Newspaper Page Text
M 1 YOV. XXX1N0. INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1856. WHOLE NO. 1,609. m PT flip " WASHLNOTN. Postmaster General Vi' Says Kall Sapsr- todeit Eurt W,ni Kot Ee taoyed. llout B01 aTtxnced Yesterday By In Jiana Rftrvnrantatives A Scheme to Pool '-R'KS Between Dakota and Mon Va.a Ntes anil Personal. Brt'lo the Sentinel. Wafhixgtcx. Jan. IS, Fostmastor Gen eral Yilcs practically said to-day to Bernard, of Ohio, tfrat lie was not going to mate any change in the Superintendent of Mails and "bat Mr. Eurt would not be disturbed, but en the contrary he was to be kept in the service, and an applicant for the position may us well stay at home and not bother him ny more about it. This put a quietus on it, whereupon Mt. Bernard asked to have his papers withdrawn from the "files. As previously named in these dis patches, Mr. Vilas thinks he can not run the department rith Democrats, but insists upon keeping Republicans in office. There is a TOlley of indignation going up to-night by good Democrats, who are swelling V2iigeanct against the entire admin istratidn and prom ising to snow their strength -et the next elec tion. HoiltC HfllS Introduce! leterday hy IkVH- anians. Special t the SentineL Washington, Jan. IS. The following bills were introduced in the House to-day by In- tlianiens: By Mr. Matson: To promote the efficiency of tie artillery of the Tnited States Array; granting a pension to Taylor Voss, of Bloom- ington; also to Susan Carmichael and YTiley S j-cri-eon. Fy Mr. Browne: Co pay $127 to the Ex- eettive Committee cn Indian Affairs of the "Western Yearly meeting of friends in In diana for money paid by them in puchasing lots in North Carolica on which to erect an Indian training school. By Mr. "Ward: Grenting a pension to Lena -Alford. By Mr. Ford: Granting a pension to J. F. "McMiehael. By Mr. Kleiner: Granting a per.sicn to C. Johnson ami M.1 Fetrel. By Mr. Howard: Granting a pcasion to J. A. Dran and Elizabeth Ward. By Mr. Holman: Granting pensions to Harry Fist and John Ellis. By Mr. Bynum: To remove the charge of desertion against the military record of James Kieley and Frant Wem pie. Daboia and Montana. Special to the Sentinel. Wamiix'.tox, Jan. 1. A chere ison foot to pool issues between Datota and Montana, so that both can be admitted to Statehood. The idea is for republican Dakota to stand eff Democratic Montana, and thus neutral ise . the objections of the opposition in each case. Senator Vocrhees has just presented a bill to admit Mon tana, together with the new Montana Consti tution and a ir.eniorial praying admission. Thee papers wer:? referred to Senator Harri son's Committee on Territories, where the pooling arrangement will be further dis cussed. This is the first daylight that has shone uj-on Dakota's aspirations since the penin of the session. General Harrison, who is the champion of Dakota - in the Sen ate, is said to be favorably disposed toward the coalition plan. Presidential fluckhone. Fieela.1 to the Sentinel. Wa-h-m.tcjt, izn. Is. There is a good deal of gotIp here to-day about the prospective relations of the President and t":.e i-enate. It is understood that the Presi de: t has assured those with whom he has talked that he proposes to stand firm in his attitude of refusing information which has come j-ersonally to him regarding the men whom he has removed. He adds, however, that whatever information the departments Lave, the Senate should have, and will undubtedly be furnished. The Demo cratic Senators who called on him to consult in the matter approve his resolution. The Kepublican Senators are inclined to go on and make a fight, but a few of them are reported weakening. There is a report to day that some movement will be made in regard to matters to-norrow. Senators Mor rill and Sherman, who- have not beea ex tremely friendly of lcte, have buried the hatchet and have been in consultation iu re gard to the matter. There are evidences of modification of the warlike disposition of the Senate. The published rejorts abo:it the prospec tive resignation of secretary Bayard and Secretary Manning are authoritatively de nied. The Ordnance CoKiuUtion. Special to the SentineL Wa.'hixi.ton, Jan. is. The Ordnance Com mission is holding a meeting to-day to com plete its report, and it is understood that the document will be ready for signatures fc n:'ght or to-mcrrow Persons en titled Vo peak upon authority ays that the report will take the ground that the steel in" dustriea of this country can furbish the ma terial foe, and the foundries make any class cf heavy trdnance, ?nd that the Commission will reconcnend thai the Government ward the .contract to American founder. tiwln and flernard. ;eciai to the Sentinel. Y'aii5tojt, Jan. 1" CJwin and B?rniJ, candidates forCuperintebdentof Mails, were again to sec Mr. Vila?, bvt not together. Gwin says he wa offered a chief clerkship, but he declined to fake it ucless he was as sured he would in ihe future be given the I lace he now asked for. To thu proposition Mr. Vilas smiled, looked wise tnx said potb frig.. Mr. Bernard says he told aim he was ' not goirf to make any change at all. Mr Jrnad eiairas to have put on tb "gloves with fie Secretary, and 'before leaving the effic reai the riot act with great vbemenoi Jt is aid that Mr. Vilai fays he can not inate any removals for fear of a strike among the employes. Should a strike occur he