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Society—Theatres ®he Inminsuillf Herald Cooking School r Valley Students — At — _u. of t._I By BETTY ROCKWELL The regular meeting of the Valley club was held in Texas Union March 19 with Henry Holland of Browms vllle. president, presiding. The dance to be given April 26 was dis cussed. Reports of committees were made. Bob Kern of Mercedes reported that he had been unable to obtain the junior ballroom of the Texas Union j for the dance, but that he had se cured the Barton Springs floor. Tony Gomez of Brownsville was unable to j come to a decision with the orchestra until the date and time were defin itely approved by the dance. Robert Clarke of McAJlen was appointed by the president to arrange for the tickets to the dance. B:lly Witt of Weslaco was appoint ed to call very <*ne from Weslaco and inform them about the dance and urge them to attend the meet ings of the club. Tom Handley of Edinburg, and Bob Clarke of Mc Allen were chosen for the same pur- ! pose in their respective towns. The club voted to support Gail McDavitt of Brownsville in the Sweetheart elections to be held Mon day and Tuesday. Those present at the meeting were j Herbert Pike of Weslaco. Ned Epps of Edinburg. Volney Taylor of Brownsville Alice Tamm of Harlin gen, Tony Gomez of Brownsville. How. §i Ho’jnes of Harlingen. Billy Witt of Weslaco. Millard Dilg of j Harlingen. Paul Cocke of San Benito. Clara Wolfe of Harlingen. Walter. Washington of Brownsville, Helen Scott of Raymondville. Harold Jack- i son of Harlingen. Robert Clarke of McAllen. Kermit Cromack of Brownsville. Charles Pugsley of San Benito, Kelsey Stuart of Harlingen. Henry Holland of Brownsville, Fran ces Grinwll of San Benito. Betty Rockwell of Brownsville. Thomas Sweer^v of Brownsville. Robert Kern of Mercedes. Gail McDavitt of Brownsville. Thomas Handley of Edinburg. Wolfort Donaho of Har lingen. and Charles Pugsley of San Benito. After deferring for several days the endorsement of a candidate for associate editor of the Cactus; the ' Student's Democratic Party Monday j night completed its list of endorse- , ments with the selection of Frank Ashley of Brownsville to represent the party in the race for the asso- j ciate editor of the Cactus. Ashley was selected over the bids for support of Joe Greenhill and Bob Brinsmade. After he had been endorsed by a substantial majority. Ashley's seiection was made unani mous by a vote of the group. Ash- , lev has been active in volunteer work on the Cactus during the past year • • • Twenty-eight residents of Kirby Hall were honored at a formal can dlelight birthday dinner Wednesday j by the staff members of the dormi- j tory. The birthday dinner is a quar terly event honoring girls whose birthdays occur wiihin that quarter. Valley honorees were Beth Ore gon- of Brownsville. Mary Margaret Fox of Brownsville. Katie Hamon of Brownsville. Louise Goforth of Brownsville and Mable Humble of San Benito. Jane Harrvir^n of Harlingen was elected trea .. It ;f the Chi 0#eg« pledges at a n. eting held Tuesday night at the chapter house. Helen Scott of Ravmondville. and Ora end Helen Bassett of La Feria be long lo the Chi dmega sorority. • • • The residents of Newman Hall celebrated Si. Patrick Dav with a picnic in East Woods Sunday The main feature of the picnic was a baseball gani Refreshments were aerved around a bonfire later. Lil lian Runyon and Amah Runyon of Brownsville reside at Newman Hall • • • The University Aeronautical so ciety had a Dutch supper Sunday night at the Elite Cafe. Valley members present were Ruth Lee of McAllen and Merlin Rasco of Browns’, llle. The March formal candle-light dinner was held at Scottish Rite Dormitory Friday night for the girls and their guests. The St. Patricks Day motif was carried out In the decorations. Valley students residing at Scot tish Rite dormitory are Gail Mc Davitt of Brownsville. Frances Grimsell of San Benito. Ada Reed Templeton of Harlingen. Custer Yates of Brownsville. Pearle Good man of San Benito, and Betty Rock well of Brownsville. • • • Fourteen new members of the Cowboys, honorary pep organization, began their