OCR Interpretation

Marshall County independent. (Plymouth, Marshall County, Ind.) 1894-1895, November 02, 1894, Image 5

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87056249/1894-11-02/ed-1/seq-5/

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2:." a. in. laily.
5:12 a. in. Daily.
f.;u". i. ni. Dailv.
10:3; a. in. 1 ailv except Sunday.
S:44i i. ia. Dailv e.eeit Sumlay.
7:30 a. ni. l.x-al freight, daily except Sunday.
5:12 a. ni. Haily.
;i-.,v. a. hi. I ailv except Sunday.
1 :.v i. in. 1 aily except Sunday.
0:1." p. in. Daily.
7:1". p. in. 1 aily.
1 :J5 i. ni. I.ocul f n i-dit. daily except Sunday.
.1. K. HANKS. Au-ent.
Plymouth. Ind.
Soil 11 l'.ilM TKAINS.
No. 51 CA a. in.
' 5! !:) a. in. local freight.
" M 12:5 a. III.
" CI 5:m a. in. Through freight.
No. 52 12:'V, i. in.
wt ll; li p. in. Lcal freight.
" 54 K;(S p. in.
F. I:. HALE. Apc-nt.
l'lvini.utll. Illll.
V2M p. ni. Dailv except Sunday.
0:27 p. III.
0:4 a. ni. Daily exccj.t Sunday.
12: p. in. Lm al. daily except Minday.
5:4i p. in. Dailv except Sunday.
r. K. HL'liHKS. Agent.
rivniouth. Ind.
Ukv.J. I:otmeni'.kk;kk. Pastor. Commun
ion M-rvice. 1;: a. in. Kegular Sunday evening
service. 7:3u. Prayer meeting every Wednes
day evenim:. Preparatory services every Friday
evening. H. II. Di!lle. SiiHrintndeiit of Sun
day school; YY. S. Seider. Assistant SiiHTintend
ent of Sunday school; Miss Kdith Hoover and
Mrs. lillle. organists.
Kkv. W. AV. Kaymoni. INntor. i:eMilar
Sundav morning service. 10:3 a. m. Kegular
Sunday eveniii'' service. 7:1. Kegular Wednes
dav evening service. 7:. Sunday school after
mornin" service, at noon. Indies' Parish luild
meets every Thursday afternoon. Altar tiuild
meets every Aiorxiay evening, loung inurcn
men's Cuild" meets every Sunday evening.
Rf.v. L. S. Smith. Pastor. Class meeting.
D:3i a. m. Kegular Sunday morning service, lo: au
a. m. Kegular Sunday evening service. 7;15 p.m.
Sunday school. 12:0 in. Epworth League prayer
meeting. Sunday, 6:15 p. in. Prayer meeting.
Thursday evening at 7:30. Teachers' meeting.
Thursday evening at 8:. Cottage prayer meet
ing. Friday evening at 7::. Meeting of the
onuial hoani. lirst .Monday evening oi eacn
month. J. W. Wiltfong Superintendent of sun
da.sehool; Melvin A. Chase. President Epworth
League; Mrs. I'rof. Lulu liedtl, urranil.
W. f. Lattimoije. l'astor. Kegular Sunday
morning service. lo-.:. Kegular Sunday even
ing service. 7:. Sahhath school. 12:o. Junior
Endeavor Siwiety, 5:oo p. m. Senior Endeavor
Society. .:u p. in. l'raver meeting every l nurs
lav evening at 7:30. Voung Indies' Auxiliary
Society. Monday evening. Ladies' Society, every
Friday afternoon. I-idies' Missionary Society,
first Wednesday in each month. Choir meeting,
Saturday evening. .lohn W. Parks. Sujeriii
tendent of Sunday school; Mrs. W. 1J. Uutcalt,
Kev. O. F. Lanihs. Pastor Class meeting
pverv Sundav at ;:: a. in. Sahhate school at
12: i on ni. V. P C. V.. every Sunday at fi-.ot) i.
in. I'reaching. Sunday at 7:io p. in Prayer
meeting Thursday at 7 p. in. Teachers' meeting
Saturday at 7: i. m. Utdies Aid society meets
every W ednesday at 2:0 i m.
