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^.V-&fc*4iSrW<Ji r? Ss *-2? l**rf L. dent of St. Anthony's Hospital. lE:fc CONSULTATION FRBB •5 P§£.5 s^SlaS Sw. .$%»&&& 1 m: Will You Need Any New Furniture this Spring? 3 Perhaps when .your wife cleans house this spring she may need a tew pieces to'set the room off just riifht. 'Well if she does, remember that we are right. 'in line with a complete stock of Couches, Tables, 3 Chairs, Rockers, 3 and everything else pei'taiuiiig to furniture and my ^5 prices are aiw'ays as low as the lowest. ^5 Undertaking Department. I am a Licensed Embalmer under the laws cf Iowa. JLC. sent sealed for 4 cents in stamps. Prompt BLOOD P0I80N VARICOCELE cy nt office or by letter. Snnday morning from 11:0i) to 12:30. CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, ONLY ill My special, at tention is given to this depart ment. All calls promptly look ed after. ... BOXTSER, II PHONE 200 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. NERVOUS DEBILITY! WEAKNESS OF MEN! STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, BLOOD POISON and all Chronic, Blood, Nervous. Private and Skin Diseases of botto sexes, cured wlien others fail. *nd ALwftl II F.E. EHCELL E ml "t Pir* .s WE Book for Men oniy, FRBB Mtoffictt 01 Permanent Cures forms of weakness* lost manhood, nervousness, despondency, unfitness for business or mar ridge, weak back, sediment in urine, etc. No inconveniencc or detention from business. Symp torn blank No. 1 for men No. 2 for women. Guaranteed to men in all stages entirely cured ami removed from the system cured in 7 days. Hydrocele in 3 days" Stricture cured.without ^operation, painful or too frequent urine cured. Medicine sent under cover, letters answered in pluin envelope. Strictly private and confidential. All forms of electricity used when necessary AH III A I ft President of the Chicago Medical Institute, was form I ||||fl ||b VV Office hours: From 10 a. m. to 8:15 p. 5tTrRANsi!.V««souRi .75 CALYX No. 1 NOT the rough finished, cheap wood stand af fair offered by some for $20.00 or more, but a Handsome, Light-Running, Lock-Stitch, High* Arm Machine that will not fail to please the most fastidious. Embracing all advantages, with all desirable improvements of other first-class sewing machines, so simple in mechanism that a child can learn to run it. The Calyx Sewing ..Machine will be found the perfection of mech 'anism as regards simplicity, durability and adaptability to the wide range of work embraced 1 family needs. Furnished free the following accessories: Foot Hcmmer, Screw Driver, Wrench, Oil in the general Can and Oil Guage Screw, extra Check Spring, Package of Needles, 5 Bobbins and an Extra Set of Attachments as follows: Tucker. Foot Ruffler, set Plate Hemmers, four dif ferent widths. Binder .Thread Cutter. Factory guaranty for 10 years. We have higher priced machines but none more serviceable. TERMS: $3.00 cash with order balance C. O. D. If you prefer to remit all cash with order, 76c may be dednctea. Another rise in the market will com pel us to withdraw tUls offer. Get your orders in early. nn..33fl Omrhora St.. ChiM*" -y| 'T -rv tS-fi. '.oil -is glWPMMIgfM *"9sr &?< rf*," »s«* in aL er,y^JcaffO's.leadinKspecialist,js»ofRwAi an A Bennett Medical Colleges, and was formerly Presl Froni 6ur Exchanges. Ve learn that Miss Mattie L. McKib ben expects to start for Mexico City, Mexico, on the 11:21 train next Mon rtay, where she will enterupon her work as a missionary,—Garden Grove Ex press. Olenuses the system, nuiVes new. rich, healthy blood, eures-dyspepsia, Kidney and liver oilmonta, skin diseases and nervous weakness—Beggs' Blood Purifier. Tvo bottles cured me of blood disorder and weakness." says Mrs. Belle M. Mtiler, Kensett, Ark. Mo Grutb & Sllll, Woodland. The Dayis City Advance says, "Rev. liask brought an alarming report from Garden Grove last week. He reported two cases of blackleg in that town." It is indeed alarming if the Rev. brother discovered these cases —Garden Grove Express. Quickly satisfactory, permanently pleasing Hair Renewer. Removes dandruff stops hair falling out, restores natural growth and color, cures all Scalp diseases. "Im glad to recommend so excellent a preparation"— Mrs. E. Grouseman, Mobile Alu McGrath Si ill, Woodland. N. L. Euritt has sold his restaurant in the Vorpe building to J. M. Morford and Geo. Conn. The business will be conducted under the firm name of Mor ford & Conn. Mr. Euritt and family expect to move to a farm in Decatur county.