Newspaper Page Text
CI?c3nbcpcnbcnt Satikday, AriuL -7, lbM. EASILY DONE. " Had I a lock of Celta's hair." Sul'J Fred. "I'd be enchanted." Good!" cried his friend; 'seek the abode Of her purveyor. Jlmo. Mode, And ha.v your longing granted." I-lppincutt's Magazine. LOCAL JSIIEVITIKS. From Wednesday's Daily. Sherman Orr is in Chicago today. 1. 0. Jones went Indianapolis this Chas. Turner went to (irovertown to day on business. drant Ilichanls returned home to Rochester today. ,Iohn Haupher was transacting busi ness in the city today. J. .1. Harris, of Valparaiso, was visit ing Dr. Horton today. W. W. Hill's building is now being moved by Quincy Kelley. Judge A. C. mid John Capron went to Maxenkuckee yesterday. deorge Klingerman is in Chicago for a couple of days ou business. II. F. Shaw, of Cincinnati, is visiting L. A. Kloepfer and other friends. Mr. Carpenter, a lawyer of South Bend, was in the city yesterday on bus iness. Dr. II. T. Montgomery and J. L. Wil liams, of South Lend, are in town ou business. Try the celebrated Ferkins home made mince meat. Kuhn's market, sole agent. W. C. Dowdy traveling for the Cycle Co., was in Plymouth today on his way to doshen. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Watson have gone to keeping house over the Phoe nix cigar store. C. A. Leeves, who has for several days past been visiting at Leesburg, returns home today. The U. S. Express Co., has shipped to its agent Will Leonard a very line 1500 pound Norman horse. Miss Lily Wiltfong, of Huntington, has accepted a position in Mrs. I). E. Moore's millinery store. Harris Uro. Funmakers, are in Lapaz tommorrow night. A large crowd from Plymouth expect to attend. The Altar Guild will meet next Mon day with Mrs. W. 15. YobL Important business is to be transacted. liill boards for UulTalo Hill's show are being erected on the lot, corner of Sophia and Michigan streets. Mayer Allman drove over to Argos today to see how the boys were getting along. He returned this noon. The S. of Vs. of South Lend, are coming to Plymouth this evening to enjoy a social time with the boys. SKMI-N KKKLY lNDEFKXIiKNT and the Cosmopolitan, the greatest maga zine in America, only 1.85 per year. Judge Harris, of Madison county Iowa, returned to his home in Nebraska after a three weeks' visit in Plymouth Mrs. Poland, sister of Mrs. M. J Disher, accompanied by her children arrived from Toledo, Ohio, to visit few weeks. Thos. Walker went to Culver City yesterday on a fishing expedition. Mill Herman and Thomas made a haul of over tifty line fish. Arthur Morrell, son of Win. and Ella Morrell.died last night at 1 o'clock Funeral service? were held this after noon at the residence, llev. Smith ollic jating. doshen is to have a lithograph in dustry. It seems that city is getting the cream of the manufacturing in dustries that are locating in that sec tion of the state The James Thompson farm was sold yesterday. It was purchased by a Mr. Carpenter, of St. Joseph county. The farm has recently been occupied by Stephen Arney. . Lawrence Linkenhelt and Mead Lo gan have removed the fences from in front of their residences, which is add ing considerable to the appearance of the street as well as property. The citizens of Hutland seem to have a great time this spring. Today we perceived a large number of them in the city In connection with a con troversy between Iter. J. It. Vinnedge and James Faulkenuerry. It would be 1-C m a diflicult matter to try and untangle the whys and wherefores; but we under stand the matter was satisfactorily ad justed. A number of people contemplated that fruit would be badly injured by the frost last night. Uut reports re ceived this morning are to the effect that very little damage was done. James dilmore jr., seems to be a very unfortunate fellow. While coasting down the walk at the court house on his tju-yrh t day, he took a "header" with ! the uiiplas.nt result of a bruised chin, j sprained wrist, ami a disfigured bicycle. j Light yards make a roll, sixteen yards la ii'iille roll, of wall paper. We always : give prices of double rolls, lie sure ! aiid .ee our papers before you buy. At Tanner's drug store, by the First Ma tiotial bank. Dr. I'll. 1. I 'aul, the eminent Chicago oculist and aurist may be consulted at the home of Mrs Mav Yockey east of thetourt house on the occasion ot his next visi: to Plymouth instead of at the Loss House as heretofore. s,.iiU, i!..,.! Trii.ii..