Newspaper Page Text
We Don't want- 0 A I8Si! Ir .4- Wl l- ThelEarihl But we do want to Fence small portion of itl 10 INN. 45IIJCH. 3413C-! IPI THIS PA»I:B, 5, SHORT-HORN BREEDERS tNNUAL ELLWOOD FIELD FENCE (Standard Style). We have a larqe supply of Ellwood's Woven Wire Field Fence in 18. 26, 34 and 42 inch heights, the best fence made. The Ellwood Poultry and Rabbit Fence is just the fence for your orchards and gardens. Will keep out chickens and rabbits. Will also turn cattle, horses and hogs. We also have the Common Poultry Wire in 3-4, 1. 1' and 2 inch inesli. Let us figure with you on fencing. I FARQUHAR BROS. WERDEN Druggist. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitirtiiitiiiiiiitiiiiitiiii± Wall Paper! -We ire making a special effort and special prices to dis pose of o*ir present stock of I wall paper in order to make room for next year's goods. 1 Make no mistake by not look ing over our line if in need of go Paints. sjWe have a big lot of paint on hand and wish to lessen stock as quick as possible and in order to do so will make the very lowest prices possible. our 5 Prescriptions. We pride ourselves on our prescription department. We handle only pure drugs and I a competent pharmacist is in charge of this department. I ilHIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII^ L. Van WeMen. TAKER'S PEPSIN COMPOUND it first, send us your name and address and we will mail you a free sampl bottle. Mention this paper and write BE. TAKER MfS. CO., Peoria, Will Hold Their SALE OF Contains -Pepsin, Bismuth, Nux Vomica, Diastase and other valu able remedies for the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Constipation and all Stomach and Bowel Troubles. Brings back rosy cheeks and youthful spirits. It is not a patent medicine formula is on every bottle. Buy one bottle, and if not satisfied, the druggist will refund your money—or, if you want to try in 5 Western States TEN YEARS CREDIT. Secure Union Pacific R. B. CO'B grant lands for grazing and agriculture before all are disposed of. Sound trip Homeseekers' tickets cheap twice every month. Special inducements to settlers, with R. R. fare credited on purchases. Large descriptive Folders and Maps free on reqnest. Every renter or mortgage burdened farmer should send for them. They solve the problem for the homeseeker. The West is prolific in possibilities. Learn about it. Write to-day. No charge. Address B. A. McALLASTER, Land Com' UNION PACIFIC LORT-HTORN G/YTTLE, 1th and 12th, 1901, OSCEOLA, IOWA. CONSISTING OP OMAHA, NEB. R. CO Heifers and Bulls, 103 Ills and several others good enough to head any pure berd. These eattle Veediog order and consequently ore most likely to go on and do better Tier and farmer than over-fat stock. In New Sale Pavilion, just Opposite C. §. &Q. stock yards, rain or shine. Osceola, Iovo, for catalogue. 28-2t unite. And Items of Interest as Reported by our Correspondents Burr Oak Ridge. School closed at East KJen Friday. Master Perry Chastain returned home Saturday after a week's visit at Charles Cbastain's. W. H. McCalla, Sherm Dale and Mr. Blatt are anion) those who are moving this week. L. I P. Sigler was on the Ifidge Thurs day transacting business. Ghns. Chaotain, Walter Harnett and families also Mrs. Nannie Voting were visitors at- George Meek's last week. Mrs. Horney called on Mrs. Chastain one day last week. M. D. Shira presented his wife with a new organ recently. Mr. R. Meek is improving slowly. Misses Carrie Davis and Ella Gammon visited East Eden school Friday. Mr. Barrv and family were Sunday visitors at W. H. McOaiia's. Wm. Johnson and family have moved and Mrs. M.jre in the house with Mr lipiuli A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Me nhias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended hw that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from pneumonia, but she hea ped for Dr. King's New Discovery, say ing it had more lhau once saved her life, and hail cured her of consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use complete ly cured her. This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat, chest and lung diseases. Only oi)c Trial bottles free at I.." Van WenlenN drug store. Center. Mr. and Mrs. liouss, of lluineston, visited recently with friends in Center. Mr. Lee is Helping Mr. Vlachlin get ready for his sale. Messrs. Gardner am' McDonough were the most liberal bidders at the box supper. Messrs. Martin and Gardner have been loging some this win'er. A car of hogs shipped Irom Crown iast Saturday. If the good people of the different townships harl as good a correspondent