Newspaper Page Text
1 I aw?', wf* •M il\ I Toilet Preparations. —are only second In importance to Driwsanc(Medicisn6Ii'~WHh iw, If either 'are/impure they fail in theirpurpose and produce'u||iOoked for ajidundewred^ re sults. .- Our Soaps, Cosmetics, Salves and all other articles for use on the skin are of undoubted purity and will always do exicLlv tended. ^Im^liHS of Perfumery and Toilet Water wexarry is pot equalled in the citv. Brushes, Sponges, etc. of excellent ]. H0NN0LD. Any partjt in Decatnr county haying cliarcoal foF sale see T. E. Horner. If you want a good reliable watch or clock go to Kohler the jeweler. If you wish to have beautiful clear white clothes ask for Kuss' Bleaching Blue. Refuse imitations. Drop ia and get the Leon Commission Co. 's prices on poultry, eggs and pro duce. Andit's cash too. "ChoiceVhard winter seel wheat for sale, 2J miles south-east of W.oodland. MIKE GROGAN. For a first class high grade single bugey,' fcltnost new, enquire of X. E. Horner before 8ept. 1st. Seasoned native lumber, dimension stuff and bridge plank, material for houBe and barn frames always on hand, /ffw" "R.D. Cunt I U.G. Myers, the former landlord of the New Hamilton, was raising "old Uarr$" afcbia -home in east Leon Mon day, threatening tbe lives of his wife and daughter. Marshal Pryor was cail ed in and .relieved him of a big revolver atod gbtfetm quieted down. Sherifl'^olever and insane cominis Biouert&A. (Jates went to Lamoui yes t^rday ttflBxamine Miss Addie Uodfrey, a paralyzed cripple who is thought to tig insaoiK If the commissioners decide stie is insane, sberiil' Wolever will take to Jt^e asylum at Clarinda, driving adfossittr the H. & from Laiuuni. -fr' Prof. Harry Ilsley who was elected ^ajssistant' principal of the Leon High aghool tendered the board his resigua- Uon Monday, having' Men elected principal at Panora at a salary of |6a -fa fnontb^an increase of $15 ^per month ^over, what'he was to receive in this tily. The Leon school board meets tonight to elect a teacher to fill the varancyi.. A'lotty croad^of young folk's spent }*ft Uatqrday fishing op. Grand Kiver, Those present were: a*! BernlceXactz JessU Shy^-f I, Lucy ave Men Deck ommlnB-M' "John Oecfc^---— cbarle* MltobeU 8am Sby UarMDeck^Hi, Miss Winnie Craig entertained a few her friends last Saturday evening at 5a^»ity in honor of her 16tb birthda were Wamer^lce cream and cake present were: JaMM Pryor ene He rrfmrrrn is F*lour that makes wholesome, nutritious, white bread. EACO has no superior. We have it in half sacks and would be pleased to have you give it a trial. If you need Graham, Corn Meal, Screenings, Chicken Feed, Bran or -y Crushed Corn look at our samples. Bacon is high. We are offering instead this week 101b pound pail new white fish Perhaps you have paid $1.50 for a three hoop cedar A Ar pail. Weare selling them at Naptha Soap? jHULTV.-V 5 _ft 1 Itis a soap that^makes clothes" clean'and white. With little work. Use it ^lone do not use amonia, soap powder or lye with it. Use Warm or cold water. Requires no boiling. Rub sdap on clothes, roll them up and soak one-half hour. The Naptha loosens the dirt and does most of the work. For laces and silks it has no equal. You save fuel and discomfort of heat and hot suds. No lifting the boiler on and off no stir ring less rubbing: nearly all the hard work saved. The time slaved in one washing is worth many times the price^ of the soap. If you try it and find it is not superior to anything you have used we will gladly refund you the money you paid fbr it. Leave us your order for Fresh Grapes. J.» »AiCASTER. A-good cider mill, will sell cheap. IIOHN BURNS. For reliable waich and clock repairing go to Kohler the jeweler. The Tenth Annual Reunion of Crook ers' Iowa Brigade will be held at Keo kuk, Iowa, Sept. 26—27. 