Newspaper Page Text
THE INDEPENDENT. PLYMOUTH, INDIANA. HELLO. MR. CHAIRMAN TELEPHONES IN THE ST. LOUIS CONVENTION. Tlicy Will Connect Kncli itute Dele gation with the Speaker' Desk So He May Kusily Get the Nuttie of V.ach .Man Who Kises to Talk. TclcKraphic Arrangement. When the national Kep.iblican coiivon timi meets in St. Louis the delegates will witness an innovation in the matter of )inimmi a bij; convention. It is a scheme proposed by the Hell Telephone Company. It is to eonncct the various .State indexations with tin- Speaker's desk ly telephone, so that the Chairman may know the name of every man who is ree gn:zel atul thus he alle t announce his name to the eonvention. The telephone ncheine. it is claimed, will ! away with the annoyance ami .ss of time that has SO inn;' been a source of worry to the managers tf national conventions. The details of the plan proposed do not dif fer from the system of room to room tide phony in vojriie in tlie la rye hotels. There will 1-c a central U:ce hack of the Speak er's stand, and from there an operator will connect the various delegations with the Chairman or with each other, as the rase may lie. The other arrangements for pivin' the news to the outside world hy telegraph will I the finest and most complete ever attempted at a national convention. In order to Ik aide to handle the :reat press of business the Western I'nion oinpany is strinjrni;; six new cop lie r wires from St. Louis to Chicago, and four from there to .New York. This will give St. Louis the lest telegraphic con nection with the world it has ever had. Ahout fifty loops will le run into the convention hall. PAUPERS CO ON A STRIKE. Inmates of a New Jersey Almshouse Leave Rather than Do a Little Labor. Forty paupers at the Hudson County N. .1.. struck Tuesday and are now without a home. It was decided to quarter some paupers in the old insane asylum. The change necessitated the transfer of furniture. Warden Ityan thought it would le a good idea to utilize the male paupers in moving the goods, so he used the most able-bodied ahout loo to assist in transferring the goods. Ahout sixty went lo worn with a will; the remaining forty objected. When the warden insisted they grew ugly. "See here." said one. "we did not come here to work. We ain't convicts." Warden Kyan replied: "You should certainly not refuse to do something for the county that sup port you- "Look here, warden," said the ringleader, old "Hill" Jones, "we an not childish, and don't propose to work. so that s all there is ahout it." Tiny left the poorhousc In ; Im,: v. The last seen of them they were trudging toward der bey City. ITS CREED IS SATED. Gotham Finally Gobbles Up Brooklyn and Much Other Adjacent Territory. Despite the vetoes of Loth Mayor Strong of New York and Mayor Wurster of Ilrooklyn. and unmindful of the loud protests of what is said to he a majority of the people of Ilrooklyn and many residents of New York, the Assem bly at Albany repassed the (Jreater New York bill Wednesday afternoon. All that is necessary to make it a law is (!ov. Morton's signature. The final vote on the bill in the Asseniblv stood 7.N to On the first passage of the bill the vote tood in to .. It was only by the most strenuous efforts that it was saved at all for a passage over the vetoes, and even then the vote dwindled to the dangerous ly small margin of Ts to f.'.K ALABAMA DEMOCRATS. Indorse President Cleveland and the Free Coinage of Silver. The Alabama Democratic State conven tion nominated a full ticket, headed by J. T. Johnson for 4:vcrnr. The resolu tions adopted advocate free coinage of silver at 1' to . instruct the twenty-two delegates from the State to vote as a unit on all piestions at the Chicago conven tion, advocate the repeal of the lO per cent State bank tax. favor honest elec tions ami the legalizing of primary elec tions. The eonvention enthusiastically applauded the mention of president Cleve land's name and adopted a resolution in dorsing Iii; foreign policy and the appoint ment of Southern nieti to cabinet posi tion, but disapproving of his financial iKjlicy. Standing of the big Le?.gue Club. Following is the standing of the dai s of the National! League: W i it. 1 Itoston 1 Mi'u-ago - 'i;iehni;iti . - St. Louis. . . New- York. . ' Louisville . W. L. Philadelphia littsburg . . Ilrooklyn ... Cleveland .. AVjixIiintoii. linltiniuri . , 4 i . it . I 1 Western League Standing. l'i!!nu in 'if Js tin. reeor.l ..f 1.. ----- - - - - . - - - ..1-.. i.! Ill," , lilt.-, composing the Veter.i Hasel. all league; w i ... I'lllhs - U. L Columbus . . 