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Marshall County independent. (Plymouth, Marshall County, Ind.) 1894-1895, February 22, 1895, Image 1

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Vol. I.
No. 19.
Iii 11 IM IL
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This artist that is playing the Centennial Opera House
piano would not have to make so many exertions if he
was playing one of those pianos Hansen is selling. 1 he
hverett riano plays itself.
to play. That means a great deal, but a good instrument
is everything. Remember, there is nobody that can com
pete with the prices Hansen is offering his goods at.
Deal with a man that is m
always get the best bargains.
Hansen is doing more business than ever and he still
handles the Estey and Newman Bros Organs.
Eves are Windows of the Soul.
Remember they are priceless. Take care of them,
as no one will take care of them for you. If you need
Spectacles or Eye Glasses, consult an Optician. We
make no charge for examination of the eyes for defective
vision. Our ability to safely and correctly adjust glass
es is bevond ouestion. We iruarantee satisfaction and
make all needed corrections
lenses free tor one year.
Solid (iold Spectacles and Fine Crystal Lenses
4j.Krv, uuiu i iiaw, i iiiu fcnlJl Hill viyalill
Lenses in Composition Alluininum Frames. 3.00; in
rn ,4.,. co rn l : i l
Olffl, II Ulli JVJ veil l a IU f.iJJ, ilLUMUlII IU 1UI1SCS.
Optician of 20 years experience.
A complete line of Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry.
Silverware and Optical Goods. Orders taken for a larire
wholesale house for Solid Gold Rings any design at
jobber's rates, plain, set or diamond, or any goods in my
line not in stock. Those at a distance can order glasses
by mail. Write for instructions,
Duck Coats,
You don t have to know how
the business and you will
and supply and exchange
i ,1 r....,.i
Death of Mrs. Bofinger.
Hut a short three months ago, Nov.
10, 1SVI, Hew Carl Hotinger succumbed
to the silent reaper, .death, who came
upon him like a thief in the night, and
without warning laid its icy touch upon
him. But it found him ready, his lamp
''trimmed and burning " ready to enter
into t he rest prepared for him.
And now after these three weary
months of waiting and watching, the
aged widow, stricken almost to the
death by the breaking of the golden cord
of love that bound her and her affection
ate companion together m earthly ties,
has been repaid for her sufferings, and
gladly answered to the call, "come up
Mrs. Uolinger for some time past ha 3
been in very poor health, and since the
sudden death of her husband has been
anxious to join him, looking forward to
the time of departure with joy.
On Sunday morning last the summons
came, and her spirit returned to God
who gave it. The funeral services were
held at her late residence on South Min
er street, Tuesday last at 2 o'clock, Revs.
Grob, of the Evangelical church of this
city, and Lendenmeyer, of LaPorte,Ind.,
otliciating. These reverend gentlemen
were present and took part in the funer
al exercises of Itev. Holinger. The
death of Mrs, Bofinger leaves three
daughters and a number of grand
children and relatives to mourn their
Mrs. Conradine Hofinger was born in
Wolfenhausen, Kingdom of Wurtern
berg, Germany, on May 11th, 1820, and
would have been 75 years of age upon
her next birthday. Shortly after her
marriage with Mr. Hotinger, over forty
years ago, she came to this country, and
in 18SÖ came to Plymouth, since which
time she has resided here.
The Marshall County Sunday School
Association Met in a Two Day's
The members of the Marshall county
Sunday school association met in annual
session at the Presbyterian church in
this city, Monday and Tuesday of this
week. The meeting was a successful
one, and a great deal of business, as
well as good accomplished.
The first day's session was called to
order at 1:30, and the opening exercises
conducted by l'ev. I. Rothenberger, fol
lowed by an address by I. It. Ladd, the
president of the association.
At the afternoon session, an interest
ing report was presented by Mrs. M. R.
Watson, who is the recording secretary
of this body. It shows the total enroll
ment for the different Sunday schools
throughout this county for the year was
0,455. The number of schools in the
county being M. That during the past
year nine new schools were established,
which makes 75 schools up to the pres
ent time. If we understand there had
been the same ratio in the increase of
scholarship, the number would reach
7,100, which shows that our Sunday
schools are well attended, but not so
well as they might be.
At the evening session, under the di
rections of C. R.Leonard, a song service
was rendered by the Presbyterian
chorus class, which was very fine. Fol
lowing this part of the service an ad
dress was delivered by John W. Parks,
who is the president of the 23d district.