—Mt. Ayr News. ,-tt "Snoopy" Jim Harrison, one of the C. B. & Q. R. K. detectives was in town a short time ago, lookingfor some bridge timber which had Unaccountably disap peared. He found it, too. It had been confiscated by one of our citizens,—no we will not call hiin a citizen,—one of our beings. To be sure, he has the right of su "rage, but citizen is too good a term to apply lo bim. Had not Mr. Harrison been seized with a feeling of pity at the sight of the man's poverty stricken home and the family, no doubt the thiefrwould now be in j^il.—Lamoni Chronicle. 1..,^ MUM V' Mothers know it's good—lleggs' Cherry Cough Syrup. "It gives quicker and better re sults than any other: I cheerfully recommend it to all mothers who Want a remedy that oan be relied upon."—Mrs. Annie Cook. Creston, Iowa. It Is guaranteed to cure. McGrath & Still, Woodland, Decatur county recently had a 65 year old groom and a 10 year old bride, but Worth county Missouri goes us one better, and has a 72 year old groom united to a baby of 15. We hope either that the parents of these babies are not living or that they are without sense. We should hate to have .to believe that persons with sense would do a thing of thiB kind.—Lamoni Patriot. Beggs' German Halve—Guaranteed Remedy for piles, sores, wounds, burns and scalds —a soothing, healing application, of wondrous merit. "Completely cured me of a sore on my leg. of over ten years standing," writes Wm. Going, Omaha, Neb. McGrath & Still, Wood land, 1 I was a mere wr-ek—could it stand on my fee Uegas' '-lood Puriller saved my life and made me well und strong," writ Mrs. H. Lunltelmti, Pella, Iowa. Cleanses the blood— prevents and cums disi ase—"mal:eB sick peo p'« well A good Spring tonic. McGrath Still. Woodland. Seasoned nalive lumber, posts and vvr.v area, er on anything we sell and lots of goods at the same old price. Come and be convinced. 2 t.i i* Pr wtsSmk Wm, Lyman, a br&keman on this line, had his fingers badly mashed at Beithany Junction last Thursday. He was brought to townatifl had Dr.Wailes dress the wound.—Davis Citv Advance. "Beggs' Cherry rough Syrup cured me when I thought I whs Jinan 1 «•?r-i* 1 iH1" ta.,,en '"t" a & '4 3. going to die of consumption," writes I. H. Law I on, Boi-e Pity, Idaho. "The medioine that cures" colds, sote throat, croup whooping cough, la grippe, pneumonia, and all throntnnd lung troubles. Woodland. McGrath & Still, Ella Wheeler Wilcox's description of tie woman, who influences man find shapes history, is as' follows: She must he ohaste, as proud Diana was, Yet warm as Venus ,, As wise as Phryne in the art of love. Good as the best and tempting as the worst— A saint, a sinner and a paradox. M. Fitzgerald, ooroner, trawfordCo., Vail, Iowa, says of Beggs' German Salve—the fam ous pile Cure! rt.lVO tlUflA H.,n m« n.antinA Have used it in my praottoe .. ... ^commend it It is without for eight years and cheerfully recommend it tor all kinds,of piles, sores, etc. doubt the best ointment made." Geo. Baker, county attorney, was in town Monday in attendance on the whiskey trial. The attorney for Adams Express Co. was also present. The Express company took all the packages and shipped them back to' where they came from and will not allow any more C. O. D. packages ot liquor put ofi at this station. They also pay all costs incurred by the'seizure and trial.— Davis City Advance. PrevemteO Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, prevent ed a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a se vere attack of pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaran teed. Trial bottles L. Van Wer den'8 drug store. ADDS TO THE CRIME OF HER HISTORY. The telegraph'^announces that the Ministry of Great Britain has determin ed to imprison—we repeat, to imprison Cronje, the Boer General, on the island of St. Helena. This act, if done, will begrime history. It will make a page blacker than Arctic night. Civilization the world over should rise in protest. Humanity should shrowd it sell in sack cloth, and every child competent to comprehension in the United States should redden from quick to surface at the indirect share wbich attaches itself to this country from «he perpetration of this outnure by the false position in which the Administration of William McKinley has placed us. "Cronje st to St. Helena." The lion of Africa cag nl in a British prison. Shame! Shame! llow ia it possible that God's anger will continue in patience? Is there not a existence in power which can be ued as an instiument in' meting out wrath to the debased Government which ivu» iHVKgeu' riiw /igbts of the oppresse I ,L ?