Newspaper Page Text
hi -"f «-9V would We money to as s. u-„, & HP ^4- v-1*/ 6't-'u A «"y\ arp only second in importance to Drugs and Medicines with us. If either ar&impure they fail in their purpose and luce uiilooked for and undesired re 8. )ur Soaps, Cosmetics, Salves and. all [her articles for use on the skin are of undoubted purity and will always do exactly as intended. The: line of Perfumery and Toilet Water we carry is not equalled in the city. 'Brushes, Sponges, etc. of excellent quality. F.J.HONNOLD. Excursion on K. & W. June 30. Don't fail to see on July 4ti. Akes' Rough Riders 500 men wanted to drill for the Rough Riders on the 4th of July, See U. M. Akes.? ,r Ladies fine shoes, stylish and good to Vtear, only $1.25 at Hamilton & Gam mili's.SJ^.' Osteopathy adjusts the human ma chine when out of order, and nature effects a cure. Dressmaking, south side of the square le door east of the furniture store. ices reasonable. tf 4 trille the 4 year-old son of Mr. and Irs.'Lafe Weaver, was badly bitten by is dog last Thursday. On the 4th of July the postoffice will be open in tbe morning from 7 to 8 and in the afternoon irom 12 to 3. Drs. Layton and Brown preformed a surgical operation on Mrs. Q. M. Lindsey Monday to relieve a Cyst of the abdo men. The operation was very success ful and the patient is recovering rapidly. "Skeet" Detrick and S. E. Benefiel purchased the Sam Patch restaurant Tuesday and opened up for business yesterday. Both gentlemen are good restaurant men and no doubt wijl do a splendid business. Blind Claude will give a musical entertainment at the M.'£. Church •'Friday evening, July 6. He is only 5 .yeas old but a musical wonder. This 'little musical wonder went blind at the age of seven months, from paralysis of the optic nerve. Admission 10 and 20 cents. In the item concerning Mrs. Garrett Ibsonwe stated that she had recovered I her mental derangement when eleasedfroua the asylum, but in a letter H. E. Kelley we learn that she was eleased by order of the board of insane ^mmissioners, and was recorded as unimproved." R«iy. Harry Bennett, living west of C£eon was pleasantly surprised last Sun day by the members of the Palestine Sunday school who drove from the church with well filled baskets. About ninety-five did justice to the good things set before them. Bro. Bennett being in :poor health and not able to attend tbe -Sunday school bis many friends thought it "would do him good to meet with tbe school aUna-home. The afternoon was .. spent pleasantly with prayer, songs and social Con venation. The friends pre sented Bro. Bennett with many nice and useful presents. The families and mem bers represented are as follows: Messrs., Meadames and children. Hill Powers' S. R. Akes Frank Bennett ,W.P. Akes FCox .' B. ifarker .'•Misses,-.'"'':.':. Ida Holmes .iSVTbompson.:, Swanson Deck Rex Umpbress W. Marshall Hex HllUlkor Ollte Weill Bennett, v. To any grocery firm? I Toilet Preparations. any yrucery iirmr~~- If Not, Why Not 'k-X- mJ %--Tv. Give us part of your trade? not spend our good advertise something that has no merit, but our line of groceries has merit* Our customers highest praise of them. speak in Such goods E AC 0 Flour. Heinz' Condiments. Iowa Pride Meats. Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. Golden Eagle and Richelieu Canned Goods. are hard to beat. Bring in Your Produce and give us a trial. Leon celebrates the glorious 4th of July and we are prepared to furnish you wfth anything you may want. vwtwwwvwv J. A. Take a day off and spend the 4th in Leon. The Big Parade on July 4th will be worth coming miles to see. Special prices on lawn mowers while they last at WALLACE & HORNER'S. Money to Loan on improved farms at 6,7 and 8 per cent, interest for 5,6 to 10 yearstime. F. VAKQA&SON. See us when you want barb wire or nails for we will save you money. WALLACE & HORNER. All babies which' are brought to' enter the baby contest on July 4, must be under one year old. FOR RENT—40 acres of blue grass pas ture. Call on or address E. J. Springer, Decatur City, Iowa The newest, latest styled and best wearing shoes are at Hamilton & Gam mill's, and they sell them at cost. A. C. Goodrich's special car waB. at tached to the K. & W. passenger train last Thursday going to Cainsville. Man is like unto a harp and Osteopa thy the skilled musician who by his manipulations produces ''sweet and healthful harmony. Milton Parsons was thrown from, a horse Monday and the bone in his left arm between the wrist and elbow was fractured. Dr. McAllaster dressed the wound. J. H. Bowman, an experienced hotel man, formerly of Leon, who lately has been managing tbe Logan house at Des Moines, came Tuesday to take charge of the Commercial house. He retains S. B. Johnson as porter.