Newspaper Page Text
hi .wm THE MEW- Jr~ L..VHH WE1DEN lYrnggrist. ^HIII|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||llllllllllirilllllHIIIIIIIIIUIII| 1 Wall Paper! I We are making a special effort and special prices to dis pose of o*ir present stock of wall paper in order to make room for next. year's goods. Si: Make no mistake by not look ing over our line if in r.eed of these goods. Paints. 5 We have a big lot of paint on 5* hand and wish to lessen our I 1 stock as quick as possible and 1 in order to do so will make the 5 very lowest prices possible. Prescriptions. We pride ourselves on 1 prescription department. handle only pure drugs a competent pharmacist m&gi Mi PROPRIETORS OF Grand River Nursery. Albany. Mo. ^ND Leon Home Nursery, Leon, a 5? Will have in a'tull line of first-class nursery stock for your $ inspection and spring trade at Leon Home Nursery jl this spring. Come and see us and select some good 5? stock at reasonable prices. 27-tf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••MM SVand J6 Per Gent Money To loan.f Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. WILLIAMS & DARRAH, Agents, Leon, Iowa. 2 Office in Biggs Block. TABER'S PEPSIN COMPOUND it first, send us your name and address and we will mail you a free sample bottle. Mention this paper and write DC. TABER Mffl. CO., Peorf** Ml. has for nearly sixty years been recognized as the People"s Na tional Family Newspaper, fur farmers and villagers. its splendid Agricultural Depart ment, its tellable market re ports, recognized authority throughout the country its fashion notes,. its Science and Mechanics Department, it fascinating Bhort stories, etc., etc., render it indispensable in every family. Rearnlar *nb acrlption price, 91.00 per year. YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE North American Review, New York City. Harper's Hsgstiae, New York City Harper'* Bazar. New York City Haqier'a Weekly, New York City Ceiunry Magaiine. New York City. ... ®t- NlcUolai Magasine, New York City. JHcClnre's Vniafc I THuJuiej faeeess, Sew York City Ledger Monthly, New York C: Puck. New York City Judge. New York CJ, Lealle'» Weekly. ti Review of Hevl Serlbaer'a American ifiir Knral .... •was jnsgaiinF, new ionc uiy... re's HagMiae, New York City.... tesUe'i Monthly. New Vorlc City, r'l Msgastse, Sew York City.... -A vT'V* i«f •esTE N»- *v 4 it our I- We and is in charge of this department. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? CCCJL 3! WM. A. GARRETT & Diet! Nos. 30 4 60 Search Lights. These Lamps ate ju*t right for lighting the inside of large barns or cattle One Ump will thoroughly light up a. NEW- YORK TRI WEEKLY TRIBUNE In connection with The Tribune we offer to those wh0 desire to secure the best magazines, Illustrated weeklies and ttfricuitural journals, the following splendid inducements: Mas* TTT.. With Regular With Weekly Xri-WeeUiy Price 17Sprlneaeld. MUSK. HngHeld, Mass }e, Cliieago, 111 tlileago, 111........ Ind Ohio It. Mtcli iL'ilelil, Ohio ntuio....: I5 UIM I Contains Pepsin, Bismuth, Nux Vomica, Diastase and other valu able remedies tor the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Constipation and all Stomach and Bowel Troubles. Brings back rosy cheeks and youthful spirits, ft is not a patent medicine formula is on every bottle. Buy one bottle, and if not satisfied, th'e druggist will refund your money—or, if you want to try long row of anfmafe, The lamps are strongly made, perfectly safe and very economical to use. They bum kerosene (coal oil), and very little of it considering the fine light they give. To introduce, we offer to send one of either size, freight prepaid, at a reduced price. Send for Free Catalogue. R. E. Dieti Company, •£." 59 Laight Street, I:t»bUih«d 1810. New York. POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES published on Monday, Wednes day and Friday, is a cmnpkte up to date daily newspaper, three days hi the Tveelc, with all important news of the other four days. Profusely illus trated, and filled with interest ing reading for all who wish to keep in close tpacft wUli ncr.s of the nation and worM Re lar nab»crlptio price, |1.5U per year. Tribune, One Year. 9S.OO i4.00 One Tear. *s.oo 4.00 4.00 4.00 ii 4.00 3.00 5 l.OO l.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 The creditors at Uii* plate of Geo. Yon Lankin, who left here last fall, have learned that, lie is in Ohicaeo and has recently Hied a petition in volun tary' bankruptcy,'—Garden Grove Mx press.. _. Ageuny, la., Oct. 17,185)9. Papain Syrup Co., Montecillo, III. Gents—I have used l)r. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin with marked success. 1 unhesitatingly recommend it to those suffering with stomach trouble or con stipation. It's certainly a blessing to humanity. You are at libferty to nse mv testimonial. Very respectfully, F. M. VVILCOXSON. Harry Graves of the hardware firm of Graves & Yost is making preparations to, manufacture a hay stacker that lie has had patented in both the United States and Canada. He has a model of same on exhibiton at H. L. Ferguson's shop, where the larger machines will be built this coming season. This machine is a great improvement over the old stacker and "will undoubtedly meet with the sale it justly deserve®,—Lamoni Chronicle. My heart and hand another claimed, Hi's plea had come too late. It's ever thus with people without pluck and vim, Take Rocky Mountain Tea,don't get left again. W. C. Stempel & Co. Mrs. Royal Richardson met with a very paintul accident last Thursday morning while performing her house hold duties. In walking across the room she caught her foot under the stove oil cloth,throwing her to the floor, falling on her hip which had been in jured some years ago by a colt knocking her down. For awhile the pain was very severe. She was confined to her bed until Tuesday when she was able to sit- lip.—Pleasanton 1 ndex. llesults. Immediate and lasting. Be fore and after trying other remedies use Rocky Mountain Tea tliii month. 'Twill beep you well nil summer. A great spring'blessing. W. C. Stempel & Co. JSffort js being made to establish a rural mail delivery route running north west from Linevilie to Pat Flynn's tesi dence in Pecatur county and coming back south and east to Mneville. Yant W&8son is circulating the petition. While this may be a grand, good thing for the farmers along tlje route, we ap prehend that it will be but a few rponths until the country newspapers, instead of building it up, will wis!) it had never started, as it will surely repult disas trously to them. We expect to have more to say on this subject in the future. —Wpeyille News. Puny children with weak constitutions can attain an unusual degree of bodily and mental vigor by taking Bocky Mountain Tea this month made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35c. W, C. Stem pel & CO, y. ..^ The oflices ot the Oren liuflcorn com pany will be removed from this city to Creston, la. The company controls three of the largest general stores in the state,the stores being located atWeldon, Creston and Promise City. The com pany is controlled by Des Moines men and this is the reason that they have held the offices in this city for the past few years. The company is figuring on placing another store in the ftefd, possi bly at itockyyell City. The company is in excellent condition and has proven one of the best money getters in the city. —Des Moines Capital*. Good Cough Mtdlclne for Children, 'I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlain's Cough Jiemedy," says F. P.' Moran, a well known and popular baker, of Petersburg, Va, "We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has always given per fect satisfaction. It was recommended to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine (or Tribune, One Year. nr •SO ,«.«4.00 S, 4.00 I K4.00 tO3.00 4.50 4JMI 4.50 3.5« 1.05 1.85 i.va1.30 1.3K 2.00 1.7.1 1.75 15.00 B.OO a.i 1.00 l.OO 1.00 2.00 N. 5.BO ff.BO 4.BO 3.15 K.UO SM 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.85 1.75 1.SO 2.50 4£^i:o» r^v «.o« .si l.BO 3 .BO 2.00 ai2B 1.00 l.OO l.OO, l.OO .50 .60 .«o .50 .SO .50 .50 1.50 1.85 1.65 1.65 1.85 1.50 1.65 f.05 l.OO 1.25 fa ... l.OO aA 1.00 ^1.25 l.OO 1.00 l.OO l.OO l.OO l.OO —1.00 l.BO 1.50 l.SO l.BO 1.00 tlje «Jjov6 -/publl:atlon» !n connection with [regui#r {Stipes, .. AUdree#, Tug New-Ypgk children as it contained no opium or other harmful drugs." Sold •by W. A. Alexander, druggist. S- Dead. At the home of bis brother John near Holden, Geo. Hall passed into the un known last Sunday morning. bout three weeks ago, ibe Sunday the dee snow fell, be left his home on Sand creel for big brother John's late in ttjje even ing, but the snow being so deep and being feeble, he fell in a snow drift near John's house and it was about nine o'clock at night before he could