Newspaper Page Text
tenter. Lem Vanostrand has tfenied pasture *»f Frank Long J£( Win. Davis has returned froui Kansas. A John Moore shipped another car of fQnehogs. I Several farmers have bought coal and had it shipped tq Crown. $ Hundreds of dollars have gone out of llus township for corn. Dodge '•'ears sold two fine male calves. I^eni Vanostrand has been breaking a lironco to ride. SsL? Pleasant View school commenced ugain.last Monday. Grant Rumley was short call Afternoon. •UNTY CORRESPONDENCE. tnsjof Interest as Reported by Our Correspon tsV- from Surrounding Towns and Townships. A Woman's Weariness s&f. Women sensitiveness make them sub let to more intense weariness than men. The melancholy, depression and ex haustion they suffer is due to sluggish ac lH^tion of their organs, which loads the sys terns with impurities poisons the blood and shatters the nerves. Morley's SarsapariMa and Iron will cleanse the h^iVnT revitalize the nerves and give -—strength and euWg^. ,.L. Van Werden. DeK*M. l):i::'Robbing has sold his farm and will move near Leon. Luis Sankey closed a successful term j^riday. ftAaron Fry hauled sawdust int Friday and Saturday, land son Isaiah were Leon rday. tie Kennett visited at Mrs. ||sday. (transacted business in Van ^.cer and Alva Davis sawed Goodman Tuesday, has his assessor books |!l begin work in a few fcat has dropped bis stone Quarry and is chopping cord wood to .sell. Ward Blackburn and Grant Hatfield spent Wednesday evening at Fry's. W. A. Alexamder gaurantees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of its contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, croop and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. Burr Oak Rldae. Jasper Dale and wife visited on Eden %. Prairie last week the guests of the Chastain's. Jasper and family will soon depart for Oklahoma to make their future home. George Meek and wife called at Eber BSfc5?'-* 'iIorney'8 one day last week. fpfe J. W. Walton and wife entertained a number of their friends Sunday at dinner. Mrs. Charles Chastain returned home Saturday from Van Wert where she l»ad been visiting her sister. Mrs. Elmer Rumley yisited Saturday night with home folks. Mr. Goodson, a stock buyer of Crown, purchased a number of shoats of Charles Chastain. Mrs. Mary Walton yisited in Leo -&$&> wither sisler^BUde Chastain. Wm 'Smith and iV^ife were E. J. Horney's one day lafjt fastain and wife made at Kber Horney's Sunday" To Cure a Con In One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUINJSE T-IBURRE All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. GKOVK'S ^MUature on gyery box. 25c. Tuskeego. The Misses Belle and Winnie Cash Irom Decatur were guests of Florence and Winnie Edmonson Sunday. Nina Ashburn returned to Lamoni Saturday evening after a two weeks stay »vith her sister Mrs. Keller. Mr^.Reed from Davis City returned frome Friday, after visiting in this «ith Mrs. A. A. Piercy a r.6\f days. Mrs. Brown spent Saturday nigh tiunday with her siftWr Mrs. L* N. vvfayton, Kr' Gale Ballinger spent Mrs. 1* N. Sm^/p.y with Bessie Fosdiek. C. Piercy and wyr*a were the happy ^.parents of a toafefJ *lr,' Mrs. Akero-rf spent Sunday with Kev, -and Beard. Mrs. Fora Kak-estraw spent Saturday «ight and Sunday at Hugh Wiley's. Eva Piercy returned home Thuresday after visi^ng her sisterJVlrs. J. Auxier a .' few-days. The meetings at the Baptist church nil! continue this week. Mrs. Marshall spent Monday ather 'brothers Mr. I. N. Payton. Rev. and Mrs. Beard and baby Clesta took dinner at Mrs. A. A. Piercey's. We understand Rev. Peri is having good success in his meetings near Davis City. The sale at the late John Dunbar's was well attended. Having a Great Bun on Chamberlain's Cough Cure. Manager Martin, Of the Pierson drug store informs -us that he is having a great run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Chamber Jain's Cough Remedy to 8top the cough, heal up the aore throat and lungs and gave relief within a very short time. The sales are growing, and all who try 3t are pleased with its prompt action— tSoutli Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by W. A. Alexander. Druggist, High Point. Jolin Clark of this place had business flt Leon Saturday. Several from here attended an oyster ^supper at Albert Northrup's Tuesday. led Morris went to Leon Monday. Mrs. J. E. Davis had the misfortune to fall last Friday and break one of her limbs. M. A. Woodrufl made a business trip to Leon Monday. Wade Macy returned last week from a business and pleasure trip to Red Oak and Griswold, Iowa. Rev. I. N. Woodward filled bis regular appointment at this place Sunday, Charles Carmer, of Garden