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FRIT1SH TIRE OF PLAYING PEACEMAKER LONDON. March ».—(*>— A it of British Isolation from con ttnea^' quarrels appeared on the Wrbjfcit European scene Saturday ss sir John Simon, foreign secre tary. prepared for his momentous talks with Rrich&fuehrer Hitler in Berlin. Sit John himself, in a speech to [ jonstltuents in the Spen valley near [Leeds Friday night said. "We can [not indulge in every sent of foreign Iventure over all the world or jledge our activity to everybody's irrel." The foreign secretary previously lid the house of commons Britain Inas no enthusiasm for special pacts land Insisted he was not contemplat ing a special agreement with any itkxn. Nevertheless Simon awaited the (draft of questions Italian, French id British officials framed In Pam Saturday which he is expected to put to Hitler. These in effect, are expected to demand whether Germany intends to enter or re main outside of a new system of security for Europe. >lam The original plans for the con versations between Simon. Capt. nthony Eden, Lord Privy Seal, and Hitler, called for a discussion of the Anglo-French proposals for se curity and the elimination of the pert five of the Versailles treaty relating to military matters in re ; turn for relch participation In a security system. Germany’s action in announcing conscript army was followed by an ' announcement of her willing ness to discuss the original proposals. The British hope that this desire .on the part of Germany means that In satisfactory solution of the whole (problem still is possible. | f|ir Austen Chamberlain, former foreign secretary, told an audience in Birmingham that the same spirit ••which plunged Europe into war and caused not only her enemies, but the world, to affix to her the guilt on the great war.- still throbs Ui Germany. 2PKOltltf l€€ StAT** March *8. 1885— Continuing the atones of LaSalle and the anni versary dates of French occupancy o: Texas and the consequent claims of France to the country as con trasted with those of Spam, it is worth while to consider that at the time of LaSalle's landing and for many years thereafter Texas was an Indian country and but sparsely Ifcopulated by them. Further, that in al; in# official correspondence prior to the treaty of 1819 concerning the ownership of Texas, Spain nevei contended that any of her people had located on Texas soil prior to LaSalle (although Spanish explorers are supposed to have traversed the country in 1544i. but always assert ec her rights as growine out of voyages of DeLeon, DeSuto and ot hers, supported by the grant «f pA Alexander VI and her sub sequent decree forbidding foreigners to enter the Gulf of Mexico. In the course of that correspondence, the Secretary of State of the United States of America gave the follow ing interpretations to the rules of the law established by European governments concerning their American discoveries,— (1) That when any European nation takes possession of any extant of sea coast. that possession is understood as extending into the interior coun try to the sources of the rivers empty ing within that coast, to all their branches, and the country they cover, and to give it a right in ex clusion of all other nations to the game. (2> That (Whenever one Euro pean nation makes a discovery and takes possession of any portion of this continent, and another after wards does the same at some dist ance from It. where the boundary between them is not determined by the principle above mentioned, th..t. the middle distance becomes such, of course. (3> That whenever any European nation has thus acquired a right to any portion of territory ~n this continent, that right can never be diminished or affected by any other power, by virtue of purchases made, bv grants, or conquests of the natives, within the limits there of. March *4, 1*35.