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(Rjr Bnnunsimle IteralD EalaSlMit t lai) 4 I K(4 \% m U*U> Newspaper by Jeaae a Wheels# 4 M 3TEIM . Publisher RALPH L. BUELL . Editor Rufcllshed *ver> afternooo «except Saturday> and Sunday morning Entered u second-rians matter ta the Puatolhce. Brownsville rexes. THE BKOWKSVILU HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1209 Adame St. Brownsville Texas MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tt» Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of for publication o! all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper, end also the local news published herein tun UAH.Y mass tssuoa National M«wu*ui| Htsnunuuti Dallas. Twa**. 511 Mtrcuanuie Haas Bid*.. Kansas City. Mu 201 Interstate Bids. Chicago. 111.. ISO N Michigsu Alt. Lw Angelas. C«UI„ 101S New Or pnturn tnag. New York. N Y. 910 Lesiugloo Ave.. . St Louis Mo.. 50b Stai Bids, Sac Francisco. Calif, 155 Saaaoms e»t. kCBslHIFi ION BAILS By causer—lu Brownsville aim all Rio Qiaude Valley cities 18c a week; 75c s month By Mail—lu The Rto Qraude Valley, ta advance: one year. •7 00; sis mouthy $9.14; 3 month* S3 By Mali—Outside of the Rio Qrsnat Valleys iw par mouth; |B00 per year. S mouths. 41 40 _Monday, February 11, 1935 CALIFORNIA SELLS ORANGES Yen, C alifornia .sells oranges, ami one of the reasons for the sale of California oranges lies on our desk as we write these Lne»— a most attractively gotten up broad side in three colors, printed on expensive book paper and addressed to the trade of the United States, Reprinted in this broadside are the advertisements that are being spread the country over, crying out the fame of Sunkist oranges, and calling on people of the nation to eat Sunkist oranges for food and for health. On the inside first cover page we find these captions: ‘\H1 MILLION Magazine Advertisements. “16 MILLION Daily Car Card Adver tisements. “7 MILLION Daily Outdoor Audience.* “Powerful Advertising to Sell More SUNKIST Seedless Navel Oranges." And by further perusal we find that this season of 1934-1935 will bring the total Sunkist advertising expenditure well past the $21,000,000 mark. We look the broadside over and find must attractive reproductions of Sunkist newspaper and magazine advertisements, pictures of attractive reproductions of Sunkist newspaper and magazine adver tisements, pictures of attractive Sunkist billboards, reprints of attractive Sunkist dealer window displays and cuts for in sertion in retail newspaper advertisement* of grocery stores. We find all sorts of dealer helps out lined, for jobber, retailer and wholesaler alike. We find suggestion after sugges tion for increasing sales of Sunkist oranges, rales arguments and hints without end. We even see reproduced a window of a Houston, Texas, grocery store, in which Sunkist Red Hall oranges are the object of resistance, which window sold 70 box es of Red Ball oranges in 5 days, right under the very nose of Rio Grande Valley orange competition. And then we start to wondering vvhat our Valley shippers and growers can be thinking of—if they really believe they can build up the citrus fruit industry of the Valley in face of competition like this! We wonder if they realize that after all, it’s the retailer and the jobber who push the sales of any commodity, and that if the retailer and the jobber are given proper help, sales follow. Further do we wonder how many of our Valley shippers and growers are familiar with the procedure of their competitors, how many know just what California, for instance, is doing to push the sales of Cali fornia citrus fruit. One thing sure, they may not know how California does it, but they must know this: California Sells Oranges! AUSTERITY BREAKS DOWN We generally take it that the British Parliament is the very home of parliamen tary dignity. Other nations, including our own, may send sons of the wild jackass to represent them at their capltol; Britain has an old tradition under which statesmen, not politicians are elected, and the House of Commons does not witness those wild and uncouth scenes which make exciting reading in other seats of government. This conception, however, is rudely np set by a reading of the recent flurry which took place in the House of Commons when a Labor member rose to relieve his mind on the subject of Prime Minister MacDon ald. Here are some of the things the man said: “He is a mountebank, lie should be flung and horsewhipped