as Crown THE KICI'OKTKK would he ablv assisted with news. Mrs. Davenport sold her farm to Ben Sears, consideration $2,000. Cap Brown lost some cattle this win ter. Mr. Pease and F. Long are going to raise Hereford cattle. Two of the Pease brother^/urnished music at Tlnion on the eveni.a of the celebration of Washington's birthday. Messrs. Cary Simpson and Pace are men who know how to hold a position. L. Frost secured the usa of L. and J. Caster's wood saw and has his wood ready for summer. John liumley and two of the Bright brothers were wolf hunting in Center. What Shall We Have for Desert? This question arises in tlie family every day rptus answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a dt-li clous dusseri. Prepared in two minutes. No bun ing: add hot water and set to cool flavors:—Lemon, Orange. Raspberry and Strawberry. At. your grocers. 10 cts. Crown. Moving is all the go this week and next. Several of this place attended the Sears & Sicilian sale. The literary at the school house last Friday evening given by the school was a success. Mrs Hiving is very loiv at this writing and Mr. liwing has been confined to the house for some weeks. 15. H. Carrithers has rented his farm to a man from Missouri. Several of our young people attended the Medicine Show at Leon. Akes & Jones shipped stock from this place Saturday. Brice McDonough lost a line steer from over feeding, last week. Dr. Bowman, of Leon, was called to see Thomas Ewing Tuesday. Ira Peugb has been assisting J. \V. Moore with (arm work. 11. S. Miller has rented all his farm land to Charles Luse. Mr. Guthrie, who sold out and went to Virginia to live, has returned satis fied that Decatur county is hard to beat Several men from Leon attended the Macblan sale Tuesday. Will Baker was a caller at II. L. Pease's Sunday. Allen Dunn is kept busy tending the mail and talking to bis many friends. Literary closed last Friday evening, A Certain Cure for Chilblains. Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. Ii cures Chilblains, Frostbites, Oftmp, Sweatening, Swollen feet. At all drug gists and shoe stores, as. Sample free. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Woodland. Kevival meetings at the A. C. church are still in progress with good interests. Geo. McDaniel, of Clio, was in town Monday. Miss Madge Amos, of Garden Grove, is visiting relatives here this week. Kichard Lock wood had a sale last week and is moving to town iu the Willie Beavers'house. Dr. Banford, of Allerton,was called to see the haby of D. Ross Monday. Dr. Gleason returned from Mt. Avr Saturday hut, was (tailed back Hsriin Sunday night as his father was siill very low. Do'ik Neivlin's little liov anil n!su his little girl are very nek. Dr. B.itvuian, of Leon, is attending them owing to the absence of Dr. Gleason. C. K. Cooni3 has purchased he Baker farm just north of to.vti an I will move there soon. W. Jtl. Wilson is confined to his room this week with the grip p. Mrs. Mattie Knowles left Tuesday for Chictlgo in company with Miss Heriha Kiddle who will enter the .Presbyterian hospital of that place. D. F. Avery, the magnetic heeler of Leon, was called to see W. IJ. Wilson Monday who was «ullering with as'hina. Miss Alice Sti'|ihens I-I.SM| very successful term cf s-chool in High Point township Friday. Nate Myers had two Augers cut off at Tom Adair's saw mill last week. Dr. Lyons, of Garden Grove dressed the wound. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for ca tarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will he known as Kly's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents, druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the medicinal properties of the so\id preparation. Cream Balm ia quickly absorbed by the membrane and doea not dry up the secretions but changes them to a healthy character. Eli Brothers, 56 Warren 6t, N Y. Garden Grove. The revival meetings which bave been going on at the Presbyterian church tor the past two waeks will close Wednes day eveniug. Indications are that there will be 15 or 20 conversions. The Raymond Hypnotic Co. showed to fair houses at the opera house last Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve nings. A. J. Hunes came in Monday from California where he had been called by the sad news of the death of his wife. The Women's Relief Corps will have a contest in declamation''at the opera house on Friday evening. The ladies of" the Eastern Star cele brated Washington's birthday by a lit erary program and a supper at their hall last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Shaw came up Saturday-. Mark