— This is the tenth anniversary oI the date ol the passage of the colonization law oi the State of Coahuila and Texas under authority of the law framed by the general constituent eongresa on August 18th. 1834. In the course oi the formation of the Federal Constitution. The state law. being Decree No 16. contained 48 articles, each of which has at times been referred to In this series. The pre amble is now quoted in part and two of the article* quoted in full. Preamble: The constituted con fress of the State of Coahuila and 'exas. desiring by every means to augment the settlement of tta ter ritory. to advance the raising and the increase of stock, and the prog ress of the art* and commerce, in conformity with the constitutive act. the Constitution of the Republic, and etc —ha* thought proper to decree—. , . Article 1: "All foreigners, who. In virtue of the general law of the 18th of August. 1824. which guar antees the security of their persons and property in this Republic shall wish to emigrate to any of the settlements of the State of Coahuila alW Texas, are permitted to do so; and the said State invites and call* Article 34: "The government shall sell to Mexicans, and to them only, the lands they wish to purchase, but shall take care that there shall not be united In the same hands more than eleven leagues and sub-j tect to the condition that the pur chaser shall cultivate those he shall! acquire bv this title within six vears from the acquisition, tinder the penalty of forfeiting the same. 4Mowing the aforesaid condition, the price for each sltio shall be 1100 for •razing land; $150 for tillage land not trricable and $250 for Irrigable tillage land H WILKINSON RETURNS HARLINGEN. March 23 —0. Wes Wilkinson, district supervisor of the Western Reserve Life Ins. Oo.. has returned to his office st Corpus Kristi after having conferred with Sral Walley agents. Valley headquarters are totaled he** _n._* 3 New Samfordyce Producers Bring Total To 48 for Valley ’s Field; Wildcatting Is Heavy Favorite in Hidalgo-Starr Section (Special to The Herald» MISSION. March 23—Three new completions and a wet gasser that started ms king its allowab le brought the total producing wells in Hidalgo county’s six-months-okl Samfordyce field, 30 miles west of Mission, to 48. The field was six months old on March 20. the dis covery well. King-Woods Oil com pany's No. 1 John Lawrence, being completed on September 20 last. Wildcatting was still a heavy fa vorite through the Starr-Hldalgo area and several have reached In teresting as well as important depths. 4 Completions recorded were as follows: Cortex OH Corporation's No. 4 C. E. Smith, near the center of the northeast 34 43 acres of tract 278. porcion 40. about 5.400 feet south east of diqpovery. made an esti mated 70 barrels dally, its allow able. through 14-inch tubing choke under tubing working pressure of 240 pounds and cloeed-ln casing pressure of 320 pounds from satura : tlon at 2.763-89 feet. Probably one of the most im portant recent completions in the field was the Skelly Oil company's No. 1 Sea bury et al, In the south east comer of the west 34 acres of the west 48 acres of the north 78 acres of the southeast 166 9 acres of tract 256. porcion 38. about 3,900 feet northwest of discovery. It 1 gauged 47 barrels in 16 hours ! through S-inch tubing choke under tubing working pressure of 900 pounds and closed-in casing pres ' sure of 1.000 pounds. The comple tion extended production about 600 feet northwest. Excessive gas pres sure was showing on the test, In ! which casing was set and cemented at 2.782 feet, the upper gas sand The upper sand in the Samfordyce area normally carries gas under ) high pressure, the lower sand car ! rytng the saturation. The hole Is bottomed at 2.800 feet and the low er three feet, at 2,797-2,800 feet, showed the Samfordyce saturation. Near the center of the field, Brld well Oil company's No. 2 Luis Pena, in the southeast comer of tract 217, porcion 40. about 3.300 feet south east of discovery, made an esti mated six to eight barrels hourly through H-lnch tubing choke with tubing working pressure of 150 pounds and closed-in casing pres sure of 100 pounds from sand at 2.751-55 feet. mavuuu uu cumptnyi no. * oea bury et al. In the northwest comer of the north 35 acres of the south east 51 acres of tract 256. porcion 38. about 3,700 feet northwest of discovery, was completed as a wet passer early this month after the casing was gun-perforated at 3.770 feet. The