Newspaper Page Text
•mm®t A 12 Pages Phone 22. ESTABLISHED 1854, THE LEON REPORTER O. E. HULL, Publisher. •, ijitS LEON, IOWA Subscription Rates: One year fl.60 81* months 75 Throe months 40 Entered as second class matter at the Leon, Iowa,Postofflce. Advertising Rates. Yoarlv advertisers 8 cents per inch per issue Occasional advertisers 10 cenls per inch per issue. Locals cents per line each insertion Locals set in black face lype 10 cents per line each insertion. Legal advertising at legal rates. Church and other notices where an admis ion fee is chdrged, will be charged for at the ale of 5 cents per line. The Centerville Iowegian, one of the leading republican papers in the state says: "The unprecedented Cummins boom that is sweeping over the state is simply a revolt from the power that has dictated nominations in the past. It is possible that some of the effects of this revolt may be wiutered over and make a showing in the next year's politics." YVfiat wlll become of our while people who go to the Philippines? It was the witty liigersol who said that the de scendants of New England preachers and Yankee schoolma'ms who settled there would in the third generation be tiding bareback to the Sunday cock tights. Let us hope that we shall pull the Filipinos up and not be pulled down by them. The Baltimore News points out the effect of consolidation. President Schwab is said to be making out a list of the steel mills that are to be closed owing to consolidation. The increased facilities and economies secured by com bination may reduce the price to the consumer in time. But it will have to "be very materially reduced to get with in the purchasing power of the people "V Twlio have been thrown out of work. Wk Northwestern Association of Plow Man ufacturers met and concluded, in view of the prices of agricultural products, that the farmers ought to be made to pity more for their implements. And action to this effect-will accordingly be taken. Still it is maintained by many people that combinations do not bring higher prices. *, In New York the state department of health has requested all the local health boards to make a list of the per sons afflicted with consumption in their respective communities, the purpose being to learn in what parts the disease is most prevalent and the conditions under which it exists. There will be no little difficulty in -getting the required information. Recently medical men have urged a system' of sanitary- inspec tion and-even the isolation of consump tives^rid most patient! will' fear that if they shall confess to the .disease they may be subjected to great annoyance. 1 The Springfield Republican, one of the most conservative journals in the coun try. declares, in speaking of Jthe insular cifoes, that the fact cannot escape atten tion that through the comment on the decisions, legal and otherwise, there runs a note of amazement and depreci ative criticism, and this is true of opin ion on the side of the ail ministration as well as of opinion opposed to it. The "8in»!ul(ir cross divisions of the court by which the result was reached, and the entire absence of any clear, united and commanding argument leading up to the result, do not and cannot serve to' enhance the public respect for this great tribunal. Since the days of John Mar shall, whose masterly character and luminous mind and exalted purpose never once bent to the political needs of the other departments of the govern ment, or the demands of class interest, there has been retrogression in the power and dignity of the court." ——. 'j \r •3 iglt is not generally known, but it is a fact that John Murry Dowie, for more than a year a resident of Essex, is the father of Jtfhn Alexander Dowie, the notorious fake divine healer of the Chi ca^i Zion, who wa,s recently indicted on Jiarge of causing the death of a an. The father was formerly as ited with his son but his Scotch |tyterian principles were so often that he finally gave up in dis and bis son kicked him out. He Dt entirely, friendless, however, 'March 28 he was united in mar ine with Mrs. North, a wealthy widow Residing at Essex, who ha'd taken up gith the Zion crowd. She was shrewd lough, however, not to let loose of her |operty. They removed at once to psex where they are now highly re fccted members of the M._ E. church Dowie is reraefcenteJl as being a old man wttb perfectly egpsibje p.—Red Oak LAureus. THE GUBERNATORIAL SCORE. Thirty-nine republican county co'nven tions have now been held, and 688 out of the 1,641 delegates who will sit in the Cedar Rapids convention are selected. According to the best information the, distribution on fiist ballot among the several candidates of the delegates thus far selected is as follows: For Cummins, instructed— Boone :... Buena Vista Carroll Dallas Dickinson Hancock 12 Ida 9 Kossuth 17 Lyon Plymouth Polk Poweshiek Sac .. 9 15 64 15 Sioux 16 $tory 21 Winnebago.. 11 Woodbury 36 For Cummins, uninstructed— Grundy 11 Humbodlt ... 