from public life. He would double-cross his own aunt. He attained power on the pennies and half pennies of the people and now he is rob bing them. When he dies, he will be curs ed by millions.” Undignified and ill-considered as some of our own congressional outbursts may be, it is a long time since any congressman has attacked the head of his government in terms as wild as these. € I People on Relief Get More Balanced Diet H> UK. MOKKIS U Ml lit I N Editor. Join At) »f Ihe Ainiriun Medical Association. and at H'*eu. the Health Magasine People on relief are getting a better selection oj the right kinds of food for their health than are many of us who are tree to make up our own diets. Thv basket.-, ot food distributed to the poor each month generally contain not only the essential food requirement a m the way 01 proteins, cai bo-hydrate*, tats, mineral salts, and vitamins, but they also meet the varying appetites of the different race* or groups of people Yet a study oi loud consumed m restaurants shows that people buy less of meat, potatoes and heavy foods, and incut: uf desserts. Not only do people uu relief get a more wholesome selection of food, but they get u according to their tastes. Furthermore, the mother in each family is urged to get as much extra fruit, vegetables. eges and nulk as she can. These are necessary tor gtowth aud repair uf tis sue besides providing energy necessary to keep the body at work. • ft In Illinois the relict commission has developed tour standard dietaries planned tor seven in each fam ily. Ttiese are divided into general, southern. Italian, and Jewish classifications k certain amount of spaghetti is included ui the dietary for each group, bm macaroni appears only in the Kalian and general diets, and is eliminated from the southern and Jewish diets The Kalian group also is allowed much more macaroni, as well as vermicelli. The general, southern, and Jewish diets include two pounds of spaghetti a month whereas the Italian list includes la pounds of spaghetti a month The general diet provides quantities of navy beam, which da not appear in the southern diet The Jewish list eliminates pork and beans, but does have a good allowance of lima beaus Moreover, the Jew ish diet list includes four cans of sardines, to three tn the Italian list, and two in the southern list. In contrast to these allowances, the southern list Includes tour pounds of salt pork Salt pork does not appear at all on any of the other diet lists Benefit to our nutrition comes not from the foods that are listed or prescribed, or even what is in cluded in the basket delivered at the door, but from what is actually eaten. Money spent for food that is not eaten is. of course pasted. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the ap petites of those to whom the food Is served. SCOTT’S SCRAl'BOOK.By R. J. Scott iif m. vTTr73nTurpi<** a %ifiii»»» i i IHt 4 flfMJUSL 0IRP ! WIU. fNAtcH HAirS from 1 A maw's head $OR NW Lining x. ^ / ■dNAaES walk. ON 1HE OF THfciR RtBS HocKty- WORLDS KOUGREVr 4A.MEL' <,OALIt *«3V Woft1ba4 OF fitt NLW Vohk A*f.atcAH4 Ha4 1041" ELEVEN 1EE1H. IIHAVE 8EEN 1AKEN IN Hi4* f^c *Np SCALP DUE-to LACERAfiONS - »US HAP A pisv**M»n anp a fBAciuftfcP knee '"‘HE FIR5T CHARITY* PoSTAmE VfAMP rn iMt WORUP" NEW Soum WALES, »8^> iNSCRIdtD 'BUT IHE^HEATESr CiFfHESfc \% CHARrTV * I The World j At a Glance ■ BY IH6UK EKHEL (Central Pres* Staff Writer» NEW YOKK, Feb. U. - The fi nancial district has taken the mea sure ol the new congress. I "Conservative," is the word. That is. conservative lor these times. But increasing debt and infla tion still are hurdles. m m m Liberals | Liberals are nune too happy. They believe the conservative” trend of the administration bode* no I good. I They see extremes coining to body I blows because of it. Liberals contend no lundameutal problems are being settled—even the nostrums tatich as the social security { proposals* are "too weak.” II* Radicals Radicals are saying. We told you ; so. Nothing can be accomplished ex- j cept by a concentrated attack on capitalism. There can be no com-; 1 promise." Il« I onservatlves i Conaerv am ts are equally emphatic. They would stop all the nonsense.” and try to recapture the past. They would balance the budget— and end the depression through "nor mal business recovery." I • • • World-Wide Americans mistake if they believe , these varying thoughts are confined |to the United stales. Perusal of papers and dispatches [from