Newspaper Page Text
T HE LIKES WESTERN CANADA. Uas a Good Farm, Lots of Stock and Pays Little Taxes. Dominion City, Man., Jan. 17, 1898. At tne request of the imnii r r a t i o n of the Cana dian G o v rrument, I give the following information: I immigrated to Manitoba in October, 1S92. from Lnverne. Rock County, Minn., and took land in Dominion City, Manitoba, where 1 now residp. I have been very successful in Manitoba, and have more than doubled my capital since I went to Canada. I took about ?L'.500 worth of wheat, 20 bushels of flax and 800 bushels of oats: I do mix ed farming. I milk as many as ten cows. Dairying and stock raising has paid me well. I have on the farm now 44 head of cattle and 18 head of horses, and sold during the past year, 1S97. $42" worth of fat cattle. I have good buildings and a comfortable house and good stable. My children have had better school advantages in Manitoba than they had in Minnesota. The dis trict schools are very thorough and good. My son, now 16 years of age. is teaching the public school in our district, and receives a salary of 420 per year. All my children have done well at s.hool. I have $1,700 insur ant on my buildings on the farm. I also own my personal warehouse, and ship all my grain railway station at through it to thf Dominion City. It is free of debt. I have no prejudice against thp state of Minnesota, as I made a living and a little more while in the state, but would not take a farm as a gift in Minnesota and leave Manitoba, The taxation in Minnesota was too great. I paid taxs on my stock and chattels. No such taxes have ever been exacted In Manitoba from dip, and my land tax is about one-half or less than It was in Minnesota. I am delighted with my new home, and expect in a few years to be in circumstances that will enable me to take life easy. Yours very truly. S. G. MAYNES. P. S. Any person that may take ex ception to the foregoing letter will kindly investigate, for I can back up every word it contains. I am not an Immigration Agent, nor the agent of any corporation, but simply a farmer. S. G. MAYNES. The above letter was written at the request of C. V. Speers, in the state of Minnesota, where I am ar present with my wife visiting my friends in my old home. It is my intention to do what I can to have them remove to Canada, where I have done so well. Having railed upon Mr. Davies of St. Paul. Minn.. I was received with every courtesy, and got some valuable in formation, as well as literature per taining to Western Canada. SAM TEL G. MAYNES. ;reat Ftealet! Hare mum Some years ago Bdward B. Rice was presented to Von Hulow at a club din ner in Boston. It was just about tbe time that all Europe was talking of Mme. Von Ralow s flirtation with Ver di, who had taught the pianist almost all he ever knew about music, Ml want you to become acquainted with Mr. Rice.' sai'l a friend: "be doesn't know anything about music, but he has com posed aereral operas." ' Relighted. 1 am sure." murmured the great pianist, with a sarcastic smile: "he reminds me of a man I knew at home; his name Is Verdi." New Route to Realta. Little, frafrraat. palatable tablet in n i aty enameled metal box. just right for the et pocket oc the lady'a purwe. On ths labtet are Ktamped the letter-. ('., '." L'n-cHiet. Can ly (Cathartic Kat one like candy nml the little tablet at once purine nn.l destroy diseaae genes in the mouth 'on! throat.ati p sou ring of natligettted fml in the rtomach. tir up the liver tones and itrenshtenx the bowel, making them act healthily and naturally. They are well Mid widely advertitted in 'he pres. but the ;et advert ieniett1 for Uawcarst is tlieir wonderful mild yet positive action, which Mo hew a Caaearet convert of erer v one who tries them. We reeomSSend them to all DOT reader-. NOWM rvts. En' -mil consists of 17,090,009 