Newspaper Page Text
m? KV "1 V-Ji •QliASSEi ACCURATELY FITTED TO THE EYES JOUN IV,IIARVEY. Presl lent. FRED TE ALE Cashier §2222222SaHK£Sre- I THE CITIZEN'S DR. MOFFETT, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat SPECIAL PERMANBWTVY. Orosseye Straightened.. Catnraots a-'d Pterygia Removed, l« ail Traders SWi But. LEON, IOWA. ASSISTS mils Receivable LI... H3g.818.5fi Cash and due from banks...... 40,062.18 Overdrafts. ,4'Si2§9 Baftklr.g house, and fixtures 12.W8.90 ICxpenses.. ... 8,881.8- Total...$£05,773.21 STATEMENT DEC "r LIABILITIES. Capital Stock surplus IT ndi vided. Profits Deposits SI Owns 2«400 acres oflaiftd InDecatur County and other securi ties amountfirig to over 100,000. interest paid on .... v--.-..-1 .• time deposits- It's the place to get Bargains in It H(y«MP -iDdfbr WtUr MHt OUR frfiihi tiund. *±xSa SWKBI'ltST TOKKl -tho trsufthil«ak Bounds. rthe ieather inValve*. Kid. IS, 1809. TUOS.TKALE, Vice President, r. S. ARNOLD. Assistant Cashier. illllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIillllilllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIU WM.WOODARD, JAMES CRE8WELL, W-TOWNSEND, -5 President. Vice President. ©ushler. If DIB2SCTORS. I WM. WOODARD, JAMES ORESWELL, 4. HENRY HilX. I 5 C. BRAZELTON, C. M. CORRiNGTON. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii-uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR 8» Fine Furniture! That's the kind we keep, that's the kind' we sell. When you want first-class goods for the least money call on us as we can suit you both in price and quality of goodsv Undertaking! We are prepared to attend all calls promptly, 4ay or night. 0.ur strictest attention will be given business in this department. A licensed embalmer has charge of this department A Fancy Sample Line of Carpets and Rugs! jjj| if A. C. BOXTSER PHONE 200 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Hosiery, Shirts Undeawear|^Sl W and Overalls. Tinware as cheap as ever. No advance in prices at our store. "k SEND US ONE DOLLAR HHS5a5ZH5Haa5e5Z5ESHSHS2SaSZa -I CASH, BUJS THE BIG, |AI|G*IN| J1||P. 3 & j. R. CONREY. 2 C«t tfeU ud in4 im with •!.•©, ud w*!wlll frad ya« IhU SKW mmOVfcDriRLOAUUIOAGAX, bf ft. ^|Ml Unwiu* ti«A. Yen ca« UIMIM Beare«ifreitht 4ep*t* «nd Ifi uH fta4 II ezsfiily si represented, the iKOaif.fitii ««er wiw1 sidur(ia*4bralMnatMonaMtr, urthfrdikt 35,50s ltMtti«|l.M4»pwil| «r AKLOn CEM *f th* mUBUBABUC litliiiMaU IYCP iiidb n, wiiieh l« engraved direct from From thfl llluMtrfttion a «um«tdmof Itnbeautiful appearance. photograph yoacan form M«de fremaolU quarter icued er walaat Mdealred, ptttortlti kqrnllp, faflyaMl Mf, detlca ud cmaHli, mUIK It IM TfiRt UTKtfT miOllK PAUlOfl UKMis«feet high, 42 implies long, SSdnuhes wide and weiirba 3M Contain*6OCUTOR, stop*,aafollows-. Wipiwi 1 ulelaaat Otestr, Crenona, BaMCaopttr, lWhlaCMpIer* l/s|ia»oa FnrU 4«d T«t UamanOclave Cospters, 1T«m 8t7«ll, I lifiwi Oryu Swell, 4 Mi *f OrcbHlnl Tim! KruiAtorj Fir* jalUr E*«lst ISrtoT 17 Fur* Swecl HfU4lA Bctda. 1SHef S7 CltaralMl/ KrilliMtCdwl* B«edi, 1 DetifSt Mtk l«|l»w la»«Ui I 8*4 af PI»u bk Soft l«)atMis Prlaclfal Htrtu THE ARLOR CEM action consist* ofthe NrwfH whicu are onjy used in the high itirradeinstrimiepts fitted wich NiaaMd & also bent Doltre felts, leathers, e^ betot rubber cloth, 3-plr bellows stock., THE PARLOR OEM iSm""' ltha.lox!4 beveled plate French mirror, nickel pi Dedal frame* and erory modern imrtrovemepfc win steel ud the best oryaa laal CUARAWrTEEP 25 YEARS. J™ WsiPSi guarantee, by the any part K*v®» ... .. jne menth and w. jidyour money it yrni are not perfectly aatlsjled. Kese organs will be sold at $35«50« 01WEK «NCK. 0ELA V.' at these RELIABILITY IS ESTABUSHEO unit with nsask ysurneiithbor about us, writs lie pubilshsr of this paper or Metropolitan Aatton al Biuik, *r Corn Vat. Dank, of Chicago: or Gorman.Kicbance Bank, New York-, or any railroad or* express eomiianr In Chicago. We ew •lM«MLMI«Mupjrantlre »ne«f tus larijreikt hiifiness Mocks In Chicsfro, aiid utmilor nearly jieutle, lo ottr ewn CulWliVi. 