I, VMS,-
County Independent
Vol. 4
No. 1
j 4,
fnm Tuesday 6 Dally.
Jacob Glass, ot Akron, Ohio, is in
Marshall county on a visit with immer
MM friend ami relatives, .lake lived
here during bit younger days and hav
ing goCen his feel we once 10 '1' win
Lakes cuu d not forget the home of Nil
youth. He Las Come to gaze once more
on the faintlai places.
As holidays approaches the people
set in to grow better. J is the time
when the grip of a friend seems
stronger and wuriner, Once a year the
people ot Uue country realize the fact
that they are only human hemps, and
that the time is not far distant when
six feet of earth will make Iben all of
on size.
Merchants are fearful that the holi
day trade will uot come up to the stan
dard on account of the bad weather.
Their stores are stalked with the best
line of holiday goods ever brought to
this city and the prices hav- been pal
wav down. Kvery one is praying for
cold weather and thereby make our
coining ( hnst mas one io-.g to he re
Truth enters the mind through sever
al doors, the eyes, the ears, the month,
the sense of touch. The truth of onr
claims concerning the goodness of Fox's
XXXX square wafer butter crackers
will reach your mtnd through your
oath. L ake a bite and give the fuels
a chance to convince yon.
"1 will consiJer if as my greatest
military glory," says General Weyler,
'to take command of an expedition
against the United Statee." What the
general really meant to say, perhaps,
was "my briefest military glory.'" This
would prove to be a case is which ttie
pen would not be mighter than the
A highly interesting session of the
Eastern star was held last night in
Masonic hall. Seven candidates were
initiated live ladies and two gentlemen.
Thi order has made wonderful pro
gressin the past H months. Next
Tuesday night the election of officers
will take place and eery member is re
quested to ue present.
Charles Galoway wa-i lined 810 60 to
day In Justice Reeves court for assault
ing Joe Marker, Galoway went back to
jail to serve it out. Jieldon has not
been brought to trial for his part in the
fracus which took place in Speiss
hofer's saloon yesterday, but it will
only be a short time until this matter
will be straightened out ID a court of
Messers & S. Cleveland and A M.
Cleveland have just returned from an
extended trip in the interests Ol the
basket factory of this city. They estab
liahed an agency in Cincinnati, Cleve
land and other points. A big shipment
was made today by this linn to San
Francisco. Cal., by way of New York
and from there by steamer. The shiu
meut consists ol :iOU d zeo ba-kets.
This is the tirst sbipmt ot this company
ever sent to the pacilic slope.
The stolen bone spr.ken of in yester
days paper tnat was left standing in
front of Mm. llolliugshead's residence,
was returned to the owner that, morn
ing. He came from KtfftOM and was
more than glad to get possession of tos
Calvin Uaird, of Ohio, in company
with Mr. Sherwood visited tin Novelty
Works yesterday. Mr. Raird was very
much surprised at the magnitude of
this Plymouth Institution and express
ad himself as greatly pleased with the
courtesies shown him by its managers.
Milton Strobecker returned from
Devils Lake North Dakota last week
and will remain all wilder. He has
taken charge of a large farm in thai
state and likes the new country aud
thinks that he will invest in real estate
there in thnear fat ore. He reports tne
ree of the Marshall county people d"ing
lidly Taylor of l'eru is in the eity to
day He says that business is not qoitc
so lively down there as it was some
tinu ago. He says that t fie Denen of
that city are on the lookont aud that
the editor of one of th. papers is just
now under a very hot liie. As he
dailies of that city are pubiiahed by
young men and none of them dann
to be infaiable it matters not what is'
charged against them.
Mr. Bottworth has one of the line6t
awnings to the citv. The decorating
part of the work was done by Mr. Steele
and Mr. Steinebach. It ibOfJI that
those two gentlemen are adepts at this
work. The awning is composed princi
pally of evergreens very tastefully ar
ranged. This is one of the awnnu-s
that will stand the IrosU of winter aud
come out nie in the spring. Messrs
Steele and Steinebach are hard to excel
la the line of deeorations.
Vom Thurduay s Daily.
Cumbers Boo lion's ot tbf Phoenix.