initiation last Thursday afternoon In front of the Texas Union where they lined up and had a tobacco spitting contest. Herbert Thomas of Brownsville won the dis tance championship, and several others must have tied for quantity. Immediately after this they were formed in lock-step and marched away for the more formal part of the initiation. • • • Harold Jackson of Harlingen was one of seven students who were ini tiated into Beta Alpha Psi. honor ary accounting fraternity Thursday night. After the initiation a din ner was held at the University Com mons. Elections to Beta Alpha Psi are held the beginning of each semester. Membe/ hip is based on th# schol astic and personal qualifications of the candidates and includes only those men who are majoring in ac counting. Mrs. A. Cope Has ‘Alaska* As Subject Members of the Wednesday Study club met this ween at the home of Mrs. Oordon Quilter. The subject for the day was "Alaska.” Mrs Alonzo, Cope, guest speaker for the club, was enabled to give the members a graphic account of Alaska by her residence in Anchor age. Alaska, of four years During the time she was in Alaska. Mrs I Cope taught school, and was in an excellent position to collect inter esting bits of Information about *he country. Mrs. Cope gave the location of Alaska, its climatic conditions and ' the amount and kind of its vegeta tion. She spoke of the natives, their life and customs, touched on the mineral products and their value In the course of her discussion she also mentioned the vacationists in Alaska, and showed some photo-. graph* that were taken during the time she was in Alaska. The meet ing was one of the most interesting of the year. Mrs George Aziz recited a poem. •‘The Spell of the Yuk $ /a fit ting climax to a most entertaining and Instructive session. During the social hour the hostess served a very dainty refreshment plate. Besides the guest speaker. Mrs. Alonzo Cope, there \l s another guest of the club. Mrs. Joe Crosson. of Fairbanks. Alaska. Members present were Mesdames George Aziz. Ralph Desmond. Mark French. J. Douglas Ireland. Harold R McKay. Gerald Lauver. William Reed. Henry Smith, F. E McManus Fred Rusteberg. Jr.. Maurice J. Tip ton. Cleve Tandy. Clyde Tandy Herbert D Seago. George Moothart and W W Ely. The club will meet again. Wednes day. April 3. with Mrs. Henry Smith — ' O --- Mrs. Sarran Honors Daughter Margie On Iler Birthday Mrs. T. P. Sarran entertained at a delightful children’s party Wed nesday afternoon, honoring her daughter. Margie, who was celebrat ing her sixth birthday. Games, an Easter egg hunt, a ’■pinata," and pinning the tail on the donkey were diversions for uhet afternoon. During the donkey con-j test, Gail Hardcasile and Sonny Hays were presented with prizes for high, and the booby prize was presented to Clarence Canning. Jr. The Sarran home was attractive ly decorated with Easter novelties. Favors for the little guests were Easier baskets. Those present were Audrey Bar nes. Gall Hardcastle, Lata Ortiz. Junita Mauldin. Be be Rogers, Mary Louise and Connie Sustati. Sonny Hays, Clarence Canning, Jr.. Joe Eimore Helms, Bobby and George Aziz, Joe Salinas. Lawrence Lackey. Local L'DC Chapter Has Meeting At Mendenhall Home The Magrudt>r-F<ird Chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federacy met Thursday morning at the home of Mrs. Jennie Men denhall. , Observing March as Texas Month, the historian, Mrs. Joe K Wells, discussed the happenings of the sixties in Texas. She used as her mam theme the called session of the Texas legislature, March 7, 1891 in memory of Jefferson Davis, who died in 1890. She read the resolutions adopt* ed by the session and a letter writ ten by Davis telling of his last trip to Texas in 1875. He came In response to an invitation from ex goaemor Francis R. Lubbock to attend a fair held in Houston In 1875. -o CORRECTION Through an eror it was stated in an article carried earlier in the week that the supper partv lollowed by j bridge that.was given by Mr. and, Mrs. W. H Huffman was given Sun day evening. The affair was given j Saturday evening. WEARS SMART NEW FLOWER PRINT Kay Francia The dark-eyed