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Buy, Sell, Rent or Exchange Through the Herald Classified Ads Qlo § eu ip y tiD v Ay DAN THOMAS — GEORGE SCARBO PIaltsr. catlitt's 6UOHTLV 9S.NT NOSE 10 TMf QiSUUTOPTfixnKj. •Xb ma>c* HiS u»y as a AlftUST »H S4N PO^NCiSCO MANY YEAI26 AGO* 1 .1—1 ' — O^ULLftfeN Sr* SjO h OUT OP WPHDER>nC5 TWSOUffM MA®* KITS, SMB UOM't LET Hta MAlO OOT>€ HARWCITINO PC4?. H£«- HOME. _ fly m j -f VJ6TTY FURNfcSS WAS ONE 0* THE LACIEST u>^aoSoee5 in moi.»-y uOOD AMD nAS C€S' 3*ED MO<2£ "THAN HAl* o*= IT hecssu*. ' FEDERAL ACE TO TAKE CASE DALLA3. March 14. Govern mem investigation ot ihe slaymg m WiU Texas oi a federal narcotic •Cent grew more intensive Thursday a* Joseph B. Keenan of Washing *on, act assistant United States attor ney general, entered the case. Keenan termed the case “one oi the most important lq the country" end said no effort would be spared by the government to uncover all facta in the tilling of Spencer Staf ford. agent, at Post, Texas, on Feb.. f. “If a murder has been committed the case assumes importance equal In gravity to one of the attack of an enemy or traitor shooting down our flag and killing lte standard bear m, said Kennam Four West Texans. Including Sher iff W. F. Cato of oaraa county, have been charged with Stafford’s ma chine gun slaying, allegedly while be Investigated the workings of a purported huge narcotic ring. “The case will be the second ever tried under the new federal statute giving the United States govern ment Jurtfdlction in a case involv ing the killing of a federal agent in the line of duty,” said Keenan. ' The first case goes to tr»al ai Chi cago Monday when a defendant sc eused of si ay mg two federal de partment of Justice agents during the affray In which George (Baby Face) Nelson was slain, is arraign ed Keenan said “it goes without say ing that the department of justice at Washington and every other branch of our government will leave no atone unturned to exact Justice and to support the efforts of your United State* attorney during the **Clyde O. Eastua, fiery United States attorney, will lead the prose cution of the defendants scheduled to face trial at Lubbock. Texas, dur ing May. Sheldon to Speak (Special to The Herald) HARLINOEN, M»rch 14.—Dr. A F Sheldon, who Is on leave from the University of Miami, will ad dress the Junior chamber of com* meree at Its membershio meeting at the Madison hotel Monday night, ac cording to Rnv nyfield who made the arrangements. The meetine wtM open wtth a din ner at 7:30 o’clock. The annual election of officers will be he’d at the meetine and a bbr attendance is anticipated Heads D. A. R. 1‘Rebel’ Ticket i r Load Inc a rebellion against “red baiting” in the D. A. R., Mrs. Flora Myers Glllentine, above, of Chattanooga, Tenn., Is a candidate for the presi dency on an insurgent ticket, opposing Mrs. William A. Becker of Summit. N. J., for whom a clear field had been forecast. Mrs. Glllentine Is fighting on a platform of tol erance in beliefs. . Several Reclamation Projects Under Way (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES. March 14—J. L. Lytle, project engineer of the Unlt-j ed States Reclamation and Flood Control Service, spoke to members of the RcUry club this week on the work done In this section since the huirlcane. Since that time, he said, four million dollars will have been spent by July. He said a bill is be fore congress asking for two million' dollars more. Have you seen the new Olds mobties?—Adv. STr>E GLANCES - Genrcre Clark ■ r - *^0U better tog up it to mother answers the phone." I ANNOUNCEMENTS Repairs Financed Government Plan MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY SPRING STOCK Wall Paper ! HERE MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY Try The Herald Classified Ads To Got Basult* Classified rates: JO words or lees. on* tnaerstton .. 40 Over 30 words, one lascrtlan per word . 3» Subsequent insertions run oonsecutlve ly, per word .1V*< Minimum. 10 words By month, per word . 