—Mt. Ayr News. J. T. Mitchell vs. F. R. Crocker plaint iff in his petition alleges that be pur chased the Ohio House at Garden Groye for $1,000, deed to be conveyed to him March 1,1899. He alleges that defend ant has failed to carry out contract and asks that the court convey property to plaintiff and damages in the sum of $300. Raney & Simmons attorneys for plaint iff. The Young People's League of the M. E. church, gave a delightful reception at tbe home of Miss Nettie Bowman, Mon day evening and about one hundred and sixty members responded to the invita tion. The beautiful lawn was hand somely decorated and music was fur. nished by the Mandolin Club. Master Willie Hogue rendered two very pretty selections on his violin. Refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. The K. & W. freight was running on tbe track yesterday morning, the switch being completed where the roads cross, and were distributing ties along the new road bed which was completed last week. A large force of men are now at work laying ties and steel and putting in tbe switch at tbe depot. The work is being pushed as rapidly as pos sible, and in a few days all trains will run into tbe depot. This will be of great benefit for the traveling public and citizens in general, as all of tbe business for both roads will be transacted at one depot. In viewing the new improvements in Leon it is interesting to see how S. W. Hurst has refitted the old "Patterson" place in upper Leon. Why some baye said it looks better than when first built. It is worth looking at. Hurst is soon to open several lines of business there and after July 16th it will be head quarte- for National Democracy. Tons of reading matter will be given away and all are invited and welcome. Hurst will mix in some business by loaning money, selling a farm or town lots etc. Go and see him. Pretty lively plaoe, and is liable to get red hot. You are cordially invited to call %t the "Board of Trade." Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thompson and ye editor and wife returned Tuesday from a two weeks outing at Camp Leon, West Okoboji where they occupied Dr. Lay ton's fine cottage. All of the party re turn in fine spirits but considerably tan ned. But that's nothing to tbe big fish stories they can tell. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Caster who were of the party stopped at Jefferson on tbe way home to visit a few days with Mr. Caster's uncle, Mat thew Caster, who. will be remembered by some of the older residents, "pamp Leon is one of the prettiest plaoep on the lake which is conceded to be ode of the finestsummer resorts in the Unfted States. While at Spirit Lake we met W. P. Wood, formerly of this city, who is clerkingla a grocery store in th^l v? '. jFJf *3 Don't forget to hear Blind Ctaude at the M. E. church Friday evening, July 6. The baby show will be an interesting exhibit in Leon July 4th. All babies must be under a year old. Remember the special train on the K. & W. June 30, for Ringling's circus.i Fare $1.25 round trip. Drop in ana get the Leon Commission Co.'a prices on poultry, eggs and pro-! duce. And it's cash too. Any party wishing to purchase resi dence property in the best location in! J-eon enquire of T. E. Horner. Blind Claude at the M. E. church Friday evening, July Otb. Admission 10 and 15 cents. The best assortment of cultery in Decatur county is in the north window, at WALLACE.& HORNER'S. There is but one Russ' Bleaching Blue.. Three times within a year the courts have suppressed fraudulent imitationsj FOR SALE—About a dozen head olj choice yearling Short Horn bulls. A. D. SKARS & BROS. FOUND—A heavy cane, which owner can obtain by calling at REPORTER office and' paying for notice. tbe! THE, thiq Little George Boone severely burned three fingers of his right band yesterday by failing to let go of a tire cracker quick enough. 