Holland cabbage at mail's (it
(I ) to Turners for the best fresh
For Kent A Mat in the Brink build
ing. Inquire of J. R. Bandy.
Watch for the It 061 House Christmas
Day Hill t Fare. tl
James Miller went to Tinea today on
See those elegai.t Hubbard squash at
Vinallft. Or
The Foresters have a special meeting
tonight m Castle hall.
A nice lot of do'is for Christmas pres
ents at the People s Drug store
We prmt an interesting
letter on the fourth page today.
flea Stevens, of Argos, was in the
city today on business.
There is talk of another livery barn
being starU-d in Plymouth soon.
John Shoemaker is slowly improving
from his long siege of sickness.
Dallas Hoover will return to work in
the Novelty next Monuay.
The Plymouth hotels are preparing
for a big trade during the holidays.
A few more days like today has been
and the mud will be a thing of the past.
Candies and nuts for Christmas! We
have the largest line in the city at
Vi nail's. Ot
The Woodmen of the World initiated
two candidates into that order last
The Rathbnne sisters will do ini
tiatory work in then lodge room tomor
row night.
See those beautiful picture frames
i and II kinds of needle work fii M.
i Schlarb's on liarro street. tf
Don't forget the Sweedih Grand
Concert company at the oiera house
Wednesday night Dec. 2-nd'
Mrs. Charles s. Price
Indianapolis Friday for
Will go to
a tew days
had I
The change in the weather has
a very pieeeptahle change on the busi
ness in Plymouth.
The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs.
C. . Metsker has been quite sick lor
the past week with a serious cold.
Uev. Landis, who was unable to liil
his scation in the church last Sunday on
account of sickness is himself again.
Our readers are requested to read
carefully the inducements of advertizers
j in the local columns. They will guide j
to Rlondlk lields. I
Smoke the Monarch 5 cent cigar, i
manufactured by Fethke, Michigan j
City. Wm. F. Youog at the Ciem cigar I
Store is the sole agent in Plymouth.
There fill be a meeting of the Rath-
bone sisters Friday night in Castle hall.
A lull aCeudanc is desired. Mrs. Pena
ArmatronglA. of 15. and C.
The Odd Fellows have important I
business to transact tonhrht in their i
lodge room There Will also he WOI
the second decree.
k in !
Rig hunting and fishing stories are!
almost a thing of the past in Plymouth. I
Still there is no telling what, day the:
disease will brook out, again.
Kldndge Thompson returned home j
from Chicago last evening where be I
went to purchase the futures for his
cigar and billiard room, which he will
open up in a few days.
The widow, of Fx Governor Chase,
has been granted a ptmüon of .lO a
month with several huLdred dollars
back pay.
Clint Grube, teacher of the Twii
Lake school, has the greatest number
of pupils of any teacher in West town
ship. Only one popular priced to? depait
ment in Marshall county at Bargain
basement of Kioepfei's New York
s ore. fit
Dr. Aspinall and wife will entertain
t party of friends of Dr. BortOO in hon
or of that gentleman's 'ith btrthdsy.
Dr. Bortoo ia couoted as betog one of
the oldest inhabitants of Plymouth.
There was never any need of golog
out of town for toys and Holiday goods,
since we had our Rargaiu basement.
Prices the very lowest.
tit Kloepfer's New York St re.
Miss Ro e M ax well, daughter of R,v
J. A. Maxwell, formerly pastor of ihe
M. F. church of this city will assist the
Fpworth league in a musical entertain
ment in this city New Year's night.
Masonic meeting, Plymouth Kilwir.
Ding Lodge No. 149, free and accepted
Masons, will meet Friday, December 17,
18'.f7, at 7 o'clock, tor business and elec
tion of ortieers.
Our fellow townsman T. A. Winnings
will be a candidate for the nomination
of county clerk subject to the decision
of the democtatic nominating conven-tiwe.
Tue freu zing of the ground last night
will not be very good for the growing
wheat. Whet is needed most now is a
big crop of snow Hakes to protect the
Mrs. Charles Kinse! who recenty re
signed her position as clerk in the bar
gain store lias accepted one in the
storeofvv.il. Carpenter and began
work this morning.
The dedication of the new school
building will cike place Saturday night.
