Newspaper Page Text
n"i 12 Pages. Blf r. Phone 22. THE LEON REPORTER. O. E. HULL, Publisher. LEON, IOWA Sn^qcription Rates: One yeur aixraoutha ... Three months Entered as wcond olats Leon Iowa, Poslofflce & 'pie* fl.60 75 40 matter at the Hiker's determination to support Cummius is the lilmv that nhnoxt kills ttiH .Journal elilor and his lit tie rinK of l»os«cs 'I'he Journal of lust ttvek devotes ti cutnmn of UN editorial page-to ft iliseus- HIn ol the senatorial queul'ion and at lust puts itself on rooortl as favoring Ujar. I is riitlu'r significant that the sune day the Journal was published that Dr. Hiker annoiini-ed himself as a S'ipporter of Cummins. The opinion of the Jourrat editor seems to have set tled it with th6 Deratur county re pre ntalive. The total cost of the Ohio campaign is reported to be $111,427. Of this the Mcllannuiles spent $iKt,427.71 and are in debt to a trust company $20,000 'MoLean, the deinocrats, speut only $17 ()!)S 58 and had a balance left ovei It will he noted the republicans spent more than five times as much as the democrats. Federal officeholders all over ihe country furnished the immense corruption fund for the republicans. The democrats had enough to pay all honest, expenses, furnished by the peo The flicial investigation of the Uven ty-seven county insane asylums in Iowa by-the board oi control is developing scandals of large magnitude. The "board finds that not oue of the institu tions is fit for the purposes for which it is used that paupers and all classes of insane are in many places herded indis criminately together that no persons nre repularly employed, and no skilled medical service is afforded, the buildings in most cases have no fire protection and in some the board declare that pigs and cattle are better cared for lhan the inmates,. This and the recent disgrace fill afluir at the Mitclielville reform Wihpol are not particularly bright spots in Uncle l/eslie's -reign.—Alton Dem .„ ocrat. .... The wisdom of the boers in taking the offensive, when they saw war inev itable, is now manifest. Great Britain is having a far more serious task than was looked for in subduing these sturdy, hislie people. Humiliations such as rarely-fall to English aruiB have been Buffered and the situation is now most critical. Wherever one's sympathies may be in this struggle, there can be but a feeling of sorrow for the brave English soldiery who are suffering the hardships and. the deadly fatality of this war, aiid the world can but admire the unity, the courage and the military ability displayed by the boers. But hayng put her hand to the plow Eng land can not turn back. She inust fight a long and bloody war, and ultimately, triumph. She must pour in ^ore troops apd overcopie the boers sheer force of numbers and re •otircesif possible. if *y The Journal says it has no use for bolters, (las it forgotten that within the remembrance of many of the voters of Decatur county, Col. Hepburn, whom the Journal very ardentlv supports, was a bolter and boltett very hard, say ing some of the worst things about the republican party that was ever uttered by a* politician? It was Col. Hepburn who said "the man in the moon was compelled to hold his nose while pass ing over the city of Washington, on ac count of the stench from the corrupt republican party." And now the Jour nal berates Mr. Cummins because he saw fit to repudiate the infamous prohi bition lavr which the republican party of Iowa fastened on the state, a law which ever the most rabid politicians in the republican party demanded should be repealed. The Journal has no use for bolters and the intelligent republi can voters of Decatur county have r.o Use for the Journal or its editor. jmmm "There has been considerable stir the past ten days among the loca^ republi cans on account of the statement that Ilepiesentative Eiker would vote for Cummins for U. K. senator. He has been counted all along as a sure Gear man, and the Gear bosses are panic stricken. They are circulating petitions asking Dr. Eiker to yote for Gear. It seems the bosses are Iiaving a hard time controlling him as he shows a disposi tion to represent his constituents in preference to the bosses." The above rot appeared jn last week'a HWQRTPR. AU the little local Bryanite bosses sympathise with Cummins be cause hebblted his tioket and support ed Boies for governor. If Representa tive Eiker is Wise be will ascertain the preference of this Brvanite bosses and then vote for the other man.