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8 Easter Dry Goods Needs Can Best be Supplied Here. Shirt Waists. r. We Buy $ !=&•*?, V,v 30? ... gf ir. S'VV We do not say this in a boastful way,but merely as a statement of fact. There are r-' other local'stores which show admirable stocks pf dry goods, but none where every need of the customer has been an ticipated so successfully as here. We show the same choice styles and new things which the city merchants make such a noise about—but at lower prices. You can get everything you want in Easter dry goods here at popular prices. We have tht famous Trojan shirt waist made by the Gold and Silver shirt people. Every waist is guaranteed to fit. Prices from 50c. to $3.00 ea:h. Summer Dress Goods. We have Foulards and silk gignhams in pat terns. Also a full line of dotted swiss dimity, corded Mousseline pique's, French flannels ging hams and picretines, in fact anything you need. Millinery Department. Don't forget our millinery department the finest line of summer hats ever shown in Jjeon. Bring us your old hats to trim, we will make them like new. THOMPSON & WARNER. GATES PRODUCES -^^^Successors Leon" 2d-ftanl Store Co., t£ rr ft Produce. Furs. '#4 ft fti u* mi I I W S *v TOP PBCES PUD IN CASH Men's Suits 8 t1- aL. and pleasing, make fit and finish uncomparable. Prices are lower than quoted elsewhere. Our hat department never was so brimful of high quality, superb styles and '"N. ^.4 In Business in De Gatur County Since 1878. v. ^4 UUUIII I WUIIMLVI WNUBIIUB. Burr OaK Ridge. 0. E. Cliastain'a family have been haying the mumps. Ed. Swope, of Center, was on the nidge Thursday. Airs. Homey and baby Marie, visited a few days the first of the week with her parents, Several attended the reception at Grandma Brannon's Monday of last week, given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brannon. One of Tom Webster's children was quite sick the past week. Grandpa Moreland chopped wood for Geo. Meek, haying taken a relapse with the mumps, but is improved at this writing. Eber Homey presented his wife a baby buggy last week. J. VV. Walton and wife took dinner at the county farm Sunday a week ago. Bill Johnson and wife went to Morgan township Saturday night to see a sick nephew. We understand that Miss Maud Bru ntr has been employed to teach the youngsters at East Eden. Geo. Faucett was a pleasant caller at Horney's Thursday evening. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promplv henl it. Cures, old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils,-corns, l'elous, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by L. Van Wer den, druggist. Weldon. The farming time has again arrived and farmers are rejoiced to sow oats and change the monotony of winter choring. Mrs. Benjamin Walker left Thursday for Keokuk to visit herhusband and be present at the graduating exercises of the Keokuk Medical College. Mr. Walker graduates with the highest hon ors of his class and will come back to us this time a full Hedged M. D. Protracted meetings are in progress at the Christian church conducted by the new pastor Kev. Cameron. There has been large attendance and good interest shown. About forty of the members of the Christian church surprised Rev. and Airs. Cameron by calling on them after the service Wednesday evening in the form of a donation party. Numerous good things to eat filled the minister's larder to an abundant overflow. Mrs. R.J. Critchfield and son Fred left Tuesday for Delta, Colorado, where she will resume her former position in the school room. The other members of the family will join them in the near future. Mrs, F. Bosserinan is visiting in this locality. Chas. Bledsoe cut his finger severely while working with a buzz saw. The Junior League gave an entertain ment Saturday eveniug. Wedding bells are again sounding in our ears, A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its victim, is a type of constipation. The power of this mur derous malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and bra^n. There's no health till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Beet in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Qnb' T, cents at.L. Van Warden's drug store. *1*. J* popular A- irt- 5-Wx V.: .VV -a. .... .. Qffl We 7 are vertiCal prices and silk front dress shirts. The new spring blacks in both Derby and Fedora styles are simply beauties. The stock used in Qprlnd lllHAru/ftAl' the making is the finest selected fur. The silk "H§ ^nHwJWCdl# bands, binding and trimmings are the best. All We're all ready for you in this line with the colors and shades. best