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?c\' ft b*jf»- #Wm£ wW ., Mj&m •2 •_. .. .'• •.• 4 *,a MESSAGE Of TliE PRESIDENT. Meanwhile foreign activity made itself felt In all quarter:?, ni alone on the coast, but along the great .river arteries and in the remoter districts, carrying new ideas and introducing new associa tions among a primitive people which had pursued for centuries a national policy of isolation. Annual Address to the National Congress. Considerable Portion of the Document Is De voted to Chinese Affairs. ALSO DISCUSSES PHILIPPINES MAITfRS. 'u'i Che president's annual message to congress is in part as follows: ^Washington, Dec. 3— Congress Is Urged ta Pass the Ship Subsidy Measure and the Army Bill and Attention Is Called to the Ne cessity of a Cable to Hawaii— of Revenue Asked. President McKln- *y message to Congress contains 18,000 words." It is in part as follows: T.° Senate and House of Represen tatives: At the outgoing of the old and I?e *n°0,m'ng of the new century you be gin the last-session of the fifty-sixth cdn fress_ with evidences on every hand of ^dividual and national prosperity and •run, proof of the growing strength and tacreasing power for good of republican WBtltuUons. Your countrymen will join K*th. you in felicitation that American liberty Is more firmly established than •ver before, and that love for it and the fetermlnatlon to preserve It are more enlversal than at any former period of kur history. The republic was never so strong, be cause never so strongly intrenched in the .5 le People as now. The Consti- -{utlon, with few amendments, exists as the hands of its authors. The ad •ltions which have been made to it pro i®:rSer freedom and more extended mizenship. Popular government has •emonstrated In its 124 years of trial oere its stability and security, and its tplciency as the best instrument of na tional development and the best safe tuard to human rights. ..When the sixth congress assembled In November, 1&.0, the population! of the S?!i£d States was 5,308,483. It is now 7G. 04,799. Then we had sixteen states. Now ere have forty-five. Then our territory consisted of 909,030 square miles. It is JrW 3,846,595 square miles. Education, re llgior and morality have kept pace with our advancement In other directions, and while extending its power the govern ment has adhered to its foundation prin ciples and abated none of them in dealing With our new peoples* and possessions. A nation so preserved and blessed gives reverent thanks to God and invokes His guidance and the continuance of His care favor. CHIKA COMES FIRST. The and Horrors of the 1'ekin Slego tho Timely Kuhcuc. In our foreign intercourse the dominant Question has been the treatment of the Chinese problem. Apart from this our relations with the powers have been aappy. ORIGIN OF CHINESE TROUBLES. The recent troubles in China spring from the anti-foreign ugitalion which for the past three years has gained strength in the northern jprovlnces. Their origin .lies deep in the character of the Chinese races and in the flhidltions of their cpv .ernment. TliuTq^Bng rebellion "WTeifjn iT^" and settlement disturbed alike tho homo geneity and the seclusion of China. The telegraph and railway spreading over their land, the Fleaim-m plying- on their waterways, the merchant and the missionary penetrating, year by year farther to the interior, became ta the Chinese mind types of an alien invasion, changing the course of their national life and fraught with vague forebodings of disaster to their beliefs and their self control. For several years before the present troubles all the resources of foreign di plomacy, backed by moral demonstra tions of the physical force of fleets and arms, have been needed to secure due re spect lor the treaty rights of foreigners and to obtain satisfaction from the re sponsible authorities for the sporadic out rages upon the persons and property of Unoffending sojourners, which from time to time occurred at widely separated points in the northern provinces, as in tho case of the outbreaks in Sze-Chuen and Shantung. Posting of anti-foreign placards became a daily occurrence, which the repeated reprobation of the imperial power failed to check or punish. These inflammatory appeals to the ignorance and supersti tion of the masses, mendacious and ab surd in their accusations and deeply hos tile in their spirit, could not but work cumulative harm. They aimed at no par ticular class of foreigners: they were Impartial in attacking everything for eign. MURDERS OF MISSIONARIES. An outbreak in Shantung, in which Ger man missionaries were slain, was the too natural result of these malevolent teach ings. The posting of seditious placards, exhorting to the utter destruction of for eigners and of every foreign thing, con tinued unrebuked. Hostile demonstra tions toward the stranger gained strength by organization. The sect commonly styled the Boxers developed greatly in the provinces north Of the Yang-Tse, and with the collusion it many notable officials, including some In the Immediate councils of the throne Itself, became alarmingly aggressive. No foreigner's life, outside of the protected treaty ports, was safe. No foreign in terest was secure from spoliation. '-The diplomatic-representatives of the •powers in Peking strove ii vain to check this movement. Protest was followed by demand and demand by renewed protest, to be met with perfunctory edicts from (the palace and evasive and futile assur ances from the tsung-li-yamen. The cir cle fit the Boxer influence narrowed about Peking.' and' while nominally stigmatized as seditious, it was felt that its spirit aervaded the capital itself, that the im perial forces were imbued with its doc trines, and that the immediate counselors of the empress dowager were in full sym pathy with the anti-foreign movement. The increasing gravity of the conditions In China and the imminence of peril to our own diversified interests in the etn- S•eaty lre, as well as to those of all the other governments, were soon appreci ated by this government, causing it pro found solicitude. The United States from tbe earliest days of foreign intercourse with China had followed a policy of peace, omitting no occasion to testify (food Will, to further the extension of TawfuT'trade, to respect the sovereignty of its government, and to Issue by all legitimate and kindly but earnest means the fullest measure of protection for the llves and property of our law-abiding clt (sens and for the exercise of their benefl xent callings among the.Chinese people. UNITED ACTION OF POWERS. Mindful of this, .It was felt to be ap propriate that our purposes shotild be pronounced in favor of such course as would hasten united action of the powers ft Pekln to promote the administrative reforms so greatly needed for strength ening the imperial government and main taining tbe integrity of China, in which We believed the whole western world to he alike concerned. To these ends I caused to be addressed to the several powers occupying territory and maintaining ilfeheres of Influence in China the circular proposals of 1899, inviting from them dec larations of their intentions and views If 'M desirability of the adoption-of measures Insuring the benefits of equality Of treatment of all foreign trade through out China. -With gratifying unanimity the re alises coincided in this common policy, ibling me to see in the successful ter tatlon of these negotiations proof of friendly