Fancy
Neckwear, Knit Scarfs, Etc.
Make your purchases as early as
possible and avoid the rush of the
last days before Christmas.
A little late, but it will be news
to many as it was to us. Mrs.
Xettie Hendricks, well known in
Plymouth, having lived here for a
number of years, was married in
South Bend the dav before Thanks
levins: to Daniel Vtvnüiyk jMrs).
Hendricks was with the family of
Oeonre H. Thayer at their summer
home on the shores of Maxinkuckee
Lake during the past season, and
they had no suspicion that such
step was contemplated. She has
been acquainted.. with the man she
married since chilhood, and her
friends here hope that her remaining
years will be happy ones.
At the Methodist parsonage Satur
day 2 p. m. occurred the marriage of
Earl G. DeMont, and Miss Alta C.
Jordan, by the Rev. F. O. Fraley.
Mr. DeMont is a young farmer,
living near Logansport, while Mrs.
DeMont 's home has been at Culver.
They will reside on their farm in
Fulton county.
County Correspondence
Mrs. Ponntius has nppn rool cilr
wwwaa cita
since Saturay; is some better now.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Myers are visit
ing his sisterf Mrs. Earhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Harring visited with
Henry Listenberger at Hibbard Sun
day. Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Pontius'
mother from Wolf Creek, is visit
ing her a few days.
Mr. Harper's have moved on to
Elmer Jones' place near Donaldson
Mrs. Dorrp.nce, -who has visited
with her sister in Chicago and Can
ton, Til., nearly three weeks, is at
home now.
Miss Protsman To Wed.
Misses Mary and Arvada Parker
entertained Miss Emma Protsman
Tuesday night at a shower, on ac
count of her approaching wedding
to Mr W. Wallach. The date set
is Christmas day, it is said. The
entertainment was held at the home
of the Misses Foltz on south Michi
gan street, and was an enjoyable
In Circuit Court.
The jury in the Herriman will case
-as selected Monday, and by noon
Tuesday they had examined two wit
nesses. . The; court room is nearly
full of other witnesses, and inerest-
ed persons, and if each takes as
much time as the ones already ex
amined, the .case will drag on for
some days. '
This is the last case of the term
that will require the presence of the
jury, as all the other cases that are
ready , for this term, will be before
the Judge.
Of Course'
The Herriman will case is still on,
the .plaintiff endeavoring to break
the will by seeking to prove un
soundness of mind, on the part of
the testator, airdundue influence up
on the mind of the testator. All
witnesses of the plaintiff except one
have, been examined, and part of the
witnesses for the defense. It is not
likely all the witntsses will be ex
amined today.
Mr. and Mrs. Llovd McFarlin
j spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
I David Grossman.
Mrs. James Doty was the guest of
Mrs. Ray Logan of Plymouth last
Mrs. Wm. Piper and .daughter,
Dortha, spent Sunday at Niles, Mich.
Mrs. Sidney Grossman and Mrs.
Elva Freece spent Monday in South
Mrs. Forest Holm and Miss Rose
Kyser spent Saturday in South Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cook were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cook
Miss Reva Doty was the guest of
Miss Gladys Pifer of Plymouth
Monday night.
Mrs. Lottie McFarlin spent Mon
day in Plymouth. '
Mrs. Lige Myers, Mrs. Isaac Myers
and Mrs. H. Glass spent Monday
afternoon with Mrs. JLohn Cook.
Ruth Nichols and Edna Lawrence
spent Sunday with Ho Meod.
Born to Mr. and Urs. Bert Van
Dien a daughter, Dec. 18. Mrs.
Tan Dien was formerly Miss
Gertrude Cox of this city, but iow
residing in Lapore, Ind.,
A nine pound girl was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Quincey Kleckner,
Friday morning, at their home in
this city.
New Cases.
Forest E. Bucher vs. Bertha Haag
complaint for personal judgment and
to enforce lien.
New Cases Filed.
The Barrett Grain Co. vs. Isaac
Rjeed and Chas. C. Reed, complaint
on note, $200.
For Infants and Ciiildrcn,
ffca Kind Yea Have Vvjays Bcsgfil
T . v. -