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Bridge Club Is Entertained In Ko#«r vu hostess recently to the Doe Mesas Bridge chib and a few friends. Mrs. Gordon Potts and Mrs. s B Bledsoe were presented with score trophies. Club guests were Mes dames J. A. Betts. 8. B. Bledsoe. W. A. Schueler. H. Douglas. Moore, L. White. P. Stevens. Margaret Cog blll and Oood. The members of the Blue Bonnett Bridge club spent a most pleasant afternoon lately at the home of Mrs. W. A. Schueler. with her daughter, Mrs Jimmy Betts as hostess. Score favors went to Mrs E B. Ballard and Mrs. R. McCants. Club r guests were Mesdames E. B. Ballard. C. Ballard. Roy Lombard. J. Beas ley. W. M. Jenkins and Seth Dun can. ’His Federated Missionary society of Weslaco met Monday at the First Baptist church. Mrs. T. L. Smith and Mrs. A. J. Hayes welcomed the guests. Every'church of the city was represented and provided one number on the Interesting program. The next meeting will be at the Christian church the fifth Monday In September The regular meeting of the Re bckah Lodge was held Monday even ing with 27 present. Following the close of the session, a meeting of the Rainbow club was held. It was decided to have a business and so cial meeting of this club the second Wednesday night of each month. The club Is made up of members of the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows Lodge. iSpecial to The Beiald) AGO. Aug. 1. —Mrs. Frank e e e e e e % Mrs Verne Miller, nee Miss Hen nette Meek, was named hanoree at a delightful miscellaneous shower Iven by Mrs. Harold Meek assisted Misses Sue and Olita Meek. The afternoon’s entertainment consisted of leadings. Eleanor Ne Smith read “Modem Maid" and “Hard Times ’’ Sybel Nesmith read. “Dirty Dishes." A delicious sweet course was serv ed to about 20 guests Out of town guests were Miss Bethal Cole. Miss St ha Meek and Mrs. A. N. Meek McAllen, and Mrs Arthur Clark Pharr. • • • Mn Paul Fawcett, assisted by Mrs. Josephine Fawcett entertained with a birthday party compliment ing their daughter and grand daughter on her tenth birthday. The afternoon was spent playing games Ice cream and cake were served to ten guests. • • • Mrs. W. H. Baxter. 8r. and Mrs W. H. Baxter. Jr., entertained with a swimming party at Cascade Smim mlng pool complimenting Walter Hope m, on his birthday At five thirty a selection, requested by his mother, was played over KRGV Ra dio station. • • • Mr. and Mr* Emmett Tisdale have aa their guests the latter's mother and sister of Houston Rev. and Mrs E. W Ooss and family are spending their vacation In El Paso and other Texas points. Mr. and Mrs Robert Smith have returned from a months visit with relatives and friends in Kentucky. Reverend and Mrs J. A. Reed left Tuesday for several days vacation In Kerrville. They were accompan ied by Mrs Reed's mother. Mrs. Lambert of Brownsville Mr. and Mrs. T. L Smith return ed last week-end from a visit to relatives and friends in Houston. Next week-end they will move to the Sherrill apartments Miss Hortense Hersogg has re turned from several months stay in Kansas Mr. and Mrs Barney Cleckler and family have gone to Alabama to vis it relatives. Mrs Wilda Blven has been in Har glll for the past two weeks J. L. Compere returned Wednes day from several days trip to Austin and other Texas points. Mr. and Mrs Delbert Hoge and family have returned from their summer vacation spent In west Tex as points *and Mrs E T Emmons had as guests recently Messrs, and limes J. A Puckett and family. Carl West. John Clatterbuck. Dr and Mrs fl Beller and daughter. | Mabel Hachenberg and family and Dr and Mrs. M 8 Beller and son of Harlingen Mr. and Mrs C H Cotton have aa their guests their daughter*. Miss Krx. i Cotton of California and Mrs Carl Sheets of New York Mrs. Kenneth Haggard of Ala bama is spending several weeks with her mother Mrs. Harry Stebblns ..o Lyford Locals i Special to The Herald) LYFORD August I. — Hubert Wright, county attorney of Willacy oounty. was guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Lyford Home Demonstration club, the latter part of the week at the Community House Mr Wright gave a brief his tory of Willacy county, following this by detailing the various county offices and the work of each. The hostesses. Mrs Cole Mercer »nd lira C la witter served an Ice course to 30 members and one guest. • • • Mrs. C. E. Redlund entertained a few friend; at tea Monday after noon complimenting her daughter. Mrs. Teddy Nelson of Mendsia, 111. ) Mrs. Walter Box and Mrs. F. L Marlin were hostesses the latter part i of the week to the intermediate i