attract attention from any one. John beard bis calls and went to bis rescue and by the aid of neighbors and Chas. Bpargei with his sled, hauled him to the bouse where restoratives were administered He revived, ate a hearty supper prepared by Mrs, John Hall and was feeling very much better, during the night his legs began to swell and /everything yraa done to stop his Hutfering. M^djcal aid was called and tbe swelling reduced, but the cold he had contracted b&d penetrated the lungs, and Jung fever set in from which he died. Geo. Hall was born in Kngland and moved to America several years ago, and aettled with his wife on a farm north of town, where they lived until about three years ago when wife died be coming restless, he sold his farm 0°d returned to the old country, expecting to remain there tbe balance of his days. But time bad changed things there. They were not as be bad }eft (bem in his young days hence he returned to this country last fall. Tired of living from place to place, a few months ago be bought the J, If. HullinKer farm on Sand Creek and made it bis home, living alone. "Uncle George" as be was fa miliarly called, bad bis peculiarities, like other people. By some be vas called a miser and lived tbe life of tbe friendless. It is thought by many that he bad between $2,000 and $3,000 but $15 is all that can be located. But let his life be as it was, a soul has gone into the eternal world, where it shall be judged, Lf**u« draw tbe mantle of cbarity aero** the past of this poor old man as be was only human, and say peace to bjs sleeping body of clay. He leaves a brother, John #a}l, ^t whose home he died, a sister in England, and a widowed sister-in-law, Hra. Jane ftall near Boothtown.- His remains were buried Monday by the side of bis wife's in tbe Gammill cemetery north of Spring Valley.—Pleasanton Inde*. Twice Proven. ,j:': The editor of the Vindicator has bad occasion to test tbe efficacy of Cham berlain's Bain Balm twice witb the most remarkable results in each rase. Fust, witb rheumatism in tbe shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved witb two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant ben efit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with se vere pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbing with tbe liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by W. A. Alexan der, druggist. HI wgaatan Vttr. Haw Always Bttigiit 'Revivals" Pay? Opinion seems, tobe divided as to whether tbe Williams brand of revival results in permanent good—whether the results warrant the cost. It has been nearly a year now since the great reviv al was held in lied Oak, and we should be able to measure results by practical standards by this time. How many of the 600 and more converts are leading better lives than they led a year ago? How many have backslidden and are worse ofl than before? What churches are stronger financially because of the revival? Have the dead beats who got religion and the delinquents who had religion been more prompt in the pay ment of their bills? How many young ladies who agreed not to dance or play cards have kept their promise? Has it helped the ministers in their work? These are questions in which Ihe peo ple are interested. They spent three weeks or more working for tbe cause of religion and several thousands of dollars. What practical good has resulted? Has tbe revival been worth all it cost? Tbe Express would be glad to have an ex pression on this "Subject from citizens of Red Oak, Tell us what' you think of tbe revival as viewed retrospectively at EI distance of nearly a year of time. We are not making this proposition to dis parage Mr. Williams' work, but to find out, if possible, what practical good has resulted, so that tbe people may know whether revivals of this character ought to be encouraged.—Bed Oak Express. Tbe Red Oak Express is green enough to ask: "Do Revivals Pay?" Why, you poor Montgomery county sinner, you ought to be ashamed of your ignorance. Pay? Why, yes, of course they pay. 