Newspaper Page Text
jii THK 1-KOK Van Wert M. P. Uarber made a business trip to Garden Grove and Leon last week. Some members ot the B. A. Y. of this place attended lodge at Leon lust Satur day night. Several of the boys from here took part in the wolf hunt last Tuesday. They did not get very many wolves but lots of experience. Rev. Thomas came home Tuesday lrom Colorado and Kansas where he has been preaching since last fall. He ex pects to attend the L. 1). S. conference at Lamoni soon. Quite a good many oat" have been sown around here. OThe Band is talking uf having a supper next Saturday. Alkaney YVilson. of Shannon City, was visiting old friends here over Sun day and attended the meetings in pro gress here. Quite a number of pupils will graduate irom our public school this spring. This speaks well of the efforts of our principal Mr. Conwell. The railroad boys are thinking of be ginning work soon on the bridges west of town, as there is quite a lot of tilling to do. Girls, if you wish to be a .June bride with red lips, laughing eyes, a lovely complexion, take Rocky Mountain Tea this month. 85c. Ask your druggist. Garden Grove. *5 The town election last Monday called out a fair vote, 110 ballots being cast. The result was a victory for the "citi aens" or caucus ticket by a large major ity. The' telephone propositions both carried by good majorities, the vote being: for telephone exchange 70 votes, against 30 votes for Iowa Telephone Co. franchise 56 votes, against oo votes. M. Shamblin, of Bethany, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnhouse one day last week. Another scandal is reported from High Point township this week, fully enual to the last one in interesting particulars. Miss Lottie Jennings has accepted a position in G. M. Miller's store. F.-ed Wood came down from Chariton Monday and spent the (lav with his A. W Stearns, of Beaconstield, spent Sunday with his family at Garden Grove. Ol Springer, of Leon, was on our streets Monday. Kalph has bought Mrs. feed's property in the l.vorth part of town and will occupy it in a short tim.e. W- H. Wailes and family drove over to YVeldon Sunday and spent the dav yvitofelatives. Blake Miller's store at High Point was obbed last Wednesday night and $25 taken from the postofliee drawer, be sides about $75 worth of goods, mostly shoes. Tbe Allerton blood hounds were brought but only followed the trail about a half mile. Last Wednesday S. 1\ McNeill, while riding on a wagon in his. timber south east of town, fell and dislocated his shoulder. Owing to l)is advanced age and previous poof health it is a severe hurt. Mjss Ella Ever,ett le£t last week for B0ar^halltowu,' where she expects to qjake her future home with a sister. Last Saturday quite a commotion was raised by the burning out of a due at Afr's. Elter's house. It was thought for a time that the house was rn fire and a hole was cut in the roof to put it out, but the smoke was only coming out of the sides of the flue. Rev. Loyett left for Ft. Scott, Kansas, Thursday for the purpose of moving his family to this place. John Boyce left Thursday for a trip to Joplin, Missouri. Some cough remedies hide a cough they drug it into silence, but the irrita tion stays in the lungs to cause trouble, Morley's Honey Pectoral soothes, heals, strengthens and cures thoroughly. The coughi stops because the cause is remov ed." C. Van Werdeh. Grand River. Pat Griffin sold his larm south-east of here known as the Hopkins farm to Oscar Judd. of Weldon, the considera tion bei ng $8,500. Mr. Cain will live on the farm this year. Hopeville tanners delivered hogs here Saturday. Rev. F. Edwards passed through here Friday-enroute to Westerville and Cam den and returned to his hemein Osceola Monday. J. A. West had business in Leon Tues day. i'red 'JRcknor was drawn on the trial jury but was excused. Several of our citizens were called before the grand jury. S. C. Jennings returned from a visit at Bedford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden, of Wel don, were visiting at Bradshaw's last week. Boyd Gale has returned from Wyom ing and is ibetter satisfied iwith Iowa than ever before. John and Charley liauenstien and ti. \Y. Smiley leit Monday for Gutherie county where they will run a bachelor's .../ REPOHTRR'S :r iv I FRfeE TRIP TO MAMTOll. COLORADO. 5 —.—" P* *$£%W28 1 Ont Vote for, I 5 •. voting oontest if voted at Tin: APRIL 12, 1900 Slllll UllllllllllltllllllllllllllllHIIllllltllltlllllltllllHHIIIIII IIIIIMIHIillllllllilllllllllllllllllll Hill!? COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. Items of Interest as Reported by Our Correspon dents from Surrounding Towns and Townships. Mra. Thomas made a business trip to Leon last Thursday. Mrs. Thompson has been sick for some time as also has Mrs. Spencer. The result of the city election Monday was as follows: Mayor, Fred Hall' Aldermen, John Youner and Oscar Thompson Recorder, Mr. liansom: Treasurer, M. Shaw Assessor, M. P. tiarber. The vote for mayor was almost a tie, Mr. Hall receiving one more vote than I. N. bkidmore. The protracted meeting at the M. K. church is gaining in interest, several having united with the church. 