160 acres of good farm land in Eden township, 140 acres of meadow and pas ture, 10 acres timber. If you want a good farm cheap see me now, J. J. Hall, Leon, Iowa. E. J. Sankey was necessarily using his crutch the first of the week: on ac count of a painful blood boil on the end of his limb which has been amputated. Coal. Hard and soft coal always on hand at bottom prices. Arnold & Slgler. W. W. Powers, who is drilling Wm. Biggs'deep well was down about 270 feet yesterday evening, drilling in blue clay having passed through a ledge of roc about fifteen inches thick yester day. Hon. Samuel Alschuler, of Aurora 111., was nominated for governor by the Ill inois Democrats at the state convention heEd at Springfield, Tuesday. Mr. Alschuler is one of the most popular democrats of Illinois and stands an ex cellent show of being elected tbis year. He is a cousin of tbe late Mrs. M. Mayer, of this city. Mrs. J, C. Stockton, who has been seriously ill for a couple of weeks, died last evening at 2:30 o'clock. She had been unconscious since Saturday and did not know of the death of her sister, Mrs. James Ooffin, who died on Sunday. These sorely afflicted families have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire com munity. At the time of going to press arrangements had not been made for Mrs. Stockton's funeral. Teachers' examination will be held at the following places: Van Wert, July 9—10. Grand River, July 11—12. Weldon, July 13—14. Davis City, July 16—17. Pleasanton, July 18—19. Lamoni, July 20—21. Decatur, July 23—24. Garden Grove, 25—26. Leon, Jiuly, 27—28. Teachers are requested to bring their certificates in order that the county superintendent may determine vyhat 'branches they will be required to tmke in examination. J. A. MCINTOS] I, County superintendent. The Davis City Advance's charge that this paper published the report of the small pox case near that town for Lbe express purpose of injuring the Modern Woodman Log Rolling on July 4 and ff, is to silly too need a denial. THB RB ppRTER has a reputation for publishing the news Of the county and when we rave the facts in regard to tbe Davis City small pox case, they were given merely as news, the Bame as was done when there was small pox EB this city several months ago. The Advance says there has. not been a single case of small pox in Decatur county, and thinks its opinion will stand against tbe local physicians and the state board of health. But ISdifcpr Wlckes' opinion does not go Jior very much in Decajtur pounty. John iluniley, tH6 Deoatur township farmer, met with a serious accident shortly after noon J^stferday whidh' will maim him for life. Some tittle ago s6me one gave him a dynamite* cartridge which for a long tltne he carried around in his pocket and then lost it. A few days ago one of his Children found the shell atid brought it to the house., At dinner Mrs. Rumley told her husband she wanted him to tht'oW thfe cartridge away as she was afraid to have it around the house for fear the children would get hurt Mr. Rumley took the cart ridge to throw away, but before doing so picked a little of the. dynamite out with a nail and threw it on the cook stove to amuse the children when it cracked. He continued picking at it and throwing the small particles on the stove until finally he dug out more than usual and when he threw it on the stove a chain of fire followed along where the dust had dropped and ignited the cart ridge which he was holding in his left hand. It exploded with a deafening report, tearing off the end of his thumb and index finger. He came at once to 1-eon to have his hand dressed and Drs. Brown and McAllaster found it neces sary to amputate the thumb and index finger at the first joint. A special meeting of the city council was held Tuesday evening at which it was definitely decided to extend the big city sewer which now terminates on 10th street near the residence of 11. L. Tullis to a point near the bridge on Poplar St. north-east of C. E. Gardner's new residence and they have advertised for bids for the work, the surveying for which was done last week by E.'ll. Peck, the K. & W. civil engineer. The ques tion of allowing the out-houses at the court house to be connected with the town's sewer has been agitated for some time, and at the last meeting of the board of supervisors they agreed to pay the city $1700 for the privilege providing the sewer was extended. When com pleted the city will either lay a pipe line from their well at the old uiill property east of town anil put in a dynamo to pump the water, or arrange with Wm. Biggs for water in case it is secured in his deep well now being drilled, and furnish the county with an ample sup ply of water for a system of water works at the court house. A big supply tank will he erected and mains laid on the square, which will be a big accommo lation to everyone, and also furnish water in abundance in case of lire The work of extending the sewei will be flushed at once, the for tlie some beine opet.ed at the regular uiaeUng, July 5th. [. N. Skidmore Bessie A. Wor.ien hid. next LJce#&e vtp Wed. The following «uarr,iage licenses been issued by Cter,k Stockton our last issue •f. C. Knapp Lenna Hart have1 since I 221 35! 