Newspaper Page Text
iifsJrlB ^r-:X A.<p></p>Ladies Hit Hit ft All wdol-tnen's underwear ilii Or ili \fc iA S a Suits! Our 40c cotton fleeced uuioii suits Our 5Cc cottou fleeced union suits All wool fleeced lined men's underwear Ladies' all Wool hose from Of iit Ladies' cotton fleeced hose from Misses' sottoQ fteeced hose from Misses' all wool hose from Men's all wool hose from Men's cotton and fleeced Bleached table linens 58 inches wide (BITES 1 Leon Union Bleached table linens 58 inches wide 35c. Half bleached table linens 5S inch^tvide 35c. Bleached table linein 58 ind^^^^j^kOc. Bleached table linen 68 u^HB|H||^B5c. Half Bleached table 'H i- &SS8 ft mm Wa 33c. 36c. Our 60c cotton and wool fleecsd union suits Our 73c cotton and wool fleeced union suits Itf, J|gy^HHBjl^75c. %v^v We have napkins to n^atch all bettfiJ^grades. Our napkins run from (iOCto $4.00 per doze"- 2d-H,andrS|ft!® Successors to .trp.wy-r-'i- 5 HAL GATES, Manager. SEMD HO MONEY (HUHMtFCAtMIET BUKOICK SIWINQ MACHINE b7 u»a. *ou can exuniiie it At your nearest trefsrht depot and If p*rrMU7MttotertM7«ezaotlTaarepresented,tea uUtkii SM.eo/aud TUB MUTK8T lAXfiill TOC. kvuHuum or, ».J Snaeial Oiler Price S1S.BO WITH VOU* BMflLcnttUU ad. out and send tro ut.and we will send yon ONI NWH ueblmstken Special Offer Price 15.50 and freight charges. Machine weighs ISM poundsand the freight will average76 cents for each 500 miles. filVi IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL in your own home, and we will return your tl5.»o any day you are not satisfied. We Mil different mtkeiiMl fradeaef 8«wlav VeehlsMiat I8.M. $10.90, 11.00, $13.00 and «p» all fully described in our Fr»« Bewlae XieUae Valalegae* but 815.60 for this DROF DK8K CABIXKT Bl'RMCK the trestert value ever offered by s«y house. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS tisements,offering aakaewa Mfteklset under various names, with •arloatla diMiawti. Write aaeM flrlead faChle»ga aadItsravliaarvrclUkU andwh»araaat. YLie DllDninr has every aODRRM IRPROTRBR5T, THE PUnUlvIV §\. \»vVV «tafor&&\ "Bwaers "Ko»\ IS We have started January selling with a swing that's very business like, very convincing of I IS the leadership of this store. At the linen counter and the muslin underwear stock JK equally interesting offerings are attracting the attention of teis city's shrewdest shop pers. In many other departments cut prices are helping us to move surplus stocks, and id are making this a good place for the people to spend their money. r» ,V *»V 43c.' 1 50c. We have all sizes from 3 to 9 also in vests and drawers wool and fleeced lined. We are fjoinp: to sell these before Feb. 1st 1900. Come before the sizes are broken. 1 $1.00. 1 50c. 19 to 50c. I Table Linens! 10 to 35c. 10 to 25c. 19 to 35c. 9 to 25c. 5c to 12*2C. V'-x •. 27!iC. 1.20. Produce Poultry. Furs. TOP PRICES PAID il CASK} $ ktkrt wop poiktof^itery high CRADB BACMISR liDX, WITH THE DURCTS or HOXR. Hade by the, maker* IN America. fkfr§a the best material meaey cua bay* SOLID QUABTEB SAWED OAK closed (head dropping irom eight) to THOMPSON & W ARNER. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. I be used a* a eeattr laMa* stead •rdeak, the other open with full length table and head, in place for eewing. 4 foaey tfrawer* lalaat ISM skcklaa fnuaa, carved, paneled, em bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawerpulls. rest# on four casters, adjustable treadle, genuinefimyth iron stand, riaeal large Mlgb fc»sd« positive four motion feed, self threading vibrating shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator.impreved looee wbeeL, adjustable pressure foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress guard, head is budwail dteanM aad erasaeaud aad beaaUfkllf •lAriiHaaci GUARANTEED IkeU^tlcatniaaiaf« nestdarable aad aearesl atlwlna aiaeiilaa «adt. Itery keawa-ettaefcjaaat Is fantkked and our Free Xo» •miction Book tells Just how anyone can run kind of fancy werk. 1 SO* Yesrs' Rladlag Stand do either plain or any Gearsatee is sent with every machine. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING la aa4auaiiaaihU Maekiaa. compare it with II WOI» IVU iwinitm th(Me y0Qr storekeeper sells at |4«,M to ng ttfMM te 140.00, pay your freight agent the I15.BO. #r# not ORDER TO-01T the Leon reporter «. Oil Clothl •,"W^ Floor oilcloth Plain colors •M 5 tolOc. Fancy colors plaids, checks and stripes Blankets! A.1!- 10 4 cotton 50c. 11-4 cotton 75. 11-4 cotton 41b ft* $1.00.: 12-4 cotton 4ilb $1.25. 12-4 cotton 51b $1.50. Duck Coats! Wehaveafev cheap. Our fl.00 Duck coats 1.50 duck coats Our Our Our 1 Our 2 qjjflxt glai?s pitchers were 25c. now 1«L Our 2 quart glass pitchers plain were 35o. now -V taW* Arm Hrh' Sfk The oil cloth trust has advanced jtrices cent since since July Kt. "*V »ks\,C1sW Table oil cloth 5-4 w0: fpii r-?1 ii 40 7 f- I5c.t„ 'i 25 to 50c.* ^r»^4 per Vy Sift* 4SSa We are sellingat th old prices and hev are firsts no seconds.<p></p>Flannelette! •*,, v* /i -a'-" ts -j h-*** fj .* *y to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1 7a1 to 10c. ',4* 5 ti- 1 ft, 1, .'."3 sizes left th^t we will close out 85c. Our 1%25 duck coats $1.00. 1.25. 2.50 duck coats "*y •V 2.00. 00. duck coats Remember we have the Sweet 2 work shirts.<p></p>Glassware rsi 2.50. .to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to •4 Orr overalls and •:W 'Jts and We have a few pieces left following prices. Our 4 piece cream, suga.-, butter and spoon holder were 35c. now ISc.,.^,.V -^v—•*., 1899 GONE. 1900 COME. close out --at the lc .: GREAT REDUCTION SALE! of all winter goons. Ladies' and misses jackets at your own Underwear a Specialtyl Don',t.p. see oyr now goods apd 1 :W "•A.-ifc/ 1 1 HAMILTON I9c.* We are here yet. Come and see us, we are always glad to see you. We especially thank you for your patronage during 1899 aud hope to have you con tinue during 1900. We will make vou Best Prices on all goods in our line. *r WALLACE & HORNER. to & i'i- j* To reduce our stork of dry goods and shopa^before invoicing, we iave decided to make special low prices on every article. We have noihinu: but the best quality in every line of goods. We undoubtedly have th« newest and best stock of goods in Decatur county, having recently disposed of every dollars worth of old goods' in stock. Therefore every pair of shoes and every yard of goods in our store is now and up-t.o-date. And now in order to make room for a new spring stock we make a special|sale S?M vlANtTARY'4, .l»o6.::W THE PRESIDENT'S STIRRING WORDS. "\lr. Dooley," otherwise Mr. K. 1*. Dunne, of Chicago, has never been more caustic in his comments on public ques tions than in this summary of Presi dent McKinley's recent message: "An' he sits down an' writes: 'Fellow Citizens: I'm glad to see ye here, an' hope ye won't stay long. Thanks lo ye'er Uncle Bill, times is lookin' up Any cough is serious enough to war rant prompt attention. It is what it may result in that makes a cough dangerous. For all slight or stubborn coughs, for Krippe, lung fever, bronchitis, asthma, aiid other throat and lung affections, you can find no other remedy so agree able and harmless, or so promptly affec tive as Morley's Honey Pectoral. L. Van Werden. j\ The Homestead otter Thla Year. "t AH our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club bing offer we this year make, which includes with this paper, The Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers' In stitute editions, The Poultry Farmer and the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal. These four publications are the best of their class and shoOld be in every farm home. To them we add for local, county and general news our own paper and make the price for the five for one year fl.70. Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money. The four papers named which we club with our own are well known throughout the west and commend themselves to the reader's favorable attention upon mere mention. The Homestead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of tbe West. The Poultry Farmer ig the most practical poultry paper for the farmer published in the country The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal is the special advo cate of farmers' co-operative associations and ihe Special Farmers' Institute editions are the most practical publica tions for the promotion of good farming ever published. Take advantage of this great offer. It is getting to be a great gag, the ex cuse for raising prices because of the ad vance in raw material. There has been no advance in the price of any raw material—and I defy any man to prove it. It is simply the excuse of the profit monger for his extortion. A.11 raw material comes from the earth and costs only the labor of getting. There is no advance in the price of that labor and improved methods make the getting cost less than ever before. One reader sends me the notice of advance in the price of raw silk as an excuse for an advance in prices. Does it cost more to-day to unwind the cocoons? Or have the Bilk worms struck for higher wages? New methods are continually cheapen ing the time necessary to produce silk, wages are not higher, and the excuse offered for the extortion is very clumsy. If they would say that the source of production is in the hands of a few who have decided to extort it would have at least the merit of being true. The cost of producing raw material has been reduced. The recent advance in prices is extortion, pure and simple.—Appeal to Reason. Springfield, Mass., Republican: It this congress appropriate! money up to the demands of the various departments of government, it will not be merely a billion and-a-half dollar congresar This is the work of imperialism. It has made the most extrayagant of recent con gresses models of moderation and econ omy in the comparison. Dally Paper for $1.00 Year. The Des Moines Daily News is sent to mail subscribers for $1.00 a year, 75 cents for six months, 50 cents for three months, 25 cents a month. The Daily Mews is a member of the Associated Press and publishes all the news of Iowa and the World condensed for the busy readers. Fullest and earliest war news, congressional and legislative news, tele graphic markets and all the features of a metropolitan 'newspaper. Address the MEWS, DesMoineg, IqwrI iunter's beme-made bread is full and healthy. Try it The W tan' will be more do in th' near future. My foreign relations ar-re iv th' mos' plisint nature. Ye will be glad to know that th' friendship iy this counthry with Germany, planted in Samoa an' nou rished at Manila has grown to such a point as to satisfy th' mos' critical Ger man-American. With England we ar-re on such terms as must plaze ivry Cana jeen, but not on anny such terms as wud make anny Irishman think wear-re on such terms as we ought not to be. In other wurruds, we cherish a deep ani mosity, mingled with passionate loye, such a feelin' as we must entertain to a nation with common impulses f'r th' same money an' a common language of abuse. To'rd our sister raypublic iv France an' our ol' frind an' ally, Koo ahia, to sunny Italy, an' Austhria an' Boolgahria, an' oppressed Poland, toth' Boer, who has many rilitives here, an' to ivry other nation but Chinamen and In dyans not votin', kind regards. wud speak to ye on th' subject iv thrusts, but I have nnthin' to say. If ye want to smash this necess'ry evil, this octo pus that with its horrible tentacles is crushin' out an' nourishin' commerce, do it ye-erself. That's what ye'er here^ Pr. Something odght to be done f'r th' Nic-ragyooa canal, but what the divvle it is, I dinnaw. As Pr our newly acquir ed possessions, 'tis our intiniion to give thim a form iv government suited to their needs, which is small, an' in short, to do as we blamed please with thim. makifl' up our minds as we go along. So no more fr'm ye'ers truly William Mc Kinley. "An' there's