1 Milwaukee . . O Ietroit 1 I Minneapolis. O Kansas City. 1 o (Ira ml ltapids o JM. I "a ill. 1 O Indianapolis O Will Co Into Liquidation. The American National Itank of D.-n- vcr failed to open Wednesday morning. A notice was posted on the door that the directors bad decided to liquidate. The step was taken on account of infernal dissension. Election Riots in Louisiana. A dipatch from Laplace, St. John Ilap fist parish. La., says Adolph I'aroii liicm.) was killed Wednesday afternoon ly Jo Horsier (Rep.) on the opposite side of the rir-r. Dcmas (Rep.) has taken jiossessun ot two or three ballot !xes Olid sent tlivi-i to St. John court house. Alleged Attempted T-ain Wrecking. It is fliieged that an ittempt wnm made lo wrec a train on the Michigan Central Railway liotween Montrose and Supjkmi ion Jlridgt by placing ties across the track. TALMAGE'S SERMON. AN ELOQUENT DISCOURSE ON CHRIST'S EXPATRIATION. The King Who Left a Throne, Closed a Palace and Went Forth to Die in a Hostile Country America Home of the Voluntary Lxile. the An Imperial Kxilc. It is wonderful to how many tunes the gospel may le set. Dr. Talmage's ser mon in Washington last Sund.iy shows another way in which the earthly experi ence of our Lord is set forth. His text was II. Samuel xv.. 17, "And the king went forth and tarried in a place which was far off." Far up and far back in the history of heaven there came a neriou wne:i its most illustrious citizen was about to absent himself. He was not going to sail from beach to beach. We have often done that. He was not going to put out from one hemisphere to another hemisphere. .Many of us have done that. Hut he was to sail from world to world, the spaces unex plored and the immensities uutrave'ed. No world has ever hailed heaven, and heaven has never hailed any other world. I think that the windows and the balco nies were thronged, and that the pearly beach was crowded with those who had come to see him sail out of the harbor of light into the ocean beyond. Out and out and out and on and on and on and down and down and down he sped, until one night, with only one to greet him, when he arrived, his disembarkation so unpretending, so quiet, that it was not known on earth until the excitement in the cloud gave intimation to the Hethlehem rustics that something grand and glorious had happened. Who comes there? From what port did he sail? Why was this the place of his destination? 1 question the shepherds. I question the camel drivers. I question the angels. I have found out. He was an exile. Iiut the world had plenty of exiles. Abraham, an exile from Haran; John, an ov from Kphesus; Kos ciusko, an exile from Poland; Mazzini, an exile from Rome; Emmet, an exile from Ireland; Victor Hugo, an exile from France; Kossuth, nn exile from Hungary. Hut this one of whom I speak to-day had such resounding farewell and came into such chilling reception for not even a hostler went out with his lantern to liirht him in that he is more to be celebrated than any other expatriated exile of earth or heaven. An Imperial Exile. First, I remark that Christ was an im perial exile. He got down off a throne. He took off a tiara. He closed a palace gate behind him. His family were princes and princesses. Vashti was turned out of the throneroom hy Ahasuerus. David was dethroned by Absalom's infamy. The five kings were hurled into a cavern bv Joshua's courage. Some of the Henrys of England and some of the Louis of France were jostled on their thrones by discon tented subjects. Hut Christ was never more honored, or more popular, or more loved than the day he left heaven. Fx lies have suffered severely, but Christ turned himself out from throneroom into sheep pen and down from the top to the bottom. He was not pushed off. He was not manacled for foreign transportation. He was not put out because they no more wanted him in celestial domain, but by choice departing and descending into an exile five times as long as that of Napo leon at St. Helena and 1,000 times worse; the one exile suffering for that he had destroyed nations, the other exile suffer ing lecause he came to save a world. An Imperial exile. King eternal. "Messing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne." Hut I go farther and tell you he was an exile on a barren island. This world is one of the smallest islands of light in the ocean of immensity. Other stellar king doms nre many thousand times larger than this. Christ came to this small Pat mos of a world. When exiles are sent out they are generally sent to regions that are sandy or