T was in the sweet
month of Septem
ber, the soft after
noon of a day that
had been hot even
on the borders of
the North Sea,
v.hioh sends its
breezes flying over
tbe part of Essex
which is not flat
and marshy, but
rich and undulating, and fair
and pleasant to look upon. In
London the people were gasp
ing for breath, but here,
thougi the day had been fairly hot, it
was n iw at six o'clock soft and balmy,
and by nightfall the air would be
sharp and fresh.
It was such a fair day and such a fair
view! Behind on the higher ground
stood a rambling old house, half hali.
half farm-house a house with a long
red-brick front, and a sort of terrace
garden from which you might look
across the fields and the long green
stretches of land over which the bold
sea came and went at ebb and flow of
the tides. It was a quaint old garden,
with turf like velvet, and raised beds
rut in it here and there, g.iy with
blazing scarlet geraniums and blue
lobelias, and kept neat and tidy by a
quaint bordering of red tiles set edge
ways into the ground. There were tall
trees, too, about this domain, which
hid the farm-buildings from sight, and
also helped to shield the house from
the fierce winter blasts, and in front
there lay a rieh and verdant meadow
eiopin' gently down to the high-road,
where just then a man and a young
girl had stopped for a moment as they
walked along together.
"Mayn't I come in?" the man said.
' No, I don't think you must," the
girl answered. "You see, auntie has
gene to Cc '.ehester, and she wouldn't
like me to ask ycu in when I knew
she wasn't there. No. I don't think
you must come in this time."
"Perhaps she will be back by this
time," he urged, but the girl shook her
head resolutely.
"No; for the train does not get to
Wrabness til twenty-four minutes past
seven it is not as much past six yet,''
she said, simply.
"But." he said, finding that there
was no chance of his effecting an en
trance within the fortress, "are ycu
bound to go in just yet?"
"No, I am not; but you are bound
to go back to Lady Jane's for your
dog-cart. She knows that you came
with me. and she knows that auntie
is in Colchester.
"Uady Ja::e knows too much," ho
said. w xedly. "Yes. I suppose I must
go back. Put I may carry your rack":
as far as the door, eh?"
on. I think you may do that," an
swered the girl, demurely.
So together thpy turned and walked
on. The road took a curve to the right,
skirting the sloping meadow and ris
ing gradually until they reached the
gates of the old house, with its quaint
red front and its many gables and
dormer windows, and at the gate Dor
othy Strode stopped and held out her
hand for the racket.
"Thank you very much for bringing
me home," she said, shyly, but with
an upward glance of her blue eyes thai
W nt straight to the OMW'a perhaps
rather susceptible heart; "it wa virv
good of you."
"Yes, but teil me," he answered, not.
letting go his hold of the racket, "tho
aa::t has gone to Colchester, von Bay
Does she often go?"
"Oh. no; not often."
4 but how often? Once a werk?"
' Once a week oh, no; not once a
month. Why do jron ask?"
'Because for the present I live in
Colchester. I am quartered there, you
know, and I thought that perhaps
sometimes when tbe auntie was com
ing y u might be coming, too, and I
might show you n.und a tittle the
lions and all that, you know. That
was a !."
think." said Dorothy
him literally, "that
auntie would ever want to be shown
round Colchester, or the lions, or any
thing. You se, she has livnl at the
Hal for m- than fiftv rents, and
probably kne . Colchester a thousand
times as well as you do."
"True! T Bight have thought cf
that," ana he laughed a little at his
own mistake, then added suddenly:
"But don't you think your aunt might
' i
But I don't
Strode, taking
like to come and have afternoon tea
in my quarters? Old ladies generally
love a bachelor tea."
" I don't think she would." said
Dorothy, honestly. "You see, Mr.
Harris, my aunt is rather strict, and
she never does anything unusual,
and " At that moment she broke off
short as a fairly smart dog-cart driven
by a young man passed them, and
returned the salute of the occupant,
who had lif:ed his hat as soon as he
saw her.
"Who is that?" asked the soldier,
father jealously, frowning a little as
he noticed the girl's heightened color.
"That is Mr. Stevenson." she an
swered, looking straight in front of
"Oh. Mr. Stevenson. And who la he
when he's at home?" the soldier de
manded. "Yeiy much the same as when he
is not at home," answered Dorothy,
with a gov laugh.
He laughed, too "But te!l me, who
is he?"
"Oh, one of the gentlemen farmer!
round about."