'ws SKLI,t.OOt OK8AS8 IT &SM Sai P| SutUHMt feai also ererithlno. in mnj *41 UX ifufi ladies' Shoes Only $1.25 Mn's Skoes $1.25 to $1.95§ THELKON 'V- II in I a I S5 000,00 ... 10,000.00 5,078 83 .'. 16-..694.S9 ....$205,778,511 Total.... 7V y!i& •*4s We are repairing on short want get $ j* K* 1 instniinientS tt t:s*rtyus|prl««. wr'te for fr«f »gecW $Hioaoe.(Li# 1 ininr:' FIIIIHO SHIELDS Attracts dreat Attetttloki With theSlstBand. The papers- all over the stale are devoting considerable space to Fililtio Shields, the Utile Filipino boy whom Will Shields brought home with him, and who is now traveling with the 51st Iowa'band in its tour of the state lie sings a Filipino song and also exhibits his Mongoose. The Bedford Free Press speaking of the band's appearance in that city says: "i -:i,.'\ One of the particularly interesting features of the entertainment was the appearance of a Filipino 'boy who was brought over by Wm. Shields. This boy is now twelve 'years old, and has been an orphan for about six year*. His only brother was slain in battle. While Mr. Shields was in the hospital Filiiuo took a special interest in nim, waited on him and he became greatly attached to the boy. A mutual interest sprang up between them, and Mr. Shields determined to bring his new found friend to America. To defeat ia strict survfeilance over him, tbe boy was smuggled through a port hole in the ship's side. Upon arriving at Saa Francisco, Mr. Shields was compelled to give bond for the boys maintenance and education before he was allowed to land him on American soil. He will look thoroughly after the boy's welfare and see that he gets a good educatior. The lad is bright and intelligent and is learning rapidly. Six months ago he did not know a word of English. Now he can speak it quite plainly, besides writing, spelling, adding, etc. In an interview wilh Mr. Shields, the Free Press learns that he is and always was opposed to the policy of the administra tion in dealing with the^ilipinos. He says that had this country treated those people the same as tbe Cubans, there would have been no war and many preeioqs lives would have been saved. He says the large majority of the bnjs fouitht Itecause they were compelled to, not because they thought it patriotic or riuhtj that tbe Filipinos are fighting for their freedopi aj)d jndppfsndence just hb imwh as our f.ireful|ipr8 did, and are entitled to it, He said (hat when q. lad be could never have been taught to believe that America could have treated any helpless and weak nation as intiu-: amne as we'are treating the Filipinos. He thinks the entire Wur wrong and inhuman, and against the principles of American independence, and thinks the warfare will be continued for years. The Creston Adverijser says: At the time of the return of the 51st Iowa an interesting storv was told of a young twelve-year-old Filipino boy who was smuggled aboard the transport SenatorWm. F. Shields, of 1-eon, a private jn lUo-Bedford. "Mr. Shields, wtyh bfe interesting protege, ivfts jn tjbie .cjty jifegday having arrived iaet Monday frojn hie frofpe in I:on. He came foeris to »ept Hub regi piental band in whitjh lie h»« »n interest and proceeded with them to Bedford Tuesday afternoon where they gave, a concert that evening. Together with his charge Mr. Shields expects to truvel with the band during the remainder of their to^r. "Mr. Shields is 0 pleasant, affable gen tleman and talked ept^rtafningly with •au Advertiser reporter of this