acres, Scot' d Ift.fiOO.OOO, and Ireland 2U.5U0, 000. Edatata Your Beweki With Vmm a rata, CSady cathartic cure rottatinatioa fore r er, i' Äe. If C C c Rail, tirucyUu refund money. A woauM may coax a nail, but sh ran seldom drive one. r " "MY WIFE'S LIFE. How I was the means of saving it. TTten tTie Inns: re 'attacked arid the Symntomi of oasa nipt loo appear, ttim hea10 the straasl hrtwfm alfectioo and that deatroytas dtaeaae which klaya its thousand- annually. It i a happy isvir to the truyylc when disease is conquered end health restored, such an issue doea not alwas- end the struggle, hut it did 111 the c.-c-e M r. K. Morri, Memphis. Teua., who saw hn wife wasting and end physicians helpless, and then sug fetel the simple remedy that wrought the cure. He tells the story thus: 'Sevrn years ago, my wife had a severe attack of lung trouble which the phy tic ins pronounced consumption. The ci-. tl f itrrmclv dist rcsinsf. espe cially at night, and was frequently attended with the spitting of blood The doctors heilig uuatde to help her. I in du cd her t try Dr. Avfr's Cherry t'ectoral and was surprised at the jfreat relief it aave. Befo'e using one whole bottle she was cured, so that now she is strong and quite healthy. That this medicine saved my arife'a life I have not the least doul.t I always keep Dr. Ayer's ( hrrrv Pectoral In the fiouse. Whenever any of mv family have a cold or couh we eae it, and are a DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. From st. Lawrence I'.;' tesli r ..: B, X. Y. To MitTer for years with a prevailing pain ful ailment, which baffled skillful ineh.a! treatment, yet which arm cured by a simple household remedy, is the lot which befell Mrs, George I.. Ltogera,of West Main Street, Canton. N. Y. 'Thirteen ye;ir ago." said Mr Rogers to a reporter. '! wom attacked with inftaxn matofj rbeum.-itSm and a complication of dienes. You ran judge KOMI hat of what 1 endured, wbaa you look at these handa. They were distorted, twiated und twoilea. If J foot. too. is so much out of shape that the big toe lays across the others, the end touching the little toe. M Notwith standing I am s l x t y - ti v e vearsold, lie e a pleas a n t h o m e a n d o T Ii e r comforts, iiie to me wa-s far f r o m enjoy able, for ad other tiling paie into in sign iticaure hen y ou a re without irood does to Church. healt h. 1 tried different doctors and many proprie tarv remedies, luit w as not benefited. "Last Man-fa 1 tried Dr. Wilhams" Pink Tills lor Tale Teople end before 1 had flntsh ed the firrt box 1 lim to feel that they were doing me go id 1 continued using them and kteadily grew better. 'lhaveu-e.l thirteen boxON of the pills and to day feel better than for the ra-t tif teen years. My appetite is good, 1 feel bricht, cheerful and have a desire to live and enjoy society. '1 have been a member of the Methodist church for many but for six j ears whs unable to attend. I am a ble now to at tend the church services regularly and cer tain! v apprei iate that privilege. I consider 1 r. Williams Titik Pilh for Pale Teople a wonderful medicine and am confident no other medicinecould have effected the won derful cure they have in my case.'' lr. Williams" Pink Ti ls for Tale Teople are composed of i egetabta rem adieu that exert a powerful influence in purifying and en riching the blood thus curing many diseaeea TUf I'rice of crc.. She t at the reception) 'Well. Mr. Rott, how la poetry now?" Mr. Rott (rising young poet ) ' Very dull, in deed. Patent medicine verses only I bring 5a. a hundred words: no activity ; at all in porous plaster ads. and in the slump of prices yesterday children's ! food rhymes w nt down thirty points in fifteen minutes." Til-Ribs. How ThU! We offer One Hundred Dalian reward for any raae of Catarrh, thatcaanot be emeu by Hails I atarrt t l .1 CHENEY