21 The Pop Question. Marshal Pryor has been haviug all kinds of trouble the past week over the! •'Dog Kilting Question." The town council passed an ordinance declaring' that all dogs on which the taxes were not paid should be stayed, and it is the duty of the town marshal to enforce this ordinance. Several parties have refused to pay the tax, and make all kinds of threats against him if lie ever kills their dog. If a dog is worth any thing to you, step up like a man and pay the tax on him if he iB not, dispose ofhiminsome way. I^eon is infesi with a number of dogs which are ni worth the powder and lead to bio them up, and wc have.' known cases where a dog was kept and the children hardly had enough to eat. If you don't pay the tax on him, you must expect that the marshal will kill him, and don't stand around on the streets and "holler your head ofl." That Small Pox Case. Last week's Davis City Advance con tained a column article roasting this paper for publishing an article headed "Small Pox at Davis City." The editor must have been afilicted with a bad case of the nightmare. He evidently dream ed that the pen was mightier than the sword and after reading the REPORTER, he clutched his pen a la Jeffries styie, pulled his'beautiiul chin whiskers, and wrote a snorting article, which con tained about as much sense as a two column article in a Dutch almanac. The Advance stated we lied. We repeat it we did not. We did not get the item from hearsay, but went direct to the doctors who informed us it was small pox. (We wish to apologize for not go ing to see the Advance.) The Advance says "we are indebted to Dr. Wheeler for the facts." Dr. Layton informed us yesterday that Dr. Wheeler denied that he ever said anything to the Advance editor. Dr. Layton tells us that it is small pox and that the quarantine was placed for small pox. To make along story short we believe that the Advance lied grossly. And when he pretends to know more about this case than the doctors, there is a place vacant for him at Clarinda. What we believe about the Advance can be inferred from what we have said. Joke on Conductor Morrison. Last Saturday Conductor Wm. Mor rison, who is known by almost every man,woman and child between Chariton and St. Joe, had rather a novel exper ience with a passenger on his new run trom Des Moines to Albia, to which he was recently transferred after being on the Chariton branch for more than twenty years. When his train pulled out trom Des Moines there was on board a venerable grandmother enroute to her home at Bethany, Mo. When Conduc tor Morrison came through the train taking up tickets the old lady smiled over her glasses as she handed him a ticket reading from Des Moines to Beth any via K. & W. to Leon. Morrison adjusted his glasses, looked at the ticket again and said: "Madam, you are on the wrong train. Didn't you bear the brakeman when he came into tbis car and shouted that this train was for Albia?" "Yes, 1 beer'd him, but 1 saw you on tbe train* and 1 knew you had been conducting to Bethany for nigh onto forty years, and I didn't care what the brakeman hollered, for 1 knew that if 1 stuck to you, you'd turn up at tbe station at Bethany in good time, and I'll just stay by you till we get there." "Uncle" Bill has a reputation as a grufl conductor, but on tbis occasion he bad to smile, ind sure enough the old' lady staid by bim. He didn't do a thing but take ber on to Albia, pay her board over Sunday and bought her a ticket as far as l^eon where her ticket became good, and as she boarded the train be gave the main line conductor orders to see that she got there all right. A pas senger who came over the Albia branch thefiratofthe week says Morrison is ,«ow wearing a big placard front and r.w, reading: "I don't run to Bethany or»any other place on the- aou'h branch." Japaneese Buckwheat fine $1.00 per bushel Hef. P. M. any Bank or business man in Osceola Iowa. 42-St J. MASPN, PURELY PBRSONAl [Persons havlngfrlends visiting them or sowing of strangers visiting In the city will confer a great favor upon the Editor by Informing him either in person or by note.1 at Humcston last Bill Rhea rtas visiting Friday. John Parrish wont to Corydon Monday on business. Mark tirimes was a passenger for St. Joe yesterday. Dr. D. R. Dudley had business at De catur yesterday. J. F. Kane, of Lamoni, had business in this city Monday. Ed