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TAX PUBLICITY REPEAL FINDS NEW OBSTACLE WASHINGTON, March 14.—(AV The tax question, with the related Issue of division of wealth, bobbed, dp la the senate Thursday to block j the way of the house resolution to repeal the “pink slip” income tax publicity law. Two proposals for raising tbs taxes on toe rich were penning In { the senate as riders to the "pink i slip” resolution and more were on the way. They are pu&ned by mem- I bars who say Income should ue dis tributed more evenly. Senator's favoring repeal of the •■pink slip” law ooneeded the rev enue Issue placed a serious obstacle 1 14 the way ol quick action on their proposal, and might result In Its ^Kiough the “pink slip” repeal shppea through the finance com-1 mittee with little trouble, after a test vote of 14 to 7. leaders of bom sides of the controversy concede a it would face a tougher fight in the senate. The two revenue measures al ready offered as riders to the income tax measure were presented by Senators Cousens iR-MJcm and La Follette (Prog-Wls). Oouaens seeks a graduated ex-! eess profits tax on corporations, which he estimates would yield 9335. .00.000 He would put a tax ranging from five to 40 per cent on ptotlte above eight per cent. La Follette is trying to increase income taxes all along the line, but chiefly on the wealtny. His amend ment would lower personal exemp tions from $1,000 to $800 for single persons and from $2,500 to $2,000 lor families. He would also boost the normal rate from four to six per cent and raise the surtax rates, from a range on one to 59 per cent to a scale rang ing from six to 71 per cent. Mercedes Kiwamans Organize Glee Club to rhr Hereto .MERCEDES. March 14.—A Mer cedes Kiwanis Glee club has been formed, with Nix Harrington di rector. and L. P. Boung secretary. Purpose of the club is to promote inter-club relations in the Valley The club has been invited to ap pear on the prog, am ot tne Kiwan-s International convention to be held in San Antonio in May. Other members of the glee club inciude William O'Hair, M. L. David. B O. Mueller, A. U. Swearingen, ri. L. Scott. Harold Stuart. Norris Long acre, Owen Stone. E D. Olson. H A St. John of Elsa. Joe Spettigue, Bob Robinson. Jack Martin. Buster Lewis Hermann Sugg.' L. L. Freas ier. Randell Atterberry. W. A. Hel ler. R. R. Talbert. Cecil Bean. Wai ter Collier. Devere Wilson, L. E Frit* and W. E Lachenmeyer. Mercedes Legion To See ‘Athletic Meet’ (Hoectal to The Herein* MERCEDES. March 14— The Mercedes American Legion plans to make the next meeting on March 15 an athletic event, with the boys % the physical education class of the high school in charge of the program. Trie program, under the direc tion of Coach H. L. Schmalz: led. will consist of boxing, wrestling, tum bling and other events. Proceeds from the recent vaude ville show will go toward building a club house for the Scout troop sponsored by the post. March 14, ISIS—Word of the re lease of Stephen P. Austin from prison in Mexico City had just reached Brazoria. You will recall that he had been a prisoner since February 13th. 1834; that he had never been granted a trial and that he was given his freedom on bail on Christmas Day of 1834. a wealthy Mexican named Pascual Villar being accepted by the Mexican govern ment as surety. Austin was now seeking a final discharge and per. mission to leave Mexico City, where the conditions of his release from prison required him to remain. Decree No. 293. of the legislature of the State of Coahulla and Texas, bearing this date, contained three articles, which, because of their Im portance In connection with an un demanding of the land activities of that body, are quoted in full: Art. 1: The executive, for attend ing to the present exigencies of the state, may dispose of the vacant Itpdt thereof to the amount of 400 sltios (a sitio contains 4428-402-1000 acres. Art. 2: He ■hall regulate the coi w<««tinn of said lends on the basis end conditions he shall judge pro per. without subjection to the pro vision of the law of the 26th of Kerch of the year was passed Art. S: The executive shell dlctete the necessary measures for the col lection of all sums due the state, from whatever source they ere to The decree wee approved by J. M. Cantu, governor of the state by le gislative appointment on March 12th following the resignation, of Kifuasabal, military governor, and 4* adlng the examination and count, ing of the votes cast In the Februa ry election. The law of March 26. 1824. re ferred to. was one In which provi sion was made for sale of vacant lends of the state at public auction end n*™mg the conditions. 