Newspaper Page Text
mi for all. S,T A akaioperation*in iBv.« ik'J' *»'ui-» also want. 9 I I IT.—W.M WERDEN. Druggist., PAINTS! ___ paint 80 per cent. No guess, but facts. We guarantee the B. P. S. j.aint to be composed only of pure carbonate of lead, oxide aincor the necessary coloring pigments, pure old process Imeeed oil, pure turpentine, coachwJapan, aud to contain no adulteration whatever. Come to see us as we are most anxious to put it out for it never fails to muke us friends. WALL PAPER! Our Wall Paper room is full of bargains for you. One hardly realizes how much wall paper furnishes a room until you have it papered with some of our —~jj£—Uandsome colored dark nunpr-and then vou know paper and then you what, always made your rooms look so large and barren, although you have plenty of nice furniture in t.hem. This dark paper is the fassion this season so don't buy any other. Come here and look over our great variety of colors at prices that makes it very easy Wall Paper L. VAN WERDEN. t-. 1 Paints. Dr8.Feliows & Fellows trorn ft veto'fifteen mllltor form of thiS dimn requires Jok. We annuallr cure Imudrada of io( patUofe Uatlnc them ia a vigor- we DI8TBICT OOUKT. Iefsra, by pemlMl^ia, te Vi Emainine Titles \a BeariEaUlfc r. A ••SpfcSifyk 413-41 w. walnut St., Des Moines, Iowa. Located in DM Holnei in 18flfc After mnr.THtl tl rexnlar practice,, we now devote all our Urn* to tM DlHql of Chronic, Nervous and Special Mmum. Cm or noney refunded. All medicines furniihM ready 1 detention from business. Patients at a diitonoa mail and express. Medicines «®n* •verjrwneraliaa or b.eakase. Charges low. Thousands of panrate 8_ and ixperieocp important. State your ease plainly. terui', Dlacks, etc. Consultation fiw and confidant sonal-y or by letter. Seminal Weakness and Sex ual Debility, Owr —'pmjc Book «nI Coniultation Free. jasfe tti iti We want to sell you B. P. S. l'aiut—one that Rives universal satisfaction—The Best Paint Sold—lasts louder, goes farther and spreads better tb&n any paint in the country*. It is a pure lead, zincand linseed oil paint. No patent about it, simply a machine mixed pnint. It will out spread a hand mixed oil and lead ib Hi Hi ifc ilt ft ifc ib Hi ul itt ft ft ft ft ft ft ili ft ft OILS blood to tho Mid, pains in back, form bashfulneM, aversion to society^ power, losi of manhood* cured for llTii W# OUIBII the above diaeaaai and make you fit for Mfni|% That horrible disease, Skin Disease* Sorej eas^ fre* ts radically Syohilia •Jim JjPoiiontng. uioere* Sweliigyi 'icture method. m'% let1 fliction run along. It becomes more every month you .neglect it. Our 30 years' experience ia the SUULSSSful treatinent of the above mentioned diseases ia a guarantee to yob that we an able to hMU your case. JMnn, (S. FELLOWS & FELLOWS, Wait Walnut Street. Des Molnee, lem. If you have any OLD IRON lyou had better sell is while the trusts have |control of the prices. [When the trusts break old iron won't be worth anything. ¥SL »l Poultry, Eggs, Hidse, Bees wax, Old Rubber, Copper, and Dry Bones, fj mwifM Remember THE OTHER FELLOW don't pay more than we do. Our weights and money are good, a® G/VTE.S PRODUCE CO. HAL GATES, Manager. RICHEY, Dealer in Native and Tropical Fruits. Fancy Confectionery. First Door North of the Biggs Block. E. J. SAXTZET, Real Estate and Loan /Vgent. BoaUtwut LEON. end Tredwe leekier 1 rammur IOWA. Dr. Fred BUvernait returned from Clafinda on Saturday evening with his wife. He is lookiug in apparently ae good health as we ever saw him and seems perfectly restored in both mind and body. It is not quite a year ag6 that be went to Glarinda for treatment and the cure is indeed a marvelous one. His many friends here hope that it may be permanent.