other countries disclose much (ilie same trend of thought, many of •the same expressions from diverse elements Canada, England. France all are observ mg a conflict of opinions on the |taih to ihe future. In many other no ex pression oi thought, is permitted. People may be thinking neverthe less. • m m t uba Cuba is one oi ihe nations where j the will of the people evidently has been thwarted - and the United States is blamed. One American group which has made a study, asserts Cuba under its present regime is drifting toward a dictatorship - Plunging" would t be a better word, since there Is cruel > conflict. * The United States is blamed be cause when Cuba had a government presumably chosen by the people, and for the people, the United Stater government made it impossible for that government to remain. And the old sort of dictatorship returned, un der a new name. j Dictatorships. It is charged, suit i American financial interest?, who 1 have large stakes in Cuba. • • • Child Labor What is the federal child labor amendment, which state legislatures are being asked to ratify and which has aroused antagonism among some employers? Here it is. ‘Seclion 1. The congress shall have power to limit, regulate and prohibit labor of persons under 18 years of age. Section 2. The power of the tev eral states is unimpaired by this ar ticle except that the operatgm of state laws shall be suspended to the extent necessary to give effect to legislation enacted by congress ” Incidentally an amendment never is defeated When three-fourth* of the states vote to ratify it. no mat ter how many years after the resolu-1 non has been submitted to the states, then it becomes a part of tha const) tilt inn Escape* Notice Among the newt, items escaping notice is the fact that congress is authoming Secretary of the Treas ury Morgenthau to increase the bonded inaebiedneas uu to 4a bidiona —iT necessary. in other word* he may go 50 tier cent higher than the present peak o| 30 Widow-it the credit ot the natiun will stand it Monetary men considered that att« other udiationary action. Sally 5 Sallies 7poTT33T7 l av- m&m .. »"■' »" -.m A tjtil U*j la m in il)t ^ului*. ki f W ♦ *k*bJk+ News Behind the News CapltoT tad goaatn w#« id ptrx uUUn. in and mi <4 Ida new*, writ ten bj t group <4 atria** tad taicnn«w o*w»pap*r* nsu pt Waaamgwn tad Naw Tort Tbt. ooiumu u puouaaMi oj Tht ttaraui a* • atwa faa’ura Opinion* ttprataad art moaa <4 td« wrltara as individual* tod •douid ooi oc lotarpraud m ra* Hacting iha adltortt) policy at Ul* vawapapa* WASHINGTON By Ira Bennett Sapping — Breakdown ot dopes and plana ha* brought the American Federation of Labor to a crisis- It ha* tailed to capture control ot la bor. Thu (allure ha* canned It to mum out is dictating term* to the government and industry, Intern al pressure, personal rivalries, check mate* by industry and now the re fusal of the government to regard the AFL as kingpin of labor are combining to weaken the federation and imperil tha position of it* rival chieftains. These fait* are now leaking out m spite or efforts of federation lead ers to make a showing of a united front. The political and industrial force* that oppose the aim* of the federation are selling upon the evi dences of its weakness to weaken it still inure. If possible, before the showdown on reenactment of the new NBA. • ee Overplay — President William Green miscalculated the situation when he figured that through en actment of Section 7A and discrim inatory Interpretation of that section m favor of the federation it would increase its membership to 10,000,000 or even ia.000.000 For a time the administration, including it* polUL cal pilot, James A. Farley, believed that Green was right. When the failure of the federation to gain strength at the expected rate began to dawn upon it* leaders and upon industrial and political pilots, subtle changes occurred, all detrimental to the federation. It* leaders substituted bluff for actual punch Industrial managers discov ered that they dared make a stand, in factories and iu court. NR A chieftains refused to construe Sec tion 7A as the federation demanded. Slug> elections revealed that the federation in some cases was over stating its atrngth. Ciaes — The time came for a .showaown ou the automobile code Alfred P Sloan. Jr, and Walter P Chrysler advised President Roosevelt that surrender to the demands of the federation would be followed by the shutting down of General Motors and