30< To insure publication on the seme dsy Classified sds mutt t>e in the office b% 10 a m on week days, end by noon on Saturday for Sunday s paper Legal notices Is per word each inset tlon Phone number 8 and ask tor the Classi fied Department An experienced ad writer will live helpful suggestions 11 wanted and tell you whet the ed wii. coat. Then later Is the day a soy wit. call on you with the bill and you may pay him. Check your ad when it first appear, as The Herald la not responsible for more then one Incorrect Insertion Note. All Classified advertising Is on s strictly cash basis LEf Al ADVEHTISr-MEM THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County, Greeting: A. A. Browne and O. K < King' Mason, executors of the estate of Marfa ret E. Flynn, deceased, hav ing filed in our County court their final account of the condition of the estate of said Margaret E Flynn, deceased, numbered 2401 on the probate docket of Cameron county, together with an applica tion to be discharged from said ad min.stratlon. You are hereby commanded, that by publication of this writ ten days before the return date hereof in a newspaper printed in the county of Cameron you give due notice to all persons interested in the account! for f.nal settlement of said estate, j to appear and contest the same if ] they see proper so to do, on Mon day the 25th day of March. A. D 1935, at the Court House of said county, in Brownsville. Texas, when said account and application will i be acted upon by said court. Given under my hand and seal of said court, at my office in Brownsville. Texes, this 13th day of March. A. D. 1935. H. L>. Seago. Clerk , County Court. Cameron County by O. F. Brenner, deputy. (3-14-lt—4925) Offer Essay Prizes (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES. March 14 —The Mer cedes Chamber of Commerce is of fering a cash prise to any student of the Mercedes schools who writes the two best essays on city beauti fication. The project will be divided into three groups, the first in the fourth and fifth grades, the sec:nd in the sixth. seventh and eiehth grades and the third, the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades. Both first and sec ond prises will be awsrded in each division Th“ essay must not ex ceed 150 words. Have you seen the new Olds mobiles?—Adv. ■- || I ■ ■ Matrimonial Prospect HORIZONTAL 1 Royal leader who is to the marriage market. 7 Hie country la-. 12 To regret. 13 Speech. 16 Mythical bird. 16 Inclination. 1? Malicious burning. 18 Pitcher 19 Deer 20 Male sheep. 22 Embrace 27 To accomplish. 2$ Cures 29 Constellation. SI Proflu which lands yield. SS Vulgar fellow. 86 Ribbon rose. 87 Eye sockets. 41 Comes in. 46 Streets. 47 Uncooked. 49 Characteristic. 50 To perish. Annrer to Previous Puzzle U Dove* homes. S3 Distlnetire theory. 14 Chinese wax. 55 T6 reside. 55 Ale. 18 The prevailing religion In bis country. 19 Reluctant. VERTICAL I Wrath. 8 Conrent worker. 4 To secure. I Egg-shaped figures < To pierce with a bora. f Acidity t A standard mineral. • Form of “be." 10 At tbta time. II Froien water. 14 Exists. 14 He Is almost the only king. 19 Maintains. 21 Melodic grace. 23 Bronte. 24 Knock. 25 Measure of cloth. 26 Either. 29 Onager 30 To perform. 32 Anrora. 34 Devoured 36 Descended from the same mother. 38 Round-up. 39) Lades water. 40 8tan :ard of perfei tlon. 42 He was chief tain of a ——. 43 Loom bar. 44 Verse*. 45 Street. 47 To steaL 48 To marry. SI Eccentric wheel 62 Ocean. 64 Afternoon. 6“ Note In scale. ANNOUNCEMENTS VALLEY RADIO UbwmtortM. 1111 Washington. Phone 830. Auto home service. Installation 131 8 Travel Opportunities McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves McAllen 8:30 10 00 13:00 :00 6:00 4 00 8:00 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 7:30 900 11:00 1:00 5:00 8:00 7:00 Leaves Reynoaa m. m. m. m. m. m. m. Special bus from Reynosa Sat* urday and 8unday 10:30 p m. UNION BUS LINES Fast bonded Buses Leaving Har lingen 6:30 a. m. and 3 p m. dally Arrives San Antonio 1:15 p. m and 9:45 p. m. San Antonio 83.50— Dallas $8-25—Abilene $8.85— Austin $5 10—Chicago $2115 — St. Louis $17 65. Madison Hotel, phone 405 Harlingen; Miller Hotel, phone 