will find no trouble securing plenty of young Democrats to fill the places of the strikers. Mr. Vilas says he wants some one with experience for the place, but the ques tion arises, where will he lind Democrats who know anything about the business? They only come from that class of Republicans who have turned Democrats since a change cf administration. The "War on the President's Silver Opinions Two Native Indiana Senators. Specitd to the Sentinel. Wasiiixc.tox, Jan. 15. The war that is be ing made by the Western and Southern, Representatives, both in the Senate and House of Representatives, against the opin ions of the President npon the silver ques tion must by this time mean something. Beck in the Senate before the holidays, Reagan, of Texcs, in the House on Tuesday, and Coke, of Texas, in the Senate yesterday is a formidable array of silver talent coming ip from the States which are so violently opposed to the stoppage of the silver coinage. Bland, of Missouri, is also preparing a -silver speech which he is to- deliver in -a day or two. There are hosts of voters 1 eraoerats md Republicans alike who will also maketet speeches. In truth, the whole atmosphere around the Capitol building is toaded with silver opinions but no silver. Iftl.eTresident and Secretary of the Treas ury seek to go farther in their attempt to innuenct1 Congress to stop the coinage of the silver dollar there is likely to be precipitated a bold and vigorous warfare upon the admin- istratiom on tl is subject. One man said to rae to-night that if this course was pursued further by the President it would result in a split in the Democratic party, which might take years to heal up. TWO XATIVE IXDIAMAXS. There are but two Senators in the Senate who were born In Indiana. They are Mil ler, of California, and Spooner, of Wiscon sin. The former was born at ßouth Bend and the latter at Lawrenceburg. Spooner is said to be the youngest Senator, though he fails to give his age In the Congressional Di rectory. A great many people in Indiana still remember his father, whom, I am told, was at one time a leading lawyer in the lit tle town of Lawrenceburg. He was known there as John Phillip Spooner. Young Spooner General member Marshal is a nephew Ben Spooner, as the bluff of Indiana when of the late who all re United States tne oince was worth ptrbaps $i"),000 a year yet; I heard the other day he died without having laid by anything for his family. General Ben Spooner mhjht have been a leader in the Republican party of the State had it not been for his bulldog nature. He drove men away from him rather than draw them to him. Senator Spooner is said to be a good corporation lawyer, having for some time been the Attorney for the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad f.nd also the Wiscon sin Central, andthi3 I am told is his strength in the State which sends him here. lie is a Northwestern Senator with corporation attachment?. Like the majority oi young men who euter public "life, his head has gone through the juration process. He is quite youthful in apjearance, and wears a heavy head of brown hair, with the ends pudied out as if to say he had his hands in his hair more of the time than in his pockets. He has so far been modest, spending about one-third of the time in his svat, while the balance is whiled away in the lobby on the Republican side. He has evidently a warm friend in Mahone, as the two are often seen together. I think he has some n.etal in him, and will prove a good man in the right place. , At any rate, Indiana should feel proud that a son so young should be honored as this.young Indianian has been. Senator Miller is still very sick and the chances are he will not recover. ltayard and UUmarrk. Special to the Sentinel. Wamiixutox, Jan. 15. The seizure of the Samoan Islands by the German Government may bring about serious trouble between Bismarck and Bayard. In January, 1S78, a treaty was made and signed by President Hayes on the part of the United States and M. K. L. Mamea and J. G. Colmesnil (for merly of Louisville, Ky.), representing the ßamoau Government, which was ratified by the United States Senate in February, 1378. By the terms of the treaty the United States guaranteed the independence of the Samoan Government and the latter ceded to this country the splendid harbor of Pago-Fago, on the inland of Tuituilla, Samoa, for a coal ing and naval station forever. The treaty was for ten years. Mamea and Colmesnil were sent back to Samoa in the United States steamship Adams, and the ratifica tion of the treaty by the Samoan Govern ment took place soon after the arrival of the Adams a Apia, ia June of that year, with great eclat, the festivities lasting a week. The treaty does not expire until ISS, and the United States is in honor bound to stand by it. Previous to the making of the treaty the Samoan Goverament had hoisted the American flag over the Samoan banner, and claimed the protection of the United States against the encroachments of Germany and England. Bismarck has long had his eye ujon the Eay of Tagopafro, and if the United States allows him to rnetch it baldheaded from her grasp the stars and stripes should be hauled in from eery foreign port and sent home to be sold fr old rags. A Good Story About 4euatr Edimiud. Special m the Sentinel. Wahuxuxox, Jan. 17. In connection with the mistake of the Finance Committee of the Senate in calling upon