Newspaper Page Text
I *s*a, •**& We HB.LATT0N, W•II.Slater, iM: Half gallon Mason fruit jars, dozen Quart Mason fruit jars, dozen Pint Mason fruit jars, dozen Jell Tumblers, tin top, set No. 1 Glass Turnbjers, set Jugs and Jars, gallon and up,"gallon Evaporated apples, ring cut, pound 7 to--- Phyaidan and lorpM. Offloa Phone 7. Beddei oe phona 7. FBED A. BOWMAN, M. D. PhyMclan and 8urg*oa. OOn phoiw T. Reaidenoe phoM W. Office with Dr. Layton. Offioa hoora 9 ta IS—1 towtoi A•Brown. Physlotan •on OFFICE IN W. W. pAllia^r, Physlcan and Surgeon Office over W. P. Clark A Ge.'s Store F. Wfright, Physielan and Snrgi UCONtlOWA. IfMlll iMt nl tttNWa (tHiDNl tf Okraala IX Van WMlea'i drag itor*. TVr. J. L. Lewis, Osteopath. Leon, Iowa.' Iliw to Hh Uffloe st D. X. Morgsa'Sb •""vxxir leu Mkoel jy A. W, HOWB, Homeopathic Physician and 8« niyslslanand aamos. SaSflfe}S8®r" Ohrbatol Vetrlnary Surfoon, is Fhslelanand Dentist, OfleestVsaWeidea'sDmBtece. WH. Albaugh, Lawyer. OITICI IN BANE BUlLPINg. Gtookoy A Brooks. O Lawyers. OFFIOXIN LONOV BLOCK.' ^%S, 3 D. R. Dudley, Dentist. '-.-rsi. JT M. MeGlnnto, M**' Lawyer. V- to Carry a Mifltiata OFFIOS IN BAY'S BLOCK. Y\r. J. W. KowalL JUT Dentist. OVTICB Of LONG'S BLOCK. D' Office over Myers & Co.'s drug store, Leon Iowa. Will be in Leon the entire week except Wednesday, when I will be at my office at Decatur City. J. A.Harris&Bros .. Mahutaeturero of and Poaloroln Marble ul Sruile LEOM*_JOWA. We carry a magnificent line of monu inenta. The workmanahip is unexcelled and material used first-class. We buy our stock in car load lots direct from the quaries in the east thereby enabling us to make than firms buying in small quantities Our business is run strictly on a first :,t!lass basis and we all our work to give perfect satisfaction. 1 J. A. HARRIS & BROS, ADJCINIiTRVrOK'iS NOTICE. 3«t»te ot Henry' Lyon, Deceased. Notice Js hereby given to all persons inter ested, that on ibo J8tb day of August, A. D, 1900. ttae undatetgned was appointed by Vie clerk of the/jfstrict Court of Ueoutur Countyr Iowa, AdmlaiHtrator of the- Estate of Henry Lyon. dcKaaed, lateQfMfet county. All per-: soo8 Jo«it«d to siMd^gtfkte 'will-make: pajr. 2 Liit toflh* undersigned, and those baring 4ast the satne .will -pr«lent tbem. —jted. to said oourt.'.for allow. •Mir". «TVA '""A" ot the COMPTROLLER THE EXCHANGE ^. NATIONAL NOW THEBFFORB, I. Charles G. Dawes, oomutrtiler °f the Currency, do hereby oeriify that the exchange National bank of Leon" in the town ot Leon, in the county of 1 Decatur, and state of Iowa, is authorized to loomfeeoce the business of banking as pro vided in Section Fifty One Hundpu4 and Sixty Nine of the Revised Statutes of tli(f»JJnitod States. TESTIMONY WHEREOF. witness my hand and seal of [skalI office this ninth day of July, 1900. Charles U. Dawes, No. 6489. Comptroller of the Currency, July 12-9m. Dr J. H. Osborn, OSTEOPATH. eon, n- !~r ck-e W Pride of Kansas Flour, Finest* in Leon Per Sack $1.00. CORNER 8TH AND MAIN, LEON, IOWA. CURRENCY. Washington, D. C., July #, 1900. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, It nas been made to appear that Mill OF LEON, in the town of Leon, la the county of Decatur, and state of Iowa, haa complied with alt the provisions of the statutes of the United States required to be compiled with before an asso ciation shall be authorized to commence the business cf bunking -'J' Consultation free at Office. More Light!' Come and have your eyes per fectly fitted with glasses. I am prepared with all the improved tests. 