1 Be sure to get Kohler's prices on watches, clocks, jewelry and repairing before investing in that line. liurst Bros, are having a Black Cat Hosiery sale. It will continue during J,he coming Reek and see their an nouncement on another page. The foot ball games at Garden Grove during the reunion last week resulted in a tie the first day, the score being 10 to 10. The second day the game was won by Garden Grove 6 to Q. STBAYED os .STOLEN—Que red, white faced yearling heifer, with short horns, from our pasture 1} miles ftorth-eaat of Crown, about Aug." 17» SMITH BROS, 2t Crown ,Iowa. Intestinal infection, appendicitis and all infections of the bowels, liver anl kidneys prevented by taking genuine Rocky Mountain Tea, made by Madison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist. C. M. Akes, James Jones, Elmer Brown and Ralph Sigler went to Des Moines Saturday to take charge of the gates at the state fair. The manage ment of the fair always looks to Leon for efficient gatemen who can handle large crowds. Wm. Goodman, of Long Creek, was exhibiting biB fine fCentucky bred saddle stallion Bruce Spartan, on our streets yesterday. The horse is a magnificent animal clean limed, perfectly gaited and well trained. He will do all the fabcy steps, cake walk, lie down or almost anything his master requires of him. Good saddleis are very scarce in this county, but Mr. Goodman certainly has a fine one. j. H. McVay, of Kansas City, was in Leon the first of the week attending court, being the attorney for Mrs. Mae Brenner who was indicted for assault with intent to commit murder,the crime being the shooting of R. W. Boeger, of Grahd-Riyer, Mr. McVay succeeded in getting the court to accept a plea of assault with intent to commit great bodily injury his client being fined $50, and the court suspended the tine during good behavior. Adair Bros, who took the contract for laying the extension of the town's big sewer southeast of town, completed the work last week and it has been accepted by the authorities. The boys received a total of $327.70 for the job and four of them worked tbirty-tbree days. The job netted them $2.48 cents a day for each man working. The work was done in first-class shape and the boys demon strate that the croakers who said they would not make a a day dollar at the price they took the contract were badly iptftak^ j%- if. Other places besides l^eon were visited by the alleged advance agent at. Bel mont's circus, judging from the follow ing telegram from Audubon, Iowa. Audubon. In., Aug. 25.—A smooth' talking individual claiming to be the ad vance agent for Belmont's touring cir cus and hippodrome visited this place recently and made various contracts, paving bis ..board, livery and printing bills with orders on the treasurer of the show. Inquiries on the pa^t of those interested fail to reveal any such 'show on the road and an uneasy feeling lias taken posession of a few who were re joicing over some' good-contracts, prop erly countersigned. The officers will in vestigate1.* John T. Caster & Co. who bave $ mill located in Center township were circu lating a paper in Leon the Brst of the week asking for donations to assist them in locating a roller process flour mill in Leon with a capacity of fifteen barrels per day. There wereisoine good siz ed subscription on the paper when we saw it ana quite a number of those who donated money for the purchase of:a site for Clark Bros, mill which has been deeded back to Judge Harvey trustee have expressed themselves as jc favor of/donating either'the oA' 30g Kobler the jeweler. I Buy Russ* Bleaching Blue at Caster's The Leon public schools will open next Monday morning. Kohler the jeweler makes a specialty of fine gold soldering such as spectacles, gold band and set rings. Mr. and Mrs. O- C. Clark are rejoic ing over the arrival of a son, their sec ond,'on last Thursday morning. UUSB' Bleaching Blue makes brown muslin white in a day. All grocers sell the genuine Russ. Refuse imitations. Mark Twain once said: "when mad count four when very mad swear." Some of the defeated candidates before the recent republican convention must have been very mad. Why are the big rank weeds which are growing all over Leon not cut?' In many parts of the city the sidewalks are almost covered with the heavy growth, It does seen) as if some one should at tend to this matter. The Presbyterian Sunday School en oyed the pleasures of a picnic on West irand River Tuesday, about 75 being in attendance. The primary classes of the school will have a picnic in the church yard Friday evening. Special sale of millinery every Satur day at Blain's headquarters for mil-1 linery. Call and see if ten per cent, discount is worth saving. Hats, silks, velvets, ribbons