Newspaper Page Text
8W-" m-'K Pi- Etit- CARRIE NATION 4 everything in our line that may be found in a first-class grocer# store. It beats the •N lllSlilttll msm how our customers stay with us. They know when buying from us that the goods are of the highest quality. Our com petitors are. PARALYZED" when they see their custo mers loading wagons from our door with Minnesota hard wheat flour. EACO is our leader, s" a- 1 XCU* Buckeye Folding Yapor Bath Cabinet! The Only Perfect Cabinet Made. •For the Scientific Application of Heat and Steam in Curing and Preventing Diseases. Endorsed by 30,000 Physicians and Over 600,000 Happy Users. DIMENSIONS—42 inches high at back, 27 inches high in front, 34 inches long, 28 inches wide. Price $5.00. C. STEMPEL & CO. Bing your produce to The Bee Hive where you can find everything you want. 27-2t Maple Cily Self Washing Soap not only saves the wear on your clothes because less rubbing is required, but it saves fullv half the labor. All bpok accounts not settled by cash or note by April 1, will be sued, for col lection. Tbey can be found with E. J, Warner at C. W. Hodman's office. F, J. HONNOLP. When you want a bright,lasting shine put on your shoes in an artistic manner, call on Back Peugh, at the Hotel Leon. He gives the best shine black or tan in •l^eon. 1 200 houses are painted every day, the year round, with Ham mar Paints. Twenty-eight years' record behind it. Wears five years. Costs $1.25 per gallon when mixed. Clare Boone, who is taking a course in dentistry at the University of Pennsyl vania, at Philadelphia, is making a splendid reputation in his etudies, being the first man in his class to finish the examination this year* W. J. pulton who canie "here from fiange, Qhio, about a month ago to visit relatives, has decided to remain here. He and fjenry^ Pulton of J3den town Sfa &^#ye rented the farms of Henry and .lohn^andesjust west of Leon and wjll tarm their, this year. Sheriff Wolever moved his family and household goods Monday to his fine farm a mile south of Weldon which he purchased last year. Deputy Sheriff John Burns has moved into the jail and Sheriff Wolever will divide his time be tween the farhi and his office in Leon. A dissolution of the billiard hall owned by Vernoni Spry & McDaniel was made last Friday, Mr. Vernon taking half of jthp tables'and tnoving them from Fin |ey!s Dupding to the building just east pf Vogt's grocery store, and Spry & Ij-Jc j)anjel have stored the otk^er tables and (rill move tbem away $3 soon as they decidp on a locfUjon, In spring pnllinery this 'fhe styles vill be new and startling and they will all be on display at the millinery opening at Thompson & War ner's on Friday and Saturday, March 22 and 23. Everything up-to-date. No old stock, but all are bright and new. The ladies of Decatur county are cor djally invited to attend the opening. Sp'ijng styleg ig street hats arje now on year will be new and startling in effect The Bethany Republican ha%" been aqed for $5,000 damages for libel, by ex mayor Mike McCollum, who thinks his reputation has been damaged that mnch by the publication of an article in the Republican a few weeks ago, in which it stated that eyidence had come to light showing there was crooked workvin the letting oHbe contract, for* the electric ligjit and waterirorinr plant-in tbitt city, whiob were built while McCollum fi WM iuurori tb3 Uw A.'AAIMI* formerly of th)a county, being the engineer In charge of the work. Buy Russ' Bleaching Blue at Caster's Splendid line just received at 75c, $1.00, $1.35, and $1.50. THE BEE HIVIT. If you want your clothes to be clean and white, use Maple City Soap as di rected on the wrapper. We have a nice tresh line of muslins, ginghams, shirting, prints, etc. at the lowest price in Leon. THE BEE HIVE. Try Maple City Self Washing Soap for washing woolens or lace curtains. It is unequalled for washing ladies' shirt waists. If you want a farm sold or want a farm loan at lowest rate of interest and best terms go to E. J. Sankey, south west corner Main and Commercial Sts., Leon, Iowa. Gasoline 13 cents per gallon delivered. FARQUHAR BROS. All aceountsdue