values and biggest assortment. WORKGOODS Mrs. Beard and little daughter Cleta visited Tuesday with Mrs, George Foa dick. G. R. Piercy's and Dick Keller's spent Sunday at J. M. Ashburn's. Rev. Paren filled his appointment at the Advent church Sunday evening. Mrs. Barrett and daughter Merle were guests at lid Scott's Monday evening: Bertha Ray and Fersa Patterson, were Lamoni callers Thursday evening." Will Ashburn and sister Nina were over Sunday visitors with Leon friends. Fersa Patterson and Blanche Marshall spent Friday at I. P. Pavton'e. Rev. Williams, the Christian minister, spent Saturday evening at Ed Scott's. Mrs. Marshall and son Arthur spent Sundayat O. Barnes'. Mrs. Piercy and daughters spent Sun- LaGrippe made you tired, and jou are tired out You are tired in muscle and tired in brain, tired in body and tired in mind. Your heart is tired, S•d ur nerves are tired, you are all over. You aire too tired to rest, too tired to sleep and you feel worse in the mora* ing than you did when you re tired at night. You must b%T» rest—rest for your worn-out nerves and your weary brain —-rest that will give your tired body a chance to recover. Yen can get it right away if you MtfP send to your druggist for ISfcvHiW Nervine. Don't put it off but get it today, and you will have the fizpt night of soothing, sweet, refreshing slet^i you have had since the grip first got you in its clutch. "I had LaGrippe awl the disease kaf ea me for five weeks in spite of cm jibing. I had a htteriif pail ibwt my heart, ctwUI aot eat anything, was ran-down, weak, nerv* MIS and unable to sleep. 1B fact I was a& tiied out and had no amMtkm for anything. I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and found rest and sweet deep the fast night I also •sed Dr. Miles' Heart CUM and Dr. Ides' Nerve and Liver Pills, and can Mjr»truljr, taey accomplished WOMJMSfar ma." Mas. ELIZAL MASTXM, Monitor, Ltd. Sr. Miles' Remedies are seM at aH drag* gto^on^a ysitive yjiafrntce. Scad far free Or. MileaHMedleai Co.j EHctiart. 1*4. T*m: -c V*, JA SUr Vouths' Suits .. We point with pride to this particular stock, nowhere are -V,:- -v We are showmg^ thfs season the best and it is the rich results of months of careful prepara- so little money as here. Our selection of new choicest line of mens garments to be had in tne ^ion. The highest novelty styles of Europe and spring designs in vestees, reefers and double eastern markets. The patterns are bright, new -^meriCa Shirts 1 In this department we keep a full and complete stock at all times. m-: sell more than all the rest in this city combined. now showing the most complete line of most beautiful colorings and combinations in ly check, plaids and mixtures and horizontal and stripe in French percales, madras cloth •••W?. ..V -ry-. Every Article Sold at this Btorgs is puar^|e^d toiGiye^Perfeet Satisfaction ie fatmert are sowing oats. Edith Barnes is visiting -her sister, -Mrs. Berth* Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Edmonson called at Rev. Papon's Sunday. Mrs. Marshall and children spent Friday at Rev. Beard's. J. \Vhittier was in town Sunday. Mrs. McLington afid son Willie, o( Omaha, came Saturday for a visit with Mrs.Mcfcington's brother J.M.Ashburn. Perry Scott's children Sundayed with their uncle Edd Scott'. Minnie and Jessie Patterson Sundayed with Meta and Nelle Ashburn. Last Friday was the* twentj-fifth an niversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Elsbury and their -many friends gave them a surprise Friday evening. An enjoyable time was had'by all. cold steel or Death. "There is but one small chance to save your life, and that is through an operation," was the awful jMfDspect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Dime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of Elec tric Bitters to enre stomach and liver troubles, but she heard of it, tuok seven bottles, waft wholly cured, avoided sur geon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It's positively guar anteed to ourei'stomach, liver and kid ney troubles and never disappoints. Price 50c at Van Werden's drug store. From Our Exchanges. On Sunday night about ,11 o'clock the infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mar tin was found dead in bed. The cause of death is not known.