Newspaper Page Text
r. MASONIC. PLYMOUTH KIL WINING LODGE, No, 149, F. and A.M.; meets first and third Friday eve nings of each month. Daniel McDonald,W.M. Tohn Corberly, Sec. PLYMOUTH CHAPTER, No 49, R. A. M.j meets second Fri day evening of each month. L. Southworth H. P. J. C.Jilsor, Sec. PLYMOUTH COMMAND'RY, No 26 K. T.; meets secondhand fourth Thursday of each month D McDonald E. C; L.TannerRec, PLYMOUTH CHAPTER, No 26, O. E. S.; meets first and third Tuesdays of each month. Mrs. Mary L. Thayer Y. M.Mrs. G. Aspinall. Sec ODD FELLOWS. AMERICUS LODGE, No. 9r; meets every Thursday evening at their lodge rooms on Michigan st. Ed Campbell N. G. Chas. Shearer Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. HYPERION LODGE, No. 117 meets every Monday night in Castle Hall. Lou Allman C. C. Chas, S, Price K. of R. and S. FORESTERS. PLYMOUTH COURT, No. 499; meets the second and fourth I ri-d-iy evenings of each month, in K. of P. hall. Elmer Werntz C. R. Daniel Cramer Sec. HYPERION TEMPLE RATII BONE SISTERS, meets first and third Friday of each month Mrs J. G. Davis, Mrs. Rena Armstrong K. O. T. M. PLYMOUTH TENT, No. 27; meets every Tuesday evening at K. O. T. M. hall. Dan. Jacohy, Com. James Hoffman, Record Keeper. L. O. T. JUL WIDE AWAKE HIVE, No. 67; meets everv Mondav ni;ht at K. O. T. M. hall on Michigan street. Mrs. Flora J. Ellis, Commander. Bessie Wilkinson, Record Keeper. HIVE NO. 2S; meets everv Wed nesday evening in K. O. T. M. hall. Mrs. Maggie Fogle, Com., Alma E. Lawrence, Record Keeper. ROYAL ARCANUM. Meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Simon's hall. Moses M. Lauer, Regent. Francis McCrorv, Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORL D Meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in K.of P. hall. C. M. Kasper, C. C. Joe Eich, Clerk G. A. R. MILES II. TIBBETS POST, G. A. R; meets every first and third Monday evenings in Simons hall Dwight L, Dickerson Com,. Charlie Wilcox, Adjt. SONS OF VETERANS. Meets every second and fourth Fri day evenings in G. A. R. hall J. A. Shunk, Captain. Cora H. North, ist Lieut. CHURCHES. PBESB Y TERIAN C1IURCII I'reachiDg at 1030 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at noon. Junior En deavor at 4 p. m. Senior Endeavor at p. nj. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Teacher's meeting im mediately following. Hev. Thornberry, Pastor. METHODIST, Class meeting every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock Preaching at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Epworth league au 6 JO p. m. I 'rayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:00 p, m. L. S. Smith, pastor. .1. W. Wiltfong, class leader. I . Frank Redd, Sabbath school superintendent. PB4 )T EST A N T EPISCOPAL.- St Thomas' church. Rev. Wm. Wirt Ray mond, rector. Sunday services, 10:30 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Sunday service, at noon. Services Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Communion on holy days at 10 a. m. CHURCH OF (iOD Garro and Wa ter sts. Regular services 10:30 a. m., each Sunday. Third Sunday in each month preaching ty J. L. Wince; fourth Sunday by II. V. Reed. 10:30 Sunday morning and 7:30 Sunday evening. Sun day aehool at 12 o'clock; Eva Railsback snpt Prayer meeting at 7:30 each Thursday exening. U N I TE 1) BR ET HERN. -Sunday 9:30 a. m., class meeting. 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p, ra., preaching by the pastor. 1 1 MQ a. mM Sunday School. 5:00 p. m. Junior V. P. C. U. meeting. 