cold or hot some Dry Tor- tugas of disagreeableness. Christ came as an exile to n world scorched with heat and bitten with cold, to deserts simoon wept, to a howling wilderness. It was the back dooryard, seemingly, of the uni verse. Yea, Christ came to the poorest part of this barren island of a world Asia Minor, with its intense summers, unfit for the residence of a foreigner and in the rainy season unlit for the residence of a native. Christ came not to such a land as America, or England, or France, or Cermany, but to a land one-third of the year drowned, another third of the year burned up and only one-third of the year just tolerable. Oh! it was the barren isl and of a world. Harren enough for Christ, for it gave such small worship and such Inadequate affection and such little grati tude. Imperial exile on the barren island of a world. In n Hostile Country. I go farther and tell you that he was an exile in a hostile country. Turkey was never so much against Russia, France was never so much against CJernmny, as this earth was against Christ. It took him in through the door of a stable. It thrust him out at the point of a spear. The Roman Covernment against him, with ev ery weapon of its army, and every decis ion of its courts, and every beak of its war cables. For years after his arrival the only niestion WilS liOW lii'st tit tkiit )i!ni out. Herod hated him; the high priests uaieu mm; the Pharisees hated him; Ju das hated him; t.estns, the dying thief, hated him. The whole earth seem ingly turned into a detective to watch his teps. And yet he faced this ferocity. Notice that most of Christ's wounds were in front. Some scourging on the shoulder, but most of Christ wounds in front, lie was not on retreat when lie expired. Face to face with the world's sin. Face to face with the world's woe. His eye on the raging countenances of his foaming antagonists when he expired. When the cavalry oflicer roweled his steed so that he might come nearer up and see the tor tured visage of the suffering exile, Christ saw it. When the spear was thrust at his side, nd when the hammer was lifted for his feet, and when the reed was raised to strike deeper down the spikes of thorn. Christ watched the whole nrocednre. When his hands were fastened to the cross, they wen wide own still with bene diction. Mind you. his head was not fastened. lie could look to the right, and he could look to the left, and he could look tip, and he could look down. He saw when the spikes had been driven home, ftnd the hard, round iron heads were in the palms of IrLi hands. He k.iv them nn plainly as you erer sawr anything in the Daims or your bands. No ether, no chlo roform, no merciful anaesthetic to dull or ttupefy; but, wide awake, he saw the obscuration of the heavens, the unbalanc ing of the rocks, the countenances quiv ering with rage and the cachinnation dia bolic. Oh, it was the hostile as well as the barren island of a world! I go farther and tell you that this exile was far from home. It is Or.,(HKl,000 miles from here to the sun and all astronomers agree in saying that our solar system is only one of the smaller wheels of the great machinery of the universe turning around some one great center, the center so far distant it is beyond all imagination and calculation and if, as some think, that great center in the distance is heaven, Christ came far from home when he came here. Have you ever thought of the home sickness of Christ? Some of you know what homesickness is when you have been only a few weeks absent from the domes tic circle. Christ was :J3 years away from home. Some of you feel homesickness when you are 100 or 1.O00 miles away from the domestic circle. Christ was more million miles away from home than you could count if all your life you did nothing but count. You know what it is to be homesick even amid pleasant sur roundings, but Christ slept in huts, and he was athirst, and he was n-hungered, and he was on the way from being born in another man's barn to being buried in another man's grave. I have read how the Swiss, when they are far away from their native country, at the sound of their national air get so homesick that they fall into melancholy and sometimes they die under the home sickness. IJut, oh, the homesickness of Christ. Poverty homesick for celestial riches. Persecution homesick for hosan na. Weariness homesick for rest. Home sick for angelic and archangelic compan ionship. Homesick to get out of the night and tiie storm and the world's execration. Homesickness will make a week seem as long as a month and it