Kay Francis, screen star, is wearing here a smart new 1 lower printed dress with fluffy mt-kline and puffed sleeves. There’s nothing more stylish for spring, you know.. Civic League Plans Antique Display Soon to Raise Funds For City Beautification i From the Club Reporter! The Civic League met at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday afternoon with a fair attendance and one guest- Mrs. O. W. John son presided over the session. It seems that more and more the Civic League is developing into a clearing house for complaints. Mrs Bollinger, who is chairman of streets and alleys, has not had the cooperation of the downtown mer Mrs. Eidman Reviews Play For Group Members of the Literature and Arts Review met Tut •’ay morning in the home of Mrs. Burnell N Goodrich. Before the regular pro gram meeting. Mrs. James L. Ab ney ga'4 a brief talk on the bill that is before the legislature concerning the size and weight of trucks. Mrs. C. S. Eidman was leader of the program, and gave a most able and intensely interesting review of O'Zasev's play. “Within the Gates " Members of the club who were present were Meadames James L. Abney. Lawrence Brady. Edward McChesney. Walter Galloway, Win ship Hodge. Carl W. Gillette. A. K Black. T. A. Kinder. Jr.. R. A. Por ter. Rufus Ransome. Maurice Bru lav. Robin Pate, and C. S. Eidman. The club will meet again Tuesday. April 2, at the home of Mrs. Win ship Hodge. • 'Material Development Of Texas’ Is Club Subject (From the Club Reporter) The Self-Culture club met Wed nesday afternoon in the spacious home of Mrs. E. T. Yates with Mrs George Hamilton as hostess. A pro fusion of Flanders poppies made the rooms very attractive. The topic for the afternoon was “The Material Development of Texas ’ with Mrs Emil Bianck as leader. She gave a most interesting resume of the d. velopment of Texas through the past 50 years, describing her passage from the period of the “Red Skins to the high culture of today. No region ip all the southwest is luring more men and more money than is Texas. The tide of farm emigration now flowing into the Panhandle is the largest since the historic trek to western Canada in the nineties Cher the great ocean to-ocean and borderland highways, there moves a steady stream of mot or tourists, lured by the semi-tropi cal climate, beautiful landscapes, fine fishing waters, and opportuni ties for wealth that the great state affords. Almost unebllevable are the statis tics of her natural resources: lig nite beds stretching from the Red river valley to the Gulf sufficient to furnish fuel for centuries: the stup endendous cotton crop every year Ullt with h^r ahlpptny facilities and electric power will undoubted ly soon bring great cotton mill in dustries; the millions of long-hair ed goats whose clippings brinR for tunes every year, the many thous ands of fat turkeys that gmre th tables of the nation and an annual pecan crop valued at $680,000 00. Texas has the largest sulphur de-! posits in the United States which equal to 90 per cent of the world’s production: and her wealth in oil: and its subsidiary products are in-1 estimable, millions of cattle still roam her plains and feed the mar kets of the world. The Rio Grande Valley with Its truck crops, citrus fruit, canning factories, cotton, and now petroleum, will through the port at Brownsville bring added wp-’Uh from all mar kets of the world. Texas with her enormous prodir tion of raw’ materials both agricul tural and International needs should become one of the most prosper ous and cultured sections of the world. During the social hour a delic ious dessert plate was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. E. T. Yates Guests were Mr A. R. Abernathy of Denver. Colo., and Mrs. Belle Crosfield of Tulsa. Okla. The club will meet next Wednes day with Mrs. Milton West and be- j gin the study of a Shakeepeclan pief. I chants in regard to placing their papers and trash in covered recep tacles The matter was thoroughly dlscrjssed in order to work out some plan for improvement. Many years ago, when Brownsville was much smaller, the Civic League and the | city administration