Newspaper Page Text
a mr .a Wax Candles to thechnrmof the driving ryum or boudoir as tUo softljr radi ant Ii«ht from CORDOVA Candles. Nothing will contribute mora to the arti»tic AUCCCSB of the luncheon, tRi or dinner. The beat decorative bundles for thu .eimplost or the mosv elaborate function—for cot ttiRu or mansion. Made inn 11 colon id tho moat rtnlioato tinta lij Armor Plate Stockings Odds and Ends Shoes. 11 pai al and price fc-t.OO now. lv 1 STANDARD OIL 00. ftsd sold everywhere*' For Children Have Triple Knee, Heel and Toe. ^That's why they wear longer than others. This Stamp on Every Mr. FAST -HAWKJ'KN/T .(OLO^I Des Moiijes Hosiery Mills, Manfrs., DES MOINES, IA. .50. Button 6 pair Selz Enter prize cut from $2.50 to $1.50. 20 pairs Huiskamp Bros. Ladies' line turn Shoes, Button, Coin and Phil, toe,to sell at 50c. on the dollar. 15 pairs of Priesmeyer's Ladies'line Kid turn, $2.50 and ^^.OO shoescutto $1.75 and $2*00. fr pairs Misses' Huiskamp shoes 13 and 13^- at $1.00 worth $1.50. Misses' and Children's Shoes. Big line Children's shoes from &5c. up to $1.25,all worth 25 per cent, more money. Ladies' and Misses' Shoes. 10 pairs Misses' Dongola Kid shoes, sizes 11 to 13, at -|1.00, well worth $1.50. Big lot Ladies' fine all shoes at $1.50 worth $2.00. Big line Ladies' Oxfords from $1.00 up to $2.00. 1 lot Ladies' fine Lace shoes, up-to-date toe, vesting top, scroll pattern, worth $2. 50 at $2.00. Ladies' Candee ^.Rubbers for 25c. worth 50c. *$£$% Men's Shoes. ^7 2,000 pairs shoes to sell 25 to 50 per cent, below the market. All bought early before the big advance in leather. A good all solid oil grain Plow shoe at $1.25 well worth $1.50. Men's Plow shoes at all prices. Men's Shoes. Selz Mustang Lace, Coin toe and Selz Winter Calf, Broadway toe, all worth $2.50 at $2.00.! Selz top notch at $1.^0. 1 lot Selz Dongola and Kan -.-vrgaroo calf Lace and Congress, ^worth up-to $3.00 all go at $2.00. J-L 1 lot Selz Volunteer Lace and Congress, at $1.40 well worth "$2.00. ... V::l: 1 lot Selz Goss'amershoe, Coin toe, lace, worth $2.50 go at Bring us your a-® o*|UM» '^gggt-s.. V. H. Fry and wife visited":with Mr Fry Sunday. Grand •Sf R.Kennett finished hauling posts for Ed Shurp Thursday. Bill Stubbs moved on the Cheeley farm last week. Mrs. Kanode an I daughters WilJa and Etta, Alice Anderson, Ella Fry Delia Irving and Clyde Blades called at Mrs.. Frv's Thursday. ... lasac Blunt-16 on the sick list. The fox hunters were hunting the fox agaiu Tuesday and crippled one but did not set it. Florence Ken nett has recovered from her recent illness. Ward Blackburn and Bill Fry loaded a car of posts for Cleat field Wednesday. Mr. Allen, of Oorydun, will move in Lon Adam'8 house. Ward Blackburn .purchased a horse worth $90 from John Mucker one day last week. Ransom Little has moved on the old West place. Isaiah and G. Fry transacted business in Van Wert Friday. :&£?} J. A Altorecht, of Kansas City, Kans.. says that Beggs' Cherry Ccugh Syrup saved his son from a consumptive's grave That's what It's «olng with thousands of people every year, by curing throat and lung- trouoies before they become incurable. Try it! McGrnth & Ht'll Woodland. Burr oak Ridge Master Perry Chastain returned to his home west i.f Leon Saturday after a week's visit at Ohas. Cha tun's. Miss Belle McCalla has been very sick with the mumps. A few-of Mrs. Mablnn Shira's friends assisted her in tacking a comfort one day last week. W. H. McCalla went to Van Wert last week'on business and visited his daugh ter, Mrs. E A. Adams. Sam Smith and Mahlon Shira made post8 on Mr. Hickman's place last week. E O. Johnson and family, T. John sin andEd Bliss were Sunday visitors at W. H. McCalla's. SHOES—WHILE THET LAST. Farm shoes Hand at and I Tmkeego. liev. Beard filled bis appointment at this place Saturday and Sunday. Lucy