27 years grinding and fitting glasses. All work guar an teed. Children's eyes specially, I will be at my home Saturdays and. Mondays, of each week at my residence. If you wish work done at home notify me by mail. P. F. BRADLEY, Leon, Iowa. IBIiif Iowa. Office at Woodmansee House. I Graduate of American School of Osteopathy. 3, Optician. ,•??- REVIVO lBE«TMEt VITAUTV Made a WeMMjtff of RA«. mm wlBfcorw tketr yootbliil "titer to niw BITIVa tt taleUrirfinhiHtoMlmSF DM*, vrn TltiUty, tapotenerrmfbtly UM FDVtr.IUUnc Kemory, iQ ifMig oC tatf^bopt ov iiowpiod IndSaoivlftM which ubMioMoraMir.biMiMw«rBH(lai*n •QlolXiwbrOMMnK rtlbiwH oI flamW laa^Mt Bwrra toale «odMood Imlldgr, triaa •tmliig tb* IN of youth, ffiirii oglmnlla Mtann—nil MilMkMlaiMflTaM Mir. ItMtoMBMbwIiMM ST nidi, miiOOb wMio WMld' in LjMn.Iova bjf JT. J. Bonnold. Farmers'. NatM '•'V-'tv'' bAmfni&iitXoT. lalCongress. 'Col., Augnst 21-r31," MBlnf Colorado Spring California small prunes, pound Cal. Evaporated peaches, pounds Crackers, per pounds Fancy Cream Cheese, pound Sorghum, fancy Missouri, gallon, Corn meal 12 pound sacks, sack Defy Competition ozi^ Fish! Fancy Bacon, No. 1, mild cure, per pound 8c. Fancy Streaked Bacon, per pound lOc. Special Prices Made On These Goods in Large Quantities/ We Make Lowest Prices. W. P. GIERKE & ca Ifi Design gone to waist is our new new and handsome stock of wall papers, would be a pity when you might have it on your walls for decoration of parlor or bed room, dinning room, hall or library«-We have them in such beautiful designs and colors, with such rich and refined effects that we know they must please you ft Come and See Our Stock! $ f®SfSrV"*»'n- ExamineIbe sack beforebuying L. VAN WERDEN. Wall Paper .Paints. OILS. JJ Drs.Fellows & Fellows 4!34te Chronic, Mermwiand tonally or Varicocele. 2&±±,'d,cnn!! bf OWtarffteal operation lr» from five ujli Im Bliaerjfcmn of this disease requiren W*«nnuatly ear* hundreds of patieote, taaving then In a vigor. SSTs Oar ethptw BmA "vVfgy CC L. Van Werden Druggist/ 11 -V l' ,,r 1 I 5L«v^'f(Wi», I & We want to sell you B. P. !L. S. paint—After 20 years of experience in handling paint \H we can truthfully say it is thebest paint we ever han died. Our experience has jj been varied and of some proportion, [t's the only ,. Pure paint on the market W sgjthat we know of—It will do you good and you will have value received for your 1. i.-- .1- .. .money—Spreading capacity 18 the greatest and its durability is assured. A Beautiful If 'Jl 3:Vt. t-j roa WAIU PAPERS COT* W. Walnut St., Dm MolnM, Iowa. Located in DM Motn«« la iM. After many urn to I regular practice, w« now davot* all oor tiiaa to tta traatoi ot towl«l Pfamw, or money refunded. All nwdicinM foraUhed detention from burinen. Patients at mril and ezpreu. HadielnM Mot evaryt or breakue. CtiartM low. ThouMAd* of pa1 and timrlnw important. Stat* yonr eaM teniiy, blank*. «to. Coamltation by turn lattor. and Seminal Weakness arid ual Debility, BSfcft blood to th» bead, paina in baitlirulneM, amnion to aoeiety. |hwer. Ion of jnanbood, eared for fife. We the a bore daeaM* and make yon lit for aurlaik SKS& Syphilis JSSftffl •jises curaa or nraimy nituroed ft-pin book hi* on tpplioatipo n)fo Stricture lid ueAuanenUy cured in from five to fifteen thia diwaM requiren fliciion ran along.. It beoomee more aartOB* evf^y month yon nnglect it, •r DO year*1 experienea la tha MeeeMfnl twent of the above mentioned nlMtiii tea rantee to yoa that we are able to haiMlw n*«. mud Contu FELLOWS! 41* and AIB Wast Walnut Street. AMru—, Oes Moines, tewu 4- "V?."