Chrysler factories on the fol lowing Monday morning. Nothing in the record warranted a decision by the president m favor of the fed eration. He extended the code. He was advised to do so by Donald Rich berg, on the showing of facts. President Green and John L Lewis work in harmony for the general aims of the federation, but they are at the same time deadly rivals for the dictatorship. Lewis has grad ually gained strength at Green's expeuse. Lewis forced his way into the executive committee and the vice presidency although at present he ie only twelfth in the line of 15 vice president* of the federation. Green h 1 held on as an inheritor of i he great system created by Sam uel Gompen,. He now suffers loss of prestige because of the failure of the federation to gain membership a* he predicted, and also because politician* and industrialists have tested opt his generalship and have found gaps in his armor. They do not have the fear of hun that they had even six months ago. Ominous — Both Green and Lewis savagely attack Richberg for refus ing to champion the federation’s aims wherevrr they confliet with the aims of industry. This attack is not as dangerous as it would have been a few months ago Richberg seems to have sensed the futility of certain federation aims before AFL leaders realise clthat tjiey were head ed for failure The federation Is a powerful in* stitution which has the instinct for survival. It can stand a lot of hard knocks without becoming demoraliz ed. It* leaders announce that they will organize the automobile and steel workers on a big scale. They clamor for the 30-hour week and for prevailing wages to relief workers in the forthcoming work-relief cam paign. But ominous signs of dissen sion in the inside are evident and growing defiance of the federation by politicians and industrial chief tains foreshadows a battle royal over Section 7A Hiding — Politician* in congress who make it their business to “etae up" the strength of orianiaini vot ing forces in their respective states and districts are now recalling that President Green made a show of demanding from all candidates in 1834 t pledge that they would stand by the AFL as the price of their election Many candidates side stepped and yet we elected. The so-called “labor vote flailed to materialise Wise old Samuel Gom uAfi discovered year* ago that mem bers of the AFT could not be regi mented at the polls. Hi abandon ed the idea of dictating to politicians by threat* of a “labor vote" that could not be delivered The scheme for lormation of a labor party was squelched by Gompers. It was i mistake lor Green to hold up the scarecrow'm I'M Some of his rival* are now citina this ex ample of false strategy as a reason why he should lie unhorsgd They are discovering among members of congress a disposition to ignore the demands of the federation The young Turk* among she unions de mand that Green shall listen tu more aggressive men Put he is in the saddle for the remainder of hi* term end for good or ill his blind of igadcrship will stamp the strategy of ihc federation in the crucial struggle that now looms up • t • . I tibbies — Administration leader* are beginning to tuspact that aome of the fires being sthrad up under tending pieces or New Deal legisla tion a;e stoked by uitcrecti not di rectly affected They are having a hard »»me put ting a Unger an any movement suf ficiently concrete to attack in the omm but Uses have ••Mead UUle YES—ISN’T IT? —• so the dOVfI«NMENT KEEPS HANDl/MG OUT MONEY UNTIL evefcysuoy HAS ENOUGH — IT’S REAU.V Ha/FULLY simple/ .,.U* s> «=‘»'r CHART N<? S Uungs of sufficient .significance to put them on their guard. . There are powerful lobbies at work in Washington amply supplied with funds which would Uke nothing bet ter than to see President Roosevelt forced to fight every step of the way this session to get his major bills over about as he ordered them. This would serve to stave off other legislation still in the offing tn which those lobbies are vitally concerned. ♦ • i iafeguard — Roosevelt lieutenant* are confident that eventually the I4.8i0.0oo,000 work-relief bill will come out of the wringer with most of the power the white house asked. They are finding the job of whip ping the necessary voles into line luirder than usual. They anticipate it will be a still tougher job to steer the economic security measure through to safe harbor. A key Republican senator concedes privately that FDR can get any bill I of