Sharp returned from a short visit at Bethany yesterday. Fred Edmiston was a passenger for Davis City Monday. H.J. Culver, of Garden Grove, was a Leon visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sullivan were at Davis City last Friday. It. J. Ciitchfleld, of Weldon, was in Leon last Friday on business. C. C. Beck was a Grand River visitor the latter part of last week. Dr. H. R. Layton had professional bus iness at Pleasanton last Saturday. I. N. Clark, W. A. Brown and son Neal Wtre Ashing at Davis City Monday. Miss Flossey Lindsey went to Van Wert last Friday for a short visit with relatives. Mark Sbaw, of Vau Wert, was ti ansact ing business in Leon tbe first of tbe week. W. H. Weller, of Davis City, was trans acting business in this city last Thursday. Attorney V. R. McGinnis had legal busi ness which called him to Creston Tuesday. Harry J. Vogt and sister Henrietta, were passengers for Des Moines yesterday. Dr. H. It. Layton had professional busi ness calling him to Davis City last Fri day. Miss Jennie Schenck went over to Deca tur Tuesday to visit a few days with rela tives. Walter Hebener departed Friday after noon for Creston where he expects to work. Ed. H. Sharp went to Bethany last Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends. J. G, Prichard, of Princeton, Mo., was in Leon the first of the week visiting friends. Mrs. H. J. Close returned last Saturday from a short visit with relatives at Mt. Pleasant. Mip Eva Hemilricb, of Chariton, visit ed friends in this city the latter part of last week. Frank Davenport, of Des Moines, came to Leon las*. Friday on a visit to relatives and friends. Rev. C. W. Reeder went to Turo last Saturday and occupied the pulpit in that city Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Beck and children returned last Friday from a visit with relatives at Grand River. Misses Margaret aqd Helen Young went to Van We^t yesterday r'eturhing on the evening train. C. M.iJJeller left.lapt .Thursday for St Joe, where he goes to look aftef' some rea estate ibusiness. Mr. aud -Mrs.,F. .Varga went to Davii City last Saturd^. to visit their daughter Mrs. A. E. Dorn. Misses Henrietta and Char lptte Vogt returned last Friday evening frorrl a short visit at Davis City. Mr..and Mrs. Prank being erec Khoad eturne Capt. 3. D. last Thursday to attend the funeral of his cousin J. M, Taylor. Brown* went to Humeston Miss Wilma Custer, of Bethany, Mo., is in the city visiting ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Biggs. Rev. and Mrs. R. ff. Castor went to Van Wert yesterday, where Rev. Castor will officiate at a wedding. Carl Parrish arrived in this city Sunday. afternoon from Golden, Col., where he! had been attending school. Mrs. John Merwin returned yesterday from an extended visit with Mrs. F. W. McCaull at Darlington, Mo. Mrs. Lyss Gibson and children, of New Hampton. Mo., came to Leon Monday on a visit to relatives and friends. Butler Ellis came down from Des Moines Monday, called here by the death of his sister, Mrs. James Coffin. Mrs. L. Van Werden returned from Des Moines last Saturday, where she had been attending the musical convention. Mrs. M. J. Warner left lastThursday for Ellensbury, Wash.,where she will make an extended visit with ber son Clyde. Mrs. F. H. Matthews and children re turned Saturday from a visit with rela tives and friends at Garden Grove. Mrs. J. A. Edwards, who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Allen, re turned to her home in Albia yesterday. Miss Eva Hemilrich returned to her home in Chariton yesterday, after a pleasant visit with relatives ia thiB city. Mrs. C. E. Roberts and son Dick, return ed last Thursday from a visit with ber sister, Mrs. Clarence Jenree, at Chariton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coffin, of Wymore, Neb., arrived In this city last Friday call ed here by the death of Mr. Coffin's mother. Miss Lyda Fames returned from Des Moines Tuesday where she has been for some time visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. Tew. Miss Lois Sankey left last Friday after noon for Des Moines, where she will enter the «um«ier school of the Drake Univer sity. Miss Aidda Oofford departed for Des Moines Monday where she will attend the summer school at Highland Park Col lege. Mr. and Mm. W. £!. Myers returned from Des Moines last Saturday where bey had been attending the musical conven tion. Frank Davenport, of Des Moines, spent the latter part of last week visiting bis mother, Mrs, S. J. Davenport, east of town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dorn