Newspaper Page Text
%wm *mg.jf -. r.»i ife White Elephant Pearl Harvest Home Prairie Flower m: *e s. to to to to to to -Spa to to to to to to to to r#:' mmt- to to rn to to to to to to to to to to to til#' *&£ Grain Hearts package Yitos 2 packages Armour's Washing powder Johnson's Washing powder Champion Lye, 3 cans If' -~v1 Tr. m^^wiw^w* #a lllllimHIWHWIIIHUIttHIIUtaMWHWUMIIIIII The wheat market is booming and flour prices have gone sky ward, but we still re tain the old prices on the best Flours More of it being used this season than ever be fore. Full measure, full weight, works nicer, looks better and lasts longer than any other paint. These facts are what sells the Sherwin Williams paint. We can furnish you a paint for less money but why not Jiave the best. It does not cost any more labor or as mush to put the paint on. Come and see us when your buildings are in need of paint,. Better get those We haye an eye opener on. STREET. mmm 4^ 1 iiiniHiinHinfii Hungarian Cream, Fancy Patent, $1.00. $1.00 $1.00 .90 .85 Imperial Rolled Oats, 2 packages, 15c. Grape Nuts 2 packages Soda, full pound packages, each 5c« IIIIIHIIIUIIIHIHimiHIIHIIIIIIUUmilllUIIIIIIIIII This is an old saying and a true one, the best time to make hay is when the sun shines. The time is-almost here and the best way to put your hay in the barn is with the STAR HAY CARRIER. Window Screens and Screen lloorsl July 4th will be a big $laty in Leon and you may not know where to so. We invite you to our ..^store to see us and see our goodsf Wmm Irooine Starch package Celluloid Starch package Vogt'a powdered LaWndty Starch Vogt's Corn Starch Cream of Wheat package Grain-0 package 25c. Silk Soap 10 bars Tepee Soap 15 bars Mechanics' Soap Mothers' 95 Soap 10 Bars, 25c. AT THE LITTLE STORE. The Star is the best on the market. There are plenty of farmers io Decatur county using ihe Star who are perfectly .satisfied. Do not be behind the times but get you a Star Carrier and have it put in before the day to use it. Do-n ot be de. ceived and induced^ buy some inferior.* carrier. Get the Star and you have the best made. We have just received a good supply' of that best house painty You know the name, the* SHER WIN. WILLIAM' PAINT. '4^^- Kilfy Jtw- tM. *#?***-t i?r 1 W* "Sfr. 5b.V« 15c 15c 25c -r- l* -IT TOT SCO. Ms .'Ml up"before the 4th of July for there will be swarms of flies on July 5th, and don't you forget"it. Better be protscted. This is one case where the people area unit on protection. We Yours forall the time, & HORNER. *1 ?-a. MATRIMONIAL. aM $* V?/ "S 1, ib W5 n&tv* /••if rC»\j«s 4»,ii 5 ih iHi Sitii Uf ib til* & 5 n-m r« -«,*» i5ve ft tJP" & & $ Wt have the screening and doors. Don't forget. Where kre those people who are looking for Bird Cages? We have the cages. Furnish your bird with anew home. Great thing to improve the bird's sieging. tiON, IOWA» ill Hit tii Oil 0« il# $ TEALK-BEU8B. On Sundfty, June 10,1900, at the home of the bride's step-father, Mr. Otto Kil Ulcer, seven mile* north-east of Kellerton, the marriage of Mr. Harvey L. Teale and Miss Marie L. Rueas was solemnized. Kev. Charles Knoll, pastor of the Meth odist church, officiated. The ceremony was preformed in the presence of about 50 relatives and friends. Promptly at 12 o'clock while the weddingmarch wad being played by Miss Kate Teale, the groom's sister, the young couple took their station in the parlor and the clergyman spoke the words that unitep their destinies. After congratulations, a sumptuous wedding repast was served. The bride was attired in beautiful gown of mercerized mull, with lace and ribbon trimming, and carried a boquet of apple blossuras. She is one of Decatur county's most estimable and popular young ladies, and is in every way worthy of the young man to whom she was joined in' mar riage. The groom who has been a resi dent of Kellerton most of his life, is at present engaged in the furniture business being the junior member of the firm of H. L. Teale & Co., and is one of our most enterprising business men. Mr. and Mrs. Teale will spend a week or two visiting relatives and friends, after which they will be at home in Kellerton. They received many beautiful and val uable presents. The Olobe joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through this new life which they have been so auspi ciously launched.—Kellerton Globe. Would not Suffer so Again for Fifty Times, the Price. 