It was evident that she did not want
to talk about the owner of the dog
cart, but the soldier went on without
heeding: "And you know him well?"
"I have known him all my life,' she
said, with studied carelessness.
In the face of her evident unwilling
ness to enlarge upon the subject, the
soldier had no choice but to let her
take the racket frcm hint.
"Good-by," she said, holding out her
hand to him.
"Good-by." he answered, holding it
a good deal longer than was necessary;
"but tell me 1 may come and call?"
"Ye3. I think you might do that."
"You will tell your aunt that you
met me. and that I am coming to call
"That is a little soon, isn't it?" she
said, laughing. "Besides, tomorrow
there is a sewing-meeting."
"And you go?"
"And you like it?" Incredulously.
"No, candidly I don't; but in this
world, at least in Graveleigh, one has
to do a great many things that one
does not like."
"And you might have to do worse
things than go to a sewing-meeting,
eh?" he suggested, for it suddenly
flashed into his mind that there would
be no gentlemen farmers in smart dog
carts at auch feminine functions as
"That is so. Well, good-by."
"But you haven't said when I may
come." he cried.
"No; say one day next week," with
a gay laurh.
"But which day?"
"Oh. you must take your chance of
that. Good-by," and then she passed
in at the wide old gate, and disappear
ed among the bushes and shrubs vhi h
lined the short and crooked carriage
drive leading to the house.
OK a momuit he
stood there looking
after her. then
i i a a
I h4
a in lieu uu ii s nop
'i A and retraced the
I m stej s which he had
TP? taken in Dorothy
o n
onuut a company,
and as hs weal
along he went
again over all that
aha had a a i d,
thought of hrr beauty, her soft blue
eye.,, and fair, wind-tossed hair, of the
grace of her movements, the streng; fa
and skill of her play, the sweet, half,
ahy voice, the g ntle manner with now
rmd then just a touch of roguiah fun
to relieve its softness. Then he re
ealled how she had looked up at him.
and bow softly she had spoken his
;,;;:;e, "Mr. Harris." just as that farm-
er-fellow came along to distract her
atteation and bring the bright color
into her cheeks, and, by .love! he had
coma away and never told her that fell
name was not Harris at all. but Ayl
mer Richard Aylmer. commonly
known as "Dick." not only in his regi
ment, but in every place where he was
known at all. Now how, his thoughts
ran. could the little woman have got
hold of an Idea that his name was
Harris? Dick Harria! Well, to be
sure, it didn't Bound bad, but Mut it
did not anil him. Dich Aylmer he was
and Dick Aylmer he would be to the
end of the chapter except - except, an,
well, well, that was a contingency he
need not himself about at pres
ent. It was but a contingency and a
remote one. and he could let it take
care of itself until the time came for
him to fairly look it in the face, when
probably matters would conveniently
and comfortably arrange themselves.
And then he fell to thinking about
her again, and what a pretty name
hers was -Dorothy Strode! Such a
pretty name, only Dorothy Almer
would look even prettier Mrs. Richard
Aylmer the prettiest of them all, ex
cept, perhaps, to hear his men friends
i i.lling her "Mrs. Dick."
And then he pulled himself up with
a laugh to think how fast his thoughts
had been running on why, he had ac
tually married himself already, after
an hour and a half's acquaintance and
before even he had begun his wooing!
And with another laugh he turned in
..... ...
at the gates of Lady Jane's place,
where he must say his farewells and
get his dog-cart.
Lady Jane was still on the lawn, and
welcomed him with a smile. She was
a stout, motherly woman, still young
enough to be sympathetic.
"Ah, you are back," she said. "Now,
is not that a nice girl?"
"Charming." returned Dick, sitting
down beside her and answering in his
most conventional manner.
Lady Jane frowned a little, being
quite deceived by the tone. She was
fond of Dorothy herself and would
dearly like to make a match for her.
She had seen with joy that Mr. Ayl
mer seemed very attentive to her, and
had encouraged him in his offer to
escort her down the road to her aunt's
house and now he had come back
again with his cold, conventional tones
as if Dorothy was the tenth charming
girl he had taken home that afternoon,
and he had not cared much about the
"I beard you say a little time ago
that you were going away," he re
marked, after a moment's pause.
"Yes. we are off tonight by the boat
from Harwich," she answered. "Yes,
it is rather a long passage twelve
hours but the boats are big and the
weather is smooth, and it is a great
convenience being able to drive from
from one's own door to the boat itself
one starts so much fresher, you
"Yes, that must be so," he replied,
"though I never went over by this
route. And how long do you stay?"