Grove, assists our blacksmith two days of each week shoeing horses. The Holiness people held a meeting at James Keshlear's last Sunday. Everett Dodd spent Sunday evening with friends at Garden Grove. Miller Macy filled their new ice bouse last week. Pearl Canfield and wife, Kate Rexroat and May Cavender left on Tuesday for an -overland trip to Monroe, lowa,- £t dulls the scythe of Father Time, drives away wrinkles of approaching -the elixir of life, that puts hoy/e Mountain 10 OUR CORRESPON DENTS:—Several letters are omitted this week on account of-being received Wednes day afternoon. We' must haye cor respondence reach us not latter than Tuesdav- and Monday if possible. Davis City. I Stephen Fortune and family, of moai, are visiting this week with father,. Uncle Billy Fortune. La his Maude Bowman spent Suuday with friends at Lamoni. I Perry Ewing visited a couple of days last week with his sister, Mrs. John Allen at the Junction. Mabel Bradley visited over Sunday at Lamoni with her sister. Henry Arnold returned to Iowa City last week to resume bis studies. W. O. McLaughlin and daughter, Ethel, returned Tuesday from Ridgeway where they had spent New Year's with bis parent's and other relatives. John Tharp returned Tuesday from a visit during holiday week With his sister in Kansas. John Allen and wife of the Junction Sundayed wish her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ewing. Claire Bowman had the misfortune to lose aX dollar bill in town lagt week. It has i.ot been found at last accounts. L. B. Boidinan rat.urned last Thurs day from a three months' stay in St. Joe where he went to get work. Miss Mary Arnold visited from Friday till Sunday with Leon friends. Frank Gitliens, wile and daughter, uf Decatur, visited with Davis City rela tives Saturday and Sunday. Henry Rogers of Des Moines, is visit ing his parents, J. M. Rogers and wife, this week. Miss Myrtle Guthrie, of Redding, is visiting at the home of Dan Guthrie. One of the society events of the week for the young folks was asocial at the home of Win. Lee Saturday evening. Miss Gertie Sylvester returned to Troy last Thursday to resume his studies in the school room at that place. Mr*. Um Thompson and Grandma Caldwell are on the sick list. R. Hartshorn, F. M. Freeman, J. H. Robinson and F. M. Freeman have been putting up ice the past week. Harrison Eaton, of Blythedale, sur prised his Davis City friends by calling ou them last Friday as it had been re ported he was dead and many of hia friends did not know any better till he called. John Bennett has bought the proper ty on Mill street formerly occupied as home residence by Dr. W. C. Wheeler, the Dr. taking the Bennett property as part payment. Consideration $1000. E. J. Teale and wife are visiting rel atives at Mt. Moriah this week. Oliver and Romey Bailey have each bought a house of J, H. idling on Clark street. Mr. and Mrs. Brown visited Leon friends the past week. Miss Mm the he Swit/.er, who is teaching ^ibble school, Sundayed at iker and wife spent Sun dry with his brother. .overland for about erest of the Prusr fejch he is a mem iity boys are endeavoring staiTa clubi dance in town. 'The has (Commenced tilling in with concrete andp crushed rock for the foun dation of tine new iron bridge which is to replacq^ the wooden one. A. Cumkiins and wife enjoyed a visit last week#from their daughter who lives Kansas City. ettie Bowman and Mr. Wood ago, were Davis City callers be' trains Suuday. Clum and Wm Canoyer, of Lamoni caufsd in Davis City Friday. II. Broom and wife made a trip to asanton Friday. Alvas Bell and wife Sundayed in the sountry, at Henderson's. Frank Kelley and sister Grace, of Leon, spent Sunday with Davis City friends. Mrs. E. Musser is visiting Bethany friends this week. Mrs. J. B. Hornsr returned from visit at Albia the past weak. The U. B. pastor filled the pulpit at the Union church Sundav morning. Elder Frank Cochran occupied the Saints' chapel, and Rey. McClure, of Humeston held forth at the Presbyter ian church. J. M. Hyde, of Colony, Kas., was looking after business interests in Davis City the past week. Jr. its advance and chronic form cold in the head is known as Nasal Catarrh and is the recognized source of dther diseases. Having stood the test of continued successful use, Ely's Cieam Balm is recognized as a specific for mem branal diseases in the nasal passage^ and you should resort to this treatment iu your case. It is not drying, does not produce suce#ing. Price 50 cents at druggist or by mail. ?