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HERALD COOK SCHOOL WILL OPENTUESDAY The annual Happy Kitchen Cook ing School of The Brownsville Herald gets under wav Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the Brownsville Junior College audito rium. Women of Brownsville who have attended these Happy Kitchen •vents in years past will be delight ed to hear that Mrs. Beulah Mackey Yates, who conducted the last Her ald school, will be here for the •vent which opens Tuesday and continues through Friday at this week, with sessions every afternoon. An attractive list of prises to be awarded every day at the close of the school session and three mam prises to be awarded on the last day of the school will be found > listed In another column of this section. v«uy two days remain until the opening of the Brownsville Hftald Happy Kitchen Cooking School, under the personally supervision of the noted authority on Foods ana Home Economics. Mrs. Beulah Mackey Yates. The school will be held at the Junior College Audito rium March 26. 27, 28. 28. Sessions •tart each day at 2:20 p. m. Mrs Yates will cover a wide var iety of subjects in her talks—cook ery. new recipes, new methods, and the many new appliances that are now available for the home. She, will tell you many of her own ex periences in home-making, as well as the experiences of others of her acquaintance. She will have an attractive mod em kitchen for your inspection, equipped with the very latest equip ment as well as many small, but Important devices, and those handy gadgets which make kitchen work a pleasure in this modern age. You will hear that there are new er and better ways to make a cake, or salads; that there are new econ omical, yet delicious vegetable rec ipes; that there are inexpensive but excellent meat dishes; all easy to make good to look at and very appealing to the iamily appetite. Even- phase of cookery from plain family meals to luncheons for par ties and other formal and informal functions, will *oe explained. Every day a variety of dishes will be demonstrated, each one different from those of the preceding day. Each day these dishes will be cook ed while you are comfortably seat ed. perhaps notebook m hand. And Mrs Yates will tell you how best to arrange and serve the meals that are discussed. A feature of the school will be •The Question Box,” which will answer your questions effectively. You do not even have to sign your name Cooperating with the Herald in the school are the following firms: La Perla Bakery: Pioneer Flour Mills and M Garcia Gomez St Champion, local distributors; Garza Hardware Store: Rampos Radio Service, representing Grunow Elec tric Refrigerator and R.C.A. Victor radios'*; Rio Grande Valley Gas Co.; Mcllhenny Taba-co Sauce; K C. Baking Powder; Duncan Coffee Co.; Mrs. Tuckers Shortening; Morton Salt Co.; Homer L. Pitch Poultry and Egg Farm: Cisneros Drug Store*. Edelstein's Better Furni ture; Capitol Theater; Queen The ater; W. T. Grant Department Store; Grisham's Ice Cream Co.; Jitney Jungle Grocery Stores. No. 1 and No. 2. 4 DESIGNERS GUARD AGAINST PIRATING’ LONDON 4V- Exclusive dress designers of London and Paris are taking active measures this winter to prevent the “pirating'' of their treat ions All of the more expensive models displayed at the various shows were copyrighted, allordmg iron-clad pro tection for at least five years. Most of the models will be ••dated,” however, within five months * DAISY DU TONS EFFECTIVE PAJIIS tJP<—Daisy buttons give a tprlngtlme air to one of Vera Borea s navy blue wool costumes. The frock, finished with white pique collar and ruffs, is studded down the front with a double row of white daisy buttons made of a composition resembling china. It Is topped by a navy blue wool coat. NOVEL BRIDAL EFFECT LONDON (ip>—PV>r the bride: Heavy white satin, bolero effect outlined with orange blossoms and a sunbonnej veil of white tulle. These Prizes to Be Given At Herald’s Cook School LAST DAY PRIZES $69.50 Detroit Jewel Gas Range, donated by The Brownsville Herald. $27.50 RCA Victor Radio, donated by Rampo’s Radio Service $25.00 Basket Grate Room Gas Heater, by Rio Grande Gas company. 24-pound sack of White Wings flour. DAILY PRIZES Daily gifts of Angel Food, White Wings and Pioneer flour and other gifts by the Pioneer Flour Mills of San Antonio through their distributors M. Garcia Gomez and Champion. Garza Hardware Store, cake board with decor ated enamel metal cover. La Perla Bakery, daily prizes of bread. Edelstein’s Better Furniture, two prizes to be an nounced later. Capitol Theater, two tickets daily. Queen Theater, two tickets daily. Mcllhenny Co., Tabasco Sauce. K. C. Baking Powder daily. Duncan Coffee Co., coffee daily. Mrs. Tucker’s Shortening daily. Morton’s Salt daily. Cisneros Drug Stores, daily awards. Homer L. Fitch Poultry and Egg Farm, eggs daily. Grisham’s Ice Cream Co., daily awards. W. T. Grant Co., kitchen frock, silk slip and silk hose. Natural Gas Most Useful Servant Of Modem Housewife The use of natural gas for all oper ations requiring heat is rapidly in vading all fields in both domestic and industrial branches. Particular ly is this true during the past few years. Research, conducted by rep utable agencies, has