"All the winter," Lady Jane an
swered. "We go to Kissingen, though
Sr.- Z
A. -7 "I y -
it is a tritle late for the place. Then
on by the Engadine, Italian Lakes,
and to Marseilles. After that to Al
giers for several months."
"Algiers," he said in surprise,
"Yes, I need a warm climate in the
winter, and it gives Mr. Sturt a chance
both of life and of sport, so that he
does not really feel being out of Eng
land for so long."
"And you come back next spring?"
"Yes; some time next spring," she
Dick Alymer got up then and began
to make his adkux.
"Then good-by, Mr. Harris," said
Lady Jane, with much cordiality, "ami
I hope to find you still at Colchester
when we come back again. If not, you
must come and see me in London dur
ing the sc.son."
"Thanks, very many," he said, "but
my "
"Oh!" cried Lady Jane, in dismay,
"look, look! the fox-terrier is worry
ing the Persian kitten. Do rescue it
somebody, do, do!"
(To be continued.)
Why an Old Li dy Hal Shut Herself OH
from tii. i World.
Various, indeed, are the wavs in
which eoceotric people indulge their
little peculiarities, but a decidedly
original manner has been adopted by
an old lady living hero, says a lir:s
letter to the London Telegraph. On
ono of te Brand boatovarda ataada
house with elosed :-;hutters and fasten
ed door. Scarcely a sign el life i. there
a.!;out the piaes aad the house has ie-
mained in a BimiQar state ovo.- a quar
ter of a century.
Hie owner is an old lady, who. on
rft-pt. 4. is7i. tho day oa which the re
public was prcv'awBssd, resolutely d ,er
mined that no one afl c -d by republic
an Idem should ever exoea the th a hod
of her dwelling. To avoid am aUCS
eontlngei cy she simply declined
to allow any one inside and ha.s refuse 1
all oaten to hire either apartments or
the shop below. '1 he only time fhe
in oaks through her hard and tae! pn!e
la when workmen are permitted to en
ter in order to carry out repairs.
Rateten, earpenten, loeksaarJiha and
maaona or c a year in tu-ri lava i hi r
privacy and male g, od any damage.
To relatives whose poiit'eil tend enc lea
an the eame aa hier own she la partic
ularly p C (His, but at the death of
each one an apartment in the building
is scaled up and now all are closed
barring the very ömall one atjhe bach
of the house, whieh the anti-republican
hermit laaarvaa for her own use and
that of he.r three servants. This
strange behavior on the part of an o!d
laxly has repoatedly excited comment
and numerous have been the attempts
of people to gain an entrance by som !
ruse or Other. All their efforts are
foiled by an afftd servant, who guards
the front d-oor with dragon -like vigil
ance, and ne would-be Intruder soon
finds the portals slammed in his face
and himself none the wiser for hin
Similar, but Different.
Landlord (to delinquent tenant)
"Well, what do you propose to do
about the rent?" Tenant (examining
torn trousers) "Oh, it's not so bad.
My tailor can fix it all right."
There is many a slip 'twixt the cup
S A. 1- . II 1 A i .
ami ine up, uui mere is only one
between a man and the idewalk.
A Thorough BaUavac in th Arbitration
Principle Hi Klectloti a Wild Ue
bike to RadW-alUiu la tbe Great
psq ENRY A. Hicks.
who was elected at
Louisville, Ky., by
the General As
sembly of the
Knights of Labor
to succeed James
R. Sovereign, re
signed, as general
master workman,
has been some
thing of a conser
vative factor in that organization, so
much so that until recently he had
been heard of but little in some years.
He joined the Knights of Labor not
long after 1880 and for a time was
active in the councils of the order. He
was at an early day selected as a dele
gate to District Assembly 49, New
York city. He interested himself in
the Henry George campaign of 1SS6
and since then has been, perhaps,
known more as a Labor S(c'alist than
as a K. of L. worker. He is at pres
ent national committeeman for New
York state in the People's Party. His
belief was in arbitration rather than
the strike as a means of settlement
of the disputes arising between capi
tal and labor. It is not therefore sur
prising that the Knights of Labor did
not regard him, at the time of his first
prominence, as a "progressive." When
the "progressives" pushed their ideas
forward he retired from active par
ticipation in labor agitation, but has
come to ihe front again recently.
