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A I "f s= PHONE 200 Capital and -Sr Everything Beautiful ma* jr/* r« s*rsr MORE LIGHT at HHwB s^-? a WIM, WOODARD, President. JOHN W.IIARVEY. Pre si lent. FRED TEALE CasMer ~^__QooJ'fepresetttatives a a 3 glasses. I am prepared with all the modern tests to correct all errors of the eyes I guarantee-all my work. Lenses changed free of charge. If you desire work done ioti£y me by mail I will call without extra charge. I will be at blocks east 'of public square, Saturday and Monday, each week P. F. BRADLEY, Leon, Iowa. LESTER GOULD. Pres..MARK M. SHAW. Cashier. W. A. RAMSEY,Vice Pres Farmers & Merchants Bank." VAN WERT, IOWA. Responsibility $75,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. STOCKHOLDERS -A. L. Belding, Fred Gould, W. A. Ramsey, Mark M. Shaw, Lester tSguld. •HtHMMH**** SHHRimillllllllllllUdlllllUlltllllllllllllllllllflllllllinillllllilllllllHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII JAMES ORESWELL, Viee President. TBS CITIZEN'S Owns 3,300 acres of limd In Deeatur County and other securi ties amounting tower t200,000- Interest paid on t'me deposits. STOCEHOZiDSiBS •TAM«!RFAWKT.T, J. HENRY HILL, fKAZELTON, ™M. OOKRINGTON. W. H. COLTER. FI A. & F. S. GAlDNER. E. W-TOWNSENl Fmen'uil Irak Still Bank. LEON. IOWA. Surplus Does a general banking business.' Pays Interest on time deposits. We Solicit a Share.of Your Patronage. n**w with which we, come in con tact helps to retine and strengthen,our finer nature. Contact with beautiful furn iture and beautiful sur roundings subdues the coarser and sharpens the finer nature as a grindstone sharpens a knife. Little children take in impressions as a sponge takes in water. Thev should have a cosy, pretty home to live in. We keep everything to furnish homes cosily and reason ably. My special at tention is given to this depart ment. All calls promptly look- ed after. I am a Licensed Emfcalmerunder the laws of Iowa. 2 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. The young as well as the old should have their eyes tested and the errprs of the eyes corrected by the use of $38,500.00. wanted everywhere,' ,, Write for our book Health and Beauty, 6 12t ,.f.T THE STANDARD BATH CABINET CO., Toledo, Ohio, 5 Poultry^ Butterv Eggs. Hides, Tal low and Beeswax. Old ^Rubber, Iron and Metals. I Hrighest^flGes Paid in Cash! I 1 'V .V THOS.TEALE, Vice President. T. S. ARNOLD. Assistant Cashier. WE TRUST VOli TO RESTORE YOUR HEALTH Investigate our cooperative plan of monthly payments ^etore purchasing a bath cabinet. Members wanted who are honest. Wealth unnecessary. HOT AIR ELfiCTRIC BATHS will benefit or cure every ailment. By using one of our Thermal Bath Cabinets you can accomplish quietly in the retirement of your own home better than at Natural Sulphur Springs or Turkish Bath Houses. ENJOY TURKISH. SULPHUR. VAPOR, or MEDICATED STEAM BATHS at home 3 cents each. They open up the S,000.000 pores of the skin* From each flowg a tiny stream of poison laden liquid,' which' if retained, poisons the system, causing rheumatism, malaria nervousness and general debllity,. The most complete line of bath cabinets in the world. Prices—The Standard J5.C0, Century 88,50, New Era $12.00. »*f -«*. anaii ^Columbia Salad Fork. ¥S 1 *VV -t't IMIIIMMIIMIg N8END, ^^1 W"\* And grow weak and exhausted when not properly nour l, just as an engine loses its power when the fuel runs low. The loss of nervous power is seen in the failing health and the wasting forpi. It is felt in the aching head, the throbbing heart, :he irritability, indigestion, restlessness and loss of sleep. &e uild the worn-out nerves, rest the tired brain and add new fuel to the vital fires with the best of all tonics, Dr. Miles' Nervine. I ad an in so a JNervme. I had been suffering from blind piles for some time and had lost so much blood that my nerves were in a very bad condition. I bought a bottle of the Nervine on .trial and it did me so much good that I have since taken two more. The resultJs my health has been wonderfully improved and I am very