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V-\. Si* t, IP "Iff 2& & The Leon Reporter mi, FiUlthm MON IOWA. THURSDAY, JUNE 281900 Vesuvius is becoming more and more active, and those who live around it are greatly alarmed. Experts are in clined to consider that there is no im mediate danger. The station of the cable road which leads to its summit has been destroyed. Four English travelers, who were making the as cent of the volcano, ventured too far and were overtaken Ly the lava and seriously burned. There has been a special issue of war stamps from the Melbourne post office for the benefit of the local patri otic fund. There were only two de nominations, the penny and the two penny, the former selling at a shilling and the latter at a florin. They were all practically sold in advance, £3,500 being realized. The designs were agreeably artistic, and represented colonial troops at the front. The Baltimore American says: What is probably the oldest family Bible in this country, and without doubt the oldest Dutch Bible, is in the possession of Capt. George W. Wood, 1700 Eutaw place. It is almost three hundred years old, and has been in his family for nearly that length of time. In all probability it was purchased by one of his ancestors soon after it came from the press, for it was brought to this country in 1630. "One-fourth of the lawyers," said Governor Shaw of Iowa, recently, "can try a case no better today than whea they began." "There are also women who can cook no better than on the day they were married, and are told so three times a day." What commence ment oration could better set forth, in co-educational terms, the common principle of failure? Not to advaince, as Lord Bacon insisted long ago, is simply to go back. The old cherry tree uinder which Ed gar Allan Poe used to sit, and in whose shade he is known to have written at least part of "The Raven," is to be cut down. It stands in the suburb of New York called Pordham, near the little house in which Poe lived, and which is known as the "Poe Cottage." There are to be street improvements made iin the neighborhood, and the cherry tree is in the way. Wood choppers have the contract for cutting it down, and It will soon be laid low. Dr. E. J. Chauvet Is the owner of the tree, and he may have it reserved in the form »f many relics, or move it bodily to some other spot. The tree has been dead for years, but it still stands. A correspondent of the Troy Times has been making big eyes—as well he might—over a copy of the Boston if April 15, 1828, which 'e, copied fr:m a 'esenting a veritable cle invented by a who^iad Athenaeum contained London pi automo man .out In"roH9^raS designed for steam pro pulsion, and could be easily controller! by the driver. -The description was followed by a prophecy that "if his In vention should reach its expected per fection," its economical character would doubtless "lead to universal patronage." The expected perfection is not yet but "a man named Gurney" deserves to be remembered. Many years ago a New Hampshire physician was stunned by the prema ture discharge of a blast. He related afterward the fact that in the moment of the explosion he had time for the swift passage of three thoughts through his mind: "I am a dead man! What will become of my family? We are all in the hands of God!" Curi ously enough, the prince of Wales made use of this last impressive sen tence on his first public appearance in England after the recent attempt at his assassination: "We are all in the hands of God!" What if the conscious ness of helpless dependence which men feel in a crisis of extreme physical danger could become a habitual at titude of trust, and thus a fountain of joy? Some weeks ago a den of foxes was discovered on the bank of the Miami river near Redbank, by three boys, John BaiMgF jewis Shumate and a boy named Llcyft. Young Lloyd took two of them to his father's place near Red bank. They were fastened to a ken nel with stout cords attached to col lars. It is stated that persons in the vicinity frequently heard the old foxes ba^k at night, and on Saturday night last Farmer Lloyd, hearing a commotion in the barnyard, went out and saw the parent foxes scurry away. He then went to the kennel and found that the cords which had confined the young animals had been chewed In twain and the little ones were miss ing. It is the supposition that the parent animals released their young and carried them away in their mouths, as a cat does her kittens. The recent postal frauds in Havaina emphasize, by the law of contraries, the marvelous reach and honesty of the mail system throughout the world. An Ohio soldier, lately returned from the Philippines, displays a little jar of Jam F. addressed to him in Manila. It received the postmarks of San Fran cisco, Honolulu,Guam and Manila and thco,' after a brief pause, recontinued its long chase. Iloilo, Negros, Jolo, and back to Manila Hongkong, Yo kohama, San