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LOANS BOARD NOW READY TO AID IN HOMES With officers and directors'of the newly - organised Brownsville Fed eral Loan and Savings association already named, the Brownsville org anization now is in a position to begin making loans on homes in the city. Drew Patteson. of the Patteson Motor company, is president of the association; O- W. Johnson, of the Pan-American Airways is vice pres ident- Robin Pate. Brownsville at torney. is second vice president; and Clarence Colgin, of the Browne properties, is secretary - treasurer; j£lss Lucia Garza, of the chamber of commerce, has been employed as assistant to the secretary. More than $7,000 In shares has been subscribed in shares in the org anization. which does not include the thrift subscriptions, which are paid monthlv and the gross amount of which is more than $75,000. The association expects to have a total loaning power of $33,000 for present use. Applications for loans already have totaled more than $17,000. The Appraisals committee is composed WE ARE IN FULL ACCORD —with the— Brownsville Federal Savings & Loan Association And With to Cooperate in Every Way Possible Let us help you fig ure on your re-build ing plans. Estimates furnished by reliable contractors. Complete Stocks of BUILDING MATERIALS H. H. HARDIN LUMBER CO. 10th Sc Fronton Phone 880 of C. C. Henderson, Ben Proctor end Oolgin. 1"wo facts stand out as important in organization of the association. The first is safety to the investor. All accounts of the association, whether cash subscriptions or mon ey paid under the savings plan, are guaranteed by the federal govern ment up to $5,OOj per person. No limit is placed on the number ol persons in one family who may nave accounts of up to $5,000 guar anteed by the government, so that it is possible for a family to have as hign as $25,000 or more guaran teed by the government. The second important fact is that, through this association. $3 is available, through the Federal Home Loan organization, lor every $1 subscribed for building new nomes in Brownsville. Thus, since the Brownsville association has a cash stock subscription of more than $7,000, the government will put up a total of more than $21,000. mak ing more than $28,000 available. In addition, through monthly savings payments, the government will make addition funds available for use by the Brownsville association. For j example, if monthly savings pay ments total $500. the government will make available $1,500 per month. ] The association is a local, mutual thrift and home financing msti.u tion. chartered by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Savings are vested in its shares by people of both large and small means. The United States treasury also is pow ered to purchase its shares. Sucn invested funds then are loaned by the association to home owners of sound credit standing in the com munity. secured by first mortgages on their homes. The association makes possible a home of one's own, paid for in convenient monthly sums while the buver is living in it. with a “loan that never falls due" because it is, gradually paid off in installments, j It also makes possible extensive remodeling and improvements on the home already owned. And the association provides a safer and less expensive mortgage loan. ROBIN PATE TO DISCUSS PLAN Works of the Brownsville Fed eral Savings and Lion association will be explained to those attend ing The Brownsville Herald Happy Kitchen Cooking School on Wed nesday afternoon, according to ar rangements made by The Herald with officers of the association Robin Pate, vice-president of the association, will make a short ad dre» that afternoon, bringing out in detail the actual workings of the association, and pointing out the manner in which home owmers ma\ take advantage of the loan system of the organisation. Thrift accounts and the manner m which they are insured by the fed eral government, will be explained, and all other details brought out. Questions concerning the associa tion. its purposes, etc., will be an swered by Mr. Pate. LITERARY SHRINE SOLD CARFNNAC. Prance —(fP<— The fine old priory in which Fenelon. bishop of Cambrai. wrote “The Ad ventures of Helememachus." a 17th century book over which genera tions of school boys have pored has been sold for the modest sum of $2 500. Best Wishes Brownsville Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n Brownsville w i 1 1 be proud of this new mu tual organization which will make loans on Brownsville real es tate and accept savings accounts from Browns ville citizens, which ac counts are fully insured up to $5,000.00 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpo ration. EAGLE PASS LUMBER CO. Building Materials PHONE 