left last Sat urday for St. Joe where they will visit for a month with their daugpter Mrs. E. C. Bruce. Mrs. J. F. Penniwell went to Derby last Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs R. F. Throckmorton and see ber new grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Sanv, ot Chicago, ar rived in this city last Thursday, on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Layton and nume rous friends. Mrs. W. H. Delk returned to her home in Osceola last Friday, after a very pleas ant visit in this city with relatives and muy friends. Mrs. Ella Hogue and son Ralph, re turned last Thursday from Des Moines where they had been attending the music al convention. J. W. Gardner, Mrs. Annie Curry and children went to Humeston last Saturday to visit a few days with the family of George Gardner. Mrs. Susie Clinkingberd returned to her home at Ridgeway last Friday after a Sleasant visit in this eity with her sister Irs. A. McClelland, M. Mayer and son Harry returned Chicago last Thursday where they had been with the remains of Mrs. Mayer, who was MiBs Stella Moore, ing the past ten daye: O. M. Kohler, returnci Kansas City yesterday. lid has tiden visit" it#, her frleridj Mrs. her hdtne in Alix. Houser, an extenslVO sheep grow er of Deca'tur Co., Ia., was in town from Saturday until Monday looking after some sheep.—Cainsville News. Miss Lillian Craig, who has been trim ming in a millinery store at Monmouth, 111., the past senson, returned to her home in this city last Thursday. Mrs. Lillie Warren and daughter return ed to their home at McCook, Neb., Mon day, after a pleasant visit of a week with friends and relatives in this city. J. C. Clark, of Cmaha, Neb., came to this city Tuesday evnning on a short visit to relatives and friends. He says they ire well pleased with their new location. Mrs. Doug. Green and son departed Fri day afternoon for Lincoln, Neb., for a visit with relatives. She will return to tbis city before returning to her home in Des Moines. H. P. Smith, of Eden township, depart ed last Friday for western Nebraska and eastern Colorado where be goes to look after some real estate with a view of locat ing there. Mrs. T. E. Fox returned to her home in Wymore, Neb., after a three weeks visit with the families of S. E. Sims and S.J. Davenport She was accompanied by her sister Miss S. J. Davenport. Mrs. Winnie Ward and children, of Decatur, passed through this city last Thursday, enroute for Wharton, Tex., where they will join Mr. Ward, and make that city their future home. G. G. Urimes returned to his home in Davis City last Saturday, after visiting several days in tbis city with his brother, Mark Grimes. Master Leslie (primes went home with him for a short viBit. Mrs. Will Zimmerman returned last Saturday from a visit with her parents a.t. St. Charles. She was accompanied by her sister Miss Delia Shephard, who came home with her for a short visit. Mrs. Sam Rush returned last Saturday to her home in Burlington after visiting a week in tbis city with relatives and friends. Miss Sadie Whitham also return ed to her home in Mornin? Sun. Wm. Creighton, of Fredonia, Neb., ar rived in this city Tuesday on an extended visit to his numerous friends. Mr. Creigh ton looks hale and hearty and says he is pleased to get back to old Leon once more on a visit. Miss Daisy Stanley of Leon, came down Saturday for a visit with friends here and north of town. She is a daughter of Uncle" Dan Stanley, who formerly lived on Little River on the Leon road.—Pleas anton Index. Mrs. Sarah Shields, of Omaha, Neb., ar rived last evening for a few weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Carrie Hyatt. Mrs. Shields had been visiting a few days at Mt. Ayr with relatives, being on her way home from Ohio. Capt. Ward, of Decatur, was a Leon visit or last Thursday, while here he made us a pleasant call and informed us that his sons Frank andBert who leftDecatur about two months ago for Wharton, Tex., were having a siege of sickness. Ex-postmaster, Ed. K. Pitman, of Leon, a good fellow, but one of the worst dem ocrats in Decatur county, was in town Tuesday and Wednesday and^ while here was the guest of his niece* Mrs. L. B. Kemp.