£ly Brothers, 5U Warren Street, Sew York.. Gjve »p prejudice and try it. O'rphan pidge. A happy new year to all. C. M. Piper and family returned their home at Chariton Saturday after spending a week with his parents iiappy Hollow. Elick Housh vent to Chicago Wed nesday with stock returning Friday Tom Harp returned from a i?eek visit with his parents in Xew Buda Taylor Vanpelt has rented the same farm for this year. Andrew Humphreys, of l^eon, spent Sunday in these parts. Tom Harp and family went to Garden Grove Saturday to visit her parents. Clark Fajrall had legal business Leon Friday. Jim Miller bought a ear load of sheep of Taylor Vanpelt Saturday. Last Thursday night about forty young folks gathered in at Harve Harp's to celebrate Ethel's 13th birtbday.sbe re ceiying several fine presents. Wm, Ful ton furnished the musiii. Supper was seryed at 10 o'clock and at 12 o'clock all departed for their homes. Bill Barlean Sundayed on Snake Prairie. A. i. Ftflton went over on Union Ridge one day last irepk. J. M. Barlean spent .Sunday over on Jimmy Creek. George COT, of Welcome Ridge, was in our oiidst Friday. Woodie Baker, of Cod Town passed through our little oty Saturday enroute for Leon. Any cough is serious enough to war rant prompt attention. It is what it may result in that makes a cough dsngerous. For all slight or stubborn coughs, for grippe, lung fever, bronchitis, asthma, and other throat and lung affections, vou can find ao other remedy so agree able and harmless, or-io promptly affec tive as Morley's Honey pectoral. jL. Van Werden. A J. 'Pi rylanV. •"•vfe Mrs. Ida Grimm and children are yisiting relatives in Van Wert this week. EdandCapt. Murray, of Van Wert, are hauling wood from Allen Ramsay's, this week. Gus Lee assisted Victor Fry in haul- Lwood Tuesday for hiB aaw set. ju Adams and wife transacted busi ness in Van Wert Tuesday. Yirgil West and wife hauled out a new rawing machine from town the past week. Bill Hedrick and Vick Fry got left at the Bhoatiug match at Lewis Grimm's Saturday a week ago. They brought home no hog. Mr. Gibson, of Van Wert, is hauling wood from these partB. V. H. Fry made a business trip to Leon Thursday. Elmer Ramsey visited Tuesday night with Charlie Grimm, JameB Dillon, of Tennessee, was at Van Wert Thursday ou business. Ben Grimm visited his nephew on Thursday of this week. Mrs. Ida Grimm returned home from Van Wert Friday. C. M. Grimm had a shooting match Saturday. Bill Hedrick's eyes were all right this time for he was the winner. Grimm gives another match Saturday of this week and all the riflemen are cordiallv invited to attend. Gus Lee is sawing wood now and Grant Spencer and Alya Davis are doing the work for him. He Only Repeats What Has*Been Said Around The World. It has been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in tne Union and in many foriegn countries that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a certain preventive and cure for croup. It has become the universal remedy for that disease. Mr. V, Fisher of Ljberty W. Va.,only repeats what has been said around the globe when he writes "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for several years and always with pertect success. We believe that it is a sure cure, for croup. It has saved the lives of our children a number of times*" This rem edy is for sale by W. A, Alexander Drug gist. Hp Weldon. Charles Foster, wife and littje daugh ter went to Buda, Illinois, Wednesday to visit relatives. Byron Daugherty was in town buying horses Thursday. Nora Wasson is very ill with fever. Arthqr McCartney had a load of cattle in a wreck at Galesburg, Illinois, last Monday. Three were so badly burned by steam they bad to be killed, the others he sold in Chicago. Messrs. Bowsher ana Biddison were in town Friday evening. I. N. Skidmoore was on our streets Friday. Mr. Williams moved to Osceola Fri day. Mr. Ruth living five utiles north of here died Saturday evening and was buried in the Hebron cemetery Sunday afternoon. A hot stove in Dr. Foxwortby's office caused quite a sensation on our streets Saturday evening. The stove lid came off while C. B. Bledsoe bad gone to supper. Ben Mitchell tried to unlock the door with Carlin's key and got it fastened in the door so that the proper key could not be. used and all the back doors were locked from the inside so they could not be effected by a key. The front door was pushed in and as yet nothing hpd ignited but the room was ^«^amage was done, Rev. Armstrong, of Des Moines, con ducted services at the Christian chi?rch Sunday, Rev. Armstrong filled his regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday. Miss Maggie Lane, of Lucas, is visiting friends here. W. W. Lyon, of Des Moines, president ot the Weldon Bank was visiting his cashier George Ayers Thursday and Friday. Miss Cora Burham, of