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Mrs. Simmons Is Hostess For Group (Special to The Herald) BAN BENITO, Aug. 2—Members of the Entre Nous Bridge club were delightfully entertained in McAl len when Mrs. W. W. Simmons complimented the group with a luncheon. Following the games, Mrs. Har old Fariey was high The next meeting of the club will be held in San Benit • • • The Christian Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian church named as honor guest one of their members. Miss Dorothy Erwin, bride-elect. Monday evening when they assembled in the home of Mr. and Mrs M. F. Orr in Los Fres cos. Following a delightful swim in the pool a picnic supper was enjoy ed. About twenty young people were present. Mrs. E. L. Barmore, sponsor of the society was also present. • • • Miss Dorothy Erwin, a bride of the month, was complimented with a theatre party and linen shower in the home oi Miss Alice Hill dur ing the first of the week. Follow ing the matinee the guests enjoyed games and contests in the home of the hostess after which they pres ented Miss Erwin with many pretty and useful gifts. A dessert course was served to the guest of honor and ten Intimate friends. • • • A pretty event of Monday eve ning was dinner party given by Miss Frances Grimsell when she named Miss Kathleen McCrieght of Kirbyville, the house guest of Miss Kate Robertson, honoree. The Mexican dinner was served in Har lingen. All appointments for the occasion carried out the Mexican theme. Following the dinner an Interest ing social hour was enjoyed. Thir teen San Benito girls were present for the hospitality. Out-of-t<\; guests included Man' Spradlintr. Jeanne and Kelsey Stuart of Har lingen. Beth Gregory and Harriet Boyd of Brownsville and Lena Loi» Griffith of Victoria. • • • Misses Dolly Vinsant and Maureen East were joint-hostesses when they named Miss Kathleen McCrieght of Kirbyville as guest of honor at a theatre party. Following the ma tinee the guests assembled in the home of Mks Vinsant where re fr« hments were served. - o Ranperville News, Notes (Special to The Hera*d) RANGERVILLE. Aug. 2.—Rev. S Dunn ot The Methodist church of 6an Benito will deliver an address u> the people of thus community Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. * • * Rev. Owens of the Mercedes Bap tist church was unable to fill the pulpit at the Baptist church here 6undav as he was call'd to his home town in north Texas. • * • The “True Blues” of the Baptist church are working hard on their f'unday school attendance. Award ing of thp pins at the end of each quarter has been a stimulant. Bettye Jayne Foust has the honor of being th* first gold star member having attended twenty-four Sundays in succession. Five other members are near their silver star pirn. • • • Supt A B Cook Is supervising the cleaning of the school premises this week. Mr and Mrs. Art Williams en tertained at a fish frv at Boca Chim recently, the following at tending: Mr and Mrs. John Bar ren M" and Mrs Ellis Perry. Mr. and Mrs. D. M Buchan, and Mr Ex-Movie Star Is Censor Now 11 r Member of Louisiana* new board ot him censorship ere ated at a special session of the legislature Marguerite Clark, former stage-screen star is shown here as she examined the first reel of film approved by the board Sentng on the board with the ex-tnovte head liner now wile of Millionaire Harry P Williams are two strong Huev Long aides ------- urd Mrs. J. M Buchan and daugh ter Joann. Mr. and Mrs Hook and baby from Rio Hondo visited with Mr. and Mrs Ben Trousdale this past week. Leatha Welch of Harlingen has been visiting with her cousin Betty Lynn Arnold. R. C. Nolle.v has returned to the Lome of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Halbert after an extended visit with his father in Houston. - Messrs. J. M. Buchan. Doyle, Har row and Tom Parmer were on a fishing trip at the Port this week. They reported a good catch. Eetty Lynn Arnold spent a few da vs last week with her brother Milton Arnold and Mrs. Arnold at Hio Hondo. Mr s. Nabors, who has been spend in" the summer with her daughter Mrs J. R Parmer left this week for her home near Gorman. Mr and Mrs. Jack Foust and <• :'dren. Betty Jayne and Charles William, and Mr. and Mrs. Harrow Parmer were among those attend ing the Port celebration Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Buchan entertained the following guests at I oinner this past week- Mr and Mrs. \ t Williams of Harlineen; Mr. and Mrs Ellis Perry of Brownsville and Mr and Mrs. Darrow Parmer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Magee are i having their Ha-lingen home re modeled prior to their moving there '•his fall. Mis Ruth Sparks entertained Mi'S Ore’l Anderson this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Passmore have -et lined to their home here after *r extended stay with relatives in | Harlingen. Mr. and Mrs Fills Pern- ot Brownsville were recent dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. D. M Euchan. --A LEAVES FOR NORTH Miss Bibf B-eeden daughter of Or. and Mrs R F. Breeden. left 'vv:r>: lay morning for Chicago. Illinois, where she will enter St. Luke’s hosnital for nurses’ train ne Miss Breeden will visit in Chi <." o and W: eonsin until the fourth cf September when she will enter the hospital for training. . -o HOME FROM VISIT Mrs. Sam L. lorkwocd. who has been visiting in Wh rton for the oast ten d;«vs with relatives has re turned to her home here. Laura Wheeler Designs CROCHETED ACCESSORIES PATTERN 775 LAl'RA WHEELER CROCHETED ACCESSORIES—SMART I OR SIMMER OK FALL The beret—fashion's perennial favorite—has the knack of adding dash to our appearance. Its flatter ing line is what we seek contin ually—its comfort and practicality are a delight. This one with its matching purse lias the lines that fashion is offering us for late sum mer fall. The popcorns make a ■mart contrasting decoration. Both It and the purse can be made of string or yarn and so are as ser- i viceable for fall as for summer. Pattern 775 comes to you with de tailed directions for making the j set shown, illustrations of it and i of all stitches needed; material re-’ j quirements. Send 10 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred1 for this p\ern j to The Brownsville Herald. Needle ! era tt Dept.. 82 Eighth Avenue. New j York, N. Y. Bride-to-Be Is Honored With Linen Shower (Special to The Herald) MISSION, Aug. 2.— Miss Helen Duncan, bride-to-be, was honored by & number of her friends at a linen shower, given at the home of Mrs. Orville Cox near McAllen Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, E. V. Sprowl and Mrs. S. L. Hardin gave a program of readings and song, t>fter which a peddler came to the house insisting there were some splendid bargains in the ready-to wear line, displaying pleasing wares among the other guests. After the presents had been dis played the guests were asked into ihe dining room where a tea was served by Miss Janet Caldwell and Miss Mary Walsh. Mrs. Howard Quick was honored at the home of Mrs. A. C. Trapp ard Mrs. Clark Norton recently when these ladies met at the Trapp home for a shower. Mrs. John Os born and Mrs. Otto Jensen were winners in the contests and pre sented their prizes to the honoree, Mrs Farrar Dooley reciting a clever little poem. * • * Miss Doris Red entertained with a weiner roast Monday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. ana C. D. Red. Games were played after which the wieners were roasted and serv ed to Misses Dorothy Jean G arl ir.gton, Marian McHenry, Dorothy Beli Adkins, Mildred Hooks. Helen Miller. Helen Card, Ella Jean Tay lor Lura Sue Peavy, Norma Event off. Peggy Covington and the host ess. Mrs. Herbert Melch entertained fhe Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club this week. Mrs. A. F. Volz being high. • • * Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Wilson were hosts Tuesday night for members of the Ace-Hi bndge club and their husbands awarding score trophies for ladies and men respectively to Mrs. Thomas Robertson and Mr. W R. Parrish. » • • • Mrs. Tracy Card was hostess to the members of the Mardi bridge club Tuesday Mrs. J. F. Tanner was high, with Mrs. Ollen Rome the only out of club guest and Mrs. Cideon Newman a tea guest. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Rome en tertained the members of their bridge club Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. E. Moore being the only out of club guest, and Mr. Al. Volz holding high. • • • The members of the YW-V were entertained Monday afternoon at the home of Billie Martin with a swimming party. Following the swimming party a study of foreign missions was presented by Misses Ad? and Edna Newbrough. Mrs. Joe Cook, the sponsor, was the honor gitfs*. while Miss Ada Newbrougn presided over the business session. • • # Mrs. Chas. Braskamp entertained the members of the Alton Bluebon ret Hub this week. The afternoon being spent with fancy work. • • • Mrs T B Sammons entertained the Wednesday bridge club this week. Mrs. T. B. Sammons. Jr.. Mrs. Parker Spence and Miss Elizabetn Sammons were out of club guests. » • • “Young Tnm” Hu mason was the host at his home Monday evening, entertaining in honor of Bernard Olswanger, formerly of this city, now of Los Angeles. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bun?oon have left for a vacation visit in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. A J. Whlttlesev and children and Mrs E H Pilcher spent the dav at Port Isabel latelv. Mr and Mrs. E. W. Coble and children have returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives in ana near .®an Antonio. Mrs. A C. McHenry expects to return Monday from San Antonio wnere she has visited a week. Mr and Mrs. R R. Stephens had is their dinner guests recently. Mr and Mrs. Ted Stephens and chi’dren of Brownsville and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Stenhens. Mr and Mrs. Carl A Roettele Wf Thu-sdav to soend their vaca tion with Mr. Roettele's parents in Omaha. Nebr. Mrs. T W Thies returned from Austin Tuesday where she had vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Murphv during her vacation. Mrs. J M Salter left Thursday for he- home in Vernon after a visit with her daughter. Mrs. David G Wood and Mr. Wood. M. L. Havs attended the opening of nort at Port Isabel Tuesday. Miss Angie Stroud exnected to leave Fridav to spend her vacation in San Antonio, and points in Arizona. Joe Carvajal left Fridav for Ver ron to attend the Walker-Broyles wedding there Saturday. Mrs. Jim Jenkins returned Tues Easy Pleasant Way TO LOSE FAT How would you like to safely and hirm.essly lose 15 pounds of fat In a month and at the same time Increase your energy and Improve your health? How would you like to lose your dou ble chin and your too prominent hips and abdomen and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that It will compel admiration? Get onto the scales today and see how much you weigh—then get a bot tle of Kruscben Salts that costa next to nothing and which will last you 5 weeks Take one half teaspoonful in' a glass of hot water in the morning —cut down on pastry and fatty meats —go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar—and when you have fin ished the contents of this first bottle weigh yourself again. After that you'll want to walk aiound and say to your friends. “One 1 bottle of Kruschen Salts Is worth one hundred dollars of any fat person's money " But refuse Imitations — safeguard your health — you lose fat SAFELY with Kruschen. Leading druggists America Kruschen Salts. Adv. ovar mu Every one smart and easy to make MARIAN MARTIN PUTS THREE LONG SWEEPING LINES TO WORK FOR STOUT! PATTERN 9493 Of course you could “go to work” on those extra pounds with setting up exercises and such, but it's so much easier to let Marian Martin lines work for you! There’s that raglan shoulder line that works such wonders in slimming the bust, es pecially when flattering softness dis tinguishes the bodice. Then there’s a long line sweeping from waistline clear down to the hem and carrying the eye right away from bulgy hips. And don’t miss the lengthening ef fect of an unbroken front line that restricts its belt to half portions. Choose a flattering monotone in triple sheer or novel crei»e. Complete Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart included. Pattern 9493 may be ordered only in sizes 16. 18 . 20. 34. 36. 38. 40. 