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GERMANY AND ♦AUSTRIA ARE ‘CLOSE’ AGAIN Political, Economic Reconciliation Is Foreseen For Two Nations VIENNA. Aug. 12.—The possibility of a political and economic recon ciliation between Germany and Austria without attempting to mitigate anti-semltism in the relch alarmed the Jewish element in Austria Monday. Neuewelt, organ of the Jewish community, said it has detected a disposition among Catholics to make "a separate peace with Hit* Sr.” Austria, despairing of getting either friendship or security from a proposed pact between the Dan ube states, was reported by the of ficial Welner-Zeltung to have made two conditions for ending its bit ter two-year quarrel with Germany. One was said by the pa nr to be dissolution of the Austrian legion tn Germany; the other, the dis banding of the Austrian “Hilssbund" organisation. accused of supporting a secret nazl corps In Austria. Neuewelt expressed a fear that the apparent inclination of the Austrian Catholic state to enter In to negotiations for a rapproche ment is an Indication that the church leaders are willing to ef fect e settlement for themselves and leave the Jews to an uncertain fate. Not since relations were strained by the assassination of Chancellor Engelbert Dollfus in a nasi putsch a year ago have prospects for re conciliation been better. Germany, it was said, might even allow restoration of the Hapsburghs. a condition immediately Insisted on by the monarchists when the al liance was reported. Tfe* legitimists believe Germany’s accAance of this condition will taXe all the fight out of the Little Entente, which threatened military measures If necessary to prevent re-esublishmnt of a monarchy in Aueria. It was expected Germany would Inslrt on amnesty for Austrian fugi tives, as well as a trade agreement. WOMAN SOLON KEEPS SILENT Hattie Caraway Makac No Statement On Huey's Campaign Plane WASHINGTON. Aug. l2.—iJPh~ Senator Hattie Caraway, the demo cratic lady from Arkansas, Is not crossing any campaign bridges un to she comes to them. In the campaign which resulted in her election to the senate early in 1932. Senator Long (D-La) went into Arkansas and spoke in her Eehaif. More recently Senator Long has Indicated he Intends to go in and campaign again—this time against Senator Robinson (D-Ark>. the ma jority leader, when the latter comes pp for re-nomination next year. That raised the question in the Ends of some observers as to what a. Caraway would do if such an event should come to pass. Asked Monday whether or not she would eher friend Senator Long against senior senator, she said with C quiet smile: ‘•This isn’t an election year." In his sound-truck speeches in er behalf. Long said Mrs. Cara y*s campaign wasn't part of his feua with Senator Robinson—what ever fight he had with the latter be conducted separately. . Caraway, while she has con itly given Long much credit for |ker own election, seems likely to let tt stand at that. Her answers to all questions on the subject were non committal and neutral. Great Britain’s life guards orig inally consisted of two troops of cav aliers. whc. accompanied Charles II into exile and were pledged to protect .their royal master. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CONSTABLE'S SALS TO STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY or CAMERON Notice la Hereby Given that by vir tue ol a certain Order oi Sale issued out of the Honorable 103rd Judicial Dis trict Court of Cameron County. Texas, on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1935. by J. J. Bishop. Clerk of said Court, for the sum of $1.000 00. with interest, tn favor of Waxahachle Bank & Trust Company. Inc., and costs of suit, under • Judgment in a certain cause nuq». bered 13688 in said Court, and styled WAXAHACKIE BANK A TRUST COM PANY vs IRA T. BAIZE. ET Ah., placed tn my hands for service. I, H. D. Lozano, as Constable of Precinct No. 3, Cam •ran County. Te*»*. did on the 12th day Of August A. D. 1935. levy on certain real estate situated In Cameron County, Texas, described as follows, to-wit: All of the West Twenty acres of block Kc 34. tn Survey 271, of the Brigs* * Coleman Subdivision, according to the Official map and plat thereof ss record ed tn the Msp end Plat Records of Cameron County. Texas, and levied up on as the property ef Ira T. Baize. W R. Johnson. E H .Briggs. T H Hsrbln. Trustee. T H Hsrbln. individually. Har lingen Orchards Company, a private corporation and Harbin Citrus Orovea. a private coroormtloc and that on the l*rat Tueeiay in September. 