yoijng na tive for whom he seepis to cherish quite an affection- The story of their meeting is an interesting ope. ft occurred while Shields was en inmate of tbe first re serve hospital at Manila where he lay sink with the fever. The. boy was an hospital working lor lie cared for »n4 wited upCrt the soldier end seemed to take quite & fancy to him., Shield* mani festing an interest in hint, the boy evituvd desire to return with him to this country, 4PP''uatl.on ii wae made to General Otis for pejwjsgion to bring the boy home but was refuse*}, fhe same answer was given liim by Colonel f^oper Shields was determined ao smuggled the little fellow aboard the transport, where he lay in biding tor two days under a bunk covered over with a rub ber poncho. His desire to remain con cealed was so great that be djd not even venture to put his bead out froip under the ponco during the two (lays and was nearly exhausted when taken out. Mr. Shields has given tbe boy his name and he is now known as Filimo Shields, lie says he is first going to give him an ed ucation and then probably ftt him for some profession. As yet he has not been sent to school, but through Mr. Shield's tutelage is now able to count to one hundred, repeat tbe alphabet, write his own name and speak some English He understands English very well and seems to be a yery bright little fellow. The leather of this country as compared \vjt£i the mild climate of his native iai)^ parses huo to sutler quite a little from the ppl.d. carrying of thick, heavy clothes #1.80 paakes him very tired. Si* months lie wore scarcely no clothing, could nej the/£ peak nor understand English and knew ot nothing beyond the confines of his own community." Blsmark's iron Nerv*. j,. Was tjbie result of his splendid liealth. Indomitable will and tremenduous en ergy 8r.e not found where Stomach Liver, lfitl npys #nd Bowels are out of order. Jf yoif w*uf th,ege qualities and ttie success tbey bripg, /.)r. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only ?3c at L. Van Werden's drug store. TWENTIETH CEHTURV'S PAIN*.. The Friendly Islanders will be the First people to Hall its Advent "The first people to live in the twenti eth century will be I he Friendly Island ers, for the date-line, as it may becalledi lies in the Pacific Ocean just to the east of their groap." writes John Ritchie, jr. in the January Lad^ea' Journal of "Where the Next Century will Really Begin." "At that llflie, ultliou^h jt will be already Tuesday to tiie#i. all the rest of the world will b« fi'joyinitscpie phase of Monday, (lie htfit.&ij tjf Ue uj lei ten th ceutury [Dcc^fiibcr 8.1, HKX)) At Melbourne tbe people wjll be eoiiiK to bel, for it will lie nearly leh o'cliifl-pal Manila it will be nearly tyi hours ear lier in the eveitiujr at Calc^Hta the Eng lish residents will be hitting pt their Monday aflompop dimmer fur it will be about six oVJuckj Htid jp London, Bi)j Ben,' in llie tower of tlie i.f Com moils, nil! lie striking the hour noon In JioKtop, Sew York and Wfltliington leople .nill Lw ^ytiiiK breakfast on Mon day morning, liiie Chu-agu will l.eliare ly conscious of lie di.Wn. At tl.e same moment San Francisco «i!l be in the deepest sleep of what is popularly cat leu Sunday night, ilu'Utfl" reallv the' early, ilark hours of Monday uiorning, and half the Pacific will be trapped in the darkness of the...same morning Hours, wliifili fheeome earlier to the west, until at SJidway or Brook* Island, 'it. Will b«~ but a ipew minutes past niidiijglii of Hun My ninht." #5" THUMSDAY.JAjmAR frr im lifi ill, r"' No. 72' A School Bag. 14 tncbea wide, 101 riches deep, made of handsome colored netting. Sent post-paid on receipt of it cent postage •tamp and 10 No. 73. Soholars' Companion. most useful article tor Kbool children. Highly "k poH«hedwooleD lio: lox.v.