1 ' la 43rd Flowing Well Is Brought in At Samfordyce Field (Special to The Herald! MISSION. March 14.—Another new flowing well was added to pro duction In Hidalgo county’s Sarn fordyce field. 20 miles west of Mis-, sion Wednesday, the third comple tion in three days and the 43rd flowing well in the field. In addi tion to the completion, two tests are waiting on cement prior to drilling in, another Is cleaning and a fourth Is coring for the sand. King-Woods Oil company, drill ers of the field’s discovery well last September, brought in the field's 43rd flowing producer, their No. 1-B John Lawrence, five months and three weeks to the day after completion of the discovery well. The test made an estimated 20 barrels per hour on 3-16 Inch tubing choke with equalized pres sures of 150 pounds on both casing and tubing. The test logged «as sand at 2.767-73 feet and satura tion. beneath a shale streak, at 2.773-75 feet. The completion Is about 1.500 feet east and slightly *outh of discovery In the dlscoverv drying block and on the south edge of production. The next comoletion is due im mediately. It will be Reserve De velopment Company's No. 3 Sea bury et al. 843 feet from the north and 230 feet from the east lines of the north 28 acres of the west 38 acres of the southeast 89 80 acres of tract 256. porcion 38. about 2.700 feet northwest of discovery'. It is cleaning slowly on 1-8 inch tubing choke, no pressures showing thus far. Saturated sand was logged at 2.755-62 feet, neither upper gas sand nor a shale break being cored. At the northwest extremity of the field and offering the probability of a 600 to 700-foot extension of production. Skelly Oil Company’s No. 1 Seabury et al. in the south east corner of the west 24 acres of the wrest 48 acres of the north 78 acres of the southeast 166.9 acres of tract 256. porcion 38. about 3.900 feet northwest of discovery, set and cemented casing at 2.797 feet The test showed for production from the upper Samfordyce sand, normally a gas sand in most other sections of the producing area, when it showed 2.000 feet of oil and 80 pounds ggs pressure In a six. minute drill stem test. Coring deep er. it picked up the saturation at 2.797-2.800 feet, and drill stem test of this sand showed 2.288 feet of oU and no pressure in 20 minutes The record is: gas sand at 2,766-80 Junior Class At La Feria Presents Play (Special to rhr Herald) LA FERIA. March 14— Kicked Out oi Cuaege," will be presented D> the Junior class of La Feria mgii school Friday night in the hign I school auditorium. The cast of characters, which in cludes 19 members of the classes: Botles Benbow, a popular senior, plaj ed by Joseph Mac liner; Tad Cheseldine, Charles Hammer; Le viticus. George Dewey: Scotch Mc Allister. Gareld Foncanncn; Shorty hong, Jack Walk; Slivers Magee John Matchett; Mr. Benjamin J. Benbow, Orin Goulding; Mr. Sandy McCann. Bruce Smith; Offiver Riley Brady Noblett; Mr. Gears. Alton Hennessee: Jonquil Gray, Lois Erick son; Betty Benbow. Oleta Keelon. Mrs. Benbow, Louise Friebele; *Ma Baggsby. Martha Lievens; Mrs. Mc Cann. Lucille Adams; Selina Mc Cann. Edith Wilson: Juliet Snobbs. Joella Murry; Mimi Fleurette, Rosa Je Curry; Silamanaca Spivens, Ol wen Hamner. The play is being directed by Miss Ruth Voight and the class sponsor. Miss Willie Fosrelman. Former Students Of A..& M. Will Gather HARLINGEN. March 14— Former students of A. & M. college who now reside in the Valley are invited to at tend a smoker at the Reese-Wilmond hotel here Monday night at 8 o’ clock. it was announced Wednesday by J. W. Monk, secretary. The “usual A. & M spirit" is ex pected to prevail at the meeting. Secretary Monk stated. 44ALL THE FUN WAS GONE OUT OF LIFE” says middle aged woman ' Many women suffer from hot flashes, dizzy spells, nervousness m«. iiatiubak •UU V/UJvl tu* ooyiog symp toms of the ChangeofLife. They get so blue and dis couraged that life does not seem worth living.* An the hin was gone out of life, complains Mrs. S. Matushek of 10907 Edbrooke Aw., Chicago* For are years I was going through a very bad time. I was nervous, had terrible headaches, could not climb stairs and felt swollen. Your Vegetable Compound worked wonders Tor me. It is a great medicine for any time of life, but especially at the Change and before motherhood. My daughter Lucille used to feint at the office. Your medicine helped her and helped my daughter-in-law too.