spirit whlcfc animates the powers Interested vi the untram- Jevelopment of comhrace and in die Chinese empiiHj^£ source aeflt to the jrhol^^^tpgrcial nc& ,, Reduction gratification to announce as a completed engagement to the interested powers on March 20, 1900, I hopefully discerned a po tential factor for the abatement of the distrust of foreign purposes which for a year past had appeared to Inspire the policy of the imperial government, and for the effective exertion by it of power and authority to quell the critical anti foreign movement in the northern prov inces most immediately influenced by the Manchu sentiment. Seeking to testify confidence in the will ingness and ability of the imperial ad ministration to redress the wrongs and prevent the evils we suffered and feared, the marine guard, which had been sent to Pe-kin in the autumn of 1899 for the pro tection of the legation, was withdrawn at tho earliest practical moment, and all pending questions were remitted, as far as wc were concerned, to the ordinary re sorts of diplomatic intercourse. SLAUGHTER BY BOXERS. The Chinese government proved, how ever. unable to check the rising strength of the Boxers and appeared to be a prey to internal dissensions, in the unequal contest the anti-foreign Influences soon gained the ascendancy under the leader ship of Prince Tuan. Organized armies of Boxers, with which the imperial forces affiliated, held the country between Pekln and the coast, penetrated into Manchuria up to the Russian border, and through their emissaries threatened a like rising throughout northern China. Attacks upon foreigners, destruction of their property and slaughter of native converts were reported from all sides. The tsung-ll-yamen, already permeated with hostile sympathies, could make no effective response to the appeals of the legations. At this critical juncture, in the early spring of this year, a proposal was made by the other iowers that a combined fleet should be assembled in Chinese water as a moral demonstration under cover of which to exact of the Chinese government respect for foreign treaty rights and tho suppression of the Boxers. The United States, while not participat ing in the joint demonstration, promptly .sent from the Philippines all ships that could be spared for service on the Chi nese coast. A small force of marines was landed at Taku and sent to Pekln for the protection of the American lega tion. Other powers took similar action, until some -100 men were assembled in the capital as legation guards. Still the peril increased. The legations reported the development of the seditious movement in Pekln and the need of In creased provision for defense against It. While preparations were in progress for a larger expedition to strengthen the le gation guards and keep the railway open an attempt of the foreign ships to make a landing at. Taku was met by a Are from the Chinese forts. The forts were sii hereupon shelled by the foreign vessels, American admiral taking no part in the attack, on the ground that we were not at war with China and that a hostile demonstration might consolidate the anti foreign element and strengthen the Box ers to oppose the relieving column. Two days later the Taku forts were captured after a sanguinary conflict. Severance of communication with Pekin followed, and a combined force of addi tional guards, which was advancing to Pekin by the Pei-Ho, was checked at Lang Fang. The isolation of the lega tions was complete. HEROISM OF THE LEGATIONS. The siege and the relief of the legations has passed into undying history. In all the stirring chapter which records the heroism of the devoted band, clinging to hope in the face of despair, and the un-. daunted spirit that led their relievers through battle and suffering to the goal, it Is a memory of which my countrymen may be justly proud that the honor of our flag was maintained alike in the siege and the rescue, and that stout American hearts have again set high, in fervent emulation with true men of other race and language, the indomitable courage that ever strives for the cause of right and justice. By June 19 the legations were' cut off. An identical note from the famen or dered each minister to leave Pekin, under a promised escort, within twenty-four hours. To gain time they replied, asking prolongation of the time, which was aft erward granted, and requesting an inter view with the tsung-li-yamen on the fol lowing day. No reply being received, on the morning of the 20th the German min ister. Baron von Ketteler, set out for the yamen to obtain a response, and on the way was murdered. An attempt by the legation guard to re cover his body was foiled by tho Chinese. Armed forces turned out against the lega tions. Their quarters were surrounded and attacked. The mission compounds were abandoned, their Inmates taking refuge in the British legation, where all the other legations and guards gathered for more effective defense. Four hundred persons were crowded into its narrow compass. Two thousand native converts were assembled in a near by palace under protection of the foreigners. Lines of de fense were strngthened, trenches dug, barricades raised and preparations made to stand a siege, which at once began. "From June 20 until July 17," writes Minister Conger, "there was scarcely an hour during which there was not firing upon some part of our lines and into some of the legations, varying from a single shot to a general and continuous attack along the whole line." Artillery was placed around the legations and on the overlooking palace walls, and thou sands of 3-lnch shot and shell were fired, destroying some buildings and damag ing all. So thickly did the balls rain that, when the ammunition of the besieged ran low, five quarts of Chinese bullets were gathered in an hour in one compound and recast. Attempts were made to burn the lega tions by setting neighboring houses on fire, but the flames were successfully fought off, although the Austrian, Bel gian, Italian and Dutch legations were then and subsequently burned, ATTITUDE IN CHINA. America's attitude has been unvaried and was first broadly defined by a circu lar to the powers of July 3 last, this country's policy as then defined being "to seek a solution which may bring about permanent safety and peace to China, preserve Chinese territorial and admin istrative entity, protect all rights guar anteed to friendly powers by treaty and international law and safeguard for the world the principle of equal and Impar tial trade with all parts of the Chinese empire." Of course. In addition to this broad and geherous view of the rights ,and interests of all nations, there has since befen added'- the question, of repara tion for injuries received the past sum mer and the Indemnity for the expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the reliof of the legations. On this poiiit the president says: "We forego no jot of our undoubted right to exact exem plary and deterrent punishment of the responsible authors of the criminal acts whereby we and other nations have suf fered grievous injury." While the hope is expressed that a complete settlement of all the questions involved may be reached, it is admitted that the question of indemnity is one of "grave concern," as measured in money alone, a sufficient recompense may be beyond the power of China to pay. The president is disposed to think, however, that due compensation may be made by increased guaranties for foreign rights and immunities and "by the opening of China to the equal commerce of all the world." RELATIONS WITH 0THEB COUN. TRIES, Allowing thefeUiina qliestion aud situ re aswttemcjjtf la r«- -K• ?