Francisco again and finally that of the Ohio village in which it was properly delivered. Editorials and communications abounding in the daily press indicate that one unsettled problem which the nineteenth century will bequeath to iheftwentieth is presented in compact form' as follows: What is the best way to make a strawberry shortcake? Diamonds have been found In the Upper Mazaruni district British Gui ana. Such as were taken to Demerara passed through the (Apartment of mines. They \'4 neaifc all small, BlUaUf JCCUO) ier pro- J- nagen. TIIE state Sunday school convention it Creston closed with an inspiring onsecration service. The rallying ong of "Espilon" was adopted as the tate song. Secretary Preston's re iort shows 5,441 schools 58.254 officers knd teachers, and 399,355 scholars, otol 457,605. AT its recent session at Des Moines .lie national music teachers' convention sleeted the following officers: Presi lent, Arthur L. Manchester, Camden, few Jersey: vice-president, Dr. M. L. Itartlett, Des Moines secretary, Thos. K. Beckett, Philadelphia treasurer, P. A. Fowler, New Haven, Conn. DURING a terrific thunder storm at •iioux City lightning killed a boy lamed Clarence Whisler and set fire to barn in which were a number of valuable breeding horses, all of which were burned. Young Whisler had fone into the barn to seek shelter irom the storm and while there he was tilled by the lightning stroke that set •he barn on fire. The harses burned were valued at 5515,000. One of them, ."irand Sultan, was alone considered worth $8,000, being a high grade trot ting stallion with a record of 2:1014. The horses were the property of W. P. ieefe. JAMES PETERS, or Pliea-Pa-Ha, an Indian on the Sac and Fox reservation In Tama county, has commenced suit in the federal court in Cedar Rapids against Indian Agent W. G. Malin and [}. W. Nellis, the superintendent of the Indian boarding and training school at Toledo, in which he asks for §8,000 for tvrongful, illegal and unjust arrest ind prosecution. He claims that he lias never been a citizen of the United States, but that last fall he was ar rested and indicted by the Tama coun ty grand jury for enticing an Indian child away from the reservation. He tilso states that on trial he was acquit ted and completely exonerated. There is another case of a similar nature pending and the result is awaited with considerable interest. TrtE Cedar Rapids police are trying to locate a grafter giving the name of 0. W. Freeman of Des Moines, who Him-flammed a young Bohemian out of B21 in a room at the Arcade hotel. The young man had just come in from work on the Milwaukee near Paralta and met Freeman on the street. The confidence man induced the stranger to go to the hotel, and while there persuaded him into giving up the $21 as a loan, to be paid back as soon as the swindler could get to the telegraph office. The felloes who were playing cards^^^MTcapman left one by one andJ^^^Hreeman said he was going ,ph office. The young lie saw Free iick and ^Kmjfthen he ported the matter to the polira. SHERIFF JOKES landed Bus Galla gher in the Dickinson county jail after a clever tracing of stolen property. Recently fifteen head of cattle disa peared from a pasture south of Terril. Sheriff Jones was notified, and setting about it at once, soon found that the cattle were shipped from Montgomery, twenty miles northwest of Terril, by a party signing his name as Gallagher. He secured his description and identi fied him as a farmer living six miles west of Milford. Deputies were set to watch all trains comirig from Chicago, and as Gallagher stepped off the train at Milford he was taken into custody. Sheriff Jones was notified and went to Milford, where he found his man with $225 in his pocket and with way bills, shipping contracts, etc.. care fully pinned around his leg under his clothing. At this point the prisoner gave up and acknowledged the whole deed. CLINTON has an unusual case of al leged insanity, where a man claims to* be insane and asks to be restrained. The man gives the name of Jerome W. Eighmey and claims Henderson county, Illinois, as his home. He says that he has an almost uncontrollable desire to kill somebody and fears that he will take life if he remains at large. He called upon the sheriff and asked to be locked up. The sheriff heard his story and placed him in the county jail. Later the commissioners of in sanity had a hearing and on the man's statement adjudged him insane. He is now in jail awaiting a determina tion whether he will be sent to Inde pendence or turned over to the author ities in Illinois. He says that when walking along the street he feels a desire to kill persons he meets. He says he has been in a hospital for the insane in Illinois, from which he was discharged. On all other subjects he seems to be perfectly sane. A TERRIBLE accident happened near Fonda a few days ago, in which Roy Petersmier was killed by falling on the tines of a pitchfork. He