Hicks is a native American and lives
in New York city. He is 15 years old
and la married. His trade is that of
a stair builder and his present rork
superintending in new buildings. He
was chosen t) represent the stair
builders in District AaseaiMy SSS, K.
of L., in 1887, as a Bttstej1 workmen.
Ho instigated a movement for the con
solidation oi Iocs assemblies into a
state assembly, and the project Vaa
carried Into effect later on. in 1S90
he was self eted to succeed George
Warren as BV&Ster workman of Duiid
ins; OonstrOCton' Diatrfet Assembly
253. Afterward he became president of
the Slate Congress of District and Lo
cal Assemblies, Knights of Iabor. He
Im been for a number of years a
delegate to the General Assembly.
lafriM Esropc a aaafactartns;
t'miiM-t i: or.
The Insular prejudices and the com
placeat eelf-aufflciencjr of the average
BrttOd have long hindered him from
understanding or admitting the poaai-
bilily of other nations ultimately oc
cupying fields of Industrial activity
that he haa for generations been ac
customed io look upon as entirely his
own. says the Kngineering Magazine.
The earlier props eta of the Impending
dauger were treated with even more
than the ordinary amount of intoler
ance proverbially accorded in their
own evuutry to those who do not
prophesy smooth things. Hen and
thefe, however, a voice was heard cry
in'; In the wilderness. Cobtlen, more
than fifty years ago, pointed out that
''it was to th industry, the economy
and the peaceful policy of America,
and not to the growth of Russia, that
politicians and statesmen of whatever
creed ought to direct their anxious at
tention, for it was by these, and not
by the efforts of barbarian force, that
the power and great BSSI of Hngland
were in danger of being super
seded." Lytton, in his "Coming Race,"
spr.iks of that A-taeriean, and notably
industrial, progress "in which Kuropc
enviously seeks her model, and trem
blingly foresees her doom." For years
past the "lights In ihe window" have
afaewn that Öritish industrial prowess
was not so safe as it was supposed to
be, and that the threat of American
competition on a colossal scale was not
a mere phantom. But that possibility
has never been brought so near to our
inner consciousness as it is at the pres
ent time. Great Britain is now im
porting American pig iron, American
steel rail3, American wire, American
agricultural machinery. American ma
chine tools and many other American
products. The aggregate value of thesa
importations must be very consider
able. I know of one case where a sin
gle firm imported last year, in six
months only. American machinery, in
cluding machine tools, to the value of
nearly 150,000. That this competi
tion has come to stay appears to be
generally admitted. The conditions
and prospecs of American competition
appear, indeed, for the moment, to
overshadow every other industrial
problem, except that of labor, with
which it has a closer affinity than is
usually supposed, and to call for the
most serious consideration.
Wales Is Proud of Her Most Distin
tulAbed Sou.
Lewis Morris, one of the greatest of
living poets, was born in Carmarthen.
Wales. He has been at odd times of
Qciaily associated with the University
College of Wales, of which he was
honorary secretary and afterward
treasurer. Mr. Morris' most widely
read work is "The Epic of Hades,"
his "Gyeia." a drama, and sixteen edi
tions. It appeared in parts during the.
years ls7 and 1S77. In 1878 ie pub
lished "Gwen." a drama, and in 18S0
"The Ode of Life," both of which have
gone through eighteen editions. In
October. 1 SS:, appeared his "oags Un
sung, " which has reached upward of
fifteen editions. Fifteen editions of
his "Gycit " a drama, and sixteen edi
tions of his "Songs of Britain" have
been turned out of the press of his
pabliahera since 1 SSO and 1887. 'ihe
latter work contains several very
beautiful poems dealing with Welsh
legends. Mr. .Morris wrote an ode on
tho occasion of the queen's Jubilee too
years ago for which he received the
jubilee medal from the queen, li
lsy.( afr. Morris published a poem. "A
Vision of the Saints." aller the man
ner of Dante, which he designed as a
complement to his "Epic of Rades."
11. endeavors to do for the Christian
Ideal in this work what bis "iüpiv "
did for the pagan. The poet of very
recent yeail has been cliielly engaged
in collecting his old works rather
than in producing new (Mies, He is
now 14 years Old. He was called to
the bar at i'". but sever practiced the
law. preferring to devote himself qui:"
to literature, poetry especially, and to
the encouragement of higher education
in Wales. The sale of his books in
creases year by year.