—Leon Journal, Dec. 21. J|^Evidently Dr. Eiker is wise. He as certained the preference of the Journal editor and the Leon gang of C. B. & Q. S§ pass holders and then announced him fer aelf for Cummjn?. ]o^rnf)l pditof tigs sudly fallen from bis one time posU ion of boss oTthe republican party of )ecatur county. He is out of touch the republican Absolutely ta&tE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAKINFL POWDER CO., NEW VOSK. PAYING THE PRICE. When Williatp Jennings Bryan ran for president a little more than three years ago he told the people that the triumph of the political party headed by 11 anna and li-^ureheaded by McKin ley meant the triumph of Wall street, lie told them that, if William of Canton was elected that the money changers would take possession of the temple and the people could enjoy the bliss of standing on the outei te and listening to the gleeful conversation of the occu pants as they divided the spoils. What he then predicted has already come to pass. The trusts who have emerged from Wall street, since a presi dent elected by their contributions hung up his hat on the White House hall tree, have coveted the land like a swarm of locusts. They have laid claim to the credit—which in former times was given to Providence—for bringing bounteous crops and fruitful herds to the farmer. Prosperity—of which they swallow the feast while the producers pick up the crumbs—they declare is directly traceable to the intrenchment at Washington of their agent and to the adoption of poli cies pleasing to them. They caused famines abroad. They brought on war. They drew the rain from on high which fertilized the field and enhanced their products. They caused the dearth of manufactured ar ticles in foreign lands which increased our exports. They discovered gold in Alaska and possibly zinc and lead in Missouri and Kansas, thereby adding to our general, and especially to our me tallic, wealth incalculably. Now, having done all these things by electing Mc Kinley and a sufficient majority of hia party in both branches of congress to do their bidding, they demand the price nominated in the bond. They demand that the gold standard be rivet ed upon the shoulders of the American people. And the law decreeing it will PaSfcejUr.* "The trust of trusts" will Jake com mand. The golden calf will be set up in high places and the farmers, wage earners and business men of the country will have the price of their products, their wages and their rates of interest placed in the hands of those philan thropic gentlemen who monopolize the "cent per cent." business of Wall street and Lombard street. We afe promised an era of govern ment by national banks. They prom ise to be good to the people and, if the dependent classes behave themselves properly and don't complain too loudly, to keep panics and soup houses away from them. Imperialism is expected to shine all the brighter ID the eyes of our citizens with the gold standard for a crown and J. Piermont Morgan and the Roth childs holding up its royal robes.—Kan sas City Times. Thai COM! You have used all I sorts of cough reme {dies but it does not [yield it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. You neeJ something that will give you strength and build up the body. 1 scons will do this when everything else fails. There, Is no doubt about it It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the svsfem further attacks. If you &re rundown or emaciated VQU should certainly take this nourishint-food medicine. fndti.oo, »ll druggl»tt, pWNBiChtmUts, New. York. RAKING Ponder E1KER OECUKES FOR CU1IHIHS Gave Out his Decision Wednesday Night. LEON RING IS TURNED DOWN. The Des Moines Leader of last Friday says: Dr. Bert L. Eiker, representative elect from Decatur county, arrived in this city lost night and immediately an nounced that he will support A. B, Cummins for senator and W. L. Eaton for speaker. The Gear and Cummins frictions had known for a fortnight that Dr. Eiker was in doubt as to the wishes of his constituency in the senatorial matter. When lie was nominated be agreed to vote us the majority senti ment of his county demanded. To as certain this sentiment he has given both sides full opportunity to express themselves through petitions. The Gear men went out and secured a large petition. The county was canvassed, township by township, for both tides. When the petitions were all in and were present a ted to him, Dr. Eiker examined them and announced his decision. It was that the Cummins men had made the stronger show of support, and that he should vote for Cummitis for senator, and for the Cummins candidate for speaker. He immediately left for Des Moines, and soon after ariiving here held a consultation with the Cummins leaders, to whom he made known his decision. Dr. Kiker's action came 'as a surprise to the majority of supporters on both sides. The leaders had known that might be expected, but the camp fol lowers hail not been generally taken into the secret of the situation. Dr. Eiker has been known for a long'time to be not unfriendly to Mr. Cummins. When hejws nominated .the .Gear peo pie in his county did not fancf the choice,. but he was taken up because he was the only republican in the conn tv, a close one, who seemed to have a respectable chance of being elected. He made a splendid run for the office, and has since been devoting himself to the efiort to determine who is wanted for senator by his people. He gave both sides until midnight of December. 20 to complete their petitions and make their showing. The Gear men had large following qmong the old-line poli ticians of the county, and expected to win an easy victory. A petition of- over S00 flames was presented in behalf of Mr, Cummins, and Dr. Eiker decided that it was the stronger statement. He at once left for Des Moines, arnvihg here at 6:15 in the evening.