ft CO . Toledo, O. We. the mulct-Mimed, have known P. -T j Cheney for t lie lat l." lean and believe him I perfectly honorable in all buMiaena t raasacti ions and Baaac tally able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. If et ft Truax. Wholesale Drujnfist. Toledo, O.: Watdiiur. Ktaaao .t Marvin. Wholesale I I)ru.'Kisis. Toledo, hio. Hail' Catarrh Care is taken Internally, act ! itiK directly upon the blood and tntu-ous surfaces f the -vstem. TetitiUMHliaki sent free. Price. .V per bottle. Sold bv all drugytsta Hull s. Family Pill are the best. lie Tiptoes Now. "Waal a quid man your husband Is. Mrs. R is ley, and it's surprising, too. Before he was married he was (me of the noisiest young men 1 ever knew. How did you break him of it?" "I didn't break him of it. The baby did it. it didn't take him long to learn the value of silence alter little Alfred came." Beauty 1st lilocc Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. L'aesarets Candy Ca thart ic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to bauish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly biiiouscomplexion by taking Caaearsti beauty for ten cents. Älldrug gist.s, satisfaction guaranteed. lUc, S5c, 5Uc. Tenant Blacklist Landlord. Rerlin landlords have for a long time kept a blacklist of undesirable tenants. Now an association of tenants has been formed which lias drawn up a list of unpleasant landlords. Including ail those who make DSC of the blacklist. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever. b- mag netic, lud of life, nerve, and rigor, lake No-Tc Bac. the aender-worker, that makes weak men strom.'. All drugirista. fiäe or tL Cure guaran ty, d booklet and sample free. Add rest Sterling Remedj o.. Chicago or New York. London Hospitals. .More tnan i.uuu.uuu people are treated In the hospitals of London each jear. Star Tobacco is tbe leading brand of the world, because it is the best. Some nun who j i-s ss neither go!d nor silver have lots of brass 19 promptly cured." K. Morris, Memphis, Teun. The question: "la consumption cur, hie?" is still debnted. and atltf debatable, it i- ensv to say that Ihts was not a case of consumption. Yet the physicians aid it wa-. They ahoald know. As a matter of fact, Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral haa wrought so many similar cures that it seems to aitrue the curableness of ion sumption, in its earlier staue-, by the use of thi remedy. There la no better medi cine for palomaary tioubles than Dr. Aver's Cherry Pectoral. It gives relie. ia raes of Asthma, and SroBchuia, arherc re lief has tecn heietofoie Bl attainable. It promptly tires (oughs and Colds, l, Crippe. and all affections of the thioat and lungs Heretofore, Dr. Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral has been put up in full size bottles only, at fi.oo per bottle. To meet a world wide demand tor a smaller pat k axe the remedy is now put up in hall sure bottles, nt half price- v cents. Write for Dr. Ay er 'a Carebook (free' and learn more of the cures effected by Dr. Aver' Cherry Pectoral. Address J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowall. Man. 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. Wmmm mm. Condensed Report cf the in Senate and House. LITTLE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Utaattoa in Cohn tbe Chief Topi of MeeuiMloa l' -idei.i llrKinley UelAyn Iii t: pci-t i i ii i iie Bakjwoi BTlerj hpoeeha la ihr KeaatOa edurad ly, A pril i. The houae apt ted to receive a mos sae fruni President McKinley dealing with tlie situation in Cuba, bat owing to representationa from Gen. Lee that the safety t.i Americans la Oiua would le seriously endangered by threats of Intervention by the United states, it was announced that the message would he delivered Monday. In the mean time the American residents