166 Vwnsville; Cortez Hotel, phone 70 Weslaco; McAllen, phone 32; San Benito, phone 234; Elsa, phone 35 9 Cafea and Hotela WHITE KITCHEN 419 - 12th Street Business Lunches — Choice Meats Excellent Sea Foods — Private Dining Room Serving the Valley for Over Ten Vear6. A SHORT-1JME advertisement does not always ruiflll the ad vertiser's need even in the strong est advertising medium If you have not gotten results—phone the Herald to renew your ad. AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos For Solo PHONEM PHONE M THEY ARE HERE NEW PONTIACS AND BUICKS 1939 Ford Pickup Truck 1933 Pontiac Coupe 1930 Chevrolet 4-door sedan 1933 Chevrolet 3-door sedan 1933 Pontiac. 4-door sedan 1934 Chevrolet. 3-door sedan with trunk. Wells Motor Co. Bulck-Pontiac Dealers Service - Washing - Greasing E. B. WELLS* Owner PHONE M PHONE M STUDEBAKER sedan for sale. 930 cash. Can be seen at 307 St. Char les St. I-M Check this list before you buy 1931 Ford Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Packard Sedan 1929 8tudebaker Sedan 1929 Bulck 3 door Sedan Also have several very cheap cars. Brownsville Motor Co. CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH PHONE 437 PLACH VOUlTciaasHM ads before 10 a. m. week days and noon Saturday for proper classification. BUS. SERVICES 22 Beauty Shop* f EASTER SPECIAL Frederick Wave. $5. Steam Oil. 11-95 or 3 for $3. Other wave*. $3.50. Free haircut with each at nice. Amaya's Beauty Shop, 1335 Adams, Phone 1605. BEAUTY CULTURE school— Sl.M oil permanent*, guaranteed. Stu dent work half price. Cottage Beauty Shop. Levee St. 133 TO BUYERS OP PRINTING Rroeperous firm* have their printing done at RECIO BROS. PRINT SHOP Phone 927 722 - 12th St. — Brownsville 25 Buildera*Contractora BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer Preliminary Investigation*. Detail Plans and Construction Supervision. Examination* and Reports 519 Uth St. Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE 25 Moving Truck*—Storage MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractor* for Missouri Pacific Pick up and delivery service Hauling of All Kind* 8th * FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Kind* AUSTIN TRANSFER CO-, Ml Levee Moving and crating Phone 431. U68 32 Printing—Office Sup. PREPARE toot rammer advertising now' Call an-1 have Bishop's Print Shop show vou their 1934 advertising fans—They’re nice. 090 34 Insurance White & Sutherland Lila — Fire — Casualty Insurant PHO.*r 411 State National bank Bldg. WOOD 8z DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phune 100 407 . Utb Street INSURANCE BONDS W. B. CLINT Phone 6 EMPLOYMENT 36 Help Wanied-Fecnale WANTED — Experienced beauty parlor operator to take Valley shop on percentage basis or rent same. Fully equipped, ready lor business. Box 1-51. Herald. 1-51 ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home. spare time; 15 to 115 weekly. Ex perience unnecessary. Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. Hawkins. Dept. 2081. Box 75, Hammond, Ind. 1-66 THERE ARE NEW readers and eld readers with new WANTS every day. List your Wants or Don t Wants on the Brownsville Herald Classified page for quick satisfy ing results. EMPLOYMENT 40 Services Offered Agricultural Service Scientific Management and Super vision Exporting and Re porting. Appraising. R. C. ROBERTSON Phone 1030 Valley Bonded Warehcvse LIVESTOCK SO Poultry-Supplies HIOHESl QUALITY BABY CHICKS Priced right. Custom hatching. Set every Saturday. W. R. Jackson Feed and Seed Store 1036 WashingKir — Phone 887 OH YES — We have those good strong started chicks—our chicks are known for their strong vital ity. Valley Hatchery, Edinburg. Tex. 1-29 CHOICE MILK fed broiler*; select eggs; English Strain Leghorn pul lets. Homer Fitch. Phone 17, West 7th and St. Francis H-100 A FORTY CENT twenty - word Classified ad In the Sundav Her ald will go before 55.000 readers MERCHANDISE S4 For Saie, Miscellaneous MOTORS Used and New For Sale or Trade HARGIS ELECTRIC PHONE 923 FOR SALE—SOS buhels good corn at crib. Engelman Oardens. Ed inburg, Texas, Phone Elsa 6002 T-64 GOULDS PUMPS For Ranches And Suburban Homes Hargis Electric 836 Elizabeth St. PHONE 922 NO MORE WASH DAYS 16 SSS 49c LBS. A ' Sc Each Additional Pound Phone 1 AND Dpt Cleaning CoUnc 60 Seeds-Plints-Flowers NOW IS the time to plant Spring flowers. Pine stock of new seeds on hand. Groves and Co.. Phone 1290. H-94 RENTALS 63 Apartment* LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, fur nished; private home. 442 Levee, phone 578. GATEWAY ROTEL — Twu room apartment; Mils paid; hot water; 91600 per month. 