the President for the "reasons" for his action in suspending .officials, when, they should have aked only for ' information," a good story is told of Senator Edmnnds. On the first day of the seswon the Senator was appointed a one member of the committee to rail on the President and notify Lim that Congress was in gMsion and awaited bis pleasure. The 1'resitlent said ttat the official copies cf his , message, which are always made b.y an en grossing clerk upon hand.c)me paper, had not yet been com dieted, and. pulling out a handsomely Dound printed copy of the message from 'nis desk, asted why it would not do j ast as well, and be more convenient all eound to send in a message in the printed form instead of in the manuscript. Mr. Edmunds was horrified. and said that such a. thing would not do at all. The Constitution expressly stated that the Executive should communicate with the Senate in wriUng. The President replied that at the tine the Constitution was written the art of printing was not as common as now, and Vie did not see why a printed copy, certified as correct and signed by him, wonld not answer just as well as a written ' one. Mr. Ldmunds solemnly protested against any such violation of precedent and official etiquette, and said that as long as the Constitution remained unaltered its terms ought to be explicitly complied with. Now that the Senate Committee on Finance has made a blunder on the etiquette question the President considers this a pretty good jte A Hot fight Anticipated Itetween the Sen ate and the President. Special to the Sentinel. Washington, Jan. 17. It is reported that the Senate Republicans have de cided to issue subpenas to compel the Cabinet officers to furnish the information desired regarding the suspension of old officials and the appointment of new ones. This matter was discussed in caucus yesterday, and it is believed that the chairmen of the committees as they are refused the information will issue subpenas to compel its production. Should the Cabinet officers reply that the' have no information on the subject, but that it rests with the President, that will end the question of force, for the Senate Committee, of course, can not subpena the President. Every hour adds to indications of a hot fight between the Senate and Executive, and the prospects of a long list of rejections by the Senate. The President's Backbone. Special to the Sentinel. Washixutox, Jan. 15. A good deal of stir was created by the announcement that the President has determined to pay no atten tion to any request that may come from the Senate demanding his reasons for the remov al of any Republican from office or the ap pointment of any Democrat to succeed him, other than to inform the Senate in the first instance that he considers it his un doubted prerogative to appoint whomsoever he pleases to oHice, and it ia then with the Senate to pass upon the nominations made. This, it is believed, will be in the nature of a red flag to the Republican side of the Sen atorial arena, and there is a prospect of a merry war over a good many nominations. Carlisle in the Supreme Court. Special to the Sentinel. Washino;tox, Jan. 18. Speaker Carlisle appeared in the Supreme Court to-day, and presented an argument in the Gas Company case asking that a mandamus issue iramedi ately. His arguments were accompanied by affidavits and briefs, which were submitted. Xotes and rersonal. Special to the Sentinel. t Washington, Jan. IS. The entire Indiana delegation to-night, after the adjournment of the House, waited upon Speaker Carlisle in the interest of Reuben Daily, of the JelTer sonville News, applicant for the position of stenographer to the House Committee. The chances are Mr. Daily will be appointed. He stands well in the opinion of Mr. Carlisle. Senator Harrison gave notice to-day that on Friday he would call up the bill for the admission of South Dakota. Mr. Emery Thillips, of Grandview, in Con gressman Kleiner's district, was to-day ap pointed as Statistician Clerk in the Agricul tural Bureau, Mr. Kleiner procuring for him the position. Colonel Dick Huncheon, of La port, has been promenading the avenue to-day with a club hunting the fellow who said Marshal Hawkins or any one else was trying to defeat his appointment. The Colonel says everything is lovely and he has no enemies, but erybody wants to see him fixed. He says he will be, and the chances are that he will. Bragg, of Wisconsin, Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee, told me to-night that his committee would on to-morrow re- P)Tt favorably upon the bill placing General itz John Porter on the retired list. PEATH OF COMMANDER HAYWARD. The Secretary of the Navy thi morning re ceived a cablegram from Admiral Franklin, commanding the European squadron, stat ing that Commandy Hayward, died at Alexandria, Egypt, on Saturday, of .typhoid fever. 