This address was full of good thoughts
pertaining to the Sunday school work.
An address by C. 1). Meigs, on the
subject: "Why am I in the Sunday
school, and what am I doing," was prac
tical and full of food for thought.
At the Tuesday morning services
praise and thanksgiving exercises were
held, led by C. O. Wilder, of St. Joseph
county Sunday school association. Af
ter these exercises a subject: "What is
the matter with the Sunday school," was
given. The principal points made in
this excellent address, was the fact that
the lack of preparation by the officers
and teachers had a great deal to do with
the lack of interest, and not enough
earnestness and energy put forth by
them to make it successful. There is a
great deal of truth in that, and should
be prepared for by the teachers in the
Dr. J. II. McKinzie, president of the
Culver military academy, gave an inter
esting talk upon the subject of "Sunday
school management." It was institutive
and highly entertaining.
At this juncture those present were in
vited to partake of refreshments, pre
pared by the ladies of our city and vi
cinity, and spread in the basement of
the church, Mas taken advantage of.
Comments of the highest character
were heard on all sides in regard to this
feast prepared, and will long be remem
bered I y those who had the pleasure of
At 1:30 the assembly met again, and
listened to C. I). Meigs on the subject of j
"Hible Sermons."' The next on the pro-;
gram, was an address hv Hvron McAl-1
pine, of Houibon, on the subject of the j
"Teacher's preparation and responsibil-!
itv." It was line, and surelv must have !
convinced all primary teachers present, j
that it indeed was no light responsibility j
they assumed when they undertook t
mould the character of a child to hold '
that reverence and rentier that obedi- j
ence due the Creator of all. j
The subject by Mrs. Wm. IS. Outealt. i
on "Normal Hible Lessons," was exceed-
ingly well handled and bore the fruits
of patient study, and no doubt many a
golden thought will be treasured up by
those who were fortunate enough to
hear this subject so well handled.
The papers on "Primary Work," by ;
Mrs. Lilly Johnson, of Tyner City, Mrs. !
Worthington, of Argos, Mrs. Elizabeth !
Duddleson, of Marmont, and Mrs. I'd S.
Rrooke, of Plymouth, were each filled
with bright crisp, elevating thoughts, !
that could not fail to be appreciated by
all present.
"Mistakes" handled by Chas. Weaver
and others present, gave their hearers
numerous illustrations that will be
profited by in the future.
The evening session, like previous
meetings was opened by song service,
closed by consecration services led by
C. 1). Meigs.
The attendance upon this convention
was large, the attention the very best,
while the entire meeting was instructive
and helpful. The occasion is one among
the many that will long be remembered
by those who were fortunate to be pres
ent. Altar Guild Social.
The Guilds of St. Thomas' Episcopal
church gave a versified invitation and a
birthday party to all families directly
connected with the church, and to as
many others as could be comfortably
accommodated at the Rectory, last Fri
day evening. The scene of gathered
and vocal life was most inspiring.
Neighborly visiting was at is best. This
was followed by a musical entertain
ment, and the following program ren
dered. All Together" Quartette
Mesdames Armstrong ami Jilson, Messrs.
Smalley ami Brooke Mrs. DrummouJ
Duett, from "Dr. Pyntax"
Mesdames Houghton and McDonald
Loves Sorrow Mrs. Brooke-Smith
"llohemian Girl," Piano Mrs. Drummund
"Too Progressive," Recitation,. .. Kobert Heeves
Song, "Happy Davs," Mrs. Houghton
Song " lien the Night in Dusky Shadows"
K. F. lirooke.
Lullaby Song. Vllolin Obligate. .Mrs. McDonald
Concert Mazenka, and Concert de Plymouth
Piano ami Violin, Messrs. Capron and Hansen
Quartette "Good Night"
After the program, coffee and sand
wiches and doughnuts galore, were serv
ed by efficient caterers. A net income
of $00 clear of all expenses was gath
ered from the birthday box of ages to
be divided between the new church
fund and general missions.
It goes without saying that this was
a most enjoyable affair, and it truly in
dicates that such a party merits a se
quel of continuance with increased op
portunities for attendance.
Beading Booms.