seems to me that the three decades of Christ's residence on earth must have seemed to him almost interminable. You have often tried to measure the other pangs of Christ, but you have never tried to mewure the mag nitude and ponderosity of a Saviour's homesickness. I take a stop farther and tell you that Christ was in an exile which lie knew would end in assassination. Holman Hunt, the master painter, has a picture in winch tie represents Jesus Christ in the Nazarene carpenter shop. Around him are the saws, the hammers, the axes, the drills of carpentry. The picture repre sents Christ as rising from the carpenter's working bench and wearily stretching out his arms as one will after being in con tracted oi uncomfortable posture, and the light of that picture is so arranged that the arms of Christ, wearily stretched forth, together with his body, throw on the wall the shadow of the cross. Oh. my friends, that shadow was on everything in Christ's lifetime. Shadow of a cross on the Uethlehcm swaddling clothes; shadow of a cross on the road over which the three fugitives fled ito Egypt; shad ow of a croSs on Lake Galilee as Christ walked its mosaic floor of opal and em erald and crystal; shadow of a cross on the road to Emmaus; shadow of n cross on the brook Kodron. and on the temple, and on the side of Olivet; shadow of a cross on sunrise and sunset. Constantino, marching with his army, saw just once a cross in the sky, but Christ saw the cross all the time. The Doom of a Desperado. On a rough jouriey we cheer ourselves with the fact that it will end in warm hos pitality, but Christ knew that his rough path would end at a dcfoliaged tree, with out one leaf and with only two branches, bearing fruit of such bitterness as no hu man lips had ever tasted. Oh, what an exile, starting in an infancy without any cradle and ending in assassination! Thirst without any water, day without any sun light. The doom of a desperado for more than angelic excellence. For what that expatriation and that exile? Worldly good sometimes comes from worldly evii. The accidental glance of a sharp blade from a razor grinder's wheel put out the eye of Gambetta and excited sympathies which gained him nn education and start ed him on a career that made his name more majestic among Frenchmen than any other name in the last twenty years. Hawthorne, turned out of the oflice of col lector at Salem, went home in despair. His wife touched him on the shoulder and said, "Now is the time to write your book," and his famous "Scarlet Letter" was the brilliant consequence. Worldly good sometimes comes from worldly evil. Then be not unbelieving when I tell you that from the greatest crime of all eternity and of the whole universe, the murder of the Son of God, there shall come results which shall eclipse all the grandeurs of eternity past and eternity to come. Christ, an exile from heaven opening the way for the de portation toward heaven and to heaven of nil those who will accept the proffer. Atonement, a ship large enough to take all the passengers that will come aboard it. A Laml of Voluntary Kxilc. For this royal exile I bespeak the love and service of all the exiles here present, and, in one sense or the other, that in cludes all of us. The gates of this conti nent have been so widely opened that there are here many voluntary exiles from other lands. Some of you are Scotch men. I see it in your high cheek bones and in the color that illumines yoar face when I mention the land of your nativity, lionny Scotland! Dear old kirk! Some of your ancestors sleeping in Grey friars churchyard, or by the deep lochs filled out of the pitchers of heaven, or under the heather, sometimes so deep of color it makes one think of the blood of the .Cove nanters who signed their names for Christ, dipping their pens into the veins of their own arms opened for that pur pose. How every liber of your nature thrills as I mention the names of Kobert Ilruce and the Campbells and Cochrane. I bespeak for this royal exile of my text the love and the service of nil Scotch ex iles. Some of you are Englishmen. Your ancestry served the Lord. Have 1 not read the sufferings of the Ilaymarket? And have I not seen in Oxford the very spot where Kid ley and Latimer mounted the red chariot? Some of your ancestors heard George Whitefield thunder, or heard Charles Wesley sing, or heard John ltuuynii tell his dream of the celestial city, and the cathedrals under the shadow of which some of you were lorn had in their grandest organ roll the name of the Messiah. I bespeak for the roynl exile