left Monday for Des Moines, but Mrs. Shaw will visit for a week with her parents before proceeding to their new home in Des Moines. Misses Callie Paxton and Myrtle Wil ley went up to Des Moines the latter part of last week to trim in a wholesale millinery store, Mrs. Anna Culver and Miss Maggie Brown left Friday for Chicago. Some'Garden Grove people expect to go to Huineston Thursday evening to hear ,Gen. Gordon's lecture". J. lv.vWhite spent most of last week at Chilicothe, Mo., looking after his land interests. Ed. Morgan has moved from the Stiles fartn to the Young farm south of town. Ward Shaw has moved to town. Mrs. Geo. Shaw attended the wedding of her son, Suel. F. Shaw at PJeasanton last Wednesday. Will Stearns has gone to Carrollton, Mo., where he has accepted a position as salesman in the store of his uncle, F. E. Stearns. H. H. Young had business at Leon on Friday last. Willis Aten attended the dance at Leon on Friday evening last. Harold, son of B. S. Wilson, formerly of this place hut now of i\e stu|ii"a came up last week for a visit willi reli tives. School Report. the Report of Union Ridge school for term ending Feb. S, Ji)()l: Enrollment 28 total attendance in days 1.001 5-12 average daily aitundance Hi length of term 100 days. Visitors present during term Hi. Schoi 1 closed with literary exercises and a spelling match. Miss Sada Burnison was the champion speller of the school and Mr. Powers of the visitors. Each pupil was presented with a photo souvenir which was highly ap preciated. Visitors present last* day were: Messrs.—Squire Cox, Mose Powers, Mac Cox, Andrew Sells, John Burnison, Clarence, Roy and Clyde Waller, Fred, Jess, and Ben Cox and Will Akes. Mesdames—Ella Ellis, Cora Sells. Alice Cox, Squire Cox, Clara Sells and Miss I.orna Waller. DORA B. FAIIXKS, Teacher. How to Cure the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as direct ed and a quick recovery is quick to fol low. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pneu monia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tons of thousands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by W. A. Alex ander. REFUSED THE CROWN OF SPAIN. An American Girl Preferred Private Life to Sharing the Span ish Throne. The remarkable romance of lilsie Hensler, the Boston airl, who married King Ferdinand of Portugal, is recalled by Mabel Percy Haskell, in the March Ladies' Home Journal. Ather marriage Miss Hensler was created the Countess ofKdla, and with her royal husband took up her home in the beautiful Pal ace of Cintra. "Had she wished it the Countess of Edla might have been Queen of Spain, for King Ferdinand de clined the crown of Spain in 1869, soon after his marriage to the beautiful American girl. It was ofiered to him by General Prim and General Serrano, and both the King and his lovely wife decid ed that their quiet life so free from cares of state was infinitely to be pre ferred to the worry and fret of a great European Court. Ferdinand lived in retirement in the Palace of Cintra. She is visited by members of the present royal family and is greatly beloved by them, for they never can forget how fine and good was her gentle influence over the King, and they shared his ad miration for her. She is treated as it she bad been born to the purple instead of far across the sea. For Oklahoma real estate, write or call on C. B. Jordan. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm. Kasy and pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious drug. It is quickly absorbed Gives relief at orce, It opens and cleanses Enid, O. T. A Remedy for the Grippe. A remedy recommended for patients afflict ed with the grippe is Kemp's Balsam. whicU is especially adapted for the throat and lungs. Don't wait for the tirst symptoms of the dis ease set a bottle to day and keep it for use the moment it is needed. If neglected the grippe has a tendency to bring on pneumonia. Kemp's Balsam prevents this by keeping the cough loose and the lungs free from inflamma tion. All druggists sell Kemp's Balsam at 25c. and50c. 2841 Wanted—Capable, reliable person in every nounty to represent large company of solid financial reputation $9:16 salary per year, payable weekly $1 per day absolutely sure and all expenses straight, bona-flde definite salary, no commission: salary paid each Sat urday and expense money advanced eaeh week. Standard House. 334 Dearborn St, Chicago. 