Dr W. F. Waight which kre more than one year old, in my hands for collection, will be sued on April 1st if not settled before that date. Pure Foods! Cream of Wheat! E. J. WARNER. Geo. B. Van Saun,traveling custodian, will hold a school of instruction of the Masonic Lodge with Grand River Lodge No. 7S A, F. & A. M. in this city on Monday and Tuesday evenings, March 20 and 21. The dates for Mrs. Lucy Ray's spring millinery opening will be Friday and Saturday, March 22 and 23, and the lad ies of Decatur county will see the finest assortment of new style millinery they ever saw. Remember the dates and don't fail to attend. FOR SALE—A good 600 acre stock and grain farm in Chautauqua county, Kas., well improved, timber and water. Price $15 per acre. Will take clean town property up to $3000, in part. Also other bargains. Isaac Mulholland, Land Rnd Immigration Agent, Malvern, Iowa. Peter Cruikshank and family moved from the old homestead at Blookley to this city last Thursday and are now comfortably located in their residence in east Leon which has been occupied the past year by F.M. Osborne, who moved into the Christy residence at the corner of 8th and Church streets. Elsewhere in thiB issue we publish the rules and regulations of the Leon Free Public Library. The library is free to everyone in Decatur county and they will be made welcome at the library rooms. Everyone should read carefully the rules and assist the library manager by strictly copformigg to tbeRi Mr, Ira Pugh and Miss Eugene M. Pease were married at the Presbyterian parsonage on Tuesday evening by Rev. W. H. Ilsley. They left the following day for their new home at Enid, Okla. This worthy young couple are too well known to need their praises sounded. They have a host of friends in this coun ty who extend hearty congratulations and wish them a long and happy life. C. W. Kellev who has worked on the section here for a number of years leaves this morning for Pueblo, Colo., having accepted a position as section foreman on the Sante Fe Ry. with head quarters at pueblo. He receives |65 per month and free hovjse rent and' 'fqel, Which is considerable better wages than are paid in this state. Sir. Kelley's family will remain here for a time but will join him before long. The Twentieth ceBtury will haye twenty-four leap years, fhe greatest number possible. February will have five Sundays three times—1920, 1984, and 1996. The earliest possible date that Easter can occur is March 13. The last time it occured on that date was 1818. The latest date that Easter can occur is April 25. It will be but once on that date—1934. There will also be 2QQ eplipses durjiig'the century. I$ev.Thoma8 Waller, informs us that through the kind assistance of Hon. W. P. Hepburn, Ed. K. Pitman, F. Varga and other friends he received Monday the glad news that he had been granted a pension of $12 per month with $130 back pension, as a dependent father of a eoldier, his eldest son Alexander B. Waller having been a private in Co. D, 15th III. Volunteer*, and was killed at the battle ot Shiloh on April 6, 1862. Mr. tyaller is one of tl)g oldest'tftiggtri of Leon and his pension will be a wel come assistance to him in bis /declining yefcra. *V r* if 5t.«* & Almost pure gluten, is highly recom mended for the use of diabetic persons weak digestion, a delicious or those breakfast food. Ralston Barley -J 5f{ 7 Food! Granose Flakes! Enrich the blood. This delicious product used as a food, aids nature by restoring action, and will not irritate the sensitive organs of digestion. Purina Health Flakes Strenghtens both mind and body, it is milled from the best gluterean wheat, contains elements which makes children hardy and robust. 25c pkg, 50c sacks. Try our Heinz cider and pickling vinegar made under pure food laws. No adultera te tions. To Our Laundry Customers: .Our laundry business is increasing and wc have made arrangements to send twice a week, send on Monday return A &• ,-v a?u*r Wednesday morning, send Wednesday return Friday morning to the Iowa Steam Laundry. »&' ..