*, —Agent Fred W, McCaull is alwaytf" smiling and pleasant, but last Saturday afternoon the smile on Fred'B face 'was so much broader than common that for a time the boya wjBre at sea as to the cause of his .elation. Some of them sug gested that perhaps he bad b«$n made general manager of the entire "Q" sys tem, while others thought Fred had fallen heir to all of Collis P. Hunting ton's millions and had just received a message telling him of hiB good fortune. Finally, however, Dr, Barger came along and set the fellows right. He said that I't was just as pretty and bright an pound girl as bad ever taken up board in these parts. Here's congratulations Fred. May the little lady grow to healthy, happy womanhood and be a perpetual source of joy and brightness in the McCaull household.—Darlington Record. *v Why Don't You Eat? 'No appetite," you say, "Stomach I feel bad," Well take Dr. Caldwell's I Syrup Pepsin and you can eat anything. L. Van Werden. I MATRIMONIAL, •& DAVIS-PIERCE. A pleasing and interesting event took place at 2 o'clock Thursday, August 23, 11900, at the home of Mrs. Neal, in ICainsvilie, Mo., grandmother of the groom. Mr. Omar C. Davis, of Prince ton, Mo., led Miss Allie Pierce to the bridal altar where they were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. The beau tiful and impressive ceremony was per formed by Rev. Ed Morgan,1 uncle of the bridegroom. The bride is one of Mer cer county's best and most preposess ling young ladies, well worthy of the man of her choice, handsome, intelli gent, accomplished and will preside over a home with grace and dignity. Miss Allie will be remembered by a host of friends in the vicinity of Leon, who wish her much happinesB over the voy "age of life. The bridegroom is one of Princeton's excellent and thriving I young business men, having been con [necttd with the Wynne & Co. Marble Works, as salesman, for the past 18 months. The happy young couple will be at home in Princeton to their many friends after Oct. 1. Is Life Worth Living? debility, nervousness land palpitation of the heart are not diseases they are symptoms indicating that the various vital organs are not working in harmony. Morley's Liver and Kidney Cordial restores order and rids the body of all waste products that clog the system. It insures sound di I gestion, sound nerves and sound sleep. I Sold by agent in every town and by L. Van Werden. Real Estate Transfers. The most important real .estate trans fere from Aug. 4 to Aug. 21, 1900 as re ported by F. Varga & Son. J. B. Lunbeck to Henry Lun beck, lots in Leon $4,000 O. O. Jordan to O. J. Card, 170 acres in Franklin _fl Peter G. Anderson to P. S. La moree, 50 acres iq Long Creek A. J. Still to C. O, Hartsook, 40 acres in Franklin 1,000 Chas. K. Rumley to J. P. Rum ley, 20 acres in Eden Lillie Kinkade to J. P. Hunt, 80 acres in Burrell 1 Arabella Miller to J. P. Hunt, 160 acres in Burrell .. Ed Gale to Emma Gale, lots in Grand River Emma Gale toEd Gale, lots in Grand River N. Schee to E. W. Townsend :. lots in Decatur. J. V. McGrath to B. E. Rushing, £2 acres in Garden Giove... Nancy E. Wheeland to Geo. Trisler, lot in Garden Grove... I. P. Shawver to B. Q. Deakin lots in Lamoni John Burkhart to Joseph W. Young, lots in Grand River. C. M. Grim to J. A. Roberts, 34 .. acrts in Long Creek W. H. Weller to Robbin Kizzire land in Burrell John B, Reynolds to Margaret1 M. Jones, 80 acres in High Point. j,t Belle Turner to M. A. Tullis, lot in Leon 600 F. A. Niday to G. A. Jones, 40 acres in Richland 3,450 Josie Kling to F. M. Freeman, lot in Davis City 600 Oren Ruffcorn to W. B. McCul lougb, lot in Weldon 600 W. B. McCullough to C. A.\ Lockwood, lot in Weldon J. V. McGrath to Nancy Wheeland, lots in lota in Lamoni & 650 /-f® Qtrden,|j: Grove— 500 James U. Bay to Otis Deisher 40 acres in Woodland..