607 REFINANCING IS OFFERED In order to assist 500.000 urban home owners throughout the United States who are not in financial diffi culty. but whose short-term mort gages fall due this year. John H. Fahey, chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, stresses the desirability of refinancing these obligations as long-term amortiz ed loans. He points out that ample long-term funds are now available through private lending agencies, particularly the 3180 member insti tutions of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, with its present re serves of nearly $180,000,000 at the disposal of members for loans to home owners. Fahey’s statement fol lows: "Nearly S billion dollars in short term mortgages, representing some 500,000 city homes, mature in 1935. Many borrowers under present con ditions find it difficult to make the large lump-sum payments required on the loans. Such a home owner will readily see the advantage of refinancing the troublesome loan now falling due by means of a new long-term mortgage which he can pay off over a term of from 7 to 15 years in small monthly installments, each combining a partial payment on principal with interest on the unpaid balance. "Lending institutions in certain parts of the country are now offer ing long-term loans at even lower interest rates than are carried by the lump-sum mortgages now fall ing due. This partly reflects the am ple credit reserves available at low rates to member institutions of the Federal Home Loan Bank System "To Illustrate the advantage of refinancing a maturing mortgage through a new amortized loan, sup ;x36e that a home owner has a $3000 mortgage at 6 per cent interest com ing due next month, w'hich he is un able to pay off in full and will have difficulty In renewing through the present lender. By refinancing the $300 loan as a 12-year amortized loan, through a local building and loan association or other member of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, the present $3000 obliga tion is paid off in full. The new loan which replaces it will require a monthly payment of principal and Interest of only $30 In 12 years, the entire $3000 loan will have been repaid without a single payment oi more than 830. "The 3180 member home-financ ing institutions of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, mainly build ing and loan and Federal Savings and Lain Associations, specialize in making long-term amortized home loans to people of sound credit standing. Many of these institutions are now actively seeking to make loans of this type. They have abun dant funds on hand, through the investments of their own share holders and the HOLC bonds which they have recently received in ex change for distressed mortgages. Over a billion dollars in HOL£ bonds have been disbursed in the past 15 months to building and loan associations and savings banks which are members of the Bank System, or are eligible for member ship. • Member Institutions also have ac cess to nearly 1180.000.000 of fur ther credit through their regional Home Loan Banks, permitting them to borrow from the Banks at low interest rates to make loans to home owners in refinancing maturing mortgages or for other purposes Members of the System are located in practically every city in the Unit REPRESENTATIVE MISS RUTH BRANNON WOMAN TO AID HOUSING BOARD Miss Ruth Brannon, special rep resentative of the Federal Housing administration, is in the Valley as sisting Thomas H. Jarrell, executive assistant m the senes of meetings he is holding here, and also meet ing with women s organizations of the Valley. Miss Brannon will deliver a short address at the joint ladies night meeting of the Brownsville Lions, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs to be held at the El Jar dm Hotel on the night of Wednesday, March 27th. She is a graduate of the Univer sity of Chicago, department of Poli tical Science and Economy, class of 1928; has had graduate work at the Universities of Illinois and Califor nia; was a member of the Illinois debating team; is a member of Delta Sigma Rho. national hon orary debating society; was in structor of debate at the College of St. Francis. Joliet. 