was playing with another child, sliding off a hay stack, against which a pitchfork was leaning, tines upward. Young Peters mier struck the fork in sliding from the stack, one tine entering the side near the lower rib and the other under the arm. The boy managed to draw out the tines and crawled off a little distance from the stack. The cries of the other child summoned the father, who arrived just in time to see liis son expire. IIARVEV'Sconfectionery. Humphrey's grocery and Saling's livery barn, at Creston, were burned. The loss was $10,000 insurance, $0,000. The fire was of incendiary origin. One horse was cremated. The families of James Saline1, Geo. Sticklandand Mrs. Turner lost their household goods and had narrow escapes. FBOF. O. II. BAKER, of Indianola, has been appointed consul at Sydney, New South Wales. Prof. Baker, who has been a resident of Indianola for many years, was formerly consul at Copen- b,-» SLAIN BY NAKED MANIAC. James Fitzsimmons Dead, and Three Other* Injured. CEDAR RAPIDS, June 20.—Charles Mefford, a maniac, at 5 o'clock a. m. killed James Fitzsimmons, fatally in jured John Drake, seriously and pos sibly fatally injured Mrs, James Fitz simmons and then ended his own life. Mefford was 26 years old and had been insane for a number of years. Two years ago he was in the Independence asylum for a short time, but escaped and was never returned. He was not generally considered dangerous. Sat urday night about ten o'clock, while clad in nothing but a shirt, he darted out of his home, a raving maniac. He was seen two or three times between then and midnight, but the police failed to find him. Shortly before 5 o'clock Reginald Andrews, the jani tor at the Old Ladies' Home was awak ened by crashing glass. The next moment Mefford stood before him, stark naked, swinging a neck yoke. He warned Andrews that his time had come and swung the neck yoke in an effort to brain him. The latter dodged and grabbed the weapon, threw Mefford on the bed and choked him until he begged for mercy. Then An drews agreed to give him a bath, a suit of clothes and some breakfast, which apparently satisfied him. Rush ing through the house, Andrews locked the twelve or fourteen old ladies in their rooms, notified the police by tele phone, and then ran across the street to the home of Joseph Drake for as sistance. Drake dressed, picked up a revolver, and they started out. As they did so Mefford, carrying an ax, was seen to plunge through a window Sn the home of James Fitzsimmons, about 150 yards away. As he entered the room Mrs. Fitzsimmons uttered a' scream. Mefford swung the ax and brought it down toward lier head. Her uplifted arm saved her life the arm was broken in two places and she sustained a serious scalp wound. Mr. Fitzsimmons hurried to the aid of his Wife and his skull was crushed with the ax, death resulting immediately. The maniac then rushed into the room of Miss Katie, who escaped with a few scalp wounds. Starting down stairs he was met by Drake who snapped his revolver four times at the madman, each time upon an empty shell. Mif ford grabbed the revolver, ran a few blocks and killed himself with the one load the revolver contained. THE office of the Joyce Lumber Company at Audubon was entered one night last week and the safe broken open. The. burglars got nothing but a life insurance policy belonging to the manager, J. A. Jansen. No clue was left to tell who the badly disappointed parties were. THE Seventh district republican con-, vention, held at Des Moines, nominated: John A. T. Hull for congress, to sue-! ceed himself. This is the sixth nomi-j nation accorded Captain Hull. No other candidate's name was placed be fore the convention, and the nomina tion was unanimous on the first ballot. TRE A SURER CHIWRY of Johnson coun •tydirl fibt iialte ffis"! sEfni-ai? to the board of supervisors at the June session for the reason that there is an apparent discrepancy between the amount that should be on hand as shown by the treasurer's books and the amount of cash on hand. It appears that there is a shortage of about $6,000. Mr. Cherry says that the fact that there is a shortage came to him as a clap of thunder out of a clear sky, and he is unable to account for it. He has shown his willingness to be investi gated, however, and has secured W. O. Waldron, an expert accountant of Des ,Moines, to go over the books since the beginning of his administration, nearly: six years ago, and Mr. Waldron' has been working steadily for the past ten days. Mr. Cherry has' turned over the treasurer's office and has offered every facility within his power to help Mr. Waldron, but is .otherwise keeping out of the inves tigation. PETER SHINKER, a prominent resi dent of Calhoun county, living near Pomeroy, met with a horrible death by drowning in an open and unused well. The theory of suicide is enter tained. Shinker left the house with the intention of going out to the pas ture for the purpose