Newspaper Page Text
1 of Interest Reported by our Correspondents .v '. Weld&Hi ':v .Vi "'-I The Pleaianton correspondent would do us a great favor in stating the pros pect of peaches, as there area number of people contemplating going down to purchase. A carriage load of Van VVerters (boys and girls) were out on a lark Saturday night and gave this city a pleasant call. They had everything their own way un til they began "joshing" the small boys on the street and the boys soon got too warm for them and they went out of town with the horses on the dead run Weldon and Van Wert never could hang on the same nail. We appreciate their visits and welcome them to our town as long as they are legitimate but we can't approve of their driving at break neck speed on the main streets of our quiet little village. Arthur McCartney, E. A. Lockwood and Hugh B. Gardner are buying timo thy seed. fl. 10 is the highest price we have beard quoted here but it'is $1.25 in Osceola. Our town girls have started a new fad by wearing red bandanna handker chiefs on their hats. Miss Winnie Eddie has resumed her position in Hugh B. Gardner's store. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tarry Monday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clell McCollough Tuesday. Clell says he has already asked him for a quarter for next Fourth ot July. Mrs. Maud Stanley, of Illinois, is vis iting the family of Mrs. J. N. Eddie. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lowe visited the latter's brother, JimEddie,Saturday and Sunday. Wallace's race horse Kandall got his foot fast in the partition of the stall and broke his leg so badly he had to be shpt-^ia quite a loss as Mr. Wallace pent some time in training him. He was a young trotting horse and won a good race in central Missouri last fall. As Joe Philipps was driving to Leon the morning of the Fourth hia dog took a fit in front of Jim Howell's residence and furiously fought the horses for a while and' then started off through the field and hasn't been heard of since. They- are momentarily expecting the horses to go mad. .Lightning struck Will Eddie's^ barn Thursday morning and burned it to the ground with 3 head of horses, 7 tons of hay, 400 bushels corn, buggy, harness and implements. One horse belonged to Tom Boyce, another horse belonging to him broke loose and ran.,out of the barn but was So badly bruised and burned that it's recovery is doubtful. B8 of was $300 insurance on the baVn and $150 on the horses and as t6 further insurance we didn't learn. It was a large and commodious barn just erected last year. p|| if Will Gardner/"'of Leslie, had two horses killed^by lightning Thursday morning. Jack Wilson conducted himself in such a manner as to be expelled from home a few days ago. 'r'- Our campmeeting continues with in creased interest. They have some speak ers of sterling ability. Dr. Mitchell visited the Ft. Madison penitentiary a few days ago and was pleased with his trip. While one of Frank Wallace's little boys was working in the field the other day he heard some hounds running in the timber nearby and ran to join their .sport. He soon came upon a tired dog lying in the shade of a large tree. He hit the dog and it seized him by the throat. His crys were heard by his faithful companion, a shepherd dog, which quickly came to his rescue before he was seriously injured. There was a grand musical entertain ment at the Weldon Meadows farm Fri day night. L.—JPormanjTrisler will start out with his steam thresher this week. Omer Blakesley is working for Oscar Judd. Frank Stevens gave a social Saturday nighti Wm. Warren is thinking oi renting his farm and moving to town. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stevens have anew piano purchased of W. A. Alexander, of Leon. W. C. Lowe has a new wagon. The W. R. C. gaye an ice cream social at Mrs. Lillard's Saturday evening. Miss Cleva Cashman was the guest of Miss Lena Chainy Sunday. C. C. Wood is running a large harvest force with three mowing machines, four sweep rakes and two stackers. John Snyder is harvesting for J. F. Stevens. John Abercrombie was hurt one day last week by a stacker being let down on him. S. B. Leist,agent for McLaughlin Bros., of Columbus, Ohio, recently sold their fine Percheron draft stallion,Ardent,to a "**»~«ampany at this place composed of nine stockholders and ten sharee. The stock ... holders are: C. S. Eals 2 shares, C. C. Wood, J. W. Winget, John Scheets, J. D. Van Liew, Wallace Bros., Charley T&bler, Elmer Beck and J. C. Hawkins. The horse is three years old, weighs 2,000 pound? and cost $3,000. Mr. Leist is here now with a small road horse for sale. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wood are con templating a visit through Kansas. There is the greatest demand for har vest bands ever known in this county and they are paying $1.25 per day. The oats are straw heavy and of very light quality but will turn out wtell. Mr8. Dr.Enos Mitchell and siaterMiss Viola Houge are now in London'Wt itck ll£{- ohnson, of Van Wertj Visited daughter, Mrs. Maggie Wood k« .!*• Weave* Oritchfleld is learning tele graphy of our agent Bobbie Wilson. S. Horney is visiting his sister south of Leon. .-1 Will Mitchell's sister is visiting him. Robert Mitchell of the Lanning Medi cine Co. was here this week. One of Baker's Medicine men canvass ed this territory this week. We heartily endorse the nomination ofChas. Lane, of this city, for county recorder. We only wish to commend him as a gentleman of business, princi ples, morality and would make a first class recorder. Friendship hearts are in good demand here as they have the supply exhaust ed. Miss Clara Hodtre was the guest of Miss Minnie Lowe Sunday. Justus George Kyle, of Osceola, was the guest of Willie Stevens Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Will Mitchell gave birth to twins Friday, The little girl died and the funeral service was conducted Sunday at the home by Rev. Armstrong. The re mains were interred in the Hebro cemetery. Mr. Johnson, oi Des Moines, was the guest of Miss Lillian Webb Sunday. John Bryant is shaking hands with his many friends here this week. Kd Lender, of Lacelle, was in town Sunday. The whooping cough is raging here. There will be a missionary rally at Van Wert Sunday of the C. W. B. M.'s of the Christian churches of l^on, Van Wert and Weldon. Stop your hair falling out! "Erysipelas re suited in entire loss of my hair two bottles Bcggs' Hair Renewcr gave me a line growth." J. A. Lin dor, Editor Advocate, Humeston, Iowa. Guarantoed for all scalp diseases re stores natural growth and color. Try it now McGrath & Still, Woodl and. Garden Grove. Those who are inclined to be nervous during a thunder storm, had good rea son for it last Thursday morning. Lightning struck at three points in town, one being at Elzie Martin's house. In the country near here it demolished several chimneys killed a steer belonging to Robt. McKee and burned the barn of J. Eddie north west of town, together with three horses and a large amount of hay and grain. Owners of gardens are bewailing the damage being done by potato bugs. They are the long, striped variety, and tackle anything from a milk weed up. N. H. Pyle, of Ottumwa, came last week to visit his father-in-law, J. S. Brown. Alda Stearns, who came home from Bsaconsfield last week, and who it was feared would have a run of typhoid fever is now on the mend and will prob ably be all right in a short time. Miss Marienne Zichey left Saturday for Fairfield for a visit with friends. Mrs. N. M. Bark huff, of Tingley spent _£t Saturday in Garden Grove yisiting ir old neigfibd^^^^^u^m^haw Her daughter had I^S^riere^some The splendid rain Monday morning makes our crop prospects still brighter, Mrs. Geo. Brown came out from Chi cago Saturday and will make a visit with Garden Grove relatives. Mrs. Ira Miller left Friday for an ex tended visit with relatives and friends in western Pennsylvania and New York. Miss Adda Hoadley went to Fairfield Saturday to visit friends. Sam White came down from Indianola last week to visit a few days with rel atives and friends. Thos. McKinney is enjoying a visit this week from his brother, Wm. Mc Kinney and wife, of western New York, Mrs. L. A. Blackman entertained her Sunday School class last Saturday eve' ning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoadley enter tained the members of h6r Presbyterian choir at their home last Saturday eve ning. A pleasant time is reported. Mrs. Lizzie Metier returned Monday from Milan, Mo., where she had been trimming in a millinery shop. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will serve ice cream and cake at the millinery shop Thursday evening. The young men went Monday eve ning to organize a foot ball team to practice up for next fall's games. Shake into your Shoes. Allen.s Foot Ease, a powder. It cures pain ful, smarting, swollen feet acd ingrowing nails and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It the greatest coihfort discovery of the age, Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or new shoes feel eaay. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists ana shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N, Y. iiiT The farmers are busy haryesting. Rey. Peron filled his appointment at Elk Chaple Sunday morning. Messrs. Smith and Cammeron are as sisting C. L. Board during harvest. Mrs. Brown and sister, from Bedford, visited Mrs. John Reuss Friday. Mrs. Will Brown is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Fred Rhode still makes his usual calls at Grand River. We wonder why?. Warren Dunbar is helping Otto Hil fiker through harvest. Pearl Fowler called on Miss Anna Hil fiker Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Teale, of Kellerton, are visiting at the home of Otto Hilfiker. Miss Fannie Fowler is staying with Mrs. Eiker. Frank Ross and best girl were trying his new buggy Sunday. We wonder if Jimmie Woodmansee still goes north from Decatur. Does he Zetta? Misses Anna Hilfiker and Bertha Han* ner called on Mrs. H. L. Teale Friday of Inst week. Mrs. Fowler returned home Sunday from Missouri where she had bf en visit ing her son, Jonah. jsiiffir-nrini-i Miss Mnrgaret Don^l.han is stiljlng with h$f Sifter, Mrs! Mllest Jones. The Jbiirnai repotted last week that Warreh Dunbar had purchased a new bugg£ btat we guess it's a mistake. ^'hllda, of Poorla, III., makes a sugges J! a„?rave y£lu® t0 everyone. "Bef?gs\Uer- man Salve is the best general household rem anLUPli?* 1111 rurea outs, burns, scalds, old sores, all skin diseases, and is tUe ONLY Pile «P2T££ t0 oure McGrath & SliU, Woodland. permanently. Davis City. The funeral of J. E. Teale under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and G. A. lodges last week was largely attend- We are sorry that dates were not furnished us for a more fitting obituary as he has loug been one of Davis City's best and honorable citizens and it is with deep regret we chronicle his de cease. Grandma Post has a son visiting her from Wisconsin. He is Ithe owner of a monstrosity that he has on exhibition, is part hog and part horse. it Mrs. E. C. McMannus of Grant City, came in Monday to visit with her many friends. L. H. Trowbridge returned to his home at Ottumwa last Sunday after a week's visit with Davis City friends. L. H. Shoemaker and family spent Sunday in the country. Misses Dot Weaver and Hattie Cozad, of Pleasanton, was calling on Davis City friends last Thursday. Rev. G. E. Mitchell and wife of Coiuin bia spent last week in our city. He was called here to officiate at the funer al of J. E. Teale. Rev. McKay, wife and daughter ar rived in our city the past week. Mrs. McKay and daughter will remain in our city several weeks, but Mr. McKay will visit his parents in Nova Scotia. F. M. Freeman has treated his res taurant to a new coat of paint. E, S. Grimes has been adding a new wooden awning to his implement build ing. Mrs. L. H. Trowbridge and children spent the past week with her brother, Mark Adams, near Tuskeego. Mrs. O. E. Grimes has a cousin visit ing her from Gilman, Mo. The n«w M. E. church is ready for the plasterers. The seats have been ordered and now they think it will be ready for dedication the last of August. By the burning of the Little River bridge last Friday evening the south passenger train due here between 8 and 9 o'clock was delayed here till 3 a. m. when the bridge was so far replaced that the train could cross. The fire was reported by Rev, A. H. Rusk who brought the word to the station just before the train was due, thus prevent ing what might have been a terrible disaster. Three bents at the north end were burned. A large force of bridge men being at work on the steel bridge at this place and the section men from Leon and Davis City quickly replaced it. Mrs. W. C. Hamilton returned fron St. Joe last Thursday. Her sister whom she was called there to see had so far recovered as to be able to be brought Home with her. Dr. Horner and wife, of Lamoni, at tended the funeral of J. E. Teale last Monday. Anew magnetic healer has taken pos session of Dr. Horner's old office and now is going to well revolutionize this part of the world and starve the doctors all out. "Kimp" Hamilton and Charley Hunt who started out to railroad last week returned to Dayis City last Monday. Sam went Tuesday night to resume hiB duties. Hurrah for Bryan and Stevenson! Cleveland headed the ticket with Stev' enson in 1892 and Bryan and Stevenson will be elected in 1900. John Franklin returned from Nebras ka last Thursday. JohnTilse returned from Wathena, Kas., Tuesday. He was accompanied by his mother. John Bennett and wife returned to their home in this city from Trenton, where Mr. Bennett had been receiving treatment from the Kirksville doctors. He says he received much benefit. Miss Clara Tilse returned to Wathena, Kas., last Sunday to resume her place in a millinery establishment. J. C. Keshlear returned from Kansas City last week where he went to attend the democratic convention, also to visit his mother and brother at the same time. He was present when both Bryan and Stevenson each received the ballots that gave to them the nomination for the.highest office in the power of the American people—an office that places them at the head of one of the greatest powers eyer achieved by the human race. Mrs. E. E. Shackley was called to the bedside of her mother at Tonganoxie, Kas., last week. We have a good sale on Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin because we guarantee it and refund your money if it' does no do just as we represent it." Call for a booklet that tells you all about it, at L. Van Werden's. Heal' Estate Transfers. From July 5 to 18, 1900, as reported by F. Varga & Son. J. O. Parrish to Bertha E. Alexan der, lot in Leon $ 200 Cyrus Walker to Nora Stickler,lot in Van Wert 125 Ann Gardner to Elizabeth Gard ner, lot in Leon 800 Thomas Stuart to C. W. Brenizer, lot in Lamoni 850 Ollie M. Anderson to Edward Weedmark, lot in Lamoni.. 