I KyS lKi* 10 PAGES J|C il|ESTABLISHED 1864. iwsf DECORATION IS SUNDAi Services will be Held at the M. E. Church Sunday Afternoon, May 30th, at 2 O'clock. Decoration day will be observed on Sunday, May 3 0th, the sermon and *t program being held at 2 o'clock at the M. E. church, after which the soldiers and citizens will proceed to the cemetery to decorate the graves of «the departed soldiers, who are buried in the Leon cemetery. All service men are urged to meet at the court house Sunday afternoon, at 1:45 in full uniform to attend Decoration Day services at tlie Al. E. church going from there to the cemetery to decorate the soldier graves. The following is a list of the sol diers buried in the Leon cemetery: Capt. A. J. Allen, Co. B, 19th Iowa Inf. Asahel Allen, Co. I, 91st N. Y. Int. Isaac Blunt, Co. B, ISth Iowa Inf. W. A. Brown, Co. L, 3rd Iowa Cav. Samuel Burnison, Co. B, 43rd Ohio Inf. John Bennett, Co. G, 33 rd Mis souri Inf. Joseph C. Boyer, Co. B, 16tli Iowa Inf. L. M. Bright, Co. K, 7th Mo. S. M. Creed Bobbitt, Co. C, 5th Kansas Cav. J. P. Bobbitt, Co. C, 9th Iowa Cav. Wheeler Boyer, Co. M, 159th Inf. H. Burns Co. D, 4th Iowa Inf. D. T. Black, Illinois Inf. Samuel Benefiel, Mexican war. F. F. Bedier, Co. G, 1st Mo. Inf. C. W. Beck, Co. C, 5th Kan. Cav. J. C. Bullard, Co. H, 102nd 111. Inf. John D. Betliards, 8th Ohio Cav. Abel E. Chase, serg., Co. D, 39th Iowa Inf. E. W. Curry, Co. L, 3rd Iowa Cav. Joshua Carmean, Co. K, 14th Iowa Inf. Samuel Coover, Co. C, 11th Ohio Inf. J. M. Combs, 26th Iowa Inf. I. N. Clark, 7th Mo. S. M. Charles Carroll. Mo. Vols. Watson Cain, Co. B, 40th 111. Inf. W. F. C. Cox. Allen Dunn, Co. A, 17tli Iowa Inf. A. J. Detrick, Co. L, 3rd Iowa Cav. Tip Dilsaver, Co. G, 46th Iowa Inf. Harley Dawson, Bat. E, 339th F. A. Joy Dodge. Co. E, 313 Engineers. James Earley, Co. L, 9th Iowa Cav. Elbert Ernest, Co. C, 9th Iowa Cav. J. P. Finley, Surgeon. James Finley, Co. D, 4th Iowa Inf. John P. Finley, Jr., Co. D, 4th Iowa Inf. George Foreman, Co. C, 33rd Iowa Inf. Wade H. Fulton, Co. K, 30 th Iowa Inf. Jesse B. Garrett, lieut., Co. A, 17th Iowa Inf. David Garrett, Co. C, 9th Iowa C&v. Garrett Gibson. Capt., Co. C, 5th Kan. Cav. William Graham, Illinois Inf. John Gunter, Co. 3rd Iowa Cav. C. A. Gillham, Co. D, 4th Iowa lnf- 0^ William Gray, sr., private Iowa II- William Gray, Jr., private Iowa Inf. Caleb Gray, Co. C, 33rd Indiana Inf. "N S James Goin, Mexican war. I!§&$•••. Robert Good, Co.-A, 18th U. S. Colored Inf. A. S. Gardner, Lieut., Co. I, 3 4 ill Iowa Inf. James Grandstaff, Co. I, 29th Iowa Inf. Capt. John W. Harvey, Co. G, 18th Iowa Inf. Wm. W. Holden, Co. I, 51st Iowa Inf. M-.i John H. Holliday, Co. B, 55th En gineers. Wm. Hawkins, Co. D, 4th Iowa Inf. & John C. Harrali, 84th* Illinois. W. C. Hebener, Lieut., West Vir- ?r ginia Inf. Francis M. Huston, Co. K, 9th Mo. S. M. .4, Geo. R. Hall, lieut., Co. I, 5th Vermont Inf. Jas. G. Harris, Co. B, 5th Kansas, vJohn Holden, Co. B, 5th Kansas. Jfe Robt. H. Johnson, Corp., Co. C, 179th Ohio Inf. Ed John, 76th Ohio Inf. G. W. Jenree, Co. A, 1st Iowa Cav. J. W. Keeler, Co. G, 115th 111. Inf. Henry C. Knapp, Co. D, 4th Iowa Inf. Madison Low, Co. M, 3rd Iowa %jv Cav A. C. Lockwood, Co. A, 34th Iowa Inf.. Norris Lorey, Serg., Co. B, 7th !«&.'• Kansas Cav. L. S. Lunbeck, 5th California 0*: -Cav. JW* Reuben Lawhorn, Co. F, 17th Illinois Cav. tfcjfc H. J. Landis, Co. C, 9th Iowa Cav. I.r/ J. W. Laney, Co. L, 7th 111. Cav. 'M W. H. Mills, Co. H, 5th Kansas Cav. fcv I. p. Martin, Lieut., Co. C, 23rd m: mo. inf. if? I George Mills, Co. C, 35th Mo. Inf. Samuel Miller, 100 day service. Corwirn Martin, Co. C, 9th Iowa & Cav. If Amos Marfc, Co. H. 5th Kansas. Uriah Mitten, Co. F, 142nd Ind. -|R!K£'VoL. 5 J. N. Madden, Co. L, 10th 111. Cav. Bryant O'Neal, 1st Mo. Cav. Marion Oney, Co. K, 7th Mo. S. M. -K Wm. Pace, Go. L, 3rd Iowa Cav. Ed K. Pitman, Co. K, 7th Mo. s: M. John Piper, 140th Ohio Inf. Leander Powell, Co. G, 14th Iowa Inf. gsfs W. W. Potts, Co. K, 86th 111. Inf. I fe" J. A. Ray, Capt., Co. D, 18th pi -Iowa Inf. vi Ira B. Ryan, Co. H, 6th Mo. Henry Rex, Mexican war. 2W Green Stanton, Co. C, 82nd Ohio Orr Sang, Lieut., Co. L, 4th Iowa ../Cav. nLy, Robert Shaffer, 9 th IOWA Cav. W Iowa Inf. Helen E. Brackenbury, Lamoni. 