^ Dr. Eiker is one of the youngest members of the hotue. He is 23, and the only younger man is George Hil singer, representative from Jackson, who is 25. Dr. Eiker was born in Iowa, and has never lived in any other state. He has been for several years practic ing medicine in Decatur county, and lives at Decatur City. ANNOUNCKMENT RECEIVED WITII SAT ISFACTION. The announcement was received by the Cummins men with no attempts to conceal their satisfaction. It is the second break in the Burlington "reser vation," Dr. P. L. Prentis of Ringgold having lei the bolt by declaring him self three weeks ago for Cummins and Eaton. The Cummins men have insist ed for some time that tbey bad chances of getting more support inthe Eighth, and Dr. Eiker's announcement con firms their claims. As the Eighth has been always considered the banner Gear district, and all Cummins claims regarding it haye been received with boots of disgust and derision, the an nouncement of two members that they will support Cumin's is a most sig nificant developemenf. More important, however, than the mere fact thai these gentlemen will vote for Mr. Cummins is the declaration of each that his people are supporting him in this determination. Dr. Prentis says that since his announcement for Cummins be has received such assur ances of encouragement as leaye him in no doubt whatever pf the support of a large majority ofthe people of I^inggo^d county. Dr. fjik^r P^akes a like state ment with regard to the. people of Decatur coqnty. In otbff parts of the district the same general sentiment prevails. Instead of being unanimous for Gear, the district is clow, and there is doubt which side really has the preponderance of support, outside of the politicians and managers who are nearly all for Gear, The Cunimins. wen, 44 a result of these development*) dgplare that there is no longer any question of the eleo tion of $aton as speaker. For «ever»l detys it has been evident that the tide has been in hUj^irection. The question ofthe eflectm*the senatorship is not do inuch.diecwsed as might be expect ed. The G^fc men beve* far three or oar rfftjiwtn ESTABLISHED 1854, LEON, IOWA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1899. REPORTER SERIES VOL. XXVN* that even if tbey should lose the speak ership they would not admit defeat on senator. The Cummins men -are mak ing no claims as to senator tbey are devoting theft tune to winning the speakership fight V* winning KIKIIK's HTATKMKN'T. I)R Dr. Eiker, when seen soon, after liis arrival in the city, *«id: 'Petitions were presented to me by the opposing senatorial factions in the county,showing the relative strength of the sides. They were piven till mid night of December 20 to complete the showing and the result was given out as soon as possible. 'Both sides were given a fair opportunity to make their showings during the campaign I had made practically a house-to house can vass of the country^ and 1 believed 1 knew something of the feeling of repub licans. After my personal canvass, and in view of the showings that were made by the petitions, 1 believe the ma jority of rftpreSenativo republicans in the county are for Mr. Cumminsfor sen ator, although it is true that the county is decidedly divided. If the sentiment of the people of the Eight district could be taken, I am confident Mr. Cummins would have a majority. As a result of the showings that have been made to me, am ready to announce myself for Cummins for senator and Eaton for speaker." Dr. Eiker, in the campaign last fall, ran against D. F. Lambert of Lamoni. The campaign was a hot one, the demo crats being confident that they would win. But Dr. Eiker made such a cam paign as has seldom been made in any county, and was elected by a majority ot 21ti votes, lie received the largest majority of any man on the county ticket except one, the candidate for coroner, for whom the majority was 240. Dr. Eiker was accompanied to Des Moines by B. L. Garrett, deputy county treasurer of Decatur county, who has been one of the prominent managers of the Cummins movement. Mr. Garrett expressed the opinion that without doubt the majority of the re publicans in the county are for Cum mins. lie added that the eighth dis trict is not overwhelmingly for Gear as has been represented, but that a fair ex pression, such as was secured in Decatur county, would indicate a majority for Cummins. Take your laundry to J. A. Caster. CATARRH 1 -r LOCA rf¥'& and wSf CLIMATIC .'Nothing but»local remedy or change of climate will cure CATAKRH. The speclflc is Ely's Cream Balm It is quickly absorbed Oive relief at once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays inflamation. Heals and Protects the Membrane.' Re stores the senses f*A| nik. UTATI of taste and smell No nLMV mercury. No injur ious drug. Regular size SQ centsi Family size, 1.00 at druggists or by mall. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street N. We bought immense stock I .'