- Urc v inn of Plymouth, is in Mishawaka to attend the funeral of the daughter of her son, Mr. A. C. Mann Mr. Melvin lirown, of Plymouth, is a guest of friends and relatives m the city. We present the name of of John W. Thompson, of North township, and for merly of (Jennan township as candi date for sheriff of Marshall county. Mr. l,"""',ou" a.Kr ..uii.uci oi iuniu3 ...i... .1 : i.. i. ii. :n. I no uwire io see nun wuik uway wiui he honors at the coming convention. in today s issue will be noticed an announcement by .Jesse Warnes, who des'res to once more have the duties of ounty surveyor placed upon his shoul ders. Mr. Warnes, although a young man, as far as we can learn has con- lucted the business of his ollice in a sat isfactory manner. For the occasion of the general con- erence of the Methodist Episcopal church, to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, May 1st to the 31st, 1SW, a rate of one standard first class fare for the round trip has been authorized via. the Nickel Mate road. Tickets on sale April LJth, 30th, May 1st, and 12th. It has been generally known for some ime past, that Mrs. Harvey Steele has been quite ill. For the past few days ler condition has been considered dan gerous and hopes of her recovery have been almost given up. Mrs. Steele is a woman of many lovable qualites, and ler serious illness causes a deep shade of gloom to encompass her host of friends. In order to do away with the evils at- tending the smoking of cigarettes the iouowing pieuge is io ue circulated among the school Ollicers all over the ! II 1 A I tinted States who will be requested to use their intluence in getting signers: I solemny pledge my honor, God help ing me, that I will not smoke cigarettes of any kind, or give them to others and that 1 will use my intluence to prevent the use of the same among all my ac quaintances.' The Lapaz correspondent to the Re publican in speaking of the case against a certain fellow in that locali ty who abused a widow woman, seems to think nothing has been done regard- the matter. It is our duty to inform him that a constable has visited Lapaz twice to serve a warrant upon that man but could not find him. If the correspondent desires to see that fellow prosecuted let him aid the officer of the law in locating the fellow. The Misses Laura and Lizzie Boss, i l'.i miles northeast of this city, enter- tained twenty of Bremen's gayest young people at their home last batur- day night. The evening was spent in saui" "l ,anuus I11UB- U1 1110 1U erteil ig leaiu es oi u e evening was iuc lauics Aiuuuoiiii tiuu, wuo lurmsii ed some very line selections. Other instrumental and vocal music was given and refreshments served. The evening was indeed enjoyable to all. John Singler, formerly a hardware merchant in our city, but latterly of South Bend, has for several months past been roaming over the states of California, Oregon and Washington. He has written short letter regarding his extensive travels, all of which are of interest. He thinks he has found the ideal spot in Olympia, the capitol of Washingtonand in his letter advises his son to dispose of his property and repair to the above named city. Mr. Singler is a man of shrewd business sagacity, and a great deal of reliance is placed in his report. A largo number of his friends who are desiring to seek new localities in which to live are awaiting his return. The Medical association which met in College hall at Rochester yesterday was coninosed of nhvsicians from live different coanties and the essayists were from the three schools of medi- cines. Their discussions were interesting and friendly, showing that it was com- posed of men above school faction and were seeking to gain all knowledge from all source for the releiving of the sufferings of their patients. But at the A' l fA m Banie umeeacn one is a sinci inena 01 nis own scnooi. in the evening there was mm merary anu musical enter- lainmeni given uy tne concge ana rrom 0 est the citizens have for their college ... .e . .. b. anil ita U'ul f i ra Tho iiatI limalinx to V...V. " -. UIVVUIIK O to be at Mautone, July 30. From Thursday's Dally. Dr. Bowers is on the sick list. Sam dretzinger is in Chicago today. Sweet, sour and beet pickels at Leon ard's. Mrs. Homer "Watson is in Argos to day. Bulk olives ID cents a pint, at W. F. Leonard's. C. II. Keeve went to Chicago this morning. Fresh garden vegetables, daily, at Leonard's. IL i. Hogers is laying a much needed sidewalk. dolden I'runes, 10 cents a pound at Leonard's. J. K. Fllis left for a business trip south today. Canned asparagus .'0 cents a can, at W. E. Leonard's. Kdson Spangle sold a Hamilton organ I - . -a. J Ausjrsiuuaj. Joseph Anderson came into l'ly- mouth this morning. uu io . j-,. ieonaru s iur a ä A. I 1 X . . 