Several weeks ago the Independent
contained an article favorable to the
opening of Y. M. C. A. rooms in this
city. In an interview with a number
of the prominent young men of our
city, we learned that the desire to have
such apartments in Plymouth, met with
universal favor. The subject was taken
up and numerous conversations held in
regard to the matter, and it was unani
mously decided that the movement was
in the right direction and along the
right lines, and was one of the needed
societies for the social advancements of
our beautiful city.
lint this important movement has
been no farther advanced. The exact
reason of this stagnation in this worthy
enterprise, is the lack of sufficient funds
It was considered necessary to place the
membership fee at $5.00; and while our
young men were anxious to push this
laudable enterprise to a successful
finish, they did not feel able, owing to
the stringent times, to pay out that
much money.
"While tho young men of our city
have been contemplating the forming
of a Young Men's Christian Associa
tion, other societies, composed of Christ
ian women of the d liferent churches of
Plymouth, have been earnestly discuss
ing the locating of reading rooms for
the benefit of tho young men, giving
them a suitable place to spend their
evenings profitably. This effort should
be appreciated and a determined effort
put forth in this direction.
Let our business men assist in this
matter. A little cash donation from
each firm in this city would bring grand
results, and no more worthier cause
could be found to place a small dona
tion than in the establishment of good
comfortable reading rooms for the ben
efit of these young men in our city,
many of whom have no home with its
love inspiring influences, to lead them
along the path of truth and rectitude.
It is a duty our citizens owe to the
young and rising generation, and it is
to be hoped that our young men will be
encouraged by the interest taken in
their endeavors to create an interest in
the matter. Let sme citizen of a phil
anthropise turn of mind, and who be
lieves in the advancement and educa
tion of the youths of our land, start the
ball rolling by contributing j?PM. Who
will do this V
Our City Park. j
For some time, we have been informed, j
the beautiful park belonging to:
Plymouth, lying north of our beautiful j
citv, has been in a state of chaos, and !
delapidation, and that upon numerous j
occasions appeals have been made to j
the citizens of our hustling citv to do-'
nate a sullicient sum of money to place
it into a suitable condition to do honor
to the city to which it belongs. Put it
seems so far these appeals have been in
vain, and those desiring this much
needed improvement have been com
pelled to sit silently by and see the rav
ages of decay reign supreme.
Hut hark, you, a well founded rumor
has reached our ears, that there is soon
to be a radical change. That the young
ladies of the city, who upon beautiful
summer evenings desire a spot where
the beauties of nature, combined with
the shimmering light of a full moon, will
charm the classic eye, have made up their
minds to raise a sufficient fund to have
this work done, and that very soon.
They emphatically assert that if the
lords of creation," have not the courage
and stamina to go ahead and have this
important piece of work done, they will
show them the women, who even have
not the everlasting right of suffrage,
will put them to shame by entering into
a movement that will bring results this
spring favorable to this laudable enter
We are exceedingly glad these ladies
are undertaking this work. At times it
becomes a necessity for the fairer sexto
launch a movement, if for no other pur
pose than to knock out that everlasting
conceit that predominates in the make
tip of the sterner qualities of mankind.
The Independent is ready and will
ing to assist them in every way possible,
all there being necessary is to make
known their desires.
South Side Fire Alarm.
For some time it has been recognized
that a lire alarm of some kind was
needed on the south side. If at any
time a fire should break out in that part
of town, so much time could be lost be
fore the department would be informed
of a contlagration, that their services
would be of little avail when on the
ground, only to prevent the spread of
the fire,
Why would it not be a feasible plan
to have arrangements made with the
United Urethren church, to utilize their
bell for such urgent emergencies. If
such a project could be arranged, a great
deal of valuable time could be saved in
case of fire south of that point. We are
aware of this form of tire alarm being
used in cities where a great deal of ter
ritory is covered by the resident portion
of the city, and much valuable property
has been saved.
The Columbia Opera Company.
This comic opera company held the
boards at the Centennial Opera House
Monday night last, and presented the
romantic opera "Said Pasha," to a full
house. To dwell upon the different parts
by the members of this company would
not be necessary. This opera like all
other comic operas, as a rule, was light,
but was good, and appreciated by those
present. It is fitting to remark, that it
would almost bean impossibility, for an
opera company to give a musical per
formance in the Plymouth opera house
and do the subject justice, if from no
other reason, than the presence of a hol
low tin pan for a piano. While the pub
lic are anxious and willing to show their
appreciation for the appearance of a
good company, it is embarassing to an
intelligent and music loving audience
to realize the difficulties to be sur
mounted by singers of note, who heroic
ally attempt to overcome the jingling
rasping tunes of an ancient piano.