Siijjcostme n Scm-IiiI It. -form.
From Harper's Bsssr: "I think it
is the most ridiculous i lea," said Mr.
Newly wed. Celebrating your diamond
wedding when you have been married
seventy-five years. I m going to re
verse it the way it ought to be the
diamond wedding first, then the go!
den, and so forth. Why. ( veil if you
should live seventy-five years after you
were married you would be too old to
go to dinners and dancea waere you
could wear the diamonde."
Watch This Column
No 180 acree in Center township, 8
miles ßonth of Plymouth. 70 acres im -provrd,
5 room honse. barn 23x40, wagon
shed find corn cribs, a good orchard of
all kinds of fruits; price $37.59.
No 280 acres in West township, 6
miles west of Plymouth. 70 acree im
proved, balance io timber. House n
uet.rly new, with 7 rooms, outaide cel:ar,
ra:r barn, two good orchards, all kinds
ot fruit. Will trade for good residence
property in Plymouth.
No 3 02 acres in West towoshtp,
miles from Plymouth. 52 acres in culti
?afion, balance in timber, a good honse
acd barn, a fin orchard, black walnat
and; price $2,000.
No 4120 acres 5 miles west of Argos
B0 acres improved, good house with 7
rjoms, brn 22i50, other ont buildings
and good orchard; will trade for smaller
farm ana give long time on difference.
No 5 116 seres miles from Don
aldson. 79 acres improved, balanoe in
aeadew and timbr, fhir Louee and a
?ood barn, with o'her out buildings; will
nell for 81.50 per acre or trude for ciiy
NcO 100 acres 7 rcileB wst of Ply
month. 85 acres in cultivation, balance
in timber, 1 mile from Donaldson; will
tell cheap or trade for business property
No 7 80 acres T miles west of Ply
mouth. 70 acres in cultivation, balance
in timber, good houpe e.nd bam, good or
chard and wind mill; will trude for 40
acres or town proper tj ; price $40 per
No 8 100 acres B miles from Plymouth
with tice improvements, fruila of all
e.L-k heavy timber land; will sell cheap
if sell soon. Anjone wanting a farm
jheap can get it t" calhug at once.
NcD $4.000 stock of general mer
3aaodif8 in a villnge near Plymouth, do
ing a good business; will trade for an
improved farm.
No. 10 A fine farm of 135 Hcres li
mile from Donelsn, Ind. 7l2 miles tr- ra
P j DM nth, with tine large houe, two b u
hums and all other ontbuildirgs neeö'e 1
on farm, with h big orchard of at kindc
i f fr nts, wind mill, e'.one miik bones, etc.
'(ve.her wi;h horses, cnttie, bnga, poultry
implMnaote und grton. Will at-ll cheup
11500 Bssh, ha'nn e on time to em: pur-
i Iflicf r i r trude for CLieao improved
No. 11 53 sT-ea on Miviiin roi l be
Iwmi Plymouth and Axgon. We I in-p-nved.
Will be.i cheap or fox
loam property.
No. 12 80 acres in Weet township nr
Dooeleoo, with g to i improves u-s. Will
s-.-il on terms t' rail buyer. Cheap.
No. 13 S3 acre' in Polk tow.iehm no:r
?chooi uousi". wuu good iro rovementp.
(tiodaud. W id trade for 12 1 ( cn 8 nml
p ij CHsh difference. MuL bs ti:iiiu S
or tidies of Pij mouth.
Nell 217 1 , Here? vw S'jgo ir? ureal
twisjip. A good two-story bonee good
b irn and othr oat bnüdinifs. W ill trade
f jr ßinsller f .rai or town pcopsftj .
No. IS I have a new hrme on Weft
Girro street, n- burn, a corner lot; will
9 U cheap and on monthly payments.
No. 10 Li use and two lots on Walnut
street near Conrt bouse and school. For
sale ut a bargain if taken soon.
No. A fiDa honce nar the new school
budding on Fcnth pide of fiver. Will
trade for 40, 60 or 80 acre farm and aa
e nm incumbrance from 1 1,CU) to $1.500
Now is your chance,
It you want to buy a farm, trade
for a farm, sell a farm, or buy or
sell town property, I can suit you,
having property of all kinds in any
part of town, or anywhere in or
o it of the state. We will try to
suit you if given a chance.
Will be at Law Offoe of L If, Least
ech Saturday, and all bnpineea during
1'h week will receive attention at said
Yours for busineas,
m io cm