Dunbar returned home'Wednes day from Kellerton .where she has been visiting relatives and friends. Frank Gray and wife, of Afton, visit ed the lattei's parents, Mr. and Mrr. Elsburyi Thursday and Friday. John Brown and wife Sundayed at Kellerton. Mrs. Ballinger and daughter, Gail aid Bessie Fosdick spent Sunday at Cltf Brown's. Lee Fosdick Sundayed with Roy Hall. Florence Edmi.nson was the guest cf Edith Heckathorn Tuesday. Rev. Paron filled his appointment at Davis City Sunday. Thomas Barues and John Allen went to Lamoni Monday. Mac and Bobbie Fosdick Sundayed with Everett 1'ayton. Several of this place attended Sunday school at the Baker school house Sunday afternoon. Rev. Williams, of Kellerton will preach ai the Advent church Saturday evening. Guy Ray Sundayed with Austin Pay* ton. Miss Tiry.a Patterson assisted Mrs. Marshall with her household duties the past week. The Ladies' Helping Hand Society will meet at Mrs. Beard's Friday. Jesse Dunbar ahd wife went Sunday to his brother Ollie's to spend a tew The Misses Patterson were the guests of Misses Meta and Nellie Ashburn Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Uoss spent Sunday with Mrs. Paron. Mrs. Levi Fosdick took dinnerSunday with Mrs. Piercy. Etta Piercy assisted Mrs. Dunbar with her household duties the past week. James Auxier started Wednesday for Van Wick, Idaho, where he will make his future home. Putnam Fadeless Dyes are fast to sun light, washing and rnbbing. Sold by W. A. Alexander and L. Van Werden. -v- "fr* Scalper Plow shoes at $1.25 for the present and you can find worth $1.75. rc||. some great big bargains here if 1 lot Huiskamp Champion Plow you come before they are gone. shoes at $1.25 worth #1.75. Big stock of Whole Stock- Kip shoes, at prices far lelow the market. Men's Fine Vici Kid, Good year welt, lace, new toe, worth $3.50 must go at $2.75. Big stock of up-to-date ties, Ladies' and Gent's, all go at 25 to 50 per cent, below the market. Hats. LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES $1 50 hats at $1.00 to $1.25. 2.00 hats at $1.50. v,. 2.50 hats at $2.00. Cheap plow hats at your own prices. Men's Rockford Socks at 5, and 10c. Fancy socks of all kinds 4*' lip #1 Dress Goods.i Biggest stock and smallest prices of any store in southern Iowa, big department and bankrupt stocks notwithstanding. 35 pieces of black dress to select from and a full line of plaids all wool, 34 inch cashmere ail.colors, at 35c. goods CARPET WARP. 500 pounds of A. &. P. Spool Warp bought before the advance that we will sell at 90c. for white and $1.00 for colors, for 5 pound bunches. 5 pieces of 15c. Suiting at lpc. 100 pieces best Prints at 5c. 30 pieces Percales worth 10c. at 7£c. 50 pieces Gingham at 5 to 7£c. Big stock of Shirtings at 5, 7b, 8% and 10c. all worth 25 per cent, more than we are asking for them to-day. 'V.k Black Hide Twill worth 12^c. at 10c. Ladies' Fast Black Hose at 5, 8i, 10, 15, 20 and 25c. Big line o£ Misses' and Child le of ise at ren's Hose at prices 25 per cent, below the present market. Clothing. We will close out our clothing Men's $3.50 snits for $2. 50. Men's #7.50 suits $5.00. Men's $10.00 suits #7.50. Men's $12.00 to $15.0U suits from $8.00 to $12.00. Not a suit in the house but what would cost us more to buy to-day than we will ask yoa for them. Boys' suits from $2.00 up to $7.00. Child's knee pants-suits 75c. to $3.50. A nice line of Jersey Vestee suits at $1.50. -Men's Furnishings. Big line of work shirts from 25c. to 50c. Fine shirts in endless 'varieties. A nice silk front shirt for 50c. 75 dozen overalls all bought in time-to save the advance. A good 9 oz. overall for 50c. Bif overalls for 50c. Cottonade pants at 75, #1.00, $1.25 and ^1.50. A full line of Men's sifmmer underwear from 50c. to #1.50 per suit. Grocery Department. Northern hard wheat flour Jersey Cream $ .95 Royal flour .... .90 Pride of Kansas ::.:. .. 