of my ser mon the love and the service of all Eng lish exiles. Yes, some of you came from the island of distress over which hunger, on a throne of human skeletons, sat queen. All effort nt amelioration halted by mas sacre. Proceswn of famines, procession of martyrdoms marching from northern channel to Care Clear and from thg Irish lea across to the Atlantic. An Island not bounded as geographers tell us, but as every philanthropist knows bounded on the north and the south and the east and the west by woe which no human politics can alleviate and only Almighty God can assuage. Land of Goldsmith's rhythm, and Sheridan's wit, and O'Connell s elo quence, and Edmund Hurke's statesman ship, and O'Hrien's sacrifice. Another Patmos with its apocalypse of blood. Yet you cannot think of it to-day without hav ing your eyes blinded with emotion, for there your ancestors sleep in graves, soma of which they entered for lack of bread. For this royal exile of my sermon I be speak the love and the service of all Irish exiles. Yes. some of you are from Ger many, the land of Luther, and some of you are from Italy, the land of Garibaldi, and some of you are from France, the land of John Calvin, one of the three mighties of the glorious reformation. Some of you are descendants of the Puri tans, and they were exiles, and 6ome o you are descendants of the Huguenots and they were exiles, and some of you are descendants of the Holland refugees, and tney were exiles. Heaven the Kxile's Home. Some of you were born on the banks of the lazoo or the Savnunah, 'and you are now living in this latitude; some of you on the banks of the Kennebec or nt the foot of the Green mountains, and you are here now; some of you on the prairies of the West or the tablelands, and you tiro here now. Oh, how many of us far awaj from home: All of us exiles. This is not our home. Heaven is our home. Oh, I am so glad when the royal exile went back he left the gate ajar or left it wide open. "Going home!" That is the dying ex clamation of the majority of Christians 1 have seen many Christians die. I think nine out of ten of them in the last moment say. "Going home." Going home out of banishment and sin and sorrow and sad ness. Going home to join in the hilarities of our parents and our dear children who have already departed. Going home to Christ. Going home to God. Going homo to stay. Where are your loved ones that died in Christ? You pity them. Ah. ther ought to pity you ! You are an exile far from home. They are home! Oh, what a time it will be for you when the gate keeper of heaven shall say: "Take off that rough sandal. The journey's ended. Put down that saber. The battle's won. Put off that iron coat of mail and put on the robe of conqueror." At that gate of tri umph I leave you to-day, only reading tnree tender cantos translated from the Italian. If you ever heard anything sweeter. 1 never did, although I cannot adopt all its theology: 'Twas whispered one morning in heaven How the little child angel May, In the shade of the great while portal. Sat sorrowing night and day; How she said to the stately warden, He of the key and bar: "Oh, angel, sweet angel, I pray you Set the beautiful gates ajar, Only a little, I pray you. Set the beautiful gates ajar. "I can hear my mother weeping. She is lonely; she cannot see A glimmer of light in the darkness When the gates shut after me. Oh. turn me the key, sweet angel, The splendor will shine so far." P.ut the warden answered, "I dare not Set the beautiful gates ajar," Sioke low and answered, "I dare not Set the lteautiful gates ajar." Then up rose Mary, the blessed. Sweet Mary, the mother of Christ, Her hand on the hand of the angel She laid, and her touch sufficed. Turned was the key in the portal, Fell ringing the golden bar, And, lo, in the little child's fingers Stood the beautiful gates ajar, In the little child's angel fingers Stood the beautiful gates ajar. Wooden Defenses. Life was very insecure in mediaeval times. It was usual for people to sleep on a bod which was surrounded by sides of board, with strong posts at the four corners. Those sides contained sliding doors, which coubl be fastened inside. When men retired to rest they took a weapon with them. If attacked in the night, they were aroused by the noise made by the crashing in of their wooden defenses, and were able to de feud themselves. When the law be came strong enough to protect human life, the sides of the bedstead were gradually dispensed with, but the four posts remained. The box-like bed still survives In the rural parts of Scotland, and