^ Uenrv C. Sherron to A. B._ Fierce, lots in Van Wert L. W. Garter to M. A. Tullis, lot in Leon A. A. Piercy to W. 1,000 II 810 1,000 A. Hopkins,« 1 200 ,1 A Mother Tells How She Saved Her Little Daughter's Life. 1 am the mother of eight children and have bad a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. 1 tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I Saw an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain'B Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was highly recommended, and sent a^d got a tfottje at once, ft proved to be one of the very bes| cines we ever had in the ed my little dauq# anxious for everymqgj an excellent medicine known it at first it woi me & great deal of an tie daughter much W S IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlliiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiaiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllillllilli 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIItlillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU«lllllllllllll||||||||||||l|lHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIimiUilli| ex|1PTBR "S* LEON QUEENSWARE COM AND YOU WILL KNOW WHERE I 2S*- •'J.r'il- -r i- 'r VrS 1125 cents buys 2 packages best coffee, if $1.00 buys 1 sack Queen flour. 7 25 cents buys 10 bars Mascott soap. 1 I5|cents buys 1121b sack of meal. 110 cents buys one bottle Waldorf relish f, 15 cents buys 2 bars cream floating soap ilO cents buys a can of beans. 115 buys 2 packages oat meal. 15 cents buy 1 pound crackers. |20 cents buys gallon cider vinegar. A Produce Wanted 'W LEOHS BAR6AD GORIER! OPERA BLOCK. =llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllOlllllllllllllllllllllllltllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI nillllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll«ilHlllllillltlimilllillllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllHll] F13LTON 8c Notice a few of our prices on canned goods: 31b can California peeled peaches 5C 31b can California pears 5ca 31b can California apricots 5Cm 1 gallon can table peaches 4-Oc. 1 gallon can pie peaches 35c» These are not special prices on a few of our leaders but are only a few of our many bargains. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCEf FULTON & MANNING. 'Phone 42. North Side Square. IHOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. 1(,f AUG. £21 SEPT. 4 SEPT. 18 OCT. 2 OCT. ws 16 NOV. 6 NOV. Co and look for «i 7\i Ki* I P|1CES!| GROCERIES! %'"KrVi,v* a -*6 V-4 5-^' ^6. & I? 4 %. ssvk M/VNNING. HEADERS OP LOW PRICES. We are quoting prices ^on iior^heraf hard wheat flour that are surprising and can save you money if you want good northern flour. Can also save you money on shelf hardware and dishes, •"t' A ',1 V'ry aa—a—•••••—••••••••••••aeaaoaaa—aaaaj Daily Summer Turlst Rates. Destination—Salt Lake City and zden Utah, Bate $47.25. Dates of sale July 1st to Sept. 30 inclusive. limit 90 days not to exceed Oct. 31. 8top overs allowed }n both dj^ectiorig west of Ool orado common points, C. M.4* KOTOIIAM. Agent. I jilington IL" 1 1 These are the days on which you can buy very cheap excursion'tickets to' NEBRASKA and other points In the west Including Denver, Colorado Springs, Pqpbjo, Leadville and 6lenw00d Springs Colo., Dead wood and Hot Springs, South Dakota Ask C, B. A Q. ticket agent for particulars. .c. rx,.„ New Home in Nebraska, a prosperous country, where a farm can be bought for one year's rent of an eastern farm. You Need a Dally Paper. This is presidential year and every cit izen needs a daily paper. The Des Moins Daily News is sent p««rp|j(l^to a|)y address for a year^^gggts months, 50 cents for the news conde