80 Seek no Farther 75 9 bars Calumet soap 25 9 bars Fern soap -25 9 bars Domestic soap.. ..... .t .i 25 8 bars Self-Washing soap Always indicate a Weak heart. They usually follow palpitation or fluttering, shortness of breath, irregular or inter* mittent pulse. When the heart mus cles are ovrworked or exhausted theye relax, the flow of blood to the brain is inteirupted, and unconsciousness follows. Should relaxation coatinue completely for two or three minutes, sudden death is the result. The surest and best remedy for overworked and debilitated hearts is DR. MILES' Heart Cute* "My heart trouble began several years ago with palpitation, shortness of oreath and smothering, 'then I began to have fainting spells and would fall over on the street or wherever I hap pened te be. I was unable to attend to my business and dare not venture away from home. The doctors failed to help me, and sefuig an advertise ment of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure 1 bought a bottle. The first few doses stopped the fainting spells ahd in a few weeks my heart was working all right." KSEK COWN, J' Middleburg, N. Y. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold at all druFgists on a positive guaran tee. Write for free advice to Or. Miles Medical Elkhart Gage plums...:. 2 three pound cans forma pears-. ... 1. pound Star tobacco 1 poundsp.Vu§^jf-^U^-4Jreti cent tobacco.^(worth 45) 1 pound Climax tobacco.....,,.. 1 20c. plug of 6 for 10 1 pound plug Hub tobacco. Battleaxe Ram Head 4| Polo Plug ...:.f! I pound package Bamboo Tobacco 25 1 pound Gate City soda 05 1 package Cow brand soda. .05 1 pound package Corn Starch O5 Celluloid Starch 3 for 25 Bell Starch -05 4 cans Lewis Lye (for a Vj short time). -25 5 cans Merry War Lye .25 Fanqy California peaches 10 California prunes 05 3 packages Premier Mince Meat 25 2 three pound cans Green Cali- 1 pound plug Standard Navy Table Damask. Red Damask from 30c. to HOc. Turkey Red Table Damask at 17£c. worth 25c. Bleached Table Damask at 35e. worth 50c. A better one at 50c. and 75c. A half Bleached at 50e. well worth 75c. Big line of Wash Goods from 5c. to 20c. We have a snap for you in Em broideries. Biggest line we ever opened and at the lowest prices, notwithstanding the big advance. Wo have an immense line of Silks of all kinds and colors. Ladies' Underwear. Ladies' Vests at 5, 10, 15, 25, 30 to 50c. Ladies' summer union suits at 2()e. Lace Curtains from 50c. to $2.50. Bed Spreads at 75c. $1.00, £1.35 up to #2.00 We have a •good one to show you for 7 5c. Big line of dark outings at 5c. This you will have priced to you by big department stores at 8-J-c. Ladies' Skirts, good quality black Satin, at 75c. Big stores will ask you £1.25. Fancy skirts at £1.00 worth £L25. Fine line Ladies' Shirt Waists. Belts. Big line of Ladies' ^7 dozen Corsets in all the lead ing styles, black, white and drab. Big stock of Dre&s Trimmings at prices away below .the market. IMA.11 ttock the new Fancy Linings in ir EGGS. Center. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. White were out. visiting last Sunday. The cattle sale of Sears Bro9., Coller and Wadsworth went off better than was expected considering the bad weather. C. J. White has purchased the Hariis farm. Mr. Hiatt sold his farm but rented it and Mr. Caster's farm for this season. The wedding at Mrs. Caster's was cer tainly well atiended as tl ere were a number of buggies grouped about Aunt Katie's." Frank Gardner shipped a number of tine cattle and hogs to Chicago latt week. Len Hamilton will have a lot of hogs and cattle ready to ship in about thirtv days. Mr. Williams, of Ottumwa, has rented Mr. McMaster's place and Mr. McMas ter will go on the rail road bridge gang going from Omaha to Wyoming. The voters of