-2 The.Bia Casl^ Store, ^3 Goods ii v».v I* LEON QUEENSWARE CO. OPERA frOUSE BLOCK. THE store is in merry dress. Out of every •JJ case and counter, nook and corner, jL peeps a suggestion of what to give. All 1? that is left for us to do is to show you this yWoth stockii 1 ife 1 J! than we show you here, articles below. •. Chamlpr Sots, J»rdineren, very pretty, Child's Rets of ilislies, H\ Lamps, vor.v fnnoy tip io $7.00. Nothing prettier for, New Years sro Statuary, Fancjr Glasis Sets, Spoon Trays, Celery Trays, Cups niid Saucers, . Faucy pi at OH. Cut Glass, Fruit Stands," Berry Sets, want every lady and gentleman in Leon to look over our FanGy Line of Groceries. LEON QUEENSWARE CO. 'Phone 59. Opera House Block. THE BIG CASI^LOW PRICED STORE. ni 3 pound can pie plant per can 10 cents. 3 pound can California peahes per can 15c. 3 pound can California apricots per can 15c. 1 gallon can California peaches per can 40c. 1 gallon can California Apricots per can 40cV" 1 gallon can pieplant per iiaii 25c. 1 gallon can pitted Oregon plums per can 40c. 3 pound can blackberries 2 cans for 25c. 3 pound can raspberries 2 cans 25c. Pint jars of Jams and Preserves 2 cans 25c. 21b can blackberries 5c. Choice California prunes per pound 6c. Fancy California dried peaches per pound 10c. pound package cleaned currants 10c,, pound package seeded raisins 10c. 'if Every farmer and citizen in Decatur county will get the benefit of our buying before the advance in the price on all these goods. Here's where we hit our would-be competitors "with a natura.l" We do not say just we sell goods cheaper ^^than anybody, but Quote the "real thing" in black and white. And make the I TOLLOMIMVffl SOWN PRICES inn \i/ We name a few \!b v*/ Loving Cups, Water Sets. Wine Glosses. Blown Tumblers, 100 piece Dinner Sets, Syrup Pitchers, Salid Bowls, Chop Plates, Inda China Salt Cups, Candelebras, Best Candy, Chocolate, Bon Hons and Fancy Mixed Best Cigars by the Box, ib Ob \b \b v*/ ib ito \b Hi W VI/ ib \Hf \h to ib to to to to to to to to to Mr Dried Fruits lor FRUITS, NUTS, VEGETABLES, CANDIES, OYSTERS, DRESSED POULTRY, P. CLARK "a I" -l-fei 12 Pa|e^j Plione 22. TIME TABLE. C» B. #i O- SW SOUTH I NORTH Passenger....7:00a.m. Passenger 2:38 p. mi:. Freight I":i0 a. m. Frrtuht .3:00 p. mTf Passenger.. 11:57 a.m Freight 4:50 p. Freight 12:35 p. m. Passenger. ..8:11 p, in. K. W SOUTH. NORTH. Passenger 11:45a.m. Freight »:20. a. Freight 4:50p.m. Passenger 2:46 p, n) No. IT Stock express going north, Sundays only. Due 7:15 a m. No. 19. Freight on Wednesday only 8:05a. m, Takes the place of No. 13. Coupon tickets on sale to all points. Call for them and have baggage cheeked to destl nation. A. S. THABP. Agent. ORIGINAL NOTICE. In the district court of Iowa in and foi catur County. January term, 1900. E. a. Ellsworth andL. E.jones Plaintiffs, vs. Luther C..Foster, Dora B. Foster, et al., Defendants. To Luther C. Foster and Dora B. Foster, the above named defendants: You are hereby notified that there is now on tile in the office of the Clerk of the-District Court of Decatur county, Iowe, the petitioa ot the plaintiffs aforesaid, claiming of you the sum of Five Hundred Thirteen and S4 100 Dollars, as money justly due from you and interest thereon at eight per cent, from the 1st day of October, A. D. i8flS, for amount due on three promissory notes of Luther O. Foster lioraB. Koster, John F. Copeland, Robert Sml th. Jeremiah N. Copeland, dated Septem ber S7i.h. 18!)8, one for $315.43 loE.8. Ellsworth and L. E. Jones payable in Installments: one for $83.82 to 'Montpelier Savings Bank and Trust Co. one for 182.50 payable to Montpel ier Savings Bank and Trust Co. with eight per cent, interest, and praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given to secure the'pay ment of said notes on the north-west quarter and west balf ot the north east quarter of section four, township sixty-seven, range twenty-flve Decatur county, Iowa, and for costs including attorney's fees, and alleging that the defendants, H. A. Thomas and O. P. Davis and Bo me Savings and Trust Company have OT claim to have some lien upon or in terest Itv said premises which is iuferior to plaintiffs. No personal judgment is asked against H. A. Thomas, O. P. Davis and Home Savings and Trust Co. For full and complete statement of plaintiff's cause of action, see petition. You are also notified that unless you appc thereto and defend before noon of the secon day of the term of lsaid District Court of DI catur County to be held on the 15th -day of| January, A. D. 1903. a default will be entcror against you and judgment rnnttpred 'theroon. Paint \b V. R. McdlNNiS 16tl Attorney for Plaintiff. Makers of ,.£ 3 White lead and zinc, keep talking about strictly pure, no matter how bad the stuff is, "it's strictly pure." Somebody gets a chemical analysis/usually to prove that the other fellow's stuff isn't strictly pure. What do you care for strictly pure paint if it doesn't do what paint is for? Paint is good for what it does, not what it is. We sell the Devoe Ready Paint to Sv- I 4 fn If w, we don't know whether its strictly pure or not, and don't care. The makers say "If anybody has any fault to find will it, make it good at our expense, we garantee results." We've got the paint, and we'll make that guaranty good. W. E MYERS & CO. NOT S ide Druggists. S $ & ^1" a. "V* y4 if "{$#21 Corner of 9 8th and Main.