40 Charles D. Wheeland to Jonathan Ratliff, lot in Garden Grove 100 John McDaniel to John M. Brown 40 acres in Eden. 800 J08. Brown, sr. to Jos. Brown, jr. 190 acres in Richland and' Grand River 4,257 John H. Duncan to J. W. Judd, 142 acres in Morgan 2,000 Albert J. Webber to D, F. Nichol son, lot in Lamoni Ask your grocer for Hues' Bleaching Blue, do not be deceived by fradulent imitation*, see that the name Ruse ap^ pears on all packages. tv-"-:! Van Wert. Our Woodmeh drove to Grand itivet Monday evening and initiated fifteen into the'mysteries of Wood Graft for the Grand River Camp. One of the glass in the -post office front was broken Sunday evening, but nobody seems to know how it happen ed. Dogs are getting so bad in town that people can't steep. It would be wall for the community if the'shotgun was ap plied. Attorney RoDerts left Saturday for Kansas to take care of his rent wheat. Frank Clanton is laying ofi the sec tion tbis week making arrangements to build a new dwelling in the west part of the city. L. L. Craft has quit the restaurant business. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred West on Sunday, a bouncing girl. 't Threshing has begun in good shaped oats are of good quality and will yield 30 to 40 bushel per acre- Tuesday morning men could be seen with overcoats.on shivering as if it was 40° below. Mrs. Worden is improving slowly. Wm. Boise had a stroke of paralysis Monday morning which left the left side paralyzed. He has been sick for sev eral weeks and was beginning to im prove when he took the stroke. Tom Whetis, of Texas, is visiting friends and relatives in this country for a short time. A horse belonging to J. D. Young took sick in Grand Riyer Monday night and the boys had to leave him there and borrow one to get home. It would be a good thing if Leon's dog law extended all over the county. In its advanced and chronic form a cold in the head is known as Nasal Catarrh and is the recognized source of other diseases. Having stood the teBt of continued successful use, Ely's Cream Balm is recognized as a specific for membranal diseases in the nasal pas and you should resort to this treatment in your own case. It is not drying, does not produce sneezing. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. Give up prejudice and try it. Decatur. Amnions & Brazelton have sold their hardware and furniture store to John Shields* and they are invoicing. U. W. Wells has commenced business again in his Btore. W. 8. Bear and Clarence Gardner are back from a business trip to Chicago. Fred Townsend and Art McCoy spent Sunday in Leon. A number of the Modern Woodmen from here attended lodge at Grand River Monday night. The masons are putting a new roof on their hall. Our tabernacle meeting has commenc ed and a good attendance is on hand eyery night. Several buggies and wagons contain ing the members of the Christian Sun day school, of Leon, passed through here Wednesday morning enroute for rad River to spend the day picnicing. It seems as though the marshal ought to light the street lamps especially on dark nights. Mrs. Moore and daughter, of Kansas, who have been visiting W. J. Moore and family are spending this week at Grand River, BANKRUPT STOCK OF SHOESI Drew-Selby. 1 Plnoree & Smith. I Fargo. All high grade footwear at one naif regular price. THE BEE HIVE. New Court Cases. John B. Anderson ys. Unknown Heirs of John Ballard, deceased, et al. Action is brought to quiet plaintiff's title to the south-west quarter of the south-east quarter of section 7, town ship 67, Decatur county, Iowa. V. R. McGinnis, attorney for plaintiff. Sarah A. Gardner vs. Bert Gardner et al. The widow of the lateS. E. Gardner brings an action in partition asking that her share in the estate and that of her children be apportioned, and as the real estate can hot be partitioned asks for an order of sale and the proceeds be divid ed among the heirs. C. W. Hoffman, attorney for plaintiff. Laura Morningstar vs. Swen Clay. Plaintiff asks for judgment in the sum of |200 for rent of a farm owned by her in Grand River township. Harvey & Parrish