J. C. Tan-ot was in Peru Tuesday.
Finest Early June Peas at II. & II.
C. Firestone for blankets and robes.
Visiting cards printed at this oilice.
Look out for snaps at uThe When.
Theo. Cressner was at Illion "Wednes
day. Hail fell a short time Tuesday after
noon. C. I?. Hughes is visiting Feru this
Call and see C. Firestone's line of
Good goods and fresh stock at "The
Lou Dunham's injured hand is im
proving. Get the best Young Hyson Tea of
II. & II.
Dr. Deeds was in Argos Monday on
Judge Corbin and wife were at Argos
D. McDonald visited Michigan City
James K. Houghton was in Rochester
this week.
Hon. P. F. Shively was in Plymouth
Canned corn SI per dozen, at W. K.
J. W. Pankin of Argos, was in town
Knives and forks at cost at II. P.
All kinds of harness repairing at C.
Send a copy of the Independent to
your friends.
Diptheria at Marmont and vicinity
has subsided.
Puy your groceries at the La Porte
Street Pakery.
J. A. Molter made a trip to Tyner
City Tuesday.
Save money by dealing with J. V.
Ast ley A: Son.
lion. II. (J. Thayer was in Michigan
City Tuesday.
Fine watch repairing at W. I). Lilli
bridge's Store.
August Carabin returned from the
Fast Tuesday.
Don't forget our Orange Pekoe Mix
ed tea. II. & II.
The Women's Foreign Missionary so
ciety of the M. E. church will meet on
Wednesday next at the residence of J.
Harness of all kinds at the right price
at C. Firestone's.
C, W. Chapman, of Warsaw, was in
town "Wednesday.
The finest oysters in the city, at W
W. Hill's bakery.
Durkee's Salid Dressing, fory-five
cents, at II. & II 's.
Dr. C. P. Sternen of Fort Wayne was
in town this week.
A. D. Senourhas been indisposed this
week but is better.
Look out for '-The When" for prices.
Come to the store.
The best dinner in town, at the La
Porte Street Pakery.
The best bread in town at the La J
Porte Street Pakery.
"We are leaders in fancy colli e and
tea, at "The When."
That lame back needs a plaster. Go
Tanner's drug store.
C. W. Penny has the finest photograph
gallery in the county.
C. C. Puck made a trip to La Porte
Tue&day on business.
Watch repairing by an expert watch
maker at C. M. AVelch.
School supplies and books of all kinds
at Tanner's drug store.
A nice clean stock of groceries at the
La Porta Street Pakery.
At the La Porte Street Pakery you
will find a drop in sugar.
For cash purchases at "The When,"
we will save you money.
Prepared French mustard 10 cts per
pint, at W. E. Leonard's.
Mrs. W. Pailey and daughter are vis
iting Premen this week,
Country made apple butter 7 cents a
pound, at W. E. Leonard's.
Go to W. W. Hill's bakery for fine
canned and bulk oysters.
Sample copies of the Independent
can be secured at this office.
Miss McMasters has opened the fifth
millinery store in Plymouth.
Second hand buggy and cart for sale
or trade at II. P. Whitlock's.
Fifty cents a gallon for new sorghum
molasses, at W. E. Leonard's.
White Pine Palsam will cure that
cold. At Tanner's drug store.
There were fifty-four tickets sold for
the rally at Argos last Saturday.
New Home Sewing Machine for 820
at Lillibridge's Michigan Street.
The highest price paid for butter and
eggs at the La Porte Street Pakery.
If you want your watch repaired in
thorough manner go to C. M. Welch.
(Jet your seats reserved for the enter
tainment to-night or Saturday night.
A little bit out of the way but it will
pay you to call on J. V. Astley & Son.