111., 1933-34. Is a member of the Business and Professional Women's club. ed Stale*. Their total resource* ex ceed 3 1-2 billion dollars. The Sys tem is the largest mortgage reserve in the world. Its membership repre sents by tar the most important group of agencies offering economi cal loans to home owners. It was created to solve the very problem which hall a million people face this year in securing long-term loans at reasonable interest rates which, of course, vary in different sections of the country. "The aim of any family which is carry ing a home mortgage loan is to own their property clear of debt. It will be to the benefit of any home owner whose mortgage falls due in the next few months to take steps at once to refinance the mortgage on a long-term basis. He should get promptly In touch with a lending institution which will replace his present burdensome loan with a new mortgage that he can pay off in con venient installments over a period of years.” CRATER OF SULPHCR OPENS IN ITALIAN MINING REGION NAPLES. Italy —<&h- A boiling crater of live sulphur has opened its asphyxiating maw in the sulphur mining region near Pozzuoili. Mine experts believe it* eruption saved the district from severe earth quakes. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS “Cover the Earth ” THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 1240 Elizabeth St. Brownsville REDISCOUNTING FUND AVAILABLE ▲ total ol $100,000,000 ha* been available by the Federal Home Loan bank of Little Rock. Arkansas fo. rediscounting FHA insured loans on new homes and refinanced mortgages under Title XI of the Housing Act, it was learned through Associated Press dispatches recently. The agreement was reached to ac cept for rediscount insured mort gages made under Title n of the Housing Act. This is the first home loan bank in the United States to make the agreement, and it means that any citiaen of the southwest who wants to build a home, or re finance the existing mortgage on his present home, if he can meet the very reasonable requirement* o th Housing Administration will have available ample capital to finance the enterprise. More than a hundred of the 300 financial institutions af filiated with the Home Loan Bank System office at little Rock are lo cated in Texas. By April 1 there should be available in every size able community in the southwest region, a qualified lending institu tion. ready to handle Title 11 loans. it was stated. _ "More than 90 financial Institu tions. with combined sasets of over $125,000,000, will have completed qualification by that date. These include banks, insurance companies | thrift and home savings institutions, and mortgage companies. The Home Loan Bank is prepared to rediscount their mortgages at 90 cents on the dollar, on either a long or short term basis." it was announced. BETTER HOUSING MEETINGS SET A aeries of Better Housing meet ings will begin the Valley on Mon day, March 25. and continue through March 31. at which Thomas H. Jar - rell, executive assistant, Federal Housing administration for South west Texas, will explain the work ings of the various housing set-up* ol the federal government. Mr. Jarrell will hold his Browns ville meeting on the night of Mon day. April 1. in the chamber ot commerce building, and will meet with those interested at Harlingen on the nights of March 25 end at 7:30 o’clock in the Reese-WU Mond Hotel. The McAllen meetings will be held at the same hour on the nights of March 28 and 21 in the chamber of commerce building. The meetings are designed to help those engaged in the construc tion. design, repair, alteration and Improvement of real property, and should be attended by contractors and property owners. According to Mr. Janell. ^h® educational campaign for better housing, sponsored by the federal Housing Administration, is ush_ ine in a new era in the building industry. Every man allied With th* building business says Mr will have a considerable part in the rehabilitation of American homes and the revitalizing of the industry of which he Is a part Brownsville contractors and ma terial men are taking » terest in the visit of Mr. and urge all home owners and all ^SoS allied with the building in dustry to attend the meeting to be held here by Mr. Jarrel on the night of Monday. April first. [IGIATION RESTRICTION INCREASES POPULATION JUBLIN -iJP)— Restrictions on Igration Increased the Popula i in the Irish Free State by 21. in the first nine months of la.t x. The census announces a total 3.013.000 of whom 1535.000 are SPAIN’S ORANGE MARKET HITS ROCK BOTTOM HER* MURCIA. Spain —(AV- The ange market here hit rock bottom recently when shiments were hah ed by the government pending ne gotiation of a new Pranco-Spamsh commercial treaty. At one time the fruit sold for a cent a dozen. Women blood donors are prefer red in hospitals in Canada because their blood clots more easily than that of men. This is considered a vital aspect In the transfusion ©l blood. _ Congratula ‘ons to Brownsville on the Organization of the BROWNSVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASS’N. This community is fortunate to have received Federal assistance in securing a local Building and Loan institution in which the peo ple may invest their funds safely and which will provide a sound and economical plan to finance home building. Frontier Lumber Company “Always at Your Servicel** The World At a Glance , BT LESLIE EICHEL (Central Press Stall Writer) SOMEWHERE IN AMERICA.' March 23.