•• fa '{-1- jt, Jf Contains more brain producing elements than any other breakfast food. J. A. CASTER. Chas. Keeder and Ed Claver finished papering the Advent church Monday. If you want attractive horse bills bring your work to THE REPORTER office. I offer for sale my farm, and citv resi dence on south Main street. J. C. STOCKTON. Wm. Woodard last week purchased the Elijah Holmes farm, 8 miles west of Leon, at $25 per acre. Rugs' Bleaching Blue makes brown muslin white in a day. All grocers sell the genuine Russ. Refuse imitations, You get those attractive sale bills which always draw a crowd at THE LEON REPORTER office. The most of the sale Seasoned native lumber, dimension stuff and bridge plank, material for house and barn frames always on hand. F. D. CLOSE. The reserved seat sale for the Slayton New York Stock Co., for Hamlet and Merchant of Venice, April 1 and 2, will open iat Van Werden's drug store on Monday morning. L. A. Blackman and family moved last week from Garden Grove to the Cruikshank farm at Blockley, which Mr. Blackman recently purchased. It is one ot the best farms in Decatur county. The big farm of 456J acres on Grand River, owned by the late Jordan Koger, was sold the past week by W. L. Ragan, executor of the estate, to Woodard Bros., of Monona county, for $30 per acre. Mrs. J. B. Lunbeck died at her' home in Mason City Saturday evening at 9 o'clock after an illness of only two weeks. Her remains were laid to rest in that city Monday afternoon. We were unable to secure a proper obituary notice for this week. The millinery department at Thomp son & Warner's will be a bigger feature than ever this spring. They went early to market and secured the very choicest selections of pattern hats and new style mjllineiy. Their grand spring opening will be held on Friday and Saturday March 22 and 23. The new spring styles in 'street bats are now on display. Make your selection before the stock is broken. The Methodist minister at Afton went to a dance in that city last week, paying for bis ticket at the door the same as the dancers, and stayed in the hall during the entire evening for the pur pose of seeing if any of the members of his church danced. It is safe to say that Rev. Maine has adopted a course which will not increase his popularity and is liablp to ca\ se bijp all kinds of trouble. The lawsujt of IJ. F. Heilig vs. Dr. Christy, of the German Medicine Co. was tried before Justice Harvey last Saturday, a change of venue having been taken from Justice Beck. The plaintiff' was represented by Lewis B. Jackson and defendent by Marion Woodard. The defendant filed a demurrer which was overruled and after hearing the evidence Justice Harvey gave plaintiff a judgment for $12.94. |The defendant will appeal the case to the district court A new series of postage stamps will soon appear in Leon, namely, the Buf falo exposition series. The 1 cent stamp of green color will have a picture of a lake steamer to represent t(ie great transportation industry of inland seas in which £uf)alo is so tpuch interested. The 2 cent stamp, printed in red. will have a railway train the 4-cent stamp, in red aqd brown, an automobile the 5 cent in bine, a picture of the new bridge at Niagara falls the 8-cent, lilac, a picture of the lock at Sault Ste-Marie: and the lQ-cent stamp i^ ljg^t brown, an ocean steamer. The stamps will be the same size of World's fair stamps and thus it will be seen that we will get more licsin' for our money. Several weeks ago a smooth tongued agent representing the Standard fioo.k Co. of Qiqabq or flenver. botfy accesses being vep ofl his certificate, canvassed l^eon and secured a number of sub scribers to the 8 taPdard Magagine the subscribers paying $1.00 down and agreeing to pay a balance of $1.50 in monthly payments of 25 cents a month. The agent signed the name of W. H. Smith to the receipts, and carried a ltrge catalogue of handsome premiums, each subscriber being allowed' to select a premium which was to be forwarded, charges prepaid, as soon as the sub,scrip: tion was fepdved. several 01 weeks iitfo and none pajd their dollar have received either the the ladies who ved eitherthe and it looks magazine or the premium very much KB if