6:00 p. m., Senior Y. P. C. U. meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. CATHOLIC CHURCH Church is held on Sundays as follows: Eirst mass at 7:30 a. m.. second mass at 10 a. m. Vespers at 3 p. m. Week day mass at 7:4a. l ather Moench pastor. ARE YOU ALIVE 9c the fact, tust all successful business men erelil their mirce. In Iho li.,.r-.l a.. n.lm. ra' lakl Why not profit by tneir experience! THE WEEKLY INDEPENDENT. C. W. METSKER, Pub. and Prop. PLYMOUTH, - - - INDIANA, 8 Ü. Minor Happenings cf the Past Week. EVENTS OE LAST SEVEN DAYS. Political. Religion, Social and Criminal Doings of the Whole World Carefully Condensed for Our Readers The Ac eldeut Record. Warrenton, Mo. Col. W. L. Morsoy of this city has been tendered the posi tion of first assistant attorney for the federal court of Missouri. It is the opinion here that he will decline. Victoria. B. C. Passengers arriving from Fort Wrangel report that the Stickeen route to the Klondike is a failure on account of the slush and ice. London The war office has issued 100 rounds of ball cartridges to every volunteer in the kingdom, in addition to the ordinary provision. Dublin Big demonstrations were held March 13 in this city, at Limerick and elsewhere in connection with the 1898 movement and the celebration of the birth of Emmet. There was no dis order. Effingham. 111. Col. J. W. Fuller, who published one of the first papers in Effingham county, 111., ,ind who raised the first company of volunteers organized in that county during the civil war, was buried March 12. London Sir Richard Quain, Bart., physician extraordinary to her majes ty, president of the general medical council and editor of "The Dictionary of Medicine' is dead. He was born October 30, 1816, was a fellow of sev eral learned societies and the author of numerous medical and scientific works. Pekin France, it is said, intends to occupy I Chau, in the Quang Tung peninsula, north of Hainan, as a naval base. Helsingfors, Finland Zacharie To pelius, the Swedish poet, historian and litterateur, is dead. Perry, O. T. A mortgage for $100, 000.000 has been filed in many counties of Oklahoma in favor of George Sher man and the Central Trust company of Now York against the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific railway. Joliet, 111 - Thomas Walsh of the wholesale and retail grocery firm of Robert Walsh & Sons, was found dead a mile north of Plainfield, eleven miles from Joliet. in a ditch alongside the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern railroad tracks. The peculiar condition in which the body was found suggests murder. San Francisco, Cal. Andrew Schul ler, a financial broker, shot his wife and killed himself in his office. Mrs. Schuller will probably die. Schullers death was instantaneous. St. Louis, Mo. The Grand Repub lic, the largest excursion steamer on the Mississippi river, was Hurried to the water's edge. Loss, $50,000. Washington Ex-Senator Bruce of Mississippi, who is the register of the treasury and recognized as the fore most leader of the colored race, is lying very ill at his home here, but there is hope of his recovery. London Secretary Chamberlain stated in the House of Commons that until the reciprocity negotiations be tween the United States and Canada were concluded the British govern ment could not tell what the position of the West Indies would be. Key West, Fla. The cruiser Mont gomery tock on board fifteen tons of ammunititon. iust arrived from New York by the Mallory line steamer Ala mo. Reports from Havana say every thing is quiet there. Lancaster, Wis. Ex-County Judge George B. Carter has been adjudged in sane and sent to an asylum. His mis fortune dates from a sunstroke sus tained while serving in the civil war. Cleveland, O About 400 women, boys and girls are affected by a strike at the Beckman woolen mills. They demand an increase of 10 per cent in wages. The company had agreed to grant the increase April 1. New York The Ellsworth newspa per bill, which passed the Senate last week, was not called up in the assem bly, and the probability is that it will not be pressed for passage. Charleston. S. C The tug Under writer, towittf the Merritt Wrecking Company's derrick Chief, has reached the harbor, after a rough passage. Emtson, Ind. Joseph Wittenm c r. in an effort to arise, dislocated his neck. Piano. 