Newspaper Page Text
Marshall ndent Vol. 4 PLYMOUTH, MARSHALL COUNTY, INDIANA. FRIDAY DECEMBER 31 1897. No. 3 jJf fjjf LOCAL BREVITIES. From Wednesday's Daily. The police whistle was heard night at 10 o'clock. Ice is dow coming to town an J ing stored away for next summer. This week has not been as lively last week was still business is fair. a, The bet between Clint Jiondurant and Or. Kly has been declared off by mutual consent. Mrs. O. F. Townsand, of Walkerton, is the guest of Mi. and Mrs. W. K. reterson. of this city, this week. The lndependent tQuav i9 cnnck fu Some of the horses of Plymouth ! f DeW8 ,ocal ari(J othenvise. Ve local snoula be taken to a blacksmiih shop j i8 running the paper this week during and get -roughed." tne absence of Mr. Meteker, the editor (.rant lieltx and wife are home 'again and publisher, and it has been up hill from liourbou. Orant was sick several ; work, but we hope that the readers of days while id that iittle village. j the Independent will bear with us. We Jonn (irabuer of Warsaw was in thedidthe Dest we could- Angles could city yesterday the guest of Ketcham Sc j no1, - more- Wilson. A drunken West Plymouth husband Attorney Logan went to Rochester ' took occasion to beat and bruise his today on legal business. He will return j wife a few nights ago. He thinks him this evening. i self a handsome husband, but he is a Charlie WiJ!rd left this morning for bruto of lhe ,ira water, and the neigh New Albany where he will start up a 00rs would be justiued in taking him new billard and pool room. 0ut and riding him on a rail, and then Michael Waiters living near Leiters Ford is not expected to live. His brother William was notitied this morn ing and left on the tirst train. The ice on the river has softened somewhat and the skating from now until cold weather sets in will be any thing but inviting. Invitations are out, and many people are invited to be present at various places to watch i old year out and welcome the new year in. Mi6s Kose Max wall, violinist and Mr. II urber: Snow White, pianist, will ap pear at the Plymouth opera house Sat urday evening Jan. 1, 1898. This week has been one of the liveli est of the season for young folks. Dances, parties, spelling schools, and socials of j very kind has i -on the order of the dy. it is raporttd that Wilhelm the tailor has disposed of his tailoring establish ment. We tried to vertify the report but we could not lind Mr. Wilhelm in his stor i. John McCall returned to his home in Chicago yesterday, after spending a few days wkn his parents. John is a conductor on suburban train in that city. Herbert Laird, of Mentone, was in the city yesterday looking up a suitable location to engage in business. It is likely that he will soon become a citizen of Plymouth. The general health of 1'lymouth at this time is better than it has been for years. There are no contagious diseases of any character is the city at present and this can only be said of a few towns in the state. The Oiiental sisters who recently showed in Plymouth will open up to night in Warsaw. From what we know of Warsaw we are inclined to be lieve that the Oriental sisters will not till their coffers in that quiet city. The Mandolin club dance held at the opera house last night was fully up to the expectations of those who partici pated. The mandolin club has the rep utation of pleasing those who delight in artistic dancing. This morning opened up like a re gular January blizzard, but as the day progressed, the atmosphere grew mild and the wind shifted to the south, and now the indications are that the snow will oot remain many days longer. "Kid" McCoy, the champion middle weight fighter ot the world, has chal lenged Fitzsimmons for a finish fight. Bob thinks that the "Kid" is a little too fresh, and further says that he will ac commodate Corbett, before paying any attention to others. F. M. Axe, the Michigan street mer chant will pack his grip and head for the Klondike country about Feb. Sth. Mr. Axe is a shrewd business man and he has fully made up hia mind that he csn make a ten strike ia that country. May success attend him. The political pot over in Decator is boiling. There are already eight can didates for mayor and still there's more to follow. It will soon be time for the the fire to be kindled in Plymouth but there is one thing certain there will not be eight candidates for mayor. Lou McDonald, Lennie Vogeli, Kd Corbin end Harry Armstrong will open the wblet season next Tuesday night. This quartet is smd to be the best whist players in Northern Indiana and they are opea for a challenge with South Bend's beet. In nine month's President McKinley has pardoned more bank wreckers than did all the other Presidents frjui Grant to Cleveland. Jlut as this government is now a part of the machinery of Wall last street it is probably correct lor the President