Grand River, is visiting Prof, and Mrs. Latta. On Tuesday January 2,1900, Dr. Dor 8ev, of Keokuk, assisted by Drs. Walker anid Mitchell, of Weldon, Doolittle and Lyon, of Garden Grove, and. Dr. Mc Allaster, of Leon, performed two very difficult and dangerous opperations in Dr. Mitchell's office at Weldon. A. Crist, of Smyrna, and Mrs. Jas. Bower, of Weldon were the parties operated upon. Miss Lizzie McConn, of Groveland, is visiting Leila Miller. The Epworth League will give a social at $radley's Wednesday night. |im gaudy, of Indianola, was aNew Year's guest of Roxie Tallman. E. A. Lockwood purchased Bruce Baker's general store in Osceola. Clyde "McClurd, of Lacona, visited Mary McVey over Sunday. Mr. John Farley, of Osceola, was the guest of Lillian Webb last week. Miss Nellie Buck, of Ottumwa, is visit ing here. g, 4.. kopkwood shipped poultry Monday. Elbert Scroiield has quit the road and is going to study law. If tortune disregard thy claim Don't hang tby head in fear and shame But marry the girl you love best Rocky Mountain Tea will do the rest. flarden Grove. Capt."J. f). $rown and Thos. Tei your place were in Gafdpp (Jroye day. to THIS LBONREPORTER THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1900.! Woodland. of on- HQW tfrey is a The Presbyterian chur«i }s lighted with gasoline lamps &nd make a very brilliant light and great improvement over the old oil lamps. Several of the stores have also put in the same kind of light. A protracted meeting is in progress af. t|)e Presbyterian church and will continue at least during this week. The attendance vw -yery good the first night. The K. P's. have an lostnllatioi) qf officers by the Grand Chancellor Tues day followed by a banquet for Grand Chancellor Sal linger at the opera hall. It-was one ot the great social events of the season. The young people will have a dance at the opera house Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Knapp entertained friends last Friday evening. S, Lillard retwnpd to Garden Grove last week. He hfts been at since the death of his wife'. Ed Frazier and wife hare returned to their home at Council Bluffs. A. lindquist, of Chariton, had busi ness here Monday. R. L. Bott, formerly of this place but now of Allerton, was in town Friday. Excursion Rates. PfQfft jL. 4 W. depot on both roads. I}om#&£gerB' t^zkets will be on sale to nearly ajl points so#th, jjotftb-WPSt, west and north, ajt one fare ptys |8^)Q for the round trip. Pat&i of sale 'Jan. Feb- *nd 20, 4pril 3 and 17,'March ti and 20. M4 to 21 days from date of sal*, IjMQ tp be ipjnfyppin pfurge Tor one ticket. Stop overe wlji be ailow£d in bomeseekers' terntory ?»jthin 15 days from date of sale on goipg ttfp, no stdp ovets allowed returning. 4- one and on,e third fare on certificate plan is offered to Aifiee, Ia.r Jan. 15-19 llmlted to Ja&r£3, account—Biennial Meeting Iowa State Ass'n of County Supervisors. For fur- Hop call Harry Ernest Brown and are haulinp wood. Harry Fleming and wife have ^.return ed from the Mineral Springs* at Line ville. A couple of ladies from Leon with their best fellows spent a pleasant eve ning in the country with their Aunt Jemima's—their country cousins, last Tuesday. Aunt Oma Fleming and Mrs. lizzie Warren called on Mrs. E. E. Brown laBt Friday. Where is my boy to-night? Mother to whom GotLbafc given this precious gift, clasp him to your warm heart feel nis warm breath oii your cheek and breathe a prayeVto guide and guard this life into right ays, lor ere to morrow's sun be may be motherless and home less! OOli, remember him who said "Suf fer little children to come unto me" and at His feet daily drinks deep draughts of love and strength and as you freely receive freely give. Where is my boy to-night? Is he-as near, to me to-night as he was a year aeo? Oh, the untold power for good of a consecrated moth er's life upon her children. D. E. Burks was a Lineville visitor Monday. Quite a bit of horse trading going on in town Saturday evening. Dr. Gleason, Will Massey and Pete Vaugh were the ones interested. Bill Kline, of Leon, had business our town last Friday. Jap Statzel, of Leou, was transacting business with our merchants one day last week. in G. B. Sams, of Garden Grove, was town Monday. Willie.Beavers left Monday morning for Joplin, Missouri, to look for a posi tion in the zinc mines. Charles Cooper made a business trip to Lineville Saturday. John Farver and Hartman are at work on the seats in the Advent church again. J. L. Still had business in Garden Grove Thursday returning Friday. The phonagroph at the school house Tuesday night did not draw a very large crowd. A Christian Endeavor was organised at the Advent chuich Sunday evening with the following officers J. L. Still, president Eugene Massey, vice-presi dent Eli Hutchinson, secretary Mrs. Clyde Rayn, treasurer Will Newlin, chorister, The society irieets Sunday evening and all are invited to attend, Mr. Greenlee, and' Lloyd Duden, of Lineville, were transacting business in town Monday. Louis Sylvester, of Nebraska, is here visiting his brother frank. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not stain the hands or spot the kettle. Sold by W. A. Alexander and L. Van Werden. Van Wert. Rev. Caster preached his farewell sermon at Yan Wert Sunday. We are very sorry to see gev. 'Caster leave this charge as we feel sure that it will be a long time before he can be replaced. Alma Jackson, of Omrha, came last Saturday to visit his children apd old friends in this- county. He returned home Thursday. There was aNew Year's party at W. McCullough's. Those present were: Mesdames N. Gould, Fred Gould, Blair, Tuttle, Powers, Hoadley and Lamoree. Several pretty and useful presents were given Mrs. McCulIough and the child ren. Harve Stevens, of Weldon, was in our town last week business. There was a battle north of town last week and the Van Wert regiment was in the hottest of tfie light. The captain from the east part of town handled his men with much skill and we recommend him to the town council. You are not fasionable how unless you have a black eye or a broken nose. Cyrus Walker is hauling home the corn which he bought of Mr. Holmes east of town. School commeaced Monday after a two weeks vacation. Lem Craft is putting up ice. S Our butcher has a new refrigator. W. McCulIough went to Garden Grove Wednesday on business. I^evi Gutberie and wife were in Van Wert Friday. Thty were! looking at a farm with a view of buying. G. B. Dargherty was buying horses in Van Wert Thursday. Charles Fierce sold corn last week to Frank Gardner. M. F. Springer was in town Monday night attending the installation of of ficers of the Woodman lodge. John Strong's School commenced last Monday after twd'weeks vacation, a THE CHURCHES^'- Bro. Caster of Des Moines, will preach in the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening Jan. 12.^' TlPp We hope to see a continuance of the increase and interest manifested in the Christian Sunday School last Sunday morning, whicb marks a good beginning for the first Sunday of 1900. Rev. Joseph Stephen entertained his Sunday School class and a few others at the parsonggp last Wednesday eyening. Refreshments w/ere perved ~»pfl those present enjoyed tne evening greatly The subiect of the sermon at the Presbyterian .morning will be "Human Limitations of Divin.e Action that of the evening will be "Surrender, Salvation, Rest." The )adj£8 of 'the Christian church will give an oyster sapper }n the church to-morrow evening, Jan. 12. jUbjldreo love Uver PUls for Bil thay airs small, «9n4?.$nd do not 0ne a doge. 9q} $en. a- Qysters will bs served in various wayB together with a nice bill of fare, beginning at half pa8t'five o'clock p. m. Admission 25 cents. OnSunday last the M. E. church was crowded to its utmost capacity, with the east wing open to bear a special sermon from the Rev. Joseph Stephen, 9P ftp "Cufse of Cowardice." One person deeded to livp $ phristian life. Qn .Sunday ne»t ttfo spmal sermons will be preaehea. Morning at 11,7'The Glorious Gospel." Evening at 7:90, "Christ Sanctified or the Theme of Paul's inistry." You are invited'to. beipresent Beginning with next^Sunday, special services will he held in the Presbyterian cbufct). every evening.' It is 'desired that every member of. the church ar range buanes« and hotfkehol3 affairs as for as possible, BO" |S to be at liberty to attend ti*en services.- -in qrder for the succeii8 of tm WOT* uniMrtaken. ft yfll be necessary that much personal work shall be done. Each should, therefore feel much personal responsibility am I resolve to meet it to the utmost. It is desired, that all who have copies of the Gospel HymnB in the!/' nomes bring thenv'for their own use, So that those in the cnuroh may be left for. others. cordiSl invitation is extended to the public fp zitPWf W?P»WWtlnK8, tflte MqrljByf, Ions, people, look aq? tas ,r tripe nor sicken diem iply ty Van tyer- Tr far W*** wrat lasdnatorsi^jhoes, iiadies toeutdii v.., ftlSTRHfiT COURT Next Monday, ford Presiding. Cavender will convene Judge Ted- A THREE WEEKS' TERM. Tlje January term of the District Court will convene next Monday, Judge Tedford presiding. The term is for .three weeks, and a large number of cases have been set tor trial. There are 24 probate cases, 10 criminal and 96 law and equity ca^es on the docket, 27 law and equity cases having been commenced since the November term of court. ASSIGNMENT OF CASES. The following cases have been assign ed for trial: MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 AND 10 All probate matters, motions and de murrers. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. State vs. McVay. State vs. Parker. Incorporated Town of Lamoni vs. Sutherlin. State of Iowa vs. Silyers. State of Iowa vs. Mayhew. State of Iowa vs. Fender. State of Iowa vs. Barrows. OState of Iowa vs. Benjamin Venn State of Iowa vs. William Bass, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18. Scott vs. E. J. Robinson. In the Matter of the Assignment of D. & A. B. Stearns. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. Harris & Co., vs. Barber. Guthrie vs. Town of Davis City. Stebbins vs. Kane & Jamison. Des Moines Elevator Co. vs. Kelley & Lysle Milling Co. A. W. Deck vs. Wm. E. Kelley. Blair vs. Gould. MONDAY, JANUARY 22. Joseph Hamilton vs. John Ledger wood. Matsler vs McVay. Hamilton vs. Albaugh. Goble vs. Downey. Johnston ys. Town of Leon, Iowa.' TUESDAY, JANUARY 23. Alice Saunders vs.Town of Leod, Iowa Brown vs. Comer. Akes vs. Rumley Bank vs, Kelley Bank vs. Kelley. Bank vs. Kelley. W. K. Paulk. vs. Foust, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY Gibson ys. Jenks. Iowa Savings & Loan Association vs, Critchfield. Moore vs. Wasson. $ Reardon vs. Hampson. THURSDAY, .IANUAR\ 25 Underwood vs. Johnson. Moore vs. Darrow Investment Co. Wells, vs. Hamilton. Parker vs. Manchester. Iowa Savings & Loan Association vs. Russell. Iowa Savings & ^oan Association vs. Tharp. Decatur City Bank vs. Stebbins. Home Savings & Trust Co. vs. Burni soil. Zelma Elliott vs. Henry Skiles et al. Suit is brought to quiet title to the north-west quarter ot the south-west quarter of section 6, township 67, De catur county, Iowa. B. M. Russell, at torney for plaintiff. J. A. tyeed vs, George Person and wife. Suit is brought to quiet title to the south-west quarter of the south-weBt quarter of section 3, -township 69, De catur county, Iowa. S. Varga, attorney for plaintiff. Mary Bobbitt v. Freeland Bjbbitt. The plaintiff asks for a decree of divorce. They were married at Kansas City, March 27,1899, and plaintiff alleges de fendant has treated tier in a cruel and inhuman manner and has frequently struck her. Marion Woodard, attorney for plaintiff. E. S. Ellsworth et al. vs. Luther C. Foster et al. Suit is brought to fore close a mortgage on the north-west quarter and the west half of the north east quarter of section 4, township 67, to secure three promissory notes aggre gating f48Q !S: V- ft- HfcGinnis, »ttor ney for plaintiff. Nancy Fetro vs. John Fetro. Action is for divorce. They were married at Osceola Aug. 30,1897, and lived togeth er until Sept. 26, 1899. Plaintiff asks for a decree of divorce, alleging defen dant has struck and mistreated her, ac cused her of unchaste conduct and that he brought another woman to his home and kept her there, his conduct toward the woman being such as to injure and bear upon her mind and health. G. W. Baker, attorney for plaintiff. I. P. Young ys. J. D. Young et al. Suit is brought to quiet title to the south-east quarter of the north east quarter of section 27, township 70. W. Hoffman, attorney for plaintiff. L. A. Brown adra. vs. Henry and E. J. Standifer. Plaintiff brings suit for $400 on two due bills. C. W. Hoffman, attorney for plaintiff. K. gtpin vs. Henry Slioddard. Plain tiff brings suit tor $1500 for slander al legine that defendent has accused him egine of being a liar and threatened to smash his bead. B.M.Russell, attorney fori plaintiff. James F. Porter vs. Charge Tapscott. by defendant, who charged him with being a noted thief, a liar and alt the I tough characters enumerated in the cat-1 alogue of felonies. The plaintiff is ft preacher and farmer residing near Terre Haute. B. M. Russell, attorney fori plaintiff. BeviB Bros. vs. Alex Graveling et al. Suit is brought to foreclose a mortgage on the east half of the south-east quar ter apd the north-west quarter of the south-east auartef of section 36, town ship 68 given tb secure a note for $7,PQQ on wtilch an interest1 note "or f350 hu I been defaulted. Fuller & Fuller,' at tor neys for plaintiff: Catharine Moreland vs. A. M. Crof ford et al. Suit is brought on a note for I $180, dated March 1,. 