111. Seven cars in the middle of a freight train were thrown from the rails by a broken flange. Frankfort. Ky. While firing a sa lute in honor of the Irish celebration, William Overton was fatally mangled and A. It. Dixon had one of his hands blown off by the premature explosion of the cannon. Paris The t'nited States special commission to the Paris exposition of 1900 wa received by M. Hanotaux. French minister of foreign affairs. Bombay, India There is serious un rest among the natives, who are in censed at the plajrue measures, which wound their religious susceptibilities. Washington The Cnltcd States gen eral appraiser has rendered a decision that handkerchiefs with an embroid ered initial letter do not come under the head of embroidered handkerchiefs liable to a duty of 50 per cent ad va lorem, but art liable to a duty of only 40 per cent. W IN PARAGRAPH MISCELLANEOUS. Eau Claire, Wis. The county board decided to sell to James T. Gates cf Milwaukee 222 40s of county land at $12 per 40. The deal is to be closed inside of thirty days. It is said Mr. 'Gates is a member of the colonizing syndicate of which. ex-Gov. Upham is he head. Dubuque. Ia. R. L. Yibber died sud denly of heart disease. Port Collins, Col. Gray wolves are doing serious damage to stock. Burlington. Ia. Navigation has be gun on the upper Mississippi. St. Louis It has been announced that a strike which threatens to extend to every branch of the building trades will be inaugurated on April 1. when from 1,600 to 1,800 members of the Brickla;. ers' Union will lay down their trowels. The trouble is over a cut in bricklayers' wages. Washington Orders have been sent by the war department for the imme diate installation of ten-inch guns on the defenses at Dutch island, guarding the west entrance to Narragausett bay. Marinette. Wis. The annual spring break-up among the camps on the Me nominee river and its tributaries has begun. It is the earliest break-up in years, but a full stock has been put in. Panama The United States Nica raguan canal commission concluded its inspection of the Panama canal and sailed from Colon. Cambridge. Mass. An agreement has been reached between Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania regarding the date of the foot ball g;:me next fall. The match is set for Nov. 6 at Cambridge. Omaha Dr. W. O. Rodgers. head physi ian of Woodmen of the World, is dead. He had been ill but a few days. Dr. Rodgers' identification with fraternal insurance orders has been extensive during the last decade. New York It is reported that James G. Blaine, son of the late James G. Blaine, is engaged to be married to Miss Kuhne Beveridge. who baa achieved a reputation as a sculptor. Columbia City. Ind. As a result of an anti-saloon war now being waged in this county by the W. C. T. U. the town of Churubusco is now without a single saloon. Madison. Wis. D. S. Comly, secre tary of the state board of control for many years, is dead. Mr. Comly was a number of years ago prominent in Detroit business circles. Gouverneur, N. Y. Mrs. Ellen Du quette is dead. She was 103 years old. Hebron, Ind. The semi-annual con vention of the Christian churches met ne re. Kansas City, Mo T. A. Gilgrove awoke to find his seven-months-old baby dead in his arms. Tiffin, O. Charles Nieber, seventeen years old, was adjudged insane. Cigar et smoking the cause. Newport, Ore. Crosby Matthews, agent of Wells-Fargo & Co.. is said to be $10,000 short in his accounts. Rockford. 111. Grand council Royal Arcanum of Illinois selected Quincy as the place of meeting next year. LaPorte. Ind. In the School murder trial. Bertha A. Knill testified hearing McClellan cry out. "Spare my life: don't kill me." Clare, Mich. William II. Hitchcock and wife left for Fairport. N. Y.. to take possession of $05.000 left by Hitch cock's grandfather. Yalparaiso. lud. Don A. Salver has resigned as superintendent of the Yal paraiso Waterworks Company and has also sued the company in the Circuit Court for $20.000 for bock salary. Washington Mr. 1ft ndonca, the Bra zilian minister, said that he knew of no revolution in Brazil and had re ceived no advices on the subject. Joliet. 