2 RKPOHTKH Office not. Inter than /f?\. 5 hull and farm the coming season. They will read THE HHPOUTKH and the St. Louis Republic while gone. Mrs. J. Cain is much better. Walter Beck and Miss Kate Crees were married by Squire Brammer and will go to housekeeping on the Beck farm where the groom had everything ready to bring his bride. This worthy, young couple start out with all the prospects of success. Their friends extend con gratulations. Grand River again illustrated it's generosity and kindness iu helping the poor whom our Savior said we would have with us always, In other places the county helps tlie destitute but here citizens do it and also pay to the county for others that need helw. N. B. Eaves was elected superintend ent of the Union Sunday School for the ensuing yeai. S. Edwards has purchased the restau-. rant owned by W. C. Overholtzer. Rev. Wolver is holding meetings at the Presbyterian church. There is a large attendance and much interest is being taken and everybody is invited to come. Cards are out announcing the wedding of Mr. Hoyle Gilreath of this place and Miss Winnie Woodard of Leon, next Wednesday. Chas. Hauenstien waslout riding Sun day with his besttirl. Prof. Sullivan was up town Monday and will be able to begin school next Monday. He is still very weak but it. is hoped that he will gain strength very rapidly. John Burham had business in Leon last Tuesday. The town election Monday resulted as follows: Mayor, Pat Grimn clerk, J. C. Brothers treasurer, A. L. Ackerley assessor, John Burham councilmen, T. T. Beck, J. H. Crees, J. W. Robinson, J. S. Davidson and J. Swit/.er, all good men and they give their services to the town so we will haye a good city gov ernment for two years. Our tanners are sowing oats and the ground is in good shape. The Woodmen are talking of building a hall over Be/.old Brother's new store. S. C. Jennings and little grandson, Ralph McGinnis went to Leon Tuesday morning. f" what to Do Until the Doctor Arrives. It is very hard to stand idly by and see our dear ones suii'er while awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and gee his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word fjr him to come at once on his return. He also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some relief until the doctor should In doctor need wot come^Tsthe child ~u» much better. The druggie t, Mr. O.tto Schol/,, says the family "has sin,ce recommenced Chamberlain's Rem-, edy to their neighbors and iriends until he has a constant dfeman,d for it from that part of the countiy.. For sale by W, A. Alexander, Druggist. Oecatu£. Mrs. Miner sold her household goods Saturday and she and her son started to Nebraska, Tuesday, where thev will make their future home. Willie Wells had his neck almost dis located in a scuttle. Mr. Blades is moving in Mrs. Miner's property. Kev. Booth, of Lamoni, will preach at the Christian Church owe a month. -VLrs. Robert Campbell is a little better. Mr. and Mirs. Hill, of Milo, are visit ing their son. Ed Whetstone has a situation on the road at Norwalk and will move to that place. The remains of Miss Sadie Imes was brought here from Murray Tuesday and interred in the Decatur cemetery. Mrs. C. McCrosky from Grand Kiver is visiting at Sam McCroskey's. K. Benton and wife are visiting in Terre Haute. Town election Monday resulted as follows: Mayor, Wm. Cash clerk, A. Moore asBestor, J. Coffin treasurer, O. B. Creal councilmen, J. H. Hill and J. Gardner. How to Save Doctor Bills. We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home. W.e keep a bottle open all the time and whenever any of my family, or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a result we never have to send away for a doc tor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough -Remedy never fails to cure, It is certainly a medicine of great nierit and worth.