and laces. MRS. BLAIN, Manager, Messri. Perry Thompson, of DeSoto, Iowa, and Wm. Thornton, of Van Meter, Iowa, shipped yesterday morning from the stock yards, 35 head of fine young stock cattle which they purchased from Flynn & Wallace, of Woodland, and will feed on their farms about 2q miles west of Des Moines. In this issue we publish a call for a meeting at the court house Saturday evening to organize a. Bryan club. The attendance should be large and a strong club of all voters in sympathy with the principles represented by Bryan and Stevenson should attend and sign the roll of membership. Rev. O. E. Brown and wife, of Orient, came Saturday on a visit to his nephew County Recorder Chas. H. Brown, and brother Horace Brown, of Center town ship. Rev. Brown is no stranger in Leon, and will be remembered by many of the older residents. Thirty-five years ago be conducted a revival meeting in the old court house which stood where Mayer's clothing store now is, the meet ing resulting in GO converts. Although Rev.-Brown is 83 years old he is still quite hale and hearty. J. A. Wilson, who lives east of Leon a few miles, met with a painful acci dent last Friday. He had gone to the home of his brother W. H. Wilson in Woodland to get a horse to keep while he was gone to Ohio. Just as he was ready to start home and was in the act of raising the buggy top the horse made a quick,8tart and his right thumb was caught in the top and badly dislocated, the bone protruding through, the flesh. He came to Leon and had the injured hand dressed by Dr. Bow maiu The owner ot the gold watch which has been advertised as found in Trs REPORTER the past two weeks has been located and the watch returned to her. The watch was found in the weeds at the edge of the sidewalk in front of SL W. Hurst's residence b_y Mr. Hiram Kentner who, being an hon est man, promptly advertised for the owner. The watch was fully identified and returned to the owner, Miss L«na Quite a party of Leon people left Sat urday for Chicago, most of them being old veterans who were going to attend tbe.Nationa! Encampment of the G. rrank It will pRv the farmers to take PURELY PERSONAL egps alld other produce to on Commission Co pin- J. H. Vanhorn brought to our oflice I Saturday some extra fine ears of white corn, a sample of the crop he raised this I year. Thirty minutes is all the time required I to dye with Putnam Fadeless Oves. Sold by W. A. Alexander and L. Van Werden. Dr. Howell was the lucky man to get the Refrigerator,, but like the mim on the streets I have some other bargains in stoves. T. E. HORNER. Morris iieneiiel brought us a sample of some very fine peaches yesterday grown on his place in west' Lsoni He has about tweilty fine trees on his place. When you want a bright,lasting shine put on your shoes in an artistic mariner, call on Buck Peugh, at the Hotel Leon. He gives the best shine black or tan in I Leon. As we have entirely closed out all I summer goods, we now begin selling our new fall and winter goods at cost. All goods new and stylish and best quality only. HAMILTON & UAMMII.I.. A jolly rarty of young folks indulged I in a hay rack ride and picniu at Caster's lake Friday evening in honor of Miss Abbie Wells, of Des Moines. After sup per at the lake they nuule the rounds of the streets of l^eon serenading and til) told they had a very pleasant evening W. W. Powers, who is drilling Win. Biggs' deep well was down 373 feet last eveuing and was drilling through solid I lime rock. At a depth of 355 feet aftei passing through 18 inches of lime rock a 20 inch vein of coal was found. Then 7 feet of soap stone and since that they have been drilling through hard lime rock. The well is now deeper than the old hole and they have not struck the water and gravel although this hole is within 10 feet of the old one and is down several feet deeper than the first hole. Dr. B. B. Tyler who is preaching every I evening in the Christian church, and conducting Bible studies each afternoon is a member of the International Sunday School Lesson Committee. This is the 1 committee that selects the lessons stud ied in the Sunday schools of the world. Dr. Tyler has consented to give a lecture Ion "The International Sunday School Lessou Committee and Its Work," in the Christian