1 awoke last night with severe pains in mv stomach. I never felt BO badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc Curdy's drug Btore and they recom mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose'fixed me alright. It certainly is the finest thing 1 ever used for stomach trouble. 1 shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to. endure the suffer ings of last nightfor fifty times its price. —G. H. WILSON, Liveryman, Burgetts town, Washington Co., Pa. Tbis rem edy is for sale by W. A. Alexander, druggist. Real Estate Transfers. From June 9th to June 23*. as reported by F. Vanta & Son. Ann Snively et al. to Esther Trailer,* 40 acres In Fayette $1100 as. M. Gilreath to Uoyle Gllreatta, lot In Grand River::. GOO Albert Comer to Wm.'Perry lot in Lamoni 300 Thos. J. Mcrullough to Uruce B. Vail, 40 acres in High Point lfiOO C, V. Spargur to Wm. L. Wood, lot in Davis City 400 Sarah I. Miller to Frank Wells, lots in Terre Haute... 50 Delia Skinner to James Shaha, lot in La moni 175 Rebecca- .Chatterson to Amelia Osborn, lots in Lamoni 300 Henry Binning'to U. W. Binning, lot in Grand River lot 360 D. P. Nicholson to Annie E, Hanna, in Lamoni 171 J. T. Smith et ftarab'J. Koger. lot in Leon^ 800 John N. Brown to Jas M. Booth, 80 acres in Blooraineton 2000 I. N. Beavers to W. T-, D, and Charlotte Evans, land In Woodland 135 His Life was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lily, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling ol it he says: "I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die ot consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's Niew. Discovery. One bottle gave me great relief. I continued to use it, and am now wefl and strong. I can say too much in its praise." This mar vellous medicine is the surest and quick est cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cts. and $1.00. Trial bottles tree at L. Van Wer den's drug store every bottle guaran teed. -Council Proceedings. Leon, Iowa, June 7, 1900. Town Council of Leon met in regular monthly session at the office of Marion Woodard, Marion Woodard, mayor presiding. Councilmen present H. J. Landis, D. Brown, H. J. Vo(?t, H. R. Lay ton, T. 8. Arnold. The following claims were then sub jected for examination and .allowed through motion: CentervlUe Blook Coal Co. coal 49 TO Bluf. Wilson, hauling 7 00 Cling Surface Mfg. o. supplies 8 75 L. M. Goodman fnontbly salary and cash 75 45 Gen. Elec. Co., stipplliE)* John Garrett, labor and dray W. Boone, freight advanced W. A. Boone, cash for med. exam W. A. Boone, cash for lumber and dray Dr. A. Bowman, 15 vaccinations SchwwrtfStamp A Seal Co., tags J. W. Honnold, labor T. W.Ballow, tiling W. W. Potts, work at cemetery A. M. Pryor, serVice^ aa marshal A. N. Llndsey serviced" 1 month J. C. Btockton, judgment and costs 139 45 87 86 113 2952 25 00 «01 700 1 85 85 50 40 72 90 00 96 50 20 00 Ordinance No. 75, to establish a side walk along the west and south side of Block No. 5, was passed. Ordinance No. 76, prohibiting minors from .being on the streets after 8~o'clock and punished for the violation thereof, was passed. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friendB, but one who would be attractive-must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly ana all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, akin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitten is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify thfi blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyeB, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-iooking charming, woman out of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at L. Van Werden'B drug store. School Deport.- IliSsIll Report of the school taught in Dist. No. 7, Center township, commencing April 17, lWO, and closing June 9, 1900. Number.days taught 40 number en rolled 19 average daily attendance 15 2-6 absent nor tardy 6 average cost of tuii[ion |l.fi2J. The closing exercises were held in Mr. Uayn's grove after which the company were treated to ice cream anjiti'ake furnished by the pat rons of the school. This came as a sur prise to the pupils, but was greatly ap preciated by theoTi. Although many of them had never bad miuch practice in literary work, it being this first attempt for many of them, they acquitted them selves with credit. Some of the patrons added interest and amusement by re citing pieces tbey had spoken when they were school boys. The. occasion was made mora «qjoyable by good music furnished by the Pease brothers. By request Edd and Frank