20 Leniut Simpson, Co. I, 34th Iowa Joseph Fetty, Andover. Mo.*..:——^27 *'1nL ... ,Rhea A -^DeVries, Lamoni .......—,.*1 Cyrus Smith, 4th Illinois Cav., F. M. Smith. Co. U, 3rd Iowa dav. Martou F. Stookey, Co. C, 4Vth I Iowa Inf.: DmAM Thnnnaa, Co. K, Sttfe low* Jaf. 4 ,r Lorin Tittle, New York Inf. t., Mexicai ieut., Co. D, 4th A. S. Ward, Capt., Mexican war Joseph Warner, L" Iowa Inf. John H. Walker, California Inf. W. C. Wheeler, Co. E, 76th Ind. Inf. James A. Wakefield, Co. D, 51st Mo. Inf. A iril Major J. L. Young, Co. A, 17 th Iowa Inf. George Zimmerman, Co. B, 6th Kan. Cav. Len Zimmerman, Co. K, 51st Iowa Inf. Manual Training and Domestic Science Classes Hail Fine l)is play. The latter part of last week tlie two big display windows at the Rexall drug store attracted a great deal of attention, the north window being filled with articles manufact ured by members of the manual training class and the south window witli dresses made by the girls of the domestic science class. The articles of furniture were mgfle by Miss Gertrude Pearson of tli^ 12th grade, Edgar Hansell of the 9th grade, and Edgar Bell of the 7t.h grade, and it was hard to believe that school children could do such fine work. Most of the members of the manual training class reside in the countrv and had taken their work home before the display was made. The exhibit by the girls of the domestic science class filled the south window, and showed excellent skill in dressmaking, those exhibiting Avork being Adda Custer, Florence Anderson, Ruth Elweil, LaVere Mc Croskev, LaVecy Umphress, Gladys Overholtzer, Frances Louise Penni well. Margaret Stone, Margaret Tul lis, Martha McDaniels, Fern Mc Kinlev, Willah Goodman, Sarah Oaulfield. Dorothy Lowrance and Ruby Meek. Borrowed John Gray's Ford. John Gray thougnt for several hours Sunday night that his fliver had gone hence. He drove his car to the Christian church and parked it while he attended the evening services, ajid when he came out the rar was gone, the parties who took it having taken a key from Hammv Tullis' car, as Mr. Gray had remov pd his key. He notified sheriff Ful ton. and about 12:30 o'clock sheriff Fulton called him up and reported he found the rar in the allev near the jail. Some one had evidently borrowed the car for a jov ride, but t.hey had a blowout, and had thrown the casing inside the car, but the inner tube was gone. Mr. Gray how ever is prettv well satisfied to ge' his car back'without more damage. Joy riders borrowing cars should rememDer the law does not recog nize borrowing and if caught thev are liable to be prosecuted for steal ing the car. Marion Wasson Injured. Marion E. Wasson., of Des Moines, formerlv of Leon, was painfully in lured bv being struck by an auto last Thursday afternoon.n Mr. Was son is emnloyed as a salesman with the DeBrown Auto Co., at Des Moines, and he stepped out of the back door of their business house shortly after noon last Thursday, nnd an auto was being driven down the alley at a ranid rate.- He trierf to lump" out of the way, but slipned and the bumper struck him on the legs, cutting both of them very bad lv. and also a laree gash in the bncl of his head. He was taken to a hospital, where it was found nr. bones were broken, and he is erettme along nicely, and expects to be able to return home tlie latter part of this week. Town Fnil of Knights Today. The town is full of visiting Knights of Pythias today, the occasion being the annual convention of the 26tli district, comprising the counties of Decatur, Lucas, Clarke, Appanoose and Wayne, and many visiting Knights will be is attendance. The session will open at the K. of P. hall at 1:15 and adjourn at 3 o'clock so the visitors «an attend the big ball game at 3:30 between Leon and Os ceola. The Knights will all be serv ed with supper at the Presbyterian church at 6:30 o'clock, and the ev ening session at which the rank work will be exemplified will open at the K. of P. hall at 8 o'clock. Tent Show is Pleasing. The Hila Morgan Stock Co., open ed for a week's