test showed very high pressures and was shut in for more than a week. It was opened for another test of pressure and began making oil. Placed on production it has been making its allowable daily although the pressures con tinue high. Another new completion ia due this week-end. It will probably be Wheelock & Collins’ No. 1 Fran cisco Guerra, in the southwest cor ner of the southeast 20 acres of tract 256, porcion 38. about 3.000 feet north and slightly west o« dis covery. The test has casing gun perforated at 3,774-79 feet and is cleaning slowly under light pres sures. Casing was set and cement ed in shale on bottom at 3,787 feet. Four tests are drilling in the field and another new location has been staked as development continues. On the west edge of production. Re.'erve Development Company's No. 4 Seabury, et al. in the northwest corner of the north 38 acres of the west 38 acres of the southeast 89 80 acres of tract 256, porcion 38. about 3.600 feet northwest of discovery, has cored from 2,741 to 2,762 feet and is standing circulating while awaiting ordera On the southwest edge of the field. Shafer-Mundy’s No. 1 Tabasco Con solidated Independent School dis trict. in the north end of tract 260. porcion 38, about 2,500 feet west of discovery, is drilling at 1,540 feet. Near the center of the field, Heep Oil Corporation's No. 1 John Law rence. in the northeast corner of the southeast 5 acres of tract 274, por cion 39, about 2,200 feet southeast of discovery, is drilling at 2,640 feet and will pick up the sand during the weekend. At the southeastern extremity of the field. Hiram HL Reeds No. 1 C. E. Smith, in the west end of the south 10 acres of the northwest 46.29 acres of share 3-B. porcion 41, about 5,700 feet southeast of discovery, spudded in Friday. It is the field's new southeastern outpost The new location will be the Lucky-Blocker-Bishop No. I Fran cisco Guerra, 630 feet from the west and 165 feet from the south lines of the southeast 30 acres of tract 254. porcion 39. about 1,500 feet north east of discovery. Location has been cleared and rig will be moved In shortly. Wildcatting to the Hidalgo county area showed steady progress during the past week, two new tests getting under way and three others making hole. About 6,900 feet seat of discovery and 1,000 feet east of production. Double D Oil oompany-K. O. Harri son's No. 1 Mrs. Lula George, in the southwest comer of the southwest 20 acres of tract IS. porcion 41, Is slowly making hole at 90 feet after encountering considerable trouble some loose gravel. About two miles southeast of the discovery and one mile southeast of production, Ernest Powell’s No. 1 George Moore. In the south end of the Moore 40-acre fee in the south end of porcion 42, Ancient Jurisdic tion of Reynosa. Is drilling at 2. 460 feet. The test is on the new well defined southeast-northwest trend of the field and may result In an other sizeable extension of the pro ducing area. Because of fcs location, it is being carefully watched. It got underway this week. About four miles northeast of the Sim ford yce field. Downey A Mor ton's No. 1 Oeca Daskam, in the east half of block 34. porcion 45. Ancient Jurisdiction of Reynosa, is drilling at 3,320 feet. Nearly 15 miles northwest of Mis sion. Double D OH company’s (for merly W. L. Clary) No. 1 Brock A Showers. In lot 4. block 13. porcion 80. Ancient Jurisdiction at Reynosa. is drilling at 3.520 feet after resum ing late this week at 3.406 feet be cause of boiler trouble. In eastern Hidalgo. Union Sul phur company's Vo. 8 American- Bio Grand* Land & Irrigation company, ! in lot 2,063. block 86. North OapU&llo i district, about eight miles north of the city at Mercedes, Is drilling at 7,200 feet In hard shale and lime. I The test had another fishing job 1 early this week when ft twisted off ! drill stem below 7,100 feet but the lost section was reoovered quickly. Starr county activity was center ed during the week In the Barbacoa* ( pool of south central Starr, but in- , terest died away with disappointing showings in a wildcat *nd shutdown ol snother nearby wildcat. ' , R. H. Vice’s No. 1 E B Oarruth. , near the center of Share 1-B, Por cion 