Garber sang the "Lost Maine," After an hour spent iir^iaiting and talking of other last days/the company broke up about^ve o^jj^^geturning in good spirits IPSIIIWT1 EHEERFUURMAWDI to care, PrlwlB Was Durrant Innocent? Newspaper readers will readily recall the sensational murder of Blanche La ment and Minnie Williams by Theodore Durrant some time ago in the "state of California. In reference therefore the Salt Lake Tribune is responsible for the following: One of the saddest and most atro cious legal murders so far recorded is that ol Theodore Durrant, hanged in California a few years since for the mur der of Blanche Lamont. and Minnie Williams, a most diabolical double crime, its very liendishness hardly have ing a parallel in the annal of vice, and its perpetrator was sought high and low for several days, the whole world hoping for bis capture and punishment. In the meantime tlieso-culled astute detect ives and police authorities concluded a victim was needed, and after fastening their clutches on younc Durrant proceed ed to collect what they termed evidence, the whole mass of htnll in all probability being manufactured for the pupose of conviction, and all of circumstantial nature. Durrant stoutly maintained from hisarrest up to the moment of ex-, ecution that he was innocent of the hor rible charge, but forsooth he could not explain every moment of his presence at certain times, he was convicted, and hanged, and once more the majesty of the law, along with the thick-skulled theory of these police wiseacres, was duly vindicated. Now the sequel: A few days ago, on his death bed, Rev. Gibson, who at the time was pastor of Emanuel church where one of the mur ders was committed .confesses that he kill ed both of the victims. He was an active and important witness at the trial of poor Durrant, the reason of which is now quite plain, p.nd also in view of the fact that suspicion was strongly directed to him at the time. In view of the prominence which the newspapers gave to the murder and the subsequent trial of the accused, we are at a loss to understand why the alleged confession of the Rev. Gibson has seem ingly attracted so little attention. How ever, we reproduce the above for what it may be worth. How To Cure a Sprain. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doc tor 1 called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said 1 had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one half of a 50 ceut bottle cured me entire ly. I now_ recommend it to all my friends.—F. "A. BABCOCK, Erie, Pa. For sale by W. A. Alexander, druggist. Seasoned native lumber, posts and wood fo- sale. C. E. GARDNER. tor CHKIL, RSXICU'S KNQSH IN KED aoL metallic boxes, scaled with blue ribbuD. TAKE no other. Kefiiso PiiftiMai SABCMIVUTFNS UUD Imlta tfoaa. Buy of jour ''roggUt, or *COD 4C. IO for Partl«TT.'»ra, TentlmvniaU sad "BEHEF FORL^DTES*"IN letter, br RO TORS Mali LO.OUOT. \UmoDiai8, GPLD t,v all DruuUu. C*!, pa|«r. MsdtioB P1»U., L'A, ORIGINAL NOTICK. In the District Court of Decatur Iowa, August term A. D. 1900. O. J. OftieUl, pliiii:ti!T uguinst v" w.a. J. omeltl To Said Defendant: You are hereby notified (hat there is now on file in the offlce of tbo Clerk of the District uourt of Deeatur County, Iowa, the petition of tne piaintlll aforestiid, claiming of you a di vorce, on the grounds of wilful desertion for mors than t,wo years am) asking for the care and custody of -j our mini* child, Bessie M. Offisld. You are also notified that uqless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the term of said District Court of De catur UouDty. to be held on the 27th day of August A. D. 1900, a default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon, 414t G.TAYIXJH WRIGHT, Attorney for Plaintiff. MISS MAUDE METIER, Winner of THE LEON REPORTER'S Colora|o_Trip will be a guest lower Camp, LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Biliousness* Constipation, 4D PILL5 LIVERITA Dyspepsia, Sick-Head ache and Liver Complaint. 10 CENT5 &U6AR COATBO. Sold by all druggists I or sent by inalL iNervita Medical Co., Chlca|r Myers & Co. druggist 100 PILLS 25 CTS. For sale by W. E. Leon, Iowa. NERVITA PILLS! Restores VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. |By mail SOc per box, (J boxes for $2.50 with a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by W, E. Myers & Co., druggise Leon. Iowa, WM. WOODARD, President. 