on the Island will he removed. The house u- oiei! the day to discussion of the bill to reorganize the army of the l'nite States on a war footing. In the senate consideration of the sundry civil appropriation hill was re sumed. Thursday. A j r 1 1 7. In the house Mr. Lents, an Ohio dem ocrat, made a vicious assault on the administration, charging that the poli ty of delay eras in the interest of stoc k jobbers in Wall street. Mr. Lentl' speech was met with an emphatic reply from (Jen. Grosveaor. Before he con cluded he expressed the opinion that war was as certain as that we would live uniil next week, unless it was averted by Spain. In the senate Mr. Morgan declare! there was a conspiracy among coal men to force the price up now the gov ernment would require large supplies for warships. Adjourned until Monday. SILVER MEN MEET. SOcoaMl Annual Convention of ITInl allll i lab of tbe Ohio Valley. Two thousand delegates were present at the opening session of the second annual convention Of the bimetallic clubs of the Ohio valley at Indianapolis April 6. The Organization takes in the blmeUallists f Illinois, Ohio, Indian-; and Kentucky. Mayor Taggart welcomed the le gates to the city. R. H. Reemelin of Cincinnati, president of the league; Claude Matthews, ex -governor of In diana; George Fred Williams of Mas sachusetts, and .lohn (1. Shan kl in of Indiana delivered addresses during the day. At the second day's session of th convention of the bimetallism of the Ohio valley April 7. William J. Bryan delivered two addresses. The resolut Ions declare: "We will continue the battle for bimetallism un til the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal ratio of I i to 1 with full legal tender quality is secured, without wait ing for the consent or co-operation if any other nation. "We are unalterably opposed to the s'iigie poid standard and the so-called reform of the Indianapolis monetary convention and all kindred projects." .lames P. Tarvln of Covington, Ky.. was elected president of the league by acclamation. If was decided to hold the next annual convention at Lexing ton, Ky. Kmau Parmera Proeperoaa. Hank Commissioner Briedenthal ol Kansas has completed a census which, he says, shows that, exclusive of cor porate wealth. 60 per cent of the money in Kansas is in the hands of farmers. Many farmers In Kansas are WOItl from 125,008 to $300,000. Killed by an Editor. At Willist ob, N. i.. o. M. Dean, ed tor of the Williams County Free Press, shot and killed Hank Bchufelt. The exposure of cattle stealing by a gang of rustlers is supposed to be the cause of the affray. Aaaorleoo Wfaaalon Sa-kei. The chapel of an American mission In Chung King. Kinsu province. China, belonging to an American mission, has been attacked by rioters, and some per sons in i he mission have been mur dered . Dorrlah Poreo Destroyed. The victory or the Anglo-Egyptian expedition over the dervishes at Nake i!a. on the Atbara river, hits practically destroyed the dervish force. t attle ami Sheep Men fight. There have been several encounters hot ween the cattle and shep men in tbe southern part of Chadrou county, Neb. Love Peamt .u amdomoaL The republican love feasts that wer to have been held throughout Indiana this month have been Indefinitely post- polled. Reaaatmi of Mis ftflllard Banted. The remains of Miss Frances BS. WH lard were given an Kaster burial at Rosshill cemetery, Chicago, after cre mation. K i' ported Cotltoto in liin.l. It is said that a collision has taken piare between the British and the Rus sians at Ta-Lien-Wan, China, To CoaMaa siiv-r Pweoa. There is a movement to bring s.11 thi silver forces into one national conven- lion democrats. silverrepubllcans and j populists. Later the three national i hairmen Intereated will get together SOd work out the details of the plan. Fort Scott. Kas. Sheriff