12 Marshall 25 O'Brien 13 Total for Cummius 378 For Harriman, instructed— Bremer 12 Butler 16 Dubuque 26 Harriman, uninstructed— Hardin 20 Blackhawk 26 Total for Harriman Herriott, instructed— Guthrie :... Cass Montgomery 99 15 17 16 48 Total for Herriott For Trewin— Linn 40 For Conger, instructed— Madison 14 Uninstructed— Adamp Appanoose Clarke Fremont P#f?e & An association of western furniture ^manufacturers inetat Chicago last week i&Jpk-and decided to ad yance prices 10 per cent. At the same time and place the TotafZI"! 1^33: No conveutions thus far 10 19 10 12 18 15 13 ••vi Taylor............. ., Union .... .. 12 109 have been held in either the First, Second or Fourth districts. In the Third district conventions haye been held in five out of the nine counties in the Fifth dis trict conventions have been held in three out of the seyen counties in the Sixth district but one convention hat been held—in Poweshiek county: in the Seventh district all the counties have held conventions except Marion and Warren in the Eighth district, out of the eleyeo.counties, eight have held con ventions in the Ninth district conven tions have been held in three out of the' nine counties in the Tenth conventions have been held in,six out of fourteen counties in the Eleventh conventions have been held in all the counties ex cept Cherokee, Monona and Osceola. Congressman Boutelle's belief that both Canada and Cuba will eventually be annexed by the United States is not a new thought. It was forseen a long time ago, and frequently commented On. IN CUBA where it is hot all the year round' [Scott's Emulsion! sells better than any where ebe in the world. So don't stop taking it in summer, or you wUI lose1 what you have gained. Send for a free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemiuls. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York, sac, and Si.00: all druggists. It's Drinking Tiir,«s. Don't wait uutil you're thirsty. Thirst isn't'neces sary for the, enjoyment of our soda.''7.-Extra good soda is good any time. There's satisfaction enough in its deliciousness. mi Our soda isn't ordinary soda—it isn't made from ordinary materials. It's the kind of soda that that requires the best grade of fountain supplies, lota of ice, skill aud conscience in the making. It's the kind that aftords little profit and makes friends. Time is-extended on free soda cards until June 15th., W. E. MYERS. .Druggist. •'*WVWV»%IW»WWW»VWW IOWA AMP THE CENSUS. The official census figures have been given out and they show 76,203,387 per sons, inclusive of Alaska, Hawaii, In dian Territory and the Indian reserva tions. The increase in population from 1890 to 1900 was 20.7 per cent. Iowa's population is 2,231,853, ranking tenth in population among the states. The following table shows the population of Iowa in the various census years: 1840 43,112 1S50 192,214. 1860 674,913 1870 1,194,020 1880 1,624,615 18&0 1,911,896 1900 2,231,853 The following is the increase in popu lation and the per cent for the seyeral periods: Increase. PerCent. 1830 to 1840 43,112 1840 to 1850 149,102 1850 to 1860 482,699 1860 to 1870 519,107 1870 to 1880 430,595 1880 to 1890 287,281 1890 to 1900 319,572 These figures are not wholly satisfac tory to Iowans,—especially to those who associate all progrebs with increase in population and who regard a decrease^: implying a stagnatioa^ra!bfeiMt able. Yet the plain facts of contempor ary Iowa life imply probably not as great an increase of population during the next ten years as there baa been during the last ten years. Unless there is a change in Iowa industrial conditions, by developments of which there is now slight sign, the population balance sheet for 1900 is not likely to present as good a record of increase as the one of 1900. Iowa is now well out of its sensitive salad days and these things can be said without encountering accusation of lack of proper slate pride and aflection As has been said before, Iowa is chiefly an agricultural state. There is nothing,in the present state of agricul ture to indicate that a much larger num ber of persons will be employed in the fields in ten years than now. On the contrary, with the improvements in labor-saving devices, a process which is not yet complete, it is likely that it will not take as many units of labor to raise a bushel of corn in 1911 as in 1901. In fruit, in intensive farming, in market gardening we are likely to haye some increase in agricultural population, but probably not much. 80 LEON, IOWA, THURSDAlr, JUNE ill 345.8 251.1 176.9 36.1 17.7 •to*' V. number of The following shows the inhabitants to the square mile in each of the states forming the north central division. Ohio.. -v .... 102.0 Indiana 70.1 Illinois 86.1 Michigan 42.2 Wisconsin 38 0 Minnesota 22.1 Iowa •.*&'. 