—Gorydon Times-Re publican. QosnsH. III. Genesaee Pure Food Co.. LeRoy N. Y. Dear Sirs:—Some days since a package ol your GKAIN-O preparation was left at my office. I took it home and gave It a trial and I have to say I was very much pleased with It its a substitute for coffee We bave always used the' best Java and Moclia in our family but I am free to say I like the ORAIN O as well as the best ooltee I ever drank. Respectfully yours, A. O. JACKSON. M. D* The marriage of Mr. Claude Brqner, of Clio, and Miss Myrtle Kockhoid, daugnter of Mr. Wm Kockhoid, of this township, must have "come true" as predicted by our Clio correspondent as we see mention in the Corydon Demo crat of the license for marriage haying been secured. The Tribune wishes them much joy and happiness. Latkr. They were married at the residence of the gr.oom's mother in this place last evening.—Lineville Tribune. Wonderful Eight Cures cholera, diarrhoea, colic, cramps, lameness, sprains, lumabgo, swellingB, neuralgia, rheumatism and toothache, all pain, internal or external cured quicker with Morley's Wonderful Eight than any other remedy. Sold by agent in every town and by L. Van werden. sat on the step at midnight, two fools that were better in bed murmuring honeyed nothings .while the silver moon hung her head. Two fools with joyous elations swopt the microbes on their lips, and thrilled with a queer sensation from toes to their finger tips. Telling the same stuff over that was nothing when it waB new giggling, gushing ana burning, but fro zen thru and thru. This is the fond af fection the young folks have to bear they think it love undying and angels in envy stare. The bachelor says it is nothing, the old maid says it is vice, and mamma says it is naughty, but the younstere know it is nice. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything in sight so do drastic mineral pills, but both are migh ty dangerous. Don't dynamite the del icate machinery of your body with calo mel, croten oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, ao the work per fectly.* Cures headache, constipation. Only 25c at L. Van Werden's drug store. A Bwindler by the name of Roas'who advertised be had been selected to secure husbands for a $425,000 bride, was arrested a short time ago in Cleveland. The Mayor in looking oyer the letters received the day he was ar rested found one letter containing $150. One of the victims was a Wayne County citizen and the Mayor sent him the fol lowing characteristic letter: '••E. A. Willis, Pbomise City, Iowa Sir:—1 had the man you write about arrested day before yesterday for the swindling he is carrying on. Buy your self a primer and stick close to your father and mother or you will get lost" It is not too much to say the Wayne county man received just what he d& served.—Corydon Times-Republican Volcanic Eruptions Are fipand, but skin eruptions rob life of Joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures p'°" atf running and fever sores, i.orne, wartVands) Dlains. Best pile ~bSiV'on earth. riveB out pains and aches. Cure guar anteed. Sold by L. Van Werden, drug? giSt' A Serious Runaway1 Accident.. The pleasant Sunday School picnic of the M. E. church held at the Andrews place, 2} miles north-east of town last Wednesday was marred by a frightful runaway accident in which several child dien were more or less severely iBjured. three seated livery conveyance con taining several little girls and driven by Henry Jenks, who was in the employ of the livery stable, came out of the mead ow from the grove to the main road among the last of the rigs to leave the gr ounds. In turning into the road one or the pole straps broke and the team stfarted in a mad race down the hill and all eflorts of the boy to control them proved unavailing. They crossod the bridge at the foot of the hill and passed the other teams, missing collisions with them in some instances only by hair breadths. The Jenks boy and some of the girls jumped from the vehicle and all of them were more or less seriously injured, the boy sustaining, a fracture on one of his legs below the knee and "Bee" WilBon daughter of Robert Wilson, haying an ancle broken and her sister, Fleta, badly bruised by being thrown on her head and shoulders. Maud Jenks was picked up unconscious