they had been swindled. -Is & RE 1 NT~An Ed Claver has left and is now hanging ters at Alexander's. the harness shop paper. Headquar- If'you wish to have beautiful clear whue clothes ask for Kuss' Bleachine Blue. Refuse imitations. Miss Hallie Miller is the happy posses sor of an elegant little gold watch which she was yery much surprised with as a present from her parents last Saturday Edgar Foreman has resigned his posi tion in Mayers clothing store and will accept a positiou in a store at either Atchison 01 Lincoln, both of which are open for his acceptance. A. M. I'ryor has purchased the Mrs. Shields residence property in north Leon from Amnions & Brazelton, the consideration being $800 The deal was closed through Sankey's agency. FOR SAMS—The frame building on Main street now occupied by Detrick's restaurant, the building to be removed from the premises. Must be sold quick before it is torn down. 0. K. HUM.. Charles Ed wards, of Osceola, said the Merry Milk Maids and Jolly Farmers was the best entertainment given there this winter. This opera is given as a benefit to the K. of P. lodge. The Chariton District Bulletin, 0? the M. E. Church, published by Presiding Elder W. B. Thompson, was issued last week. It is filled with entertaining and instructive matter, and is a valnable publication. The 273 acre farm of Geo. W. Keller at Blockley has been sold by E. ,1. Sankey to I. N. MoDonough for $7,700 and also 40 acres in Burrell township owned by I. N. McDonough to Geo. \V. Keller for $1,000. The Comic Opera Merry Milk Maids and Jolly Farmers next "Tuesday and Wednesday nights at Opera Hall. Full chorus, of forty voices led by the Leon Orchestra. Mrs. C. E. Gardner piano. Admission 25 and 3o cents. Seats now on sale. Just as we went to press the office force was unfortunate in pieing one of 1 be forms of our mailing list and if you fail to receive your REPORTER this week we request that you report the fact, to this office so we can again complete our mailing list. Miss Jennie Schenk made a mis step at theschool house last Thursday afternoon and dislocated her left knee,but the next step threw it back in place. The same evening after reaching home she again dislocated it and is now confined to the house by the injury. L. D. Miller, the drayman, has pur chased the residence and block of ground in south Leon owned by J. B. McGrew known as the Layton property, paying $1,500 for the property. It is one of the nicest houses in Leon'and Mr. Miller is fortunate in securing 16. Many friends in this city will be pained to learn that the beautiful little daughter which arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lawrence in Chari ton last Saturday, lived but a few min utes after being born. The bereaved parents have the hearlfelt sympathy of everyone in their bereavement. On Friday and Saturday March 22 and 23 Mrs. Lucy Ray will have on dis play at her spring millinery opening the finest line of new spring millinery ever shown in Decatur county. The millin ery openings at Mrs. Ray's emporium are famous all over the country. There are none better or in later style. Re member tbte dates. You'll want the latest style in spring millinery this year, and you can find all the very latest creations of fashion at the millinery department at Thomp son & Warner's store. Their grand sprmg opening will be held on Friday and Saturday, if arch 22 aud 23. You are invited to attend this grand display of millinery. Spring styles in street hate are now ready for your inspection and embrace some new novelties. Deputy Sheriff John Bnrns went to Ft. Madison Friday night and arrested Wm. Twombley upon his release from the state penitentiary, where he has served a year's sentence for larceny of a sum of money from his wife. He returned with his prisoner Sunday, and Twombley is now in jail, there being another in: dictment against him on the charge of conspiracy, and his trial will probably be held at the March term of court. An eight round glove contest will be given at the opera hall on Saturday eve^ ning, March 16, between James H. All dredge, champion of the northwest,who is visiting relatives