1892, due in one year. V. R. McGinnis, attorney for plaintiff. Oscar Anderson and Anna A. Dancer I adms. vs. J. D. Briggs et al. Plaintiffs AfifTfQF'ai) order comneiljng defendants] to transfer a pertain Ipt in l«aniiui, BP a contract made with David Dancer, de ceased. Harvey & Parrish attorneys for plaintiffs Stookey & Brooks vs. Fred A, Gibson et al. Suit IB brought for $50 for legal services rendered defendant. Stookey & Brooks attorneys for plaintiff. A. 8. Maxham vs. W. T. Wolcott: I Plaintiff brings suit- for, 9555, fp}*ston for finding, a purchaser for an electric l|gh^ pU^ pvnp4 fry defendant at |ofckfo?3, fC whteh was'to bef tra/} ror land in tbis dotint^.. stookey Brdoks attorneys for plaintiff. .. 'Y Mary y. former name Mary V. Green. C. W. Hoffman attorney for plaintiff. Decatur City Bank vs. W. W. Curry and-Greenland & Overholtzer. Suit is brought on a note for $125 secured by a mortgage on certain horses «nd cattle, the cattle having beeu purchased from Curry by Greenland & Overholtzer and" shipped out of the state without plain tifl's consent. Hartey & Parrifch at torneys for plaintiff, Bert Teale ys. I .Annie E. Kirkman et al. Suit is brought on a note for $72.71 dated Oct. 31, 1898, due in one year. A. P. Olsen attorney for plaintiff. B. D. Fleet et al. vs. Lamoni Co-opera tive Creamery Co. Suit is brought on a note for $1220 55 secured by mortgage on the creamery property. A. P. Ol sen attorney for plaintiff. OBelle Anderson nee Noyes va. Allie Gardner. Plaintiff sues for $15,000 damages which has been done to her. character by reason of certain state ments made by defendant reflecting on her character. Ed H. Sliarpe, G. W. Baker and J. C. Wilson attorneys for plaintiff. Debora Scott vs. A. E. Scott. Plain tiff brings suit for divorce on the ground ot cruel and inhuman treatment. A. P. Olsen attorney for plaintiff. Laura Cotton ys. Walter Dunbar et al. The parties are the heirs of John Dunbar deceased, and ask for a decree of partition of bis real estate. C. W. Hoffman attorney for plaintiff. J. W. Sell et al. vs. Rebecca Sell et al. The parties are the heirs of John Sell deceased and ask that his real estate be partitioned among them. S. Varga at torney for plaintiff. Town of Davis City vs. Wm. Bass. The defendant was convicted before Mayor Shoemaker of the crime of dis turbing ne (icuou a.i.l ti.ied $25 ami costs, lie appeals from this to the district court. Geo. W. Baker attorney for plaintiff. Julia Baker vs. Thomas Baker. The parties were married March 5,1878 and are the parents ot four children. The plaintiff alleges her husband has desert ed her and gone away with another woman, and asks for a decree of divorce the custody of their children, and the title to 17 acres of land. J. H. Kling attorney for plaintiff. There Is a Class ot people Who are injured by the use of coffee. Re I oently there nas been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the plaoe ot [c.iDee. Tne most delicate stomach rooeiveit it without distress, and hut few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over $4 an much [Children may drink it with great benefit IB cts. and Meiy Cases. ys? The following cases haye been com menced sjnpe the last terpi ot court Harrison Orfield vs. Jape Branner et al. Suit is brought to quiet title to the west half of the north-west quarter of section 19, township 68, Decatur county Iowa. B. M. Russell, attorney for plaintiff. 25 LEON REPORTER, for $1.70 for the entire five, one year. This is emphatically a good thing, and no farmer in this coun ty should fail to take advantage of the offer. For a large line of thoroughly practical farm reading nothing has ever been offered before that equals it. A county paper, a farm paper, a poultry paper, a farm insurance paper and the Special Farmers' Institute, all for $1.70 Come in and order them. IBs# 5| MORTUARY. •iW'-.C .Ml, MSB. MARY C. DUNBAR died^at lier home near Decatur City, Iowa, Sunday, December 31, 1899, of lung trouble. Her husband died less then a month before of cancer. Mrs Dunbar was born in Highland county, Virginia, in 1843. She leaves a father and mother, and six brothers and two sisters, and four children to mourn her departure. The funeral occurred at Elk Chapel at 1 o'clock p. m. January 2, 1900,Rev. Perron,of Tuskeego. officiat ing, and the burial took place at the cemetery in connection with the chapel fr TS, TABLETS VITALITY. PEACEFUL 5LUH5CR.. 1 Stewart ys.