—^D, S. MKAH KI,E, General Merchant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. For sale by W. A. Alexander, Drupgist. Free Complexion! Beautltier. We want every lady reader of TUB REIOHTER to try JDwight's Complexion Beautitier, the most elegant preparation for the toilet table. It is pure and harmless, and once used you will always want it. Price 50c. To indues a trial of it we. will for a .SHORT TIXK ONLY SKNN FREE a full size, Fifty Cent box of it to every lady who will send us her postofliee address and 10c. to pay for packing and postage. Only one i-RKK box to each address. Cut out this notice] and', send it with your order at ONCE, to D. W. CrsteR & Co., Huntington, W. Va. 22-lyr. Money to Loan on improved farms at 6,7 and 8 per cent, interest for 5, 6 to 10 yearBtime. F. VABQA & Sox. Davl&tlty. |^Mrs. A. E. Dorn Visited Leoil friends a .past week. ,M»rk Adams and brldfe bdhie in from Tuskeego Sundair to visit Davis City friends. Artie Yost, of Nebraska, has been visiting in the vicinity of Davis Citv the past week. F. W. Horton and wife returned to their home at Hubbard, Iowa, last Fri day. J. H. Broom returned from a trip Fri day. G. A. Barber has been making Davis City his headquarters the past week. Both our milliners had their annual spring opening Saturday Mrs. Anna McKeehan has returned to Davis City and contemplates making this her future home. She has been for the past tnree years a resident of Kan sas. Mrs. Maud Perkins, of Kellerton,visit ed her parents here the past week. Mrs J. Emmons returned from St. Louis Friday. Oliver Baiiev has returned from .Mon tana and reports everything lively iu the west. Mrs. R. Walton, of Blythedale, is vis iting her parents here. The protracted meetings are still in progress Dr. J. W. Mather, of Latnoni, spent Sunday in this city. Miss Nella Valentine, who has been seriously ill is now convalescent. James Hurst together with a friend were duck hunting on Grand river Sat urday. Graudma McNeer, an old and highly respected lady died at the home of her son in this city last week, and was bur ied in the Pleasanton cemetery. We re gret that we cannot furnish dates for a more fittiug obituary, It is rumored that J. C. Keshlear has rented his old stand to a firm that will start another bank about May 1st. J. N. Gates, of Leon, is said to be the in tended cashier. George Bates, of Decatur, was a visit or to this city Friday. The people of our community were greatly shocked last Monday when word reached this city about noon that Bert Cummings had found Ignace Hainer lying dead in the road about one mile south-east of our city. Mr. Hainei lived alone on his farm about three miles south-east of town, aud had start ed to walk to our city, something he very frequently done. J. H. Kling acting as coroner had the body removed to a Davis City hotel where an inquest was held, it being pronounced a stroke of apoplexy by the physicians. He was laying on his face when found which was bruised some in falling. He had something near $500 on bis person when found. His children have been notified and the remains will be kept till Thurs day when interment will be held in the Davis City cemetery. Mrs. J. P. Smith returned to her home at Tyrone Monday, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Jas. Bolon. The election passed off Monday with the usual interest being manifested. W. C. Hamilton was elected mayor bv a majority of 23. "The Better Part Of valor is discretion," and the better part of the treatment of disease is pre vention, Disease originates in impuri ties in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla purities the blood. People who take it at this season say they are kept healthy the year round. It is because this medicine expels impurities and makes the blood rich and health giving. All liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills. 25 cents THE CHURCHES. Rev.. Joseph Stephen is conducting a very successful reviyal meeting at Van Wert. Rev. J. S. Baxter, of Corvdon, came Saturday to remain while" the union meetings are in progress. Rev. F. Edwards came down from Osceola Thursday and will remain here while the union meetings are in progress. At the Christian church next Lord's day, the pastor will preach as follows: Morning "Iowa as a Mission field." Evening "In the World, but not of the World." Elder C. F. Stevens, of Trenton, Mo., came Tuesday evening to officiate at the Gilreath-Woodard wedding and spend a couple of days with hi? many friends in this city. Covenant meeting will be held at the Palestine-church next Sunday at 2 p. m. There will be the usual preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. A Sundav School will be organized at 10 a. m. All mem bers of the congregation are urgently requested to be present at these ser vices. The M. E. church of Van Wert is just now being blessed with a gracious re vival of religion. The instrument in this work is the M. E. pastor at Leon, the Rev. Joseph Stephen. This minis ter is a thorough going evangelist and the fruit of his labors is seen in many conversions and thirty additions to the church. He presented first of all, the doctrines of the M. E.. church with extraordinary force and gracious results. This cleared the atmosphere of mis apprehension and WAS immediately fol lowed by the present reviyal. The additions enibracb quite a number of our