attorneys for plaintiff. H. R. Layton vs. Nancy M. and T. J. Gibson. Plaintiff sues for $21.50 for medical services rendered, and as de fendants have left -the state he asks for an attachment against their property in this county. Marion Woodard attorney for plaintiff. Wm, 8. Dooley vs. Thomas W. Silvers et al.' Plaintiff asks for a decree quiet ing his title to the north three-fourths of the south-east quarter of the south east quarter of section 18, township 69, Decatur county, Iowa. 8. A. Gates, attorney for plainti t?. "Ill weed8 grow "space." Impurities in your blood will also grow unless you promptly expel them by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1200,000 behind Hammar Paint guar antee for five years of satisfaction. Most economical. Best protection to house owners. Mather—the 30 years dentist of over 30 years experience is at J^eon on the morning of the 27th and will remain until the last of every month. See Joe L. Warner, the north side jeweler, for all kinds of cleaning and re pairing. All work guaranteed and prices lowest in the'city, The best kitchen ware, the Blue Delft, will be found in the south window at WALLACE & HORNER'S. ,, For Sale tor Trade. A.nice OI young Jack coming two yef fty\j _l-njn GranfaRiver,-or address nd River. t^gsSSam Hufltirtfl_Biek Taxeii iThere has been crowding, cohtiiston ahd some "cussing" about' the court house the past week. All the trouble has been caused by the "tax ferrets." At its April session the Board of Super visitors entered into a contract with Ben McCoy, the well known Oskaloosa lawyer, for the collection of taxes upon which may have escaped assessment in any way. Iowa laws for years haye permitted the ap pointment of tax collectors, and the work which the McCoy people are do ing is especially authorized by an act of the last general assembley. But col lectors have never been employed in Jefferson county, although they have worked in most of the counties of Iowa. Last week after Mr. Hull, who has charge of the work here, had sent out a hundred or more notices ^to alleged delinquents he began to receive some hot responses. Treasurer Hopkirk's name was stamped on the papers and he had to bear the first onslaught. No taxes had been returned to him, how ever, and he repudiated the whole busi ness, even going so far as to refuse to further permit the use of his facsimile signature to the notifications. Then the indignant people devoted their entire attention to Mr. Hull and made life such a burden to him that he sent for his principal, Mr. McCoy, and asked that a meeting of the board be called to further consider the matter. The board of supervisors needs no justification in its effort to collect back taxes due the county. Such action is not only authorized by the statute, but is a duty of the board, and is especially to be commended if it will uncover "tax dodgers" who escape their share of public burdens by failure return per sonal property for assessment. But the method employed by the McCoy people is notoriously unfair and unjust and will certainly be productive of righteous indignation and perhaps further trouble. They have devoted their entire atten tion so far to running the mortgage records, and they afford a very slight clue to unreturned property but abund ant opportunity to make wholesale errors. Those who haye watched the procession file into the room say that three fourths of the people cited to ap pear are able to explain away the charge against them, and the others are yet to be heard from. There area dozen ways in which apparent errors may- arise from such a method. A has $1,500 which be loans to for five years, with optional payments pays $1,200 on his note, and it is loaned to on like condition pays $800 on his obligation in the course of time and it is loaned, to D. Mortgages are taken and placed on record in each case, and the tax ferret turns up $3,500 monies and credits against A, who never has had more than $1,500 loaned. Uncancelled mortgages, mortgages given to indemnify The board of supervisors met in spec ial session Monday, had a consultation with Messrs. McCoy and Hull, and list ened to the arguments of individuals and attorneys for a cessation of the work. It decided that the collectors should continue their labors. There is talk that injunctions are to be resorted to, as in Keokuk county, and other litigation is threatened. There are some things very certain—one is that the "ferrets" have stirred up a lot of trouble, and another that it is not yet ended.—Fairfield Ledger. Does Coffee Agree With You If not, drink Gram-O made from pure grains. A lady writes: "The lirst time I made Grain-O I did not like it but after using It for one week nothine would induce me to go back to coffee. ill" The children can drink it freely with great benefit. Get a package to-day from your gro iviiun mc uirevuvuo nuu jvu wui uoic a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young. 