church Sunday at 3 p. in. Fifteen denominations are represented on the committee. In this lecture tlie names oi the members will be given and their peculiarities will be set forth. This is a rare opportunity to Sunday school workers to obtaiu valuable information and all are invited to attend. Dr. W. Fisher, of Ida, Ok., who is visiting his nephew G. W. Cowger at Decatur City was robbed of a pocket book containing $115 in cash and two drafts one for $350 and the other for $250 while attending the state fair Tuesday. In company with bis nephew aud wife and M. E. Shell, of Decatur, L)r. Fisher, who is 70 years old went Monday to visit the state fair. Tuesday evening all the parties were standing in a crowd in the street south of the stieet car waiting room waiting for a car, and in the push Dr. Fisher was relieved of his pocket book which he carried in his inside vest pocket. The police officers wire at once notified and payment of the drafts which were drawn by the Citizens Bank of Decatur on the Continental Bank of Chicago, was stop ped by telegraph. Bryan and Stevenson Club. AH interested in the election of Col. Bryan, and "the success of the principles he advocates are requested to meet at the court house on Saturday Sept. 1, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of organ izing a Bryan club. if Lambert, of Lauioni, last Saturday. Miss I color and family. Address this office. Lambert lost tbe watch while visiting in tbis city last October and it bad lain at tbe edge of the walk unnoticed for almost a year. A. some of the others were simply ^vantage of the one fare' rate jhe railroad to visit Chicago, who went Saturday night »pt. J. D. Brown, C. W. ry Mills, Phil jbetrick, Dan Dingman, Robert Good, k, 0. K. Williamson and sd| latter going alao to Wellint MANY DEMOCRATS. License to Wed. The following marriage licenses have been issued by Clerk Stockton since our last issue: M, H. Cochran... Grace Kelley Roscoe Freeman Bertha Dingman Ira L. Smith Gracie B. Scott [Persons having friends vlsltlngthem or knowing of strabgers visiting in the city will confer a great favor upon the Editor by informing him note. 1 50 20 24 19 21 20 Coal, ^4 Hard and soft coal always on hand at bottom prices. Arqold & Sigler. Scltqol Announcement. I will be at the high school room Friday and Saturday morning, Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, at 9 o'clock to classify those who must be classified before en tering school and to examine those who during the summer have been doing extra workfor advanced standing. I desire to meet all the teachers in the high school room Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. All patrons are earnestly requested to have their children present at the open ing Sepi. 3. Respectfully. J. H. DRAKE, Supt. Perfect womanhood depends on per fect health. Nature's rarest gift of physical beauty comes to all who use Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your drug gist. Buggies at a ^bargain we are the whole thing on buggies. Our cash ran a fast mile last week an4 purchased 40 A grade, gear top buggies and now you can buy a buggy and save two year's interest and a five dollar bill, be sides. So come and get in the piush and get a first class buggy at others cost BOWSHER & BIDDISON. •»»»». Hard and soft coal hand at bottom prices. 34-tf -Bids (J will be received for a remedy that is equal to Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. For particulars ask L. Van Werden. Coal. ajwa S. Coal and OH Arnold & S^lef. either In peraon or by Miss Margaret Young spent Sunday Van Wert. Frank Rhoads bad business at Davis City Saturday. Lewis B. Jackson had business at Davis City last Friday. J. 13. lye, of Pleasanton, had business in this city .Friday. H. H. Rosenthal returned from his trip to St. Louis Tuesday. S. H. Amos, of Garden Grove, had busi ness in court Tuesday. Miss Carrie Harris visited over Sunday with friends at Decatur. Friday from a Lyss Jenkins returned business trip to Chariton. J. W. Bledsoe, of Des Moiiies, had busi ness In this city Monday. H. W. Potts, of Garden Grove, had busi ness in this city Monday. Dr. J. W. Wailes, of Davis City, bad business in Leon Tuesday. A. I'. Olsen, of Lamoni, had business in court the tirst of tbe week. Miss