The exercises promises to be quite in
foresting. South Plymouth now has
one of the finest school buildings In this
port of Indiana.
lust what you want for Christmas
gil's, handkerchief cases, perfume
I ,ebetii Pin cushions, stand cover?,
uujieoe, suauet emuroiuery suks ana
: all kinds of embroidery work at M.
I schlarb's on Garro street. tf
Did you see those 20 cent kid body,
bisque h ad dolls that open and shot
their eyes? They are at the toy de-
part meut of Kloepfer's N ew York
store. ;t
Friday night will be the rtgular com-
n 1 1 ; ' 1 i i! : iti ot k' i I mi nnino ' , i t V S-
A. M. and the election of the ollicers
for the ensuing year will take place. It
is therefore important, that all mem- 1
bers should be present.
l he new metalic circuit ot the t en-
tral Union Telephone company will be
tapped tomorrow. l ne system will
operate between Fort Wayne and Ply
mouth. The contract price for putting
in toe line was H.UUü,
- arsaw Daily 1 imes.
Ihe interior of the Phoenix cigar
tore is being treated to a new coat of j
paint. The color is light green, and
when completed will be one of the
Tie.ttest rooms in the city The work is
being done by Messrs. Neff and Fox
painters aud decorators.
Gov. Mount now has in his posession
the names of the parties who took part
;,n the lynching of the five men in Rip-
: ey about two months ago. It remains
to be seen how the governor trill pro-
eeed. It is verv dmiut f'ul about those
men ever being brought to trial. j
The aiTairs of the hank of Walkerton
arestill in a chaotic condition. For a -
number of days the only otlicer of the!
bank has declined to pay out funds but
he insists that the bank will be all
rjnt in time.
Depositors are anxious
I?,! U;e lUttaUon seems a puz,e
Chris Merry the man who so brutally, j
murdered his wife in Chicago a few j
vv., U- mam anil lor ivlwu MitfiiM u lir i
reward was tdfered was caught near
Princeton, K.J.. yesterday. Smith who
was with him at the time the mar- (
dei was committed was also captured
There's a spot on the sun. You COD
see it by the aid of a smoked piece of!
gl i-s. that is when you can see the
sun. Of late the sun has not been visi-
bio for any period of time; bat if the
clouds roll bv before this spot disap-
pears, you can get a glimpse of it. It
j is 100,000 miles across, so that it is no
! small patch
iMranl tue sa:i Francisco murderer
was again sentenced to death yesterday
This makes the fourth time that sen-
tence .has been prououneed on this
J0"1 h00. His attorneys are laying
P 1 I J.. . .
tneir pians lor nuoiner appeal to me
supreme court. Durant may die of old
age before this celebrated cae reaches
the end California laws seem to Just
suit Durant's case.
About li of t he ladies of the Macca
beee of Hire No. 67 went to Hibbard!
yesterday to spend the afternoon aud
evening with one of their members it
being her 40th birthday. A most en
joyable time was ha
i,.v ..n. ti... ,.1 K ..Ii .....tt,.f .....I
a grand supper was
served after which :
a dramatic pley was given by the dra
matic club ot Rut Oak.
For the next two or three weeks
there will be thousands of men out of j
employment in this country. As a rule
nearly all the factories in the count ry
close down during the h Iiday season
and give their employes a rest, hi
t housands of cases the men would pre
fer to work, but it is a tune honored
custom to cloie down the factories, and
there is no doubt but this year will be
no exception to ttie rule.
Oos politician predicted toJav that
there would bw more names presented
to the people ot Marsh Ii c uniy as can
didaies, than was ever known before.
I I At m A. ft. . A ft S M
ne saiu hn tne country wouiu as ior ,
A. i jf a a i
some oi me ij. tawes, ami a strong
effort would be made to secure them
There is some guessing as to what par? i
of the county they will hail from.
The ml rover in Plymouth is a thing Independent believing that a newspa
of the past, but that dots not signil y per as well as hii individual must have
that there is no oil in Marshall county. a character to succeed.
Some day, some enterprising chap will j With these fundamentals to guide us
drill a hole in the ground not far from we shall as in the past continue to mer
our city and tind oil in abundance be- it the leading prestige that is now 0O
fore snot her six months rollt around. corded the Isdependent.