here, and Jack Ster ner, now at Hot Springs, Ark. Both men are fine boxers and have engaged in many ring battles. The contest will not be a prize light, but a boxing con test for points aud it will be a rare op portunity to see two first class boxers meet in the ring.' The Public Library Association has the books now ready for loaning, and on last Saturday afternoon there were fifty-five books taken out. There will be an exchange of books every S at^ay afternoon from 1 till 5:30 and' at present on Vyednfcsday eyeniqgg. We wish to ex'tepd thanks for so many ready help ers who were so kind in aiding the work of getting the books ready for loaning, also for the hooka donated by Mrs. Dr. Brown, Mrs- Marion Stookey and Mrs. W. P. Clark. AS§'T. LIBRARIAN. Some months ago Mrs. C. E. Qardner aflno«nptjd she wonjd give a golil medal to the pupil in her pnl«ic class who was the most proticieut and punctual during the winter term. The medal was awaid ed last week and Beryl Ellinwood now proudly weare it, having easily out: stripped all others in the plasg. $eryj is an acpopplishpd musician and during the term m«dp wonderful progress. If he continues bis musical studies there is no question but that be will be a shining light in musical circles. 1 Yesterday, shortly before noon^Mr. Wm. Spry was painfully injured by fall ing down the stairway over L. Van Werden's drug store. "He had been reading in Dr. Waight's office, and when he started to dinner he made a misstep when starting down ttje 9ta?r^, aWd fell to the bottom, cqttlqg a severe gash in hfc ngad, He was rendered unoonscious by -the fall and was carried into the drag store, medical attention being ren dered by Dr.,_Layton,-who was passing at the tinje of tne accident. It is not thought jbis injuries are serious. F=" 1 room bouse in Caldwefl Inquire of Mrs. J. A. his se- 11. \\. Spry has been confined to noine for the past two-weeks with a vere attack of stomach trouble. Rev. Allen Juld, of Des Moines, spent lour8 'his city Monday, a guest of the family of Major J. Young. M. S. Sullivan has purchased the 120 acre farm of J. M. Warren in High Point 'ownship for a consideration of $3,000. 8JS2 acre farm owned lv the estate of W. r. Kellev lias been sold through bankey's agency to Oscar .lu,Id, ,,f Wel don, for §10,800. «, 1TFWS» ..r '**1 I Orlean molasses at Empire Bakery. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell, of Center township, Sunday. The house now occupied by C. Hurst will be for rent April 1st. T. E. HORNKH. A big lot of winter underwear now closing out at Hamilton & Gammill's. See them before you buy. The litile babies of M. A. Gammill, C. C. Beck and J. K. Williamson have all en very sick the past week. Caster Bros, have their new doubie feed corn shelter with elavator at tachment in operation at the mill and it is a fine piece of machinery. Charles Gibson has let the contract for a line $1,300 cottage, to be built on his lots in South Leon. Wilev Sells secured the contract for the work." 1 am busy receiving new millinery goods this week and can show vou all the latest novelties in my line. Drop in and see what we are opening up. MRS. I.rrx RAY. On account of our leaving Leon in the near future we offer all of our Belgian Hares at a great sacrifice. Call at resi dence and we will show yon stock and make von prices if taken at once. F. D. CI.OSE. While cutting wood about two miles northeast ol Leon yesterday morning Geo. Fassett, a young man whot boards at the Park hotel, struck his lef. foot with an axe, making a bad cut He walked to town and had the wound dressed by Dr. 1/iyton and will be laid up for some time." Joe X. Wright, of Missouri, an old time printer and publisher, was in Leon the first of the week, having been visit ing at the home of W111. IJ. Young near Pleasnnton. He is an old friend of Dr. E C. Macy, of Pleasanton, anil while in Leon made us a fraternal call and helped the force out with a rush of work. Wm. Pence, of Grand River township, has sold his fine farm of 330 acres to Richard and John Baker, getting $9,700 for the property. He will have a public sale a» his farm next Thursday