Wheeler took charge of til the peraonal prop- Slty of the P'ort Scott Water company, which refused to pay $4.000 taxes. Dubuque, Iowa The Tri-State Med ical soc iety held its sixth annual meet ing here. VANITY AND CONCEIT. Points of Resembmaee and Differeace Between Theaa. "The vain man is desirous that peo ple shall think will of him; the con ceited man is convinced that they do." The definition, or words to the same eft'ect, is from a luiitpnporary, bays a writer in the Pail Mall Gazette. It ft ruck rue as apt and set me ponder ing, passing my friends and acquaint ances in review, and sorting them into the vain and the conceited. It agrees, too. with another remark en the sub ject that I have always held to be true thai conceit is the vice of the ihn skinned, srhilc ranity is the weakness cf the thin-skinned. Most estimable people are either conceited or vain. Many praiseworthy individuals are both. Vanity is more easily detected than conceit. It lies in the skin, and Is as plain to be seen as the measles, Von cannot be five minutes in the room with a vain man and not Know 'aim to be vain. In his gestures, in his most trivial remarks, in the expression cf his fat e, he bet raj s himself at every mo ment as a vain man. Conceit, lying beneath the skia and a thick skin at that frequently escapes detection. Yoc may he days, nay weeks, in the com pany of one whose Interior economy is one solid mass of conceit, and not dis cover it. It may be your lot to be staggered by a sudden revelation of un fathomable conceit in one whom you have hitherto regarded as the most humble-mind d of your acquaintances. The vaiB man a pleasant companion in man- ways. He is eager for your good opinion and shows you that he thinks it worth having. 1!- goes to mret you half way with his Intellect, arid, b.vng always mentally on thl alert, is quick to apprehend your mean ing. You have not to prod him with your wit or rub your subletles in. I goes forward and catches them in tin air before they have well left your owt: brain. Hut he is so sensitive, sc "touchy," that y-vu must be on youi guard, or you will be perpetually hurt ing his feelings or wounding his van ity. Long companionship with th( vain tonds to make one nervous and irritable. One cannot always be mind ing one's ps and q's. Tliere are time; whrn one must let onesrlf go. When this State of mind comes upon one ther?1 is no greater relief than to find oneself in the company of the conceit ed. You may say anything you phase and rest assured that though they may not understand it. at least they will not lake offense. Even if you wish to offend them you cannot do so with youi ordinary weapons of sarcasm and irony. In spite of all you can do or say to the contrary, they will believe that you think well of them. How can you do otherwise, they would say to themselves if the question arose, whrn they are so deserving of your good opinion'.' When their complacent self satisfaction becomes a source of irrita tion, so that one long! to send a har poon through their hippopotamus hide. it) wound their self-esteem, then how delight ful it is to find oneself back again and conversing with the vain. One thing has scznetimes surprised me in the cone ited. If. carried away by the desire to pierce their Impenetrable self-esteem, one hurls unmeasured abuse at their heads, or thrusts deep with a vicious home-truth, tney wi'.l receive it with amiable humility tha ir, almost touching. Indeed, these thick skinned, conceited folk seem capable at times (and under provocation) of s. humility as deep as their conceit i sublime. TH1R1 Y YEARS ACO. It is always Interesting to note th changes time has wrought in ;he faces of prominent peot le. This picture of Ellen Terry. taKe-i thirty years ag , i:i i 1S68, shows quite a different counten ance from that which we