-u spect to the relations of the United States to other countries of the world, which, on the whole, are satisfactory. There seems to be some friction over the treat ment of Americans in Austria in regard to military service, but it is stated rep resentations have been made whenever the course adopted has appeared unduly onerous. COURT OF ARBITRATION. It is with satisfaction that I am able to announce the formal notification at The .Hague, on Sept. 4, of the deposit of ratifications of the convention for the pacific settlement of international dis putes by sixteen powers, namely, the United States. Austria, Belgium, Den mark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Persia, Portugal, Roumanla, Russia, Slam, Spain, Sweden and Norway and the Netherlands. Japan also has since ratified the convention. The administrative council of the per manent court of arbitration has been or ganized and has adopted rules of order and a constitution for the international arbitration bureau. In accordance with article XXIII. of the convention, providing for the appointment •by each signatory power of persons of known competency in questions of inter national law as arbitrators, I have ap pointed as members of this court Benja min Harrison of Indiana, ex-president of tho United States: Melville W. Fuller of Illinois, chief justice of the United States John W. Griggs of New Jersey, attorney general of the United States, and George Gray of Delaware, a judge of the Cir cuit Court of the United States. THE NICARAGUAN CANAL, Progress lielng Made In the Effort to Construct Croat Waterway. The all-important matter of an inter oceanic canal has assumed a new phase. Adhering to its refusal to reopen the question of the forfeiture of the contract of the Maritime Canal Company, which was terminated for alleged non-execution in October, 1S99, the government of Nica ragua has since supplemented that action by declaring the so-styled Eyre-Cragin option void lor non-payment of the stip ulated advance. Protests in relation to these acts have been filed in the State Department and are under consideration. Deeming itself relieved from existing en gagements, the Nicaraguan government shows a disposition to deal freely with the canal question either in the way of negotiations with the United States or by taking measures to promote the wat erway. Overtures for a convention to effect tho building of a canal under the auspices of the United States are under consideration. In the meantime the views of the con gress upon the general subject, in tho light of the report of the commission appointed to examine the comparative merits of the various transisthmian ship canal projects, may be awaited. I commend to the early attention of the senate the convention with Great Britain to facilitate the cor-jtruction of such a canal and to remove any objec tion which might arise out of the con vention commonly tailed the Clayton Bulwer treaty. The long standing contention with Por tugal growing out of the seizure of tho Delagoa Bay Railway has been at last determined by a favorable award of the tribunal of arbitration at Berne, to which it was submitted. The amount of the award, which was deposited in London awaiting arrangements by the govern ments of the United States and Great Britain for its disposal, has recently been paid over to the two governments. A lately signed convention of extradi tion with Peru as amended by the senate has been ratified by the Peruvian con gress. Another illustration of the policy of this government to refer international dis putes to impartial arbitration is seen in the agreement reached with Russia to submit the claims on behalf of the American sealing vessels seized in Bering Sea to determination by T. M. C. Asser, a distinguished statesman and jurist of the Netherlands. Thanks are due to the imperial Russian government for kindly aid rendered by ts authorities in eastern Siberia to American missionaries fleeing from Man churia. NEW RELATIONS WITH SPAIN. Satisfactory progress has been made to ward the conclusion of a general treaty of friendship and intercourse with Spain, in replacement, of the old treaty, which passed Into abeyance by reason of the late war. A new convention of extradi tion is approaching completion, and 1 should bo much pleased were a commer cial arrangement to follow. I feel that we should not suffer to'pass any oppor tunity to reaffirm the cordial' ties that existed between us and Spain from the time of our earliest independence and to enhance the mutual bnetits of that com mercial intercourse, which is natural be tween the two countries. By the terms of the treaty of peace the line bounding the ceded Philippine group in the southwest failed to include several small islands lying west of the Sulus, which have always been recognized as under Spanish control. The occupation of Sibutu and Cagayan Sulu by our nav al forces elicited a claim on the. part of Spain, the essential equity of which could not be gainsaid. In order to cure the defect of the treaty by removing all possible ground of future misunderstanding respecting the interpretation of its third article, I di rected the negotiation of a supplemen tary treaty, which will be forthwith laid before the senate, whereby Spain quits all title and claim of title to the islands .named, as well as to any and all islands belonging to the Philippine archipelago lying outside the lines described in said third article, and agrees that all such islands shall be comprehended in the cession of the archipelago as fully as if they had been expressly included within those lines. In consideration of tills cession the United States is to pay to Spain the sum of $100,000. A bill is now pending to effect the rec ommendation made in my last annual message that appropriate legislation be had to carry into execution article 7 of the treaty of peace with Spain, by which the United States assumed the payment of certain claims for inf^mnity of its citizens against Spain. I ask that action be taken to fulfill this obligation. The King of Sweden and Norway has accepted the joint invitation of the Unit ed States, Germany and Great Britain to arbitrate claims growing out of losses sustained In the Samoan Islands in the course of military operations made nec essary by the disturbances in 1899. LARGE REVENUE SURPLUS. It Is gratifying to be able to state that the surplus revenues for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900, were $79,527,000.18. For the six preceding years we had only de ficits^ the aggregate of which from 1891 to 3S99 inclusive amounted to $233,0i2. 