42 and 44. Size 36 requires 3Vi yards 39 inch fabric. Send fifteen cents In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for each Marian Martin pattern Be sure to write plainly your name, address the style number and size of each pattern. Just out...Marian Martin sum mer pattern book forty enlight ening pages to lead your way to summer chic! Clothes for every oc casion for every member of the family, from the Tiny Tot, the Dashing Deb. the Blushing Bride to the Mature Matron! Every design beautifully illustrated, every pattern so easy even the beginners are assured of success! Send for your copy now! Price of book fif teen cents. Book and pattern to gether. twenty-five cents Send your order to The Browns ville Herald. Pattern Department. 232 W. 18th SL. New York, N. Y.- Adv. day from a visit In Dalhart and Roswell, N. Mex. Miss Zeda Dorsett left Wednes day to visit friends in Kingsville. Mrs. Chester Crow and baby daughter of Liberty are guests of Miss Elizabeth Sammons. IN SAL’flLLO Mrs. R A. Porter is In Saltillo, Mexico, for a two months visit. Mrs. Sorter was accompanied to Mexico by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wellborn, who will remain with her throughout her stay. Mrs. Porter plans to leave later on m the year lor St Louis. Mo., where she will join Mr. Porter. rv EL JARDIN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. E B. Wells, and Miss Em alee Wells, are now at home to their friends in El Jardin hotel. Mr Wells, of the E. B Wells Motor com pany. has been here for some time, but Mrs. Wells and their daughter have just recently come here. Miss Wells is quite an enthusiastic goiter. -o RECALLED TO LAREDO Mrs R. L Bolding has returned to Laredo where she has spent some time lately, and where she was called by the critical illness of her sister, Mrs. Perrin. -o BEEVILLE VISITOR Mrs Lawrence Brady spent two cays this week in Beeville. Local Couple Appointed As Committee Jack Mohle and Bernice Hutton. ; of Brownsville were named as a nominating committee at the Tues day evening meeting in San Benito ol the Christian Endeavor council ol the Rio Grande Valley. The meeting was held in the First Christian church in San Benito. An excellent attendance, with practically every member present i was noted. Re;x>rts indicated that the work of the members was pro pressing very well. ! Otto Nielsen was present and made a short talk. The president, I Lawrence Cron, tendered his resig | ration as he plans to attend col lege The next meeting will be held In : Harlingen at the First Christian church. -o——— IN NEW ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. Dean Porter and | baby daughter, and Mrs Larry Lightner are spending the warm months with their mother, Mrs. E. ■ C. Sams, in her home in New ‘ Hampshire. I YES— We Are Ready for FALL! DRESSES Direct From the Nation’s Style Centers Be the First to Wear One of These New Fall Models! Sizes 14 to 20 And 38 to 44 % Adorable Styles! Exclusive Details! So Low Priced! Others at Xi $1.98 $3.98 , > $4.98 W. T. GRANT CO. BROWNSVILLE Picnic Suppers Noted Lately In Rio Hondo «Special to The Herald) RIO HONDO, Aug. 2.—M>nv Rio Hondoiars are enjoying the infor mal serving of picnic suppers on their lawns during the heated days. Others are preparing their suppers in the back yards of their homes ever camp stoves or grates, and are in viting friends to join them. Three such parties took place re cently. Wednesday evening Mr and 1 Mrs. H. Taylor Hartzog served an ; al fresco supper on their lawn having I as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. George Kindinger and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carpenter. Another party Wednesday night was that at the Alton Caffal home when the CaffaLs invited a group of friends to an ice cream supper. En joying this were: Mr. and Mrs Rex George. Mr. and Mrs. J. R George. Miss Carol George. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yecman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jef fery. Thursday Mrs. Amv Yeoman in vited a group of friends to a fish fry in the back yard of her home. En joying the supper were: Supterin tendent and Mrs, R J. Bingham and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yeoman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fresh our and Mr. and Mrs. Jark Carpen ter and Miss Eva Jean Yoeman. • t I Three were named honor guests at a recent swim party at the Y W C. A camp here when three Sunday School classes of the Community church entertained in their honor. I The party was sponsored by the teachers of the classes. Mesdames B i T. BullLs. Forrest*Woodside and H C Chamber*. Honor guests for the! affair were Miss Berneice Brockhau . who Is home from school In Mil waukee. Wis., Miss Merel Bowser of St. Petersburg, Fla., who Is here for an extended visit and Norman Johnson who L> leaving for Wiscon sin. A delicious picnic supper follow ed the splash. Present for the occasion were: Clayton Watson. Richard Hollon. Hazel Taube, Eva Jean Yeoman. Norman Johnson. Emerson Webster. James Joyner. Lecna Dack. Carl Dack. Temple Ray. Elizabeth Bing ham. Posey Coleman. Kenneth Dack Loyd Dimtck, Turner Divers. Mur- ; iel Bowser. Bemeice Brockhaus.1 Elizabeth Mixon. Ronald Schultz. Earl Wheeler. Janet Brockhau> Os car Bounds. Mack Mize. Margaret Bull is, Marcella Schultz. Mr and Mrs. B. T. Bullis. Mrs. H C. Cham bers and Mrs. Forrest Woodside. Ric Hondo Bob Cat Troop 2i In encamped at Camp Cha.v F Perrv for the 10-dav annual summer scout encampment. In the group enjoyint camp life are Robert Corn-gill, p j McMurtry. John Brown, Richard Wheeler. Pius Davis and John D Baugh. • • • A large group of Rio Honri tans were present Wednesday at the Har lingen Quarterly W. M. U. meet at the Baptist church in that city In the party from Rio Hondo were: Rev. J F Curtis. Mrs Richard Stew art Betty Stfwart. Mrs. Albert Knight. Muss Perrll Knight. Mis Katherine Knight. Miss Agnes Ticer. Mrs. Rex George. Miss Violet Gran tham. Miss Evelyn Grantham. Mi Ruth Bishop. Miss Evelyn Grantham Mrs A. J Carpenter and Miss Shir ley Carpenter. • • • Mr and Mrs Frank Sizer and small son were Port Isabel visitors recently. The Kum Jovnus Klass of the Community church will hold the regular meeting at the church Mon day evening. August 4. —^ RETURNS HOME Mrs K. M Black, of Austin, who has been visting her son. Mr A K Black and Mrs. Black for the past week, has returned to her home m Austin. Mrs. A. K Black returned trom a six-weeks* trip to Memphis Tenn., by way of Austin and was i accompanied home by Mrs. K. M. Black, and her daughter. Beverly, who had spent six weeks with her grandmother. LEASE HOME Mr and Mr*. J. C. Jordan, take n pOMCt J of the ter home at r.bony Drive _ Ebanufc Mr. Jordan is general man. ager of the Rio Grande Valley Gas Company. “TOOK AIL KINDS OF PILLS, THEN CEREAL BROOGHT RELIEF” Constipation. Due to Insutu cient “Bulk,” Relieved by Kellogg's All-Bran A fine letter from Mr*. Snydert “I have had trouble* with my bowels for years, taking all kind* of pills and drugs, with no relief. “One year ago, I saw Kellogg’* All-Bran and bought a package. I have good movements every day. I am 73 years old. 1 am telting my friends what bran has done for nie."—Mrs. Sallie Snyder. U18 N. Craft Ave., Hollywood, Cal. •Constipation due to insvfirunt "bulk” in mails. Research shows that Kellogg* All-Bran furnishes ’'bulk” to exer cise the intestines. All-Bran also supplies vitamin B and iron. Two tnblespoonfuls daily are usu ally sufficient to correct common constipation. With each meal, in serious cases. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. The “bulk” in All-Bran resist* digestion better than the “bulk” in i leafy vegetables. How much better ! to use this food in place of patent medicine*. All grocers m the red-and-green pack age. Made by Kel logg In Battle Creek DOZENS of BARGAINS in THIS MID-SUMMER SALE! SALE OF "CANNON" TURKISH TOWELS (All Perfect! iXetc Past eh ami White! Buy a Year's Supply! PASTEL OR WHITE TOWELS with contrasting borders. Sizes 17 x 32 and 18 x 36. DOUBLE THREAD WHITE TOWELS With colored or woven dobby bor ders. 16Vi * 36 and 22 x 44. 22x46 DOUBLE THREAD TOWELS in white or pastels with contrasting borders. Extra heavy. 12-IN. WASH CLOTH . 3c each 36 to 40-IN. RAYON REMNANTS 36-IN. BROADCLOTH SHIRTINGS BETTER QUALITY 36-IN. PERCALES 19 15 15 BROADCLOTH \2% W. T. C R A N T CO. I i t ! ■ * v atv ■ BROWNSVILLE