111. The Hub Clothing Com pany, one of the oldest clothing house:--, in the city, was closed by the sheriff on judgments aggregating over $20.000. Jefferson City, Mo. Adjutant-General Bell issued general orders forbid ding officers and men of the Missouri National Guard engaging in news paper controversies. He says violation of the order will meet with military discipline. Charleston, S. C. The torpedo boat Winslow, from Norfolk to Key West, put in here for coal. LATEST MARKET REPORTS. CHICAGO. Cattle, all grades $2.00 fi Hogs, common to prime. 2.90 Et4.or Sheep and Iambs 3.00 $1 5.45 Corn, No. 2 . K Wheat, No. 2 spring ... .92 & 94 Oats, No. 3 white M Eggs .10 Rye, No. 2 .49 U Butter 10V2& .IN MILWAUKEE. Wheat, No. 2 spring 92 (a .9:: Oats, No. 1' white ,28 Barley. No. 2 42 (& A: NEW YORK. Wheat. No. 2 red 1. (:, Corn, No. 2 Oats, No. 2 p4 TOLEDO. n Wheat. No. 2 cash . . . .ST Corn, No. 2 mixed (M .31 Oats. No. 2 mixed JM Rye. No. L cash .r.l Cloverseed. prime cash.. 3.07' PEORIA. Rye, No. 2 49 ft .50 Oats, No. 2 white .2K1- Corn. No. 2 .29' KANSAS CITY. Cattle, all grades L'.OO fa.Vöü Hogs, all grades 3.25 Sheep ami lambs ::. 9&.2C ST. LOU 18. Wheat. No. 2 . Oats, No. 2 cash .J7- Corn. No. 2 (ash ,tf Cattle, all grades 2.4o rtl ;,.:,( Hogs 3.70 04.96 Sheep and lambs 4.00 j5.5U America's The following ia a characteristic Hood's Sarsaparilla testimonial. Facts like these have made Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine and en deared it to thousands of homes scat tered all over this broad land. w aeg v -w "We like to tell what Hood's Sarsapa rilla has done for us. Our four children had diphtheria. From the Tery first our little boy Ralph, then seven years old. was Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine because it accomplishes wonderful cures when all other medicines fail. 6old by all druggist. $1, six for 93. Prepared only by C L Hood A Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas. A sweetheart with a sour disposition is apt to spoil the honeymoon. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guarantee'! tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c. $1. All druggists. When a man marries a mute wife he takes in a silent partner. I never used so quick a cure as Piso's Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Seattle, Wash . Nov. 35, 1895. Many a good resolution has been shattered by a single "smile." Coe's r.mgh Balsam Is ths oldert and best. It will break up a cold quicker than anything else. It U always reliable. Try it. Convicts might be properly termed bread and water winners. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Cored to stay cured onlr by uin.r Ath-Io-pho-ros. 11.00 per bottle of all druggist? It is difficult to count the beats in the heart of a great city. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For children teething, soften? the gum's, reduces In flammation, allay pain, cures wind colic. l&c a bottle. Why shouldn't the man who is a rake succeed as a gardener? To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarots Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. A merry-go-round is a good revol ver to kill time with. Iowa Farms for sale on crop payment. 91 per acre cash, balanc" ' -: crop yearly until paid for. J. Mulhail, Sioux City. Iowa. The harder time? are the easier it is to collect a crowd. THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OF Rheumatism BY THE USE OF ST. JACOBS OIL OF CHRONIC CRIPPLES AND OF BED-RIDDEN INFLAMMATORY CASES. THERE'S NO DENYING, IT CURES. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO MONEY IN SOUTHERN SOIL The farmer rlll And more money In Southern nil than In the North. He will find It easy to make n profit on his labor down here In Tennessee. In the North it keeps him tolling away J ear atter year t make both endo meet. In the middle South there are no drought;-, no Intense eo!d. There are no bad 6eafcun. The climate In uniform vear after year. The money he ha Invested In W arres In the North will bur at least 200 acres In Favette Countv. Ten nefee. THI-1 GARDEN TOT OF KURTH Ml Kit HU capacity for production will be easily doubled without Increasing his capital. Wealth Is not the only inducement for comlnp to the Middle