991.14. The receipts for the year from all sources, exclusive of postal revenues, ag gregated $567,240,851.89, and expenditures for all purposes, except for the adminis tration of the postal department, aggre gated $487,713,791.71. The receipts from customs were $233,164,871.16, an increase over the preceding year of $27,036,389.41. The receipts from internal revenue were $295,327,926.76, an increase of $21,890,765.25 over 1899. The receipts from miscellane ous sources were $28,748,053.97, as against $36,394,976.92 for the previous year. REDUCTION OF REVENUE. I recommend that the congress at its present session reduce the internal rev enue taxes imposed to' meet the expenses of the war with Spain in the sum of thir, ty millions of dollars. This reduction should be secured by the remission of those taxes which experience has shown to be the most burdensome to the indus tries of the people. I specially urge that there by included in whatever reduction Is made tho legacy tax, bequests for public uses of a liter ary, educational or charitable character. AID FOR MERCHANT MARINE. American vessels during the past three years have carried about 9 per cent of our exports and imports. Foreign ships should carry the least, not the greatest part of American trade. The remarkable growth of our steel industries, the prog ress of shipbuilding for the domestic trade, and our steadily maintained ex penditures for the navy have created an opportunity to place the United States in the first rank of commercial maritime powers. REGULATION OF TRUSTS. In my last annual message to the con gress I called attention to the necessity for early action to remedy such evils as might be found to exist in connection with combinations of capital organized into trusts, and again Invite attention to my discussion of the subject at that time. The whole question is so-far-reachlng that I am sure no part of it will be light ly considered, but every phase-of it will have the studied deliberation of the con gress, resulting Jn wise and judicious ac tion. Restraint upon such combinations as are injurious, and which are within federal Jurisdiction should be promptly applied by the congress. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. -B«c Tbs BabelUon Almost at an End ommeiidaitsaa. In my last annual message I dwelt at some length upon the condition of affairs in the Philippines. While seeking to im press upon yob that the grave responsi bility oX tbe fipture government of those iliSpsI islands rests with the congress of the United States, I abstained from recom mending at that time a specific and finai form of government for the territory ac tually held by the United States forces, and in which as long as Insurrection continues the military arm must neces sarily be supremo. I s'.ated my purpose, until the congress shall have made known the formal expression of its will, to use the authority bested in me by the Constitution and the statutes to uphold the sovereignty of tho United States in those distant Islands as in all other places where our flag rightfully floats, placing,' to that end, at the disposal of tho army and navy all the means which the liber ality of the congress and the people have provided. No contrary expression of the will of the congress having been made, I have steadfastly pursued the purpose so declared, employing the civil arm as well toward the accomplishment of pacifica tion and tho Institution of local govern ments within the lines of authority and law. FAITH OF THE ARMY KEPT. The articles of. capitulation of the ,city of Manila on Aug. 13, 1898, concluded with these words: "This city, its inhabitants Its churches and religious worship, its educational es tablishments, and its private property of all descriptions are placed under the spe cial safeguard of the faith and honor of the American army." I believe that this pledge has been faith fully kept. As high and sacred an obli gation rests upon the government of the United States to give protection for prop erty and life, civil and religious freedom, and wise, firm and unselfish guidance in the paths of peace and prosperity to all the people of the Philippine islands. I charge this commission to labor for the full performance of this obligation, which concerns the honor and conscience of their country, in tho firm hope that through their labors all the inhabitants of the Philippine islands may come to look back with gratitude to the day when God gave Victory to American arms at Manila and set their land under the sov ereignty and the protection of the people of the United States. PEACE IS ASSURED. Progress in the hoped-for direction has been favorable. Our forces have suc cessfully controlled tho greater part of tho Islands, overcoming the organized forces of the Insurgents and carrying or der and administrative regularity to all quarters. What opposition remains Is, for the most part, scattered, obeying no concerted plan of strategic action, ope rating only by the methods common to tho traditions of guerrilla warfare, which, while ineffective to alter the general con trol now established, aro still sufficient to beget insecurity among the popula tions that have felt the good results of our control and thus uelay the confer ment upon them of tho fuller measures of local self-government, of education and of Industrial and agricultural develop ment which we stand ready to give to them. By the spring of this year the effective opposition of tho dissatisfied Tagalas to the authority,of tho United States was virtually ended thus opening the door for the extension of a stable administration over much of the territory of the archi pelago. Desiring to bring this about, I appointed in March last a civil commis sion composed of William II. Taft of Ohio, Professor Dean C. Worcester of Michigan, Luke E. Wright of Tennessee. Henry C. Ide of Vermont and Professor Bernard Moses of California. PROGRESS TOWARD PEACE. Colncidentally with the entrance of the commission upon its labors 1 caused to be issued by Gen. MacArthur, the mill Jfy sovernor of the-Philippines, on June J, 1800, a proclamation ofi amnesty in generous terms, of which, many of the Insurgents took advantage, among them a number of important leaders. This commission, composed of eminent citizen* representing the diverse geo graphical and political interests of the country, and bringing to their task the ripe fruits of long and intelligent service in educational, administrative and judi cial careers, mado great progress from the outset. As early as Aug. 21, 1900, it submitted a preliminary report, which will be laid before the congress, and from which it appears that already the good effects of returning order are felt -that business, interrupted byhostili'ies, is im proving as peace extends: that 'a larger area is under sugar cultivation than ever before: that the customs revenues are greater than at any time dur'ng the Span ish rule that economy and efficiency in the military administration have creat ed a surplus fund of $6,000,000, available for needed public Improvements: that a stringent civjl service law is in prepara tion: that railroad communications -are expanding, opening up rich districts, and that a comprehensive scheme of educa tion is being organized. THREE RULES TO BE INVIOLABLE. It Is evident that the most enlightened thought of the Philippine islands fully appreciates the Importance of these prin ciples and rules, and they will Inevitably within a Short time command universal assent. Upon every division and branch of the government of the Philippines therefore must bo imposed three inviol able rules: "That no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due proc ess of law: that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation: that in all criminal prose cutions the accused shall enjoy tho right to a speedy and public trial, to be in formed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with the wit nesses against him, to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses In his favor and to have the assistance of coun sel for his defense that excessive ball shall not be required, nor excessive fines Imposed, nor cruel and unusual