Sunday school class at a most en joyable swim at the Casino swim i mint pool in Harlingen, followed by • picnic lunch at Fair Park. • • • Members of the W M U. of the Baptist church were hostesses to members of the W. M. 8. of the Msthodlst church Monday after noon ftt ft delightful program. Wel come was extended by Mrs. Riddle ftQd the response was made by Mrs The Largest. Cleanest and Coolest Restaurant In the Valley. KITCHEN Every one smart and easy to make , MARIAN MARTIN FINDS SOFT FEMININITY DEMANDED IN SIMPLE BOUSE FROCK PATTERN 9403 Since Fashion has reawakened wo* | men tc the subtle flattery of a bit of softness they’ve declared themselves out and out For It from evening gown to kitchen frock! You can’t blame them when you see what Mar | lan Martin does here with a dearer yoke-sleeve to flatter the arm and how nicely bodied gathers stress one's femininity. That decorative tie sash is enough to make any waistline feel slim and proud. Choose one of those dainty, printed cottons and add a half dozen gay buttons— i the result will be perfect for porch I and house. Complete, Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart included. Pattern 9492 may bs ordered only in sizes 14, 16. 18, 20. S3. 34, 36. 38. 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 3tt yards 36 inch fabric. Send fifteen cents in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for each Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to write plainly your name, address, the style number and size of each pattern. Just out...Marian Martin sum } mer pattern book...forty enlight ening pages to lead your way to summer chic! Clothes for every oc casion for every member of the family, from the Tiny Tot, the Dashing Deb, the Blushing Bride to the Mature Matron! Every design beautifully illustrated, every pattern so easy even the beginners are assured of success! Send for your copy now! Price of book fif teen cents. Book and pattern to gether. twenty-five cents Send your order to The Browns ville Herald. Pattern Department. 332 W. 18th 3t.. New York. N. » Y.- Adv. Sam Sewards. A social hour followed the program. k I • LeDeit Yundt, son of Mr and Mrs. Martin Yundt. has left for CCC camp in New Mexico. Mrs. T. R. Stanford has left for Kerrville where she will Join her mother. Mrs. Dobie. of Kingsville, for the remainder of the summer. Miss Bobbie Nell Wilson, of Bel ton. was the guest of Mrs. Ima Keene for the week-end. Mr and Mrs. Cantrell left recently for their home in Dennison after a visit in the home of their daugh ter. Mrs. D. D. Mlee Mr and Mrs. W W. Quick. Mrs Hennlnger. Mr. and Mrs. Densil Strader were recent visitors at Port Isabel. Mrs J. C. Strewn and son. James have left for a business and plea sure trip to Houston and Queen City. Mrs. Evelyn Scarborough has re turned from a week-end spent with her parents in Rosebud. She was accompanied home by her small sister. Gloria Clark, who will make her a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Williams of Weslaco, were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Box. Mr. and Mrs. Carter and family of S&ndla are visitors this week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Guy Sandel. Mrs. Ruth Owins. dramatic teach er in the Edinburg Junior college and small daughter, are at home to spend the remainder of the sum mer, Rev. F. L. Marlin, pastor of the Methodist church *111 conduct a scries of Bible classes beginning Thursday evening at the church. Mr. and Mrs Robert Ray have as their guests their small niece. Mary Marie Deyo and friend of Mercedes Mrs. Ouy Bachelor and her moth er. Mrs. Ollle Mitcher, were busi ness callers in Brownsville Monday Miss Juanita Bilfln of Edinburg was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs Robert Keene Mrs. Esther Sigmund and small daughter, of Laredo, are guests at the home of Mrs Sigmund's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark Bright Future For Valley Predicted (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, Au*. 1.