—Lineville Tribune. Mrs. Bert Tullis and baby returned last Friday from Chariton, where she had been on account of the serious illness of a child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Atha. Their many friends in this city will be pleased to know that the child is much better. See,Joe L. Warner, the north side jeweler, for alt kinds of cleaning and re pairing. All 'work guaranteed and cem purpose of cleanin teaivi eoaieearly Parasols and Umbrellas. Men's Hats Half Price. The Glorious Fourth. Leotl will have one of the greatest and patriotic celebrations ever yet at tempted by her citizens. From early morning till late at night amusements of all kinds will be in order. Don't fail to make preparations for spending the Fourth in l^eon. Following is the pro gram: National Salute at Sunrise. 10:'!0—Akps' rough riders, exhibition run by Leon Fire Department. Clown Band led by drum major in an exhibition drill. (The ancient order of Egyptian prophets will be pre sented in this drill. Oll:00—Foot race, free for all, $5.00. 11:15—Bicycle race, standing start, 300 yards, purse $5.00. 11:30—Baby show in park, prizes, $5.00, $3.00 and $2.00, babies haired. 12:00—German Lunch. 1:00—Great chorus of 100 voices led bylK. P. band. 1:30—Address by Hon. M. L, Temple. 3:00—Military drill, battalion and company drill, artillery practice with 12 pound cannon. 3:30—Base ball, admission free, $30.00 3:45—Sack race, purse $0.00. 4:00—Fat man's race, purse limit 225 pounds. 4:30—Pulling square holds, $2.00. 5:00—Standing broad jump, $2.00. 5:30—Boys 1,00 yard dash, age 15 vears, purse $1.00 (i:00—Supper a la French. 8:00—Magnificent display of lireworkf from roof of K. P. building. purse three Leon purse $5.0.0, purse purse lijnjJ Free dance all day and night.. Coal. Hard and soft coal always hand at bottom prices. Arnold & Slgler. Congressional Convention. The Democrats of oiho KilOitli Conxressiona. District will meet in delegate convention at CorniiiR, Iowa, on Wednesday, july IHtli. at 10:30 for the purpose of nominating a amli date for congress and for the tar nsaction of such other business as may properly come lie fore the convention. All voters in sympathy with the democratic platform and in favor of Wm. J. Bryan for president are cordially in vited to take part in the county conventions for the selection of delegates: The ratio of representation by counties is as follows: Adams Appanoose 14 Clarke Decatur Fremont is Lucas Page 8 Ringgold Taylor 10 Union 11 Wayne 11 J, F. MCOINTY, Chairman Congressional Committee. A. W. MAXWEIX, Secretary. When you want a bright,lasting Bhine put on your shoes in an artistic manner, call on Buck Peugh, at the Hotel l^eon. He gives the best shine black or tan in Leon. THE EMPIRE BAKERY. North Side Square—Biggs Building Fresh Bread, Buns, Rolls, Pies, Cookies and CakesI lllllllllllllllllllllllimillllllllllh Shirt Waists. Thi,s is the greatest Shirt Waist stock we have ever had. It emibraces t»he new ,choice, crisp styles with not a hold over ajnongSit thejp. Prices f0c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.35. Plenty of Collars, Pelts and Ties in the late styles to top oJT the Shi^t Waists and at economical prices. The New Dress! Just time enough to get it made hetore the 4th. We furnish stylish, pretty, cool, wash good ,and dainty l,ace or em broidery, allovers and edges to trim at inexpensive prices. Butterick Books will help yofl .de.eido on the style and we can furnish you pattern if yoy desire. Tihe medium priced white goods,.OJc. to 25c, are very .pretty and have been splendid sellers. jBe gjad ,to haye yt come and see them. Ice Cream Parlor, Fruits and Confectioneryl White China Silk tops, $1.25 to $2.00. Colored Silk tops, $1.25 to $3.00. Black Silk tops, $1.00 to $3.00. Black Cotton tops. 35c. to $1.00. A special lot of Black Silk and Mercerized tops in 2G inch sun umbrellas go on sale this morning at $1.00 each. These are 25 to 50 per cent, cheap. We have about them and expect to sell all of them before the July. The handles are all new styles but the you come the more you have to choose frim. We have about 10 dozen Men's and Boy's Crash and Straw Hats. They go on sale this morning at just half price to clean them up. Celebrate Here. Lunch. ry our 13c. PERRY, LEON, rarrar Crash Hats worth 25c. to 50c. at 10c. to 25c. 't'i" Straw Hats worth 25c. to 75c. at 15c, to 35c. Just in time for those of you who want summer headwear— but come as seon as you can. Sizes may be gone quick. We cordially invite all our friends to make this store their headquarters on the 4th, We will take charge of yoii?\ bundles and wraps and dinner baskets and supply you with drinking water. Hope yo't will accept the invita tion as freely as it is given and that you will enjoy the day And be glad that you come. iiiiiiiiumiiiiuiaiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiY *5 "^3 50 of 5th of earlier •lb.-'