of looking after some stock. He did not return, and his family becoming anxious, one of his boys was sent to look for him. The boy went to the pasture and upon ap proaching the well was horrified to see the body of his father in the well. The head was beneath the water and the feet above. Help was summoned, but when the body was removed life was extinct. Mr. Shinker was a well known man and prominent in local affairs. He was conscientious to an extreme degree, and it is thought that worry over some business affairs which he was carrying on at the time de ranged his mind. His hat, boots and pocket book were fojund on the outside of the well. REPORTS are coming from trust worthy sources of great damage done by hail, not only to crops, which have been injured in the vicinity of Sioux City to the extent of 75 per cent in strips, but to live stock and human beings. Driftsof hailstones afoot and a half deep were piled up. Chunks of ice fell in places. They bruised a girl near Moville so badly that she may die, and hogs and sheep were struck down and killed by the score. The storm seems to have wreaked its great est fury near "Moville. crops in that vicinity being damaged to the extent of $50,000. SIXTEEN of the Sioux City saloon keepers who were arrested for keeping open on the day of the big Sunday ex cursion, June 10, were fined $50 and costs in police court. The remaining three ask for a continuance) but they will also be assessed the same fine or else be closed up by injunctions. RAY, the 8-year-old son of James Locke, a farmer residing near Kent, was killed by lightning. He was go* ing to the house at the call of his mother to get shelter out of As.torn when struck. The mother the death of her son. storm .Z1H AMBUSHED NEAR TIEN TSIN American Force Loses Four Killed and Seven Wounded. WASHINGTON, June 26.—The navy department received from Rear Ad miral Kempff a telegram giving the first definite news of the shedding of American blood on Chinese soil. The department issued the following bulle tin: "A telegram from Admiral Kempff, dated CheFoo, June 24, sa3's: 'In ambuscade near Tien Tsin on 21st, four of Wiler's command killed and seveu wounded. Names will be furnished as soon as received. Force of 2,000 going to relieve Tien Tsin to day. ICKMPFF.' "The secretary of the navy has or dered Admiral Kemey to. go with the Brooklyn to Taku and to tender Gen eral MacArtliur conveyance of any army troops which the Brooklyn can carry." WAR AT TIEN TSIN. Foreign Concessions Nearly All Burned —American Consulate Razed. CHE Foo, June 23.—It is officially re ported that the bombardment at Tien Tsin, China, with large guns, continues incessantly. The foreign concessions are nearly all burned. The American consulate has been razed to the ground. The Russians are occupying the rail road station, but are hard pressed. Reinforcements are urgently needed. Casualties are heavy. The railroad is open half way to Taku. NEW YORK, June 23.—Secretary Leonard of the Methodist Foreign Missionary society has received the following cablegram: "CHE Foo, June 22.—Tien Tsin bom barded. Pelcin is very serious. Hop kins, Brown, King saved. Gunboat." The three men mentioned are mis sionaries. Secretary Leonard infers that the remaining twenty-four mis sionaries in Tien Tsin, among them many women, have been murdered by the Boxers. Li Hang Chang's Appeal. A special dispatch from Vienna says: •'Li Hung Chang has wired the var ious Chinese legations in Europe di recting them to inform the govern ments to whi they are accredited, that he is called to Peking by the em press to act as intermediary between China and the powers to negotiate a settlement of the points at issue and he instructs them to beg the powers to facilitate his mission by ceasing to send troops to China." Sheug, director-general of tele grams, wires from Shanghai to the Chinese legations in Europe thq.t the foreign legations in Peking are safe. COUNT MUR4V1EFF DEAD. Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sud denly Passes Away. ST. PETERSBURG, June 23.—Count Michael Muravieff, Russian minister of foreign affairs, died suddenly Thursday. He had just finished his morning cup of coffee and had ordered his lunch, when he fell in an apoplectic pt and expired in a few minutes. Count Muravieff secured for his name immortal memory by his pro posals for universal peace, which re sulted in the peace conference of the nations that met at The Hague on the "gll of the_czar a year ago. He was a ian, but he was greater as ilomacy, .and the trains of jn'ce which Ins proposaTs^set--at work will never lose their power. NEW NOTE TO THE TURK Mr. Griscom Insists on Prompt Re ply to the American Demand. CONSTANTINOPLE, June 26.