engagement in this citv Monday evening, their big tent being lockted on the Biggs lots just north of the Biddison Coal & Grain Co.'s office. They had a splendid crowd Monday and Tuesday evenings, and those who attended say it is the best tent show which has ever ap peared in this city. They will re main here for the balance of the week, and if you want a chansre from the movies it will be worth while to attend. JTew Parking llules for Autos. All auto drivers are requested to narli their cars in the center of the business streets in the marked off spaces. Also you are reauested not to leave your car parked next the curb in the business section for more than fifteen minutes. Auto drivers and teamsters are also notified that they must observe traffic rules as to turning corner posts at street in tersections and not cut corners. J. L. McClain, Mayor. Flowers for Decoration Day. If you want to order any flowers for Decoration Day, better' do so at once. Flowers are very scarce this year.- Leave orders tod"*' if possible before 2 o'clock at The Reporter of fice! and we will have your flowers here for you Saturday afternoon. ynr2 former O. E. Hull. Marriage Licenses. L. M. Kimler, Blockton 26 —, Mabel Brooks, Leon 17 *6.*. H. C. Sanford, surgeon, 18th Iowa Hollle H. Emley, Grand River .. .23 Ella G. Doolittle. Leon 22 L. H. Sales, Lieut., Co. A, 17th Cornelius M. Clifford, Lamoni 22 MtheMn TtetKri LEON, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920. $30,000 FOR HOSPITAL Mrs. R. D. Gardner Leaves $30,000 f'se Toward the Erection of a Hos pital to Cost $100,000. n,. tVl„ iwaHiv pnuntv's rlrh£*t wmiiari Mrs Amelia Eliza- a of,™ «ino nnn fm- emrtine enuiu- sum hS- (frtn pnnin and mafntain a free Mrs. Gardner also made several rtther charitable, bequest, one ot $5,000 to the Hbme of the Aged at Des Moines, $2,000 to the Home tor Sightless women at Des Moines, ?2,000 for a chapel iiv the Leon cemetery. Mrs. Gardner's estate will run close to a quarter of a million dol lars, as she owns between 1300 and 1400 acres of Decatur county land, which has doubled in value in the past few years. She bequeaths the balance of her large estate in equal portions to relatives, with a .few be quests to personal friends. As the public is vitallv interested in this big estate, we prfht the will containing all the bequests and dis* posal of her property full, as fol lows: 1st. It is my will and desire and I hereby direct that all of my just debts shall be first paid out of my estate as soon as may be after my a 2d. It is my will and desire and I therefor direct that my executor, hereinafter named, shall have erect ed at my grave on the R. D. Gardner lot in the Leon cemetery, a head stone the same in qualHy and jpae, with appropriate inscription there on, as the one now standing at the grave of my deceased husband, R. D. G&3rd.er Barrett,_ Ella Ross Gardner, Mvra Barrett, t-i Ghormley. Charles Comhs, Robei Combs. Lewis Combs, Kinaldi Sin clair, Jesse Sinclair, Anna Jenks, Francis Jenks. Robert Shearer, Har rv Shearer, Flora ITtz, George Gardner and Ar~ urrv. the sum of $1,000 each, and in case or the death of any of them prior to my death, then his or her share shall go to his or her children then living, to be equally divided among them share and share alike. 6th. herebv give, devise and be queath to the children of mv neph- ew Frank u.iea.u ed and provided herein. Bert Gardner, Roy Gardner. Ethel equally among them, share share alike: to the children of nephew, ill G?ld?,eQr Lynn Gardner and the sum of $1,000, I 11th. Whereas, under an agree ment with my deceased son, Charles iE. Gardner, there is to be provided I lor tlie maintenance and support of case of otller week Decatur il ri^ivvo h'pnupst of be ivn thfi prwt'ion and securities during the life of the said npr.S countrCarrie Guilford Gardner, and the OT ONN NN rnndition that A'raontllly payments due her to be hi l'pvied So' as to iafse a total paid such may P'?s iipftiili nl ihich there is circumstances, and that said sum of Pardner also be- S15.000 at the death of said Carrie 2l!l !n alnstinnn? sum of onv1 ,V. 11 afVrn,1'incp wi 11 be cared agreement made and entered into yWR hS ^'ith my said son, Charles E. Gard tfip' afiflifinnal sum is not voted ^,™L4dS,1*1 rm. cho be- the of $2,000 to be held in trust [i i-i tru sf nd be lie Id her my trusted, Fred E. Teale, or triwtPo "RvpH lale until 'such tinn nnn tthe same to be invested in sale inter i'? 