to be merciful lo his con-be- stituency. j An editor over in Hartford city had duck for dinner. While the editor's wife was preparing his duckship for din ner found two small gold nuggets in the ducks craw. Now c-very body in : Hartford City is on the alert and all small streams in Blackford couuty are expected to give up gold in small quantities. give him fifteen minutes to leave town. Tuesday afternoon while Samuel Hendricks was cutting wood on the farm of Mr. Wickier, which will lay him up for some time. While splitting a block of wood the axe glanced off and cut a big gash in Mr. Hendricks left foot. He was taken home by Otto Cook, where he received proper attention at once. The great and only '"Orientals" have left town. They went to Warsaw today. They will give a great "whooche choo che" show in that town. They made some money in Plymouth. It was one of the most disgraceful shows that ever struck our town. They were duly licensed by the Mayor, out that does not imply that their show was legal. Small boys were there that should have been at home. Sbsme on such a show. Deputy Sheriff Bondurani called at this office today, ordered the indepen dent to be left at his house every even ing until further orders. Clint is a newly made benedict and his home is on Adams street between Center and Michigan streets. He is now at home to his friends and baring accidents or business he will be found there at reg ular hours. Theodore P. Haughey, the ex banker of Indianapolis, spent a dismal Christ mas, as he confidently expected a par don from President McKinley. It is reported that the president has prom ised to release Mr. llaughoy, and Christmas wuj the time when the par don was expected. It is apt to come any time now. Some of the Indiana Kepublicau newspapers are booming Perry Heath for I'nited States Senator. On account of Perry's connection with the post office department the "little varmints" may be controlled by sinister motives. Indications strongly point that no one of Heath's political complexion will represent Indiana in the National Sen ate again. The Crawford county white-caps are alleged to have threatened Willett and Weathers, the "busted bankers" of Leavenworth. It is probable, however, that a practical joker is at tl e bottom of this attempted scare, believing that Willett's neives are weak and hat be may be easily frightened. The best people of Crawford county 6eem dis posed to give the unfortunate ex-bankers a chance. A. P. Elliott of this city has rung the bell in the Kpiscopal church for the past 32 years. Not one Sunday has he missed during this long period. The old church bell peals forth its inviting chimes on time every Sunday morning calling the faithful to worship and Mr. Elliott is the man at the helm. We doubt very much if there is another sexton in Indiana that has a record that equals that of A. P. Elliott. The following letter was received by W. F. Young of this city yesterday: Chicago, III Friend Will: I suppose you will be surprised to hear of me being in here and pretty well cut up but still in a fair way of coming out all O K but it was a close call for i..e when I was brought here four weeks ago. The doctor gave six hours to live after they had operated on me but I fooled and came out alive. This is the first time I have been able to handle my self. Bill 1 am well carved up but all whole so far. Your friend K. B. Allman. Mr. Allman has many friends in Ply month. With ihe bef ioing of the New Year we notice that the politieans of the state ar; looking op and planning tne campaign fur "ts. Politics, likv friends, can b- relied upon "u certain 0 ffldi lions. There are many Rood men who will will ar-u their friends to support them tor a certain office. If they are worthy stanü by then. If they are n t. you are nm morally, bound to lend them any ss'stance Some people are friends for 'evenu only, such creatures should be given the cold shoulder. F. M. Axe is closing out Ins store. He will leave for the Klondike country about Feb. -Vh. Mr. Axe has found a good location and his good will be shipped to that point and auctioneered off to the highest bidder. Mr. Axe has been in business in Plymouth for the past seven yens und has conducted his business in such a manner that he has the confidence of the citizens of oui town. When he males his fortune in the gold country he will come back to Plymouth and teil us how he hustled lor ii. Success to Mr Axe. The reports now have it that the Harden of Eden has again been dis covered. Tins time it is located in the heart of Africa and the discoverer has unearthed Adam's own personal tooth pick and knife and tors. W hat's the use of going oil to far away Africa for the garden of Eden when we have riht here in nlessed old Marshall county all the conditions present for the idea! home ot man, if he will be content anu properly