15c. and 36. package cer, follow the directions and you will have a Boards of supervisors in Iowa that have been paying out big money to trav eling tax spieB for hunting unreported property which regular officers shou Id report, now find thetnselves in a predica ment that will be any thing but pleasant. The species were authorized, by the boards that employed them, to go back five yearB in noising up delinquents, for which they were in many instances pud fifty per cent, of all property tax reported. A few days ago it was decid ed by the district court that the law did not authorize the reports of property for back taxes preceding the adoption of the new code in 1898, and that all col lections made on property reported by tax "ferrets" previous to this date must be refunded by the county to those from whouf it was collected and the best at torneys of the state say the supreme court will undoubtedly sustain this de cision: Thus the counties that went into the hiring of traveling spies, through their boards 'of supervisors, will not only be out the fat fee paid the spies but must, in addition, shell out the entire amount from which the species pocketed their per cent.— Keosauqua Republican. l. Stung by a Centipede^ Mrs. Thos. 8aunders, of Bluffton, Tex., was stung by a centipede. A doctor was sent for, but before he arrived some sensible friend wet a piece of brown paper with Morley's Wonderful Eight and applied it to the wound. The doc tor salcr bis services were not needed, for the poison #as neutralized or killed by the Wonderful Eight. Mrs. S. did not suffer from the wound. Sold by agent in every towu, Jfree ,,trial bottles at L. Van Werden's:. Senator 6ear Dead m? A Senator John H. Geac died suddenly at his hotel in Washington Saturday. He had been in declining, health for some months but his demise was totally unexpected at this time. He had just completed arrangements to return to his home in Burlington when the death summons came to him, his death being caused from an attack of heart trouble. His remains were brought to his home in Burlington, the funeral being held yesterday afternoon. The death of Senator Gear will reopen the fight which was waged last winter by the friends of Mr. Cummins against the republican machine. It gives the appoiiftment of a successor to- Senator Gear to Governor Shaw, and there is much speculation as to who he will ap point. The governor himself is suppos ed to be a candidate for the position at the time of the next election by the Iowa legislature and he will probably appoint some one for the unexpired term who will step down and out in his favor at the proper time. It is. not at all likely that he will make an appoint ment until after the coming election. Delegates tfi Congressional Con vention. At a mass convention held at the court house Saturday afternoon at which C. W. Hoffman was chairman and O. E. Hull secretary, the following delegates and alternates were selected to attend the democratic congressional conven tion held at Corning, Iowa, yesterday. DELEGATES. E. J. Sankey. O. E. Hull. v" G.W.Baker. .. V. R. McGinnis. G. P. Arnold. Patrick Griffin. J. B. Bennett. A. M. Pry or. James S. Beaverp. U. W. Wells. W. W. Scott. J. M. Howell. ALTERNATES. Mel Thompson. L. Greenland. Richard Trower. J. F. Nofstger. Gus Hage. F. M. Freeman. ,, W. C. Cozad. Harrison Wilson. C. P. Beavers. Thomas Cox.. L. C. Bonham. G.W.Sanger. O. E. HULL, Secretary. BUieties on a note, mortgages taken by an at torney to simplify the settlement of an estate, mortgages which have been more than oflset with the assessor by indebt edness, all are "nuts" in the paws of the "ferret," and he uses them to best advantage. More than that' the period covered by his operations runs back five years, and it takes a very careful and methodical business man to be able to tell just what he was worth at any day in that time. Some "tax dodgers" may be uncovered by this work, but scores of innocent people who have given in an honest and just assessment are going to be harassed and distressed, and some of them wronged, because they cannot make a satisfactory explanation. C. W. HOFFMAN, Chairman License to Wed. The following marriage licenses have been issued by Clerk Stockton since our last issue: Frank W. White..... 26 Tillie E. Venn !.."!!!"!.21 Benj. F. Venn 52 Mrs. Mary E. Venn .."39 J. F. Grim 20 Adda May Gibbens L"!""""