-itb lack urtil kky, eon tainiug lead pen cil. lien holder, rule uud rubber. Sent. pott. lu Itl on re. ccipt of two «»!dt postasre stamp and IS siaiiatnrea cut from .wmpjiers of Arbuckies' Roasted OMe*. No. 81-'^% Men's Suspenders. Elastic Web Suspenders, durable, neat, well mounted. Seat poat paid on re ceipt oftwo cent poat. ace atamp and 18 'A fie- natnraa (iut frojn WrajH pera of Ar. buckles'Koast «d Coffee. led Collee. No. 9a The Firot Kin beautiful Im ported picture /15* 20 inchef ln sice. Sent |K»s^ paid on receipt of 9 cent postage stivpipand 10 alftqa- SSf froin wrap, perg pf At- buckles' Opft&t No. 97. Eighty-one Cold Kyed Needle's. Pot np In a pretty mor occo cue. as sorted sixes, and made by the best Eng lish m&ntijSse ttiren.' Sett't This Is picture el tht Sig nature on Arbuckies' Roasted Celf» Wrapper, which you to cut eut and |$rd to us as a voucher, —HWBB TM 0*T«-0ATS LITTLE UIVER PILL CURES Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspopsifly ISick-Head lache 4 0 I S I and Liver .Complaint. I A m. I *U«rf*a CO*TaD. I 100 PILLS,|BoM by all drngelsts .1 nc ma I or sent by mail. -y '"T14* c*" CUc|t| Fcirsaipfiy V|t4& /'^'yer83 A! Co. druggist Leon, fpw*.' 1 Jl NCRVITA MCPICAL CO. 6Hmon*J»PHs9n 9*-, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by W. E, Myers Si Co., dru'rgis-s Leon, Iowa. TRUSSES. 6SC. 8f.88.AND IIP F65C. ry Bm less than one-third yJuWfii oA»|W|iBi8Ww ore IS $19.75 iHoa# mm ba*s bssn the ondsr T&mmw IISS CUT* iwsio.o» flmlip SjNPQHE DOLLAR MWiMMMiariW' vUlssndyoa at yo3r MdlfNiirt maltel sattsv yes eaa bi^tU aa %TMM ui. and oaf vf the InSiiwI. tw LintT tttMl nu duff rgnuMB from, selected Awl withMt ""y*"' etjeS jfcssh: BOD' 1 cotter etwIrisslif HasIA all lolntii Caretuuj ioed, screwedandrlusaea. PAlMTKftin best ,fuUsB«to«-r—lorabts IV fMSTwSjm weU ^Ol Ml. 4. signatures cut. from wrappers of Arbuckies' Roasted Coffee. No. 82 Barber Swing Strop. A double strop, one of leather and one of canvas, bound together. Length, 22 Inches, width, .two inchea, trimmings nickel plated. Sent poat.pald on receipt af two cent postage •tamp nn4 19 nwnataree cat fton}'wfep|ier( of I Arbuckies Iloast- WOO. A No. 7B. Fifty Foot Measuring Tape. A very useful article in the house holdund on tbe farm. Brass case, nickel- plat ed linen tape fifty feet long, No. 83 A Table Cover. Handsome cloth, varie gated figured pattern with fringe, 32 Inches. Sent niunid on receipt 3# SlWnV: tarea cut from wrappers of Arbuckies' Boasted Coffee. No. 93 Twols Company. The original rev i. This reproduc tion In 14 printings Is a genuine work of art. Bice 26K Inchetr. sent pour- receipt of two oent from wrappers of Arbuck)**' coffe*. •oresfpgj receipt 9 pent of t» Statpp apd {MFCS CPf from wrap: pprs' of Ar: s' Boasted ppfr fpe/' No other part ol the Colics Wrapper will be accepted as a voucher, nor-wlll (his Picture be accepted as such. soMEoropabibhatdhctpaokcroiikp. Manutaoturers of an^ Dealers in ui Qruite LEON. IOWA. We carry a magnificent line of monu ments. The workmanship is unexcelled and material used first-class. We buy our stock in' car direct from the quaries in thereby enabling us to make SETTEE PRICES .