Ilallie Moore was visiting Van Wert friends last Saturday. Mrs. Jap Statzell went to Redding Tuesday for a few days visit. Squire Stearns, of Garden Grove, bad business in tbis city Tuesday. Dr. L. J. Landes, of Grand Uiver, was visiting in Leon last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Bernard were passen gers for Des Moines yesterday. Clyde Dunning, of Mt. Ayr, had busi ness in tbis city last Thursday. Mrs. W. A. Brown was visiting between trains at Davis City last Friday. Misses Ida and Emma Loe went to Des Muinb8 Friday for a week's visit. L. M. Goodson and wife visited over Sunday with relatives in Osceola. Wm. Walton and wife returned Tues day from their visit in Des Moines. Dr. 1). R. Dudley made a flying profes sional visit to Lamoni last Thursday. Mrs. Harry Stearns, of Garden Grove, was viBiting Leon friends last Friday. A. M. Morgan, of Bethany, had busi ness in tbis city the first ot the week. Mrs. H. J. Close departed yesterday for a brief stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo. S. D. Hickman, an attorney from Chari ton, had business in this city Tuesday. Miss Ella Gardner went to Des Moines Saturday to spend a week with friends. Miss Lenna Trembly went to Ft. Dodge Saturday for u-short visit with her brother. W. H. Stiles, of Garden Grove, wes shaking hands with Leon friends Monday. Miss Delia Still returned Tuesday from a week's viBit with relatives at Cainsville. Misses Stella Hamm and Nellie Hamil ton were passengers for Des MoineB Tues day. Roe Caster Jr. aTld Frank Chastain went to Des Moines Saturday to attend the state fair. Claud Robinson, of Davis City, was an over Suuday visitor with friends in this city. Mrs. F. J. Blain went to Des Moines Monday to purchase anew stock of milli nery. Robbie Horner returned yesterday from a visit with his grandparents at Blakes burg. G. Taylor Wright, the Linevllle attor ney, was attending court the first of the week. Miss Henrietta Vogt went to Davis City Thursday for a short visit with Mrs. J. H. Sling. Patrick Griffin and R. W. Boeger, of Grand River, had business in tbis city Monday. Mrs. J. L. Stewart, of St. Louis, arrived Tuesday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W H. Ilsley. Misses Josephine and Kathleen Minor, of Blockley, visited friends in thia city Saturday. John Heyer, of Tingley, was tbe guest of Miss Hallie Moore the latter part of last week. A. J. McBane, of Holden, Mo., is visit ing in Leon, the guest of his cousin, Miss Delia Still. Mrs. W. Ross, of Girard, Kis., came Saturday for a week's visit with relatives in this city. Mrs. F. E. Thompson went to Creston Friday and visited with Mr. Thompson until Monday Ray Spurrier, of the Mt. Ayr Record force, was visiting friends in Leon Friday and Saturday. J. L. Parrish, of Des Moines, was look (ng after legal business in this city tbe tirst of tbe week. Woody Thomas returned Friday from Bethany where he visited friends during the colored picnic. Mrs. J. P. Wharton went to Afton Sat I urday on a visit to her parents, Judge and I Mrs. N. W. Rowell. Miss Eva Yost returned Friday from Saline, Mo., where she was attending the wedding of a friend. Miss Ethel Cruikshank returned yester day from a visit of several weeks with ret atives at Hastings, Neb. "Dusky" Zimmerman was a passenger Friday for Tuskeega, where he will work for Alf Bigley on a farm. Miss Cora Campbell returned Friday from Bethany where she attended the big emancipation celebration. W. L. Ragan and wife, of Eagleville. Mo., have been visiting relatives in this county since last Thursday. Attorneys Frank Horton and J. Kling, of Davis City, were attending Dis trict Court tbe first of tbe week. John W. Bowman and family left Tues day evening tor a visit at Galesburg, 111. with relatives of Mrs. Bowman. Master Ira Walker, of Ottumwa, return I ed home yesterday after spending a few days at the home of W. A. Boone. Miss Anna Ronk returned to her home I at Murry Saturday after a visit of several weeks with her sisters in this city. Mrs, W. M. Phillips and children arriv ed Thursday from *Jt. Joe, Mr. Phillips I having recently moved to this city. Miss Marie Watsebaugh was a passenger I for Dea Moines Friday, where she goes to trim in a wholesale millinery house. I FOB8ALE—A yearling and