and will shortly leave on an extended visit to relatives in Montana, and may conclude to locate there. We will be verv sorrv to see him leave Decatur county." Quite a party of Decatur county peoplje joined the homeseekers excursion on the Tuesday, bound for Oklahoma and Indian Territorv. Among them we noticed W.J. Sullivan and S. C. Penniwell, of Leon, Solon Bevins and George Bowman, of Eden, John Wilantt and sons Dan and Wilbur, of Kingston, and Frank and Wm. Bowerman, of Decatur, who all bought tickets to Chickasiia, I. T. Some of them may remain and go into the new strip with the run when it is opened. Judge Tedford will not Resign. An article in the Des Moines Leader recently stated that Judge W. H. Ted ford, of Corydon, would resign as judge of the 3d Judicial District, his phvsician having so reconmended. We are'in re ceipt of a personal letter from Judge Tedford in which he brands the article as false and entirely unauthorized. His physician has assured him that he will soon be all right again, and he says he has no intention whatever of resigning. Judge Tedford has had a long siege of illness, and his many friends all ovsr the district will be very "glad to hear that be is now rapidly regaining his former goo 1 health. He expects to be able to hold court at Creston the first week in April. A Remarkable Growth. The Farmers & Traders State Bank of Leon, has issued the following state ment at the close of their business on March 2, and it is indeed gratifying to the management to be able to make such a statement. The deposits amount to $234,809.32, being by far the largest since the bank was organized and speaks volumes for the confidence of the people in the institution. REFOURCH*?. Loans and Discounts $157,469.30 Overdrafts 11,233.17 Banking House, Fixtures 12,080 00 Due from Banks. Cash on hand. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Deposits While coffee was being drank a toast to the members ot the New Century Club was read by Mrs. J. L. Harvey, each member of which came in for a share of her well known wit, and it cre ated considerable amusement. The reception was one of the most successful social gatherings of the town. Kid Gloves. We have secured the agencv for the celebrated Columbia kid silove for ladies. The price is $1.0,0,. We ftt them on your hands and guarantee every pair. this opening THK BEK HIVE. March 22 and 23. These are the dates for/the grand' A/l V5 ^nca,,ed For- The following a list of letters remain-1 ins unoalled for at the postoffice in Leon lSo!*' week ending March Jabnsotr, Mrs. Marvetta Undsey, Mise Emma Cavaoaogb. J. W .Baker. tor the above pleaae say "ad-j vertiaed." JOHK LBTOBSWOOD, P. THE CHURCHES. ing. Services every night this week. A cordial invitation is given to everyone to attend. Services at the Baptist church in Leon next Sunday, Subject in the morning: lu lit 11 !nt 11r I l.Hi ti ening subject: "Advantage of Piety." "These seryices will be conducted by Pas tor Edwards' Last Sunday evening the annual praise meeting of the Ladies Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church was held. A11 interesting program was ren lered, and offeringsfor missions amount ing to $12.75 were taken. On Wednesday, March 13th, a Mis sionary Convention will be held in the M. E. church. The meetings will be ad dressed by Revs. A. M. Shea of Cory don, W. E. Hf.rvev of Decatur City, and A. II. Rusk of Davis City. The meet ings will be interspersed with special music. At the Presbyterian church the usual services will be held next Sabbath morning and evening. Special prayer meetings are being held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week It is desired that all the members of the church and congregation attend these services and co-operate with the pastor in his efforts for the spiritual improve ment of the church. The following services will be held in the M. K. church on Sunday next. In the morning the pastor will preach from the subject "The Parable of the Ten Virgins or the Folly of Procrastination." In the evening a gospel service of mis cellaneous exercises will be held, prepar atory ito a missionary