discovered a great many uses for natural ga* that have her % of ore been consid ered as not adaptable to the burn ing of natural gas. This increased use Is due largely to better and more certain methods of controll ing heat, especially In large indus trial jobs. Recent research by the engineer ing department of a large eastern college shows that gas heat can be controlled to within ten degrees of any desired point, while other fueds and heating methods have been found to vary as much as fifty de grees over or under the necessary heat. This adsolute control of heat is just as valuable to the housewife in baking cakes, pastries or meats. as it is to the large industrial plant that must be sure of a certain heat in their processes In either case the fluctuation of the heat may mean the difference between suc cess and failure. In the case of the housewife It means failure of the particular baking in progress, with perhaps guests arriving for dinner, and no time left for another trv, while with the Industrial plant it means the lass of money and time, a* well as sub-standard products. The dependability of natural gss • a large factor in it's wide spread use. The fact that more than ample supply of fuel is always available for the smallest or the mightiest operation, without thought or pro vision on the part of the user in well worth considering. For heat ing uses in the home of course, the problem of storage space for the fuel supply is not serious. But in the case of large users of fuel the question of storage is an Important one. The miles of pipe line lead ing from the gas fields to the users appliance constitute a vast stor age system, well underground away from disturbing elements, that is being constantly re-filled as the fuel is used. Then, too, depend ability means that the fuel Is there when It is wanted. When emergen cies arise and fuel is needed, it is a comforting thought to know that plenty of fuel is ready for use. With a constant supply of fuel heating operations can continue indefinite ly. such as water heat mg when an automatic water heater is used, keeping a tank of hot water always GRISHAM’S MILK Says Mrs. Yates Again this year Mrs Yates select* Grishams Milk for use during the •Happy Kitchen1’ School this week And she selects Grisham s because she wants - Safe — Dependable Pasteurized Milk Because of the full butter-fat content and the smooth, fine cream, high in food val ues and health giving qualities. Pasteurized, Sanitary, SAFE for babies and grown-ups alike. GRISHAM ICE CREAM CO. 440 W. Elizabeth Phone 1S2 ready for use. Industrial users find gas to be an ideal fuel for long heating uses such as burning bricks, title and the like in kilns, or hold* ing steam in boilers over a period fl-hen other fuels might necessitate the drawing of fire under the boil ers Tlie Rio Grande Valley is fortun ate not only in having an ample sup ply of natural gas available, but also in the fact that the gas In use here Is of high heat content. The unit of heat as applied to any fuel, la the British Thermal Unit, which is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, at or near it's point of maximum density. The gas used in the Valley contains more than 1000 B T. U. per foot, as compared with gas served in some parts of Texas which has a heat content of about 600 B T. U. per foot This means that users of gas in the Valley are able to get more heat from a given amount of gas than are many consumers in Texas. This combination of adaptability, dependability and heat content, to gether with the ease of use tend to make natural ga« the ideal fuel for domestic and industrial purposes. 'GRANT STORE AIDS SCHOOL ' Economy in the nome means more than just economy in the kit chen. Mrs. Beulah Mackey Yates, cooking expert in charge of The | Brownsville Herald's Happy Kitchen cooking school, points out. The modem housewife not only I budgets her kitchen needs, but also budgets her clothing, the children s { clothing, and the countless odds and ends which are necessary in every house if it is to become a uome. In this respect the Brownsville W. t T. Grant store, of which R. K. Ayres is manager, will play an im ' poriant part in this year's cooking school. Just as the modern, thnftj housewife selects the foods that are! better for her family, and selects ,ne era pies for the kitchen that will give the greatest results for the money, so does she select her house dresses, the children’s school dress es and the hundreds of other necessities that go to make up the i home with great care. The modern housewife knows that a housedrea*. a party dress, an apron, a pair of h06e. or the thousand and other I .lungs she needs can be purchased at a reasonable prices, and at the same time can be purchased at that price 1 without sacrificing quality, or style, o: satisfaction. The modern house wife knows further that such pur chases can be made quickly, easily and in shopping comfort at any W. T- Grant store. She knows further that the W. T Grant store Is likely to have most of the things that she needs either In the kitchen, or to add to the comfort of some room, or to bright en some nook or comer. She knows that If she need* cooking utensils, silver ware, pictures, polishes, or in tact almost anything that she needs for her home, she will find it at the W. T. Grant store. There is no prob lem of endless searching for the rj?ht article, and when It 1* pur-j chased at Grant's she knows that, .