40.2 Missouri 45.2 North Dakota 4.5 South Dakota 5.2 Nebraska 13.9 Kansas 18.0 These three tables are worthy of study. It will be observed that Iowa's increase in population in the last (en years was 16.7 per cent, whereas the in crease for the entire country was 20.7 percent. Again it will be observed the rate of increase in the Iowa population was smaller in 1890 1900 than during any previous decade. The number of inhabitants per square mile, however, has increased to 40.2. much for the country proper. What of the townB? It is obvious that they can expect growth only in one way, and that is the development of manufacturing indus tries. There are now about as many lawyers, doctors, insurance men, store keepers, traveling men etc., as will be needed, and if Others crowd in it will mean that some one will be crowded out. It is only in recruiting the tin bucket brigade that Iowa and Iowa towns and cities can really hope to grow. We have reached practically the limit of growth so far as the growth is depend ent on agriculture and the things first related to! it. Iowa has coal, Iowa has capital, Iowa has material out of which the most skilled labor can be made. Iowa is close at least to the matket of her own people, and has an equal chance with others in supplying manufactured articles to the far west. The point which remains to be demonstrated, is whether Iowa capital is willing to back Iowa manufacturing enterprises.—Des Moines Leader. •1^ The Mt. Pleasant News ejaculates: "Well Bftyl is not that man Gammina getting a little frisky? He has had the audacity to invade the sacred precincts of the first district, a district that in politics has for twenty years been a unit on everything good, bad and in different, and has actually, has this man CumminB, carried the first primary held in the district. Cotter township of Louisa county instructed its delegates to the county ..convention to vote for Cummins. Now this is getting close enough home to become interesting news." There are hundreds of Iowa republi' cans who would give a w(hole lot to know which of the candidates fa going to posses ths band wagon,'so that they might climb in early. MsottaVtfft* BawaU Wltk OaMaNtk iS'lSP °.ur8 constipation forever. HC. q, Ptbgli Arujf tatjpif una (MM* BOTH dESIGNATIONS ABE RE FUSED. GovernorMcSweefley gives Tillman 1 and McLaurln Time to THlnk Jhe Situation Over.f Governor McSweeny has rejected the resignation of Senators Tillman and McLaurin to give them-time to consider their action. In returning the resignation of Sena tors Tillman and McLaurin, Governor McSweeney, in part, whites: "1 respectfully return ypiir r|iigna tions that you may-hive time tik seri ous consideration of the eflr«cts t^on the people of this state of this action on your part. The commission* which you hold is the highest compliment and. tes timonial which the people Of the state can pay to one ot its citizens., It is pos sible that you have taken this stipp has tily in the heart of debate and: without due rellections of the consequences to the people who have so signally honor ed you." '"It was only last year that our people had the excitement and turmbil incident to a campaign and in another year we will be in the midst of further political strife. The people are entitled to one year of peace and freedom from po litical battles and bitterness. The indi cations are that a campaign such as would be precipitated by vacanies in these two exalted positions would be a very acrimonious one and personal rather than a contest of issues, aiid from such a canvass our people should be spared. In fact it wonld be a calamity to the state to be torn assunder by a heated canvass in this 'ofi year' in poli tics. There can be no possible good to come from it|^£ "It is not my purpose in thus writing to prevent the fullest and freest discus sion of all public questious and the edu cation of the people along all political lines. On the contrary, 1 heartily favor that and believe it can be best accom plished without the bitterness and the personalities which would be iqseparable from a campaign during the coming summer. "Holding these views and looking to the "interests of the people ofi the state— their peace, prosperity and happiness, I respectfully decline to accept your re signations and beg to return them here with.'^ The president's thinl term boom has been fairly launched and until he sees fit to deny that he wants a third term, the presumption is that he wants it. Buy RUBS' Bleaching Blue at Caster's. .'