'Billy" Sunday, the former baseball player, closed a meeting at Afton the other day witb 300 "accessions" and $800 in "Billy's" collection. Didn't that pay, you 'soitfid worldling? And Evangelist -Williams, of Iowa, is report ed to have closed a meeting in Kansas the other day where be carried away $1,COO! Didn't that pay, you miserable unregenerate interrogation point? Cite us to a revival that ever loBt money. Do they pay? Why, if that crank at Red Oak don't quit asking such fool ques tions, we'll cut him ofl our exchange list and leave him groping in the outer dark ness! There are towns in Iowa so ad dicted to the revival habit that they will pay an evangelist more cash for a three weeks' stand than they pay their hard-working pastor for a year's work. And then to think that an unregenerate journalistic bullfrog down on tbe banks of the $i8hnabotna river will raise a croak find ask:"Po Revivals Pay?" That's easy, (.et us give the Red Oak Exchange one that will interest it:"Does Pastoral Work pay -rgoiqg in all kinds of weather to preach to the living, to bury the dead, to marry the young, to visit tbe old, to cheer the sick, to help the needy, flfty-tWb weeks in the year, while tbe traveling evangelist gets the glad hand 3&d all the pie?" This is tbe real question of tbe day. I^et tbe Red Oak sheet wrestle with this and give us the result of its deliberations.—Knox vilje Express. Volcanic Eruptions are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buckien's Arnica Salve, cures tb'em also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped bands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by L. Van Werden, druggist. Policing Things. We are requested to publish the iol lowing very sensible article taker) froip the Emporia (Kas.) Gazette Last night' there was a big tpi?ed dance in town. At tbe opening there were all kinds of people present—tbe oW croird and the yonng crowd, and the nortb encjers and tb# south enders and tbe trundle bed iF&sh and tbe [))t)sh and milk brigade, and & few delegates from tbe kitchen sweats, and officers o) the biscuit artillery, and others classified and unclassified. At eleven or balf'past, tbe girls who travel in tbe palms and ferns and atnilax and chrysanthemum setB, north of the trocba, went home. It was Jate enough and a good phce to go The otbeps stayed. They wanted to get their money's worth, lu half an hour tbe ypung men, vbo tpo^ the more par ticular girls home, ca^ie bap^ to tbe chance and danced yritn the girls who jstayed and With \yboiD they wotjld not bay^ t^een ^een (lancfng by their part ners early in t^e evenjng for a pretty penny. Afao these boys—vl?9 are Now why? Why 4o these boys treat these youag women ao disrespectfully? Wbv do tbe boys play horse before these girls and walk a chalk line betore tbe other girls? It is not a matter of caojiey. Tbe parents of tbe girls, who go intp what is cafled the best society in (his tpyn ar^ not ^11 fairfy well to do. Their fatb^fs wQTk ior a liy^ng an.cjl often a meager living., jbeir tpotherg keep boarders and soine of tbe girjs them selves wbo move in tbe best set, are working girls, wbo get no more money and do no meaner work than tbe girls jvho let the boys wool them over in the second b$nd dance. Yet why do the boys do jtf? flie Gazette is going tg a)k pjai^ to tbese girls, because no one else aeefns to be doing so. Tbe fact of tbe business is this, tf)at a girl makes her place in so cietyi she 49*81? njake it by n^oney she doesn't make ft by tbe gt^ncjling her parents have: she doesn't ma|ip fp by her residence she makes it by {tbe way ebp "bofds h,erself." ^f she gtgndB the sort of tbing these girls stood J^st night, sbe is counted tb#|t sprt pf a girl—and you know exactly what tbat sort of a girl i*. A girl is wbat sbe makes her self. Bbe commands as mucb respept she demands. And whatever loss of self respect sbe suffers she loses in tbe respect of others. Tbe Gazette admires these girls, who work and who feel tbat tbejr have to tak,e these insults from the snippy boys, {tot the Gazette also wishes these young wopen yp,uld learn a little sense—a little social sepse, £be jQiazett'e-would like to see them m^ke theim^y09 a little Jess common, tfo one mak/9B tbje gjrl com mon bnt the girl herself. 