utili.e theni. It is believed that there will be DO great rush for this new garten spot in Africa. SOUTH 1H:m, Uld , Dec. 88 The Very Kev. William Corby, of Notre Dame, head of the Holy Cross in America, died this afternoon. He was the chaplain of the famous Irish brig ade. His death took place at Noire Dame university. The funeral Will be held Friday morning In the chapel of the university ol which he was formerly nratftdtut, l ather Corny wis one of seven chaplains who left their classes in the university fot the union army He was i commander of the recentij organized (i.A. II. post No. CM COflQ posed Of the priests and brothers at N otre 1 ame. "There was a big audience at the opera house last night, and it was com posed Of Attica's best people. Prom Miss Maxwell's previous performances in this city, and from the excellent notices she has received eisewh -re, the people were led to expect Something line and they were not disappointed In the least. In fact the girl vi lmist ;dd ed fresh laurel- tor herself. She thor o ghly understands her art. Her music has in it the evidences of hard work. Work that has made the performer one of the most proficient Violinists ol the day. Her expression, her technique, and her inter relation were all that could be desred. She was repeatedly called back "Attica Daily Ledger. Take a bite and let the flavor con vince yui that Fox's XX.W square wafers are fliehest era kers you ever put into your mouth. That's the way to Know. 1 here is DO other ergj . They Ai " 1 mmI. a wedding took place today to Ply mouth, and we would like very much to let the public know who the conti act ing parties are.hut could not doit, with out violating confidence. We will i ell the story tomorrow, and it will be quite a surprise to the public. The parties are well known in Plymouth and are among th best. We hope this friendly notice will be read with pleasure by the friends of the contracting partie.-. Fsibssh Institut , The annual fanners institute of Mar shall county will he held In the opera house on Monday and Tuesday Jan. IT and 18 18iH. II. L. .Jarrell president, J, V. Tnngl'der secretary. C SSI tag TowasfclB) ( on wiition. The democrats of the different pre CintS in Center township are requested to meet at the Plymouth Free Silver club rooms, Saturday, Jani ary ist. 1808, atone o'clock p. m., for the purpose of selecting eight delegates to the 13th district congressional convention winch is to be held at Plymouth, dan. 1 1th,; also one county committeeman from each precinct and three township committeemen ol which one shall be a member of the County Committee, liy order Of Township Committer. A pound of facts is worth a ton of theories. Thousands upon thousands of i eople prefer Pox's WW square wafer butter crackers because they have found them bes! notwithstanding the high-sounding butt-mpty promises of imitators. Ofltaers Elected. There was a big crowd present last night (Monday) in Castle hall K. of P., to ake par! in fhe election of officers for :he ensuing term. The best Of leel ing prevailed, and the bal lotting was spirited. Below are the names of the officers chosen: C. C, Lou. If. Allman. V. C K. I V anGlider. Prelate, .John liaxter. M. Of ., W. F. Young. II. of A , George Kress. I.U., J 1. McCoy. 0. ;., Ed. Campbell. K of K. A S., Chas. S. Price. M. of F , Charles McLaughlin. II of P. D. Prank Redd. Trustee, C. M. Slater. Hep. of the Grand Lodge, F. M. Mc Crory. There were a number of visitors pres ent from abroad. Fill B nailed January 34th, M Wm. Suf.herlm, who was recently re umed to Marshall couuty frou the nortiiern prison for a new trial, after serving some time on a life sentence lor mnrdeiing his companion and burying him under a mule in Starke county, has an excellent prospect of going free this time, for the Starke county commissioners have petitioned Jode Cspron, of Plymouth, not to ap point any extra attorneys or make soy more costs In the case, as the first trial cost, Starke county l'00, and that a second conviction is not w rth the expenditure.' Warsaw Daily Times. The Sutherlio trial will be called .Jan. JPh, anl lo a conversation with the attorney, interested in the case, there will he no hitch in the proceedings, Yes, Sutherlm will be tried again. Obseqatos, The body of Mrs. Maria Belange Rlliott, who died Friday morning, Dec. 21, lv'7, at Downer's drove, 111., was brought to Plymouth, Ind., her resi dence for many years, on Sunday even ing, Dec. 88, and taken to the home ot Mrs. Elijth J. Hawkey, her neiee and foster daughter. Mrs. Lou. Elliott Hall, a daughter, came t he same evening ami a son. L nooo P. Elliott, of Philadelphia, arrived on M mdiy morning, to at'.entt the funeral which was held at 10 a. m. liev. W, V. Raymond of St. Thomas church officiating. Two daughters re siding at Downers Crove were not able to be present at the burial. Uli.o