is almost necessary where the earthen floors and imperfect ceilings cause much damp. Emily Krönte In "Wuthering Heights." describes one of these bedsteads in the old mansion as forming a "little closet." Nothing lint Iitiek. Hard luck is almost a synonym for laziness. Good luck is the twin brother of hard work. Luck walks while work rides In a ca rriage. I.uch pictures a dollar, while work earns It. I. tick Iren ins of a home, but work builds one. To trust to luck is like fishing with a bookless lino. Luck Is disease for which bard work is the only remedy. Luck longs for a dinner, while labor goes out and earns one. I.uch goes barefooted, while work never lacks for a pair of shoes. I.tick is a weather vane with the dis tinguishing points broken off. The man who relies on luck is lucky If be keeps out of the poorhouse. New York Commercial Advertiser. Vice President W. Seward Well, of tho Now York Central, lias decided to buihl a neAv marble palace on his prop erty at ScarlioroiiKli-on-tho-IIudson. He intends to spend about $1.500,000 on the house. The style of architecture will lo .1 modification of the chateau renaissance. The house, Including verandas, will bo nearly 300 feet long nnl 130 feet wide. It Is to be situated on an elevation, surrounded by Italian llower gardens and winding roads, and will corn inn ml an extended view of the Hudson Kivcr, A bitter and perplexed "What hall I do?" Is worse to man than worst n ccssl tjr. Coleridge, WHY HE WAS LET OUT REV. W. N. CLEVELAND'S MISSAL EXPLAINED. DIS- St. Lawrence I'rcsbytery in a Public statement Delarc lie Wuh I'n.ibie to Preserve Unity in His Congrega tion Diirercnces l-'nrcconci table. The Presbytery's Defense. The htatenunts nf Kev. William N. Cleveland, the President's brother, re garding his trouble at ('hauniont, N. Y., have called forth a statement from the St. Lawrence Presbytery in defense of its action in dismissing him from his pas torate. It says: 'The church at Chau niont w:is rent in pieees. and various rea sons were assigned by tin congregation l'o' the lack of harmony, and count. t rcasons as-igued by .Mr. Clcvehnd. So far as ihe Presbytery was concerned, by iin-ans of a committee it sought to inves tigate charges made by Mr. Cleveland and counter-charges made by the large majority of !tis church, it did not tind that there was any great or suilicient rca so:i why the church in its majority should dislike Mr. Cleveland, nor did it I'm 1 that Mr. Cleveland's charges were substan tiated. The Presbytery did what it could to reconcile ntJerences. but the parties , proved irreconcilable. It is to a certain extent a necessary piece of church policy that a minister must succeed in preserv ing unity in his congregation. In this particular ase. inasmuch as the Presi dent's brother was involved, it became a matter of national notoriety. In most such cases it is not observed, but certainly common sense justiiies the action which the Presbytery took." SCORED BY MORGAN. Senatorial Kot Shot for Millionaire Pacific Railway Magnates. The views of Senator Morgan on the Pacific Railway refunding bill were sub mitted to the Senate Tuesday. The Sena tor takes a position decidedly antago nistic to the bill reported to the two houses and begins by sharply criticising the joint meetings of the suit-committees of the two houses for the formulation of the bill. He lm racterizes this concerted action as a breach of duty ami privilege. "Such action is." he says, "calculated to bring the pressure of outside inilueiice of the most serious character to bear direct ly upon the action of the Senate ami to its free judgment upon the measure lefore it. The added burden of the adjudication by a committee of the House is calculated to smother Mit the minority." Taking up the bill, the Senator says the proceeding proposed is ne of bargain and sah" in disposing' f the property and rights if the ( Jovernmenr. ami is novel. bcause hitherto Congress has not engaged in that line of business. "An examination of Mr. Huntington's testimony, taken 1. foro the Senat committee n Pacific roads." he says, "will lisclose a most ex traordinary condition of affairs relating t the Central and Southern Pacific rail roads and tlmr roads connecting with them." TO AID BRITISH ADVANCE. Lor don Firm to Euitd a Railroad South from Akasheh. The London Times, has a dispatch from Cain, which says that a London tirm has contr:ict-d Avith the Egyptian Covern nient to supply rails and material for a light railway 1PJ miles south from Aka sh di. Akaslmh is th southern outpost to be hcM at present by the Kgyptian troops. It is less than a hundred miles south of Wady Haifa, and a light rail rad b'twe'ii Wady Haifa ami Akasheh is being put in condition for the proposed campaign. 