1SSVE OK STANDARD SILVER DOLLARS. The issue of standard silver dollars from the mints during the week ended January 10 was 19."),4!. The issue during the cor- respondine period of last year was I.'W.ikw. The shipment of fractional silver coin since Januarj 1 amounts to 102,020. WESTEKX WATER WAYS CONVENTION. About thirty-five de'eates from the Wes tern Waterways Convention, held at St. Paul, Kansas City and New Orleans, met in joint conference in this city this evening. Remarks were made by several of the dele gates counseling unity of action among the 'delegates. Upon motion of Congressman Adams, of Illinois, a committee was ap pointedone from each delegate to consult with the Committee of Rivers and Harbors, and to formulate a plan for the presentation of the resolutions and views of the three conventions represented, and to report;to a subsequent meeting of the joint conference The St. Paul Convention appointed M. Iu. iHinnelli the New Orleans, John W. Brytu, of New Orleans; and Karisas W. II. Mart hi, of that uty. :: ELi.ANEors. The remains t f Miss Bayard will be taken to Wilmington, Del., this afternoon at 4 o'clock tor interment. They will be accom panied by the Secretary, two of his sons and a few personal friends. No ceremonies will be held in this city. There will be no post ponement erf the JState dinner to be given by thelresident Thursday evening, in honor of the Diplomatic Corps, on account of the death of Miss Bayard. This is in accordance with the expressed wish of Secretary Bayard. The President omitted his regular after noon reception to-day, but; will probably consent to receive callers to pay respects agAin on Wednf iay 1 .:.: The regular Cabinet mee rg will.kx held to-iDoVrow as usual. LYNCH'S LARIAT the Life Out of Holly Epps, th Negro Kurderer, at Vincennes, Indiana. Doort of the Jail Battered in, the Prisoner Dragged From His Cell and Strang Vp to a Tree in the Court Yard His Crime. Vixcexses, Ind., Jan. 18. Holly Epps, the foul murderer of Farmer Dobson, has expi ated his terrible crime at the hands of Judge Lynch, and his worthless black carcass hangs suspended in the Court-house yard at this hour, 2 o'clock a. m. Rumors that Judge Lynch would yet do his fatal work were rife on the streets all day Sunday, but no one paid any attention to the gossip, and it was generally considered that the Greene County Vigilance Committee would not visit ven geance on Holly Epps head while confined in the Vincennes jail, but that he would be summarily strung up whene er taken back to Greene County. However, this proved not to be the case. At about 12:50 this morning a crowd of masked men, numbering from twenty to thirty, carrying sledge-hammers and various Other implements, were seen marching like silent specters through the suburbs of the city down Sixth street toward the jail. Their masks were nothing more than bandanna handkerchiefs, but each face was so carefully covered that identification was impossible. They marched steadily and silently down Seminary street, then down Seventh, nd reached the Court-house j'ard. Here they saw two policemen. The leader of the gang approached those official dignitaries of the peace and welfare of the community and per emptorily Ordered them to go home. The policemen disappeared as suddenly as if by magic. Stationing masked sentinels at each cor ner of the grounds the greater part of the gang entered the jail-yard and walked stealth ily up toward the portico of tha SherifTs residence. Not a sound could be heard save the shuffling of a score of feet. The lynch ers stood back while the leader of the" Vigi lance Committee raf ped on the door. Tne sound re-echoed on the still night air, bat not a murmur from within the Sheriffs resi dence. The leader knocked again and again, but no sound or response issued from with in. Finally, however, with louder rapping and fiercer calling, Sheriff Seddlemyer was aroused, and coming to the door called out from within, "Who's there?" "We want you to open the door and let us in. Wega re friends and want to get in. We want to see you," answered the leader in calm and steady tones. There wa3 no mis taking that voice. ' But what do you want to see me for?" asked Sheriff Seddlemyer. "We want to see you and talk to you." "I can't let you in to-night, gentlemen," decidedly answered the Sheriff. "But we must get in," answered the leader. "We propose to have the black careas jaf the nigger who murdered poor old farmer Dobson up in Greene County, and if you won't let us in we will get in anyhow." "You can't come in here," spoke the Sheriff determinedly, "and if you try to break in you will violate the law ard lay yourselves liable to criminal prosecution." From the tone of the Sheriff's voice it was plain to be seen that he was laboring under tremendous excitement. "Well, here goes then," at last decided the leader. "Boysj get ready," and at those words bang went a great sledge-hammer against the pine door. With two or three blows the door was smashed to splinters, and literally knocked off its hinges. Entering the hall way the lynching party struck a light, rushed into the parlor, grabbed Sheriff Seddlemeyer and pushed him into an adjoin ing room, slammed the door in his face and grullly ordered him to keep quiet and stvy in his room. The lynchers made for the huge iron doors and commenced the work of bat tering them down. This was the most diffi cult part of the w hole performance, and fully half an hour elapsed before they succeeded in loosening the locks enough to admit them. Tbey entered the enclosure, soon got into Epps' cell, and grabbed the black fiend by his woolly head and unceremoniously jerked him from his bed. Epps yelled and howled like a maniac at sight of the men who had come to take his life, but a slap in the mouth silenced him, and as they dragged him into the gaslight in the hallway of the jail it seemed as though he had turned white with fear. The lynchers did not fool long with