in which con dition she remained for several hours from the effects of concussion of,the brain, but was not otherwise seriously hurt. Hazle Wasson was very serious ly bruised on one side from, foot to shoulder, but no bones were broken. Hazel Thompson was also quite badly bruised about the face and head. The other occupants were Annie Sullivan and Eva Linton who "were thrown out by the wagon overturning shortly after, but escaped with nothing worm than a bad scare~find severe shaking up. The picnic party who were in sight of the runaway hastened to the relief of the injured and they brought to town and taken to their homes wnere their inju ries were attended to by phyaicianB and all are now reported dung well. That some of them were not killed out right is regarded as miraculous by those who witnessed the accident.—rLineville Tribune. Husband, If you have a weak, nervous, delriiita ted wife, do not Scold or become impa tient with her. Give her kind treat ment, loving words and Mor ley'B Liver and Kidney Cordial to renovate, regu late and strengthen her system, and our word for it ahe will soon be your healthy, happy best half. Price $1. Sold by agent in every town and by L. Van Werden. Raven Food is positiye cure for chick en, cholera, roupe, gapes and all dis eases of poultry. It regulates the bowels, blood and digestive organs produces bone, muscle and larger fowl, and makes hens lay eggs in winter. Young chickens will grow rapidly tree from disease. Try dollar box no cure, no pay and money refunded. For sale byw. L. Barry, Harness Shop, Leon, Iowa,-. CASTOR IA For. Infants and Children. Kiwi The YM HIM -Bears the "Signature of WE-? ie.i£or%o« —a omumii. K1 «4«_ rooiu mt rat TltL M/VGNIFICEJST if %»:i HtMHrntba sent sealed for 4ceiii fanqs of weakni ris«e!'*eak back, a torn blank Na'l foi BL Always Bought ICOCELE DR. E. J. WALSH Sunday morning from 11:00 to 18:30 National Salute at SUnrise. Magnificent Military Drill by 100 Men. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll AKES'ROUGH RIDERS! ittMniatU WW et thto Una Itum T. M.1ROBERTS'^SUPPLY HOUSE. on every pair of shoes you buy. It is the best guarantee of shoe goodness, shoe comfort, shoe, service. The results of forty years experience in shoe making ^attested in the shape, durability and quality of 'V LEON, July PROGRAM. a'." 10:80—Clown Band led by drum ma ,'vjor in an exhibition drill. (The ancient -order of Egyptian prophets will be pre sented in this drill. 11:00—Foot race, free for all, purse 5$f».oo. 11:15—Bicycle race, standing 300 yards, purse $5.00, 11:30—Baby show in park, prizes, $5.00," $3^00 and $2.00, babies barred. 12:00—German Lunch, 1:00—Great chorus of 100 voices by K. P. band. 1:30—Address by Hon. M. L. Temple. 2:30—Akes' rough riders, exhibition run by Leon Fire Department. start, three Leon led 92c Lb. $3.00 Shoe forMeif $2.50 Shoe for Women. There are many styles from which you can select ., There is a size to fit any conceivable shape in feet.. If your shoe dealer does not keep them send for our catalogue from which you can select the shoe best suited-to your needs. Made by J* LEWIS CO., lnttMi Matt. NERVOUS DEBILITY! WEAKNESS OF MEN) STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, BLOOD POISON and all Chronic, Blood, Nervous. Private and Skin Diseases of botb seaes, cvred Wben otbera tail. Boot Mr Mom omly, PRBB-jti office, oi I stamps. Prompt Mif Hwiant Cnu OwntHtf to Mem in all manbood, nervousness, d«spondenoy, unfltnedgTor business or mar mt in urine, etc. No inoonvenienoe or detention from business. Symp No. S for women. in all stages entirely cured and removed from the system oured in 7 days, Hydrooele in days. Stricture cured without £)«.'_ Palnful or too freauent urine cured.' Uedloine sent under cover, letters answered in plarn eovelope. Strictly private and confidential. Ail forms of electricity used when neoegsary President of the Chicago Medical Institute, was form graauttteofRusjb dent of St. AnHMmy'8 Hospital. ?P^ri^ CONSULT A TtON PRBB at oflloe orby letter. OHIGMtt MEOICXL INSTITUTE, .IsA •, Office hours: Frdm A)-a, m. to 8:IS p.ii» vUq:-: FRANOl# «T.t jJOSKPH, MHISOUftI 3:00—Military drill, battalion and company drill, artillery practice wtlh 12 pound cannon. 