—There are, cl course,; conflict mg views abroad in the land I concerning the principals of the radio battle. Each person seems to have his protagonist. Some have none—and wish all three would drop from sight. But the vast majority questioned are in favor of the debate, or whatever one would term the exchanges of such acrimony. On a basis of popular appeal, the Rev. Charles E Coughlin seems to rank highest (among the persons this WTiter has seen); Senator Huey Long seems to rank second—and (outside of New York at least) Gen eral Hugh Johnson seems to be a poor third. But one cannot predict how the standing will be three months hence. President Roosevelt—or another figure who may rise up—might have wiped the debating three off the map by that time. As for the 1936 election—the pres ent debaters are at the disadvan tage of having to talk 20 months. Even the best orator may stale In that time, particularly If he has no opportunity in the meantime to achieve actual accomplishments. i mm* One View One man (not a worker), who will not permit use of his name, has this to say: “I suppose my views are unpopu lar at the moment, but I take fnght every time I hear Father Coughlin speak. I do not doubt his sincerity, but I do doubt his ability as an eco nomist. And I even question the di rection in which he believes he is going on matters such as govern ment and social reform. “In short. 1 do believe with Gen eral Johnson (whose views also I question) that Father Coughlin is an unintentional Pied Piper leading the charmed children to the brink. I think Johnson said children, not rats (as Father Coughlin assumed), for the fable tells of the children, too, being charmed away by the Pied Piper. “I have another simile To me Father Coughlin seems to be shout ing. “Take this east- road—not the rocky road—to a better life. It will give you all you desire. It is very simple. All who say no are of the Giants who live in Wall Street, who rob and pilfer you if you travel this rocky road. You are a great people. You, yourself, can be giants if you get nd of the internationalists, the bankers, the objectors. They cannot live without the goose that lays the golden eggs. And the goose that lays the golden eggs Is at the end of my road—this wonderful road which leads to Fairy Land." “Well, I am nothing more than a minor business man myself. And even though I know that Wall Street has exploited us. I have the sense to realize that the rocky road is the only road. The other IS the road to the Pied Piper that DOES lead to the brink. "Board economic and social re forms come not by creating more money but by the far more difficult process of saining control of pro ductive activities, by gaining for each individual his share—not of the ephemeral thing called wealth but of the due share of the products of his labor. "I fear that to create ‘more money’ simply would cause the poor to be poorer and the rich to be richer. But to gain for each man his due share of production, his due share of leisure, his due share of security. \ his complete freedom from econo mic and political slavery is a prob lem which, it seems to me, requires traveling that slow rocky path up ward. ^ . "Peoples have tried in centuries past those easy side-roads, and it has taken generations for them to crawl back up out of the horrible pits into which they have fallen." • • • Another View On the other hand there Is a man out here in interior America who actually has worked in Wall Street. •Father Coughlin is right.” he says. “He must go on fighting those Big Bovs in the only language they can understand. He must call them names. He must frighten them. “They still are shuffling the deck so that they win all—and we lose all. “He’ll have an honest deck before he finishes." Huey In the meantime. Kingfish Huey Long seems to have caused the lib erals to be suspicious. They have been investigating his social reform record in Louisiana— and have come to the conclusion that free school books and good roads hardly make up for certain back ward labor and social conditions there. EXPERTBFOR BETTER HOMES Naturally, the matter of home building, home repair and home re habilitation hu iU place in any Happy Kitchen event, saya Mrs Beulah Mackey Yates, who will con duct the Seventh Annual Browns villa Herald Happy Kitchen, start ing on Tuesday afternoon of this week. And again most naturally any or ganization which has for its pur pose the improvement of living con ditions has the unqualified endorse ment of the Happy Kitchen and of Mrs. Yates personally, she states. Home comfort centers around con venient