leading citizens and many young people jjist entering upon, womanhood and manhood. The church is greatly encouraged and society will feel its benefipial effects in every direction. EDWARD B. HEATON, M. E. Pastor, Van Wert. Revival Notices, The evangelist, W. A. Sunday, will hold services in the Biggs building every evening this week except Saturday. On the Sabbath the Sunday Schools will meet as usual, in their respective churches. The morning service at the at 1Q&I) o'clock instead of 11 o'clock the usual hour. At 2:30 in the afternoon a special service for the young people will be held. Preaching as usual in the evening. U: ., If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. OBC application will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one-third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost bites, quinsy, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 cts. VV. A. Alexander, Druggist. Salt Rheum, cures Boila, removes Pimples and Eruptions, gives fair, clear, complexion. It thoroughly puri jfies, yitalizfs apd «arichM the bjj Clothing ,50G O j- Men's Overalls W Men's .$5 Mackintoshes S3 frn Jjj 1 Men's silk I front shirts District Court. Judge Towner adjourned court last Thursday and returned to Corning and did not reach Leon again until Monday evening, when a iurv was at once em paneled in the damage case of Alice Sandera vs. Town of Leon for personal injuries received by plaintifi falling into a ditch on Second street. Tuesday morning G. M. Grimm one of the jurors was taken sick and by agreement the case was tried to eleven jurors. The Parrish, C. W. Hoffman and G." W. Baker while the Town's attorneys are Stookey & Brooks, V. R. McGinnis and Marion Woodard. The case was hotly contested, being given to the jury last evening and at the time of going to press they had not returned a verdict. The grand jury is still grinding away and will probably return several in dictments. The foljowmg cases have been dis posed of since our report last week. CRIMINAL. State vs. Sheridan Millei, defendant pleads guilty to the charge of burglary and sentenced to the penitentiary at Ft. Madison for one year o.nd the costs be taxed to defendant. Miller was taken to Ft. Madison by Sheriff Wolever on Saturday. State vs. Ward Edgar, grand jury re turns indictment ignored and defendant is discharged. State vs. Wm. Twombly7 defendant who was indicted for grand larceny by embezzlement, enters plea of guilty. PROBATE. Estate of J. F. Lewis, order that no tice of final report be made bv posting notices. Estate_ of Peter Hansen, order signed giving widow title to real estate. Estate of Jordan Koger, will probated. Wm. L. Ragan appointed executor with bond of $10,000. Widow's allowance of $500 made. The widow elects to take her distributive share in lien of what the will gave her. Guardianship of Roxie B. Sowash. The purchase and deed to B. H. Sowash, guardian approved. Estate of Ellis Fleming, widow's- al lowance of $100 made. Estate of Esther Dancer, on bearing collateral inheritance tax found to be $100andiordered paid by administratrix. LAW AND EQUITY- J. L. Young ya. Wm. Cornell, answer of defendant withdrawn and plaintiff has judgment for $500 and costs. Joseph Hamilton va- John Ledger wood. Tried to a jury who returned a verdict in favor of defendant. plaintiff waa .termiegij^ .alliral-UL-g-Sft? Pamoh wi «„«•. —j ... tume of white silk mull, and carried a boquet of roses. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding repast was served. Be vis Bros. vs. Alex Creveling et al. default and decree of foreclosure. I'wiD Phillips Co. vs. Kane & Jamison et al. judgment as per agreement. Patrick & Lutbe Co.. vs. Gould Wallace et al. settled and dismissed. State on complaint of Alice B. Cherry vs. L. W. Sullivan, settled and dismissed the defendant paying complaining wit ness $1500. Mayme Baker vs. G. W. Satyr, decree of divorce granted on grounds of deser tion. Children love to take Morley's Little Liver Pills for BUioiu People?., L. Van Werden. because they are small, look and xaste like candy and do not gripe nor. sicken them. Sogar-coated. On* a Dose. Sold by The postofliee department announces officially that the new books of postage stamps will be on sale about May 1. A description of this innovation has been given in THE RKPOBTER. The books will consist of pages of two-cent stamps, interleaved with paraffined paper to prevent premature adhesion. The pages are of six stamps each, making a book of convenient size to carry in the pock et or pocketbook. Only three differen tial qualities will be1 so furnished one book of twelve two-cjent stamps, a book of twenty-.four two-ceikt stamps and a book of forty-eight two-cent stamps, of postage value, 24, 48 and 90 cents res pectively. Each'bo6k will be sold at an adyance of one' eent pn the stamp value to cover the^cost of binding. ft -1 watchi Before you buy a watch be iiare to get Kohler prices, fr sVS. S I.OO to $2.50 Men's percale shirts, collars and cufts detachable 75c Only the family friends and relatives the ceremony. The were present at The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woodard, a beau tiful and accomplished young lady, and is an elQcutionist of some note. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilreath, of Richland township. He also graduated from the Leon High School and for the past two years has been a teacher in the public schools. Prof, and Mrs. Gilreath left on the afternoon train for a short visit at Des Moines and Dallas. They will return to Grand River Saturday where a reception will be tendered them at -the home of the groom's parents. At the close of the present school year they will move to Grand River where Mr. Gilreath will engage in business. The many friends of thiB worthy young couple extend hearty congratula tion*. I'RAZIER—VAIi(iA. Mr. John A. Frazier and Misa Clara Varga were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's father, Francis Varga in this city last evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. W. H. Ilsley, pastor of the Presbyterian chureh officating. Only the family friends of the con tracting parties were present to witness the ceremony. The groom is a wealthy retired farmer who has just moved from Akron, Mo., to this city. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Varga and a most estimable lady. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier will go to house keeping in the new residence just west ot the Woodmansee house owned by John Woodmansee. The many friends of the contracting parties extend congratulations Most In Ouantlty, Best in Quality Morley's Sarsaparilla and Iron is a tonic, a blood purifier. and a blood maker. It does not stop with merely curing certain diseases, like scrofula, sores, abcesses, etc., but cleanses and builds up the whole system. All who have tried it say there is more cure in one bottle of Morley's than in six of the other kind. L. Van Werden, OA8VORXA. Bwn th. Kind You Hava Always Bought tUgastue of Will be at Leon every .. SATURDAY Great Bargain Center of Leon and Decatur County. For Ladies' and Gents! Diamond Special at Eighteen Carat &t Solitaire at Dongola Vesting or Stock Top 50G "g°wrterk'Z5c Cresco Cor sets $1.00. A Good Cor set at 50c. to 50c MATRIMONIAL. UILRKATH—WOODARD. Prof. Hoyle H. Gilreath and Miss Lora Winona Woodard were married at 12:30 o'clock yesterday at the home of the bride's father Mayor Marion Wood ard, the ceremony being performed by Elder C. F. Stevens, of Trenton, assisted by Elder R. W. Castor. 4** V*«i 75G to $1 Men's Pants $1.50 •3ir HORSES WANTED,? Bring your horses in early as ship in the afternoon. G. B. DAUGHERTY. ESTRAY NOTICE, Taken up as an estray by Robert McKee at hi* residence In High Point township, De satar coanty. Iowa, on tbe 17th day ot January 1800, one pale red yearling steer with two white spots on the right tore leg and one spot in the right flank, and JMMSI" deary, Justice of the Peace, spoi 31-31 GEO, W. S«A*«Li .County Auditor S3.00 200 1.00 A COMPLETE STOCK OF RUBBER BOOTS! 1 WE ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS! 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Goods are Cheaper Here Than any Place in Leon. iiiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiKMiiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiitHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir iiimiiiiiiimmi \/A*iAA/iAla Varicocele is radically varicocele, jiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiimifiiiiiiiimiimiiii Dress Goods. 36 inch all CAA I 42 inch fancvOC/^ wool coversOUl 1 38 inch fancies 38 I Mnhnir Mohair Hosiery and^f I and permanently enrea by on* foretell operation in from fire to fifteen day*. Ik* milder form of this disease requires no operation. We annnally cure hundreds of thlaelaMOf patients, leaving them in a vigor Ni, Mai thy condition. Peraonaliy Conducted Tourslto California In Pullman Tourist sleep ing Cars. Via Chicago Great Western Ky. to Kansas City and Santa Fe route to Los Angels and Southern California. Only line having new Pullman Tourist Sleep ers equipped with wide vestibules, steam heat and gas lights. One of these new sleepers leaves Des Moines at 8:45 p. in. every Monday, via Chicago Great Western for Los Angeles and Southern California via Kansas City, and reaches Los Angles the following morning. These tours are per sonally conducted by an experienced official, who accompanies the train to its destination. The cars are well equipped for a long journey and are aB comfortable as the standard sleepers, while the price for a double berth