outstanding importance adopted this session by making it a party is sue- The white house has been try- I tug to avoid this. It leaves some thing for the opposition to shout j about forevermore if everything doesn't pan out as expected. Meanwhile the Si senators whose votes defeated the World Court are being urged quietly to hold out for a limitation of the president's public works power to such subjects as have been or may be approved by congress The idea is that tliti would safeguard th« m against pun ishment — when the gravy is in»»a ed — for their anti-World Court vote*. • • • Notea — Ail observers agree thai the decision and lu aftermath decide the fate of the Nt# Deal . . . Congress give* sign* of f desire to pick the economic securi ty legislation to pieces and make II over in separate bills ... A house bloc will try to tack on the Towna end scheme to the security legisla tion . . . The bonus movement la temporarily blocked — but tempo rarily only . BfcOI* tlLBK TODAY SUK HE* OEM AO*. pr*l»» «■< 30, work* la • s»ia m***- ,£** nnd her l»-Fe*r-*U h»ulg*r. PHIL, HD«n «h*lr **' 'kSTKVV MS1KHI work* in Ifct Mill Mk» «••• Jj marry him ah* »»»a|i»»» W *•*« Gale B*ee eh*'‘*» ihruunh Ike In* «■< *• reecned hr BMI/.S ASSuSTWQB* **bna* lath**. aew d**d. hnllt the Brian haa come home after two year a tn Busts »• *»«•» «kf "ill Gale disappear* before he learaa k'i|V”v THSTtHKR, eanghfet •f HtMif B'l TSSATf MBP. ■*»•»•» mnuuB*f •* *he mill, schemes t* r.pthaV. Brian Che .aha him *• "lietp her »■ • »*■*• ie OREO IIABMOh. a* ta .lim nurace --u uoMcli'inu* aaltor. Th* P>M rrnllf nn pltrmpt *° Inveigle Brian i# show her IIBCWB* Brian aarret. GO 0% WITH THE CTOB* CHAPTER XXI MRS oCONNOR tilled the lamp shade so that the light fell on lU« work in her lap. She took up her needle and thread and reached for a Urge brown button. “So your father’s better this ere ning,M she said to Gale, across th( table. “Well. I’m glad to bear It l„ ueen meanio* to ?et over an<1 aak bow be was gattin along. bu‘ this rheumatism In my legs been 6o bad lately I haven't been out of the house. 1 declare, if it isn't one thing tt'v another!" “Ym " Gala agreed “it does seem that way. I m sorry about tba rbeu luatistu. la there anything I could dor Mrs. O’Connor shook her head -Nothin', dearie.- she said, "but thanks tor offerin’ There a uotUIng that eetue to do much i<M ,or rUeumatistn hut eaylu your prayer* —and sometimes the Lord eeeros tc be listenln eleewhere I'»e bad rheumatism o# and on for II years uow and l guess l can stsnd What makes me so tarnation mgo l« that It bad to come right now when 1 wanted to get tbte coat out to Mary tor he» birthday. U • Sun day-bar birthday. I WH* i» hgve the eogt iniehed end eh* needs tv, hut I don’t know when l'l! he able to gel It out to bar-" "Why cant * take ttr ante asked Mr*. O'Oonnor raised her eyes "Could you?" shi Mbad "1 wour let the children go •<* Iru,n iiuuiu Mery lives clear out in Gate* Center, you know * "Bill that I5»t 1 could 1° on the hue- I can do it. Mrs Q Ooo uor I'll t»« glad to!" -Now any. that's mighly nice af you. II II woulda'l ha too much trouble—" “Listen »• you!" Gale said re Koacbfully. "Tallin* about irou 4— Uttar «M yoM'st dung for u»: I ll go *ur and take the coat to Mgry Sundae afternoon. You II have to tell ma «rbar« aha lira* though Iff beau a long time since Vft been In Gates Center " % “If* the third house from the garage," Mrs, O'Connor said. "A mils gray mii. Tbat'i whara frank works, you kiow-at the garage." frank wag Mr*. Q'Cognor'f sou In Igv and lUry'a buahaad- "tiutue UwaaT she want on. "1 think they d been a food deal hatter off—frank and Mary a- If they’d nailed to gat wnM11|« t«i i Viltm am w And ret 1 don't know. He don't make much but they aeem happy Frank's awful good to Mary ana she thinks there's nobody else Uke him. This coat—* e e e CHE held up the garment. Inspect ^ ing It. It was a henvy brown cloth with a lighter plaid collar MI made It over.” she explained “from one Mr*. Christie gava me 1 used to work for Mrs Christie you know.” -It s a lovely coat," Gale agreed "And so warm Mary’H look nice in that brown, too." “Well, it’ll keep her warns That** why I'in to anxious for bar to bare it. She ne°da a warm coat. Mary does. She can't stand oold weather." “I’ll come over and get the coat <*s soou as we re through with din < ner Sunday," Gala promised. "I guess I'd better run along now. Uo you know, Mrs. O’Connor, we bad vegetable soup for dinner and