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Newspaper Page Text
Opportunity Is Knocking At Your Door Via The Herald Classified Ads i t Improvises Heir Conditioning Leave it to a descendant of the Vikings to solve this heat-wave com .’ort problem. Little Anne Thusgaard turned the family refrigerator nto a personal cooling system, using a huge ice cream cone to bring lown her interior temperature. Her costume is of the type popular among the Brooklyn, N. Y., younger set these hot days. ''Whose Baby? It’s an Easy Guess Nobody'll need to ask “Whose little baby are you?" of Joan Demp •C# The image of the Manassa Mauler, Joan is shown here with the •■-heavyweight champion and her mother, the former Hannah Williams of stage fame, aa they arrived in Los Angeles for a visit iuid to give admiring friends a glimpse of their little daughter. Joan will be a year old on Aug. 4. BEREFT QUEEN’S HAVEN HOUSES HOT DOG STAND COPENHAGEN i/P<—A Jaunty little castle known as "Hvidoere” where the late Queen Alexandra was fond of dining with her sister Empress Dagmar of Russia, and her brothe s. King Frederlk of Denmark and King George of Greece, la being turned into a "hot dog" stand. When Dagmar escaped from the feclshevlst revolution, she settled at Kvidoere," living on a pension g. anted her by her nephew. King George of England. She refused to believe that her son. the last czar of Russia, had been murdered and. according to reports, kept a candle burning in a window to guide his return. Alter her death the castle was bought by a countess who now has sold it to two men who intend to .take it a refreshment stand for :;.rday motorists. ANNOUNCEMENTS W ALSH Sheet Metal Works now located at 405 13th Street . M-110 CIGARETTE DEALERS—Books for keeping records of retail Cigarette sales according to law for sale at Bishop’s Print 8hop. N-8 REPAIR LOANS MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY 8 Travel Opportunities UNION BUS LINES Past bonded Buses. Leaving Bar* Ungen 6:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. dally. Arrives San Antonio 1:15 P- m. and 10:15 p. m. San Antonio $3.50 Dallas $8.80—Abilene $8 35— Austin $5.10—Chicago $21.40 - St Louis $1730 Madison Hotel, phone 405. Harlingen; Miller hotel. Browns ville; Edinburg Hotel, phone 222. Edinburg; McAllen, phone 32; San Benito, phone 234; Raymondville, phore 8. McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves McAllen 8:30 a. m. 10.00 a. m. 12:00 p. m. :00 p.m. 6:00 p. m. , 4:00 pL m. 8:00 p. m. Leaves Reynosa 1:30 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. Special bus from Reynosa Sat urday and 8unday 10:30 p- m. AUTOMOTIVE 10 Aukoa For Sale SEE OUR USED CARS At Lot Across from Herald Bldg. Brownsville Motor Co. CHYSLER — PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 MANSUR MOTORS Dodge — Plymouth Sales and Sendee 904 Washington Phone 141 Vtrian MacMillan, who brought se duction charges against Premier J. E. Brownlee of Alberta and the downfall of his admin istration, has found romance at last. She’ll wed Henry Sorenson. Danish r^nariimji storekeeper, Aupist 9, it is indicated. BRAZIL STATE SEEKS OIL MACEIO, Brazil (JP)—The govern nor of this coastline state has tele* graphed to the ministry of agricul ture at Rio de Janeiro asking for technicians to explore the interior lor gas and oil fields. A New Crop of Beauties for the Flicker Industry JfW cbarm for the movies is displayed here, three winsome misses starting their plenty of that vital asset—beauty. They re Is nigh spirits as they receive legal contract* la Lea Angeles court, at salaries ranging from $100 to $7$0 a week. Evelyn Poe. It; Phyllis Brooks, 20; and Helen Parrish, 12. film careers with approval of their Left to right are AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos tor Sals USED CAR SPECIALS 1933 Ford pick-up, new motor. 1931 Ford Tudor. 1934 Chevrolet Coupe Three 1931 Ford Sedans. 1932 Chevrolet Coach. 1932 Ford V-8 Victoria. 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan. 1982 Chevrolet Coupe 1933 Ford Tudor 1933 Ford Victoria. PATTESON MOTOR CO. 937 .Elizabeth — Phone m 5 mB SPECIAL* Chevrolet 4-door sedan, only $77.50 1934 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, low mileage; almost new tires; radio. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR CUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION TOM STEVENSON CO. 1233 Levee Phone 222 THE CHEAPEST easiest way to rent, buy or sell Is through the Classified columns of The Herald CHEVROLET USED CAR LOT Across from Postoffice icn? CHEVROLET 1^00 SEDAN 1933 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 FORD PANEL Seaman Chevrolet Co. PHONE 410 14 Auto Repair* and Paint PORTER & JONES Automobile Repairing And Refinishing Let Us Service Your Car Across from Chamber of Commerce PHONE 222 BUSI. CHANCE* 17 Business for Sale FOR SALE: Meat Market, fully equipped. Good location. Cheap rent, write owner Box 1163, Har lingen, Texas. FOR SALE—Lunch stand doing good business; good location; cheap ient. Located at Raymond ville across from depot. Casey's Beanery. N-10 21 Miscellaneous DOCTOR Spanish Speaking—Here is a wonderful opportunity: Free room, office and utilities in new Spanish Drug Store; town of 8.000 ( 60% Spanish* near El Paso with only two American doctors. Write A M. Guffey, Druggist. Fa be ns. Texas. BUS SERVICES 25 Builders-Contractors BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer and Architect Preliminary Investigations. Detail Plans and Construction Supervision Examinations and Reports 515 Uth St. Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE 28 Mo Ting Trucks—Storage MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and Delivery Service Hauling of All Kinds 6th St FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Klnd6 AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, 301 10th St Moving and crating. Phone 42L U-66 BUS. SERVICES 30 Fix It J. S. FORD & SONS Insurance of every kind Phone 1129 304 State National Bank Bldg. EMPLOYMENT WE COULD USE two or three men or women for sales work in Mc Allen and vicinity. Experience not absolutely necessary. Give your name and address in ans wering this ad. P. O. Box 242, McAllen. _N-26 FINANCIAL 42 Auto Loans AUTOMOBILE LOANS REFINANCING Delta Automobile Finance Co. PHONE 271 — WESLACO MERCHANDISE 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous LINEN SUITS Cleaned and Reshaped j 50c n^d^dsf and Dry Cleaning Co,Inc PHONE 1 MERCHANDISE 52 Household Goods FOR SALE—Davenport and library table. 1545 Hays St. N-14 Four piece wicker set, $22.50; Two piece bedroom set, $22.50; Rocking chairs. $1.75 up. Four piece bed room set, $39.95 (new»; Four piece bedroom set. $34.50 (new); 8 tube Crosley radio, $2^0 Hargis Furriiture Co. Next door to Dlttmann Theater PHONE 180 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous EASY FINANCING for Remodeling And New Construction Eagle Pass Lumber Company 1117 Monrot — Phone 807 57 Lbr. and Bldg. Materia! Are You Going to Build? Repair? Repaint? Do You Need a Carpenter? Painter? Plasterer? We will be glad to Supply Your Needs if you will phone us. John F. Grant Lbr. Co. B. F HARDIN. Mgr. 8th and Fronton — Phone 251 MORE BARGAINS Gum, Magnolia, Bay and oak 1 inch rough or dressed $30.00 to $50.00 per M ; B & B siding $25.00 ; 2x4. 2x6 and 1x12 $23.00; 1 and 2-inch Wild Cherry and Genuine Red Cedar, rough or dressed. Split hickory and Red wood J. W. Richards, Inc., Combes. 61 Wanted - Miscellaneous WANTED — L’sed electric sewing machine and leather traveling bag in good condition; will pay cash. Box N-25, Herald. N-25 FLOWERS for all occasions. We telegraph flowers anywhere. Los Ebanos Greenhouse Company, Phone 1588. . K-55 Cotton Rags W,anted We will pay 5c per pound for CLEAN COTTON RAGS HERALD PRESSROOM 60 Seeds-Plants-Flowers ROSES, Beautiful Roses—Many va rieties and colors. Only 25c doz en. Comer Ringgold and 18th St. M-123 PLANT ZINNIAS now for Fall blooms. All colors and sizes in stock. Groves and Co. N-23 SIDE GLANCES - George Clark •The neighbors are so nice. They’re taking up a collection to send him away somewhere to study.” RENTALS 63 Apartments NEL-ROY Apartments, newly dee- i orated. $30.00 and uu. All bills paid. J-88 FIVE ROOM unfurnished duplex apartment, 8 Poinsetta Drive. Los Fbanos. 827.50. Call Robin M. Pate. M-109 TO RESPONSIBLE WHITE COUPLE Without children — Two room furnished apartment with util ities paid. 810.00 cash per month, woman assisting with housework for hour or two daily for balance rent. Also furnished sleeping room. $1000 per month. P. O. Box 1175, Brownsville. 63 Apartments THREE ROOM Apartment; newly refinished; reasonable. Phene 578. 442 Levee. N-19 SAT’ CARLOS Apartments: Bed rooms and apartments. Private or connecting bath. J. P. Dixon. Mgr.. Phone 1589. M-61 DUPLEX. Furnished; garage; $13.00 month. 442 8. E. Levee, Phone 578. M-122 VAN SICLEN Apartments: Cool. Frlgidaires, garages, service bills paid. Prices reasonable.