—Lloyd C. Griscom, United States charge d'af faires, has presented a fresh note to the Ottoman government insisting upon an immediate reply to the de mand of the United States for a set tlement of the indemnity in connection with the losses of Americans at the time of the Armenian massacres. Although vigorously phrased, the note is not an ultimatum. It is said, how ever, to have been a disagreeable sur prise to the porte, testifying, as it does, to the intention of the United States government to pursue this mat ter of indemnity to the end. IOWNE IS WILLING TO QUIT. Will Leave Race for Vice-President if Not Wanted. AUSTIN, Texas, June 25.—Charles A. Towne, the populist nominee for vice president, has written a letter to Ma jor George A. Walton, of this city, in which he gives the inference that if he is not the choice of the democratic party for vice-president he will with draw. Mr. Towne in his letter says. "My friends know that no personal consideration would influence me to stand in the way of success of the par ty for which we are contending." Duller Is Pressing His Advance. LONDON, Jnne 23.—General Buller is pressing his advance. On Wednesday he followed the Johannesburg railway to Paardelcop, thirty-oue miles from St. Anderton. About 300 Boers, singly or in small parties, have surrendered. German Minister is Safe. BERLIN, June 25.—The Chinese min ister here lias informed the foreign of fice that the German minister at Pek ing. Von Kettler, who was reported killed by the Boxers, is safe and well. A Native Uprising. BATHURST, West Africa, June 21.—A native uprising has occurred in Gambia colony, and two British commissioners and six members of the police were killed at Sannkanndi, on the south bank of the Gambia river, by Maidon goes. For the last thirty years in Denmark the party of the left has had a major ity in the chamber, while the king lias retained in power a ministry the right. pi A. new bible has been published in London in vibich the New Testament precedes the Old. Bourlte Coclcran became so much in terested in the cause of negro edu cation on his recent visit south that he lias contributed $500 to the work of the Tusltegee (Ala.) Normal and In dustrial Institute. A Frenchwoman makes her toilette at night as carefully as if she were going to a reception, instead of to bed.. Whether she be old or young, a well-bred daughter of France brushes and arranges her hair, cleans her teeth, rinses her mouth with some pleasant antiseptic wash, donsaberib boned and lace frilled night dress and prepares herself for sleep with the care and deliberation of a girl attir ing for b/er first ball, BARD FIGHTING AT TIEN TSIN. Four Thousand Foreigners Oppose I7n» uonnted Chinese. LONDON, Jnne 23.—The silence ol Peking continues unbroken. Foui thousand men of the allied forces were having sharp defensive fighting at Tien Tsin Tuesday and Wednesday with a prospect of being reinforced Thursday. This is the situation in China as set forth in the British gov ernment dispatches. "Eight hundred Americans are taking part in tli? fighting at Tien Tsin," says the Sliang liai correspondent of the Daily Ex press, "and they apparently form part of a supplementary force, arriv ing with Germans and British, aftei the conflict started. It is impossibly to estimate the number of the Cliinesq there, but they had a surprising num ber of guns." This information appears to have been brought by the United States gunboat Nashville to Chee Foo and teli egraplied thence to Shanghai. A special from Shanghai says thai it is reported from Japanese source^ that 1,500 foreigners have been mas sacred at Tien Tsin. WHEAT FAILURE A CALAMITY. Crop Situation in Minnesota and Dakota! the Worst Ever Known. CHICAGO, June 23.—The Times-Her ald publishes a crop report preparec by Snow, the crop expert, who hai just completed a two weeks' trif through the states of Minnesota, North and South Dakota. lie declares th situation a national calamity and claims the wheat failure the worst ever known. IIe estimates the Dako tas as promising only 20,000,000' each and Minnesota 35,000,000 bushels, a total of 75,000,000, against 200,000,00G last year and 225,000,000 bushels in 1898. AMERICANS ARE AMBUSHED. When Reinforced They Were Unable Dislodge Enemy. WASHINGTON, June 25.—The war de partment has the following from Gen eral MacArtliur: "MANILA, June 24.—A detachment of four officers and a hundred men ol the Fortieth infantry left Taga Yan on the 13th, on a reconnoisance up the Taga Yan river and were ambushed by insurgents in a strong position. Fifty men were sent to reinforce them from Taga Yan. They could not take the position and the troops withdrew to a coast post. Our casualties were seven killed, eleven wounded and one missing." THIRTY-FIVE KILLED. Awful Catastrophe On a Southern Railroad. ATLANTA, Ga., June 26.