—Past and future of the Valley were envis ioned by Central Power and Light Co. officials in talks before the Ki wanla Club Wednesday at the Stonewall Jackson hotel. James C. Kennedy, president, spoke of early days in the Valley He lived in this section at the time the Hidalgo county courthouse wat moved from Hidalgo to the new town of Edinburg. W E Dickerson, Industrial agent for the power company, spoke of the future of the Valley as it might be affected by opening of the new port He said that the port would open up new opporunitles for the Valley. He tecounted possibilities of a greatly developed canning Industry, oil in dustry and other industries. J. L. Bates, district manager of the firm and W. E. Cannon were the other C. P Si L. representatives a ttha luncheon here. Manager Pete H. Smith of the chamber of commerce also was a guest of the dub. Miss Iantha Demaree sang with Mrs. Joe Taylor at the pl%po. Robert Whyte .of Drum ore, Pa. has worn the same collar* button since October, 1800. ■ AVINGS AND LOAN AfIOCIATION (.supervised by tbs United States government) Announces dividends as of June 30th. IMS at the rate at A Of on full a JO paid there* (including bonus of 1 per cent reserved) on Install ment thrift shares. Accounts ere Insured up to SS 000 bv th« Federal Savings end Loan Ins. Corp. Drew fitltM*. President C. R. Colgin, Secretary Movie Sidelights CAPITOL Past-moving melodrama, spiced with comedy, that catches and holds the elusive spirit of "behind-the scenes" New York and moves with terrific speed and suspense to an unexpected denouement. Is “The Murder Man.” new Metro-Goldwyn Mayer feature showing Sunday and Monday at the Capitol. Brownsville.! The picture has several unique an gles: It marks the debut as an M-O-M star of Spencer Tracy, one of the real hard-hitting he-men of the screen: It penetrates a field seldom touch ed by the screen, the private lives of the men who lead the mtwt inter esting careers on earth, the New York newspaper clan; It brings together Tracy and Vir ginia Bruce, who* has rocketed to ward stardom since her return to the screen a little more than a year a«c. QUEEN Can you Imagine how it would feel to be under the relentles fire of a desperate enemy, your owm gun em pty. your ammunition all spent? That's the situation Tom Tyler finds himself in during the finale of "The Silver Bulletshowing Friday and Saturday at the Queen theatre, Brownsville, his latest and best west ern. when, after killing two out of a murderous outlaw trio, the third man menaces him with flaming vol leys. It was then Tom's sweetheart’s gfT* to her lover, the silver bullet he wore ais a charm, aids the man she would cheerfully have d'cd to rescue. Few Incidents in stirring melodrama have equalled, and certainly none have excelled, this big thrill moment of 'he new Tyler picture in nerve-rack ing suspense. RON IS BORN SAN BENITO — A son was born Wednesday afternoon to Mr. and Mrs Paul S Hill at the Casey Mat ernity hospital. Mr. Hill is attorney for the right-of-way department of the International Boundary Com mission 77/77/750775 TASLf TALK zzzzzzzz I hi crispness ana flavor of Kellogg** Rice Krispies ia something to talk about. Children love to hear Rice Kriapiea crackle in milk or .cream. Nourishing and easy to digest. Just the thing for the nursery supper. They promote sound deep. Grocers everywhere sell Rice Krispies in the Mother Goose story package. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Quality guaranteed. Usten! get hungry Federation Of Churches Has Conference (®P«eUl to Tb« Harald) MERCEDES. Auf. 1—Insplration *>. talks and beautiful musical num ber« featured the quarterly meet* mg of the Mercedes Federated Church societies held at the Meth odist church Tuesday afternoon with the women of the Methodist thurch hostesses. The program was presented by the women of the Episcopal and the Christian church tm. The short business session was m charge of the president, Mrs E. B Witmer. Deaconess Lucille Bickford gave the devotional, the theme of which was "The Holy Grail." Mrs. H. Armstrong sang a beautiful solo "In My Father's House There Are Many Mansions." A review of the “The Chri*t the Indian Road, "by e. Stanley Jorres, was given by Miss Margaret Green; this wa* followed by a talk, by Miss Elsie Ziebarth. "Individual Zeal.” Miss Mary Louise Pennell gave a clever poem, -The Scum of the Earth. At the completion of the program the women gathered on the lawn for a social hour, the ladles of the hostess church serving loed punch and sandwiches. A pleasing hospitality of Mon day afternoon had for hostess. Mrs. E. B. Witmer, when she named as honor guests at an informal seated tea. Mrs E. T. Neel of Longview, who is a guest here in the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. W DeCell. an* Mrs. John Leslie and Mrs. Ruth Shctwell of this city. Those present were the honorees and Mesdames D A. Blackwell. John Pace. J. R. Barry. Irvin Copeland, E. H. Kasey W. W DeCell. News, Notes From La Fe 'ria (Special to The Herald l LA PER I A, Aug. 1. — The Feder ated Church societies met Tuesdav afternoon in the Baptist church with the ladies of the Baptist church i s hostesses Mrs. Jewell