5 charitable and :est bearing securities, and ths in wnTthv henups? and here is an op-i(0me therefrom to be applied ana Jitvfnrthn nwi lfp nf Decatur It is my will and desire and I therefor direct that as soon as may be after my decease, without mater ial loss or damage to my estate, that my executor hereinafter named shall sell and dispose of all the real estate of which I may die seized, wherever the same may be situated, together with all personal propertv of every kind and character, except such as may be otherwise hereinafter dispos ed of, and convert the same into money or available securities, and the proceeds tlierof to he divided, distributed and held in the manner hereinafter provided. 4th. I give, devise and, bequeath to my beloved sister, Miriam Sin clair, the sum of $4 50. 5th. I give, devise and bequeath to my neices and nephews, whose names are as follows, to-wit: James Sinclair, Wickliff Sinclair, M. Sinclair Hudson, John b. Gardner, Millard Gardner, Scott Ga.dner, Gardner deceased, namely 15th. I hereby give, duise and Stella Gardner Dodge and Georgia bequeath the sum of $5,000 to the Oardner the sum of $1,000 to be Ho^e of the Aged, now located at divided'equally between them:, to ?g3s University avenue, Des Moines, the children of my nephew, Emmett i0wa. Gardner, now deceased, namely W1[e-tGhorm- the sum of ^0°. to lfith bequeath Gardner Lee. and Blanche Gardnei, Home for Sightless Women, now lo the sum of $1,000A to be .divined to rated at and my be equally ai vided among them, share an^a shiar Hugh OaTdner snm 8i89th! ni\iv?Id4vi8e to'Mrs Helen Gho CamUle om^\rownrfca3ter°Bth«msum of! lS'h. It is my will and desire Oln Brown Caster, tne sum 7th herebv give, devise and my household goods shall be dispos henueath to John Morris Gardner ed of as follows: The single brass anH Sarah Alice Gardner, nephew bed and furnishings, and the oak Ind nlice of mv deceased husband rocking chair with arms and cretone Dekalb Guilford Gardner, the sum of $65 per month during her life time, in order to provide for said income I hereby set aside to he held in trust by Fred E. Teale, my executor hereinafter named, and in Ms inability to act, some suitable and responsible per- the sum of 515.000, the same to ^vested in safe interest bearing therefrom at such times and installments as to the court seem txroper and best under the Guilford Gardner shall be divided eiluaI1y amonS my MW,qr.,S?aai Zl4ela,,„bdeSlren„!!SId' the "Gardner ward" where persons who are unable to pay for medical1 or for war'il" -nprjsons X** iHK, oil a I anQ Silare clilK6. 1th. That in compliance with an n,er' now Eome nlJmulates to the tote P,erson time as it accumulates 10 uuuii used, Portumty ^.^^P^'Vo.lprrhos- sooiation, first to the keening up and S fnr pnn hut tor aH tl^e beautifying of the R. D. Gardner nprfnie of^Decatur^^'ounty and-there jfamily lot and the lot where the KEld be So time raotte the question of voting a tax for a .llie i-.eon cemeiery, ana tnc re hospital. It would not amount, to verv much to anv one person, being divided up among all the taxpayers in the county, and the railroads and city of Leon would pay more than one-fifth of the total amount, and this would leave only a few thousand dollars to be voted and paid for by the taxnayers in each of the sixteen other tov/nships. deceased, I hereby set aside other suitable «nd responsible in ^se of his inability act, h„ invoa+„j in cat-.to !n hereby give, devise and the sum of $2.00u to the 1424 West 30th street, Des Moines, Iowa. 17th. It ?3 my will and desire and ^"°Jv liter I therefor direct that at mv death ed. namelv. Earl ^"^"^.Vphinqon ',he home property in wh*"* J. A. Gardner, Ruby Gardner Hirtchinson, Caster and 0Hve Caser and my_ 8elf reside, the deed to which hns been madf out and iS now Fred E alike to Francis -Tenks, the son of