cf todav know. Judging from this picture ifis'S MISS ELLEN TERRY. Terry grew better looking wl h years, j fo her atotlth If now more nobile, h Jf I nose less accentuated and her whol? expression different from what ir was when the picture w s taken. Perhapa it is been ose she h;s learned hnw 10 make the heal of her good points anJ repreei the poor ones. PtaaalMiltlea of Water Power. It would he little short of raarrekmi If water power, which has to an ex tent fallen into disuse since electricity baa developed inch amazing qualities, should eonie to the front and outrank even the electric current as a trans mitter of power. The tremendous energy capable of being generated by water tinder very high pressure is as yet Imperfectly untie; stood. One bai only to experiment with a charging ap paratus and a nodi water bottle to dis cover what mT yel prove q be the simplest ami most efficient power with in our reach. Baaraaa1 or the Kntiish Tnwaaa. In 1794 the habitual users of the Rne- Ush language did not number more j than 30.000.000; in 1897 their numbw wag estimated at HG.OiiO.OOO. V r." ... . . , y i w THE SECRET OF A Mrs. Pinkham Says a Careful Regard for Bodily Health Makes Women Sweet and Attractive to All. The world is filled with sweet women who are held hack from nseful&eSB by some trouble of the female organs. 1 1 , fulness and nervousness rapidly destroy sweet dispositions. rncklv SksjÖfÄ lives. liannvif ,JiT T-sflS . ' - CT? frS ' Wlial 15$ V P ' ! Alt I ! 1 I "v.-' ,T 'ill ; lij 'fT I j ! " ! i rr III Mr r ai I t 4 V -Vf 'fr--tv3fV f-f 4 I ,n::;iy !:i - rable feelings. leo W Vf ' VsA Cffliffl---"- ir tried to cure w ft vTtn : :' cd u ' s is one from Mrs. W. P. V i. i: riK. 566 Ferry Ave., Camden. N. J.: D&an Mas. Before writing to yon 1 felt, very bad, had t-rr.; e sick headaches, no appetite, gnawing pain in stomach, pain la my hack and rilit side; was tired and nervi us. and so weak I could scarcely stand. 1 Was not able to do anything, had sharp pains all through my body. Before I had taken half a bottle of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 1 found myself im proving. I continued its use until 1 had taken four bottles, and felt so well that 1 did not need to take any more.' I am like new person. Ask Mrs. Piflk&affTs Advice A Worran Best onderstafifls a Woman's Ills a 3 1 $r 48CÄ Ill Rr. iß-l un i'r.nwikifi v"ll '. if. kaks caiss m c.Ffs sT:rF m CMC PF THIS STARCH WiU CO .. c r . - ... . -.. ,. ..... . .... v 01-ANY 0TH t" STARCH "J.C.HUti!NßR BROS'C? Cv- fJi, Kt3iux Iowa HixTcm Cwn ,i ',i üaT.Tirrirrn-iv'ViS I 4 Ask any disinterested and he will 4 1 si' a j ! I ' s ARE THE BEST They arc absolutely uniform in quality and finish. You have the added satisfactrcn cf knowing no one can buy a Columbia cheaper than you. We sell for one price only the advertised price. Cclumbia S? BttUess,. SI25 Hartford Bicycles, . . 50 Columbia Chain Wheels. . 75 Vedettes, . . . S40 and 35 POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford, Conn. Catalogue free from any Columbia W HAVE NO AGENTS t ut have oM d.r?t to the o n uraer for lV var at vawta aie pr;i-e. aviue him the II aaalar'a ptnAts yh:nr,nv Vfctaa f r eam.natica. Av 1 r.iTiitnn? US fir:.- ..f .v stvus "t ISt- n I Y Su'f v. f Ui:.'" l irna J cer. rtiaarwai, 1 ra; r. W : m ft-.M. Sfiri.'.- K aa V j r . He. rr. 8l-T.r3i.-n Pr: $lc.00 A., gvaii hi ictii :.r t-.". ELKHART otaTWiaaiii aad iiaulm mm. FREE ADVICE ''.v oar Phyaietan ami a rEE SAMPLE of oar w;ut( lue nud eU-aga Prea nemfc :..- t . 