** *1 Had Awful Hat Spalls'* tM Mrs. Harry H. Price of *304 Ndj Harrison Are., Kankakee, Illinois. The Vegetable Compound puts pep into me and makes my work easy. •Wb*t they sW k * dependable tfi*—- like Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. feet, saturation at 2.780-84 feet, shale at 2.784-97 feet and satura tion at 2.797-2.800 feet. At the southeastern edge of the field, Cortez Oil Corporation's No. 4 C. E. Smith, near the center of the northeast 34.43 acres of tract 278, porcion 40, about 5.400 feet southeast of discovery, is waiting on cement to set. The test picked up the upper Samfordyce gas sand at 2.748-58 feet, shale at 2.758-63 feet and saturation at 2.763-69 feet and set casing at 2.763 feet. Ner- the center of production. Bridwell Oil company's No. 2 Luis Pena, in the southeast corner of tract 217, porcion 40, about 3.300 feet southeast of discovery, drilled to 2,740 feet Wednesday and began coring Thursday for the Samfordyce sand. The test is slightly further soutn tnan the King.Wods No. l-B Lawrence, completed Wednesday. At the northern extremity of the held, Wheelock & Collins’ No. l St a bury et al. in the southwest corner of the southeast 20 acres of the north 240 acres of tract 256. Torcion 36. about 3.000 feet north and slightiv west of discovery, is making hole at 1.860 feet. Further extension of production to the west will be sought in the Re serve Development Company's No. 4 Seabury et al. which has been located 230 feet from the west and 330 feet from the north lines of the north 28 acres of the west 38 acres of the southeast 89 80 acres of tract 258, porcion 38. about 3.600 feet northwest of the discovery. The test is slightly further west than the Skelly No. 1 Seabury et al. The Reserve No. 3 Seabury et al will probably be spudded in late this week, derrick now being skidded from the Reserve No. 3 Seabury et al to the location. Neuhaus Drilling company is contractor. A new semi-wildcat test is expect ed to get under way shortly on the eastern edge of the field. It will be, known as Double D Oil Companv-K. D. Harrison’s No. 1 Mrs. Lula George and will be located 150 feet from the south and 150 feet from the west lines of the southwest 20; acres of tract 13. porcion 41. about j 1. 00 feet east of production. It will seek both the Samfordyoe produc ing horizon and the sand which showed for production in the old! Chancellor-Da 11 test, about 1.500 fen further east. Two wildcats In western Hidalgo1 county continued making hole Wed-! nesday. About four miles northeast of thei field. Downey «& Morton's Uo. 1 Osca Daskam. in the east 40 acres of I block 34. porcion 45. Ancient Juris diction of Reynasa. is reported drill- j tng at 3.240 feet. Nearly 15 miles northwest of Mis-! slon. Double D Oil Company’s (for merly W. L. Clary* No. 1 Brock & Showers, in lot 4. block 12, porcion 80. Ancient Jurisdiction of Reynasa is drilling at 3.155 feet. The test failed to pick up, in a hole side tracked at about 2.900 feet after loss of chain tongs In the original hole, a heavily saturated oil sand at 3 053-58 feet first reported on February' 15. It is now making bole on the 6.000-foot original contract. JOHNSON HAS WAR TAX PLAN NEW YORK. March 14. —(*V Elimination of at least 90 per oeni of all war profits la urged by Gen eral Hugh 8. Johnson with the as sertion that the munitions makers' profit motive for war compares "as a green pea to the known globe'’ to that of “the citizenry." “If you wan tto avert war by re moving prpfits as a cause.” he says in an article in the American mag azine. “you are not even skimming the surface when you begin to cry havoc about what peacetime muni tions makers have done. “It makes swell reading. It is a fine political tom-tom, but it is Just bunk and ballyhoo.” Turning from the field of peace time industrial control, the form er NRA administrator calls for a law giving the president authority in wartime to fix “every price in the whole national pattern" at Its pre-war level. Simultaneously effective, he pro poses “a federal tax of not less than 90 per cent on any increase of war profits over peace profits” on every business operated for profit. These two measures. Johnson says, “offer the greatest single advance toward peace and toward American effectiveness for defense that has been made in our genration." The price-fixation plan, he points out. is that sponsored by Bernard M. Baruch He declares it is “very likely” that it will be passed at this session of congress. “Only the great industrial na tions can possibly prevail in long, drawn-out modern war.” Johnson says. "You can count them on the fingers of your hand: Britain. Ger many. France, Japan and America "Italy does not even have its own coaL Russia has men and nothing more.” Johnson criticizes the "shocking methods of munitions makers in their wares.” then adds "there are two far more powerful incentives.” School Children Of La Feria Examined (By The Associated Pressi LA FERIA. March 14—Physical exampina.ions for 292 children in the first seven grades of the La