1 lie extension f the railroad 1PJ miles farther south will take it to Abu Fat inch, which is above the third itaraet. The Egyptian soldiers will con struct the railroad. EXECUTIONS IN SAN DOMINGO. Minister of War Castillo Among Those Put to Death. News of important exocu lions in San Domir.g. has just reached the I'uiteri Statt's. The minister of Avar. (Jen. Ra mon Castillo, ami Jose Fstay. governor of the province of Macoris. were executed at.Macoris on March JS by order of I'lis- ses Ilercauw president of San Domingo. Tin govt-rnor of San Domingo. (len. Pi eardo. boarded the steamer Prcsidente with l."0 soldiers, Avent to Macoris, ami at . o chick in the niornins: of the lav nu'iilionod had the olheials shot. About i J MM) Cubans have fled from their native island to San Domingo during the la; six months. Zinc Smelters Take a Rest. OAving t the depressed condition of the metal market ami the light demand for pelter, th ( 'herokee-Lanyoii SpIter Company, which controls a majority of tin great zinc sitmlters of the country Avill shut down twelve or fifteen furnaces. The plants affected are located at Pitts- urg. Kau., and Kich Hill. Mo. Eimcta'Iic Conference. The himei:iHic cmfreiie. called with the view of paving" the way to iuteni.-i-lional negotiations on the subject, as- eiiibh-.l in ltrnssels Monday. 1 f legates l'oi.i (iiThiniiy, the Tnilcd Staffs, (ireat ltritain. France. Austria. Kussia. Hel ium. Denmark, Holland and Koumania are present. New Trial for Maria Carberi. The ( otirt of Appeals at Albany, X. Y., lias trr:itit(l a now trial to Maria Ilar- beri. She killed her lover, a hoot Muck named Doniciiico Catal.lo. in New York, boeamv be vuldn"t marry hr. Society women took up the murderess' case. Fata! Shooting AtTray in Louisiana. A. P. (I.iss, the Populist-liepttblican candidal)' for coroner of Tangipahoa (La.) iaish. Avas sind and instantly killed and S. ('. Hyde, a Democrat and highly respected man. Avas mortally woun.le.1. The trouble between the men grew out of polities. Man Milliner Kills Himself. (rttstavious A. Kohn, who has had char-re of larj: millinery establishment in Loinlon, Paris St. Paul, Chicago, New York ami Richmond, committed suicide at Kichniond, V.l., by shooting himself. License Ticket Wins. At the municipal election at Mitchell, S. D.. the high license ticket, headed by Thomas Kullerton for Mayor, was eh'ctcd over the law and tinier tit-kct, condemn ing the MeBridc riots ami for the en foreenient of prohibitory law, headed by Incumbent Mayor, I. W. Seaman. CROP PROSPECTS EXCELLENT. Timely Pains and Warm Weather Lu couracc the Furniers. The ( J ovenimetit reports as t'i" con ditioii of the crops throughout tii" can try. and the general U'eet r :h v.. Ub er upon the cultivation, growt'i a;; l !:ar Vest of t he same warm wcatln-r diow that I'm- : i!!y throughout 1; ort ral. tin . .-ea- back !e for eg'-- rapid, d itn !c ! as eastern and southern porti.s . country has rapidly advaie-'l t'; son, which has l-en urni-Til!;" ward, ami l:.:s been very fa a I farming operat ions ;i::d jrrwt!i '. tation. which lias been remarkable ti niter ;ii-;m nas siiown ::m: i provt ineni generally and is doing well in India:::!. Illinois. :, Ii':.... . l . i i who K sas and in portions of Mi while an improvement has . a:id. ! in 'i .i Kentucky and West Virginia. : 1 it II of the crop in these St ' some having been plowed t:p. t:o:is of Missouri and T- i wheat seeding ;s well ; ivanc - i . .!:-i- poor. In -ee-v. inter i S . . 1 1 1 1 - cni Minnesota and is about tiui.-lcd in portions of Hastern South Dak-.r.i. wl-en some of the Ibikola !: eai tv sow n is r.p. No;:!! :ig has yet t. .1 oolie. Preparations for corn planting have 1 ecu pushed rapidly .luring the week, and In the more southerlv sect: oiis p:a:it:n. i n - tinned wnh much activity. Sim, has been plante. in Illinois an i co.'-U hr.i- ka. and planting will be be. this week. Cotton planting tied under favorable co.mliti the central and southern po; citlon region is c tmiug up g good stand. terminal ion, h ;:: in !:i. :i-. !: .;:id i;i i ;! of ji;t i'-fa'.lv to ;i V.'i'Vi I, been slow, tr.vif sections of the otton region. t the dr. et rn ; in of Wi !! !hv lid W 'steril ( Jeneral port !o:i raint'-ii! pl'oVe of lll'lcll belietit fro ill t!.i :i, a al- ley southward, ami als. in To-, rain is needed to insure a ?;:n I The report by Slates follows; Illiti 'is A hot v.etk. with !. .w begilil.lng ,'iinl inliliir. lü!s e:i... Me advance in v-g ; , ; j ... wheat, rye and gnissts are :m: i re ,'ii. :;t the : : k- V, inter .iii.i ,iie I, .MM- ; cmsM's ;ui'ri ..i. nr- Ii, . I ... .1 . .... .: . 