1 1 ir II b--.i-' itii M tmeltoat i-i ( . - uw Boaac of the raoaoaa m b j on limiiti rit- n. WW r.tvay s Cure the vim v irorat raaeaof Drapeitaia. untipai ion, lleatlarbe. I.lver and $2: vtiiney (ii'ta-f. enti tor .t ot tili t rur avnitiiii. lt . Kay a "t "J IUI" oil lli-cipi ii ;r. t c :n. ' Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL - m ain w im i 7- " t i j .111 j x. i i . j k aui Viuiium3nis IFil 3 OR 4 YEARS AN Independence is assured if you take ttp your home In Western Canada, the land of plenty. , illustrated pamoh! t.s. giving- experi ence of farmers who have become wealthy in growing wheat, reports of delegates, etc , and full Information as to reduced railway rates, can bo had on application to Department Interior, Ottawa, Canada, or C J. Brooghton, 12'.'3 Mona! nock Building, Chicago, A . . A.i I o on. Ki n I novo imitlt t lit v iiuavt iaii vvtvi uiuvu v EERLESS NERVE V" TONIC BMiorea Last VHallttr, cawa Xntoat rap. blllt aad ParaHa. I'rirr, 2.0U a lloulr. Sul k'j Kipii, ihiir.'r. irrpnld. & KIDrVrV O TF A w aj ( jWM BaektM -ho.i JtifttlptttttMl ant) i.rlht'a Prl-, . Mrllf for I rrr amult-. Olft-line. MH .ifa.lHf .il (tl.l'.SS itl MI I)Y( 0 617-51U My. üßth Btraet, ( in, ....., V. S. A- mm I Goon DISPOSITION. all-worn -out wxuien ennnot live :iar,,r Nearly every woman may be we i she will follow .Mrs. linkham& ad vica Mrs. ( raig -ays: Yu:s. IV.khav:- 1 have taken Lvdia K. 1 inkhama cgetable Componnd and think it is the best medicine for en :n the world I waaao uik and in r- ous that I thought I could nut lire from one day to the next, i had prolapsus uteri and h'ucorrlxea. and tbo;; iit that i I I I would die. I had drajrying "iTri rati in in - 11- t t i 1 1 i aa , Im a I snl ion dou n to mv feet, aiei so k'hen I heard of the Pinkham medicine. I got a bottle. lial not have much faith in It. but I I t lluUM-llt i -.'.,lbl t -. It .,.- ifr V-! made a new woman -f me. I whdi I could get every lady in the land to try it, for it did for , lf,nx a ......... v. , I'. 1W ose bat doetors could uoi tio." Mrs. Sai.ueCuaio, Baker's Landing, Pa. 'i hat Lydia E. IMnkkam's Vegetable Compound a safeguard of woman's health la clearly provtn i". the thousands of letters constantly beinff reeeived. Here IRONING MADE EASY. HAS MANY IBÜTATORS, BUT NO EQUAL. This Starch ; ,: t pi. v.i. i,c !.. v.,:-, experience ir: fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer dresses t their natural whiteness and ininarta k a bcantifnl and lasting finish. Th i he only Btareh that is perfectly hafmleaa. r Contains no arsenic, alum or tiier in- s jnrious snbstanod. Can be useil even k for a baby powder. A3K rCUa GROCER FOR IT AND TAKE f.O OTHER. mechanical expert teil you Bicycles dealer, or by mail for one 2-Gtd stamp. ii-rin!a Vekietea, UanaHa. I and Viiik r ZJrZZ ?7m,,T;wm Vaanaa. nan aaaiaaiaaai -ua-e jtcua of a., our et le um n . r" tn a. Ju7f. im to. w . nuu, tLkUi-i. i. renovator r lit it. w- (.uMrunte- It. Win. ti alMtut Itenoratoi i- mui bj draarariata or nenl 91.111. CO., We te n Office Omaha, Neb. i i ajaaaa aaaaaaaa a a V- i üuiiisji 6 tu t a uit at viiiMfiiiwiii: wiv"- r - - it to do mi ear ir frini a tum. Ii e tMirataa aaita 5ira. ANY AEFtMOTOR IICHÄNCED jSKssk i f A t-oL.i ft amtiS? BEARINC 1 ' vw UP-TO-DATE '98 MOTOR, 8 F T. FOR $G; ' I Mm. fut .vi l dev i um lika a atajafcs "' ' a waini...r in t.ahlo t on laiir, l.u: null ii. . h. Aiiiit.lor tin hin . '1 othvi li.ll1 t'Kxt mi!!, ar.'t mi Je tnr irl m ( ikIiuh liuviimt. THE Nl W BEATS THE OLD AS THE OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHETL. On larvipt tf am. mi, t. r,int ni -inr i l i.t i'.it m devl or tanel will mil to rr,".' I on thru i ti returnil fli"i .il'i.i ; 'nr-:' i.-m i i., ' If Vi-ur olt hrel i i.ot an BattaatM BtlM faff rm.fn ii iiw f. i Md to if. on old 1 iOJ 0n pul It on aiTBotor ( a., ktu mm TAPE-WORM exivl'i'd all-. b, i1 ir-iar-Biiti'l. 2i'PaK' jiH'i.nhit ;. '.' it. I II.I.U aV CO., 18 Jstuto Mrcet, Cakag. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm if I'Ktlll ! 'IiU. illi t lH ..l' itisiiM W. N. U. CHICAGO. NO. 16, 1S93. Uhcn Anv.crinq Al crt iscntcnt Im '.y Mention This Tuper. i