10 cents I'au 01 cnoice Je11) Win. Lverly is in Chicago today and tomorrow on business. Roval ecrtr macaroni. 5 cents a nack- age, something new, at W. E. Leonard's. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fogle, of Warsaw are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dew. California Hakes for breakfast, 10c f , nackaire. at W. K. Leon- o ard's. Samples copies of the National Ui- metallist can always be found at this ollice. C. W. Morgan and Miss May Knapp, of South Bend, were Plymouth visitors yesterday. Mr. Elmer Greer, of Beatrice, Neb., is in Plymouth visiting with relatives and friends. James Beeves moved his family to St. Joe today. Mrs. Beeves mother ac- companied them. Miss Maggie Stockman has gone to Tisit her father near Bourbon. Mr. stockman is very ill. Xf pa . AvnrtMQ r.f VöW nruatK Io . ' .t. f ' f . w E. Leonard. She will remain indilinite- iy. The Plymouth gun club will meet at the oflice of attorney Houghton tomor- w evening to complete an organiza . tion. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Cressner returned from Chicago last evening, where they had been several days combining busi- ness and pleasure. Mr. Messline, was here today enroute fnr Arirns This trentlPman was hPrP wita the Salvation Army. All but three of them are now Volunteers. The city of Peru have passed a curfew ordinance. This will be one of the commendable features for some of our new councilmen to undertake as soon as they get into the city council. x That "crack" that brother Small, of the Valparaiso Vidette, made Monday about "Summer," does not fit the aper ture made by this sudden change in the atmospherical demonstrandum." Will (Juans while working on the telephone line at llibbard yesterday, left his overcoat while attending to his work. When he was ready to start home the overcoat had disappeared.and UP to this time has not been discovered. From Friday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. Porter went to Culver City at 12:D0. Mrs. John Bowell went to South jemi at noon. Ceo. Cross and little daughter went to chicag0 today T. J. Winnings made a business trip to Bourbon today. J. B. Bowell went to Valparaiso this morning on business. Mr. and Mrs. Will Daniels have gone to Bristol for a visit. Will Reynolds and Fred Wenzler were in Lapaz last night. Paul Stevens and Hoy Shrock gave a show in Lapaz last night. Herb Sponsler and Fred Botset drove to Lapaz yesterday evening. Mrs. Chas, Baker has gone to Benton Harbor to visit her mother. Frank Nicolay launched his new boa on the river this morning. Ceo. lloham and Will Davis spent part of last night in Lapaz. Albert Crantz, who went from here to Georgia is reported as dangerously ill. Carpenter & Bosworth will start their Kredl UUUCfnMr Baica aaiuruay auu I 4 a 1 l 1 AMOnudJ 1 1 "he large accumalation of hides pur- chased by the former firm of Nussbaun & Mayer are being shipped today. The condition of Mrs. Steele today is slightly improved and the physicians now have some little hope for her re covery. I .Tani Mrk .tnnn.i nrt at n, Nofelty works this morning and wil go to Chicago tonight where he has so cured a position. I If V I A fMim mina f rrmar nrAutil L n , ,, , i . it ing elder, of Berrien district of the U I 0 ' I -1 1 Ml I I 11 IT 1 j). cuurcu, win preaen iu ine u. u church at Tyner, Saturday evening and Sunday morning in the interest of the Sunday-school. Every one large and small are invited io be present and hear him. Ceo. Baylor will place in position in a few days a chronometer, whereby our citizens will be enabled to get the cor rect standard time. The Epworth league will give a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelley tonight. Those coming are re quested to wear some article represent ing a geographical object or place. Every one cordially invited. We would like to know who is cor rect on the "tobaco ehewers" yarn as fpun by Brother Williams, of Warsaw. The Republican of this city says it was a Plymouth fellor and the Democrat says a Warsaw dude did the act. The meeting of the (inn club was held lat evening at the ollice of J. K. Houghton and a reorganization was made. The following were the otliceis elected: President, John Cor- berly; vice-president, Dr. F. M. Burkett; secretary, L. Clough; treasurer, Harry Deeds. The club starts out with about fourteen members. The meeting ad journed to meet one week from tonight at the same place. The meeting called to consider the resignation of the trustees of the 'resbyterian church of this city met I ast evening and was largely at- ended. The report made by the rustees not be'ing there the motion to consider the same was laid on the table. The resignation of the trustees was ac cepted by a vote of 38 to 19. The rustees were: VA. S. Brooke, J. W. 