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Nervous Teoplo find just the help they so much need, in Hood's arsaparilla. It fur nishes the desired strength by purify ing, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones the stomach and regulates tho whole system. Head this : "I want to praise Hood's Sarsaparilla. My health run down, and I had the grip. After that, my heart and nervous system were badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave me ionic help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon I could do all my own housework. I have taken (Li IiCl Flood's Tills with Hood's Sarsaparilla. and they have done me much pood. I Trill not be without them. I have taken 13 bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and through the blessing of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past summer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood's Pills when taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla help very much." Mk. M. M. Mhsskxhei:, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is th( One True Wood Purifier. Allilnursrists. $1. Prepared only ly C. I. Hood & Co., Jewell. Mass. Hnml'c Pill; ;,,,t ''i'V. promptly and 11UUU 3 1 IllJ eltertivrly. 15 Cents. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENEDY'S MEDICE DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, CF ROXBURY. MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being 6topped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilicas it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonfuljn water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. Checks Bleeding, Reduces Inflamrnation.Quiets Pain, Is the Bicycler's Necessity. Sores, fjBg$F"0 Burns, Piles, ÜifitÖ Colds, Rheumatism, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Chilblains, in TRUMPET CALLS. Ram's Horn Sounds a Warning Not to the Unredeemed. Till sm wo spare will not spare us. Character Is al ways telling somebody what It Is. When wo would walk with God we must go his way. A self - made man always spoils his job somewhere. Whoever hinders God's work robs the whole world. Every reform that comes to stay be gins in the heart. The fire and tho gold never under stand each other. Religion should do the most where It Is needed the most. Some people would say more, if they didn't talk so much. No one is free from sin who is not free from the love of sin. The less we have, the more it means in heaven when we jrivo. While we are drinking the bitter, Christ is preparing the sweet. The iiK'.n who prays much can do much, if he prays in the right way. An easy chair for the discontented cannot be found at a furniture store. The world may kill God's man, but It has never been able to hurt his truth. The P.ihle is full of comfort for those in the dark, but not for those in doubt. The more faith men have in God, the more love they will have for each other. The man who helps the; weak takes God's way to gain strength for him self. Say not that the former times vere better than the present, for it is a mis take. When there is no gospel in the p retch ing, what good will it i!o to crowd the church? What do yu suppose angels think when they see a preacher looking for an easy place'; A Maine "Leather Stocking." On the level lowlands of the Molnn kus. a short distance below Sherman Mills, Aroostook County, on a farm as level and as smooth as any Western prairie, resides Mr. Joseph T. Leavitt, a gentleman upward of 50 years of age, well and favorably known in that sec tion ami also in Western Penobscot and East Somerset, where he formerly re sided, lie is not a hunter by trade or profession, his two principal occupa tions through life having been farming ami blacksmithing: still he has a skill at hunting, trapping and lishiug that few can eoual. Several years ago Mr. Leavitt left his house with his repeating rifle in pur suit of deer. A light snow had recently fallen, and he soon struck the fresh trail of deer that he knew must be near him. P.eing on the windward side of the deer, and fearing that they would scent him and tlee, he made a wide cir cuit around the place where he judgeJ them to be. moving with all the stealth. deliberation and caution that was in olden times said to characterize the movements of an expert scout trailing an Indian warrior or vice versa. On reaching the leeward side he moved forward a few pares as noise lessly as Cooper's Indian Chingachgook and caught sight of a deer just as the animal was lying down. In lying down the deer became hidden from view by an intervening log. The hunter's reso lution was Immediately taken. He cocked the title and threw it forward for instant use; then he calmly reached out his hand and snapped a little twig. Til" no?vi wn diLrht. lo;t suMk'm'M. ARMY HARDSHIPS. No One but a Veteran Can Realize the Suf ferings from Army Life. It Often Makes Onr Ablc-Bodicd Men Helpless Invalida-Tbe Story of One Who Suffered for Twenty Years. From the Farmers' Voice, Chicago. FiL Edson A. Wood, who now lives at DtX) Washington boulevard, Chicago, 111., was born on a farm in Wyoming County, N. Y., fifty years ago. As a young man he suffered two sun strokes in the tields. When the war broke out, he joined the 57tb Illinois Volunteers, with which he served two rears, when sickness forced his discharge. The effects