°xe® Diamond Axle Grease for 5c. A few damaged New Deei* PloWS at $6.00. Two good second nana plows 14 inch new shears $8.00 each. we**- ',tj! pfswH ft. er To sow your oats on windy days. 600 SECTIONS OF STEEL HARROWS Other dealers may have 25. DON'T FAIL TO SEE AND PRICE THEM 471 Sets of Harness. "AX*"' We have a fine line of hand made harness. Having: work ed all winter with competent men by the day instead pf,by the set so you see at a glance that tney have tinne to pull the thread in good. We can and will sell you harness if price and quality interest you. W in & hupdfed climes? Peace confer-, ences have wasted time. They are mere ickeries, convened to utter meaning less phrases and to exhibit hypocritical prbtensions. "Cronje Imprisoned on S Helena." The monstrous incident by which England links infamy to an eternal page was the confinement fo'the great Napoleon on the island of St. Hel ena-. She pleads the peace of mankind for that act. No such reason can be of fered for the indignity offered Cronje. Pure selfishness—arrant cowardice— every ignoble sentiment which crime suggests and fear adopts is the reason for the transportation of Croipje in a military prison. The semi-penal ban ishment of Napoleon ended in a pitiful apology to a justly offended nation. His ashes were returned to his people. The wound which it made has never healed. The banishment of Cronje ought to put the hearts of the French pieople into flame. The act, no doubt, is a reminder to the present generation of French people that England still owns.St. Helena, and that she still has prisons for illustrious Frenchmen. It is a taunt to the French people. Will it be resented? Or will the taunt remain unnoticed? And the Boers—yes, the Boers—what eflect will this outrage have on them? Will Kruger and Joubert be made companions of "the lion of Af rica?" Will the Congress of the United States wink at this infamous performance? Will the knee-bending, truckling of William McKinley and his supporters in Congress furnish a calf with which public indignation can be appeased and the spirit of cordiality continued be tween the great English-speaking peo ple?" Into what depths of shame can the Republican managers drag the Re public of the United States of America? How long will our people bear with our present degeneration?—Cincinnati quirer. "J' story or a stive. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery, George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and'able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, faint ing and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by L. Van Werdeti, druggist. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sixnatore of i."*- u-- r^ •v "v* E JL 1 -i*,r j* rjt $ W-A f- ."J'fsi t-' 1 Why Deefe's of Golifse, the best, longest life plow rnade. We are right on them. Let us whisper to Vou!we carricd 200 of these over, They go at S/VM^. OLD PRICE. MOST COMPLETE UNE OF S/\DDLES--OOME /VND SEE TH-EM. nave bought a large stock of all kinds of collars and all sizes, from a.goat to a stallion size, sweat pads, gall cur*, harness oil, whips, curry combs, Jialters bridles. We want to do your repairing and everything else. Leon, Lamoni and Pleasanton. 1 «i HW*1 tr -1 is a wonder. *SHave you seen it^ We bought one, and only full' car of.riding plows ev^i- unloaded in Leon. bridles. We want tn dn vniir rAnxirinn and ftvArvfhmii aIco liu. W6I $£?&••,/ LUMBER:- FVf WM.WOOOARD, 1 President. En| 5 xwf I T*t .lust received another car load lumber, zzg 9 a IS'I? We expect in a few da.vs to liave the finest in zj ot furniture ever brought, to Decatur. 3. tr Hardware, Buggies, I Wagons and Road Carts. We hfi've^a big lirie*6rderod and it will pay you fc: to see-us before you purchase. X-«- Carpets. 1 A I We have a nice line." AMNIONS, & BRAZELTON ^DECATUR, IOWA. 7a4i4i444i4i444U4UUi4444U4ii4i444Uaii44444444UU44UU4iU444UU44l siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuHi) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiuiiiui JAMES CRESWELL, Vice President. THE CITIZEN'S BANK. MCATTTR, IOWA. Owns 3,300 acres of land in Decatur County and other securi ties amounting to over $200,000. interest paid on time deposits- CZ-OLBRK DISTKIi.T ron'iT. !«OTA»t PBSUO Real Estate and Loan Urgent. Bouthvrett corner Itain &ud Coaimcrolal Streets. LEON. IOWA. R«fera, b? perailesou, to Farmers Bad Trader* Bankiot ffTtihaspa Buy, bell, REAL ESTATE ou Commiuioa. XCxaiuine-nvJes lieu! Kstats. I'njr Tszm tor Man*. Mouev on 1 hi proved E. W.TOWNSEND, a Cashier. STOCZZ3COZ.DSBS 1 WM. WOODARD, JAMES CRESWELL, J. HENUY I11LL. 1 C. BRAZELTON, C. CORRINGTON. S W. H. COLTER. F. A. & F. S. GARDNER. E. W. TOWNSEM). SlIllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllilllllllllllllltlllillllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllltlilllllllllfi U«m4 By going to sales and buying second hand implements this year because they have heard goods »were so high. Now we are not over 10 per cent, high- MOLINE 7t .V -'iiii t% __ •W:' & "B .. '/J* =2 h-Sj :|?r Jk* 1 "4 A.