!!l6 Eusepbus D. Clark 26 Sarah Lilian Craig 26 To those interested in Elk cemetery: The annual meeting for the purpose of beautifying the grounds of said ceme tery situated mile south of Elk Chapel will be held on Wednesday," August 1, 1900. For tools, bring scythes and axes and for fear of getting hungry bring well filled basketB. A. S. Ross. A number of republicans in this county have come out for Bryan this year. Among the latest we learn is Rad Mace, of Lineville, ex-sherifl of this county. He is supporting Bryan and last week made abet that he would be elected. One by one thev change over. —Corydon Democrat. The editor of the Valley Junction Ex press is being roasted because he prim ed proceedings in a divorce suitr in which the parties desired that no publicity should be given the case. The editor says his mission is not to make news, but to publish it, and adds: "If the people desire to be kept out of news papers they must keep out of court and politics. If they get into court or politics they might as well make up their minds that things will be said about them which are not pleasant to their ears." BUCHANAN, MICH., May 89. Genesee Pure Pood Co., Le Roy, N Y.: Gentlemen:—My mamma has been a great coffee drinker and has found it very injunous. Having used several packages of your iraln-0 the drink that takes the place of coffee, she finds it much better for herself and for 11s S5i ^.I?n 10 ?. .k' she has Slven up coffee drinking entirely. We use a paokage of Grain-O every eek. I am ten years old. Yours respectfully, FANNIE WILLIAMS. See us when you want barb wire or nails for we will save you money. WALLACE & HORNER. Any party wishing to purchase resi dence property in the best location in Leon enquire of T. E. Horner. The best assortment of cultery in Decatur cotinty is in the north window WALLACE & HORNER'S. It will pay the farmers to take their poultry, eggs and other produce to the Leon Commission Co. They pay cash. Dyeing is as simple as washing when you use Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Sold by W. A. Alexander and L, Van Wer den. FOR SALE—A yearling and two-year eld Cruickshank bulls of good size, color and family. Address this office. 34-tf 35c, 35c, not 25c nor 50c, 35c, the price of Rocky Mountain Tea the world over. None genuine, unless made by the Madison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist. & crt Coal. Hard and soft coal always on hand at bottom prices. Arnold A Slgler. Farmers' National Congress. Colorado Springs, Col., August 21—31, 1900. Rate, one fan plus $2.0G. Dates of sale August 18 and 19. Limit Sep tember 3. C. M. KBTCHAM, iw 1 Agent. Homeseekers Excursions pates of Bale—May 1-15, June 5-19, July 3-17, August 7-21. Rates One fare plus Burlington Route (2.00. Minimum charge for Homeseek ers Excursion ticket |9.00. Territory principal points west, south-west, north west, south-east., The territory also in cludes Colorado common points, Den ver, Colorado Springs and Ptieblo. lim it 2rdays. Call on me for further in formation. Answering questions Is our specialjgr. ,.... "'THE CHURCHES Rev. Edwards came down from Osceola Saturday and filled his appoint-. ment at the Baptist' church Sunday morning. J... Rev. W. H. Ilsley will preach at Crown Chapel next Sunday afternoon. A collection will he taken for the Board of Church Erection. Please come pre pared. Kev. Joseph Stephen will preach in the Soaper school house on Sunday afternoon, next at 3:30. You tire in-, vited to attend this service. Covenant meeting at the Baptist church in Leon next Saturday at 2:$0 p. m. Members are expected to make a special effort to be present. Preach ing Sunday morning at 11 a. m., At the Christian church next Lord's day the pastor will preach on the fol lowing subject: "The Freedom of Dis cipleship" in the morning. Union ser vices at the park in the evening. By a very decided vote of those pres-. ent at the park services last Sunday afternoon the time for those services in the future was changed to (:30 o'clock. Key. F. Edwards will deliver the address next Sunday afternoon. In the Presbyterian church next Sab bath morning Rev. W. H. Ilsley will preach on "What do Presbyterians Be lieve?" The fact that this question has been asked by many of late, and some haye tried to answer it, not always cor rectly, leads to the selection of this theme. All who are interested are in vited to be present. A missionary rally will be held in the Van Wert Christian church next Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The members of the three Decatur Co. auxiliaries to the Christian Woman's Board of.Missions, those of Leon, Van Wert, and Weldon, as well as all other interested persona are earnestly request ed to attend this meeting for the ad yancement of the cause of missions. The pastor of the M. E. church, Be«« Joseph Stephen, will preach a special sermon on Sunday next, July 22, at 11 a. m., subject "The Chinese Insurrec tion or What is the Cause and What Must Be the Cure for Chinese Barbar