convention on Wednesday, March 13." PROGRAM. opening hymn "Send the Light" Choir Invocation Mrs. Roy Anthem selected Choir" Scripture reading 2d Psalm. ...Mris. Stephen. Chorus selected Six girls Short address -'The Light ol the World" .. Mrs. H. Close. Male Quartet "Remember Me" Tatman, Muni), Warnrr, Conrey. Reading l'he Progress of Missions" Harry Shumway. Solo "the Choir celestial" Mrs G. Daugherty. Short address "The Triumph of Truth".... Rev. Stephen. Duet -The Golden Gates" _, Mrs. Radnich, Miss Merwin. Closing Hymn "Coronation" Choir. All are cordially Invited to attend these ser vices. Notice of Election. To the Qualified Electors of the Town of Leon, Iowa: Notice is hereby given that the an nual election for the election of two councilmen, whose term of .office will be 1 56 S wm be held at HARRY J.VOOT, Mayor. Town Clerk, pro tern. To llreak up a Cold In One Nlflht Or to quickly cure La Grippe take "Weeks' Break-Up A-Cold Tablets." We cheerfully le und the purchase price if It fails to euro Price 25 cents. W. E. Mvers & Co. The Good Corsets. No. 81.010 92 12,805.22 $274,628.91 .$ 25,000.00 12,500.00 2,319.29 .. 234,809 32 $274,2(58.61 An Evening with the New Century Club. The ladies of the New Century Club entertained their husbands at the home of Mrs. J. W. Harvey last Friday eve' ning, the evening being spent in var ious games and a short musical pro gram. A feature of the evening's en tertainment was a guessing contest, each guest being tagged with a card, the various characters on which represented the name of country, state or city Mrs. Carrie Hyatt won the prize given for the most correct answers. Elegant refreshments were served in the dining room whioh was decorated with pink and white oarnalions, the club's flowers. sateen 50c. No. t!0ti. Best quality jean. Drab, medium waist. 5 hook 50c. No. 250. English sateen drab, boned bust, handsomely trimmed $1.00. No. 750. High bust, dress form, best drab sateen $1.0.0. No. 69. French shape, Baya dere cloth in drab and black $1.00 No. 39. French shape. 4 hook short eflect, pink HI. 00. Chicago and Jackson waists all sizes. Misses' and waists in Gage-Downs stvles. Carpets and Rugs. and $3.00'Worth of Style, Wear (pantfQft tor $2.00. in the celebrated "Try Me Shoe". In either patent leather or kid stock. THE BKE IIIVH, For Sale. One 80 acre farm and one 240 acre farm, until Jan. 15th. After that date these-farm will be off the market and for rent. HAMILTON & GAMMU.I. Pf^ At the Christian church next Lord's- Dr.F. A.Bowman, than whom there is day the pastor will preach as follows: no better or more whnin Ji Morning "Spiritual Conversation." Ev- fellow in the state of lowa f8 ening, "Going Away From Christ J' convinced that he is The revival meetings conducted by has the living proofs Elder Shepard, of Michigan, at the Ad- last summer with his wife Dr. Bowman vent church, commenced Tuesday even- spent a few weeks with relatives in the intr. Services every night this week, jmonntainsof Colorado, and there is 1 where the trouble commenced. One three vears will bp held at tho nonal meet at tne lire House 011 -Mon- voting place in the town of Leon, on the 25th day of March, 1901. Polls will open at 8 o'clock a. m. and close at 0 o'clock p. m. of said day Attested: MARION WOODARD, IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllil 29. Figured Dresden medium waists, short hips Our carpet business(and indeed all of our business) is conducted with a yiew of making permanent care to customers. We don't sell carpets or shoes, goods that will not give tion. You cannot buy carpets cheaper than we sell them. We carry 16 to 20 rolls to select from and in addition have Rich ardson's sample line. Come and see them—second floor. or any satisfac standard Dress Goods The new dress and waist cloths are pronounced handsome by the ladies who have ruary was February we ever had—but the dress goods stock is* bigger and spring millinery opening at the store of !, .. *uu Thompson & Warner, and they will better than ever, cause new goods KMS,°Vh.e,S8riCrT°«!S wak* «'eryd,y. We'll. shown in Leon. Don't fail ta attend be glad to have you