Clark, pres ident. presided over the business meeting. A delightful program followed Piano solo. Miss Mildred Clark; vocal duet. Mrs. J. W Wallace and Mrs H. A. Moore. Miss Nellie Ho warth introduced Miss Althea Cronk. of McAllen, who is home on a fur lough from Hiroshima Japan, where she is a teacher in the Hiroshima Women s college. Miss Cronk made j an informal talk which was greatly : appreciated. • • • Mrs. A. W. Amthor is visiting her mother in Montrose. Ark. She ex- 1 pecta to be away several weeks Misses Omis and Louise Holley, motored to Houston Monday to be the guest of Miss Stack for several days Reverend Paul C. Edgar left Mon day morning for El Dorado, Ark., where he will visit with his parents for a few. days He will be accom panied home by his two children. Agnes Anne and Paul who have beer, spending the summer with their grandparents. Mr and Mrs J. B Nosier of San Benitc, and daughters. Misses Betty and Maud, were dinner guests re cently of Mr. and Mrs. L. M Vigness Miss Elsie Gillette, of Gonzales, who has been vLwting Mrs. J. 8. j Sanders for several weeks, plans to! leave this week for her home. She i will be accompanied by her aunt. I Mrs. Ross Jones. Laura Wheeler Designs CUTWORK MOTIFS PATTERN 742 THIS LAURA WHEELER CUT WORK DESIGN IS FUN TO DO You’ll find pleasure In doing this old-fashioned girl In cutwork—that needlework that is so durable and smart. You can use one color throughout or a variety of colors n aking the dress one, the bonnet another and the flowers and leaves different colors too. When finished put the piece over a pastel color and you have a most effective bit of needlework. The oorners will add decoration to a bedspread on which the girl forms the center. If you prefer you can use them on a scarf, j teacloth or pillow. The girl also makes a handsome pillow. Pattern 742 comes to you with a transfer pattern of a large motif measuring 14 x 184 Inches and four 7 y 74 inch corner motifs; direc tions for doing cutwork with lllu stiated stitches and yardage re quirements. Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Brownsville Herald, Needle craft Dept., 82 Eighth Avenue. New York. N. Y.—Adv. Saltillo Guest Honored With Many Events Dr. and Mrs. Wiliam F. Tanner entertained informally at supper Tuesday evening at, Boca Chica, honoring Miss Lucile Vail, of Sal tillo. Mexico, who has been a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pipkin for the past week. Dr. and Mrs. Tanner included In their guest list the honoree. Miss Vail. Mr and Mrs. J T. Pipkin. Mr *nd Mrs. Fay L. Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs Robert W Fenwick. » • • Another courtesy extended Miss Lucile Vail, of Saltillo was the luncheon given the latter part of the week by Mrs. Fay L. Rockwell. Guests besides Miss Vail included Mrs William F. Tanner, Mr* A. D. Dickinson. Jr.. Mrs. R. C. Morris. Mrs. J. T Pipkin, and Mrs. Bynum M Works. • • • Mr J. T. Pipkin entertained at supper at the Hotel Brazos, in Port Isabel Sunday evening, in honor of Miss Lucile Vail, houseguest in the Pipkin home, and also in honor of Mrs Pipkin's birthday. -o GUEST FROM MEXICO Mr and Mrs. J. T. Pipkin have M their guest Miss Lucile Vail, of Saltillo. Mexico. Miss Vail is being entertained at a round of enjoyable events. Nearly 400 types of cheese are pioduced in this country. THEY’RE UNBEATABLE! JKziz Bros. SUITS Backed by the ver dict of hundreds of young men who have seen them, we ask anyone to com pare Axis Bros.* $15 Suits anywhere. Every suit beauti* fully tailored, with the genuine Axis Bros, quality through and through. Little Women’s Club Entertained Lately By Virginia Miller Virginia Miller was hostess to the Little Womens club Wednes day afterneon. Bridge formed di version for the afternoon hours. At the close of play. Sylvia Som mers was presented the score tro phy and Evelyn Hayes was second high. Club members playing be sides the hostess were Joyce Go forth. Sylvia Sommers. Ernestine Boye. Evelyn Hayes and Frances Barnes. Sylvia Sommers will entertain the club on its next meeting date. Local Church Members Attend Wednesday Quarterly Meeting Of Rio Valley Baptist Group The Women's Missionary union of the First Baptist Church in Browns ville was represented by a delega tion of ten at the Wednesday all day session of the W. M. U. auxiliary to the Rio Grande Valley Baptist association, which was held in the First Baptist church In Harlingen. Ladies from Brownsville attending were Mpedames Carl W. Davenport. W. W. Tbdd. Dan Leftwlch. W. J i Vertrees. Frits Schmidt. L. T. Mc Co! lister, and Misses Dorothy Ann Schmidt, Hayden and Lucile Col lins. and Violet Davenport. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Fleet Lentz, of Mercedes, pres ident of the organization. She was assisted by other officers. Mrs. W. O Brown, of Ssn Benito, corre sponding secretary and treasurer; and Mrs, Fritz Schmidt, of Browns vllis, reoordlng secretary. A prayer by Mrs. Frank Robert son, of San Benito, opened the ser vice. A song service directed by Mrs Crockett1 Campbell with Miss Helen Fljnn at the piano, followed The program was in charge of the young people, with the devo-1 tlonal being given by Miss Margaret Sue Haley, of Franklin. Miss Bonnye I Rvth Whitworth, of Harlingen, gave a short welcome address, with the response being given by Miss Helen Robinson, of La Feria. Outstanding number on the pro gram was the talk. “Codes of Liv-I ing.” given by Miss Mary Ule,| teacher in the Highland Park hlghi school In Dallas, and a daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tidwell, of] Waco Another talk of particular interest was that of Mrs J. B Coston, matron at the Valley Bap tist hospital, who talked on that j institution. Miss Mary Lile later obliged with ! a vocal solo, and Miss Helen Flynn ! gave a piano rendition of Chopin's I “Nocturne." Mrs. A. J. Harrell camp chair- ] man. directed a series of talks by 1-rimary. intermediate and Junior boys and girls, who gave their Im pressions of the camps held re cently at Rio Hondo in * Echos from Y. W A.. G. A., and R. A.. Camps. | Mra James Hicks, of Corpus Christl. j district young people’s leader, gave, a report of the state R. A camp held recently. H. F. Bums, of Ed ccuch spoke on Work of Our De nominational schools Seventeen Valley towns were rep resented at the meeting with a total registration of 287 This is probably the largest attendance j ever registered at a quarterly meet ing of the organization. A nomination committee was ap poirted and will report at the next1 meeting of the W M U. auxiliary which will be held In October. The committee is composed of Mrs. M. 1* Ross, of Santa Rosa. Mrs. D. O. • Svkes. of Mission: Mrs. W. A. Odom c* Edcouch; Mrs. Lance Harris, of Ann Benito; and Mrs. A. Joplin, of HargllL -o ... [ CALENDAlT"! FRIDAY Mrs. J. B. Samuels wW be hostess to members of the Entre Nous Bridge club. Sewing circle of the Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet with Mrs. T. P. Sarran. Regular luncheon program of the Par-American Round Table at El Jardin Hotel at 1 p. m. DeMolay Membership Drive Is Launched <8oeel*l to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Aug. 1—Lester Parker has been named temporary chairman of a Committee to work tm membership in a proposed De Molay chapter here and will hold of fice until installation of a chapter. Joe 8mith. Jr., and J. Robert Ballen ger also have been named to the committee. Several meetings have already been held and the Brownsville chap ter will confer degrees here until the local chaoter is Instituted. The San Benito chanter Ls being sponsored bv the local chapter of Royal Arch Masoas MRS. J. B. BUTTS DIES HARLINGEN. Aug. 1 —Mr a Mrs. R. B. Hamilton attended the funeral in Bishop of Mrs. J. B. Butts, mother of Mrs Hamilton. Simply sprinkle Peterman's Ant Food along window sills, doors and openings through which ants corns and go. Guaranteed to rid quickly. Used In a million homes. Inezpso rive. Get it at your druggist'a PETERMAN’S ANT FOOD try Gulf 3 weeks IN THE "TRAFFIC COURT" Wanted: a fair trial If it's been some time since you've used Gulf, try it 3 short weeks—end then give us your verdict. Put it on trial in traffic. Suits. Crawls. Get-aways. Climbs. There’s no fairer test— and we think you’ll confirm a judgment that’s already been handed down • • • 750 Turned Judges We went to owners of average cars— 750 of them. We asked them to compare Gulf with their regular brands—judge it on (1) mileage, (2) starting, (3) pick-up, (4) power, (5) all-around performance. Gulf Won tho Verdict! At the end of the trial, 7 out ef 10 voted Gulf superior on one or more of the 3 counts— many on ellfive. Reason? Controlled refining makes Gulf $ goodgasolines in one. Gives it not only 2 or 3—but all five qualities of a perfect gasoline. Start off with a tankful of That Good Gulf today. In three weeks, you'll be an addict! GULF REFINING COMPANY WlHrt tit h “pick-up” cat cut down > gasoline bills? You’ll find the answer to this question in this /r#« Gulf booklet, plus Id other helpful hints on gasoline economy. Drive in and get your free copy today at the Sign of the Orange Disc. FREE-AT ALL RIILF DEALERS! THAT GOOMULF GASOLINE I