1935. the •ot being the 3rd dav of said month at the Court House door of Cameron ] County. In the City of Brownsville. Tet aa. between the hours of 10 a m. and { 4 p. m.. by virtue of said levy and said i Order of Sale. I will sell the said above . described real estate at public van-: due. for caah to the highest bidder, as the property of said Ira T Bslae. W E Johnson. E. H Briggs T. H. Harbin. Trustee. T. H Harbin. Individually. I Msrlingen Orchards Company, a private corporation end Hsrbln Citrus Orovea. a private corporation: * In compliance with isw. I give . tlce by publication. In the Eng le. once e week for three uttve weeks tmmadlataly oreesd |a« said dav of sals. In tha Browns- ! stile Herald, a new*nan«r published Bl Cameron Ctnintv. Texas Witness mv h«ni this 12th day of Mmcmt. A. D. 1939. H D LOZANO Oonstsble. Precinct No. 3, Cameron Countv. Texas f •-13-19-36-Jt-4907 Ace Flyers in Bendix Tropb / Race r .' Howard Rossi Cochrttn Turner Brccse Allot Ort man Hughes Nine and possibly more of the world's greatest speed flyers, one of them a woman, will take off Aug. 30 in the great classic of the National Air Races—the Bendlx Trophy, with a 37500 cash value. Starting at dawn from Los Angeles, they will race to Cleveland. O., where the premier aviation event again will be held, and the leaders may continue to New York, in an effort to break the trans continental record of 10 hours 2 minutes. First nine to enter are Roscoe Turner, 1934 winner; Cecil A. Allen, Earl Ortman, Benny Howard, Jacqueline Cochran, New York sportswoman; Vance Br*cse, Howard Hughes, film producer; Maurice' Rossi. French ace; and an "unkrowo'* French pilot. SOLON’S FATHER IS ON RELIEF Representative's Dad And Three Brothers Get Government Aid IRONWOOD, Mich., Aug. 12. (*V Representative Frank E. Hcek (D Mich) said Monday he was “not a bit ashamed” of the fact that his father and three of his brothers were receIvins, or had received, govern ment relief. 9 Hook said his relatives were forc ed to apply for relief before he ran for congress and that they were “legitimately on the relief rolls.” “I had nothing to do with getting them cn relief, and I have nothing to do with keeping them on." he declared. He said he had discussed with William Haber, emergency relief di rector for Michigan, reports that Haber Intended to investigate the extension of relief to his relatives and quoted Haber as saying the re ports were false. Relief records here shew that Michael Hook, the congressman’s father, is on the Gogebic county re lief rolls: that Herman Hot*, a brother, is receiving work relief, and that George Hcok and Lawrence Hook, also brlthers, were employed on work relief projects through May. “I wish I could support all of mv relatives.” Representative Hcok said, “but if anyone can tell me how a congressman can live in Washing ton eight months of the year, meet all of the requirements of his con stituents and have a penny left over, I wish he would do it." i Wife Preservers Never uk soap v hen was' niter Wash in soda water, ur ly and hang up until ready to ••5 the flour y iiiorough* uk again.m WHOLE WORLD LOOKSUPWARD Almost General Hike In Business Conditions Is Revealed NEW YORK, Aug. 12. (#>—An almost general improvement in busi ness conditions throughout the world during the last lew months is shown in current surveys. Each country has contended with special problems. There have been spurs to industrial production and international trade within one ci untry that have placed it higher In the scale than