1... . .i- ii.ue. o:iis ;i if ct.u.llig lip; g.-tnl.-i: ;.: Ö pota toes .ire planted: a!o v,nie corn, bu pit p a ration of corn land is general. ;.io laden with blossoms. Wisconsin V:;nn wather a:- ' :.bii;idaiit ralnfjill has beet; very fa !"; ihe rapid inhaiiceinent .f .-ill crops. Wheat is greatly improved, espeei.-illy ill locn M t '! where 11. was thought to have been entirely winter killed. Hats are all sow n, and v.-.ik weii ad- A.-IIlcetl in southern section. I.i't'e pmwil.g has heen done in the central and northern sections. South I:ik.ta -Seetling Is Im.ut tin;-!. cd hi southeastern counties, with s ,:ilt. w.'it at above ground; dsewliere seeding has I.e. it r'tardd by heavy precipitation aid coo" wvather. No winter wheat sown. In tin central ami northern portions the soii i too Av-t. ami wanner ami bright wether ! tieclfl. .Wbraska A g 1 growing wee!:, but rain, ami wet ground have retard.! farm work. The seetling of small grain is a!..ut c.uit pleletl. except ill the northwest section. Plow ing f.r corn Is progressing; very little plant ed, and this only in southern comities. rait. trs are blooming piofuselv. and generaliv uninjiir.l by frost ,f Saturday. Kansas -A w arm, rainy wek. whi'-h gr at ly liupr.i-tl all crop conditions. Wheat, much improved an; growing rapidlv. "ori oining up in central ami southern counties, and is a good stain!. Fruit promised a f ill crop, but was lnjtm-d some by frost of Sat urday, tlrass is supporting stock 'in south counties. Missouri The unusually Avartn weather forct'd vegetation forward very rapidlv. Wheat is suffering f,,r rain in some c i,tra! und southwestern couutics. but lsewh re is generally t'.oing well. Corn painting is gressing favorably and cotton has 1 gun. 1'a st ura ge good. Fruit pntspeets are excellent. Iowa High te-inpern ttirt and abundant moisture have pushed vgtati.a rapidly, and the season Is m.w as early as usual. Irass and small grains ar making a tine stand; winter wheat geio-ra'.iy promising. Plowing for orn avcU advanced and plant ing Will soon begin. Indiana -Warm weathr has rapidly im pr.i'd all growing crops. Hut few slower-. fell and rain is niin h ueelol. Wheat, barley, rye. clover and grass hav advaie-c! rapi.liy. Hats nearly all sown. Tobacco plants com ing on well in Switzerland County. Fruit Is in bloom. Flowing for -ni continues. Ohio - I'xt -ssi y w arm, sunshiny, wimly. and dry wk. except in northern portion, wheiv rainfall wasal.oiil normal. 'omlit ioi.j were very favorable for plowing and plant big. All Is improved. Apples. apd.- "herrles, pears, peaches a nd . piuins are blooming. Michigan -Abnormally high T'-:.:;v,if er ami plentiful slmwers have rapidly ;tdv;'tici all veg-lati..ii and farm work. Winter wheat. ry and grass ar doing tim-Iy. Plowing ;,nl oat ami grass se-ling in progtvss. F.itly potato planting has just begun. ! SERGEANT-AT-ARMS MARTIN. rroiuinent St. Louis Lawyer Who Will Police the Chicago Convention, t'ol. John I. Martin. Avh v III lil! th important function of sergant-at-arms of the Dcmcratie national convention, i a St. Louis laAvyer Avho is Avid.dy k;.;v3 to Missouri. He Avas born in S;. I.o;:i in ISIS, and early in lif' Avas of material as-siMaiu-e t his parents. avIio avtc in strait en'd circumstances. He Avas a lriver of a levee dray Avhen he Avent i:i?o politic. CtI.. .IOIIX AKTIV. and was chvtod t the Missouri Legi-d i tnr. At that thin he was th yniirest man ever clectetl to the Missouri A-e!U-bly. Col. Martin then rad law in the .tli-e f '1. Kobert S. McDonald, one of the leading lawyers in St. Louis, and for many years has been avcU known for hi ability in criminal cases. 1. Martin ban been prominent in fraternal and benevo lent trd-rs. He is a whole-souled, jam crous, cv'dal man. very popular in St. Louis and throiijzlmut his Stab. A month ajz P. Scott, a prominent mer- chant of Tiront. cotnmittel suicide by jumping tiff the ltnst.tlalc bridge. A week la I er .1. Long, the head waiter of the Al bany Club, imitated him Avith fatal rc- suits, ami now .Ihn Strachau, one of tho locked ut tailors, has mal the sama terrible leap. Although fatally injuretl. be is Mill living. Ca! miners in convention at PailadcU phia. Pa., represte.-.ting the central au northern fields, decided to accept alvancv of 3 cents a tun offered by ope rators. fomW-v jcMfrm v. -A "I ' t