'ark?, W. Outcalt, A. 0. Humes, and J. I. Houghton. The elders of the church resented their resignations, but they will not be acted upon until the next neetim I'T llipans Tahules cure dyspepsia. THE CELEBRATIU) HINDU DOCTOR, "1 4. v ' 7 kki mm mmh . v j j. , , , VfVs...l!'l 2,'. .T;v-' j1 "t nmmhMi J4 vi mm mm Tadapaly Veeraragava'Roy, M.D., ( Native f l!ritil In I'ui ) Physician and Surgeon, (iuuratitft'il Mire for Cancer -:irciiniua ol whit li there are M kiiuis ;h lollv: Cancer Funzodcs, Coininoo cancer. Cancer Terebrans,- Cancer of the skin. Cancer Eburneus, -Hard like ivory. Cancer (ilobosus, 1 "resenting a round ish swellimr. usually painless, ot a violet or blackish color, and generally not conhned to omo spot, but allecting large streaks on the head, feet, and so on. Cancer Anthracmus, Ansinjr witli a black spot iu the skin, accompanied with a painful itching and as it en larges a mulberry-like excressence rises out of it. Cancer Mehxncus Tuberosus, Taking its origin from the knobs which are de veloped ni(re or less numerously and of dillerent si.e in the cellular tissue. Office over J. W. Park's Law Office. l'rivate, nervous ami loeal diseases of both iii'ii ami women treated scit'lit ilicall V. Craduate of Madras university, India: stud ied with eminent li i-ians ot India. i.ny;iana and Anierlea. hxperienee oi u years in i.)iiis ville. Cim-iniiati, and l'liieao. Now perma nently ioeated in Plymouth, Indiana. riANY CANCERS CI RRI. Living Witnesses in Marshall County: John St. John, .lo'm Stoekman. Consultation free and strietly eoefideutlal. t'ountry ealls made day or nilit. Old People! Cars. Thousands of old people and othera hard of hearine have been entirely re lieved by the use of Brazilian Balm. It flissolvea away the hard wax, or in dry ears it restores the thickened, hardened Cfum to Its normal, vibratory condition nd removes all inflammation, sorenesa aud dullness from the inner ear. Also etons rineiner in the ears. Fill one ear with warm Balm, on retiring, and lie on the other side, so the Balm can vrork clowu Into the innermost part of tn ear. Treat the other ear the next nicht. Tcrsevere. It may take time as It is aa old trouble, but be laitniui ana your re covery will be sure. Tor sale at Peoples drug store. Hi pans Tabulcs cure flatulence. . ß lb : WM Iii t Our Hosiery Department tlLÜJ rr.rPBrf rnwifj ny r rn n r,4 jrr - fs one of our strongest departments in the store. We claim to have the best things partment. For instance, hose from 5c. up. For an absolutely fast black Hornsdorf dye seamless hose for ladies and children, or you can buy a stocking equal to any former 25c. grade. We have ladies' hose, with Lisle, Silk, or Egyptian Cotton, in all grades, up to 51.00 per pair. Our underwear department has many a good thing to offer, from 5e. up, For 15c. you canbuy a garment worth 25c. For 25c. you can buy the very best thread garments. When in need of ments it will save you money to buy them from our stock. us e jfrnmrnmnnmnYimmnmnTmifmifiiH WEATHER REPORT and Saturday. The best line of Ladies' Muslin Underwear in the world at prices less than the Muslin alone would cost. . Special Underwear sales every SAT URDAY and MONDAY every week through out the year. On these two days we will sell Muslin Underwear at cut prices. Saturday and Holiday Bargains: Ladies IJullled 50c. Skirts, 2öc. Ladies TUc. and lSc. Kmhroidered Skirts l'.c. and 7c. Ladies' 30c, 00c. and 7."e. Corset Covers only 1'Jc.,2.jc. and .'Wc. Four styles handsomely trimmed 75c. gowns only 4'Jc. Ladies' 2.0c. Tucked Drawers only LM.c. Ladies Umbrella Embroidered Drawers i'.'c. Five styles of Ladies' 81.00 Fancy downs only Site. Five styles of downs, mostly copied from the French, which retail from i?3.00 to .U0. They are equal in every respect for wear to the imported garments and sold at 4 the price. IJut on sales day every week we will have a sale on them at gg CTS. They are beauties. Your seamstress will charge you more for the making. Special Clerk to show these goods on Saturday and Mondav. Terms of Sale, Cash only. CARPENTER & BOSWORTH. for the money in this de we have ladies' black cotton lUe. you are able to purchase for 15c., two pairs. For 15c. either white or black feet, for either ladies of children. Egyptian Cotton or Lisle any goods in these depart Fair and cooler tonight mm mm 3