*** ANP MANHO0P Ouree Impotency, Night Erolsslons and wasting diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and ?Kblood builder. Brings the ink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. jBy mail SOc per box, O boxes witb a written guaran eqre or bitUpa jJie money, for circuljtr." t^an firms buying' in small quantities Qur businessis' ri}n strictly on a first class basis and we CTHLXUUTTBS all our work to give perfect satisfaction. J. A. HARRIS & BROS. SEND ONE DOLLAR Out tots ad. out and send to us. state number tnches across top of your buggy eeat-tn- xront. from ou.tside DIUyou- ti 4iooutKide, and we mill send by freight G. O. im|tlauon. Veaia ott1 asid tains unllned ned prop nuts, wroi tons, wblep makes 1 .. tain with glass window, OBDER TO-D&T. WRITS P0S HUW BIWST CATAUNCK, Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.). Chicago, til tassrs. lemlr r«MsM Trlbate from tits Sontk. [From the Mew Orleans Times-Democrat 1 Apropoe ot ^ll this, and other, newn from Paris, we take tltts opportunity: to express put admiration ot the extremely able, and llitete«tl»K ftewa service from Paris and from Ii0T»loQ -•WNUS" CHldiuro- Trlbnve has bien rUnnlnfc dailV 1tt#'etHnpiM •et oi) tfte pther flay* of |n^ tq ipuch in the wa] »4«0U«te Pfeeema.t|oi» pi "The 6Msgff9 Tribv the foreign news service of any of the New York papers. One or two of the New York papers have had tof yearn a, deservedly high reputation for presenting tbsir ftaAi)» with ljews'. tereet from forelfoT vim, rin'i)" J' m*k mm* Two Facts About iir It has set the standard of quality for all competitors for the last thirty years. The strong est claim any competitor can make is that his coffee is "just as good as ArhuckiesV THREE CONCLUSIONS The best Coffee is Arbuckles'* The only Coffee to buy is Arbuckies'. The right thing is to insist on having Arbuckies'. No. 74. Noiseless Spring Tape Measure. 'ixtr inches long:, nlckcl-p 1 a ted metal case, well-ZV finished. It can U% be carried in the •®nP===s:^lF^-l vest pocket. Sent Wpiii poiupald on receipt of ttc* postage stamp and 10 sisnatares cut from wrappers of Arbuckies' Boasted Coffee. No. 76 Lady's Belt Buckle. Silver plated artistic design. Sent «*«s^aid on receipt of 3 cent "amp and 8 slgna cut from wrappers of Arbuckies* Boasted Cofiee. No. 77. Telescope Orinking Cup. This arttble is prevented from fall* ing apart by its unique construction. Nickel-plated and highly floished. Jf Enclosed iu emboss ed nickel cover no larger than an ordi* nary watch when tele scoped when tended holds as much as a coffee cup. Sent post-paid on receipt of 9 cent pontage stump ottd l.'l nigna tur«»M cut fr-na wrappers of Ar- Sent post- Said on receipt of SI cent soataco •tamp and is signatures cut from wrappers of Arbuckies' Roasted Coffee. buc..::*' Roun'i'd CoflVo. Any one Book of the following List will he sent post-paid on receipt of a 2 oent postage stamp and 10 signatures cut from the wrappers of Arbuckies' Roasted Coffee. No. 84 A ONE MYSTERY, and two other great Detective Stories, by "ONIQHT LD SLEUTH." No. 86 ADVENTURES OF A BASHFUL BACHELOR, by AUGUSTA. Aralrih provoking story. No. 86 TEMPE8T AND 8UN8HINE. lloufss. The most popular female writer of nctlon the age. No. 87 THE 8UNNY8IDE COOK BOOK, by HARLAN. takes the reader out of the beaten tracks of knowledge, and will be found both entertaining and useful. No. 89 THOUSAND THINQ8 WORTH KNOWING, by R. MTHREE OORE, RPUYAKD KirliNu, No. 94. A Basket of Beauties. magnificent picture of Hoses by Paul de Longpre. the great painter of flowers. We believe this to be one of the handsomest flower pictures ever offered to the public. It is inches to alee. Sent poat-pald onrecfipt of 9 cent poatage stamp and 10 sigimiprfs cut from wrappers of Ar butties' Routed Coffee. No. 98 Hair Pin Cabinet A metal box lithographed in colors, containing One Hundred Hair Pins, as sorted "sites -and styles ttpaSBht.'cVimplfeil aqd'in styles are in 90t)^rslti'"c6m partments. Seqt post pald qn receipt pf cpnt pustnge »iami aqd 10 di*nqt|ir«s cut from rat!pers Ar buckles' Hune «i Cuflee. 