punish ment inflicted that no person shall be put twice In jeopardy for the same of fense, or be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself: that the right to be secure against unreason able searches and seizures shall not be violated: that neither slavery nor invol untary servitude shall exist except as a punishment for crime that no bill of at tainer or ex-post facto law shall be pass ed that no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or tho rights of the people to peaceably as semble and petition the government for a redress of grievances that no law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and that the free exerclss and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or pref erence shall forever be allowed." RULES AS TO LAND AND CHURCH. It will be tho duty of the commission to malto a thorough investigation into the titles to the large tracts of land held or claimed by individuals or by religious or ders into the justice of the claims and complaints made against such landhold ers by the people of the Island or any part of the people, and to seek by wise and peaceable measures a Just settle ment of the controversies and redress of wrongs which have caused strife and bloodshed in the past. In the perform ance of this duty the commission Is en joined to see that no Injustice Is done: to have regard for substantial rights and equity, disregarding technicalities so far as substantial right- permits, and to ob serve the following rules: "That the provision of the treaty of Paris pledging the United States to the protection of all rights of property in the islands, and as well tho principle of our own government which prohibits the tak ing of private property without due proc ess of law, shall not be violated that the welfare of the people of the Islands, which should be a paramount consider ation, shall be attained censistently with this rule of property right that if it be comes necessary for the public interest of the people of the Islands dispose of claims to property which the commission finds to be not lawfully acquired and held, dis position shall be made thereof by due legal procedure. In which there shall be full opportunity for fain and impartial hearing and judgment: that If the same public interests require the extinguish ment of property rights lawfully acquired and held due-compensation shall be made out of the public treasury therefor: that no form of religion and no minister of religion shall- be forced upon any com munity or upon any citizen of the Islands, that, upon the other hand, no minister of religion shall be Interfered with or mo lested in following his calling, and that the separation between state and church shall be real, entire and absolute." ADMINISTRATION OF ISLANDS. The next subject in order of impor tance should be the organization of gov ernment in the larger administrative di visions correspondplng to countries de partments or-provinces in which the com mon interests of many or several munici palities falling within the same tribal lines or the same natural geographical limits may best be subserved by a com mon administration. Whenever the com mission is ot the1 opinion that the con dition of affairs in the islands is such that the central administration may safe ly be transferred from military to civil control they will report that conclusion to you with their recommendations as to the form of oentral government to be established for the purpose of talcing over the control. SUPPORTED BY MILITARY FORCE. All legislative rules and orders, estab lishments of government] and appoint ments to o016e by the commission- will take effeot lnupedfately, or at suob times as they shall designate, subject' to your approval and action/upon the, coming in of th^wranteslQaa reports, which are to be made from time to time as their action Is taken. Wherever civil govern ments are constituted under the direc tion of the commission such military posts, garrisons and forces will be con tinued'for the suppression of insurrec tion and brigandage and the maintenance of law and order as the military com mander shall deem requisite, and the mil itary forces shall be at all times subject under his orders, to the call of the civil authorities for the maintenance of law and order and the enforcement of their authority. Later reports from the commission show yet more encouraging advanco to ward insuring the benefits of liberty and good government to the Filipinos, in the interest of humanity and with the aim of building up an enduring, self-support ing and self-administering community in those far eastern seas. I would impress upon the congress that whatever legisla tion may be enacted in respect to the Philippine Islands should bo along these generous lines. The fortune of war lias thrown upon this nation an unsought trust which should be unselfishly dis charged, and devolved upon this-govern-, ment a moral as well as material respon sibility toward these millions whom we have freed from on oppressive yoke. I have upon another occasion called the Filipinos "the wards of the nation." Our obligation as guardian was not lightly as sumed: It must not be otherwise than honestly fulfilled, aiming first of all to benefit those who have come under our fostering care. It is our duty so to treat them that our flag may be no less beloved In tho mountains of Luzon and the fer tile zones of Mindanao and Negros than it ts at home, that there as here It shall be the revered symbol of liberty, enlight enment and progress in every avenue of development. The Filipinos are a race quick to learn and to profit by knowledge. He would be rash who, with the teachings of con temporaneous history in view, would fix a limit to the degree of culture and ad vancement yet within the reach of those people If our duty toward them be faith fully performed. The message then touches upon Porto Rico and Cuba, reciting the history of the adoption of the Constitution of the latter country. GOV. WOOD'S, SPEECH QUOTED. The message contains the following ex tract from the speech of Gov. Wood to the constitutional convention In Havana: "As military governor of the Island, representing the president of the United States, I call this convention to order. "It will be your duty, first, to frame and adopt, a constitution for Cuba, and when that has been done to formulate what In your opinion ought to be the relations between Cuba and the United States. "The constitution must be adequate to secure a stable, orderly and free govern ment. "When you have formulated the rela tions which in your opinion ought to ex ist between Cuba and the United States the government of the United States will doubtless take such action on Its part as shall lead to a final and authoritative agreement between the people of the two countries to the promotion of their com mon interests. "All friends of Cuba will follow your deliberations with the deepest Interest, earnestly desiring that you shall reach just conclusion, and that by the dignity, Individual self-restraint, and wise con servatism which shall characterize your proceedings the capacity of the Cuban people for representative government may be signally illustrated. "The fundamental distinction between true representative government and dic tatorship Is that In the former every rep resentative of people, in whatever office, confines himself strictly within the lim its of his defined powers. Without such restraint there can be no free constitu