Goto W. E. Leonard's for genuine
New Orleans molasses, CO cents a gallon.
Adam Moneysmith, of Pourbon town
ship was in town Monday on business.
(Jet a chain and lock for your bicycle
at J. V. Astley & Son's, LaPorte Street.
Prompt service, good quality of meats
and quick delivery, is Kershaw's motto.
We will not be undersold on anything
in the grocery line. Ed. S. Hogarth &
For the finest'class of meats at the
right prices, go to Kershaw's meat mar
ket. Eldridge Thompson and Corey North
were at Tyner City Tuesday on buis-
Harry Miller came back from Notre
Dame Wednesday for the rest of the
IL B. Whitlock is putting in a Ma
jestic steel range at Dr. Porton's resi
dence. All smoke and no blaze are the San
Monaco cigars, sold by J. W. Hess the
Paby portraits are a specialty with C.
W. Penny. Corner Michigan and Gar
ro streets.
The old U. P. church building was
purchased this week by the Wesleyan
The latest faces of scrip at this office.
Just the thing for visiting cards and
Wm O'Keefe is building several new
sheds for storing lumber near the L. E.
& W. depot.
Miss Pose Prown is assisting in the
county Treasurer's office during tax
paying time.
Mrs. I). McDonald entertained
about fifty of her lady friends
Five applicants were before the pen
sion board of examining surgeons
II. P. Whitlock is selling the leading
stove, Prilliant Oak." Don't buy un
til you see it.
This oilice turned out among its first
work, the programme for Company D's
Elias Purden, candidate for treasurer
on the Populist ticket, was a pleasant
caller Tuesday.
(Jo and see the great war drama
"Marching thro Georgia" to-night at
the opera house.
Do you want a good cook stove or
heater, or anything in the way of a
stove this winter? (Jet J. V. Astley &
Son's prices before you purchase and
compare them. You will find them
lower than ever.
Paymond& Talbot's plaining mill has
started up again and is running to its
utmost capacity.
Have you seen the Prilliant Oak
stove. If not, go to II. P. Whitlock's
and examine one.
Several new storage sheds have been
built at the Edgerton manufacturing
company's works.
Instantaneous photos taken by C. W.
Penny. Insure successful results with
children's pictures.
Mine host Patterson of the Poss
House went to Chicago Monday cause,
McKinley "s speech.
The church social of the M. E. church
was held at the residence of F. Ketcham
Tuesday afternoon.
Star Sarsaparilla will regulate the liver
nd bowels and purify your blood, at
Tanner's drug store.
Those disgusting skin eruptions will
disappear with Star Sarsaparilla. Go to
Tanner's drug store.
J. W. Paugher, democratic candidate
for re-election as representative, was in
Plymouth this week.
J. II. Gregg, of LaPaz, . republican
candidate for trustee of North township
was in town Monday.
The farmers have their "beautiful
lawns" now their wheat fields present a
very pretty appearance.
Peter Gaushaw and wife were visit
ing their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Hoffman
in this city over Sunday.
Look at a Majestic Pange before you
decide on what make to use. II. P.
Whitlock handles them.
Draw the line where you will, you
never fail to find nice Christmas pres
ents at Hess Drugstore.
The official board of the U. P. church
will hold their regular monthly meeting
on Tuesday evening next.
Mrs. T. K. Houghton, Mrs. Pussell
and Judge Corbin and wife, visited
friends in Argos, Tuesday.
Frank E. McNish the minstrel star
visited with Dr. Manasse and friends at
the Poss House on Sunday.
Clyde Fields a former Plymouth boy
passed through here last Wednesday on
his way to Greencastle, Ind.
Turn over a new leaf and write a vow
that next year you will economize by
trading at Hess' Drug Store.
J- A. Molter received the sad news
of his cousins' death at Forest Ohio and
left for that city Wednesday.
II. P. Whitlock carries a full line of
hardware, tinware and cutlery, and
does all kinds of tinsmithing.