bought covered cans and placed them on every street comer. Mrs. Bollinger was appointed to confer with the city manager in order to solve the problem. Another member complains of cows and horses being kept on a lot In the city limits, attracting flies and making the lot an untidy one generally. In order to raise funds for city beautification the Civic League is planning to have an antique dis play In a Valley town, this was done, and having charged an ad mission of ten cents per person, a sum of 60 dollars was realized. Mrs. G. W. Johnson and Mrs. Kellis Buckley attended a meeting In San Benito this week where they exchanged views with women who were planning a city improve ment project. Mrs. Buckley report ed an Interesting meeting One Valley town received 150 bougain villeas from the Chamber of Com merce. The club women are to plant them and the city is to fur nish water and care Mrs. E. P. Day, who is Arbor Day chairman, is to be in charge of the observance of that day. The club is to give five dollars towards the payment of the note on the club house lot. As there had been no arrange ments made for a social program, the president, Mrs. G. W. Johnson.j gave a short talk on the floating gardens of Mexico City, gardens that are unique and well worth describing. Mrs. Moses Makes Announcement Of Marriage Rite* Mrs. Mary Moses announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Lu- j cille Moses, to Mr. Joe Terrell, son | of Mr. J. E. Terrell of Brownsville, i the manage having taken place Monday afternoon. Mrs. Terrell is a graduate of the Villa Maria academy, and attend ed the Incarnate Word convent in San Antonio. Mr. Terrell and his father have resided in Brownsville for some time, the former having attended the local high school. Both Mr. and Mrs Terrell are very popular members of the young er set here, and the announcement will occasion a great deal of inter est among the friends and acquain tances of the young couple. Mr and Mrs. Terrell expect to make their home in San Benito. VISITORS LEAVE Mr. and Mrs W. B. McAllister, and daughter. Mary Prances, of Fort Worth, who have been visiting Mrs McAllister’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Lee B. James, for the past two weeks, left Friday for their home. SAN JUAN VISITORS Mr and Mrs. W. M. Coleman and children, are spending the week-end with Mrs. Coleman's sister, Mrs. Han? Hetrick. In Sen Juan. i Italian Opera Is Topic For Treble Clef Mrs Randall Mathers was hostess Tuesday afternoon to members of Lhe Treble Clef club at her home In Riverside. Mrs. Kellis O. Buckley was leader of the program for the sftemoan, which was on "Italian Dpera’' Mrs. Buckley gave a wonderfully complete history of the Italian opera, tracing it from Its very beginning down to the modem opera. In ad dition she gave the lives of a num ber of the Italian composers. Her address was distinguished by the romprehensive way in which she lovered the subject at hand. During the program which fol lowed the address of the afternoon. Mrs. B. F. Hardin (flayed as a piano selection the intermezzo from “Cav alleria Rusticana " Mrs Clarence H. Dreasher accompanied by Mrs Hardin sang “Nebbl," by Respighi, n Italian. Miss Katherine Worley, guest ar tist of the club, accompanied by her aunt. Mrs Milton H West, sang “As rhrouch the Streets," from the "Bo hemi; A Girlby Puzzint. Two oth pt numbers. “Arietta," by Rollt. and •O Sole Mio," were sung in Italian by the guest artLst. A delightful refreshment plate was served at the close of the program, and the members and guests were entertained during the social hour with vlctrola records of. Italian apera. Guests of the culb for the after noon included Miss Katherine Wor ley. guest artist, Miss Katherine Marden, of Hartford. Ctonn . Mrs E. T. Yates, and Mrs W. B. Mather. Club members present were Mes lames G N. Bogel. Keliia G. Buck ley. B F. Hardin, T. A Kinder. Rob ert W Fenwick. C. H. Dreasher. O. F Landergren. Grover Singer, E T. Pierce, William F. Tanner, Milton H West, and B. L. Cole. The club will meet again April 2. with Mrs. Herman Jeffery. -o Industrial Art Club Meets Friday W ith Mrs. C. M. Josey