thankful that I gave it a trial." J. B. Articles not alone beautiful, but useful and durable,' mike the most sensible gift These good features, tcgciher with a moderate price, make the genuine "1847 Rogers Bros." SPOONS, KNIVES, TORKS, ETC. an ideal Holiday gift. I'hey are made in a great variety of shapes, sizes and designs, handsomely packed in lined cases, and vary in price from 25c, to $3.50. Your dealer can supply you. Ask for "J847" goods. Write us for, our handsome catalogue No. 455 to aid you in making selections. iVTKRSATIOXAI. SILVER CO.. Rncoooor lo y.KIUUKN BRITANNIA CO., Ucrldcn, Conn. s-,* m't Look for the Trademark. We are offering goods at cheapest buyers. PRODUCE iri*.: I -i ~Sf*«*uh, "r HENSLEE^Ringgold, D*• Miles' Nervine is food for the worn-out nerves and the weary brain. Is a food for the over-taxed and weak digestion, nourishes, fortifies and refreshes the whole system. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Da. MILBS MBDiciL Co., Elkhart, Sod Columbia Salad Spoon at tin ration if it. for Womtn [His trade mark stands for all that's good in shoes. It guar antees comfort, quality and style. There are a great many styles for you to choose from. There is a shape to fit your foot, a style to meet your taste. If your shoe dealer does not handle I«ewis Shoe send-for our Catalogue showing shapes and styles. For Men the Lewis is $3.00. Made bf 1. B. LEWIS COMPANY, -,4V! BO8T0M, MASS. THE NORTH SIDE GROCERY. prices that are surprising to the Notice below a few of our MANY BARGAINS OFFERED! 2& cents buys a gallon of kraut.,« 23 cents buys 3 dozen sweet pickles. 35 cents buys 1 gallon home-mils sorghum. 20 cents I gallon pure cider vinegar. 25 cents buys 2 packages Plllsbury's Vitos. $1.00 buys 1 sack fancy cream flour. A full line of California dried and canned fruit. All goods guaranteed to be flrst'dass. We will'pay the highest market price in cash or trade for your ,% FULTON & MANNING. Phone 42. North Side Square. —HMMMWMMMWMmMMWMWMftfH* 'ii+y.T Real Estate, Insurance and Loans, J. D. WILLIAMS, Agent, Leon', Iowai Office in Biggs Block, ••NIHtlNNMIMMlMNMNNWNNMINHMN* Of1':? 4. Communicated. Luuoni, Iowa, Nov. 29,1900.' Editor REPORTER: The clipping herewith inclosed was re ferred to me for identification as being produced by me: Down at Lamonl when the news of MoKln ley's election was received, a gang of republi can hoodlumB carried things on In an outrage ous manner, even going so' far as to enter I private premises owned by democrats and carry outbuildings into the street and burn them. This is all wrong. No one has a right to destroy another's property simply beoause he differs with you in politics, and the Lamonl gang' not only violated all laws of decency, but also the laws of the state and laid themselves liable to proseoutton by their disgraceful acts, —LEON REPOBTKB. No one at all familiar with the circum stances to which that clipping refers, should for a moment entertain the sus icion of its emanating from my- pen. :irst, Ga. It It because the details do not do I justice in detailing the facts of their recklesB behavior Becond, because my critical quidnuncs knew, or ought to know, that certain red taped satraps, possessed of some ambiguous authority manufactured an imaginary muzzle with the intent that I should wear it on the entrance and the exit of my thought and word factory, and fearing this should fail, they fabricated a four line gag" as a silencer to "pacify" a pre tended evil. If I had written that item, sharp I drawn as the rebuke is, I should have Bbown that the influence which actuated the reckless proceedings of that scene was born of the imperialistic influence which permeates the administration in rumifications and finds lodgment in the elements which compose and support church and state policies. If it were not so, the actuating spirit of that scene, which assumed that "might is light," influenced by the tyranical domination majorities, that conglomerate mass of I saint and worldling, would not have gone on with their work of destruction in defiance of the inhibition, and