ity." You are especially invited to this service. The Epworth League ser ice will be held in the prayer room from to 0:45 instead of from 7 to 8. Seasoned native lumber, dimension stuff and bridge plank, material for house and barn frames always on hand, mmm'' •tezis&m i*mm F. D. CLOSE. Special prices on lawn mowers while they last at WALLACE & HORNKR'S. HOW A BOY WAS CURED (From the Herald, Vftnhall, III.) In an interview with F. F. Mar kle, head miller of the Marshall milli, of Marshall, ill., the pub lisher wai given the following .facts concerning the effects of MICRO GERMI, used by his ten year-old son. He said: "My boy bad been in poor health for over a year. He had commenced to cough and expectorate he became weak aad nervous and was going dowa in spite of everything we could do. nothing seemed to do him any permanent good, though several remedies were tried. Last May he BEGAN TAKING EVERYBODY'S BLOOD PURIFIER Prompt Positive Pure Pleasant and before he had finished the sec ond bottle his health was as good as ordinary boys of bis age. I at tribute his improvement entirely to MICRO GERMI. He is from aU appearances sound and well, rosy Cheeked, cheerful and happy.' Mr. Markle is an upright, honor able gentleman, in whose word ut most confidence can be placed. PRIC8 0KB DOLLAR HI TOK rVHTBIX TACT* ADDRESS The MODERN REMEDY CO. KEWANEE, ILL. gag Sold and GUARANTEED by W. E. MYERS & CO. APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO 9Ef,L REAL ESTATE. In the District Court of Decatur County. Iowa. J. N. Still, administrator of the EBtate of Martha A, Shirley. vs. Elizabeth J. Still, Mary Elem, Joe Eleui, J. H. Shirley, Louisa Shirley and Jos. H. Vent and Fowler Vest, John Vest, Arthur Vest, Bell Vest, Martha Vest, heirs of Laura E. Vest. In the District court of Deoatur County, Iowa, To Said Court: The undersigned, heretofore appointed by the Court, and now acting as administrator of the estate of Martha A. Shirley respectfully asks for authority to sell the following des cribed Real Estate hereinafter described, be longing to the 4ald esi ate and for cause stateii: That on or about the 15th day of Aagust, 1899. the said Martha A. Shirley died Intestate in Decatur County, Iowa, leaving as, her sole heirs at law, the defendants, Elizabeth Still, Mary Elem, J. H. Shirley and the heirs of Laura Vest, to-wit: Jos. H. Vest, Mrs. J. H, Vest, Fowler VeBt, Mrs. Fowler Vest, John Vest, Mrs. John Vest, Arthur Vest, Mrs, Mrs. Arthur Vest, Belie Vestand Martha Vest That at the time of her death she had no prop erty aside from the following deoribed real' estate. East half, northeast quarter of north west quarter and northeast quarter, north east quarter of southwest quarter in section 34, township 68, range 85, Decatur county, Iowa. That the value of said real estate Is about Three Hundred Dollars. That at the time of her death there were certain debts, being funeral expenses etc., that are unpaid, the said debta amounting to about Fifty Dol lars, there being no other property with whlcli to pay the said debts. The undersigned therefore asks that the proper steps be taken and order made grant ing authority to sell said above described real estate, at public or private sale, and in suoh quantity and on such terms as-may be found advantageous. Kespectlully submitted, J. N. STILL, Administrator as aforesaid- State of Iowa, Decatur county, Iowa, ss. I, J. N, Still do on my oath say I am the per son named in the foregoing application as administrator and that the statements therein contained are true, as I verily believe. J. N.STir.L.- Subscribed in my presence, and sworn to before me by J. N. Still, affiant, this 43rd day of December A. D. 1890. •AS WITNESS my hand and ofBplal [SEAL] seaUiereto afflged. at Leon in said county. C. W. Homuw, Notary Public. State of Iowa, Decatur county, ss. Oto Elizabeth J. Still, Mary Elem, Joe Elem, J.H.Shirley, Louisa Shirley, Joe H. Vest, Mrs. Joe H. Vest, Fowler Vest, Mrs Fowler Vest, John Vest, Mrs. John Vest, Arthur Vest, Mrs. Arthur Vest, Belle Vest, her husband, Martha Vest and her husband. You are hereby notified, that at the August term of the circuit court of Decatur county, State of Iowa, to be held at Leon, In safd county .commencing on the 37th day or Auttust 1900, on the first day of said term, or as soon thereafter as praotfoable, I will present to said court the foregoing application, and move- for the order and authority therein requested. Now unless you appear thereto on or before noon of the said day of the said term, or the said court, ahd show cause vhy sald authority should not be granted, the-sourt will proceed O. M. KKICHAM. 1-hear said petition**!, grant the authoritj A^nriTh a Agoni V*#* Vl» 1524]le?te(1 4T« /. 0. W. HonwAH, Aitarpey.f rZ^-r i-V AXYl 'I