arangements of the kitchen and adequate kitchen facilities, ail ol which may be made possible by taking advantage of the loan feature of the Brownsville Savings and Loan association or by using the facilities offered through the various work ings of the Federal Housing Admin istration. With the depression definitely on the way out, it is time that people began to live and to live comfort-1 ably, paying more and more atten tion to the conveniences and pleas ures of life, says Mrs. Yates, and all at these are made possible through the Brownsville Federal Savings and Loan ^.vociation or through Federal Housing administration loans which may be made through all Browns villi material men. The Happy Kitchen thoroughly endorses every phase of the activity which has for its purpose the en couragement of better homes," Mrs Yams state*. LOANS DELAYS ARE ABOLISHED (Special to Tat Herald) DALLAS, March 23.—An Impor tant change in the procedure gov erning applications for Federal Housing Administration insured loans for new construction, design ed to elemlnate delay and accomo date persons desiring to build new homes more speedily, was announc ed here Saturday by Wm. H Clark. Jr„ southwest regioal director of the Federal Housing Administra tion. Under the new plan, any person who desires to build a new home may apply direct to any state or dis trict office of the FHA. either in person or through his lumber deal er. and. If his application is approv ed. will receive a tentative commit ment covering the amount of the loan desired. This commitment shows the willingness of the FHA to accept the borrower’s mortgage for insurance. He then takes this tentative commitment and applica tion to any authorized financial agency qualified to make Title II FHA loans, to make the actual loan If the financial agency of his selec tion does not wish to make the loan the FHA district or state office will refer the applicant to other quali fied lending agencies until contact is established with a lender who will handle the mortgage Applicants for loans must submit with their applications the appraisal fee of $3 00 for each $1,000 of loan sought, which covers the cost of ap praising and inspecting the proper ty upon which the loan is sought This fee is not returnable where an application is denied, but no ad ditional appraisal fee u charged when the loan Is completed. Heretofore. It has been necessary for the applicant to find an ap proved lending agency, and make his application through that agency, before the application would be pass ed upon by the FHA for mortgage In surance. By reversing the process, Clark pointed out, the applicant may find a lending agency to han dle his mortgage much more easily, if be already has a commitment showing that the FHA. is willing to Insure the loan, before he approaches the lending agency. "This new method will also give the FHA a more direct and accdBU check upon the lending agendea •'» this region which are actively co operating with our program to stim ulate new construction In the south west.'* Clark said. Any prospective home builder may obtain complete details of the pro cedure by applying to his local lum ber dealer or to the nearest state or district office of the FHA. District and State offices In the southwest region are located In Dallas. Fort Worth. Houston, and San Antonio. Texas; Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Santa Fe. NCw Mex ico. ITALY TAKES OVER AIRPORT ROME—— The capital! blf commercial aerodrome "Aerporto del Llttorlo” has been taken over bv the ministry of air hi keeping with Mussolini’s system of state control of all communications. Pre viously this hub of a system link ing Rome with other Italian cities was operated by the N,fional Aero nautical company unster military Inspectorate. TAFFETA FOR GLOVES LONDON (JPv—Oloves of taffeta \ and alpaca will be worn with many • of the latest spring costumes. MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY Phone 1400 BUILDING MATERIALS We Heartily Endorse The BROWNSVILLE FEDERAL SAVING & LOAN ASS’N. We are sure that Brownsville will support this mutual organization which will encourage thrift, and provide a means for the citizens to secure sound and economical home financing. If you are contemplating re-modeling or re building. let us figure with you — we will glad ly aid you in every way possible. We take pleasure in announcing the ap pointment of B. Frank Hardin as manager of the Brownsville yard. Mr. Hardin has had 21 years experience in the retail lum ber business, 8Vi years in the Rio Grande Valley, and will be pleased to advise with yon on any improvements you contemplate. ‘Everything to Build Anything* John F. Grant Lumber Co. BROWNSVILLE B. Frank Hardin Mana<rrr A. Sierra Aid. MtMfpr