81, Ancient Jurisdiction of ( Camargo, about two miles south ( and slightly east of the pool, show- , ed salt water when swabbed. The test sidetracked from the original hole at 2.766 feet and cored a con tinuous sand section at 2.882-2,908' feet. Casing was set and cemented at 2.895 feet and swabbing showed salt water, mud. oil and some gas. The teat la now standing. About one and a half miles south of the pool, Armstrong. Emanuel Si Adams’ No. 1 Starr County Cattle company. In block 57, Jeiines-Lam beth subdivision, porcion 89. Ancient Jurisdiction of Camargo. is stand ing. This teat is awaiting tubing after showing considerable gas and some oil after swabbing from sand at 2,705-11 feet. The test blew moat of the drilling mud from the hole when swabbed early in the week and blew for three or foux-mlnutee before finally sanding up. On the north edge of the pool. Merren. Bond & Johnson's No. 4 Starr County Cattle company, in the south 20 acres of block 34. Jef nes-Lambeth subdivision, porcion 89. Is shut down at 4.212 feet while awaiting orders. The test found the Government Wells sand dry and thick Just below 4,000 feet. It is considered probable that the hole will be taken to the Fettus or Con roe producing horiaona. In the south end of Porcion 91. Ancient Jurisdiction of Camargo. John H. Clopton's No. 1 Roos Si Bennett et al, in share 1-A, is drill ing at 3.845 feet After plugging back and sidetracking at 3.835 fezt. The original hole went to 4.334 feet where the drill stem twisted off land fishing tools failed to pick up 18 feet of stem. A new test In the Rio Orande City pool has made location end moved in materials and machinery and three other tests are going down lr. the general vicinity. Sioux Oil Corporal ion is NO. T Goodrich, in the southwest corner of block 5. tract 5. porcion 81. An cient Jurisdiction of Camargo. is building derrick Location is 1.750 feet southwest qf the discovery *ell. the Sioux No. 1 Goodrich, completed in 1932. About 8.000 feet northwest at the pool, which has five producers, R. A. Mitchell s NO. 1 Salinas, in biw_k 1 f * UNDLRbUAD • i C l » I H f - . If you Insist on the smartest style then you'll doubly appre ciate these double breasted sport models by Under-Grad Qrrfhea. Make a note al them.; < “Corsair*' and "Skipper" lAsman to man, youfe never seen their equal. And (hat goes far the fabrics and colors tod 25 Extra ONL Y 7 More Office Days in Which to Obtain 1935 Automobile License Plate*. Now available in Cam eron County at Browns ville Courthouse, Farm er* Bank building in San Benito, Reese-Wil Mond Hotel in Har lingen, bank at Los Fresnos and Myrick Building in Santa Rosa. Avoid last-minute rush by obtaining your plates now. I. share 39. porrion 80. Is rtnit down wound 1.000 feet. Goodwin St Zimmerman’s No. 1 Pena. In the south oorner at Share N). Pore ton 81. Ancient Jurisdiction >f Camargo, about 8,000 feet north >f the pool, is reported shut down >etween 1.450 and 1,475 feet. About two miles north of the xjoI. John H. Clopton’s No 1 Dion da Tijerina, In block 4. share 14-C. xtreion 80. Ancient Jurisdiction of Camargo. resumed drilling Friday it 1.712 feet after completing re pairs to machinery. In the western part of the ooun T. Heep Oil Corporation's No. 1 M. 3uerra Si Sons, in Mock 35. Craw ford subdivision, portion 58. An rient Jurisdiction of Mier. is ready o plug back to 1.000 feet prior to tidetracking. An unsuccessful fisti ng Jobs far a 100-foot section of drill item twisted off in the hole hu delayed operation for the past tiro weeks after the hole went to 2.306 feet In the smitheastern corner of 8tarr. W. F Lacy’S No. 1 Q. M Abner, MO feet from the east line of pore ion 99. Ancient Jurisdiction of Oamargo, and 4.800 feet south of highway 4. Is about ready to spud In. Location Is about 4J00 feet west of present production and about 8000 feet west of discovery. In southwestern Willacy oounty, W. T. Daniels’ No. 1 Francisco Arra endlas. In Little share 4. a 2.606 acre tract. Is drilling at 4.720 feet on an Interesting wildcat near the Gulf ooast There are 400 women lawyers In France, of which 100 are practicing In Paris. LEGISLATORS OFF ON TRIPS AUerTTN, March *3—<;FV-^hmkete to scattered TVxm cltlee forced cessation of legislative activity on Capitol hill Saturday. As members enjoyed their first week-end of excurstoning, two house committees shaped up bills on two controversial subjects, re peal of prohibition and biennial appropriations, for consideration next week. Many house members laid aside knotty problems of state to Join Governor James V. Allred In an excursion to the Southwestern ex position and Fat Stook shew at Fort Worth Saturday and Sunday. While representative* enjoyed the pleasure Jaunt, two oommlttec* traveled to several state institutions for inspections. The house peniten tiary committee looked over the prison system, while the senate fin anoe committee members were guests of Gslveston. location of three state Institutions. The house appropriations ootn mlttee sent to UM nouse an educa tional appropriation bill of $0J00, 980, for the first time Is many aee itom more than recommended by the senate finance committee. Chair* man Homer Leonard of McAllen in dicated he would attempt to obtain house action on that and other major appropriation bills next week. A compromise of senate factions on a prohibition repeal amendment was scrapped by the house constitu tional amendments committee as It recommended outright repeal of the state's dry clause. The senate Toted to restrict sale of liquor to sealed packages and to prohibit consump tion cm premises of sale in event of repeal. Jammed on long calendars of business in both houses were many controversial bills, such as repeal of horse race wagering or modifica tion by requiring local option elec tions; a rural school aid appropri ation of $10.010 000. and sundry bills affecting the oil and gas In dustry. So congested was the senate cal endar that a series of anti-crime bills drafted by the crime Investi gating committee set for special consideration last Monday were not reached during the week. DEATH IS GIVEN ‘RITUAL KILLER’ I WHIT* PLAINS K. w 2J. UP Albert H. Fish. who'eseaped detection for inois thin it* yrtm after the “ritual" kllllnt at uttla Grace Budd. wa« headed toward the electric chair Saturday aa the result of his conviction tor mur der . The sentence lo death, made mandatory by the Jury's finding Friday night of guilt In the flral degree, will be Imposed Monday. Defense witnesses, seeking Fish's acquittal because of Insanity, told the Jury he lured the 10-year-old New York girl to a deserted ooa t age In East Lexington, killed her and cut up her body beesuee at what he believed was a "direct cam* mand” from Ood to "sacrifice ft virgin." Fish practised eighteen forme at sexual perversion, they said, and told of attacking 100 children to his travels through many statea. 00 ALLOWANCE! This Week on Your Old Living Room Suite on Any Now it the time to trade in that old living room suite for a new one. We invite vou to come and see our new. season display at all our stores. Many selec tions. Of These Beautiful Suites This is your opportuni ty to dispose of that old suite. Take advantage of our $25 allowance offer. Use your eredil it’s easy to buy on our easy payment plan. GOLDEN STAR FURNITURE POLISH Used — Tested — Favored Over 25 Years IT CLEANS—PROTECTS POLISHES ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Regular * 25c Size Regular 50c Sim JyC Golden Star Paste Wax Easy to apply— Easy to polish— Protects and polishos any surface. Regular Sin 1 pound Aft AH of Our Stores _ A New Living Room Suite Will Enhance the Appearance of any Home Easy Terms can be Arranged 4 Two-Piece Suite In Green And Rust Tapestry Three-Piece Suite In Genu in# Mohair Overall with fine reversible cushions Other Suiter Specially Priced at $129.50 $149*50 $169*50 and Up Delivered to Any Home in the Rio Grande Valley BROWNSVILLE EUmbeth * 13th Street Phone S07 HARLINGEN McALLEN Not to P*toM TbMto* Phone 1ST More for Tov Money ALWAYS Extra Special 27x48 Biglow Weaver Axminster Rugs Assorted Patterns $195 Another ^ SPECIAL 4x7 Foot Imported GRASS RUGS Nice Selection of Colors While 500 Last EACH \ Still Another SPECIAL FELT BASE Floor Covering Pleasing New Colors 69 Ha Cbarg* ter Laftaf One More SPECIAL Squeeze-Easy MOPS $100