him. They marched him out into the street, tied a rope around his neck and jerked him along on the ice and snow, compelling hint to walk on his frozen feet, until they reached the Court-house grounds, r few yards off. There they entered" and in the nearest tree they went and threw the rope over the strong limb, and twenty pairs of hands hauled the murderer from the ground. Epps kicked, squirmed, and grabbed hold of the rope above him, but the lynchers knocked his hands away. His groans were terrible to hear, and shocked the sectators beyond measure. At 1:1.3 Epps was pulled up, and for fully fifteen minutes he struggled for life,' when death came to his relief. He was strangled, and as he hangs now in the Court house yard he presents a frightful spectacle of the vengeance of Judge Lynch. The court-yard by the time the lynching bee was over was full to everilowing with spectators. Scores came from every direc tion, and as soon as the vigilantes dispersed the crowd rushed forward for bits of rope and pieces of Epps' clothing. At 2 :30 o'clock the body is still dangling in the air beneath the tall Court-house tower, and the crowd grows larger and larger. Sheriff Seddlemeyer is completely used up with excitement and anxiety, and is said to be ill. Prosecuting Attorney Axtell Sunday came down froni Greene County and had made all arrange ments to take Epps back in the morning. He was called up and is now viewing the body as it swings from the limb of a tree. Epps has carried his case to a higher court. Epps' crime was the killing of James Dob son, a farmer residing near Salsberry, Greene county, twelve miles from Bloomfield, Ind., on the nicht of January 11. Early in the evening Mrs. Dobson had been hearing Epps try to reai a chapter in the Bible, as a re ward for which achievement Mr. Dobson had promised the negro a new suit ot clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson occupied their own couch in the main room of the house, and Epps slept on a pallet in the same room near the fire. A little after midnight Mrs. Dob son was awakened by a blow, and saw Epps standing over her. She turned to wake her husband, but lie was dead, having been killed by a blow from an ax. The negro started to jump into the lady's bed, but she resisted him so strongly as she fought over the life less form of her husband that be gave up for a moment. Then, with another desperate effort, Erps caught her by the hair, dragged her from the bed over the oead man, and with a knife in his handthjat ened to kill her If she did not submit to his passion, all the time holding her by the hair. A- Tearful struggle, falowed..a handful of hair beirg torn from her the demon. 1 Epps, in tryine to get another hold, dropped his knife. This was Mrs Dobson's oppor tunity, and with a desperate effort she snatched the weapon and kept him at bay. He picked up a chair and started for her aerain, but the woman still resisted, all the time begging him to go away, as the reigh bors were comlne and would catch him. Finally the wretch thought of his own safety and left the house. He walked fifteen miles in the cold that night, but a search party followed him and he was arrested next day and lodged in Bloomington (Ind.) Jail. He was taken first to Bedford and then to Bloomfield, where he narrowly escaped lynching, and from Bloomfield was removed by the Sheriff of Greene County to Vin cennes. The Lynching Justified. Yixcexxes, Ind.. Jan. 18. The lynching of the negro Epps last night was performed so quietly that even many citizens living in the neighborhood of the jail knew nothing about it until this morning, and np to G o'clock, when the body was cut down, but few per sons called to see the ghastly sight The re mains were removed to Gardner's dead house where they have been viewed by hun dreds and where they will remain until to morrow morning, unless spirited away by medical students. The authorities have not yet determined what disposition to make of the remains and wink at the idea of giving them up for the dissecting knife. Citizens of all classes justify the lynching, and the moral sentiment is that the Greene County vigilants did a justifiable act in sum marily removing the fiend from the face of the earth. A Wife Poisoner Sentenced to the Peniten tiary for Life. Special to the Sentinel. Danville, Ind., Jan. IS. On the B!th day of December, 1S73," the wife of Stephen Campbell, who resided near Brownsburg, this county, died from the effects of arsenical poison. A Coroner's inquest developed th fact that the husband purchased on the same day that she was taken sick five cents worth of arsenic. That fact, coupled with the re port ot the physicians who made the post mortem examination and the sudden disap pearance of him after she was taken sick and before her death, caused an indictment to be promptly returned against her husband, Ste phen Campbell, for murder in the first degree. At the time of the murder diligent search was made for the accused. Rewards were offered for his apprehension, but be could not be found, and the neighbors and friends of the deceased had given up all hope of his capture, and the public had almost fogotten the crime, until last August John Douglass, a former resident of Brownsburg, who was well acqnainted with Stephen Campbell, saw him m Clinton, Ind. On inquiry Mr. Doug lass learned that he had been living there several years and was known by the