4nd girls who stand the E^nd of treatment the girls etood last ntgbt, the girls wbo f}irt with traveling men, the girls who are free witb their favors, get Just exactly what they bargain for tbe disrespect of tbe community that is ever so hard, to regain.' Mothers ought to tell their daughters these things—probably many mothers do. But the iprls think their mothers are "slow tha,t they are oldfasbioned that they never want a girl to have 'a good time. The truth is the mothers know what a pup the average young man is, Tbe mothers have been through the milL They have seen other girls ground into the grist of bell, hy this mill and the mothers who are wise fear wisely Why won't daughters learn some sense, and have a little self-respect? This is plain talk. But the facts prove that it is needed. You should not feel tired air the time —healthy people don't—you won't if you take-Hood's Sareaparilla for awhile. "INCURABLE" HEART DISEASE SOON CURED! Vr: By Che Great Specialist In Treating Weak and Diseased Hearts, Fraklin Miles, M. P., LL. B. Will Send $2.50 Worth of His Spec ial Treatment Free as a Trial.. To demonstrate tbe unsual curative powders .of his new and complete special treatments by mail for heart disease, short breath, pain in the side, oppres sion in the chest, irregular pulse, palpi tation, smothering spells, puffing of the ankles, or dropsy, Dr. Miles will send two dollars and a half worth free as a trial, to all who mention this paper. His treatments are the result of twenty-five years of careful study, ex tensive research, and remarkable exper ience in treating the various ailments Of the heart, stomach, and nerves, which so often complicate bach case. So aston ishing are the results of his complete special treatment that be does not hesi tate to offer all persons a trial free. Nothing could be more generous. Few physicians have such confidence in their remedies. There is no reason wbv every afflicted person should not avail themselves of this exceedingly liberal offer, as they may never have' another such opportunity-. No death comes as suddenly as that from heart disease. Mrs. A Kronok, of Huntington, Ind., was cured after thirty physiotuns failed Mrs. FloraGraetor. of UristolvlUe, O., after twen ty-two James R. Waite, the noted actor, after a score had pronounced him incurable: Mrs Frank Smith, of Chloago, after Ave leading ihysioians had given her up Mr. Julius Keis ter, of* Chicago, after ten Mrs. R. Parliar after sixteen failed. A thousand testimonials to, ai.d testimon ials from, bishops, clergymen, bankers, far mers and tlielr wives will-be sent free upon request. Send at once to Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B., 209 State St., Chicago, III., for trial treatment before it is too late. 26 3t. Two Good Styles ARMOR PLATE OUR PRIDE stockings for Children. Strongly Reinforced. Made of the best yam money can buy. Dyed with a dye which preserves the fabric. This Stamp On Every P»ir- 1AST HAWK'!'KNIT COLOR' SOLO BY DEALERS, Dot Moines Hosiery Mills, flanfrs. Oca Molncf. la. NOTICE OP FINAL REPORT. In Mio District Court of Iowa, In ana for De catur couniy. In tbe estate ot J. G. Duff, deccaseu To Thpmas B. Duft and Jobn C. Duff: ""r undersign ewtate of J. a ufuiuo a-». j^u auu CJ wuu t/ You'are hereby notified l)iat tbe ed J. F. Dutf, aqa)ir|istratqr ot tle dd county, and ask torUs approval am) ... sparge from further dijty or responsi bility therein, and that said report and appli cation tor discharge will come on tor lie art ng ihe l«th day of Marc)}, A. D. 'Ifltfi, ,at \yl}icl) tipie i^nd plaoe you can appear and show cause if npy you flaye, ^Uy said flnal report snould i^ot be approved and tlje undersigned discharged-frpnl any farther duty or resnonsl ela bility tUereli J. Dbj?p. 3ives Adm. Est. of if. G. Dull tjecfctjsefl ORIGINAL KOFICB. In tbe District Court or Decatur County. Iowa, January term A. D. 1001. L. A. Brown, administrator, of cstale of Hulda E. Standefer deoeased, plaintiff, against James R. Standefer, Mary A. Claver. J. M. Claver. Jessie Walker, Roy Purvis, Irvin Pur vis, Cora Purvis, J. H, 8'andefer, and Mrs. H. 'Standefer big wife, defendants. To said defendant's.' You are hereby notified that not doing tbe manly nor decent sopwi thing =^laijgbpd at tbe girls in privatp ^nd took Jittte pijp.