—Davis City Advance. J. A. Albrecht, of Kansas City, Kans.. says that Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup savod bis son from a consumptive's grave. That's what it's oing with thousands ot people every ar, by curing throat and lunff troubles before they become Incurable. Try it! McQrath & Still Woodland. "Uncle" John Emmons met with an accident Monday which came very near proving fatal. He was assisting in the work about the feed mill at his son Henry's near Freedom church when in some way the block of the pulley fell and striking him across the bridge of the nose and across his fore head, breaking his nose and taking ofl 'a piece of fiesh just above the eye. Dr. O, G. Macy was hastily summoned and dressed the.wounds and as we go to press is resting well.—PleHsanton Index It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth, of LaUranpe, Ua., suffered intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg, but writes that Bucklen's ArnicnSalve whol ly cured it in ten days. For ulcers, wounds, burns, boils, pain or pi'es it's the best salve in the world. Cure guar anteed. Only 25c. Sold by L. Van Werden, druggist. Mather—the 30 years dentist of over 30 years experience is at Leon on the morning of the 27th and will remain until the last of every month. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of £Fv r! ST. OPENING! here—also the most staple kinds. breasted suits is larger than ever before, •. V-,. ... /, a:.( •.* .. ,r.'"j Jp'i'• Mr#"-'- £•. PARKER'S IHaire*!padjMMMBertore HAIR BALSAM pUsBiet and bcurtlflw the hair. I Ktomottt lnxuHinl growth. I nam Ikllt to Qrwl to ity Youthful Color. I Cunt It htlr ltlUnjL I jgojjndguiajijjniggjijg^^^ Harger, Auctioneer. DJBGATUR, IOWA. New and Up-To-Date Goods! Very Lowest Prices Possible! No Old Job Lots! Look for the Trademark Children's Suits else can Men's and Boys e|e e|e e|e e|e e|e eje e|e e|e e|e^|e e|e This department is the best in the city, and St.* Notice. Now that spring is here and all are interested in what tbey are going to buy for spring and summer wear, we again wish to call attention to our beautiful new stock of drefis goods now complete and ready for inspection. We now have the greatest variety, most beautiful and most stylish dress goods and trimmings we have ever shown, and prices no higher. No o'ld goods which are out ol style or scraps ton offer at reduced prices, but only the best and most beautiful goods iat ••Bilk Satin" one yard wide In colors. "Mercerized Silks and FoulardV' of '^Si^ all colors. Fanoy Linings, silk Fringe Trimmings, all kinds of Laces,- Fadings, flattings, Allover Laces and Embroideries, Insertions. Ail the new styles in neck wear. Ladies ready made Wrappers, Duck and Pique dress skirts, Fanoy "Mercerized ... skirts. Ladies' and gents'farnishiugroods. All of the aboye list and many other lines of goods which are bran new, stylish and good wearing goods. We offer no old job lots'at aliabtly reduced prices for the purpose of at tracting speculators, but actual new stylish up to date goods at tied rock prices We are proud of our new stock of goods, and always pleased to show, them whether voir wish to buy or not. H-/VMILTON 8c G/YMMILU it mother be so well pleased for, A large line of checks, plaids and stripes" for spring wear. Spiing Neckwear. The styles, the colors, beautiful blending of colors, quality of silk and satin that show up in our spring neckwear are far beyond our poor de scriptive power. trm- '•m-c tlce is hereby given thai the aittee of the M. E. church at Davts-Qltyr will receive sealed bids for the erection •"mpletion of the wood work of Ihe [rame church building to be erected- Ih. rity. lown, and to be completed on o&mM pofeed frame church building to be erected Davis «ty, before seatinL. room 18x33 to be built according to nlauH a"d 'tafe* spcoiflcutions-on Die with the Sec'y^of Duildthg rommitteo. '1 he committee reafirv- s- tsi*" the right to reject any and all bids,—the suif--g cessfui bidder to estimate itemized bill „of & lumber to be purchased bj ommlit«e, iltid JSg* will bo required to. give approved bond ••'otsis&scr®,. fulflllment of contract. Blas received sealed ^SssTSwV until 6 o'clock p. m. on 8a urday April lis JW. sJKS®® August 15,1900 —this not io include the r. Main audience room 3'3x50 IjeotuWiiffifcsa Oeo. P. OAMPBBUt Sec'* BTdJg Conl.s'r3®®Sffi!ft Davis City. lo 'aV '-iSg-"^ First door south of Bank. 31-SW.' Ai«sij#- LEWIS" at the bottom of tt. iS Shoe for Women His trade mark stands for alf that's good in shoes. It guar an tees comfort, quality and style. There are a great many styles for you to choose from- There is a-shape to fit your foot, a style to meet your taste. If yonr shoe dealer does not handle Lewis Shoe send for our Catalogue showing shapes and styles. For Men the Lewis 1$ $3.00. Malta bj J. B. LEWIS COMPAH*, BOSTOM, MASS. We buy and The Pioneer Clothier. J^^J^_e|^^£^eje^JLeeJe_eJ^e_e|e_e[^^e_e gi^s & V$S B£: egjjre.v JL Hps, "Mmm