At Muncie, Ind., a gas pocket was
struck a few days ago that has a pres
ure of 300 pounds to the foot.
Mrs. Francis Moore mother of Mrs.
Charles Harris of this city, returned to
Anderson, Indiana, this week.
Sam Miller bought Jas. Cook's inter
est in the restaurant last week. The
firm is now M. A. Miller & Co.
W. E. Pailey returned home Monday
from Akron, Indiana, where he has
been writing up life insurance.
For fine tone, good action and dura
bility a Star piano is the best. W. 1).
Lillybridge handles the "Star."
Mr. Ehrndahl is an expert in his pro
fession: all his work is absolutely guar
anteed and prices are moderate.
See Perry & Son's large stock or the lat
est material for fall and winter suits
and overcoats at the right prices.
For anything in white granite dish
ware, go to W. E. Leonard's. Prices
lower than any one else in town.
If you want a good organ, sewing ma
chine or piano either for cash or on easy
payments go to W. D. Lillybridge.
Twenty-seven people of Plymouth,
attended the democratic fish fry and
clam bake at Peru, on Wednesday.
W. E. Peterson, deputy postmaster,
now occupies a residence on Plumb
street, near the high school building.
The Halcyon Days will soon be here
the season is suggestive of lively sales
of holliday goods at Hess Drug Store.
Miss. Anna Crandall, of Newton.
Kansas, is visiting Miss Flora Astley,
she come from South Pend last week.
Pepairs for any wind pump ever
made, if there is enough to repair. J.
A. Miller, "Streets of Cairo," Plymouth,
It is hoped that the congregation of
hte U.U. church will be able to occupy
their new church building by Christ
mas. Latest style, perfect fit, fine work
menship, at prices to suit the times.
Perry & Son, merchant tailors, La Porte
A large stock of the latest assorted
styles for fall and winter suits and over
coats to order, at Perry & Son's La
Porte street.
You can even up decreased earnings
by making decreased expenses. Trade
at J. W. Hess's Drug Store. That is the
economy plan.
(Jo to J. V. Astley & Son's for hard
ware, tools, implements, paints, oils,
stoves and tinware at prices to match
the hard times.
The hogs shipped into this county
from the west some time ago, are prov
ing a bad investment for farmers in
this section. Numbers of these west
ern hogs have already died; but there
seems to be a difference of opinion as
to whether it is due to disease or change
of climate.
The favorite organ is the Lehr 7 oc
tave organ. Call on W. D. Lillybridge
and examine this instrument, its the
best in the world.
Mr. Powman, of the Piemen Enquir
er, was a pleasant caller at this oilice
Tuesday. We are always glad to meet
the brethren of the quill.
Chas. Harrison's little 4-vear-old son
died on Got. 20th. Death was due to
the debilitating effects left behind by
an attack of scarlet fever.
Telephones are being placed in posi
tion all over the city, and early next
week everything in the'telephone svs
tern will be in running order.
The trustee of German township
stands alone in the matterof-not permit
ing political meetings to be held in the
school houses of his township.
W. Penner of Argos captured an eel
at Maxinkuckee lake, one day last week,
weighing six pounds and a quarter; It
measured three and a half feet.
All kinds of work from a card to a
full sheet poster can be secured at this
oilice. Pemember we guarantee satis
faction in workmanship and prices.
The rain of the past week has been a
God send to the farmers, for it was be
coming well nigh impossible to husk
com, the fodder being so extremely dry.
John Waltz who was sricken with par
alysis of the right side and loss of
speech on Friday last, is reported some
what better and is able to talk a little
The air hose on a freight train on the
Pennsylvania road, broke as the train
was leaving Plymouth going east Satur
day night, delaying the train some
J. M. Keyser who has been traveling
in Michigan in the interest of the Union
National Puilding and Loan Associa
tion, of Indianapolis, is at home this
C. W. Penny can show you the finest
kind of photographs at his studio, cor
ner Michigan and (Jarro streets. His
prices are right and work above the av
erage. Frank C. Paul of Chicago, C. X. Ste
phens, T. J. Wolfe Jr., and V. Ilarden
brook drove to town Sunday from Walk
erton, and were entertained by C. M.