plead ings of the mayor, marshal and con stable of the town. One of the curious things in this case I is that the local leaders of the dominant party made no effort to second the ef forts of the officers who were doing all they could to establish and maintain order and protect property. The indiflerence of majority exubera tion to the enforcement of good order, the reckless indifference ana disrespect for djscipline and personal rights, with the riotous conduct, and the wanton I destruction of property, are long and rapid strides toward the development of that bloodcurdling condition that nerves men for the brutality of the prize-ring and to coolly chain their victim to the stake and light the faggot of execrable torture to invade the homes of the citizens for pelf and plunder and carry unprovoked warfare to foreign shores. No, sir I did not write the clipping I but, so far as it is true (and evidence confirms it as a fact) I as a high born American citizen, with birth place at the flood gate of the Johnstown de struction, in the cradle state of Ameri can independence irrespective of ec-1 clesiasto, exofficio, muzzel-gag success or failure, recognize the item as a I wholesome and merited rebuke by whomsoeyer written. ELDER JOHN D. BENNETT. How to Cure Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, I Duchess county, N. Y., says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be lorne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptons appear. For sale by W. A. Alexander, druggist. 992 petitions in bankruptcy were filed in Iowa during the last year—an aver age of about 10 to the.county. Be'ggs' Cherry Cough Syrup saved the life I or my baby boy when dying ot oroup God bless the remedy," writes Mrs. Adam achreib er, Chattanooga, Tenn. Guaranteed to cure I throat and lung troubles. Saves hundreds of these little ones eyery year. HeGrath dc Btill Woodland, George Barr has sold his farm of 1601 acres, 5 miles west of town to Mr. £. Lane, of Corydon, price ¥30 per acre. Mr. Barr and family have resided in town during the past year and will con tinue to make their home here.—Line-1 ville Tribune "With on a bottle Beggs' -Cherry Cough I Syrup my oough and soreness entirely disap peared.1'—Ernest Whipple, Davenport, Iowa. UUARABTEDD to cure all throat and lung troubles,—has NEVER FAILED try it! Me Grath & Still, Woodland. Bert Pedon, living east of town, had his leg broken last Friday while hand ling a vicious western horse, It was a very bad injury and will be many months in getting sound again. Dr. Wailes dressed the fracture and reports I him as comfortable as could be expected —Davis City Advance. Purifies the blood—fills the system with life, I health and vigor,—Beggs' Blood Purifier. "It cured me of dyspepsia and costiveness, and other diseases arising from Impure blood. I think It's a splendid medicine" says Mrs. Alloe Reed, Butler, Mo. McGrath & Still, Woodland. A gunpowder accident happened I on the west side Saturday, bat there was no "shooting iron" in it. Mrs. F. Nicholson put an innocent looking I paper bag in the fire, intending to burn it and its contents. Presently she took the poker and stirred the fire, breaking I open-the sack and letting the fire to the powder. Of course an explosion occur-1 red, and her left hand and face were considerably burned, but not severely I enough to leave any scar. Dr. Dferwent was called. and his patient is now cientljr recovered to need nb further medical care.--Lamoni Patriot. Don't risk the lltte pne's life croup Is a| dangerous-disease. Mrs. U, Gregg, Dundee, Kas,, says:—"My Ultle daughter had been troubled with croup since- she was three months old Beggs' Unerry Cough Syrup cured ,her." Children like It, ''Up: GUARANTEED. Grath & Still, Woodland, •i si 1 Ps 'tW Mc Hunting accidents have become alto gether too common. Charles Copp who I lives a mile west of Bethel church, went oat gunning Thursday moning of last vreek When he fired his gun the con trary thing, like the celebrated -jarmy I musket,shot harder behind than in front The charge came out at the breech, and passed through the fleshy part of his neck on the right side. Dr. Crofiord was called and at last accounts thel patient was sitting up and doing well. The theory is that the muzzle was full of snow,which had more resistance than the breech of the gun. Hence thel shooting backward.