A list of the transfers of real estate
in Marshall county, Indiana, from
Dec. 6, 18i7, to Dec. 11, l8t7, as furn
ished by
Cressner & Company,
Abstracters of Titles,
Plymouth Indiana,
.Owners of the only abstract books in
the county. Abstracts to titles to all
property m Marshall county compiled
accurately and promptly.
Thomas B. Harris and wife to
Emanuel Geller, lot 1 to Hi Harris Add.,
' Culver City, 6,000.
William W. Richey and wile to Win.
11. Simons, o7u acres Center, Rourbon
and Tippecanoe, townships, 840,890.
Enees Loncks and wife to .John
Heim, lot in Rremen, S1KX).
Daniel Smith and wife to Amanda
Crull, tot 34 nod 35 Original Tippecanoe,
iaico auu OMC lu Mai3
j township, 8300
Pi ia(4icj, t. uu., .; -kvt acres veuiei
l...ii rr-j i ... y.
.. ....
! i;ouri arm s.
Monis and wife to
David C. Knott, SO acres (ireen town
ship, 32,tJ00.
Matilda Sarber and husband to
Valentine Nye, 40 acres Polk township,
j U m. F. Davenport and wife to Hester
Williams, 28 acres North township,
i ,Ieeter WliaDJ8 aml hu8band t0
Ilona Davenport. 28
l()Wn8hip, ?1400
acres North
Wintield F. Phebus and wife to David
A. Phebus, t'nd.. 17, 40 acres Tippe
canoe township, 12").
Daniel A. Phebus and wife to David
A. Phebus, I nd., 5-7, 4 acres Tippe
canoes township, $800.
David A. Phebus to Daniel A. Phebus
and wife, Und., 5-7 land in Tippecanoe
! township, tfSOO,
llattie R. Riick and husband to Sarah
R. McFlrath, lot M, iß Fwings add.,
Plymouth, Indiana, S8.j0.
Mari K Ami nrunn tt I ri I I A ,.
. . i. i i it if. illJVtVt "
son, life estate in 40 acres Polk town-
slop, $1.00.
' Lydia C. Miller and husband to
Henry R. Miller, 19 acres West town-
ship, $500.
John C, Miller and wife to David
Miller, Cnd., '...lot 12 Rlk., 8 Martin's
! addition Bremen.
Qottwib Kepler to Renjamin Snyder,
lo acres North township, $1300.
Geo S. York and wife to John Zechiel
and wife, lot b' Wiseman's addition Col
ver City, 75.
Renjamin Switzer and wife to
Alphareta E. M haley, land in Walnut
township, .sOO.
Real estate mortgages to the amount
of .S8,105 have been ti led for the week
ending Dec. 11, 1817.
Cressnkr St Company,
M.i it HM Won.
The Daily Independent yesterday con
tains more than eigh'y lines of local
advertisements and twenty-two Ply
mouth merchants in its display col-
, umns. So far under the present man
Ogement the 1 nth-pendent has never
, boasted of its superior merits as an ad-
VuftlVinif IkXi.l ntlit ' I . . i . ... I i ... Uaü
: " mwuwy, i c pwuc na
j l)een to "savV wood" and permit, its work
t0 speak for ilselt. We point with
pride to the patronage that has been ec
j corded It, conscious at the same time,
that it has won on its merits.
One of our fust objects was to se
cure every newspaper reader as a reader
Of the Independent as neany as was in
1 our power to do so. To retain them as
iraunr, u uavci simiK:ii u iiupifOh ll.e
I)UU,U wun ine Iacl inar UK! muepena-
... ... a. m . . . . . ,
ent has superior claimafor patronage,
To accomplish this we have not relied
so much upon the amount of local mat-
tri- served as we have l. t-n ihnuaH in the
, , . , , . . . . . ., lir
selection ot what is "put into tvpe. We
. . , . ,
not to the individual. We consider it an
eroneous idea that a newspaper is built
up 00 the theory of
getting people's j
names into print.
Anything of a personal nature is
! considered secondary not primary.