-n. G. Stewart is1 an aettpn tor diyorce. The parUes wei*J martel ^n Leon i& Qclooer liyed' tjatetbep until until -peaemlter,' llie divorce is asked for op tbp gjtoi|nds inUteiM and of cruel and inhuman treatment, and asks that she be restored to her TMt M0DCCN 'STITCH IflTinC-* !'e cts. per package. Try it. Ask or GRAIN-O. The large and increasing circulation of The Iowa Homestead in this county is a matter for congratulation to the pub lishers and to good farming, for, of all the papers of its class in the copntry. it is easily the best and most helpful. Its Special Farmers' Institute editions, is sued with the regular edition the first week in each month, have been for years the admiration of all practical farmers* Written wholly by farmers, they are full of actual experience and smell of the soil. We have been fortu nate enough this season to secure terms for The Homestead and itsSpecial Farm ers' Institute Editions, together with the Poultry Farmer and The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal, four of the most valuable farm publications in tip country, that enable us to offer the four in connection with our own paper, THE Th* Farmer's institute The annual session of the County Farmer's Institute will- IM in Leon to-day and to-morrow.J committee in charge are striving to! it a successful meeting and it is hoped the farmers will attend in numbers. They are the ones wlic benefited, but unfortunately" iherel a great many who apparently take interest in the institute. Prof. James Atkinson, assistant 1 agriculture at the Iowa Agricultjj College at Ames will be here and his an address on Friday. He is a practid man, one of the best posted agricultur ists in the United States and his address will be worth hearing. There will be interesting papers froml the leading-, farmers and stock raisers' of the county. Good music has been pro vided and the meeting will be one of interest to the ladies as well as the men. On Friday Ihere will be two papers rend^ bylladies, and a special inw ation is eij tended to all the ladies in the cour to be present. The following is the program foil meeting. PROGRAM. iu.—Opened with' Thursday at 1:30 music.-s Invocation, v:''" Adress of Welcome—S. A "GiiteS. Response— G. P. Arnold. Music. Paper on "Raising of Cattle." McKibben. Discussion. Evening—Adress by Rev. Heaton^ Discussion. Music. •...... Friday at 9 a. in.—Music Paper on "Grains and Grasses."- H. Weller. J. F. Hitchcoafc. -John. -W. Discussion. Paper on "Farmer's Mutual ance."—J. W. Keeler. Discussion. Afternoon—Paper on "Sheep'.'4.^\ bandry."—Wm. Woodard. Discussion. Paper on "Hogs."—Robert Turner. "'v Paper on "Dairying."—C. l. M*tleti?.v-.?\ Evening—Paper on "Horticulture."— '-r£, '!rSgiK.v. Instir- Paper on "Housekeeping."—Mr8. S. Varga. Paper on "Home Attractions."—Mrs. John Long. Music. S* Election of officers. Farm tor Sale or Runt. js% z-u acres of improved land on the K, & W. R. R. 2 houses, good barn, cribs, granary and all well fenced, for further particulars address, Sam G. Toovey, Pieaaanton, Iowa, Decatur county. 14Li:( MATRIMONIAL, NOBLK-PKJiCK. At six o'clock p.m. NewYearfs day at the home of the bride's parents in Grand River township Mr. and Mrs, Wm. and Mary Pence, Miss Margaret A. Pence was unitea in marriage to Mr. Eugene R. Noble, of Big l'iney, Wy oming, Rev. 1. T. Flint, Of Eldon, ofiicatlng. Miss Mary Springer and M|% David Goff, both cousins to the bride acted as bridesmaid and groomsjiian. The bride was attired in an elegant white silk dress while the grooip wore the usual black suit. ft|&ny gifts were bestowed as expressions of the love anil esteem in which the happy coqple is held. The wedding supper was boiin?. teous enough in verity to gratify tbe,^ most fastidious, The guests an«—ret atives enjoyed one of iBe fest so^'iai reunions known in this locality for years. Mirth, and conversaUohtminglet) with vocal and instrumental musio 3 banished all thought of fleeting tirre until near the hour of midnight, theq cams the farewells with the thoqgt^ "shall we meet again?" with the atten dant growing doubt"not all. no never.". Miss Pence is known by all to be an estimable young lady. Mr. Noble was^as born and raised in Henry county, Iowa, l|| but as many other Iowa boys, he went west and is now a ranchman near Big, Piney, Wyoming, where the couple will1 reside in the future. The morning after the wedding they went to Henry. county after which with a brief Rtay here they will start to begin a new life in the green valleys and a cosy -home in the mountains of Wyoming. All who became acquainted with him were favor ably impressed with his personality, and many are the heartfelt wUhes for their future welfare and prosperity. MILD LAXATIVE, LAXATIVE oouo AND Guaranteed Of W. E. MYERS & CO. HORSES! HORSES! WANTED! 60-. head of horses 4 to 10 years old, 3 fat and tjroke for export market ¥i|l 4n Will pay top pricest. FancyDriversaSpecialty. Van Wert, ^Frida i. Saturdi /••r'K* •"'•M1 wm •etsife' WRITE FOR. BUY AND TRYTMttt IfeVANCtJUJ/Wl^ day Jt J?n. 19. an. 2Q. At Stout's Livery Barnf Don't be afraid to bring your ones as they cannot be too good^ for me, I ship from Leon at 2 'prepared to LEA1 %3TQQ*r OOH-EITOil