Center township decid ed at their last school election to build two new school houses. Plch, Red Blood Morley's Sarsaparilla and Iron not only cleanses and purifies your blood but makes new, rich, red blood. If you have skin eruptions, boils, abces'ses, rheumatism or scrofula, or if you have a run-down, tired-out feeling," try this remedy and note the prompt results. I.. Van Werden. MATRIMONIAL ,l( XSOX-C AKTKK. Married at the residence of the bride's mother Mrs. Jacob Caster in Center township on Tuesduv evening March 1900, Mr. Edward Johnson and Mist Mattie K. Caster. Promptly as the clock struck seven the bride, and groom took their place before the altar and were united in marriage by Kev. Kobb, ol Garden Grove. The wedding partv to die numoer if thirty-four then repaired to the dining room where tliey did ample justice to the many aood "thing? which "Aunt Kati«" knows so well iiow to prepare. Ainoni: the IIIHIIV..present received were some fmm Indian.1 and California. The bride is a y.inng lad\ .••'excellent worth and is well ami •ibly known. The ^room is a reMden Morgan towi.ship uml is i.r,.mishit young man and 1 Minvs?f'ul schi-o teacher. Tl»-y will reside 111 tin aroom's fann 111 Wom-lnnd tnwngliip Their many fii. nd* ex-end contsranla lions to the iiap iv nuiie.. MOOUK-STII Mr. Thomas Monri and Miss Hetii Still two of the best young people in Eden townshi were united in marrtagi at the home of Squire B. F. Koiiinson. of Eden township on Wednesday even ing, March 14, the Squire doinu himsel proud by the artistic manner in whid he performed the ceremony. The groom is a son of Mr. aud Mrs. C. W. Moore sr and WHS born anr' raised in leu township. He is an in dustrious farmer. Ilii t.ride is th« laughter of Mr. and Mrs A J. still, respected residents of the same town ship. Mr. an 1 Many friends of this worthy vount couple extend hearty congratula'.ions Coughs tell you that there is some thing wrong in throat or lungp. It the cause, not the cough, that vou must look after. Morley's Honev Pectoral ^WWhesouMhe cauee of the trouble.) i. 1 heals the inflamed surfaces, stops tin /Q irritation, loosens the cough and cu^ you thoroughly. Price 25 cents. L. Van. Werden. Seasoned native lumber, dimension stuff and bridge plank, material for house and barn frames always on hand. Free Complexion) Beautltler. We want every lady reader of THK REPOHTKR to try Dwigbt'S Complexion Beautifier, the most elegant preparation for the toilet table. It is pure and harmless, and once nsel you will always want it. Price "0c. To induce a trial of it we will for a SHORT TI.MIC ?*LV i''KKK R,tu," 9iz,e' box of it to every lady who will send us her postotlice address and 10c. to pay for packing and "postage. Only one I-'RKK box to each address. Cut out this notice and send it with your order at OSCK, to I). W. CI'-STEK & Co., Huntington, W. Va. 22 lyr. Homescekers Excursion Tickets To nearly all points in the United States on sale at all ticket offices of the Chicago Great Western Railway on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of February, March and April, at the very low homeseekers rate of one fare plus $2 00 for the round trip. Tickets good tor return within 21 days from date of sale, l'ersons con templating a trip will save money by calling on any agent of the Chicago Great Western Ry. and obtaining detail information regarding the homeseekers rates, or addressing F. H. Lord, P. and T. A., 113 AdamsSt. Chicago. 