th' message," said Mr. Dooley. "An' what did congress say?" Mr. Hennessy asked. "Congress didn't say anything," said Mr. Dooley. "Congress yawned But congress'll get th' rale message, whin it goes over to th' white house wan at a time to see about th' foorth class postmasthers." to to to to to to to to to to to to to Vi to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Lduahi These trees must be sold at once old prices. iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiir OPEPi SAIL. iiiiiiiimMiiiimiiiiimiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiimitiiiiiii THURSDAY EVENING IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIItltllllllltlllllMltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIinitlllllllt I MR. JOSEPH MULLERU Presents for the first time here the Laughiest of all Farce Comedies." THE jt. V* J'r#' C1 1 ill GIRLiFROM CHILI it, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Replete with new up-to-date Specialties. A Sunburst of Fun, Laughter, Sensation. PRETTY GIRLS GALORE I COULD ALMOST EAT YOU. Admission 25-50-75 Cents. Dt6/VT0R N0RSERY. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii We have a large assortment of Apple, Pear, Plumb, Peach and Cherry! Apples J5c, Pear 40c, Peach, 20c, Cherries 40c, and Plum 40c. You can take large or small trees from 8 to 9 feet, lyiWfiTJ'rhe^ tpk'• leading varieties, black Ben Davis, Babbit, Aikm, York, Inr perial. \W, Small Fruit in abundance. Owing to the-heavy losses the past winter by freezing, prices fo^l all nursery stock has advanced 50 per cent. Place your s' orders at once with me. (Jet home grown trees and save money. Drs.Fel lows & Fellows Vflrimrplfl VancocolB is radically Al IvwvCIOi and permanently cured browmrgicaloperation in from five to fifteen by our surgical operation 4t|l Tlu (nUdpr form of this disease requires We annnally cur# hundreds of itients, leaving them in a viR«r- itio|i. A 'C Our W. Y. Silvers & Co Si'N ovvic* r" il,"// ROIAU BOOMS. •M TO W. MAIN »T* AMOrUf aifeMpUy U-OLBKK DISTBICT COUBT.<p></p>E.J. ,8eUlnor ««de a a a \l# 0i vi/ ib \lV VI/ & VI/ vl/ VI/ vl/ vl/ ib VI/ i»v vl/ U/| 0/ VI/ vl/ 4/ Orders this fall will he fll'ed at AGENTS AND BOTTLERS FOR Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.'s^^^g^ Milwaukee Beer. OTTUMWA, IOWA. iMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ffeal Estate and Loan Argent* Benthweat Mraar Haia and C—msrrisl 8 tree la. 1 W. D. MOORE, LEON, mi- IOWAi Mfii by ptraWti, te Faimara a ad Tradsrs Beakier REAL ESTATE in* litUs "o Proprietor. is® S 413-410 W. Walnut St., D«a Molnea, Iowa. Located in Dea Uoinea in 188f. After many fun 1b A., detention f^om business, mail and express. Patients at distaoe* traatod bf I nl and express, lledicines sent everywhere (rM from raaa or.breakaRe. Charges low. Thousands of patient* estad. and expenenco important. State your ease plainly. Band to* terms, blanks, etc. Consultation frae and confidential, sonally or bjr letter. Seminal Weakness and Sex ual Debility, Skit Biiros, eusen evired or money returned.. 00-j ffea cm application also question Stricture 60-page Book and Consultation Fret, AAArest, FELLOWS & FELLOWS, 413 and 410 West Walnut Street,. Des Molnea, Iowa. foeeeeeee—aa•eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooeeeeeet.«••••• Am*' pw blood to the bead, pains in back, forgetfulnsasu bashfulness, aTersion to society, loss of aexual power, loss of manhood, cured for life. Wt can col*' tlie ubofB dieoases and make you fit for marria««k That horrible K« book ml ankik. method. ^Jo on't letth^ diction run alone. It becomes more every month you neglect it. Our 30 years' experience In to* treatment of the above mentioned du** guarantee to you that we are able to I your case. .'-"'V' /.-®" PHorte io- m9P -OIALIBI IN- "Wines and Liquors on GoouaMea. Heal Estate. Pay Taxas tor Monay on Improved VanMQM Loiwset MU* rkenptlT Daaai h' ?*sar- a WM ROTAST TW SiLNHElT, Vea-i •s-y "i