—Thirty-five passengers on a Southern railway train were killed in a wreck near Mc Donougli. Not one of the train crew or of the travelers in the day coach escaped. Ten persons only, the occu pants of the Pullman coach, the last car of the train, live to tell the story. A cloud-burst, followed by a flood in Camp's creek, washed out 100 feet of the track. Running at full speed in a terrific rainstorm, the train plunged into the gap. in Jthe road. Baggage car, second-class coach and the first class coach were smashed into splin ters. On top of them crashed the Pullman coach. Then, in the bottom of a gorge, partly covered with water and with torrents of rain falling, the wreck of the train caught fire. The Pullman passengers managed to make their way out to the track, but no help for the others could be had. In the morning rescue parties had nothing to do but gather together the thirty-five mangled and burned corpses, some of which had been carried by the current a long way from the scene of the disaster. THE WORST IS YET FEARED. Peking Situation Is More Gloomy Than Ever. LONDON, June 26.—A dispatch from Shanghai says: "Foreign officials here are inclined to believe that the worst has happened to the legations at Peking and to Ad miral Seymour as well. Even if the legations were safe on June 19, there is no guarantee that they are safe now. The situation in fact, grows more and more gloomy. The entire absence of reliable news from the capital seems to justify the worst construction that can be put upon it. "Bad news comes from Nan King, where the unrest has been growing hourly. Viceroy Liu Kin Yih has tele graphed the British authorities that he has ordered the five Chinese cruis ers which have been lying off the har bor here to proceed to Nan King. "A careful estimate of the number and armament of the Chinese troops around Peking puts the total at 360, 000, and it is calculated that these troops possess 227 centimetre Crensot guns, 18 Krupps and 150 Maxims. "Their supply of ammunition is prac tically inexhaustible. It has been mainly supplied by a German firm at Carlowitz. Fully three-fourths of tho Chinese forces are badly drilled, wholly undisciplined and quite unfamiliai with modern weapons." When a boy thinks he knows more than his father it is about time for him to begin to pay board. Sensational German Statement. BERLIN, June 23.—A sensation lias been caused by a declaration of Hen* Mertel, a member of the reiclistag and editor-in-chief of the Deutscnes Tageg Zeitung, the agrarian organ, who i# the course of a political speech at Ebernburg said: "Our next war will be naval and against England. Of this we have been quietly assured by the government, and it was because of this assurance that the agrarians voted for the naval bill." A single fact outweighs a thousand claims. -t It is now over five years since Lord Roberts was created a field marshal and reached the highest rank in the Brit ish army. He is now in the forty-nintli year of his military service, which he began in 1851, when in his twentieth year. Golden and diamond weddings were celebrated by C14 couples in Prussia in 1899, and the state destributed jubi lee medals to each husband and wife. In Berlin and the provinces of Brad enburg the number of these couples was 115. I Many a man's due to his ^eglij ways, THE BELIEF ATTEMPT FAILS. Foreign Forces Blocked by Chinese With Artillery. LONDON, June 25.—The only dis patches from China last night are those which give further details of the re pulse of Thursday's attempt to relieve Tien Tsin. According to a dispatch from Che Foo, hordes of Chinese, with well posted artillery, block the way of the American and Russian forces. The guns of the allies could make no im pression, and it was found impossible to shift the enemy's position. Noth ing could be done except to fall back, and this was accomplished in good order. It was ascertained that the foreigners in Tien Tsin were making a gallant defense. The French conces sion buildings had been vigorously at tacked by fire, and in all probability have been reduced to ashes. After the forces retired, an armored train at tempted to reconnoiter, but was de railed. More troops are arriving at Taku, and another attempt at relief, with a force of much greater strength, was to have been made last Saturday night. PEACE TERMS ARRANGED. Up Prominent Filipinos Draw ^Schedule of Terms. MANILA, June 22.—Two hundred Filipinos met yesterday in Manila to determine honorable and decorous methods for securing peace. The re sults were submitted to General Mac Arthur, who accepted them. The leaders of the meeting will use their influence to induce Aguinaldo to accept the arrangements. If they are suc cessful, as they hope to be, they be lieve Aguinaldo will issue orders in conjunction with amnesty for a cessa tion of hostilities. The meeting, which was the first of the kind since the days of the Filipino congress, was composed of the distinctly revolution ary element. Thirty political prison ers were released from jail in order to attend. The terms follow: First—Amnesty. Second—The return by the Ameri cans to the Filipinos of confiscated property. Third—Emplovment of the revolu tionary generals in the navy. Fourth—The application of the Fili pino revenues to succor needy Filipino soldiers. Fifth—A guarantee to the Filipinos of the exercise of personal rights accorded to Americans by their con stitution. Sixth—Establishment of civil govern ment at Manila and in the provinces. Seventh—Expulsion of the friars. FIGHT THE CHINESE ARMY. Contest in Orient No Longer Confined to the Boxers. WASHINGTON, June 24.