2I1-111 Personally Conducted Toursito California In Pullman Tourist Sleep ing Cars. Via Chicago Great Western lJy. to Kansas City and Santa Fe route to Los Angels and Southern'California. Only line having new Pullman Tourist Sleep eis equipped with wide vestibules, steam heat and gas lights. One of following morning. These tours are per sonally conducted by an experienced official, who accompanies the train to! its destination. The cars are well -quipped for a long journej and are I is comlortable as'the standard sleepers, while the price for a double berth is inlv about one half. Full information furnished by any Chicago Great West -•rn Audit nr F. II. Lord, General Pass, .tiTirket Agent, 1 IS Adams St., Chicago, lilt GICORCK H. MEAD. (ieneral Advertising Agent, of Mis. ore will make then home for the present 011 a farm in E lei township, but expect to leave in th summer for Kingfisher, Oklahoma, whert they will make their future home. F. D. CLOSE. Have your watch cleaned an.l ed by Kohler the jeweler. Harger, repair- Auctioneer. DJGGATUB, IOWA. Corn per.bushel 35c Hayjper bale 20c Millet per bale 30c Lima beans per pound 7c Dried apples ppr Dried peaches, fancy per pound 10c Dried raspberries per pound 17c Chocolate creamsjper pound 15c Gallon peaches.... 40c Gallon apples 30c House Full of Chicago Great W^stef/4 lty wnif)le "Andy Jtti ks' hem only at Patch's. CASTOHIA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature Bills Receivable *13B.8t6.iti Cash and due from banks 49,(162.13 Overdrafts 4.919 80 Hanliir.g bouse, and fixtures 12,082.90 Expenses 2,861.82 Total SgggqggiiBggSZggg "e 30 Pounds Rice $1,001 3 cans Tomatoes 25c. pound 10c Nasal CATARRH In *11 its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm Cent ^7"diB^"membrane°healsandsoothes^cleanses, It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the bead quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—do« not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 eents at Drug gists or by mail Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New The Tailor! WARNER BLOCK. $205,773.21 FOR CASH ONL 2 cans peaches.... 1 can California peaches 2 cans California plums 2 cans California pears 3 cans corn 3 cans peas Quart can syrup 1 pound soda 4 pound can soda 1 pound best Rio coffte You cannot afford to let them go 1CI LI lCl 11 gVJ -:1 '^-/v fV# '/%.<p></p>UNNOTICED! AT THE LITTLE STORE. York. .. Always renablt. LMW. '4 UK (or tfratfiriit CHI HESTEK'S E NGLISH to RED ftDl Geld metallic bolt*. ttA.ti with blue ribbon. Take ao ether. Befttsa l|Mcerpu» a«fefttlt«Uanft ftnt lniui-u4t. tlfina. Buy of your Drogfiftt, or Mod ffrtkitaa TMttmaUli •od Kellef for Laife*," tt utur, by NERVITA PILLS! ro-Lt t»m Mall. 10.OOO Tcvtiaonitl*. 8«td ChlekcetorOkealMtOo.. Mtaiioo Uli p»p«r. MadlioR f*ark« PMALA., PA. Cures Impotency, Niyht Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of seif abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings tiu 'piuk glow to pale cheek^'ana restores the fire oi j'outh. |By mail SOc per box, Cbox -s for $2.50 with a written guai au- tee to cure or refund the money. these new sleepers leaves Des Moines Send for circular. Address, at 8M0 p. 111. every Mondav, via MTDWITA MRNIRAI F*R\ Chicago Great Western for Los Angeles r.«JuLn inrtmnri St* CHICAGO ILL and Southern California via Kansas I Clinton A Jackson Sta., CHICAGO, ILL. City, and reaches_ Los Angles the -nle bj' W' Co., Leon, Iowa. LIVERITA ca 11 get 21 lot 'a Restores VITALITY, LOST VIGOR 'AND MANHOOD druif LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousness, [4-0 PILL5 Constipation, Dyspepsia, Sick-Head ache and Liver Complaint. ID CENT5 sawR coATao. I 100 PILLS 25 CTS. KorsalehyW. I.eon, Iowu Sold by all drunlst* or sent by mall. Nervlti Me4lcal C*.. Cfekaf "T' Myers A UI Mtr HUE. LEON, IOWA. ASSETS. -JM Co. (lru»^ ist sf LIABIL1TI1 S Capital Stock Surplus I'ndivided Profits Deposits JOUN W.UAItVEY, Presl lent. THOS.TF.AI.K. Vice President. FRED TE ALE Cashier T. 2b OOO.Ort I0.C0IK00 165.094.59 |J0.tT7».21 Total STATEMENT DEC. IS, 1898- S. ARNOLP. Assistant Cashier. :rSEH52SZSZ5E2SZSESESEH5H5E!BSi!SZSE5HS2SH5E5J58SZSHSH5ESZHSZStSESHSZBi iimiiHiiiii .zoc