of the sun strokes and his army life undermined his health and he soon found his brain, heart and kidneys were affected. For eight years he was with the West Chicago Street Car Company; but was forced to seek lighter work, as the exposure in creased his bronchial and asthmatic trou bles. His constitution gradually but sure ly breaking down, strange dizzy spells be coming more frequent, he finally sought relief in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. lie said to a reporter: "It was some time about a year ago when I was very poorly, that my head was giving me a great deal of trouble, dizzy spells, aches and queer feelings, and then I also had a strange feeling of uncertainty in the use of my lower limbs when walking. "Physicians examined my condition closely and were of the opinion that 1 had all the first symptoms of locomotor ataxia, and I believe they '.ere right, also last summer I had a very hard time with an attack of tonsilitis and neuralgia, from which I did not recover for some time. It was then that I commenced to take these Pink Pills, and had only taken a few boxes when 1 discovered a remarkable change for the better in every way. The pills neemed to relieve me of aches and pains, the symptoms of locomotor ataxia have left me entirely, and they have made me strong and feel like myself. "1 am going to continue with the use of the pills for the reason that having re lieved me of the ailments I thought had come to stay, having been caused thirty years ago from hardships in the army, I am practically rid of them and will lose no efforts when I have the remedy at hand to keep them rid. I am only too glad to tell all mv friends what experience 1 have had with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, ami when they see the good physical con dition I am in now, although near sixty years of age. they will come to the same conclusion as myself. "The above is a correct statement of facts concerning myself. (Signed) EDSON A. WOOD." Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2ld day of Januarv, 1SP0. K01JKKT AXSLEY. Notary Public. Pink Pills are sold by nil dealers, or will be sent iost paid on receipt of price. cents a box or six boxes for SH.öO. by addressing Dr. AYilliams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. The Japanese Method. It is customary among most civilized nations, when launching or christen ing a vessel, to break a bottle of cham pagne or other wine over her bows. The Japanese, with their usual thrifty no tions, do not believe in this unnecessary waste. When they christen a vessel, instead of breaking a bottle, they liber ate number of pigeons. At the chris tening of the Yashiina, the largest and most powerful battleship ever con structed for the Japanese navy, which took place a short time ago at the KIs wick shipyard, on the Tyne, this unus ual sight was seen. Madame Kato, the wife of a member of the Japanese em bassy, christened the vessel and let loose the pigeons at the same time. It would be interesting to know what the origin, meaning and intention of the custom was. A Cat Worth Having. One of the greatest successes in the his tory of this country is that achieved by lioston's unique o-eent magazine, The Mack Cat. In seven months it has reach ed a sale of one quarter of a million copies per issue. The chief reason for this is that each number contains half a dozen of the most original and fascinating stories that brains and genius can pro duce and money can buy. The Philadelphia Call aptly says: Its phenomenal success has already earned for it the title, "The Marvel of the Maga zine World," and it would certainly be impossible to find in a single number of A Variegated Life. In a quiet little convent of the sis ters of St. Joseph at llutland, Yt., lives a woman who doubtless passes many an hour thinking over her past event ful life. It is Victoria Morosini-Schill-ing. the daughter of a rich banker, who entered the great world of life and pas sion at 11 years of age by eloping with a coachman. Her coach-driving hus band could not furnish money enough to satisfy her way of living, so she left him to go on the Casino stage as a danc ing girl. There she won a reputation for grace and beauty, but, after a few years, she turned against stage life and quit it. Then she was lost sight of until a short time ago, when she was found living in a convent and wearing the plain black garb of the sisters of St. Joseph. Fair and Fruitful As the West Is. It Is often malarious, tint it is pleasant to know that a competent safe guard In the shape of Hostet tor's Stomach Hitters exists, which absolutely nullifies the poison of miasma. Western-hound emigrants sluM'M he'.r this In mind. Nor should it be forgotten, the Hitters la a sterling r-mey for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, kid- uey aud nervous complaints and rheumatism. Russin as a Wine Producer. Russia already ranks sixth among the wine-producing countries in the world, and will probably soon surpass (Jennany in this respect. In the Pro vince of Itessarabia alone there are I'HJ.UOO acres under vines, or nearly half the arable land. The Modern Way Commends itself to the well informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleas ant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. The California Indian's bow is made