Feria schools were completed this week by the county health doctor. Dr. W. E. Spivey, and the county health nurse. This examination completed the work started several weeks ago. The children have been examined for ir regularities in eyes. ears. nose, throat, skin, and heart. Where conditions were found to exist that needed at tention. the parents were notified. Wcrklng with the health unit, the health unit of the local P. T. A. is urging that parents follow up the -ecommendatlons of the health doc tor and consult family doctors con -eming the conditions which have been found and seme remedial meas ure* needed. Mrs A. H. Moore is chairman of the P. T. A. committee on health. Aitov regulations prescribe a gold or yellow fringe on all American flags iu«ed as regimental colors or standards. Flashes -of Life _______ •* (By The A—oclatod Preaa) Too, loo Perfect LANCASTER, Pa.-Mn». A. C. Tunis, dealer, laid down her hand of 13 diamonds without a bid. ask ing "who stacked the deck?” Mrs. Lester Cooper put down 13 clubs; Mrs. Charles Ranck. 13 hearts, and Mrs. Vera Kuna. 13 spades—without a bid. Mrs. Walter N. Naylor, hostess at the bridge party in suburban Leacock, said she saw the shuffle, but the three-table party broke up then and there. Never Missed Him CHICAGO.—Mrs. Patricia Dunn told a Judge her husband. James, an Interior decorator by day and a violin player by night, had appear ed at home so infrequently during the six yean of their married life that he was gone for a year before she suspected he had deserted her. The Judge thought the story Justified a divorce. Account Closed NEW YORK—An elderly man waited in line in the Brooklyn .ederal building until he had paid his income tax. Then he fell dead. He was identified as Thomas Goodman, 75. No More Barrage Needed PITTSBURGH—Supplies Di rector Ray Sprigle. who once freed the county building of star lings by a judicious bombardment of Reman candles, isn't worried about the latest visitation. “Oh, those birds there now are just stopping off on the wiy to summer quarters." Sprigle said when informed of the new flock. “If they don't leave peaceably in a few d’.ys I’ll start another bar rage from the rear. "When the other starlings see how their companions lock with out tail feathers tvey’ll hunt some other headquarters." Citrus Quarantine Fine Is Assessed (Special to The Herald * HARLINGEN. M’.rch 14— Pedro Cavazos pleaded guilty to a charge Weak Women ANY women both young and middle-aged suffer from periodic pains in side or back, from catarrhal drains, heat Hashes, they should tiy that vegetable tonic favorably known for sixty vears as Dr. Pierce'* Favorite Prescription. Read thi*: Mrs. H. W. Moul oi 524 So. Harvey St.. Oklahoma City, Okla., said: "Soma years ago I was in a completely rundown condition. 1 could hardly eat a thing, and headaches kept me in a state of misery. I s i-ir-rd from nose bleed also. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription helped me so quick* ly that I continued its use until I regained m* normal health and strength. That was over five years ago.’ All druggists. *vew sue, tablets 50 cts^ liquid 51.00k ol pneerwlng 40 bustwli of bulk oranges outside the quarantine area before Judge Dan Salinas hi Rio Qrande. who fined him $15 plusi costs, according to word received »t the fruit fly quarantine office. The fruit wee burled under the *1"ecttr>n at an Inspector.. The qusnnttne eervloe ta —tlX tain inf a mobile patrol la 9t*xt county to prevent movement of m»* certified fruit. GO ORIENTAL. For a 'Change Genuine Imported Japanese Kimonos in lovely Cotton Crepe Weaves, backgrounds of delicate Pastel Hues, with gorgeously color ed Flowered Designs ... In true Japanese fashion ... A stunning lounging garment— 98c *1.49 Pure Silk Kimonos-Pajamas Also ... All Pure 811k Imported Japanese Pongee Kimonos and two piece Pajamas . . . Natural color, trimmed with bandings of vividly colored pongee, or silk embroidery. Also with printed pongee In Japa. nese designs . . . utterly new and original. PRICE— 98c„*2.29 TOM SAWYER SUITS AND'SHIRTS FOR REAL BOYS SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT MANAUTOU’S &)1kuuuitm Brownsville's Leading Store Horn* Owned Home Controlled Twelfth and Washington • • • • remember how I brought you tw I give you the mildest, best-tasting smoke—because I am made of center leaves only. The top leaves are unripe, bitter, biting. The bottom leaves are coarse, sandy, harsh. The center leaves are the choice leaves. They are mildest, mellowest, yet richest in fine tobacco flavor. And I offer you the fragrant, expensive center leaves exclusively. I do not irritate your throat. That’s why I dare to say, “I'm your best friend." ■