A tier having secured the readers, the
prestege of the publication takes care of
itself as we are con voiced by experience
and the patronage in natural sequence
With the adverti.ers of the best busi
ness concerns in Us columns today and ;
M many nere represented, the manage
mMl M convinced that its theory of !
newspaper building has not been in error
, ,ne ea8t Furthermore we have
been inindl ul of the character of the
ivitter Township Institut.
The teachers of Center township met
in institute at 10 o'clock, Saturday Dec, !
11, in the court room. After roll call j
the minutes of the previous meeting'
were read aud approved.
"Plato the Teacher," was treated by
Mr. Hite. The work included e dispoei-1
Don of the dialogue between Phaedeus
and Socrates He brought out the
nature of love and Socrates' idea of the
transmigration of the soul.
Mr. Maneal continued the subject
saying that the physician must study
the body in order to understand it, so
the rhetorician must study the soul in
order to produce conviction.
"The Republic," Rook 1, was treated
I v Mr- Gnnder. He spoke of the nature
ot man, justice, virtues possessed by
the soul and the nature of state.
A paper upon. "The Language Arts
in Higher Grades and High School,"
was lead by Miss Cole. She spoke of
the continuity of mental growth and
1 gave several methods and exercises to
: he emnloveri in thin Ihm
Arts" in higher grades.
Miss Wooabury continued the discus
sion showing the importance of com
position work in all grades. She defined
the four forms of discourse and applied
them to composition.
Miss Logan spoke of "The Art of
Reading,'" giving its importance and
the relation of author and reader to
I eoposHtoo
She gave Carlyles' idea
of same
Mr. Reckner continued the discus
sion showing the relation of reading to
guidance, disciplinary, and culture
"The Beqnertea tor Reading" were
brought out by Miss Harmon, She
gave the importance of apperception
aud personal observation of narure in
teaching reading. Remarks by Mr. Mc-
"Music opened the afternson work.
Paul Logan explained note singing
giving reasons for teaching it in the
schools. Miss Vmall spoke of the kind
ot songs to be used in the schools. The
method of presenting music was given
by Marion Logan.
"History was treated by Mrs. Gerald.
Her work was based on the history
work as outlined by the State Course
of Study.
Miss Shook defined method in arith
metic showing that it involves m.nd
ana subject matter. The purpose ol it
all being character building.
In the absence of Miss Marsh "The
Typical Plan for Fourth Year" was
taken up by Miss How. She spoke oi
the terms of a fraction as composing
I the subject matter of the lesson. Miss
I .. . .
I'orcher discused " 1 he l.asis lor the
Lesson." She gave several devices to
stimulate thoughts m teaching trac
tions. Remarks by Mr. Mc Alpine ami
Mr. Martin upon ihe distinction be
tween method and device. " Tne Young
People's Heading Circ e" was discussed
by the entire institute.
Assignment of duties by the presi
dent. Adjournment to meet January
15, lht8.
Jacob Hess, Chairman.
i iadya Hoover, eci e' sry.
.; OM lut.
"Dan" the reliable U.S. Kxpress horse
of this city thought he would creite a
little excitement yeaterday morning
and while waiting for a cargo of iroods
from the Novelty arorkl he picked
himsell up and started at a breakneck
gait up Liberty street. In making the
t urn west on Sophia street he collided
with a big boulder. The wagon toppled
over and old Dan went down. The
wagon was badly disfigured and will g
J . it. i ifi t if r.'ti. Ijn it iLiii htm
v t""
i u. uwwo -i.ie u:eu io expwin
I how 11 a11 purred, ilis banana rati OS
will be cut off.
A (Kraaga I'hmi.
"George Wright claims ownership
to a strange growth. Recently Mrs.