two-year old Cruick8bank bulls of Rood size, John Frazier and daughter visited a couple of days at their old home at Ak I ron, Mo., the latter part of last week. I Mrs. Alma Morrill and dangbter Grace returned Saturday from a visit at the' home of J. M. Eiker, west of Decatur. Miss Lucy Smallwood departed Friday for Bed Oloud, Neb., where she will teacn in the public schools the coming year. Vernon Acton left the first of the week for St. Joe having secured a position as newB agent between St. Joe and Qoincy. Mrs. John Snaveley and little son. of Marengo, came Thursday ona visit to ni parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johq Woodmanse Mrs. Gay Hasty,, of Humeeton, oame down Thursday to visit a few days with hpr parents, 2£r. and Mrs. Creed Bobhitt. Mrs. Pet Placeman, Monday for aTei Miss Abble Wells returned to hbr home In Des Moines Monday after a pleasant visit in this city, the guest of MI Osborn. Seasoned native wood for sale. of Garden Grove, wdays visit at tbe came Monday tor a Tew days visit at tbe bome of her cousin, J. B. Bashaw, in this city. [pons, Brown, oi |Fday and visi^ sister,." Lelah M. Hoadley returned to his home in Garden Grove Saturday after a short visit in this city with his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Brown. Miss Ella RoKers returned to her home in Davis City Tuesday after visiting a few days in this city at the home of Wm. Ogden. Mrs. Ed Moore returned to her home near Kellerton Tuesday after visiting a few days at the home of her parents in this city. J' H. Evans jr., of Storm Lake, has been visiting for a week uast at the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans in this city. Mrs. Horace Farqubar and sons and her mother, Mrs. Dilaaver, were passengers for Des Moinis Tuesday to attend the state fair. Prof. Harry Ilsley, who has been visiting his parents in this city, left yqsterday for Panora, where he will teach the com ing year. Mrs. S. H. Lorey, Mrs. Sam Lorey and Mrs. M. F. Grimes and children went to Des Moines Friday to visit until after tbe state fair. Mrs. George Gardner and children, of Humeston, were oyer Sunday visitors in this olty, at the home of Mrs. Frank Gardner. Mrs. Rboda Hawkins and Miss Mary Freeman, of Davis City, came up Friday and visited a few days at the home of W. A. Boone. Miss Ella Reese, of Jackson county, Ohio, arrived Tuesday for a visit at the home of her uncle, John Reese, in Mor gan township. J. R. Conrev returned Saturday from a month's visit at Gann Valley. S. D. He returns feeling much bettor for bis well earned vaoation. George Carmean departed Monday for Ottumwa whore be goes to accept a posi tion as pharmacist in tbe drug store of L. E. Horner & Co. Archie Rhoads and Willard Boyd re turned home from Garden Grove Friday morning where they had been visiting friends a few days. J. G. Springer returned Tuesday from a trip to Big Piney, Wy., and Boise City, He bad a fine trip and with his son killed four antelopes. Mr. G. Reiser and wife, of Chickasaw county,are visiting at the home of Samuel Miller in this city, Mrs, Reiser being a sister of Mrs. Miller's. MissMayand Master Walter Enix re turned to their home at Aibia last Thurs day after a pleasant visit at the home of J. Jones in this city. Mrs. W. H. Bobbittand daughters Hat tie and Geneva returned to their home at Winterset Thursday after visiting a week with relatives in this city. Miss Lou Bellis, of Leon, and who has been visiting in Illinois, has returned to Albia to make a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Alford.—Albia Union. Misses Lorna Waller and Maytne Cesler bave been the guests the past week of Miss Pearl Pryor and with her attended the reunion at Garden Grove. Miss Bessie Sullivan, ot east of Leon, went to Keokuk Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mary who is a stenographer in tbe general office of the K. & W. Clyde Bowman, who has a run as news agent from Table Rock to Oxford, Neb., came up yesterday to visit.a couple of days. He will return to-morrow. Miss Eva Wallace, of Linevllle, was vis iting Leon friends a couple of days tbe lat ter part of last week, while on her way to Des Moines to attend the state fair. lumber, posts mid C.'E. GARDNKR HURSTS. Kid Gloves! Dress Goods! At