3:30—Base ball, admission free, purse $30.00 3:45—Sack race, purse $5.00. 4:00—Fat man'H race, .purse $500/4 limit 225 pounds. 4:30—Pulling square holds, purse $2.00. 5:00—Standing board jump, purse $2.00. 5:30—Boys 100 yard dash, age limit 15 years, purse $1.00 Free dance all day and night. ," 4th TIV-VI9.TII MIC0I.1ET Ml, V»»-V10-Ttt riMT Ml. £, l\£, :i 0:00—Supper a la French. 8:00—Magnificent display ~6f fireworks from roof of K. P. building. fit Magnificent and Dazzling Display in the evening. & Warner's. tad (MMM)jpoandi He* StuuUnl jlBdlac Mm irwpNt. loooatrktalate yon." Bdiniwbliidliie twine will be ifcto lot Iijomttx canto for SUadud and 11K *"Mrmllireleoed WIITTII ?i, Letter from Oklahoma. Perhaps a little news from Oklahoma may not prove amiss as it is a busy time just at present in Iowa. Am rejoiced to hear of such splendid crop and fruit prospecta in old Decatur county. May she never fail. Here the wheat harvest is bountiful and of good quality. Oats are good but potatoeado not do as. well here a4 they do in Iowa. The queerest thing is that they do not bloom. I-will have to stay in this country for some time as 1 have not had an attack of asthma since came, But one agent has happened to find us and he was lost and could not find his way out of the canon. This, place would suit tat people for the flies and mosquitos would keep them in constant motion. Their fiesh or blood one would have to go. J. D. started to Deei Creek in a canoe on the Canadian river and got" stock in the quick sand., He was unhurt but very badly frightened. He said the earth shook all around him for 2fr feet. He came home and hired a coach and colta and' drove^pver the toll biidge at Bridgeport to the creek: Several thousand head of eattle from Texaa are glassing on the grass grown hills in Oklahoma. If Tekas has such fine! grazing lands, why do tbev drive thnr cattle^iere' to pasture-tbem? John Clair, gnn and hounds killed a wild cat. It caught a hen near the door and John'and the hounds began chaseing it but Clair followed -with the gun and shot. it~- It was so old and tough the hogs couldn't tear it to pieces. At Geary they had a grand jublilee. over: the "free home bill." All were happy in mind and body. £an yon im agine the domical part of the display? The speaker')! stand was covered over with beautiful radar, boughs, the sides draped with stairs of white and stripea of blue, with Flynn'a natne shining pro miscously through it all. The founds* tion was supported. with, eighteen or twenty empty beer kegs.' The speaker, Senator Gillette, poorea forth hia won derous flow of oratory unaware I sup pose of the ludicrpua foundadons. The next blow out waa the K. P.'s in stallation ot 'officers. Twelve, membets were presenkand only thirty-six empty beer bottles were, found in the-room next Udorning, but it is hot enough in this sunny place to drink iced drinks at any time. The boss ran acrosl a snake as long as the wagon tongtie., He "has killed seven rattlers. ana four whip snakes. The latter give your legs a rap ia they glide past They are harmless but one is altytys frightened,.Yeurs trHlfi- MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. mTts. HORSES WANTED* JJfill be at Leon every SATURDAY. Bring ybur'boraea in early as I ship the afternoon. G. ,j£kz r-VAj^t .ftiaiiin kgr wrtU 17 B. 6AUGHERTY T^e' v. Red Prlaca 7424. hot favorite" among "bone rais' era. We challenge any horse in 'south ern Iowa to show a better lot of colta. For terms or other^ information see Fbank Matthkwb, Leon. hoy's stockings wear out at the knees, heels and toes. ARMOR PLATE STOCKINGS have triple knee, heel and toe. Made of si*#1 perioryafti and dyed with a dye which preserves^ instead ot rotting. tm. SOLO BV DBALBRS, Hoslwy Mills, Manfis, DESMOIN^Uk