Wright threw a little tuft of hair
which she had clipped from her child's
head into a wooden tlower pot which
was Idled with soil and in which giew
a small plant. It was left there and
forgotten until a day or two ago, when
it was noticed that it had taken root
in the earth and each separate hair
stood on end, and a small bulb of some
MiittstiitWH t'orminiT ;it t)it liiutMr . ml iti
. n . ' r f - -
each hair. The growth is truiv a novel
ty and many havr marveled at the
sight." Laporte Herald,
.11 I 41 1 t3
mer were married by Rev. Rotbenher-1
mm. Oik nmin. Mr Cr.ih. i mn mm
v 1 1 u i les 1 1 1 uue ami .m iss r.iiima os- i
, i ' i - a u a.p x a u va a a
ploy at me .Novelty works. Alter a
brief honeymoon they will settle down
in Plymouth aud become permauent
T ' iieiu at iit. is, Wet Tw whip
jr the leeeaewsel uTestMi iik
The teachers of West and Polk town
ships have arranged a program for a
joint institute to ue held at the new
brick School house ou the Laporte road,
District No It in West township, Satur
day, Dec. 18, '97.
The teacherti of these townships are
alive to the interests of their schools
and ttoefforta will be spared to make the
institute one of the best yet held in the
Kvery one interested in school work
and in the schools of our county is in
vited to be present and hear the die
cussiona of the various topics the recita
tion and music which will be inter
spersed throughout the entire program.
The following program has been ar
ranged lor the institute:
Roll call of teachers.
Heading of report of preceediug insti
tute. F. O. Marsh
D. McKesson
lust ne yyers
Miss Rhoads
Chas. Li. Burt
K. S. Webb
II. Lehman
Plato, the Teacher
Teaching the
Language Aits
J.C. Whiteseü
4. St. Schroetter
v F. Et. Monioe
( Alfred Thompson
Henry White
i has. naag
. W. Williams
Miss Lila Marsh
Miss Moore
Miss Stuck
Miss Riggins
Miss Watkiua
Mark Tapir A aia.
Fditor Independent: l seethatMaa-
ey bee broke loon again. Why don't
bekeepstitt. lie can just as easily
make a silk purse out oi a sow's ear a
to get the pi esent council to pay any
attention to his warblings. ThLy koow
where they are at. What do yon
people down in the nowhere corner of
the town amount to anyhow. You may
do to vote once m a while but as you
never vote for the man that is elected
that makes uo difference whether you
vote or not. What is the matter with
our new mender of roads DOW? You
did noi like the old one and when he
died we hunted up another, 'the last
one was select ed on t he coon dog sty le. i le
had tried everything else and laileO
and on the coon dog rule he must be a
g'ind mender of roads. Did he not dig
oil the street near you aud then till it up
again With sard fr m his own platte
just as high as it was in ihe lirst place r
And don! that prove that he has the
sand? There iaie-t er thing that y u
dont give the street OOttUtttteO credit
for. You know that they graveled
Plumb street, e'ear of the low watei
marl at the railroad bridge ana you
mi tit to give them credit lor that. The
sheet is used so much. And Michigan
t:eet is one of the nicest in the whole
roeotry (during s drought ) Then the;
was the bole that was mtde ti till up
Plumb street thev took the gravel off
South street to till the whole and then
took the sand from the land ol the street
commissioner io replace the gravel ami
hauled gravel from Logan s to fill the
hole where the sand came from but the
hole at Logans has uot been idled yet.
The story that you siarted a short
time ago tnat Hoham's ducks got
Bwamped oo South street wa hooted
down by the committee and found to
lie a live silver take They all got
home safe and neither is it true that
they had to gt to the railroad in order
to get in. If ihe streets were peted
with gold you would be kicking and
ward it lak-tl off and pored With silver.
L3t us l ave peace and If there i? no ex
tra sceaioo Of the legislature t ailed thu
winter we Stay get another elect iOO
next spring.
M v i;k T rt i t.
I 1im'iIth I'lu iKtmitH Mimliiw.
One of the attractive windows of
Plymouth stores is that of Kloepfer's.
Old Santa Clans is housed up and sur
rounded by all the toys imaginable, just
what causes the little boys and girls to
pause and state in amaement and
childish eagerness to possess. In this
window is everything front a tin horn
to the handsomest o. toilet articles. In
the adjoining window is a beautiful dis
play ol buudkerchtefe. It is evident
lrom the display that Mr. Kloepfer has
anticipated n deeire of his insn?
customers ami with his army ol genial
clerks will ' pare no pains in showing
all of Ins many bargains to the trade.
You will Bits a great deal it you don,t
see Kloepfer's beautilul display.