Hurst's! lliiillllllllllllllllllllllliillllllilli IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII The New Carpet! HURST BR |L Homes until i' dauehter B°e and Sutherlen returned home Frl- day from a visit of several davii with MI atives and friends at Garden G?ove. Mrs. W. p. Clark accompanied hei1 daughter Etta to Lamoni Saturday on to spend a week with Mrs. Grace Scott in keego. country Charles Crossan.of Bethany, Mo ,v Leon a couple of days the first or the week looking aftei his which Mike Kirwin is season. speedy trotter handling this w?" known reporter on Evening Record, spent Sunday wi /i ti '"Jthls city, returning to morning6* °D early tra,n MoI,day J?Lr8oJlenry u?°^™an ^turned Friday from a six weeks visit at Burlington with Gertie Cofher. for 8 Vi8it' also Mi® Hon. Robert McCauli, of Garden Grove, making his final re pprt as administrator of tbe estate of John Carnahan, who committed suicide at Leroy about a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bell, of Tarklo, Mo'., fiwJ Kat herhomeof Mr. and MrS. Fred Creese, iD Grand River township, parents of Mrs. Bell. They drove across tripC° ry 8 ljURBy and report a nice Judge J. W. Harvey, wife and son and Miss Belle McCready returned Friday evening from a two month's stay at their cottage in Camp Leon, Lake Okoboii. They are all well tanned, but had a most pleasant outing. Wm. Goodman and wife, of Long Creek township, went to Des Moines Friday and visited a couple of days at the State Fair, cutting their trip short on account of Mr. Goodman being drawn on the trial jury and having to report for duty Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Simpson aud little son, ofMt. Ayr, drove evar to this city' Saturday and visited over Sunday with Mrs. Simpson's mother, Mrs. Alice Hebe ner. Leland Hebener, who had had been visiting them a oouple of weeks returned home with them. Wiley Sells and John Merwin arrived fiom Omaha Sunday noon, having com pleted tbe carpenter work on Clark Bros, new mill in that city. Clark Bros, expect to commence running in a couple of weeks. John Boyd who was also working on the mill went to Missouri Valley to visit relatives a few days before returning to Leon. e&y To Jireak up a Cold In One Night Or to quickly cure Lu Grippe take "Weeks' Break-Ua A-Cold Tablets." We cheerfully re fund the purchase price if it falls to cure Price 25 cents. W. E. Myers & to. K. M. Booth, Elgin, in., who had just eseap* ed a very dangerous operation writes UM, "Beggs' German Salve cured me of piles after everything else had failed. 1 was preparing for an operation, as a last resort. Would not be without it if It cost £10 a box. McGralb & Still, Woodland. Mather—tbe 30 years dentist of over 30 years experience is at 1-eon on tbe morning of the 27tli and will remain until the last of every month. THE EMPIRE BAKERY. North Side Square—Biggs Building Fresh Bread, Buns, Rolls, Pies, Cookies and Cakesi Ice Cream Parlor, -s. Fruits and Confectionery I Try our 15c. Lunch INS & PERRY, Many of the Autumn are in and we extend to 1 l.i O.N, IOWA. HU Real kid, perfect glace surface, soft and elastic to the touch, 2 clasp, either plain stitch backs or Paris point embroidery at $1.00 per pair. Colors, black, tan, brown, red, slate, blue, mode and greens. We'll furnish any special color, style and get it quick. dress goods you an invi tation to come and see them. We'll be glad to have your opinion as to their beauty and woith. Printer's ink can't tell the story but you are wel come to come here and look whether you buy or not. imiiiiiiiiiitiiiiititmiiiiiHiiiiiii We are showing on our carpet floor a larger assortment of carpets than usual, believing that the fall demands will be great. In addition to some 15 rolls of carpets we carry Richard -son's sample line of Brussells, Ax- "mipstcrp, Moquette and Velvets, can supply quickly any special color style in any grade of carpet. ainiHMHmuiiniiuiiHHiiiHiuti Serviceable Shoes!*" J'- For school—The school slioes we sell are built for service. The workmanship is so thorough and tke matarials so good ihat they retain their shape, and the best of it is that they don't cost any more than flimsy kind:*. Every inake of shoes we" sell has been tested, rigidly tested, aty^pf don't know uf any better makes buy them.