-like liberties vyitb them in dancing tbat neither rpspeptfijl to tbe girls, nor tb^' i^meangr ,of gentle men. ?alkg anrfCpra 1 and A, .1 QP or before the 8th day of January, A. D.1901, tijero" will be on file in (he ofnee ot Ibe clerk of tbe Dis trict Coyrt of Decttur County, lowa, ttie pe tition of th6.plaintiff aforesaid, claiming that hp is thp oynerof undivided 11rO0' of lots two and t^reo In ulqcU s' town of Davis pity. Mulrs addition to the ,jir dbunty,' tpwd undiyid 1-18. urvfs jsach own an' ftlntlff aslfS tbat'^fe'said be' partition, ana sold and for Konpral e(iuitat|1e relief. For further partipujars spe petition, yoi} arc also notified tbat unless ypU appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the term of said District Court, ot Decatur County, to bo held on the 18th day of Marob, A. D. 1901, a default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon. U. W. HOFFMAN. Attorney for plaintiff •A _CHICHESTER,8 CNGUSH KED aal CMd inetaUlo- (wzm. 3 with blue ribbon. Take no other. Bcftuo I Duiertu SitntltatlMiiiBi Inltt* tlonm Bny of yonr OrueriM. er aend 4e. ta •tuBpi fcr PartieuUrii Tftttwiliill *ad ^Rctl«r te iSSTSnS tam Malt 10,006 TwtiawniaU. Soldbj W pni«|Uu. (JhlekMtor Ckealul Oai jftalfaw Park# FUlLi., PV HAIRRBAL8^M IClM&ie. ani bewtlflM"thrtulr.I Irromote# a Inxoriant growth latm nUifo Bestore O youthful CoT Pboic.e hayd yripter seed wheat for salp mileg poptheast of Woodland. MIKEGEOGAX. 11R BASHAW!) Tewelrv. O I S a Watches, Clocks, Chinaware, V.H, High Grade Imported and Domestic Stock for Sale at Lowest Prices. We invite an inspection of our stock and prices F. D. CLOSE, LEON, IOWA Ranches Farms And improved lands in Iovra, Kansas Nebraska and South Dakota for sale and exchange. 1 have some bargains and can save you both time and money. Write your wants fully and address. ISAAC MULHOLLAND, Land and Immigration Agent, Malvern,. Mills County, Iowa. ]. A.Harris&Bros I Manufacturers of and I Dealers in Harlile ui Qraniic LEON, IOWA We carry a magnificent line of mono nients. Tbe workmansbip is unexcelled and material used first-class. We buy our. stock in .car load lots direct from the quaries ip the east, thereby enabling us to make JBBTTEXt PRICES than firms buying-in small quantities Our business is run strictly on a first class basis and we GV-&HJLIT TBS3B work to give perfect satisfaction q" HE. Books, ipgfjl Stationary Toys, Etc. Remember the place BASHAW. Jeweler and Bookseller. ••••••••••••••••••••••••a* J. A. HARRIS & BROS. JOHN A. STOUT Livery Feed and Sale Stable. Fresh Teams! "V-New Rigs! Special atttention given to commercial *qen. your patron age solicited. phone 20. j0hn a. Stout. HORSRS WANTFP. Will be fft te'op every SATURDAY. Bring your.borses in earfy as 1 ship in the afternoon. I G. $. PAUGHERTY. Fqr Oklahotna real estate, write or c. B. ca 11 pn It i^asy tell when you? nerve-forcelga JI04 yita| power are flipping awa^ froinSM fon. your day^s woyij leaves yon^-' weary and e^hauste4 when Dr. Miles the Jordan. yqu nerFO^s, iryitablp sleepless that tortured nerves a rest, -helps them regaifi^ their speedy remedy for nervous troubles SoM bf ail dttfggists on a guarantee* J1r. Miles •$Y r* vv.x .v IAYTON, I Enid, p. T. are 30" pights are passed restless tossing wlieuj^ you get up i» the morning witU no appeal iite for breakfq,gt, JWid'gO around all dayHsg with ft headaches you m^y be sure youi^^" nervous strength is being used up than it is being renewed. yo'ir Physician and targMB. Office Phone 7. Resldei oe phone 7. FRED Jeweler and $ 5 Bookseller. ••••••••••••••••••••••••a* Headquarters lop A. BOWMAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office phone 7. Residence phone 89. Office with Dr. Layton. Office hours 9 to 12—1 to 4—7 t« 8. A•Brown, A Physician And Surgeon OFFICE IN WARNER'S BLOCK. R. McAllaster, Physican and~5iirgcon ffice over W. P. Clark A Co.'s Btore ''iiyr F. VR. Dr. Waight, Physician and Surgeon*' LEON, IOWA. Bpeolal study and attention ilven to th* treatment of Chronio DUeaaea. OMeo van Warden's drug stora. OFFICE I" Vs. MoGinnln, ?. Lawyer. flnaeeaaor to Carry MoGrtanla OFFICE IN RAY'8 BLOCK. J. W. Rowell. Dentist. OFFICE IN LONG'S BLOCK. D. R. Dudley, Dentist. GARDEN GROVE, IOWA. 1st Door East of Post Office, Tt|ARlON F. STOOKEY, Law1 Mary B. Hidy, plaintiff, against .. S. j. Keeran, et al,. defendants To said defendants: -7^ er. LONG'S BLOCK IN W. 11. AI/BAl'Gll. Lawyer.. Oflice over Alexander's Drug Store. THE RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY vmi Made a Well Man 0f Me. a-axiAT pubn'OI prodaces the above results tn'30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail, goung men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores NercouB Bess, LoBt Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Uoat Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and 11 effects ot self-abuse or excess and indiscretion, ffhloh unfits one for study, bnBiness or marriage. It not only oures by starting at the seat of disease, but 18 a great nerve tonle and blood bcllder, bring* (ng baek the pink glow to pale