—Phone 183 or 621. ,M-10S IF YOU WANT to buy. mil. rent or exchange just phone The Brownsville Herald Classified Ad Department An experienced ad taker will gladly assist you. 64 Rooms FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms; very reasonable. C. C. High smith. 505 Adams. N-U 65 Houses FOR RENT—Five room house. 13th and Harrison. 816.00 per month. Enquire Premier Lumber com pany. N-13 MODERN NEW HOME, completely furnished; available September 10. Phone 1056 J. N-15 68 Land For Rent Farms For Rent A number of good farms. Some with good houses. PHONE 499 A. D. Dickinson, Jr. El Jardin Bldg., Brownsville RENTALS 69 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT—Sept. 1st, furnished house. Phone 614. M-125 REAL ESTATE Pre-Port Bargains Five room stucco house, hardwood floors, fireplace. 2-car garage, con :rete drive. Well located In W. Brownsville. Paving and taxes 4 paid. $3,250.00, 10% down, balance monthly. Five room house in good condition; , corner lot in Victoria Heights; 2- u car garage; paving and taxes paid. $100 down, balance $20.00 per month. MONSEES & QUILTER Merchant's Bank Bldg. Phone 151 MONEY TALKS ? U.800 00 buys modern 5-toom house textone finished inside, newly painted outside, large front porch, concrete floored garage for 4 cars, concrete floored shed: $200 00 cash: balance $22.62 per month including Interest. 12.050.00 buys modern 5-room house textone finished Inside, newly painted outside, concrete floored " front porch, screened in back porch. garage, on comer lot and on pave ment: $250.00 cash; balance $25.45 per monht including Interest. (4.500.00 buys modem 5-room brick ; veneer home well located on pave- * ment. with hardwood floors, front and back porches, double garage, servant quarters and concrete driveway: $1,750.00 cash; balance exceptionally easy terms at 5% in terest. * * S. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg. — Phone 179 Brownsville Texas 70 Houses For Sale GOOD FIVE-ROOM house and lei, $4,500. Write Box M-82 Herald. M-n 72 Fanms-Ranches FOR SALE FOR CASH Best 20 acres in Valley for price asked. Improved and in high state of cultivation. Two miles from La Feria High class. R J. Thomas, La Feria, Texas. 74 For Sale or Trade FOR TRADE J FOR VALLEY PROPERTY 200 acres, improved, clear of debt in Oklahoma, near Durant. room brick hotel, well furnish ed, Victor, Iowa; doing good. Two half sections, improved, S. E. Colorado. 150 acres Broomcom; good land. Fifty room hotel half way between Chicago and Mil waukee, located at John Manville - plant. This is clear and extra good; belongs to party wanting Valley home. Have others. De scribe and price what you offer, R. J. THOMAS LA FERIA, TEXAS Champion Pugilist HORIZONTA I, I Fighter who defeated Max Baer. 11 Incarnation of Vishnu. 12 Thin tin plate. 13 Stir. 15 Bugle plant. 16 Boundary. 17 Wrath. 18.South America. 19 North America. 20 Masculine. 21 Part of a drama. 22 Noise. 23 Box. 24 To be In debt. 2STo become erect. !6 He was born in New -. !7 Biscuit. 18 Reek. 19 Tidy. (0 Lard. II To purify. t3 To devour. (4 Suitable. 15 Unable 1o hear 36 Street. Answer to l*rrviou« Puala utEauivinui ■ aran ■ •• :b]7Tkmi felElSBO o!4 oTpMa® a i AUOOIN usb n □□ □□ □ DBCinn □□ n none] □ElOIJ n _ annQ □□ □□ □□□□ nnnaaa □ naan bhhcdh e aanna □□□□□ □□ LIUUMElUaUDHOUl-l I? Either. 3R Skillet. 39 To listen. 40 Mongrel. 41 Bartered. 42 To press. 44 Sky color. 4< Thick shrub. 47 Heath. 48 Upon. 49 He is the present — champion. VERTICAL 3 Mother. 4 Pillar of atoM 5 To moderate. 6 Inlet 7 Form or -a." * Missile weapon 9 Poem 10 Company. 11 At 16 he en tered the -. 14 He scored 45 victories wMIe In the ama teur ——a.. 1 Kind of roffec.16 Pace disguise. 2 Wine vessel. 17 Frozen dessert 18 Bewitching women. 20 Market. 21 Barley apikele*. 22 Half. 23 Outer garment. 24 Opposite of In. 25 To blow. 26 52 weekn. 27 Flying* mammal. 26 Dread. . 29 Stone linple- ' ment. . 3u Flah’x wwimt ’ mtn( organ. V 31 To peruee. .12 And. 34 DUtant. 35 To eraae. 38 Play on word* 39 Mohammedan nymph. 4U Cloning mual* cal meaKurea. 41 Black haw. 43 Egg* of fl*hen. 44 To nod. 45 Inaect. 47 Form of "me.* 48 Exclamation. MICKEY MOUSE - By Walt Disney AND IN THt^ MEANTIME Y' LET THE REAL CROOKS ser aw*y I a pose’ NO, I NOTICED THAT? RiiiKT” EV'RY -time! HIRED SOME MOSSES AND AN OUTFIT AN' took OFF AC ROST the Desert*^ > claimed r they yas \PWbiTl.TV fl? ; ' J WHAT became o' that PAIR OF SCOUNDRELS r\P TMl* H*R« CHART'S fY A i * HANW3 * / accurate, vtwon't as MANV DAYS AFORE WE 6IT OUR HANDS ON THEM NU«wKTS haw-maw!twis\ IS about thuh EASIEST JOB wAl~T Oi>Ngyo.g^