other nations not benefited by special circumstances. Activities which some authorities class under the heading of national defense preparation have boosted production and speeded general ac tivities in some nations. Other nations—such as the gold bloc group—have been hampered to some extent by currency diffi culties. Three countries outstanding in the gold bloc—France Holland and Switzerland—were reported by the national Industrial conference board to have suffered decreased pro duction in June while world pro ouetion as a whole advanced dur ing that month. For the previous month, the board reported international trade higher in terms of gold than any previous month in 1935 but \2 per cent lower than the average for the final quarter of 1934. It was, however, 115 per cent above May, 1934. Alfred P Sloan. Jr., president of General Motors Corporation, in a report to stockholders on the first half of this year said, “The period in question was characterized, both domestically and overseas, by an improving trend of business, with the gain apparently well sustained. “In practically all countries throughout the world, the under lying economic forces, striving for recovery, are, at the moment, in the ascendency over the adverse influences incident to political ac tion." As an indication of expanding activity in heavy industry', the United States department of com merce reported exports of scrap iron and steel for the first six months of this year were higher than the first half of 1934 and larger than any other entire year since the World War. (0L© SE(U[P^'^©yiE-DV ?j/ DAN THOMAS - GEORGE SCARBO rv VI WOw*INA LAWRENCE? fatweC. )SA BCCKLAVEa AND CAOPfNTEa INT^E FOX STUOO;( 'AHE-'^E Srt£ \J* undeq contract as A FEATUfitO ACTQISS, -_W.Lr HoWAADTMVO^ woqxed hiS wav 7UQOUGH YALE BY WAm NG ON TABLE AND dong crm&e odd jobs —'AND IN HlS SPAQETIME HE APPEALED IN TEN UNlVEi2SiTY PiAYs/2 ^5. V- -v JlA PJn H£& FiQST VOYAGE TV THE U.S. FQoM SWEDEN A0DAPO A fqeighteq IN 1931,-nnrrA Rolf SrtEPT OtQeOAPD By A HEAVY S'EA AND ViAS> IN The WATEG 2o MIMUT&P B&oQe SWE WAS CESCUEQ ANNOUNCEMENTSj WALSH Sheet Metal Works now located at 405 13th Street. M-110 WALL PAPER MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY CIGARETTE DEALERS—Books for keeping records of retail Cigarette sales according to law for sale at Bishop's Print Shop. N-8 6 Personal STOMACH ULCER. Gas Pains, In digestion victims, why suffer? Fojwqulck relief get a free sample c' udga, . doctor’s prescription at McKay’s Pharmacy. M-65 THE CHEAPEST easiest way to rent, buy or sell is through the Classified columns of The Herald 7 Professional . ■■ — — —— DR. C. RANZELL CHIROPRACTIC Antinic Bays Baths Foot Correction No. 5 Cromack Bldg. 8 Travel Opportunities UNION BUS LINES Past bonded Buses Leaving Bar* lingeo 6:30 a m and 3pm dally Arrives San Antonio 1 15 p m and 10:15 p m. San Antonio 63.50 Dallas $8AO—Abilene 68.35- Austin £5.10—Chicago 62140 - 8t Louis 617.90 Madison Hotel, phone 405 Harlingen; Miller hotel, Browns ville; Edinburg Hotel, phone 223. Edinburg; McAllen, phone 32; San Benito, phone 234; Raymondvllle, phoi*e 8. PLACE TOUR Classified ads before 10 a m. week days and noon 8at irday for proper classification. McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves McAllen 8:30 a. m, 10 00 a m. 12:00 p m. :00 p. m. 6:00 p m. 4:00 p m. 8:00 p m. Leaves Reynoaa 7:30 a m. 9:00 a m. 11:00 a m. 1:00 p m. 5:00 p m. 8:00 p m. 7 00 p m. Special bus from Reynosa Sat* urday and 8unday 10 30 p m. AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autoa For Salo SEE OUR USED CARS At Lot Across from Herald Bldg. Brownsville Motor Co. CHY8LER - PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 USED CAR SPECIALS 1932 Chevrolet Coach. 1933 Ford Victoria. 1932 Chevrolet Coupe • 1934 Chevrolet Coupe. Two 1931 Ford Sedans. 1933 Ford pick-up, new motor. 1931 Ford Tudor. 1933-Ford Tudor 1934 Pontiac Sedan. 