South. Health Is the createst matrnct for attracting so many northern farmers to our repion. We don't ha e Rheumatiptii, Catarrh. KMarj Disease, Dynpepsla or Lüne Diseases down here. The water Is perfectly pure and wholesome the air exhilarating, the climate Ideal. Hogs seldom contract cholera. Stock can be raised at the smallest cost, because there Is practlcallv no winter. Fruits grow In abundance. Memphis, only 40 mile away, furnishes as gv.od a market for produce as can be found anywhere. We wish you would write us for further particulars. Simply say you are interested, and we will send you Information that will set you thinking In earnest. Land from f 10 to sj:. per acre. 8OUTHERN HOME-SEEKERS' LAND CO., SOMERVILLE, TENN. CHICACO FFICE, I3IO MASONIC TEMPLE. WE HAVE NO AGENTS bat hmvs sold direct to th eon -inner for 25 yearn at whole sale prices, n'jüf dealer pronts. where for examination. Everything warranted. 118 stylet of Vehicles, .V styles of Harness. Tep Bugiies. 136 to 170. Surreys, INIstuS. ges, Phaetons, Trap. ettes. Spring Koad : TT. Surrey Raraeei Price, i 80. A good a, aalle for $tt. ELKHART CaJUlIACK AHO BABÜKSB HJT6. Columbia Chainless Bicycles STANDARD OF3- THE WORLD.,.. The Columbia Chainless bicycle has already passed harder tests than any bicycle ever made, and has proved i'self the best. Other makers may decry the Columbia chainless, yet they offer you an untried imitation in the same breath- REMEMBER THIS-We make but one quality of Columbias, and that is the very best. There is no varying of material, construction or quality. All Columbias are made of 5"0 Nickel Steel Tubing which costs twice as much and is 30"u stronger than any other tubing known. Columbia Chain VAheeli Heart ford Bicycles, V sad satte Blc ycles, POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn, Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer or by mail for one two-cent stamp. rWVVVVf?Y'rVVir' Greatest Tery sick and for several days it seemed as if he would never be any better. After a while he began to improve and in a few weeks was able to go out. although weak and miserable. Then, gradually All Strength in His Limbs gave out. The physicians told us it was paralysis, which sometimes follows an at tack of diphtheria. We did everything for him. but he grew worse until he was in a pitiful condition Ke suffered terribly at night and complained continually of his head, and in what little sleep he was able to get, moaned unceasingly. He lost all control of the muscles of his body and limbs. He had no appetite and complained of foeling sick at his stomach all the time. After we had tried many different reme dies and had about given up all hope we commenced giving him Hood's Sarsa parilla. In a short time he ceased to com plain, his appetite improved and at the end of three months he wa able to attend school a part of the time. Now he is well and quite a strong and rugged boy. You are at liberty to use this testimonial if you In Chicago. Mrs. Steentimes "And did you mar ry him for love?" Mrs. Umptytimes "No; for ali money." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. TaUo Taxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails tocure. Uöc The proportion of hlind people in the world is over 800 to every 1,000,000. Bmoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts Chinese cultivate an odorless onion. Try Grain0! I Try Grain0! J Ask you Grocer to-day to show ron a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. T The children may drink it without in iury as well as the adult. All who J try it, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and T the most delicate st omach receives it without distress. the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like Coffee Looks l:ke Coffee Insist that your grocer gives you G KAJLN-O Accept no imitation. tum the snip any Carna Wagoa- and Milk iL km Jsl&ls AmHHIV.A wagoas. ena lor large, tree Ne.SMBerrey. with cartatae. lamp. Catalogs of all our styles, eaade, aprea and fendert SM At good a BsHs far p CO. W. B. PMATT, See'j, KIAUAKT, Uli. Price $I25. Pries &7 m mo . A and 3 Frlr Medicine desire, as we feel we cannot say too maoh in praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and building np medicine." Mas. R. . Andbkson. Cumberland, Maine. Economy is also a characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every bottle contains loo Doses, and hence there) is a solid fact concisely stated in tha familiar line, 100 Doses One Dollar. MICROBES IN THE BOWllS. Did you know that millions of microbes, bacteria, ptomaines, invisible to the naked eye, breed and feed in the bowels, causing ail kinds of intestinal troubles? CINDY CATHARTIC are the only antiseptic laxative that ; kill microbes and prevent their pro- ; ; pagation. Cascarets therefore prevent ; ; as well as Cure Constipation. A booklet and sample free for the asking, j or you can buy a box for xoc, 25c, 50c. at your ; I Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago. Montreal.NewYork. HA Trt DA I BoMaad fraaranteed to Mit HU-IU-DAw baoeo BaMt by all druxvistaj EXCURSIONS TO THE FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS OF WESTERN CANADA, Where tweaty-five and tta n v usaeit of wheat nrrcrnwn tothc iiore. WÜ1 1" p."SnnllT I'On- tttKt'M lv a ' Gov. rnmfat ropro ventatlve on 23d and 30th March and 6th April, - Paul oa the-- ii:it . l-'i r par ; icu .1 ra as to tho spe mm cially low passenger and freight rates, apply to c J Mit M ( . H U is:.i .Huna rwv-k miuuibz. Chicago. f'an:nlnn I avenuneal Agent FARM öS y Sahrr's Sri arc Warranted to Freda". fi I hr grawing 0 buhea .ier - oara; '. UieMer, w 1 Misnieof.. V:.. 173 bush. r.erl.-T. and Stnnot, 1 r. . , k ' - tfUE I ...I. Wal P ' . ( '1 . I r -re. If ou A u!H. write them. We wi.'i to gain 150. Ott) new eäatM I " ' ' ttiul 1U UULLhKo huk i r ruft iwi . 1 ' mM r . ... . ... 1 . Dm !.-, . 1 Vtetl 1 II iK "1 !!. ' 40c. Wheat, sheep Hat, Jerusalem km nc, in- liuJisg our raviiM"! !i r-ee l lataMgae, Uiiiax .i I aNiui the $00 (.-old rris for t't ranie for cur M (i mr U- . on. an t oait. ' rr'Mligi'-v g t of but lUc. poNia '. v- v i -fUjT .ttij:o -n eet oart. H' i' ;.. JfUS t-ed I'oiui.i. a' SI 1 . t ijl . : j I a- -o- i Pt lettati -: Anr Please 'sta loa- Hinl this alon, Co. aut. aiuue- No. . a. $252 PAID To yoiintf. mlddio acfl or oM mon m Hiifforers trom Nervotu Debility, Physical Waaki !. i.i Vitality, thf roMili of violating the; !ss ..f hraith. It aftr tixtriK BSV n-tiifdies. tlscy t:til t. r-'. re clrniptb atul remove ail Miins t weaknes. To vrther ron- tare voii of t he sterling vslac t iWmf rtaittre eur iajr reoMdtes a TKIAI. TKKITMKVT 111 r seat to v,ir sdtlns I'RUK enars; suftli lent for a thoroosfli anil rasaplete teat hrfme paylnsj iintnnecentuf nioiiev. XoCO. I. or UMlril frescrlpi Ion. loit valiMMe m : al 1 ., m. 1 . it and pay only after "ti are fit teil, Dr. B. M. lioss, 1T;" ClarK BC, BUT. fcienrae, trsriasssa, IH How to beeosjM a trained ourtomtbosjM I for pi ivato iMradloe. I Pop papticulapa sondf a postal ran! to tha taw School for Kurse?. jA Porte City. Iowra. Mention paper SEEDS Garden & Flower With :i v orld-wide reputation, c atalog fr- to all. JAMES J. H. GREGORY &S0N. Marblehead.Mass. Ladies Wanted TO TRAVKI, fnr 1 t,. D !. iwnnsnent ptisltloa. St" per n nth sn4 all evpenara. p. v. B I HO LEB A CO.. ni Dear!; ra Street, Gitstsj, P ENSIONS. PATENTS. CLAIMS. JOHN W MORRIS, WASH.NäTON D d Late Prlsctaal Ssamlnsr r 8. rssston Bsieas a J raju uua waroaujuuicauatf . i.ui,aUj mm Dr. Kay's Renovator, gJSSS via. constipation. Uvor astd kidney IbtesMceZlsfl lioui nc ss . h:tai'he, etc At drun st' . .v i nDODQY NEW DISCOVERY:! WmW W. ff axR I qaiekn rf - nrt, wont ISSN si mt fnr book f teattasnatak . : lo ilavit trfatment Free?. Dr.H.M. iakl i, oai,a. PATENTS l-o r. OI STtS. ! M, ,lt I. x.' "aaalBgta, B. . HirI -! 1 1 err nc. MOTHERS Toni rafldrefl nrai of Red welting. Hsttmpl free. lr. i ianiv Hit intatytaa. 1, If affltrrevl wtth sota ef-. sas Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U. CHICACO. NO. 12, 1898. V hen Anvacrinq Ailertisemont Niodlf .Mcntioa This I'aper. a Enrts Bons