tional government. Under the order pur suant to which you have been elected and convened you have, no duty and no au thority to take part in the present gov ernment of the island. Your powers are strictly limited by the terms of that or der." When the convention concludes its la bor I will transmit to the congress the constitution as framed by the convention for its consideration and for such action as it may deem advisable. I renew the recommendation made in my special message of Feb. 10, 1S99, as to the necessity for cable communication between the United States and Hawaii, with extension to Manila. Since then circumstances have strikingly empha sized this need. Surveys have shown the entire feasibility of a chain of cables which at each stopping place shall touch on American territory, so that the sys tem shall be under our own complete control. Manila, once within telegraphic roach, connection with the systems of the Asiatic coast would open increased and profitable opportunities for a more direct cable route from our shores to the Orient than is now afforded by the transatlan tic. continental and transasian lines. I urge attention to tills Important matter. OTHER rOINTS OF MESSAG15. nawall, Civil Service and tho Washing ton Centennial, OCR MILITARY CONDITION. Tfce present strength of the army Is 100,000 men—63,000 regulars and S5.000 volunteers. Cn dtf the /let of Much 2, 1S99, on June 30 next the present volunteer force will be discharg ed and the regular army will be reduced to 2, 44T ollieors and 20,025 enlisted men. In ISSfi a lionrd of otlicers convened by Presi dent Cleveland adopted a comprehensive Bchenio of coast defense fortifications, which Involved the outlay of something over one hundred mil lion dollars. This plant received the approval of the congress, and since then regular appro printloug have been made and the work of for tification has steadily progressed. More than $60,000,000 huve been invested In a great number of forts and guns, with all the complicated and scientific machinery aud electrical appliances necessary for their use. The proper care of this defensive machinery requires men trained In Its use. The number of men necessary to perform this duty alone is ascertained by the War Department at a minimum allowance to be IS,420. There are fifty-eight or more military posts in the Unit ed States other than tho coast defense fortifi cations. The number of these posts Is being constantly increased by the congress. Mora than $22,000,000 have been expended In build ing and equipment, and they can only be cared for by the regular army. The posts now In existence and others to be built provide for accommodations for and if fully garrisoned require 26,000 troops. Many of these posts al-e along onr frontier or at important strategic points, the occupation of which is necessary. We have in Cuba between 6,000 and 6,000 troops. For tbe present our troops in that ^island cannot be withdrawn or materially di minished, and certainly not until the conclu sion of the labors of the constitutional conven tion now in session and a government provided by the new constitution shall have been estab lished and its stability assured. In Porto Rico we have reduced the garrisons to 1,636, which Includes 806 native troops. There Is no room for further reduction here. We will be required t« keep a considerable force in the Philippine Islands for some time to come. From the best Information obtainable we shall need there for the Immediate future from 50,000 to 60,000 men. I am sure the number may be reduced as the Insurgents shall come to acknowledge the authority of the United States, of which there are assuring Indica tions. It must be apparent that we will reqnire an army of about 60,000, and that during present conditions in Cuba and the Philippines the President should have authority to increase the force to the present number of 100,000. In cluded in this number anthorlty should be given to raise native troops In tbe Philip pines up to 15,000, which tbe' Taft commission believes will be more effective in detecting and suppressing guerrillas, assassins and la drones than our own soldiers. The full discus sion of this subject by the Secretary of War in his annual report is* called to yonr earnest attention. I renew the recommendations made In my last annual message that the congress provide a special medal of honor for the volunteers, regulars, sailors, arid marines on duty in the PMlipplnes who voluntarily remained In the service after their terms of enlistment had expired. I favor the recommendation of tbe Secretary of War for the detail-' of otlicers from the line of the army when vacancies' occur In the adjntant general's department, inspector gen eral's department, quartermaster general's de '.mrtmont, subsistence department, pay depart ment, ordnance department, and signal corps. Tbe army cannot be too highly commended for Its faithful and effective service in acMve military operations In the field and the difficult work of civil administration. POSTAL SERVICE- GB0W8. The continued and rapid growth of the'pos tal service is a sure index of the groat and increasing business activity of the country, its most striking new development is the exten sion of rural free delivery. This bos come almost wholly within the last year. At tbe beginning of the fiscal year 1899-1900 the nnm ber of routes In operation- was pnly 391, and most of these had been running less than twelve months. On the 15 th of November, 1900, tbe number had Increased to 2.614, reaching Into forty-four states and territories and serving a population of 1,801,624. The number of ap plications now pending and awaiting action nearly equals all those granted up to the pres ent time, and by the close of th* current fiscal year about 4,000 routes will bare been estab lished, providing for tbe dally delivery of malls at the scattered homes of about 3,600 of rural population. This serried ameliorates tie Isolation of farm life, oondnceil to good roadl and quickens anil extends the dissemination djf general informs- E*pe(ence thus far litis tendod to allay km that If wtfuld b« so sq—- sire as to forbid its general adoption er mats It serious Harden. Its nctnal miplicatlon has shown that It lncrenstn postal receipts and can be accompanied by reductions in other branches of the service, so that the augmented rev enues and the accomplished savings tsgetber materially reduce the net cost. Tho evidences which point to these conclusions are presented in detail In tbe annual report ot the post master general, which, with its recommenda tions, is recommended to the. consideration o^ the congress. The full development of this spo. cial scrvlce, however, requires such a large out lay of money that It should -be undertaken only after a careful study atid thorough understand ing of nil that It Involves. Very efficient service has been rendered by the navy in connection with the insurrection in the Philippines and tbe recent disturbance in China. A very satisfactory settlement has been made of the long-pending question of tho •manufacture of armor plato. A reasonable price bus been secured and the necessity for a government armor plant avoided. NKW. VESSELS FOR NAVY. I approvo of the recommendations of the Secretary of tho Navy for new' vessels and for additional oSiccrs and men which the re quired increase ot the navy makes necessary. I commend to the favorable action of -the con gress the measure now pending for the erection of a statue to the memory of the late Admiral David I. Porter. 