1931 gtudebaker Sedan. PATTESON MOTOR CO. 927 Elizabeth — Phone 888 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER Coach; 4 new tires. Finish and mechanical condition OK. This was our family car. Trade, terms, g. H. Bingley, Los Fresnos. Try The Herald Classified Ads To Get serolta Classified rates: M words or leas, one maeratloo .. 40c Over 2S words, one insertion per word . 3k Subsequent insertions run consecutive* If. per word .l\*c Minimum. 10 woras. By month per word . 30c To insure publication on the same day Classified ads must be in the office by 10 a m on week daye. and b7 noon on Saturday for Sunday's paper Legal notices le per word each inser tion Phone number 8 and ask for the Classi fied Department An experienced ad writer will give nelpful suggestions if wanted and tell you what the ad will cost Then later In the day a boy will call on you with the bill and you may pay him. Check your ad when tt drat appears as The Herald la not responsible for more then one Incorrect Insertion Note: All Classified advertising is on a strictly cash basis AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos tor Sale B A R G A IN S Chevrolet Coupe— 1934 Chevrolet 2-door sedan, new paint, good tires, mech anically OK. OUR REPUTATION JS YOUR GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION TOM STEVENSON CO. 1233 LeveePhone 222 CHEVROLET USED CAR LOT Across from Postoffice 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE 1930 1933 CHEVROLET ROADSTER CHEVROLET COACH Two 1930 Ford Sport Roadsters Seaman Chevrolet Co. PHONE 410 BEADY CASH can easily be had fot old furniture and miscellaneous articles you no longer need Just place your offer In The Herald Classified section MANSUR MOTORS Dodge — Plymouth Sales and Sendee 904 Washington Phone 141 14 Auto Repairs and Paint WRECKS Rebuilt and major overhauling. Including front end alignment, brakes and duco. on time pay* ments. We have reduced our prices. No finance charge. We guarantee all repairs against defective workmanship and materials. Call us collect. We will come after your car. Bingley Motor Co. CHEVROLET DEALERS LOS FRESNOS BUSI. CHANCES 17 Business for Sale FOR SALE: M«t Market, fully equipped. Good location. Cheap rent, write owner Bo* 1183, Har lingen, Texas. BUS SERVICES 25 Builders-Contractors BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer and Architect Preliminary Investigations. Detail Plans and Construction Supervision Examinations and Reports 515 11th St. Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE 28 Moving Trucks—Storage AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, MS 10th St. Moving and crating. Phone 421. U-86 BUS. SERVICES 28 Moving Trucks—Storage MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and Delivery Service Hauling of All Kinds 6th & FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Kinds 34 Insurance INSURANCE BONDS \V. B. CLINT Phone 6 J. S. FORD & SONS Insurance of every kind Phone 1129 204 State National Bank Bldg. MERCHANDISE 52 Household Goods FURNITURE BARGAINS Iron cot* with pad $4.00 Iron beds with spring*. $5.50. Wicker settee, $0.00. Remington typewriter. $10.00. Shof gun, $3.50. Steamer trunk $5.00. Violins and guitars very cheap. Hargis Furniture Co. Next door to Dittmann Theater PHONE 180 54 For Sale, liscellaneous FOR SALE—Twenty gallon electric water heater. $5. Teleph:ne 1151, or address Mrs. J. M. Stein. 210 Hibiscus, Brownsville. N-38 FOR SALE—Coca Col* barrels; cap* acity 50 gallons. Price $1.50 Brownsville Coca Cola Bottling Co. N41 V AJLSPAR FRONTIER LUMBER CO. SIDE GLANCES George Clark “Now, Mrs. Swallow, I don’t like to be cross with you, but you’re not keeping up with the rest of the class.” MERCHANDISE 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous EASY FINANCING for Remodeling And New Construction Eagle Pass Lumber Company 1117 Monroe — Phone Vfl We Specialize in REBLOCKING Knitted Woolen and Boucle Dresses amo Dry Cleaning Col.Iny PHONE 1 FULLER BRUSHES at new reduced prices. See our summer specials. Hcasework made easier. Personal brushes keep you healthy. New health and beauty manuel free Alphonso Rodriguez, 1209 South east Jefferson. N-37 57 Lbr. and Bldg. ..lateria! NOW Is the time to build a home. Let us assist you in planning your home. We will assist you m securing a loan from the Brownsville Federal Savings and Loan Assn. John F. Grant Lumber Company 8th and Fronton — Phone 251 B. F. HARDIN. Mgr. MORE BARGAINS Gum, Magnolia, Bay and oak 1 lnch rough or dressed $30.00 to $50.00 per M.; B & B siding $25.00; 2x4. 