Small-Pox at Laporte.
Dr. Darling, health ollicer of Laporte,
reports a case of small-pox in that city
in the family of F. J. Smith. The vic
tim of the malady is a four-year-old
boy, and the disease was contracted at
Whiting,where the mother is critically
ill. The child was taken to Laporte be
fore there were any indications of the
disease. The premises have been rigidly
quarantined and every precautionary
steps have been taken to prevent the
spread of the disease.
Wni-mr.As. Death has entered our
union and taken from our raaks Mrs.
Canine P. Work who iys been identified
with the W. C. T. I. since its organiza
tion in this city.
llesohed. That we deeply mourn her
lea! h. and realize that tili union has
lo.;t one of ils inot e irnestarul devoted
workers, and the temperance reform
an efficient arid tiie'ess advocate.
May we bow submissively to the Di
vine will of nr lie iveiily Ya'her and
thank Him for the life and o;k of our
departed sister.
That we extend our deepest sympathy
to the husband sister a:id brothers, and
commend them to Him who d-eth ail
things well," and whoe grace is suffi
cient for every time of need.
Resolved, Though our dear sister ami
friend has parted irom our mortal sight,
the memory of the sterling qualities
which made her a strong; h in the union
and in every department of life.will ling
er fondly m our memory, and it shall
be our aim to simulate the virtues which
graced her womanhood.
Kesolved, That we as a I'nion will
endeavor to take up the work as it ha
fallen from our dear sister's hands and
ever be faithful to teach the children
scientific temperance which was her
grand aim. We mourn the loss of our
helpmate, but thank our Heavenly
Father for the many re.v'd inspirations
that her life gave us.
KUX 11. Ii LAIN, J
IIahiukt M. Ac lt. Committee..
Helle Ol tcalt.
A New Firm.
A partnership has been formed by
Messrs. Chas. Kellison and L. Lauer..
The new firm merged into existence the
latei part of last week, and are fitting
up a cosy appartment in the front room
formerly occupied by Mr. Cleo. Kleic
schmidt. The present location will be
retained until the new Corbin bWk is
completed, when they will remove t
that building. These gentlemen have
purchased one of the finest law libraries
to be found in this state and are prepar
ing for a large business which they no
doubt will secure. Kellison & Lauer
are so well known to the people of Mar
shall county, that it would be superflu
ous for the Independent to coment.
Seperately these gentlemen are excel
lent in their different lines of work; but
as a firm they have no equal in iM
county. We wish them unbounded suc
cess in their future elTorts.
An Oil Explosion.
Miss Jessie Flory, the daughter of
Mrs. S. Casler, met with a very painful
but not serious accident, Wednesday,
and miraculously escaped fatal injury.
Miss Flory was at the residence ol
Mr. J. J. Sullivan, attending his mother
who has been ill for some time. In fix
ing the fire in the stove, it having be
come quite low, she resorted to the use
of coal oil. She poured a large quantity
into the stove, and ere she was aware
of the danger, it exploded with tarific
force, dashing the burning oil and coals
of lire into her face and hair. Her cries
brought speedy assistance, but not be
fore she was severely burned. At the
present writing she is getting along;
nicely, and it is believed in a short time
no vestige of her terrible experience
will remain.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to return our sincere thankh
to our many friends, for their kind min
istration to our mother during her late
illness and death. And especially do
we wish to thank Mrs. A. Koontz, for
her faithful and efficient service.
Mu. and Mus. L. A. Kloeeh:,
Mk. and Mus. K. .1. Welch.
North Town.
The wife of J. C. Cummins was taken
seriously ill with catarhal fever Sunday
night, but under the care of Dr. Hrown
she is improving.
Last Saturday while Henry Arnold
was on the road to Plymouth, he waf
taken with a severe el ill, which result
ed in him being confined to the house.
He is some better.
Welcome Miller is the owner of anew
The protracted meetings at Shilo have
The quarterly meeting was quite."
largely attended considering the cold
James Meade our hustling trustee it
somewhat under the weather.
For Sale.
Owing to my removal from my farm
at Twin Lakes, I have the following
property for sale cheap if purchased be
fore I move:
Two sets of light double harness.
One set single harness.
Two road carts.
One wagon.
One St. John riding, breaking plow
One Jersey cow, soon fresh.
I also desire a renter for my farm at
Twin Lakes.
John W. Nichols,
Twin Lakes, IndL

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