name of Mike Enliss. The authorities were hastily informed of his location, and the arrest was speedily made and defendant lodged in the iailof this county. For a time he denied his identity, but he soon found that card would not win, as citizen after citizen called and recognized him as being the identical Stephen Campbell who had fled from the countv twelve years ago. On last Thursday the State vs. Campbell was called for trial. The State was repre sented by Newt Harding, Prosecuting At torney, and his Deputy Prosecutor, T. S. Adams, while the defendant was represented by Hogate it Blake. Thursday and Friday were consumed in hearing the evidence. Saturday the argument was made, instruc tions read by Judge Ayers and the jury re tired about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Sunday the jury returned its verdict into court, finding that defendant was guilty of murder In the second degree, and that he be confined in prison for life. The verdict is heartily approved by the public. The de fendant appeared much relieved, for he doubtless expected to be hung. Throughout the trial he was stolid and appeared perfect ly indifferent to Ins fate. Defendant is forty-fiye years old, and was raised in Jen nings County, where he has an insane wife in the County House, whom he abandoned, with live children, before he came to this County. He has a wife and one child in Vermillion County, with whom he was living at the time of his arrest. Montana Wants to Come Into the Union. MissEAroLis, Minn., Jan. IS. Hon. W. F. Saunders, of Helena, JMont., who is in the 'city, wa3 interviewed last evening, and said.that the residents of Montana are ouite enthusiastic over the prospects for its ad mission as a State. "We hope," he con tinued, "to step into the Union with Dakota It is generally regarded as a Democratic territory, the Democratic majority ranging from 5X) to 1,0X), and on that score we be lieve that we will be admitted, as an offset to Republican Dakota. A large majority of the people of the territory are in favor of admission." Mr. Saunders says that a Con stitutional Convention was held two years ago, which framed a Constitution and ap pointed a committee to go to Washington and submit the results of the convention. "For some reason," he added, "the com mittee never visited Washington, as in structed, but they are becoming interested in ,the movement now, when it is seen that there is a good prospect of having the territory admitted, and will hold a meeting early in February and go to Washington at once. While there the Constitution will be submitted and energetic measures taken to have the territory admitted. Governor Häuser is interesting himself in tue State hood question, and is no doubt doing good work at Washington in that respect. We, have a sufficient population to entitle us to admission, and there is every reason to sup pose that our efforts will not be in vain." Arrival of the Kemaioi of Miss Hayard at Wilmington. WiLMixiiTox, Del., Jan. IS. The train bearing the body of Miss Katharine Bayard arrived here this evening. Secretary Bay an his sons and Senator Gray accompanied the remains to this city. The casket was taken to the old Swedish Church, where it will remain until the funeral. On the ar rival of the cortege at the church the casket was carried in and placed on a catafalque with the fioral offerings grouped over and around it. Friends of the deceased will hold vigil there to-night. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon and it is the wish of the family that it shall be conducted with as little display as possi ble. The interment will be in the family lot in the old graveyard, which daes back certainly to loin 5. Bow in n Saloon. St. Loiis, Jan. 13. Late last night at a sa loon on the corner of Thirty-fourth and Olive streets a quarrel occurred between William McNeary and' James Mitchell, which resulted in the former striking Mitch ellin the face and knocking him back against the bar. Mitchell left, and is alleged to have gone home, and after securing a pistol re tcrned. The quarrel was renewed and Mitchell shot McMeary through the neck, who is now in a critical condiuon.", Mitchell was arrested. "' ' " ' " AGAINST HOME RULE. Meeting cf the Loyil tnd Patriotic Unioa at Eelfast Yesterday. Starving Fishermen on the West Coast of Ireland Hopefully Looking to America for Help Affair in Egypt Belfast, Jan. 18. A great meeting under the auspices of the Loyal and Patriotic Union was held here to-day. A resolution was adopted protesting against the passage by Parliament of any measure granting home rule for Ireland. Many delegates from the North of Ireland were pres ent. A resalution was adopted de claring unwavering loyalty to the throne, de nouncing separation of Ireland from the Union ; refusing to recognize an Irish Parlia ment; protesting against the "penurious and immoral practices of the so-called National League;" summoning the Government to en force the laws and sucpress disloyalty and re bellion and protect the lives and liberties of the peaceable and industrious subjects of her Majesty. WOE TO ERIN. The Famine Stricken Inhabitants Looking to America for Help. Los pox, Jan. 18. The famine stricken inhabitants of Achill, lnnishbomn and the other AVestern Irish Islands are still looking anxiously, but hopefully, toward America. More than a hundred families had decided, some time ago, to enter the