1*16 SWEENY Apartments—Permanent tenants. Apply for attractive re duced rates. Cool, high class apartments. 1st and Adams 8t. H-12C FURNISHED Efflcleocy apartment; garage, gaa and water furnished. Phone It. 1-63 RENTALS 64 Rooms BEDROOM for (csUonaa. newly furnished, both, garage. Mr*. Virginia Sherer. 1S14 West Elii obeth. Phone Ml.I-il 6b Homes FOR RENT. Fire-room cottage. modern conveniences. two blocks from postoffioe. Phono 1270. 66 Business Property FOR RENT—Downtown location lor shoe shop, cigar and candy / and. Phono 501, TRylor Lumber Co.HI 69 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT — Stx-roowi unfurnished house. Write Bos 1-02 Hers Id. 1-0 REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE About 1 acre. 150 feet on High, way. Close in. H sere citrus. 7 room house—mil convenience* —S csr gsrage. Price 16.000.00. Terms. Rented now for more then enough to meet mortgage payments. Have land for rent, and wish to get in touch with good tenants. flee us for real estate bargains. A. D. Dickinson, Jr. PHONE 499 El Jardln Bldg.. Brownsville MONEY TALKS $1450 00 buys on* of most 6Mir. able building el tea la Brownsville vicinity; well looated. on pavement, on resaca. with telephone, electrle lights and city water service. All In be suit! ul 6-year-old bearing or chard. tlJSO.oo buys modern 5-room home textone finished inside, large front porch, large garage 30x34 feet; $350 00 cash; balance $3141 per month Including Interest. $3400.00 buys S*t acres wen located near pavement and near Santa Rosa school, with good small eat of Improvements and 4 acres In t year old bearing orchard; $500.00 cash! balance easy terms. g% interest S. C. Graham A Company Arcade Bldg - Phone lit Brownsville I exes Pre-Port Bargains Five-room frame house In good condition; textone walls; paving and taxes all paid; garage; Victoria Heights. $1,750. terms. Five-room house on corner lot with paving and taxes all paid; garage. 52400. attractive terma Five-room stucco house in West Brownsville with textone walls; S.ving and taxes ah paid; garage. 450, attractive terms. MONSEFS AND QCILTER Merchants Bank Bldg. BluensifBs I I HAVE Several small farm propertter you can buy almost at the price of j City lots. Why not get a borne you can live on? Get away from paper sack living and prolong life. I have any else, any price. See II. T. Killlon over WUlman's Drug Store. 72 F arma-Rnnches PRICED TO SELLr—Well Improved modern home. 18 acres of grove; cloee to town and Port; terms to suit. See Owner, Box 507, phone 6019 F 3. 1-43 74 For Sain or Trade FOR SALE or trade—M~acree, fUl ing station, 5-room bouse, barn, garden; near Kansas City. Mo. Want south Texas property, clear. Sea Bream Apartments, Co , n ChrlstL 1-3 By WILLIAM RITT ond JACK WILHELM CHIP COLLINS* ADVENTURES Heux) ZERo,VAJUeass \ I^F a«e voo goimG^ pV If * TO EAT UA\JEMT - i i had a bite- rors ■> \_N am Koore \ THOUGHT VOUtL l D\D W EAT NOTH/AJG oao pot voo r-^/vjouJ But steaks on a oiEX^ *k Potatoes ’n‘ CO<*M ’M‘ SPtMACH * 'N' ICE C«KAN\ *NJ' f -? <*■ CAktfe ‘M1 CMuOV 'NT.. \ /•# V — . ^ v^m-i JUST Them . hughes' CM, Pu&soeo By the AAOTod/ CO? QufcSTS IMTO VVEVA/. they Afc®. OtSPtRATC AS TO VjjHAT To OO VUlTtf THE. Pav A)C. bfto^Z-B J*>4 thc Cop's out op Sight* Toss THKT euST IMTO THE BuSH«-S... ev THOSE TWO GOVS. ■V" WHAT'S MICKEY MOUSE • By Walt Oianey OF ALL'^E DUMB BUNNiES, I take the prize' set out a newspaper without . ANY bUBSCR'BERS' ) EV'RVBOOV SCArmE* AN;RU«Tl.« "the DAilV WAR fj-l DRUM RESUMES Publication/m rn WE O-’ WEU-! SUR£- ] Ha ■ |ll handle it por vou' - v» o