from the white or sap wood of the cedar, the outside of the tree being also the outside of the bow. The stick is scraped ami polished with the sharp pieces of obsidian, roasted in ashes and bent into shape. Their arrows are made of button willow twigs of the buckeye and canes. Improper and deficient care of the scalp will cause grayness of the hair and bald ness. Escape both by the use of thf.t re liable specihe, Hall iiair Itenewer. No cool disapproval, however stern, no indicted penalty however severe, has tin same effect that a surprised and pained feeling usually exerts when sincerely felt and frankly expressed. Freckles, tan and all beauty-marring blemishes vanish from the face when (Jlenu's Sulphur Soap is used. Bancroft was rather reserved than otherwise with most persons whom he met. Pico's Cure for Consumption is tin best of all cough cures. Ceorge W. Lötz, Fa- bacher, Im., Aug. 12.. ISit... Unless we think more than we talk. we talk too much. veryone who nice tries Ihihhlns' Floatlnz-itcrax Soij' colli hi neu to um It. fr it Is really suta-rlor tu even the le-l of other lWtliitr t-oaos, ami ctita you no nu n. Made ut Uorax, mats, ioo Ier cent. pure, 'try iL 1 IT. All KitsMOfped free by lr. Kliii i t Tve I'e-toier. No t its i;ft r tiret ilay's use. Mar vt lous cun-N. TrratiK- and fl.tfi trial hott!- lree to r it casts, hend to Jjr. kuiie. 1C1 Arch St.. i'liila. l'a. Mrs. Winslow' Sooth ino Syücp for Children teetliniir: Rott-Iii the minis, ream-en inflammation, allays iiaiu. cures wind colio. Q cents a hott le. CU KKAVS 1 ATI". N'T I'OCKKT NATE" avrs oiir Pocket-book. l'ure, et:-., mim Ik-iiik ac nU iitall., 1..M. i r stolen without jn;r fcimwl tue. I.a:j:e lunM to aifetiH. Sample by ruail .r ci-it. Ad tlnhs P. L KKAN & CO.. Koiiieovlhe, 1 lis. A New Illuminant. knot her conquest of light Is M. Charles Henry's sulphate of zinc. 51. Henry is a French savant of the school of higher studies, who has revealed the power of sulphate of zinc to absorb sunlight and givv it back in the dark. Poudre de riz made with this mineral gives a soft luminosity to a fair young face. A lady cyclist dusted all over with this powder is in herself a lamp on a pitchdark night. The luminous pigment is not liable to be spoiled by damp, by carbolic acid, or by any weak acid. It resists rain if united to some stronglv adhesive bod v. There is a house In the Hue do I-ongchamps where a wiudowless set of rooms is lighted with it. The lady of the house j receives there her friends at "Ö o'clock." The apartments seemed bathed in moonlight, and the curtains are as if studded with glowworms, the ceiling scintillates. The furniture looks as if rubbed with phosphorus. The play of this light on colored objects gives one the impression of Aladdin's under ground palace. Often they take the rich, glowing tones of the topaz, ruby. and emerald. The powder does not lose its brilliancy if used in starch or size. A black dress trimmed with lace made luminous by it is more than be witching. London Daily News. Gave Up a Fortune lor Love. The fact that Mrs. Sloane. the widow of the deceased carpet millionaire, is willing to give up an income of .Sö ter annum to marrv the man she loves is considered an item of sullicient nov- city to be widely noticed in the press. Des Moines Leader. Garrick was generally so quiet that he often created the impression of diili-dence. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 8 Queer Names. 8 O "Blue Spots" "Dead Aches" UtTr ö 5S are all well known of flesh, bone, VT TlPfmC fill J&&fcxfX ä Q and mwclft, and easily mmlhy 0tjatU V" fj&M&Mf.' Q O000000Ö00O0OOO0000000009 to the women they see a woman washing in the old-fashioned 1 way with soap rubbing the clothes to pieces, tf v rubbing away her strength, wearing herself J out over the washboard A To these Pearl- J ine women, . i LO 1 7l V rtv i- ffi m frr-RT- m ill w id Bear in Mind that "The Gods HeTp Those Who Help Themselves." Self Help Should Teach You to Use Lydia E. Pickham's Vegetable Compound Will cure the worst forms of female complaints, all ovarian troubles, in Uainination and ulceration, falling and displacements of the womb, and conse quent spinal weakness, and is pecu liarly adapted to the change of life. Every time it will cure Backache. It has cured more cases of leucor rlura by removing1 the cause, than any remedy the world has ever known ; it is almost infallible in such caes. It dissolves and expels tumors from the uterus in an early starre of develop ment, and cheeks any tendency to can cerous humors. Lydia E. Pinkham'S Liver Pills work in unison with tha Compound, and are a sure cure for constipation and sick headache. Mrs. Pinkham's Sanative Wash is of grei.t value for local application. OLD EYES MAUKXKW- Aav with sjertarll Liy mad lue. Lk k I i 7?-. N. uttu tiUHfcS WHtHfc ALL fcLSt rAlLS. 1 E2Et Couth tTrup. TatttsGoud. iSI in tmio. S"1J bvdn-.e'st. Erp r it E2Et Couth tTrup. TatttsGoud. Cee r - r, ; How it looks. who wash with Pen Hin tvlin fresh from easy washing, she seems to "wear a 1001 s cap unawares. Everything s in favor of Pearline work, safety, economy. There's not oiiv- tiling aainai it. vv wai a the lisp nf wn shin rr in trip hn rrlcf ' I way, when it costs more money? 489 IS Remember! You are wasting money when you buy cheap binding instead of the best. Remember there is no "just