—The follow ing cablegram from Admiral Kempff was received late yesterday afternoon at the navy department: "CUE FOO, June 23.—Proclamation issued 20tli: The admirals and senior naval officers of the allied powers in China desire in the name of their gov ernments to let it be known to all vice roys and the authorities of coast and river provinces and cities in China that they intend to use armed force only against the Boxers and those people who oppose them in the march "to Peking for the rescue of their fellow countrymen." Admiral Kempff's message is of im portance, as showing the present atti tude of the powers represented in Chi nese waters. It indicates that for the present at least they are operating in harmony for the release of the foreign ers who are confined in the Chinese capital, and that they are taking ac tive steps by means of proclamation to have this fact become known to the peaceably inclined Chinese. Officials here interpret the proclamation as a conciliatory measure and believe it calculated to restore the confidence of the Chinese people in the pacific inten tions of the powers. CONGER SAFE AfPEKING. Director of Telegraph Reports That Legation is Burned. NEW YORK, June 16.—A New York World London special dispatch says, "Our legation is burned, but Conger is safe." A Shanghai correspondent says: "Sheng, director of telegraph, de clares that information received today, June 22, is that the foreigners at Pek ing were safe Wednesday, but that all legations have been burned except the British, Austrian and Belgian." A Shanghai dispatch dated yesterday says. "Sheng says he has news from Peking by courier to Shanting that the foreign ministers at Peking are de manding their passports, and that the Tsung li Yamen is disposed to comply with their requests." FORCES ENTER TIEN TSIN. International Troops Enter the City, Sustaining Slight Loss. CUE Foo, June 20.—Rear Admiral Kempff reports by a Japanese torpedo boat that the combined forces entered Tien Tsin on Saturday, June 23, sus taining small loss. They started on Sunday to relieve the force which left Tien Tsin on June 10. and which is be lieved to be surrounded near Peking. Monocacy Was Fired Upon. LONDON, June 13.—The United States gunboat Monocacy was two miles up the Peo Ho river when the interna tional fleets began the bombardment of the Taku forts. According to the Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express, she was shot through the bows. The correspondent says that Chinese riflemen on both banks of the river attacked her. but unsuccessfully. Unstrong—"Did lie prove to be a strong candidate?" "No, the second assessment broke him." It takes a very interesting woman to make a talk about her servant girls worth hearing. Twelve dollars and thirty cents is Vhe annual allowance of 7.0(51 pension ers of the state of South Carolina. Charles Ii add on Spurgeon, the non conformist preacher, was a great pun «ter. One day, while an invalid at Mentone, he was walking by the sea shore at a time when the Mediterran ean was raging furiously. Suddenly he interrupted the conversation and L_e. the wild waves he gave his own re question *'L NOTES FR0MTHECAPITAL DES MOINES, June 26, 1900. Herbert T. Granger, the plaintiff in the sensational Granger divorce case on trial for two weeks before Judge Bishop in the district court the latter part of last month, is no longer a mem ber of the firm of Guernsey & Granger. Mr. Guernsey has bought Mr. Granger's interest in the firm. Mr. Granger h&s left the city for good, it is asserted. It is understood that he will locate in Spurrier & Maxwell, attorneys for A. K. Campoen and Dr. E. L. Eaton, of Des Moines, have filed a petition in the district court of Polk county attacking the sufficiency o* the saloon consent petition passed upon by the board of supervisors June 8, and under which the saloons are now operatirig. The petition charges that the consent is insufficient as to the number of signers that the persons making affi davit to the signatures are not of good moral character that the petition was not properly canvassed that many of the signatures are not genuine, and that many signatures were secured by fraud. None of the charges are specific, and the entire petition does not cover a page of legal cap paper. At the trial, which takes place in September, in order to establish the case claimed, it will be necessary to prove that the pe tition does not contain a sufficient number of signers, or that the reputa tion of the persons witnessing the sig nature is not of a character that will warrant placing credence in their affi davits to the effect that