2x6 and 1x12 $23.00; 1 and 2-inch Wild Cherry and Genuine Red Cedar, rough or dressed. Split hickory and Red wood. J. W. Richards, Inc., Combes. 60 Seeds-Planta-Flowers ROSES, Beanttfnl Roses—Many va rieties and colors. Only 25c doz en. Corner Ringgold and 18th St M-123 PLANT ZINNIAS now for Fall; blooms. All colors and sizes in j stock. Groves and Co. N-231 MERCHANDISE 60 Seeds-Plants-Flowers FLOWERS for all occasions. Wa telegraph flowers anywhere Lot £ janos Greenhouse Company, Phone 1588. K-M RENTALS 63 Apartments XEL-ROY Apartments, newly dec ora red. 820.00 and uo. All Dills paid J-88 FL'BNISHI D Apartment, water and gas paid. Fitch Apartments. Phone 17. N-52 SAI* CARLOS Apartments: Red rooms ar.d apartments. Private or connecting bath. J. P. Dixon. Mgr.. Phone 1589 M-61 64 Rooms DELIGHTFULLY COOL bedroom; modem American home; garage: ore or two gentlemen. Phone 415 W.N-S3 69 Wanted To Rent VENTED TO RENT—By Sept. 1st, three or four room unfurnished duplex, apartment or small house, w'l located; permanent and res ponsible family of two adults. Phone 812 J. N-35 REAL ESTATE MONEY TALKS $2,800.03 buys ultra-modem 5-room stucco house In excellent condition, hardwood floors, screened in front and back porches, double garage and on comer lot: $300.00 cash: balance $35.42 per month Including Interest. Original loan. $3,200.00 and formerly sold for $5,500.00. $6,000.00 buys well located ultra modern 6-room brick veneer and hollow tile home, textone finished Inside, hardwood floors, front and back porches, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. breaJtfast nook, nice servant quar ters with tile shower bath, double garage with concrete floor and driveway: $2,250.00 cash; balance over a period of 15 years at 5% In terest. Tills Is one of the most livable homes In Brownsville. S. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg. — Phone 179 Brownsville Texas Pre-Port Bargains 8-room two story modern house in good repair, near High School on Levee St. $4,250.00, terms. Five room house with furniture. Textone finished; garage; well loc ated on paved street. $2,500.00. iC% down, balance monthly. MONSEES & QUILTER Merchant's Bank Bldg. Phone 15& 70 Houses For Sale GOOD FIVE-ROOM house and lot, $4,500. Write Box M-82 Herald. M-$» Famous Stone HORIZONTAL 1 Stone said to Impart the gift of smooth flattery. 7 It Is located near Cork. 13 Uncommon. 14 Company. 16 Hodgepodge. 17 Last word ot a prayer. 18 Pope's scarf. 19 Fabric. 20 Tidy. ‘ 21 Stitched, i 22 To ogle. 25 Ketone. 29 Smell. 33 More confident. 34 To dlride. 35 Piles. 36 To squander. 37 Labor. 40 To bake meat. 45 Tree fi ber. 48 Herb. A newer Co Previous Puzzle □nnncicia ■ nnuauara □aaa rimi □□□ CMJ3U- U 49 To predict. 50 According to. 51 Smooth. 52 Hoisting machine. 53 To flame. 54 It la in a of the 6&me name. 55 Anyone who - it. la aup posed to be come a skilled flatterer. VERTICAL 1 To flourish. 2 To cripple. 3 Region. ■ 4 To let. 6 Epical events. 6 Long ago. 7 Island. • 8 Long grass. 9 To recline lazily. 10 Od the lee. 11IX 12 House yard. 15 Observed. 23 Concise. 24 Antiquated. 26 To regret. 27 Speeches. 28 Fiber knots. 30 Corded cloth. 31 Work trousers* 32 Males. 37 Ingredient of powder. 36 True olive shrub. 39 List. 40 Contest (or speed. 41 Your and my. 42 Seaweed. 42 Sol. 44 To migrate. 45 Sacks. 46 Black haw. 47 Marbles used as shooters. MICKEY MOUSE - By VVall Disney DOGGONE IT! WE WONV GET PAR IE W« DON'T Find A WATER must bbM I AN'SpUtNCH COULONV CARRV MORE N WE OiO, AND THEV'ifefcTIu. there Ain1 A DROA1 WHAT KIN Wfi do ‘ WE GOT TO HftV KEEP SHOyiN' THAT ru»«r AND IF Vt!H 6Efi A »<?28N i SPOT IN THIS DASH-O-ANK, v ■ De&ETr. rEO^j—' PE^ it! (HWr^Tshiev^