is only about one half. Full information furnished by any Chicago Great West ern Agent or F. H. Lord, General Pass. &iTicket Agent, 113 Adams St., Chicago. ?2 LOT* GEORGE H. MEAD, General Advertising Agent, Chicago Great Western Ry Through Tourist Sleeping car Service g} to Texas, Old Mexico and California. Via Chicago Great Western Ry. to Kansas City and Missouri, Kansas & Texas, San Antonio & Arkansas Pass and Southern Pacific Railways through Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso and Los Angeles to San Francisco. Only through car line from the North-west to Texas points and connecting at Spoflord Junction for all points in Old Mexico. These cars are in charge of an experienced official and leave Des Moines every Saturday at 11:40 a. m. reaching Dallas tbe following Sunday, San Antonio on Monday, El Paso on Tuesday, Los Angeles at noon Wednesday and J-'an Francisco early Thursday morning. These are Pullman Tourists Cars similar to those run on all transcontinental lines and the charges for berths are about half those regularly charged. To persons who have made the trip to California via other routes, this Southern route will prove a most delightful change, and to persons contemplating a-trip to Texas and Mexican ppints, it furnishes facili ties heretofore unofiered. Full informa tion. furnished by any Chicago Great Western Agent, or F, 11. Lord, G. P. & T. A., 113 Adams St. Chicago. 22-10t Coughs tell you that there is some thing wrong in throat or lungs. It is the caude, not the cough, that you must look after. Morley's Honey Pectoral searches out the cause of the trouble,) it heals the inflamed surfaces, stops the irritation, loosens the cough and eyres 'you thoroughly. Price 26 cents. L, Van Werden. IM to 25c, S or money refunded. All medicines famished ready for nee. No detention from business. Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere free froai ftM or breakage. Charges low. Thousands of patients cured. Age and experience important. State your eaee plainly* Bead for terms, blanks, etc. Consultation free and confidential par* sonally or by letter. 3 1 a -H White Loaf or A A 1^1 Gold Medal Flour«K Per Sack 1 1 Country dried apples 1 Or* 1 5 I per pound Package coffee 2 packages 25c. \7 Drs.Fellows & Fellows ilSSa Gfi .5 «. jlil m* A §Sf|= *iH S yg C$ I 413-415 W. Walnut 8t., Des Moines* lows. Located in I CD I frn I 1 VI Des Moines In 1869. After many years la the regular practice, we now devote all oar time to toe treatment of Cftrontc, Kewous and Special Disease* Core guaranteed Weakness and $$x- ual Debility, blood to the bead, pains in back, fbrgetfuineee. bashfulness, aversion to society* loss of sexual power, loss of manhood, cured for life. We can cure,,, the ubove seases and make you fit for marriage* That horrible Cwnll 111.Q disease, OVpill 1IO, cored for Uf*. Skin Diseases, Blood Poisoning, plo.rj, 8wel.SKtB, Bores, Gonorrhoea and Gleet, and all PrWate Dl» eases cured or money returned. 00-page book sent free on application also question blanks. Stricture fliction run along* It becomes more serious every month you neglect it* Our 30 years' experience in the sueeeflsnu treatment of the above mentioned diseases is a guarantee to you that we are able to banal#, your case* Our 60-pdge Sock and Consultation Free* Address^ FELLOWS & FELLOWS, 413 and 415 West Walnut street. Moines, Iowa* Homeseekers Excursion Tickets. To nearly all points in the United States on sale at all ticket offices of the Chicago Great Western Railway on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of February, March and April, at the very low homeseekers rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets good lor return within 21 days from date of sale. Persons con' templating a trip will save money by calling on, any' agent of the Chicago Great Western Ry. and obtaining detail information regarding the homeseekers rates, or addressing F. U. Lord, G. P. and T. A., 113 AdamsSt* Chicago. 23-1 It OABTORXA. Bean the /f The Kind Von Haw Always Bought Signature of IN FAVOS OF EVERYBODY'S 'BLOOD PURIFIER Prompt Positive Pure Pleasant It destroys the Microbes and Germs within the Blood, free ing it from all parasitical ele ments, producing a healthy circulation, thns acting direct ly upon the diseased conditions and upon the fundamental and controlling organs of the body, and removing all morbid and secreted matter. MICRO GERMI will quickly cure Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Ulsers, Varicose Veins, Tumors, Tetter, Sores, Boils, Pimples and all scrofu lous conditions. It will destroy the germs, dispel the humors and purify the blood as no otherjemedy. A PR1CB 0HB DOLLAR rOM fVMTBU rjCTtJDDMfB The MODERN REMEDY CO. -...^ KEWANBE, ILL. Sou Md OCARAHTEK) kr W aha* E. MYERS & CO, 41 f-tijlv 1