9JSHS2SS!ZSHSZSZ5HS25ZS2SHSESHiiH5252SH2SHffiESZ5Z5ES25HS2SZSZSZSZ5JS5ZSZ5H5E52.,iH5ffia5H5Z5E5BHSi5S^ LEON, gi Capital and Surplus ORIGINAL NOTICE. In the District Court or Decatur Connlv Iowa, August term A. r». Hum. Tbo Home Savings fc Trust ro. plaintiff iiguinst Cora E. Tharp Sttwart, Elmer G. Stewart, her husband, anil Joseph Tharp, defendants To ora E. Tharp-stewart. Elmer G. Stewart, the above named defendants: You are hweby notilied Ibat there Is now on file in the oftlcc of the Clerk ol the District I 'ourt of Deeatur County, Iowa, the petition of the plaintiff aforesaid, claiming of you the sum of Three Hundred Three Dollars and Eighty four cents *303 84) as money justly due frjiu you, and interest thereon at eight per ccnt. Irom the first day of Match, A. 1). 1000, for amount due plaintiff 011 your one certain lirst mortgage note made, executed and delivered to plaintiff on the 7th day of April, 1898, for being given in consideration of said sum being advanced by pluintiff on your four shares ot apitul Stock In plaintiff's company evidenced by certificate No. .'1183, and asking for loreclosure of a certain mortgage given by Cora E. Tharp to secure said note on lot eight, (8), block three (!!), Referee's addition to Davis City, Iowa, and for cancellation of said certificate of shares of stock being No. :tl8H nnd praying for judgment for costs including a reasonable fee for plaintiff's attorney as provided by said note and mortgage. No personal judgment is asked against the de fendant Elmer U. Stewart. For full and com plete statement of plaintiff's cause of action see petition. You are also notified that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day cf the term of said District Court of Ue catur Couni.\, to be held on the 27th day of August, A. D. a default will lie entered against you and judgement rendered thereon. 4~ 4t V, U. McGlNNIH linos ail MersU Bail IOWA. Does a general banking business. jjj Pays Interest on time deposits. gj We Solicit a Share of Your Patronage. ffi JOHN W.HARVEY. Presl lent. TUOS. TEALE, Vice President, jjj FRED TEALE CasMer T. S. ARNOLD. Assistant Cashier. JJ? 9*ggggggg5ZSZ5Z5iag -HbtH5HSEa5ESZ5a5Z52SZ22SE5ZSZSESH22SSHS5ESESiH5H5HESEHlt"!?®£ SlllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttU: JAMES CRESWELL, Vice President. TBS CITIZEN'S SSCATTTR, IOWA. Owns 3,300 acres of land in Deeatur County and other meetir\ ties amounting to over S200.000. Interest 0aid«n time deposits- STOCSHOZ.PSBB 1 WM. WOODAHD, JAMES CRESWELL, J, HENEV HiLL. 2 C. BRAZELTON, C. M. CX)RRlNGTON. W. H. COLTER. F. A. & F. S, GARDNER. E- W. TOWNSEND. 2 lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||l|HIIIII|||lllllllli|lllllllllllll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|l|IIR WARNER BLOCK. Lovely Manitou, Colorado. A Summer Outing in the Mountains of Colorado will cost butlitt* morethan at home. —CLUB PLAN— Board will be on the club plan the meals substantial, abundant, of the best quality and served in a large dinning hall built especially for us. Children's meals will be serveil in an adjoining tent and under the careful supervision of a lady, who with her own children will sit, at their table and look closely after the wants ot the little folks. The children will have a trained waiter, table furnishings suited to their needs and plenty of wholesome food, thus relieving the parents of all care at meals, while the little folks are better cared for than usual. Meal hours: Breakfast, 7:30 to 8.30 a. m. luncheon, 12m. to 1 p. m., dinner, to 7:30 p. m. except Sunday, when the dinner will be at p. m., and lunches will be eaten where one will. Material ior lunches will be given daily to to those going on tramps. Price of board: for less than five weeks, f4 per week for five weeks, or longer, $3.50 per week or for ten weeks, $3.25 per week children half price. All other boarding houses run at $5 to $15 per week. Rooms will cost from $1 to $2 per week for each person according to the number of persons occupying rooru or tent. v':V:' h: Under the Management of Mrs. Lucy L. Corbett, of Emporia, Kas. T. Attorney for Plaint Several parties for Decatur County have made arrangements for a stay at i* Sunflower Camp! For full information and all de tails address COUNTY OR6ANIZER. DAVIS CITY, 111. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClCft&aet sod be&ulifidi h*lr. Promote! A luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases A hair iaUiiig. ^^FIOCJAML^LXJOA^JRUGGIJUI^^ $38,500.00. W. TOWNSEND, Cashier. I ISSB 101ER -H v' lOWAt,