Mrs. C. M Josey was a charm ing hostess Friday afternoon in her lovely home on the Honeydale road u» members of the Industrial Art club of the V. F. W. auxiliary. The rooms were very- attractively decorated with red radiance roses, calendulas and fern. Two pleasant hours were spent in needlework. At the close of the afternoon dainty refreshments were served to the following: Mesdames Bd F Helms. W G Love, T. P Sarran. A D Curling. E H Lew. A W Pig ntt. H. E. Nichols. Ed Ward. W L. Reed. A. J. Taylor. C. D. Cabler. Omdie Josey and M A Josey. The club will meet April 5 with Mrs T P. Sarran at her home at 1250 W Elizabeth street. -o.— Tulsdav Xite Supper Will Be Served At Parish House Aj^ain Ladies of the Church o fthe Ad vent will serve a supper Tuesday evening in the parish house between the hours of 5 and 8 o’clock. Mrs. L S Grider will be in charge of the supper. The menu contains such appetiz ing dishes as ham croquettes, chick en spaghetti. Boston baked beans. Harvard beets, peas and carrots, po tato salad, fruit salad, home baked rolls, candied applies, pies, cakes and coffee. All serving is done cafe teria style. -o Henrv Krausse, lr. Is Host to Club Group Wednesday The Little Men’s club met Tues day afternoon at the home of Henry Krausse. Jr. Following a brief busi ness discussion, the members en joyed indoor games Later in the afternoon a refreshment course was served. Those present were Marcel Som mers. Joe Hahn. Oscar del Castillo. Jr.. Edward Andreas. David Som mers. Bobby Goforth and the host. The club will meet next Wednesday with Joe Hahn. • NEW SPRING SAILOR IS MODIFIED The new spring sailor is modified, as pictured here. It features the new glass ribbon straw, hand <JL woven in interesting: design. It is 1 trimmed with grosgrain and vet vet ribbon. From Meadowbrook. Mrs. Rentfro’s Article On The History of Brownsville Is Read at Group Meeting The Brownsville Study club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Wiech. The home was lavishly decorated with great. clus ters of purple and gold flowers that were placed about the rooms given over to the affair. The meeting was presided over by Mrs Otto Manske, the president of the organization. Roll call of the members was answered by each Valley Clubs Convention Of Be Held Forty-third semi-annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley Federation of Women s club6 will be held in Donna, April 23 in the high school auditorium. Each federated 'club is entitled to send three delegates. Delegates from literature, art. junior and music departments will give two minute reports. Many prizes are being offered this year. Mrs. Leon Brown, of Mission will give the award for the best delivery in any department reporting. A prize for achievement and most cul tural program is offered by Mrs. T. W. Glass. Weslaco, chairman of literature, to literary clubs only. Mrs. O. L. Bvrd. Valley chairman of Jun iors. is offering two prizes to Jun iors. one for achievement, and Mrs. J. T. Candy, fifth district chairman of Juniors, will award one for de livery. The Rio Grande Valley Art League offers prizes of $5. $2 50; and $1.50 for the best amateur work pro duced by children of public schools. In the music department. Mrs. J. 8 Roe. chairman . offers a prize to the club showing the greatest ach ievement*. An interesting program haa bean arranged for the meeting. Calendar For The Week MONDAY Meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent in the rectory at 3 p. m. Meeting oi the Young Woman’s Guild in the parish house of the Episcopal church at 2 p. m. Meeting of Hope Chapter 124. OES. at the Masonic Temple at 8 p. m. St. Joe’s Unit of the Sacred Heart Altar Society will entertain other units at the parish hall at 3.30 p. m. Meeting of circle two of W. M. U. of Baptist church at 3 p. m. at home of Mrs. J. B. Atchison. Banker Ad dition; Irene Stephens circle at Dr. Dinwiddie home on W. St. Charles; Mrs. Landreth's circle with Mrs. Norwood on E. Washington. Meetings of W. M 8. of Metho dist church: circle one, Mrs. R. E Green, Lakeside boulevard; two. Mrs. A. W. Neck. Los Ebanos; three, Mrs. Jack Snoeberger, Los Ebanos