1 commend also the estab lishment of a national naval reserve and of tho grade ot vice admiral. Provision should be made, as recommended by the secretary, for suitable rewards for spcclal merit. Many of ficers who rendered the most distinguished ser vice during the recent wur with Spain have re ceived In return no recognition from tbe con gress. The total area of public lands as given by tho Secretary of the Interior is approximately 1,071, $81,062 acres, of which 917,935,880 acres are undisposed of and 154,745,782 acres have been reserved for various purposes. The pub lic land ft disposed of during the year amount to 13,453,8s?.96 acres, inclurlins RH.423.00 acres of Indian lands, an increase of 4,371.474.80 over the preceding year. The total receipts from the sole of lands durlDg ihe fiscal year were $1,379,758.10. an increase of fl.309,620.76 over the preceding* year. The results obtained from our fotest policy have demonstrated its wisdom and the neces sity in the interest of the public for its con tinuance and increased appropriations by the eonKress for the carrying on of the work. On June 30, 1900, there were thirty-seven forest reserves, created by presidential proclamations nnilcr section 24 of tbe act of March 3, 1891, embracing an area of 46,425.520 acrtB. During the past year the Olympic reserve. In the state of Washington, was reduced 265, 010 acres, leaving. Its present area at 1,923,810 acres. The Trescott reserve In Arizona was In creased from 10,240 acres to 423.680 acres, and the Rig Ilorn reserve, in Wyoming, was Increased from 1,127,690 acres to 1.180,800 acres. A new reserve, the Santa Ynez, In California, em bracing an area of 145,000 acres, was created during this year. On Oct. 10, 19D0, the Crow Creel forest reserve in Wyoming, was created, with an area of 66.320 acres. At tlie end of the fiscal year there were on tha pension roll 99.1,226 names, a net increase of 2,010 over the fiscal year 1899. The number added to the rolls during the year was 45,344. The amount disbursed for army pensions dur ing the year was $134,700,597.24, end for navy pensions $3,761,633.41, a total of 5138.462,130.65, leaving an unexpended balance of $.",,512,703.25 to bo covered Into the treasury, which shows an increase over the previous year's expenditure of 5107,077.70. There were 684 nnmes added to 1 lie rolls during the year by special acls passed at. the lirst session of the fifty-sixth congress. Tir act of May, 1900, among other things, provides for an extension of Income to widows rn'siot.ed nnder said aet to $250 per annum. The Secretary of tbe Intevlor believes that by the operations of this act the number of persons pensioned under it will increase and the in creased annual payment for pensions will be between 83,000,000 and $4,000,000. The govern ment justly appreciates tho services of its sol dierr. and sailors by making j»ei sion payments Illieral beyond preeedeut for them, their wid ows and orphans. There were 26,540 letters patent granted. In eluding reissues and designs, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1TOO 1.650 trade-marks, 653 labels and. 93 prints registered. The number ol patents which expired was 19,985. The total receipts for patents were $1,358,228.35. The ex penditures were 51,247,827.58, showing a surplus of $110,400.77. The attention of the eoecress is railed to the report of the Secretary -i the Interior touch ing tho necessity for the further establishment of seliools in the Territory of Alaska and fa vorable action is invited fhereoa. HAWAII AND THE CENSUS. TLe progress and population of Hawaii la tl]*» next suhjoct touched upon nnrt then tho messnge takes \ip the dopuvtuitut of ngrienlturo as followa: The DepnrtraPQt of Agrtrnlture lias been ex tomlins its work during the past tear, reaching farther for Dew varieties of seeds and plants cn-operntintf more fully with the sfcntcs an«J tunilories in research along useful lines, mak ing progress in ineteoreloglcul worli rotating to linos of wireless telegraphy and forecasts for ocean-going vessels continuing Inquiry as to animal disease looking into the extent and character of food adulteration outlining plans for the eare, presprratlou and intelligent har vesting of our woodlands studying soils thiit producers may cultivate with better knowledge of eonditlons, ami helping to clothe desert places with grasses suitable to our arid re gion*. Our island possessions are being con sidered that their peoples may be helped to pro* •luce the tropical products now so extensively brought into the United States. Inquiry into methods of improving onr toads lias been active during tho year help has been given to many localities, and scientific investigation of mate rial in the state# and territories. bus been In augurated. Irrigstion problems In our semi trie) regions aro receiving careful nnd Increased consideration. KXniBIT AT PARIS. An extensive exhibit at I'aris of the prod ucts of agriculture made the peoples of many countries more familiar with the varied products of our fields and their comparative excellence. Tho collection of statistics regard ing our crops is being improved, and sources of information are being enlarged, to the end that producers may have the earliest advices regarding crop conditions. Tbeio has never been a time when those for whom it was es tablished have shown more appreciation of tbe services of the department. CONTRACT LABOB LA'WS In my anuual message of Dec. 5, 1S9S. I call ed attention to tbe necessity for eotne amend ment of the alien contract law. There still remain important features of tbe rightful appli cation of tbe eight-hour law for the benefit of labor, and of tbe principle of arbitration, and 1 again commend those subjects to the carefnl attention of tho congress. ,.? CIVIL SERVICE IN PHILIPPINES. That there way be secured the service possible in the Philippine Islands, I have tabued, tinder date of Nov. 10, 1900, the follow ing order: "The United States civil service commission Is directed to render such assistance as may practicable to the civil service board, created under the act of the United States Philippine commission, for the establishment and main tenance of an honest and cilicient civil service in tbe Philippine Islands, aud for that purpose to conduct examinations for the civil service of the Philippine Islands, upon the request of the civil service board of Bald islands, under such regulations as may be agreed upon by the said bonrd and the said United States civil service commission.