If you want fine photographs at the
right price, taken in the modern styles,
and delivered promptly, go to C. W.
Penny, corner of Michigan and Garro
J. E Snyder's four children who have
been down with scarlet fever are conva
lescing slowly. Three are able to be up
and the other one is considered out of
Plymouth is a remarkably good mar
ket when farmers haul their produce
through all the neighboring towns to
this city, as has repeatedly been the case
this fall.
The Valparaiso Star timely remarks:
The best friend a newspaper man has is
the one who meets him and says: "Say,
you want an item V" and then proceeds
to give it.
After this week taxes at the court
house will become delinquent. Don't
wait until the very last minute. You
might happen to have the penalty run
against you.
It is rumored that the Pennsylvania
would make some changes in its time
table this week. We are assured that
this is not so, all train times remaining
as heretofore.
See the members of Co. 1)., 1. 1. L., in
their big historical production of the
rousing war drama "Marching thro
Georgia" at the opera house to-night
and Saturday night.
The Prilliant Oak is constructed to
to burn soft coal or'wood equally well.
Call at II. P. Whitlock's store and be
convinced that it is the leading heating
stove of this season.
Mrs. W. P. Paldock who was visiting
in Plymouth received the sad news of
the death of her father Colonel E. Zol
lars at Creston, Iowa and left for that
city Sunday evening.
Mrs. Chas. Pead of Fort Wayne who
has been visiting her parents, N. E
Woodward and wife for the past week
returned home Thursday. Her sister
Dalsey accompanied her.
The new brick school house in Dis
trict 12, West township, is rapidly near
ing completion the roof is being finished
now. Olive Posenbury, finished the
brick work on Saturday last.
Patronize home industry, take your
watch and clock repairing to W. D.
Lillybridge. Work not as good as by
Chicago workmen, but better and more
concienscious and prices right.
When two men of reputed intelli
gence drive twelve miles in the darkest,
most rainy and dreary night of the sea
son to see the Sun, they may mildly be
termed somewhat enthusiastic.
John Losey is suffering from sumach
poisoning. ACpresent this ailment seems
quite fashionable, but like tight shoes
and high collars it has its drawbacks
when it comes to personal comfort.
The cold weather signs the old set
tlers believe in, that the coons and pos
sums have extra thick fur and the geese
are growing lots of feathers are signs of
cold weather, may be all superstitions
and bosh, yet nevertheless, the coons
and possums show great wisdom by be
ing on the safe side.
Micheal SpeiceholTer was struck over
the left eye one morning this week
with a heavy cane in the hands of a man
to whom he had refused to give a drink.
A bad and painful cut was the result.
The Independent alter this week
will be mailed regularly every Friday.
Anv subscriber failing to receive their
paper within a reasonable time, will
confer a favor by notifying this olt'ce.
During those frequent changes in the
weather you are liable to contract a se
vere cold and lead to a long spell of
sickness, call on J. W. Hess the Drggist
and get a remedy in time to prevent it.
Services were held at the German
church last Sunday evening, conducted
bv the Pev. C. Potlinger. The even
ing service was held in commemoration
of the :iTT anniversary of the Peformal
In our lirst issue we stated that V.
P. Church had been nominated as pro
hibition candidate fr justice of the
peace of ("enter township. This was
an error; it should have been V. P.
Purnur P. Pecknel, infant daughter
of Milo and Lula Pecknel. living six
miles south of Premen. died Oct. 21th. I
Funeral at the Dunkard church J
near Inwood by U. P. Pastor from this
A peoples party meeting at Purr Oak
on Mondav evening was largelv attend
ed, and many comments in favor of the
issues were made by those present. Jas.