poor-house, in stead of attempting to prolong their hope less existence. Then tbey heard of the Cable News Belief Fund, and they hesitated. If there is anything that an Irish peasant loathes, it is going to a work-house. If there is anything in which he thor oughly believes it is the liberality f Amer icans. When the fishermen heard that an effort was to be made in America to raise money to relieve their distress they were like children in their demonstrations of joy and gratitude.They took it for granted that money would be raised galore, and they in voked the blessings of the Virgin and all the saints upon the prospective givers. Mr. Bussy has freely distributed all the money entrusted to him, and all of his own money which he carried for expenses. He says he could not help it, because the cases of distress which he found were so urgent and genuine that the money would not stay in his pocket. He is now becoming indurated to tales ot woe, and as he has no more money to give away he takes a wider and more philosophical view of the situa tion. He writes that it is imperative that öO,'K)0 be raised if the Irish Americans de sire to permanently benefit the sufferers. AFFAIRS IN EGYPT. Attacked by Bedouin Rebels Advancing I'pon Massowah Moukhtar Pasha. Cairo, Jan. IS. A party of Bedouins at tacked the villagers at Lake Kahara, fourteen miles from this city. A force of rebels is advancing against "the Italian garrison at Massowah. The following is the substance of an inter view the Cairo correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph recently had with Moukh tar Pasha, the Turkish Commissioner; "We talked over the oid times of the Turko Kussian war, and the Pasha seemed quite de lighted to fight his battles over again. But as I approached the Egyptian question he became taciturn. I asked him if he thought it was a mistake for the Britih Government to have insisted on the evacuation of Khar toum and the Soudan. " 'How can you ask such a question as that ." he replied sharply. 'The whole thing was a mistake; the bombardment of Alex andria was a mistake, the landing of the troops was a mistake, and the occupation is a mistake.' "He would not touch further on the sub ject." GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. Drafting of the Koyal Speech China to be Recognized as Suzerain Over Burmah. London, Jan. 18. The royal speech was drafted at the meeting of the Cabinet to day. Lord Fumdolph Churchill overcame the demand of a section of the Cabinet that the whole coercion act be renewed. The Government will rely upon a division of the Liberals to secure support of its Irish policy. Lord Salisbury has consented to recognize China's nominal suzerain over Burmah on the condition that the Pekin Government abandon its claim to tribute from Burmah. The Government is forming a special labor and emigration bureau to be connected with the Board of Trade. A Campaign Against Landlords. Cork, Jan. IS A meeting of the tenantry Of the Earl of Kingston's estate has been held. It was resolved to memorialize the Church Commissioners, who are the mortgagees of the estate to compel the land lords to concede a 20 per cent, reduction in rent. In the meantime the tenants will pre vent fox hunting on the estate, refuse to pay their rents, and appeal to their friends in America for money to prosecute their cam paign against the landlords. On Trial for Libel. Loxr-x, Jan. IS. The trial of a laborer named Kenney, who is charged with libel ling Mr. Howell, Liberal member of Parlia ment for the North Division of Bethnal Green, was begun to-day. Kenney alleged that Mr. Howell had appropriated money belonging to the gas stokers' fund to his fersonal use. The court-rooiu was crowded, he complainant did not enter the witness box. The testimony for the defense was thereupon called. An Epidemic ot Murder. Faei, Jan. IS. The present murder epi demic in France is the subject of universal comment. The newspapers record eleven murders and five attempts to murder within six days. The Monarchist paper attributes the homicidal mania to the spread o' an archistideas. Cholera Disappeared From Gibraltar. Gibraltar, Jan. 18. Cholera has almost entirely disappeared from the vicinity of Gibraltar. The town itself is healthy. Editor Stead Released Ixkr0H, Jan. 18. Mr. Stead, editor of the Tall 'Mall Gazette, : who In November was sentenced "to three 'month's imprisonment for his concectTcri with the" Eliza Armstrong abduction case, was released to-day. Mr, Stead is well, and will speak to-night at a meeting of his friends and sympathizers. He will then take a fortnight's holiday. General DeConrcey Recalled A Treaty of Commerce. Paris, Jan. 18. General De Courcey, the French commander in Annam, has been re called. His place will be taken by General Warnet. The Committee of the Chamber of Deputies has approved a treaty of commerce with the Transvaal on the most favored nation basis. The Dog Crate. Loxdox, Jan. IS. The police authorities have ordered that all dogs be muzzled for a further term of sixty days. A Father's Attachment for His Dead Boy. Special to the Sentinel. Hartford City, Ind., Jan. IS. A little son of Isaac Townsend, of this city, is af flicted with a strange malady. Several months since a tumor formed back of the eyeball and soon pushed the eye from the socket. The diseased member and the mor bid growth were removed, but soon formed again and the other