5.'' AMrssft all communications to ARBUCKLE BROS., NOTION DEPT., NEW YORK CITY. Y. I J, A.Harris&Bros. HR. Office Phone 7. Residei ce phone 7. FRED A. BOWMAN, M. D. Physician and 8virgeon. Office phone 7. Residence phone S8. Office with Dr. lyton. Office hours 9 to 12—1 to 1—7 to 8. A•Brown, Physician and Surgeon OFFICE IN WARNER'B BLOCK. B.R load lots the east, McAUastcr, Pliyslcan and Surgeon Office over W. P. Clark & Co.'s Btors W F. Waight, Physician and Surgeoni LEON. IOWA. Special study and attention given to tlu treatment of Cbronio Diseases. Office evei Van Warden's drugstore. TV*. J. L. Lewis, Osteopath. Leon, Iowa. Office at D. E. Morgan's. Graduate American school ef Osteopath? Kirksville, Mo. |\r. A. W: HOWE, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Speolalattention given to tho treatment Chronic Disease, by ELEOTRIOITY Offloe North Slde Square. W.TIfa^a^^ Phsiclan and Dentist, Office at Van Werdep's Drug Store. WII. Albaugh, "r 1? No. 73 An Album of Illustrated Natural History. Fifty colored pictures of Aniuiiti* selected for their beauty, and rarity. Sent posi-paid'on receipt of *X cent postage stamp nud 10 «lg* natures cut froca wrappers of Arbuckies' Koaaied Coffee. No. 79. Pepper and Salt Holders. Made of Ueroinn Silver without seam or Joint except where tops screw on and oif. Sent post-paid on receipt of 2 cent postage Jroni Roasted Co: stamp and I'j sianatlires cut MRSof JBNNIK This is one of the most comprehensive, co'ninon sense Cook Books ever published. No. 88 OLD 8.EORETS AND NEW DI8OOVERIE8. Tbls bonk author of "Moore's Universal Assistant." Tbls book |s an encyclopedia of highly useful information in cQnderise'l form. No. SO THE OITY OF DREADFUL NIGHT, and other storiea by No. 08 No. 99 A Pocket Mirror and Comb. Set In neat leather combination case, with white mftal trap??. Sfnt ppit.)»)l4 off f-epeipt of orpt postpae atrmp anil 7 signal urcH utfrom wrappers of Arliuckles' itoi^si^d ColTe*. LAYTOJf, Physician and Sargsoa. Lawyer. OFFICE IN BANK BUILDING Ctookcy Brooks, for nevetel toonth* pakt. Several «z tbe NeWxoVk'4kIliib ha.Ve ezcellmt cible lettert ff6m Lpndoh ail'd fcofijetinjes pther' lEnrbpean Capitals In thcflr SwSwr fnmw Mi P#* jrtpear aa raie oiji ohc a we?k. ft* fcrfef .... ... VR. *V?b M* WJt'f PSf |nf to tpuch in the way of an Itjtelflfijtile feifope^ ijeTf'a. tt»"b^»14flffil not forget iu Indebtedness-to tbem ofa giei account.-. But it la beyond dispute thai' tnf atar of Journalism la Westward taking its way. and that the Journalism of Chicago ii beginning to be the metropolitan Journalism of .the, present, and will certainly be. if thing!, poUtlee. lt it In. our Oplhloh, sut%rloF t7ap» o'the New York- papers.^ Not only t» Its fo|K *l*n new» service, the best to the United «f the Gotham papers ha hn iSSSi. Lawyers. OFFICE IN LONQ'S BLOCK. McGinnis, Lawyer Suec'es»or tO*c»rry Mpaujai* OFFICE IN RAY'B BLOCIC. Dr. J. W. Rowel!- Dentist. OFFICE IN LONO'B BLOCK. r. D. R.Dudley, Dentist. 1 Graduate of tbe [Jniversify of Pcnr.fy' vania Office over Myer's ilrug slor*), LEON, IOWA. AD »l I IS PR ATO It'S NOTIOI5. K.stnte of .lolio llunbur, deceased. Notice IH hereby given to all persons inter ested. that on tbe 3IM, day of December. A. 0. 1899, the undersigned was appointed by be clerk or the district conrt Decatur cotiniv, Iowa, adalpi8tra* or of the entitle or John Dunbar deceased, la,e' or'sald"VHnty. All persons Indebted to said o,-?t,nt6 will tiiu«e pav" ment to tbe nnderaigtied, u»d thosb liaving claims oguinR' the-same wil1 exent them lef»l}y authenticated to said conrt (or allow ance. Doled Dec. SI, 1899 l|-3t J. P. RAUCH, Administrator W & 0' No. so A Spring Dalanca" seals. Will weigh from -i: one ounce to pounds. Sent by express, i-hnrsft prejmld us, ou re 2 S postiiaH sr a in and £00 (tlsnn. til res cut fro ra -,V wrappers of Ar buckles' llonait,! S. Collee. When or- p' u«rlng CLARA A Novel,bv Mas. MARY J. name your wrappers ®f Arbuckies' ll*2rC8t i-xprnsi fee Office «s well »i m* your Post Oilioe. No. 91 ^1 The First Prayer. A beautiful Imported Picture lSx'20 Inches eut post-paid receipt cent a 0 s*nnip nnd ina* turea VJA 9 per^of Arbuckies' Boasted No. Three Bea,utiful Flower Pictures. Kach measuring 9^x17 Inches. The titles are "Bummer Fragrance," A Vase of LUies," and "Fresh and Sweet," These three pictures all go.together, and will be sent post-paid ot| re* celpt ot cent post age stamp and 3 slg natures cut from wrap pers of ArbuckJes* Boasted Coffee. 