cheeks and re* itorlng the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail. •l.OO per package, or six for SS.OO, with a posi tive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address HOYAl MEDICINE For sale by W. C. Svimpel &. Co. ORIGINAL NOTICE. In the district court, of Decntur couniy, Iowa, Murch term, 1901. Nellie L. Kmlnlcli. plaintin against Kraerlc A. Railiiich^derendan I. To 8iiId defendant: You me lierthy notiflnl Il)al lliere is now on file in ttie otllce ol tlie oleik of the district court of Decatur conn ly. Iowa, the petition of the plaintiff aforesaid as It Ins that she ue granted a divorce from the bonds of matri mony on Die grounds of desertion and cruol and Inhuman treatment. Nee pollution lor full particulars. The plainilfrspot-tofflce ad dress is and hH.s been at Davis Oily for the pa«t-2years. You arealt.o notified thai unless ap pear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the term of said district court of Decatur countv. to be held on the I8M1 dny of March, A. 1). 1901. a default will be entered against you and decree rendered thereon. -V- FRANK J. HOKTON. 25-^t Attorney for Plaintiff. ORIGINAL NQTIC13. Intbo District court or Decatii county, Iowa. March term A. 1!|0I. A. P. Keerari, OUie Ivecran, Cly4o Keeran, Thomas Keeran, Milton Iieeran and run It Keean. You are hereby notified that there is now on Ble in the office of the clerk of the District couit ol Decatur ciunly. Iowa, the petition of the plaintiff aioresaid, claiming of you the partition and sale if the same cannot he di vided of the following real property to-wit, Block twenty, in the town of VVeldon. Dnoa tur county. Iowa, in which plaintiff has an un divided one-twelfth interest ihat defendant A. P. Keeran is ihc widow John W Keeran deceased, and the defendants Ollie Keeran, Clyde Keeran. Thomas Iveoran, Milton Kee ran and Frank ICeeran, and the children of John W. Keeran deceased, are the heirs of said John W. Keeran each have an undivided one seventy-second interest in the above de scribed real estate all of which is more fully set out in said petition. You are also notified that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the term of said District dourt of Decatur county, to' be held on the 18th day of March, A. D. )01, 'a default will be entered against you and judg-' ment rendered tlicreon. MAHION ,i "I was troubled a great deai with nerv ousness and headache. The least exertion ivould cause a dreadful pain hi the head and when I became excited I would lose gntirp controj of iny nerves. lived iij that misery fqr ten years, failing to ge| relief until I began using Dr. Miles' Nerv ine. Within a week my friends were re jnarking hp\y niuph better looked, an.4 ^§QO{I after found my health rpstpred." MRS, LOUIS ELG, Idafio **1 vvqoDAnn, 25 11. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice. To the qualified electors of the toiyn of Lein. Decatur county, lowa: Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to a resolution passed by the Town council of the town of Leon, Iowa, »t a special meeting pull ed for that purpose on the 2ith day of Kebru* ary, 100!, in which it was ordered and directed that the following proposition be submitted to the legal voters of tbe town of Leon. Iowa, to be voted on at the general election to be held at Leon, lowa, on the Sot.h day of March, 19'J1 said proposition being as follows: Shall bonds be issued in the sum of not to exceed four thousand dollars to be of dirndl sion of not less than one hundred or more than one thousand dollars, to matuie in not more than twenty years, and to draw interest at not more than four per cent per annum payable semi annually, the proceeds thereof'ti) be used for the purpose ot laying' mains atifl procuring the necessary machinery and mater1 Ial to pump water from the town well at a place known as "The Old Brick Mill You are further untitled that said proposi tion will be placed upon the Official Ballot 'at the town election to be held'in the town of Leon, Iowa, on the 25th day of March. iMl. wit" The clector who favors auth proposition -will 5 poses the said irop6sitioft wlil 'so designate his vote by across in the square opposite the word "No." 4 By order of Town Council. Witness my hand this the 26th day qf Febriir ary. 1901. MABJOf wootAHD. Mayov. Attes{, HAui'.y J. VOQT. Olerjt Pro. Tpqf). Paljp. Idahq, .. *}.*. tone and it *T steadiness, and of every kind. I