the signatures are correct. The Union Terminal Railway Com pany of Sioux City, has signified its intention to incorporate with the state, costing $2,003.50 in fees. Its capital is $2,500,000. Its incorpor ators are: John Cadwalider, Charles C. Harrison, Sidney L. Wright, John W. Hamer, William A. Blackford, Lawrason Riggs, Edwin S. Dixon, Adam S. Still. These are all Pennsyl vania men. The company provides in its articles for power to build three lines of road, all from Sioux City, one east to the limit of Woodbury county, one westerly to the Big Sioux, and one north to the Iowa state line. A few weeks ago there was a sur plus in the state treasury of Iowa of about $2,00,000. This has been de pleted by two months of state insti tution warrants and other outgo not met by the income during the summer months from tax collections, and is now about $875,000. This, it is ex pected, will continue to go down until September when the annual collection of taxes will mean a considerable in crease. Articles of incorporation have beein filed with the secretary of state by thti" National Development company ol Davenport, which represents the or ganized effort of that city to locate in dustries within its borders. It starts with a capital of $500,000, and the or ganizers are the leading business and financial men of the city. They in clude F. P. Blair, F. A. Davis, Geo.rge T. Baker, Joe R. Lane and C. A. Speik. The design of the company is to give assistance in every way possible to lo cating industries. Sites will be pro vided, buildings erected and bonuses may be raised for desirable concerns, as inducements to locate in Davenport. Th™ opening day of the Midland Chautauqua assembly is July 10. The Grant clnb and the twenty-one women's clubs of Des Moines will unite in making this the grand rallying club day of the session. The orators of the day will be Hon. Henry D. Estabrook, of Chicago, whose subject will be "Vengeance of the Flag," and Dr. S. A. Steele, the great southern orator, who will speak on "Home Life in Dix ie During the War." Other leading attractions of the assembly, which last two weeks, are: Dr. N. Dwight Hillis, the eminent clergyman Ed mund Palmer, demonstrator in liquid air J. P. Dolliver and Champ Clark, on "Imperialism" Maud Ballington Booth, John Finerty, Rev. Anna Shaw, Robert Stuart Mac 1 some western town. I At a meeting of the board of trustees of Des Moines College the most im portant matter considered was the gift of $25,000 offered to the college on the condition that the trustees raise $60,000 to $100,000 more. After long and careful deliberation as to the man to put into the emergency to take charge of this canvass, Rev. W. M. Walker, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Des Moines, was -unan imously chosen. He appeared in per son and consented to do the work in connection with such brethren as he may choose and in such manner as not in any way to conflict with his duties as pastor of his present charge. Prof. J. P. Stephenson was chosen dean of the faculty ad interim and the choos- -Sf ing of a new president to succeed Dr. H. L. Stetson will be held in abeyance for a few months while this canvass is being made "Sf •M '44. Arthur Madame Cecilia Eppinghousen Bailey, prima donna soprano Columbus Apollo Male quartette Arion Ladies' quartette, Metropolitan Jubilee Singers and the American Vitagraph Company. The Iowa State Military Band will play at the auditorium each day during the dinner hour. For information and program address Midland Chautauqua, Des Moines. Will Remove Troops From Cuba. WASHINGTON, June 26.—As soon as. Secretary Root returns to the city next week final arrangements will be made for the withdrawal of as many troops as can be spared from Cuba. General Wood reports that the elec tions passed off quietly and that affairs have generally become tranquil, with no indication of future trouble. Kitchener'g^arrow Escape. LONDON, June 21.—A Cape Town dis patch says Kitchener had a narrow escape from capture in an engagement at Leeuw Spruit on the 14tli. lie was sleeping in a repair train when it wai attacked. Many engineers were cap tured. Kitchener's sleeping car was a! Koples station when the lioers undei DeWet suddenly opened rifle lire.* Kitchener managed to reach his hors« and galloped to Rhenoster, two miles distant. The lioers numbered nine hundred, with three guns. The burned the culvert, which had .just been rebuilt, and destroyed the train. The child who respects his parcntt will respect the laws of the land. Rieli Chinamen pay no wages their servants, for the reason that tin employe of the rich man c:ui mak( more than triple the ordinary wagei in perquisites. Don't countyour chickens until tliej are in the cooj). Mrs. Ellen Tiffin Cook, who died nf" tlie age of 85, at Chillicolhe. O.. tin other day. was the last survivor of tin family of Ohio's first governor—Ed .ward Tiffin. 11 the soap nsgd in Paraguay ii |e of coc4it-t5ilT