Es tates; four. Mrs. Agnes Gibson at W. R. Jones home; Young Matrons, Mrs. Ellis Perry, 6 Nebraska apart ments. Art pilgrimage of the Rio Orande Valley Art League. TUESDAY Brownsville Art League will meet with Mrs W. T. Aldridge at 2 10 p. ecu 446 Jf. W. Elisabeth street. Meeting of the Mardl club with Mrs. Coll is Perkins. Meeting of the Ween Prac with Mrs. H. M. Johnston. Meeting of the Learrters with Mrs J. L. Wortman at the Woman's club. Meeting of the V F W. Auxiliary at the V. F W hall at 7:30 p. m. Supper by the Modem Priscilla at the Olmito school building, honor ing husbands, at 7:15 p. m. Supper by the ladles of the Church of the Advent in the parish house between the hours of 5 and 8 p. m Meeting of the C. Y. P U. at the Mexican Methodist church at 7:30 p m Meeting of the Rebekah Lodge at the Masonic Temple at 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY The Self-Culture club will meet with Mrs. Milton West. The Uttle Men's club will meet with Joe Hahn. THURSDAY Meeting of the Brownsville Fed erated clubs at Chamber of Com merce at 3:30 p. m. Meeting of the Alpha Delphian at the Woman s club in the morning. Meeting of the Brownsville Bndge League at the Elks hall at 7:30 p. m. member “Rhyming a Line.* Mrs. | Keith Tuggle was welcomed into the ! club a* a new member. During the study session. Mrs. R C. Robertson read a paper prepar ed by Mrs. James L. Rentlro. The paper is a history' of Brownsville, and is one of the very excellent ones of its type. It has been read at a number of different club meetings, and has been acclaimed each time for the exceptional brilliance of its subject presentation, and for its comprehensive handling of an in teresting subject. Following this enjoyable and in structive paper, the members and guests were entertained at tea. Mrs. Otto M&nske presided over the tea table laid with a linen cut work cloth, attractive with appoint ments of silver, and having a cen terpiece of purple and gold flowers flanked by golden yellow tapers. The tea dainties further carried out the chosen theme of purple and gold. Guests of the club included Mrs F. E. Macmaiius. Mrs. A J. Sha fer. Mrs. Curry, and Mrs. Jack Todd. Club members present were Mesdames W M. Colman. J. Harri son Dlitz. Harry L. Faulk. S. C. Graham. R E. Green. Joe Ingram, Herman Jeffery. Sam Lockwood. Ot to Manske. R C Robertson. Charles C. Stewart. Keith Tuggle. Charles H Gregory’ Sam D. Hugston, and A W. Wyrick. o Supper Given Near Resaca For Group On it# Tuesday evening ride this week, the Brownsville club rode out to the Judd Early home in El Jardln With probably the lar gest number that has gathered for the ridea, a supper prepared by the ladies of the Central Christian church was served on the resaca bank. Following the supper, the mem bers were entertained with vocal selections accompanied by the banjo and accordion by two Span- j ish boys from Matamoros. who are well known for their entertain ments. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Charles Burton. Captain and Mrs. Vail, of Fort Brown. Mr and Mrs R. F. Ferguson. Mrs. Higbie, Mrs. F D. Rockenback of 8an Antonio, Mr and Mrs. {loyal D. 8undell, Mr and Mrs. O. W. Johnson. Mrs. O. W. Johnson, Jr., Mr Fnedlander, Mr. John Honey. Miss Mary Lula Owens. Dr. George Toland and Mr Har] Thomas. Mr. A R. Tullis. Miss Madge Singer. Miss Salome McAllen. Lt. Marvin Isley. Mrs R. A Porter, Miss Dorothy, Blanton. Mr. John Huey, Mr. Charles Townes. Mrs Harold Gray. Mrs. Charles Townes. Mr. Jenkin. Mr and Mrs. Milton H Went*. Mrs Winship Hodge. Mrs William McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pelikan of San Benito. Miss Catherine Morton. Miss Elisabeth Ruff. Miss Maxine Bruce, of San Benito. Mr. Jim Chambers, Mr Jack Bruce Mr Smith. Mr and Mrs. Brundage Mr George Kraig her. Billy Faulk. Mrs Judd Earley. Douglas Earley, and Donald Ear ley. Modem Short Stories Are Club Topic The Learners' club met at the home of Miss Elsa. Walt hen on Washington street. Tuesday after noon. The lesson on ‘ Modern Short Stones" was under the leadership of Mrs. C. W. Colgln. who had prepared a most interesting talk. She said that the short story la no ne wthing. that the oldest tales, the legends, which were repeated to each succeeding generation, were the original short stortea. Brander Mathews once said that “We cannot open a book, even if it shelters only evanescent fiction aiming only to amuse an idle hour without opening a window on a ci vilization unlike any other.’