** The civil service commission is greatly em* barrassed In its work for want of an adeqnate permanent force for clerical and other assist ance. Its needs are fully set forth In ItB re port. I invite attention to the report, and es pecially urge upon tbe congress that this im portant bureau of the public service, which passes upon tbe qnallfications and character of bo large a number of the officers and employes of the government, should be supported by all needed appropriations to bccuto promptness and efficiency. THE WASHINGTON CENTENNIAL^ The transfer of the government to this city id a fact of great historfctfl interest. Among th« people there la a feeling of genuine pride in the capital of the republic. It is a matter of In terest in this connection that in 1800 the popu lation of the District of Coluu\bia was 14,093 to-day It is 278,718. The population of tbe City of Washington was then 2,210 to-day It Is 218,196. The congress having provided for "an appro priate national celebration of tbe centennial anniversary of the establishment, of the seat of government in the District of Columbia." the committees authorized by it have prepared a programme for the 12th of December, 1900, which date has been selected as the anniversary day. Deep interest has been shown in the arrange ments {or the celebration by the members of the committees of the senate and house of rep resentatives, the committee of governors ap pointed by the President and the committees ap pointed by the cttizens and Inhabitants of the District of Columbia generally. The programme, la addition to a reception and other exercises at the executive mansion, provides commemora tive exercises to be held Jointly by the senate and house of representatives In the evening at the Corcoran Gallery of Art In honor of the governors of tbe states and territories. DANGERS OF PROSPERITY. In onr great prosperity we must guard against tho danger it invites, of extravagance in gov ernment expenditures and appropriations, and tbe chosen representatives of the people will, I doubt not, furnish an example In their legisla tion ot that wise economy which in a season of plenty husbands for the future. Id this era of great business activity and opportunity cau tion is not untimely. It will not abate, but strengthen confidence. It will not retard, but promote legitimate industrial and commercial expansion. Onr growing power brings with it temptations and perils requiring constant rigi lance to avoid. It must not be used to invite conflicts, nor for oppression, but for the more effective maintenance of those principles, of equality hod justice upon which our institu tions and happiness depend. Ut us keep al wuyg in mind that ttub foundation of onr govern* ment la .Ubertr Its Mpeotrocture peace. WILLIAM ITKINLST. tattoo, f, IWO. A man usually laughs .when he to amused a woman usually laugh* when she thinks other' people think she ought to laugh. 'The Chinese Almanae Predicts the weather, and not«« the days which are considered lucky or otherwise ior comnuMicittg any ub- X, dertaking-, or for applying remedies to diseases. A laclcy day,,is_not nec cssary wheil Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters is taken for constipation, indi-2 gestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver or kidney troubles. It will cure all these disorders. 4 Wfe usually do not hate conven tionalities as much as we make out. The bishop of Liverpool has res quested girls -who are candidates for confirmation not to wear hairpins, as they prick hlft hands in the act of laying on of- hands. When Dr. Creighton, the bishop of London, was recently asked how lie solved a simi lar problean, he replied: "I connnn all the boys personally, and transfer those young porcupines to my enf fragain, who is an old 'varsity oars man, with the cast-iron hands ci blacksmith." Sir F. Hastings Doyle, in his auto biograpny, relates how, during the fifties, Lord Halifax was walking with Lord Dund&s, when the latter suddenly began to make hideous faces to such a degree that Lord Halifax became seriously alarmed and gasped out: "Shall I run for a doctor?" Lord J)imd*s gave a per emptory "No," as far us he was able. When he had recovered from his paroxysm, he said: I was only In the agonies of trying not to sneeze. The awful court etiquette in regard to this matter made me really ill many a time. Nowadays I cannot, from long habit, really sneeze, but the sensation that brings about the sneezing simply agonizes me." AN ENEMY TO DRINK. One Woman Who ITas Done ft Ores# Dt-al to Fat Down This ISvlf. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 3.—(Spe cial)—When the Independent Order of Good Templars of Minnesota wanted a State Organizer they chose Mrs. Laura J. Smith, of 1217 West 33d Street, this city. The American Anti Treat League also selected Mrs. Smith as National Organizer. The reason Is not far to seek. This gifted woman has devoted her life to a battle against Drink and Drinking Habits. Her in fluence for good in Minnesota is and has been very far reaching. About two years ago however. It seemed as if this noble woman would have to give up her philanthropic work. Severe pains in her back and under her shoulder blades, made lito a burden and work impossible. Physi cians were consulted, and they 'pre scribed for Kidney Disease. Three month's treatment however, failed to give Mrs. Smith any relief. Her hus band was much exercised, and cast about him for something that would restore his good wife to health and strength. He heard of the cures ef fected by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and ad vised her to try them, which she did. She is now a well woman and says "Two weeks after I commenced tak ing Dodd's Kidney Pills, I felt much better, and at the end of seven weeks was completely cured. I have had no recurrence of the trouble, but I tak» a pill off and on, and find that it keepa me in good health." Dodd's Kidney Pills are for Rale br. all dealers at 50 cents a box. They are easily within the reach of all, and no woman can afford to suf fer, when such a simple, and sure Remedy is at hand. Those who don't impose, on you, find fault with you. J", Rest for tho Itotreh, No'matter what nils you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCAiiETS help nature, cure yon •without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your h«alt) back. CASCAREI'S Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Beware of -mitai.ions. Pleasure that is shared is pleasure doubled. Save Money, Time urnl Labor By using Map's City Self Washing Soap. Your grocer sells it. Love and Constancy are truly a well mated couple. TO CURK A COLD Uf ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bbomo QuinineTablets. ABI druggists refund tbe money if 11 fnils to outo.| E. W. Grove's signature is on tbe bos. 26o. After a man has been married to a woman twenty years, he still thinka he is fooling lier. O O O A O A 3.000,000 acres new lanrts to opeu to settlement Subscribe for THK KIOWA CHIEF, devoted to In* formation about these lands. Oue year, $1.00. Single copy, 10c. Subscribers roooive free illustrated bookj I on Oklahoma. Morgan's Manual (219 pave Settlerrf Guide) with fine sectional map, $1.00. Map Soa All) 1 above, $1.76. Address IMck T. Morgan, Perry, 0. Ts Br.Bull's COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquer* Croup, Whoopin -Caugb, Bronchitis, Grippe and Consumption. Quick, sure results. Dr. Bull's Pills cure Constipation. SOpMs 10c. DO VOU COUCH DON E A BALSAM It Caret Coldt, Coughs. Sore Throat, Croua. In •uenza, Whooping CougS, Fronchttta Md Astraii. A corioi.i cure (or ensrapUon in Irtt (tag— and a aura relief in advanced s'agot. U% once. You will too the excellent elect taking the flnit dote. Sold ty dealers Largo botttee 26 cents and I kavemadea late discovery that enable* sll to mauce the hrpnoticsleeDbln theiuselyeaiiistaatir awaken at any aeamfftlmt 'watbertbrean atl known diseases and bad habit*. Anyone can Induce' 'this sleep in themselves Instantly at Bret trlal.oon trol their dreams, read tAe minds of friends end enemies, visit si? part of the earth, solve hanL '•inesttonsand problems In this sleep, and reaaemberi 'all when awake. Thla so-called Mental-Vision Le 'son will he be sent to an/one for 10c stiver, aotuallr 'enab'tng blm to Aq the above without fortherv HflgH'Ifila Jtr IP |,- ft "W1 I®® A,