Peeve of Plymouth made a rousing
Hi Henry's Minstrels Sundayed in
Plymouth, coming and remaining in
their own special car. Every member
said Plvmouth was a prettv citv. second
to none in the state, or the west for that
Planche Ilighshew, 10 year-old daugh
ter of Leonard Ilighshew, who resides
saven miles northeast of Plymouth,
died of typhoid fever Oct. 27. The re
mains were interred in the Pourbon
township cemetery.
Poth the local bands went to Argos.
on Saturdav. The Pavlor Pand is a lit-
tie crude from a harmony standpoint
but shows rapid signs of improvement
and with continued practice bids fair to
rival the Harris band.
If you have friends or relatives living
away from Plymouth, and desire to
send them a copy of the I n dependent,
we will be glad to assist you. Leave
their names at this otlice and a copy
will be sent free of charge.
Pei ort s are in circulation regarding
theexistsnce of Diphtheraiin the south
ern part of Marshall county. Active
measures should be taken to prevent
the spreading of this dreadful disease.
Prompt action is necessary.
The Marshall County Independent is
anew paper published at Plymouth. It
is a bright and newsy paper chucked
full of local news and well filled with
home ads. Success to the new proprie
torThe Premen Standard
There is a new outbreak of smallpox
at Walkerton. Three new.cases are re
ported and it is rumored that there has
been one death this week, but up to the
time of going to press we have received
no confirmatin of the rumor.
Charles Larue and Dan. Kemp had an
altercation Saturday evening, which
ended in Larue knocking Kemp down.
Larue was taken before Justice Lauer,
plead guilty to assault and battery, and
was fined ten dollars and costs.
A large electric crane of sixty thous
and capacity built by the Shaw Electric
Crane Company of Muskegon, Michi
gan, went through on the Pennsylvania
road Wednesday. The main truss of
the crane reached the length of two flat
One of the several things we have
found Plymouth badly in need of, is
more rental property, both for residence
and business. If the town is expected
to grow there must be some place pro
vided in which men with families may
The horse and buggy hired by two
men from S. E. Jacox some three weeks
ago, was discovered in a livery barn at
South Pend, where they had left the rig
to be called for by the owner. The
horse was in good condition and had
evidently been well cared for.
Mr. John J. Guipe and daughter, and
Mrs. Harry llumrichouser of Pierceton,
Indiana, were visiting Mr. and Mrs.
llumrichouser of Plymouth, this week.
Mr. Guipe is a prominent citizen of Elk
hart, Indiana, and was for many years a
member of the board of education of
that city.
The true hero in agricultural circles,
says the Tazewell county (111.) Tribune,
is the feller who can husk and crib one
hundred bushels of corn per day. These
are the boys who can take the prettiest
girls to dances and spelling schools this
winter, and who will take the cake at
all the kissing bees.
In the face of the alarming reports
received from Walkerton, of the spread
of small pox in that district, it is only
right that every known precaution be
taken to avoid if possible any chance of
infection in other cities. A petition
was forwarded to Dr. Wilson of this
city, signed by fourteen citizens of Tee
garden asking that the board of health
take means to isolate Andrew J. Keck
and wife, who came to that place after
being exposed to infection at Walker
ton. Dr. Wilson at once took vigorous
and etlicient measure with a view to
public protection. From advice from
the president of the board of health at
Walkerton, it is learned that Keck and
wife escaped from quarentine in that
city, Oct. 2Mb.
W. L. Mover, cashier of Trust Sav
ing Pank, of Chicago. 111., was in the
citv this week and visited the citv
schools. Mr. Mover was formerly! i
prominent teacher of Wabash and North
Manchester, but for several years has
been engaged in the banking business
wherein he has been remarkably suc
cessful. John PunneH's son Pay while playing
with a target gun on Monday morning
last, accident ly shot himself through the
centre of the right foot. The ball en
tered near the toes and passed through
the foot. Doctor Wilson dressed the
wound which is painful but not danger
ous. Here is another case of "did'nt
know it was loaded."