* More than 70 years ago Edgar Alien Poe created a distinct lltaSN* ary type of short story character ised by brevity and coherence. Q. Henry's short stories, written about the beginning of this century, re main endlessly re-readable. Mr. Hunt, the well known critic, says: “A short story must have three things: first, one person a* the center, one crisis, and one ef fect; second, an experience; and third, pleasure that is true and lasting and writing which is clear and beautiful.” Mrs. O. 8 Su-11 told an entertain ing short story, "And the Teacher Passed Too." Mrs. Mae Bruteche told of a volume of short stories written by a recent Nobel Prise winner. A general discussion of favorite short stories and short story writers followed and Mrs. P. D. Putegnat closed the program with a short, short story nars. t. on. ocou oi k r K-apioe Iowa. wa* a guest of the club. The meeting next week will be leld with Mrs. J. L. Wort men. at he Woman s club on Levee street. -o Ladies Return From \ D. A. R. Conference Held In Corpus Mrs Fred Oatler of McAllen. Mrs. Winnie Murray Howse, of Mercedes, Mrs. R M Wins at Mercedes. Mrs C M. Cash of San Benito and Mrs. Ben M. Freuden iteln of Brownsville have returned to their homes following their at* endanoe at the annual state con ference of the Daughters of th# American Revolution which was leld in Corpus Christ! beginning Monday and running through rhursday of th& past week. There were several hundred pres ent at the conference, and many things of interest were taken up. Mrs. Winnie Howze of Mercedes, was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Dawson, a former resident !>f Mercedes, who is now making tier home In Corpus, and who also attended the sessions. A complete report of the con ference* was to have been given a* the postponed meeting of the Lt» Thomas Barlow Chapter of the D. A. R. which was held In Ban Benito Saturday. Mrs. R. A. Caldwell 4 Is Hostess to The Lucky 13 Bridge The Lucky 1*3 Bridge club met Wednesday afternoon with Mr*. R. A. Ca I well as hostess There were three guests of the club, Mrs. Mon* roe George. Mrs. W. Shaw, and Mr*. Henry Ehardt. During th« games of bridge, Mn J. B. Lawrence was high for the club members, Mrs. Norman Wilson, low. with an award going to Mr*. Charles Lovinger also. Mrs. Otha Tripp was presented with the travel award, and Mrs. Monroe George eras awarded the guest trophy. The Hostess served a salad course to the guests, Mrs. Monroe Oeorge. Mrs. W Shaw, and Mrs. Henry Ehardt. and the club members, Mesdames Norman Wilson, Arthur Pitt. Lon Brown. M Sauber. E. Giles, George Baker. A. E Harper, Law rence Shrum. Harry Johnson, J. B. Lawrence. Charles Lovinger, Otha Tripp and Floyd Benn ludy ‘iups-mux qnp am aq npa uiruus aouaaairi sijf 4 Missionary Society To Meet in Groups Monday Afternoon The Women s Missionary society of the Pirst Methodist church will meet in separate circles Monday af ternoon. Circle one will meet w.'h Mrs. R. E. Green. Lakeside boule vard. Circle two will meet with Mr*. A. W Neck in Los Ebanos; circle three with Mrs. Jack Snoeberger, Loe Ebanos estates; circle four. Mrs. Agnes Gibson, home of Mrs. W. R. Jones; Young Matrons. Mrs. EUia Perry, apartment number tlx. Ne braska apartments. —- w -— , Mrs. R. H. Warren Entertains The Mardi Bridge Club The Mardi Bridge club vu enter tained this past week by Mrs R. H. Warren The hostess used bowls of spring flowers effectively about the rooms given over to the affair. During the games of bridge. Mrs. Robert Ernst was high and Mrs. R. P. Breeden. low. A guest of the club for the afternoon was Mrs. Pearl Nuckols. Club members present were Mesdames Bascom Cox. Robert Ernst. J. B. Akierdice. R. P. Breeden, Arthur Hipp. Joe Ingram, and Collie Perkins. Mrs. Collis Perkins will be fcnetese to the club next week.