21 Kit O A S O I A Bears the Kind You Have Always Bo ig'it Signature of CATARRH THE CLEANSING AND HEALING CUKE FOR I COLDHEAP Allays Inflammation. heals and Protects the Memorane Re tores the senses of taste and smeil. l.xrge size Site at druggists or by mail: Trial size lite by mail ELY BROTH Kits, 50 Warren St, New YOTK. JOHH A. STOOT. $8$ Livery Feed and Sale Stable. Fresh Teamsl^ Vi'S MVi. yNew Ittentio Rigs! Special alttention {riven to commercial men. Your patron age solicited. A. phoa* s.o. ^phn Stout. They do wear longer than others. That's what mothers say about Armor Plate Pride and Our Stockings. Your Dealer Has Them, or Can Get Them For You. Made HAWK'/'KNIT AST coroff DBS MOINES HOSIERY MILLS, MANFRS., Dei Molnef, Iowa. High Grade Imported and Domestic Stock for Sale at Lowest Prices. We invite an inspection of our stock and prices. CLOSE, IOWA. LEON, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleamea and beaatidef the hair. Promotes ft luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Reatore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cure* scalp ditraies ft hair lalliog. f0c,aodtl.OOat Drunrlft* fluttering or irregular pulsa tions are an indication of weak ness of the nerves or muscles of the heart. A weakness long continued produces deformity and organic disease. If your heart a&ion is weak, make it strong. Build up the muscles and strengthen the nerves wth the greatest of all heart reme dies, Pc^tviiles' Heart Cure "JMit exertion or excite meSP my heart to throb andTauna and I had smothering spells, pain and palpitation. Three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure overcame all these disturb ances and made me well." MRS. J. A. COUTS, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Dr. Miles9 Heart Core quiets the nervous heart, regu lates its pulsations and builds up its strength as nothing else can. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Buy RUBS' Bleaching Blue at Caster's M. Californd Dried Fruit! Extra Select Peaches, per pound Fancy peaches, per pound For particulars address Remember the place BASHAW. Jeweler and Bookseller 2 MMMNMMMtMtMMMi Ranches Farms And improved lands in loiva, Kansas Nebraska and South Dakota for sale and exchange. 1 have some bargains and pan save you both time and money. Write your wantB fully and address. ISAAC /WULHOLLAND, Land and Immigration Agent, Malvern, Mills County, Iowa. Horses and Mules Wanted Will be at our barn in Leon, Iowa, every Saturday mules for the eastern and southern market. Will buy 9 years old, weighing 900 onunds up to as big shed horses if not lame. 1% blind ones wanted^ Sp eed teams. The only strictly feed barn -lip L* Prunes, extra large per pound ... California Canned Fruit! Fancy Table Peaches, 31b can Select Table Peaches, 31b can White Cherries 21b can Wapello canned corn and tomatoes 3 2 packages 4x or Lion Coffee. Fancy Cfeam Flour, made from select hard wheat, per sack cans. Flour! Flour! Good flour is what every bread maker wants- We 9®* rt~'*Aas'e®n tested—every sack has proven that it Is the best flour on the market! Produce is as Good as Cash Here! FULTON & M/VNNING. •••MMMMNHMtMSMSSMSSStStStttMtlMMSMSSt* NOTICE! NOTICE!! No 122 is a farm of ti40 ueres of splendid fiirminr ami grazing hind, loeuiod n"ln in the heart of the alfalfa ancl stock region only ten milee southeast from Trenton l.he county .seat of Hitchcock county, NelirssUn. which is on the main line of the lit iV M, 11. It. from Kansas City to Denver, the most desirable location for stock r'ais inK. feeding dairy larniins and wheat rowing, 1 his tract has about 2.~i0 acres in cul tivation. ijUO acres tenced in pHHturn and balance «rass very best, of soil and most of it very level. 1MJ acres of this place is in winter wheat which is in first-class condition. There are two small fram stables. Two uood wells and one new windniiil and tan) This is a Choice Place and a at $5,BOO. S D. J. Ml'ERS, Red Cloud, Neb. References—Any bank or business house in Red Cloud. •«••••••••••••••••••••••••i IJ. BASHAW!! Jeweler and Bookseller. Headquarters tor Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, docks, £-'--d Chinaware, Books, Stationary, Toys, Etc. as I2}c .. 10c ... 10c 15c 10c 10c $1.00. iar„i. This iarm Is all li fram houses on the farm with Great Bargain j. A.Harris&Broj Manufacturers of and Dealers in- LEON. IOWA We carry a magnificent line of monu ments. The workmanship is unexcelled and material used first-class. We buy our stock iu car load lotn direct from the quaries in the east, thereby enabling us to make jjiey ,^/VI s£rictlv on nessis run class basis and we all our work to give perfect satisfaction. i. A. HARRIS & BROS. HOUSES WANTED. Will be at Leon every SATURDAY. Bring your.horses in early a* the afternoon. G. B. DAUGHERT!