eye became involved and the sight was also destroyed. The tumor continued to grow until all that side of the head and face was frightfully enlarged. On Wednesday last he died and -was buried in the M. E. Cemetery. But strange as it may seem, on the same evening just after dark Mr. Townsend, assisted by a few friends, went to the cemetery, disinterred the remains, and took them to his residence, situated in a densly populated portion of the city; and, after removing a jortion of the flooring, dug a grave beneath his dwelling and there interred his child. He had be come impressed with the idea that the doc tors contemplated the removal of his boy in order to perform a post mortem upon the body in the interest of medical science. It certainly is a strange and unheard-of pro ceeding and can be accounted for on no Other supposition than that the father's at tachment for his child was so great that' he would do anything for his dead boy. Roller Explosion. TiTTSBrRG, Fa., Jan. 18. The steam tu Modoc exploded her boiler in the Allegheny Tiivcr near the Sixteenth street bridge short ly before 9 o'clock this morning, instantly killing Pilot Joe Davies and seriously and perhaps fatally injuring Fireman pjatthews Kigeins and Captain Jeff Evans. The balance of the crew escaped unhurt. The fireman had just fired up when the explosion oc curred.'. The concussion was terrific and the boat was rent asunder, fragments being scat tered fully 500 yards. Pilot Joe Davies was blown Into the river, and his body has not yet been recovered. Fireman Higgins was blown on a raft. His injuries, it is thought, are fatal. Captain Evans was badly hurt, but will probably recover. The others were blown into the river, but were rescued un injured. The cause of the explosion is not known. It is thought that the feed pipes were clogged with ice and the boiler becom ing dry exploded. The boat was owned by Captain Evans, and was valued af $t,ooo. It was used for towing barges in the harbor. WAIFS FROM THE WIRES. Advices from Nassau, New Trovidence, of. the 12th inst. note the arrival there of Jay Gould in his yacht. The steerage rates from European points to this country were raised by all the steam ship lines yesterday to $20, an advance of $5. Five members of the Hausemeyer family at Tarentum, Pa., have died from trichinosis, the fifth, George, aged thirty, dying yester day. James Caspar, a traveling man living at Vtica, N Y., was arrested at Warren, O., yesterday, by a Pinkerton detective, for a forgery committeed two months ago. J. K. Mills A Co., printers and stationers, No. 124 Walnut street, Cincinnati, assigned yesterday to Thomas A. Lotran. Assets, $15. 0X) to $20,000; liabilities, $23,000 to $30,0u0. A New Castle, Pa., special says: The safe in County Treasurer Hartnian's office was blown open yesterday morning about 2 o'clock by thieves, and $2X in money and $10,000 in notes and $4,500 in county war rants taken. Mrs. Anna Maria Greene, the oldest lady in Bhode Island, a daughtcr-in-law of Gene ral Nathaniel Greene, died at her home in Middletown, lt. I., Sunday, aged 102 years, 2 months and days. Mrs. Greene retained her faculties up to the last. T. P. Sullivan, of the Kansas City Base Ball Club, is at SL Taul, Minn., completing arrangements for a new Northwestern cir cuit to include Kansas City, Omaha, St. Joe, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth. Glanders in a malignant form has broken out among the horses in the vicinity of Lis bon, fifteen miles west ef Joliet, I1L Four diseased horses belonging to one man were ordered shot. An epidemic is feared. Town Marshal McCüraw, of Mt Oreb, O., shot and killed Clayton Brooks, a farmer yesterday. Brooks was drunk and resisted arrest. On account of threats of lynching McGraw was taken to the Georgetown jail. Charles Boehm, proprietor of a flouring, mill at Monroeville, O., has disappeared, leaving creditors with claims aggregating $12,000. The property, which is covered by mortgages, has "been attached, but it is thought the creditor will realize but little. The differences between the Edgar Thomp son Steel Company and their employes has been settled, and work will be res um et 1 in all departments to-day. The settlement was effected on the basis of eight hours for a day's labor and "three turns." The body of an unknown man was fouml last night buried in the tanbark at the Mason tan yard. Nashville, Tenn. The mur derer had cut it into eight pieces, all of which were found except the head. The police are investigating the affair. At a convention of miners and coke draw ers of the Connellsville region, at Scottsdale, I'a., yesterday, it was unanimously decided to order a general strike for a 10 per cent, advance in wages, and committees were ap pointed to visit all the coke mills and per suade the men to quit work at once. Grietna Aporetilo, a young Italian, shot and killed his wife in Mulberry street. New York, Sunday night. When brought before a magistrate yesterjay he claimed jastilica tion on the ground that she was continually irretating him by speaking the praises of "a. former husband. Demoralization in the East-bound passen ger traffic is creeping into the regular offices at Chicago. Yesterday at least three of the Strongest lines were selling over their coun ters tickets to New York for ?15, If the cus tomer could not be induced to pay regular rat$s.;calpori were- sealing Jrom fc- to f-. off. .