Mick Think Atwul the Weather Hick says the last few day of 1SU7 will bring rain and snow, and so the old year will end. The lirt storm period In January will ba central on the ild, covering the 2d, to 'he Sth. About the 2d, changes to warmer will be noted in western parts of the country, which will cause southerly to easterly winds is sections east of the low barometric area, and as thse con ditions move frdsa west to east, they will resoii in the ram and snow In most pas s trom about Monday the 3id, to Thursday the Jtfi. win Stan Rtodr, The Plymouth Wagon works will start the wheel-, to rolling Monday tnornlng next. The past year proved a very profitable one for the company, and they wid bet in work the first ol the yt ar srith plants of orders on the books. The "Plvmou'h wagon" has established a reputation in Not horn Indiana, ami the indications tor a prosperous year's work is very flattering indeed. About twenty men will be put to work Mon day in the factory, and the outlook is certain! encouraging. I 'i.l on Kfd Think? That you OUgbt to visit the school , Thst every eitisen should be a sub scriber to his home paper. That business has been much im proved during the past year. That every Citizen should aid in pro moting a public enterprise. That the mora B woman thinks she knows about politics the less fruit she cans. That parents should see that their children are at home at proper hours. l h it young women should use pre caution in becoming too well acquaint ed with strangers on short notice. rhat the sweariutr and vile langunire n ed by young boys in the presence of 1 idles upon the street, should be sup pressed. That a womso never wishes she conld wear trousers so much as she does When she tries to go up stairs two steps at a time. The annual meeting ol the Pusmess Men's association for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year and for l!:e transacting of any other business primer to come before said meeting will be held In Firemen's hall on Tuesday evening January 11 'lis O. P. Ketcham secretary, D L. Dicken son president. REAL fc STATE TRANSFERS. A list of the transfers of real estate In Marshall county, Indiana, from j Dec. 20, liT, to Dec. 2, 1V.7, as furn ishe i by fressnsr & Company, Abstracters of Titles. Plymouth Indiana, Owners of the only abstract books in the county. Abstracts to titles to all property in Marshall county compiled accurately and promptly. Clarisie K. Bright et, al, to Tressie llupe. lot 1 Fiedericksburgh; 40. Jacob (iamps to Catharine Gamps, lot 3 Lauer Sub., Plymouth, also part of lot 80 and 109 Cabbells addition to Plyncmth, gljOO. lohn K. WUfoog and wife to Isaiah Price, 40 acres, Harry I. Mead to Joseph 11. Mead, Und., 1 of part of lot 18 F.wings addi tionalto Plymouth, Ind., 9500, Joseph II. Mead to Harry L Mead. Tnd., part of out lot 15 B wing's ad dition Plymouth, Ind., sioo. it-o. M Plake and wife to Orville L. Webb, I nd., 40 acres North town ship. Estate of Henry P.urket Deed in par tition to Luetods Working et, al, land in Union township. Eunice L. Strang and husband to Anthony Strong and wife, 10 acres Polk township :400. John H. Kreider and wife to Charles i. Mikel, lot S block 7 liingles 2nd, ad dition Piemen. Charles G. Mekel and wife to John H. Kreider and wite, 8 acres (ierman township, J5T00. Daniel ;. Waiter and wife to Win B, J. Flage and wife, lot 1, 2 Vandalia ad dition Pulver City. Charles K. Piagg and wife to Daniel i. Walter, lots &, 33 Lowry's Poutd., addition Argos smr). Charles E. Plagg and wife to Daniel (i. Walter, land in Walnut and Ureen townships, sS2,7oo. Emms Cook to Charles E. Seiteuright and wife 23, 89-lOu acres North town ship, .S717. Josephene Strawderman and husband to John Kenley and wife, Und., 1-6 land in Center township, Sl,t00. Joseph W. Franklin and wife to John P. Miiler, 11 acres (ierman township, SÖÖI i. Win. Hüll et, al. to Martin L. Delancy, lot in Bremeo, Keal estate mortgages to lhe amount of 88,385 have been tiled for the week ending Dec. 2S, iv.7 Cebssxeb iV Company, Abstractors. Ti 'f;i". l December 2S, "y7. J. R. Babcock, of Rochester, visited his relatives here over Sunday. Miss IJ 'se llaht. living east of Uour- bon, attended Sunday school here last Sunday. W E. Fife arid Wife visited her par ents at Warsaw over Sunday. The Christmas tree was a success and many little hdarta were made glad by the occasion. W e anderstand we will have a saloon lo our town in a short time, as the Lee building has been rented, also a dwell ing house. Uncle John llardesty has became so feeble tl at he can t leave the house. He is one of the pioneers here. Prot. Laird, principal of theChalmer schools, in White county is spending bis vacation al home, lie reports his s hool in a successful condition. The meeting still continues at old Tippecanoe, with a good interest. The attendance Is also very