—Lamoni Patriot. strongly recommended Beggs' Cherry! Syrup It cured tneo&a throat andftng ile'of many years' standing."—Mts.'j), B^emon. Rifle, Colo.: Cares coughs, colas, asthma, bronchitis, la grippe, pnat Whooping^augb-, oroup and McGrath Still, Woodland, School Bepoft. Report of school taught in district No. 4, Center township for the term ending Nov. 30. 1900. Enrollment 16, days taught 40, average cost of tuition per month for each, pupil fl.78, average daily attendance 14. The following pupils were awarded diplomas for being neither absent or tardy during the term. Carroll Curry, Claude Curry. Glure Currjr, T^hf^uffiHd, OK B(«wn. AGQIK A. KOBB, teacher fiSKvy Drop PAINT! on hand and wish to lessen stock in ,, order not to carry it ovec. If you need paint, wall paper or drugs, come and see us. L. Van W erden The Paramount Issue. Politically it is an issue of the past. But to the head ot every family and every person who supports a family, there is a question of live interest. That is "Where Can I Buy ,, My Winter's Supplying At The Greatest Money Saving Prices." Answer—At Hamilton & Gam mill's closing out sale. Why certainly first-class goods sold are cheaper than where they are sold at a profit, and much cheaper than, poor qualities sold elsewhere at a big profit. It is true that you may tell a thousand people once of something to their interest and the ma jority of them will forget it. Bat tell ons person the same thing a thousand times and he can't forget. So we propose to keep telling you where to get bargains. ND FORGET IT tt&t- Dont Be Footiin The market I* being flooded with worthies* imitations of ROCKY MOUNTAIN ...TEA.. To protect the public we ad etpecial attention to our trade mark, prlntrnt on every pack* age. Demand the genuine. For Sale by all Druggist* NOTICE OB* EXPIRATION OP RIGHT OF REDEMPTION. To S. h. Landes/A.C. Landes, R. 8. Lan- Ise, J. H. Landes, Maggie Landes, Agnes laey, Gussie Bruffy, Lucius Embree, Sam uel Embree, Eliaha Embree, Margaret Grif fith and Agnes Prler: You anileach of you are hereby notified" that at a tax sale held at the Treasurer's of fice In Leon. Deoatur eounty, Iowa, on the 7th day ot December, 1896, the. undersigned, H. J, Landes, became the purchaser ot the follow ing described premises situated In Decatur county, Iowa, to wit: Lot Six (6) In Block One (f) ot the Original Town of Mllfora nqw ealled Westervllle, Deoatur county, Iowa, and that the undersigned Is now the lawful owner and holder of the eerttfloate ot purchase there for, tfod that unless the same la, redeemed within ninety days from the completed Servloe of this notloe a tax deed will be sued there for, as by laW'in such eases made and provid Wittess miLhand, this 19th day of Novem ber, 1900. 18-St H. J, LANDES. I •r&'i Nj\ -r Y'Ji 1 r. PAPER •^r We are making a special effort and special prices to dispose of our -stock of WALL PAPER in order to fnake room for next year's goods. Make no mistake by not ^looking over our line if in need of ?these K°ods" W a a 1 ,/Y" ',/u ?tMri Jk 1 W A '#1' 4r I f' YOO ,. We are giving the best bargains in all kinds of underwear, hosiery, dry goods of all kinds and shoes and overshoes, ever given in Leon. Our goods are all new and stylish. No old plunder or trash with which to deceive any person. No doubt you need something in our line and we are anxious to dispose of the goods. Won't you come in and inspect our goods? It wiU cost you nothing and save money for you if you buy. We are always pleased to show goods. s&'5 AX COST .^REVIVO THE REfTORM VITAUtY MFowtr.vauiaa] (B eflkda cC aslMbosa er which mills pi tn afrdy.t Madea Well Man ettar. eaatwcairUd iavaat •LOQparsaekaga.or alx *avr~ KBIAt For sale by W. C. liiempel A.Co. Seasoned native lumber, ood for sate, C, E. QA '•mi*