father said 'WeU. this te good soup but it Isn’t up to that Mrs. O'Coo nor makes1" "Stuff and nonsense! Go along with you " “But It's true." Gale Insisted ”1 mess I'll have to gat you to taacb me to cook " “It's not much I could be teachio \ou" Mrs. O'Connor measured a length ol thread critically, broka It i off, and moistened tbe end witk ber , lips "But If tbere's ever anythtne | you want and we ve got it you know where to corns." “1 certainly do!" "And If you find you can’t gst ! out to Mary's on Sunday It'll he all right. I’ll find some other way-" “But I’m sure you won t need to i Hell, this time I'm really going!" She went through tbe door sod j closed it behind her Mrs O’Coo ! nor held the brown button on the coat and draw the nsedll through Shea a good girl, Galt Bender son is.” Mrs O Connor announced to the empty room, "fibs s ons iO • ti^Jhoo " e • e EARLY February brought a change in weather When Gals ! stepped out of the bouse Saturday morning the sun was shining and the air was almost spring-like. Hi 'evening there were little pools of water along the sidewalk where the j ic« had melted and the ground was waL Next tuurulng the sky wu cloudy jbt|| Hit air was still warm. Gale had dluner on tbe table half an hour aarller than usual- Utdr putting dishes Into tbs hot. md»J wgter. rubbing them with the dl»b mop. aha hummed a Rule tuns 3h* w«# glad she wgs going to Mary Kiiorso’i tbii gfttroooo It would , be e SO minute ride Into the coqn | try. She was glad she could do ' something, too to help repay Mrs O'Connor for all bar kiodoasaea When Gale cam* into tbe Beta* room presently, wearing bev coat and bet. Tom Henderson was sit ting in bit favorita chair, looking out on the gtreeu Gale said. "I'm going to lake the bus out io Gates Center now. I'm Wei U he beck by i, gt tkt IglfaW" Ton Henderson leaned lor ward and peered up at the shy. “Better get started." he advised. "Look* like there might be a storm after while.” •Oh. I don’t think so. It’s been like this all day.” •Might be a storm Just tbo same,* her father insisted. “Better take your umbrella’* Qale meant to. She went back to her room to get the umbrella and then thought of the kitchen door and vent to see If it was fastened. It was not until ebe was on the bus 20 minutes later, riding along Center Road, that she remembered the umbrella agate. Gale didn't think It mattered much that shed left it. The sky looked clearer than it had when she had left the bouse. PRESENTLY the driver ceiled * out. “Gates Center.” end Qale stepped down to the street. There was no pavement, only a beaten path- Gates Center wee nothing more thao a collection of a dozen houses, two stores and n garage nt the crossing of Center Road end the state highway. Gale found the Kilorens' tiny home end Mary came to the door. •'Wny, Gale Henderson!" she eg claimed. "IVhere ever did vou come from?" “Hippy tiirihdayl I've brought you something from your mother, ibis btg box. She wauled to come but her rheumatism s been iron* bling her lately so ebe couldn't. And here are some molasses oookiea 11 baked this morning. I thought maybe you'd like them—” Nothing would do out Gale mi|g« come lo the oousc and nava a eup o! tea. Mary slipped into the new coat sad was delighted It was later when Gate arose to go. than she usd thought. Tba i sky was darker now and a sharp wind had risen. Marj came to the door and called after eer, ” “The 4: SO bus it the last until I o clock * Mgybo rd b«tt«r com* With you—" Gale shook bar bead. Mt‘U make | it all right.' aba called back, tad set oU for the crossroads. Almost as though by prear ranged signal the storm hroka then Wet gleet came dowg with driving force, melting and slip ping down inside Gate's collar. The wind was cold and growing colder. Gale bent her bead gnd ran- The sleet stung her chceka 1 and blinded her. Once she slipped and almost fell but ah* caught her balance Just in time. It wge -q dark now that she could scarcely see the path. 8fc* ran on tad reached the crossroads. brcaibUs#. There was the big bus coming down the road. «, ite headlights gleaming. Qale 4 stood atill. one band raised, and heard the grinding noise ae the driver put pn the brakes. The bus halted, stopped. Sud denly Gale gave a little err of dia» may. She was or the wrong tide of the Intersection. She ran for ward. signaling to the driver to wait. b’4< •Tidtently he did not ace her There wee another grinding sound, a snort %ud the bos was on fti way. s • s