large. The measles seem to be spreading, as about five or six families have them now. We think there is not so much danger now as the schools are closed lor a weak. We ufuteratand that Clark Weidner will move to his farm in Pulaski coun ty in a short tune. Relatives from the east are visiting at T. M Zehner s west of town. A daughter of David Kamsey is spending the holidays with her parents. Charlie Shadel of Plymouth passed through our town last Monday enroute for Mentone. Trustee Taylor is attending the teachers and trustees meeting at In dianapolis, this week. Hiram Hojrn, C M. Walker and Dr. Spencer paid Plymouth a business visit last Mondiy. David Phntmi visited with relatives in Mentone last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ralph Barrett will teach the primary department of the schools here when school commences next week, in place of Miss Maud Jordan, resigned. Miss Maud Jordan has made a suc cess of teaching and is considered oue of the best primary teachers in this county. We hope that Mr. liarrett may bejnstas successful in the primary work here as Miss Jordan was. Frank Fiery of this township is a candidate for Supt. of the Poor farm. He is a practical farmer and a good business man in every respect. Marriage License. Melton Kwald to Lillie Koetabaugh, George Cooper to Stella Harris. Allen south to Ethel Jones, Chryst Strycker to Zephina Hoff, Cornelius Ringer to Hertha Uodard, Chas. Nice to Cora Smith, Samuel Laird to Elma Jordan, Jessie Sneffto Nellie Huff, Ralph Bar rett to Lillie Cerrard. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Charm jcshman. the lumber inspec tor at the Novelty, spent his Christmas in Warsaw and the compliments h passed on that little city were very flat tering, but he says when it comes to a town for business, that Warsaw is not in it with Plymouth. It is now predicted that the county commissioners will appoint a superin tendent of the county intirmary to suc seed Mr. Mickey. The appointment will be made next week. There might be such a thing as Mr. Mickey succeeding nimself. Molters band is practing every day, and if you hear any peculiar noise in the neighborhood of the When grocery don't be surprised. The boys are doing tine and next summer the people of Plymouth will be treated to some fine music. The Plymouth Democrat pays its re spects to one John Taylor a former res ident of Culver City. The Democrat ; spared no pain in measuring this man and the compliment paid Mr. Taylor by Mr. McDonald will not bring many dol lars to this ex-Culver City saloon keep er. A new order, the enforcement of which it is believed will expedite the disposition of pension claims now pend ing, has been issued by Commissioner Evans, of the government pension of ' lice. Hereafter claims for increase of pension will not be considered within twelve months from the last action al lowance or rejection. A town council in Ohio has passed an ordinance providing that no girl shall linger near the railway station unless she h;is in her posession a railway tick et the object being to prevent flirtations with commercial travelers. The rail way expenses id drummers in Ohio are bound to be higher from this time for ward. A young man was placed in jail a few days ago by Marshall Meyers, charged with intoxicat ion. He was a good hearted soul, and of an inquisitive turn. He wauled to see Sutherlin, and when Sheriff introduced him to Hill, the fellow tied to another part of the ail, Pill soon convinced him that he was all riht, and now he cousiders Sutherlin his best friend. The salvation army is attracting con siderable attention throughout the country. There is a feeling now pre valent in religious circles that the sal vation army people are doing a vast amount of good. When an ex-presi-dent ot t tie I'nited States drops a 820 to help them along it means something. Kx President Harrison opened his heart to the amount of So Should .lohn (1. Davis, our good ns tured and ' ery etlicient deputy couuty clerk, receive lhe nomination for clerk of the supreme court of Indiana on the Kepublican ticket, he can count on s great big vote from Marshall ounty. The independent wishes him success and sincerity hope that the Republicans of Indiana will exhibited their wisdom and give him the nomination. John is all r;ght and should he get the nomine tion he will not be the low man when the votes are counted. (ounty Treasurer Km km will step down and out tomorrow, (Friday.) Treasurer elect Yink will step in Satur day morning and there will be no hitch in the proceedings. Mr. Rankin has tilled the otMce to the entire satisfaction of the people öf Marshall county, and it can be truthfully said that a more etlicient or accommodating otlicer, nev er held this important office of trust and honor. Mr. Kankin is too good s citixen to lose, and we hope he will re main a eitisen of Plymouth.