90. '•.'/lit&s Noah's Ark. A menagerie, conflating of 12 pairs of Animal9—Elephants, Camels, Peer, Horses, Cattle, Donkeys, Goats, Lions, Bears, Tigers, Dogs and Cats. Kach p$ir is coupled and stands alone. They are lithographed lu many colors on heavy cardboard, cut out and embossed. Every feature of the Animals is distinctly shown. The elephants are 7 Inches high and 10 inches long, and the other Anipials arc. proportionately large. Sent post-paid on receipt of& cent postage stamp aad 15 signatures cut from Wrappers of Arbuckies'Boasted Coffee, Mo. IOQ Safety Pin Book Contain j| twen ty-tout nickel plated Safe ty-P f»» .. thrfe ciz which en it? th? sbitl^i Kom either n.roo(vopf a on n. r'r This represents one page of a List vrblch is found in eacb pound puukuge of Arbuckies' Koasted Collee, and with eacb package in which the List is found the purchaser hits bought. detlnlie part of some article to be selected by him or her: from the List, subject only to tbe condition that the xignature on the package IB to he cutout and returned to Arbuckle Eros, as a voucher, ia accordance with the directions printed in connection wltb each item illustrated and described in tbe I.lit. This List will be kept good only till May 31, 1900. Another page of this Mat will appear in tbls paper shortly. T»au1rmJ(,» no guijiig when ifi a secured nr rit leased. Sent Foet-pultl alt receipt ot" 4 eentpnstuge •tamv nod 8 slgnnture* cut frcat wrappers qt Arbucttlet' UOKtied Cotfee. REVIVO VrtAUtV SECTORM Mities" Well Man of Me. produces the nbore result, ln.'30 days. It sets powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail Young men will regain their lost manhood, and pld men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emission* Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Disease,, aad all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion, which unfits one for Btudy, buBineee or marrisge. II not only cures by starting at tbo seat of dlseaae.bu* is a great nerve tonle and blood bnllder, bring Ing back tbe pink (low to pale cheeks andt» storing the fire of youth. It wards otf Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having B^VTVOt no ether. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, SLOO perpacksge.or six for SS.OO, with a |MMl RttUn marantM to core or. isnist mohey^ Olr^iarfitie. Address yalMedicine w, For 8itl& in Leon, Iowa. by B'. J. Honnold, Weak Men Made Vigorous What PEFFER'S NERVIGOR Did! 'ft-acts powerfully and qniokly.- CSr^S wben all nWaM 'hO Vnnni. mnn HMIA liui'^MMiMMlnl.I —. Young men rei EtT^cRVer xbuUjral vigor. BS, and all pl«e,.,t sanabw _tbpotency,^i|ei ... ettlier 8pz, sftenti a oii/f fpu *i «iF' EbeoBasejrFaillDl •w««, rftcU of ulj^abut mention Wards off Insanity an '.Het driiggigt .impose a worthle fue SI lier bokj or 0 nnten to Caret f'EFFEK ME I rlolds a^greater profit Ing PKFFKJt'S a EBVJGOB, of carried In vest pucket. Prepftii f0rJiB w)|i .. i?JC H^rupd MEDICAL Al Sold by I.. Van Wcrden. JOBS A. STOUT, "Livery"Feed and §ale §tabl@. -r imCri Fresh Teams!^ ~k,w £••& 'X 0 Special alttention fiiven tnl foiiimercial men, Your pati'im-l ajrf solicited, ^honeap ^John A. StputJ DON Be The market |s being f|i 4 TEA Te protect the publlc we csM I especial attention to ow-trade 1 ... gei For Sal, by all O friii