./C Underwear! Shoes! Scotch Lawns abso ly Fast Colors Only 5c. I'JW $ $ There is but one place for 1901. spp RIGHT AND SAFETY. course. It is reasonably certain, of that the United States Supreme Court will in October render a decision in the pending Philippine tariff case which will uphold ,#s did the Porto Rican decisions, the right of Congress and the adminis tration to deal at discretion with our subject peoples. There is now no basis for a belief that American institutions will be allowed to secure the peoples of the Philippines or of Portu Rico in their citizenship rights. It is plain that'they are to be regarded and governed as inferior and dependent peoples, entitled only to such considera tion as we may think proper, certain only, as were the American Indians, of wrong treatment, of carpetbag despoli ation, ot final extermination. It is clear to all consistent Americans that, if we propose to maintain in hon esty what may just now be termed the pretense of American regard for the rights of man, and especially for those of men liying as citieens under our own Hag, a constitutional amendment cover ing the case of the Philippines and Porto ltico is absolutely necessary. The American Constitution must be made to reach the people of those islands and shield them in certain of their rights. It must not be possible for an American President, cpntrolling an American Con gress through patronage, to govern col onies with even a higher band than is possible to any crowned bead of Europe. It is dangerous—even more dangerous to ourselves than to the peoples whom we may thus wrong.—St. Louis Repub lic. If-'popular government be not yet a failure and if the transformation of the republic be only begun, then the people may yet express their will through con gress and amend their constitution by the action of congress and the state leg islatures so that not evert tbe supreme court can mistake its mandates, or by misinterpretation make the country a "judge governed" one instead of one governed by the popular will.—Buffalo Cou r. The constitution up to Monday, May the twenty«seveilith of the, twentieth century's flrs^ yejr, was, thj supreme and inviolable law of the "land. $ow tbe eupfetB^laiw m'the will' oF' a Con grass which can beras it has been lor four years, controlled by the executive branch of the government itself govern ed and directed by a close combination of capitalists and monopolists.—Wash ington Times. Ladles' Fancy Vests 5c 6ood line of ladles' shoes ....... 50c Ladles' Tape Neck Vests .... 61c Ladles' tan, Strap Oxfords.... $1.00 Men's Balbrlggan 25c Children's red lace shoes Child's Nazareth Waists all 2 to 5 ... 50c sizes -15c Child's 6 to 8 75c Ladles' Vesting Top Oxfords Patent Leather Quarter.. 75c Zephyr Dimities at the Low Price of L/VDIFS' SHrOES Sfoe?*°,r Our stock of Plow price from p? Of oil i* 1 gallon can of apricots 1 gallon can of peaches 1 gallon can of apples 31b can No. & 1 $ 3* 'Phone 42 everybody is looking for. We are make this store a place where you can save that almight dollarS and you know a dollar saved is a dollar earned. We want you to come here and inspect ouiv^ S29_®ilearn our pnees. We know that we can please you, both In prjeeand quality of goods.% This store is headquarters for almost everything you want to buy, and we assure you that we* ask smaller prices for good goods than elsewhere. FINE LINE OF WASH GOODS. 1 WM.WOODARD, JAMES CRESWELL, E a President. Vice President. Owns 3,800 acres ofTand In Decati ties amounting to over taOO.f time deposits- WM. WOODAKD, C. BRAZELTON, W. H. COLTER. FINE SHOES! 0 L. Douglass shoes are just what you want, AA 4.^ cfcO CA 1 Patent Leathers for TO vpO.OU They are very stylish, just the thing for this season's wear, shoes is complete. They range in $1.00 HIt will pay you to investigate this stock bofore buying as we can save you money. -4' Come To-Day, Come To-Morrow, Come anytime, but do come and see these shoes for yourselves* Best repair Decatur county. Bring work to our store. "Sr^K' ef'M REPORTER SERIES fOL. X, 'VI. NO.12 Canned Fruits! I table peaches 21b can raspberries 21b can blackberries 2 cans white cherrries 25c 2 packages Lion 4x coffee 2bc Try our Tone Bros. Coffee p? Once Used, Always Used, pound" Ice Tea Season! ili We can save you mone ft ft »s amiiiiinniiminiiiHHiiimiiimiHinnuHiiiiiiiimiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiitiiiii Ladies' Parasols! Laces, Embroid eries, and Insertions! 26 inch Gloria Silk, Steel rod Paragon Frame 89c Fast Black Serge Cover, Steel Rod 75c. Fast Black Sateen Covers, Steel Rod goc Qi "alcyon Batiste in Andita Corded Batiste 83C the Popular Shades 10c in Popular Shades 15c HIVE y°u wa°t V(om®n ourfeet, ybur fancy and they look it. They are made in the very latest styles. *J Tu- 12 Pages ^5 /v: A Phone 22. :35c 3oe 25c l()c lc 10c and give you the best goods. Our line,of uncolored Japans, Young Hyson, Imperials and Gun Powders are complete. Original Cream Flour -$1.00. FULTON & M/VNNING. WM. A. GARRETT & CO. PKOPRIETORS^OF Grand River Nursery, Albany, Mo AND Leon Home Nursery, Leon, la Will have in a full line of firat-claHS nursery inspection aud spring trade at Leon Home Nursery this spring. Come and see us and select some good stock at reasonable prices. 27-tf ll Free Delivery. stock for & your W.TOWNSEND, 1 Cashier. rnte.^st pa JAMES CKESWELL, J. HENRY HILL 5 C. M. CORRINGTON, JOSIAH HAMILTON. F. A. & F. 8. GARDNER. 10. W. TOWNKEND. 2 Finest line and lowest prices. ICent per yard and up. at the right price tO $2.00 iKr- 1 -TF-J *41 Mi -TSfcif