•she Is buy mg a quality product at the lowest price possible. Throughout the cooking school. I the W. T Grant store will prove through displays and demonstra tions that housewives can obtain the ; necessities and luxuries they poa ! sibly have been putting off because 1 of a small budget, and because thev thought that small budget mace the things they wanted beyond their I reach. OAT PLAIDS FOR SPRING PARIS ip—Plaids are used in new and amusing way* In spring outfit*. One designer shows a frock ot gray artificial silk crepe, trim med at the neckline with gray wool rosea having vivid pink centers, with a three quarter length coat of pink, gray and white plaid ar tificial silk cut on the bias With the costume goes a beret of the same pink, gray and white plaid. CINNAMON SWEET POTATOES Crush finely six sticks of cinna mon candy. Add one-half cup brown sugar Cook six sweet pota j toes, slice into a buttered casserole, sprinkling each layer with the can dy-sugar mixture and dabs of but i ter. Bake until brown. Dr Amy Whaley, who recently ob ! served the ninety-seventh anniver sary of her birth at Pomeroy. O., is the oldest licensed dentitst in the 1 United States. MRS. BEULAH YATES Selects The Garza Hardware Store Mn>. Yates was very much pleased when she went over our stock of kitchen acces sories. Many of the utensils to be used on the stage were selected from our stocks. Let Garza Modernize Your Kitchen If It’s New Garza Has It! We have just unpacked many new items in enameled ware and aluminum utensils that really are beautiful. Federal Ivory and White Enamelware in the ultra modern designs BLUE GLASS ALUMINUM WARE KITCHEN ACCESSORIES INDIVIDUAL PYREX CUSTARD CUPS 5c 639 Eleventh St. Phone 473 PENSIONS AT U SOUGHT BV SCOTLAND’S SPINSTERS GLASGOW. Scotland \Jb— With iha slogan ■ Pensions at Scottish spinsters art banding to provide against poverty in the loneliness of their old age. “We want to aboUsto the spectacle of the 50-year-old spinster thrown aside In the battle of life without any means of support,” said Miss B. Q. Gunn, organiser of the Asso ciation of Spinsters, which has al ready enrolled more than 1,000 members here and in Edinburg A weekly pension of (3.75 will be sought from parliament. GARZA JOINS TO AID SCHOOL When it comes to necessities and utensils for the kitchen, the Garza Hardware company of Brownsville, which is taking an active part in The Brownsville Herald’s Happy Kitch en Cooking School, can answer a vast number of problems. During The Herald's srhool. the Garza Hardware store will feature ivory and enamel ware and alum inum ware in addition to kitchen accessories. The store carries a complete stock of pvrex glass dishes, and feature pyrex individual custard cups. The store can furnish many necessities of the kitchen, such as tableware, tinware, knives, forks, spoons, and in fact any article that fills a def inite kitchen need. The Garza Hardware company will have a large array of useful and necessary articles for the home on display during the school. Housewives are Invited to bring their kitchen utensil problems to the Garza Hardware eompam. or come in and look over the large stock of merchandise on display in the store TortoiM-shrtl cat* are all fe male; A pajama outfit of chocked Ring ham. worn with a dark triangular scarf of oootrastlnc color knotted close about the throat, is one of the most popular models seen on tha sands at Palm Beach. MRS. BEULAH TATES Visit our Soda Fountain and Trv on* of our New Delicloua Fruit Sundaes 15c Graham'* Ice Cream Hand Packed Quarts.25c Pints. 15c Double-Sized Ice Cream Cone* 5c Mrs. Beulah Yates tias selected our stores during her stay In Browns* vllle, foe Modern Soda Fountain Service. Prompt and Efficient Drug Store attention. We join Valley wo men In Welcoming Mrs. Yates to Brownsville and our Valley. Mrs. Yates Says: Wfaea Cmi^uj 8«m Double Kay Nut* to nibble on We tout nut* freak to your order with red Qrcamcry Butter. Not at all like die ordinary kind merely cooked ■ ad. loeut an Kay 1 Special! MwIMmIWCI- SelectedMixed ♦ With Peanut*- Pound 60C M.OSWDCS v (DOR •RUG STORES Jfal aiui 2 Grunow at the Cooking School Mrs. Beulah Mackey Yates Will use the Grunow refrigerator during her cooking dem onstrations at the Junior College Auditorium Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 26, 27, 28 and 29. You may inspect the Grunow on the stage or at th« Rampo sales room at 433 Tenth street The Grunow Sold by the Rampo Radio Service ^nrtWKATthnoi | TNK CtfU THAT CHHHTS i 4_ amt* > 9 Carrene is a refrigerant so safe and so simple that it can be handled m open con tainers like water. Bat safety isn't all that Carrene gives you. It also is more efficient than the average refrigerant. Being non florroare, the Grunow refrigerator requires fewer moving parts and Carrene will not rust them or wear them out. Carrene is most effi cient in operation. You nave money on light bills. Come in and let ns demonstrate for yoo. flaneur safe refrigeration 433 Tenth rnone Rampo Radio Service 731