O. P. Ilolman of Rochester, Indiana,
was in Plymouth on Tuesday on his
return from South IJend. where he had
his left eye removed by Dr. Shaffer f
that city. Iiis eye was injured by being
struck by a rock some weeks since.
The opperation was every way satisfac
tory and there are hopes of saving the
sight of the other eve.
It is possible that an amature opera
company will be organized in the near
future amongst the musical talent of
Plymouth. This is a step in the right
direction, it is such organizations asthis
that serve to develope the latent ta!J
ent of many a local Patti. orbringtothe
foreground the histrionic ability of an
embrvo Pigbv Pell or a De Wolf Hop
per. Are you aware that the Independ
ent has a lirst -class job depart Li-?nt
in connection with its oilice. We
are prepared to do all kinds of printing
on short notice, such as: Letter heads,
note heads, statements, bill heads, en
velopes, circulars, legal blanks, busi
ness cards, visiting cards, and in fact
everything needed that can be produced
at a printing oilice. We solicit a trial.
Warner and Kyser the liverymen ot
Argos are anxiously looking for the re
t urn of a snu ot h t ongued st ranger claim -ing
to hail from Mentone, who hired a
horse and buggy from them last Thurs
dav ostensiblv to drive to Donaldson.
Up to the time of going to press no trace
of the man or rig has been discovered.
The horse was a dapple gray 15'
hands high weighing about 1 1 50 and was
hitched to a side bar buggy.
Wednessday was Halloween and gave
the small boy an opportunity which he
was not slow to improve. Many gates
were missing on Thursday morning and
the top of the llag statt upon which the
weather signals are displayed was found
decorated with a large wheelbarrow
Halloween like taxes and the date for
paying your subscription for a paper
comes once a year and time honored cle
mency compels us "to grin and bear it."
About two and a half miles west of
Tyner City where a wagon road is be
ing built, the road bed for live hundred
feet has suddenly sunk out of sight.
Some thirty loads of gravel were placed
on this spot last week, and on Friday
that portion of the road was to all ap
pearances as solid as any. Saturday
morning it was found sunk and in its
place was a slough ten feet deep. No
cause has been discovered that could'
account for the phenominon.
C M. Welch left his safety bicycle in
the rear of the store on Tuesday even
ing, and when he looked for it Wednes
day morning it had disappeared. He
mourned the loss of his "bike" and camo
to the conclusion that the same route
as Louis Suits wheel which was stolen
last week, but by the exercise of a great
amount of detective ability, he finally
located it where some of his friends had
left it for safe keeping. It cost half a
dollar to square the storage bill.
Shrewd advertisers do not stop in dull
times, but spread printer's ink thicker
than ever. In rushing times money is
plentiful and people are more likely to
hunt you out, regardless of special bar
gains, but in duller times they scan a
dollar closely. They as closely scan the
paper to see where that dollar will go
the farthest in goods purchased. This
is so manifest that great advertisers
and prosperous merchants do not re
lax their advertising pressure in dull
Nathaiuel Andrews, an account of
whose injuries by a Pennsylvania
freight train appeared in last weeks' is
sue of the Independent, ded at s p.
m. Saturday. Dr.Wilsonaftt r amputat
ing his arm gave every attention possi
ble to the case, but the shock to the
system was so great that the patient
could not rally and gradually sank till
death released him from his sull'ering.
The man's brother who lives in South
Pend, when telegraphed to refused to do
anything and diil no'even attend the
funeral. The remains were interred
Sunday in a pauper's grave. Such treat
ment as this injured man received at
the hands of his relatives while slowly
dying among strangers, is hard, to say
the least, and a brother who is capable
of such action must be wholly without
a heart. No matter what the (lead man's
past may have been, it would seem that
Christianity and common humanity
would have prompted any relative pos
sessed of (me spark of kindred feeling
to have at least come to the bedside of
his own brother. Such inhuman action
will receive its own reward.

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