visit the store •and see.the new things. Welcome here whether you buy or not. 2, JS r. Bowman's Jonahs. I day while the Dr. was roaming on the mountain side he discovered au eagle's nest, at least they told him out there it was an eagle's nest, containing two young eagles 1?) He carefully watched tue nest each dav while he remained there and when he came back to I.eon ileft instructions to have the young eagles expressed to him at Uon when tbe"ue£rfe Th' Dr Choi' llle a?8f. h-v 4 fifmlv JonXd, and he of^thufact Along 1 ,n l)e t9ken Oom blr' final|y nrpsa 1? arrived nod p'n,i exorbitant ex press charges and announced the eagles head the parade when the Brvnn jollification meeting was held. Soon after the result of tne election was known it was whispered around that I Dr. Bowman's eagles were not the renl genuine article. In fact it was openly so'ne of the envious dot-lore of the town that ihey were nothing but common every day buzzards. All the experts in the country were called in consultation, including Dr 1-lvton Schuyler Jennings and George'k' Zimmerman, but they were unable to diaenose the case and decide the nation ality of the birds. The matter tinallv reached such a state that the whole town and a good part of the county were di\ ided on the question as tc whether Dr. Bowman's birds were eagles or buzzards. Dr. however nevei lost confidence in the birds and con structed an eagle house at a greati ev pense, and went right along feeding them lamb's liver and other delicacies. But recently there was a change no. only in the eagles but in Dr. Bowman, as the eagles heads grew red so did Dr. Bowman's face when the sub]ec.i was mentioned and at last he was forced to admit they were common every da buzzards. Then the question arose of how to get rid them. He tried to give them away but no one have them. When he made a professional visit awav out in the countrv he would take the buzzards out in a sack and turned them loo^e miles from home, but they always turned up at horn", by the time he got back. There is a state pen alty ol $10 for killing a buzzard and after the enormous expense he ha« in cured in raising theui the Dr. does not feel like paying $20 for the privilege of killing tbem. He will however pav 1 reasonable reward to anyone who will rid him of his Jonahs. For further par ticulars call on Dr. Bowman at his office any hour during the day or night. School Election. The qualified electors of the Iudepen I dent School District of Leon, Iowa, will nt thp I?:., vnmno ,. \ri" 1^® /Jf"®1 'day, March 11, 1901, for the purpose of eODtIOWa, one sphnnl Hiront-nr electing one school director to serve three years. The polls will open nt 1 o'clock p. m. and close at 7 o'clock p. m. same day. J. W. ROWEI.I., Y. R. MCGINMS, Secretary. President. What Shall We Have lor Desert? This question arises in the family every dav Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a deli cious dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No baking! add hot water and set to cool Hlavors:—Lemon, Orange, Raspberry and 1 Strawberry. At your grocers. 10 cts. HK Kid Gloves Premium kid gloves $1.00. All staple colors and 3u •t v«*» I Ik iStorel Ladies' Shoes. ••n ladies' About two dozen pairs high grade shoes, small sizes in medium and narrow toes at £1.00 a pair to close. Lady Elgin in the now shapes genuine Dongola $1.50. No. 7986. Bright, soft kid in the new shapes $1.75. Cincinnati Shoe Co's black YiVi in the new shapes $2.00. Four new shapes in the hie styles, very cheap $2.35. Half dozen handsome styles late last at $2.50 and $2. new, in 4 blacks these. No. 8410. Kid gloves" $ 1.25. Spring shades, staple colors, in blacks, slates and modes §1.25 Yon can expect to find your size and color here aud if its a special shade or kind and we hay en't it we'll be glad to rd: if for you quickly. Ladies' guantlet driving gloves and ladies" and misses' mittens too. ft Silks and Velvets. •fe Selling great deat of silk these days and not a little in the velvets. We are carrying a very complete ile store. In nd sateens are demand (dresses.: Be sure these efit of MltlllltlllUMHtllUII *5 Bro- roil.