Gardner estate, shall be turned my nenhew, Francis Te°£s over "^V v« *1? nephews and then to,. through the Leon Cemetery As- mainder thereof to be used by tlie said Cemetery Association for the general upkeep and beautifying of the Leon cemetery. I further set aside to he held in trust by my said trustee, the sum of $1.00u to be in vested in safe interest bearing secur ities, and the income therefrom to be applied and used first to the up keep and beautifying of the Guilford lot, where the father and mother of Carrie Guilford Gardner is laid in the cemetery at Toledo, Iowa, and the remainder thereof to be used to ward the general upkeep and beauti fying of said Toledo cemetery. Said income to be turned over to the Cemetery Association or other re sponsible persons or association in charge of the keeping up and beauti fying of said cemetery at Toledo, fcwa. iSth. It is my will and iesire. and I therefor direct that there shall be paid out of my estate to the Leon Cemetery Association the sum of $2,000, to be used by said associa tion for the purpose of building or aiding in building a chapel in the Leon cemetery at Leoq, Iowa. 14th. I hereby give, divise and bequeath to Decatur County. Iowa, the sum of $30,000 to be aDplied on and used in the construction of a county hospital in Leon, Iowa, pro vided however that a tax shall be voted and levied bv the electors and nrorer officials of Decatur County, Iowa, the sum of $100,000, includ ing ihe $30,000 herein donated and give'i. to be applied on the building, nr i^alitaiaing of oonntv hospital in Leon. Decatur Covrtv. Iowa, and on the further condition that said hospital shall contain and have a free ward for the care rfnd treatment of those unable to pay for medical attendance, surgi cal operations and hospital treat ment that in case the inhabitants of Decatur Countv. Iowa, do not vote a tax and have the same levied to build said hospital as soon after my decease as said fund is available, then that said fund of $30,000 fbove donated shall be invested in safe in terest bearing securities and held by mv said trustee, Fred E. Teale, in trust, for said nurpose until such time as the original sum with the accumulations thereof beco^np suf ficient. along with the tax voted, for the building, equipping and main taining of a hospital to cost the sum of $100,000 as specified herein, and at said time the same shall be turn ed over and paid to Decatur County, Iowa, for that purpose. It is my further will and desire and hereby set aside and provide nn additional ?5.000 +o be held in trust and in vested by my trustee. Fred E. Teale, in safe interest bearing securities, to be used for the enuinment. and up keep a ward in said hospital to be known as the "Gardner Ward." the same to be used and occupied bv those persons unable to pay for med ical aid and hosDital treatment while they are receiving such care as hereinbefore specified: said fund to be held with accumulations thereof and anplied is the manner herein specified at such time as said hospi tal is built and enuioned as designat- in escrow Teale, trustee of the R. -to the said J. A. and Olive B. Caster, and that said property shall tben and there beCome the sum of $250 covered seat shall he given to the Lh »nfincase of the death ,of hosn'tal t0 be used in the Gardner o!tSi^r ?f them prior to mv death, ward: the marble top .stand and said beauest to go to his or her heirs sofa to match shall he given to Ella saia Dgquesi iu Ghrrmley the large Whittall rug to irmrime.v, me iuig^ 1.um.au '"h SthM herebv give, devise and be- Mrs. T. S. Arnold: the small Whit nueath to Hamilton, daughter tall -ug to match the large one to Sf tnhn Hamilton should she sur- mv sister, Mrs. Frances Jenks the Sfve thfimn of$500, and in other small Whittall rug to Mrs. An lilt ^Ther death prior to mv own, na rurrv: the small hand made table the said 0*$56^ to go to and be to Olive B. Caster the small rocking divided equallv between her two chair with no arm rests to Jessie and bequeath Millard VanWerden. inr chair to Eva Rhea and all the ih'JiM «hci survive me the sum of balance of my household goods, fur is no ^nd In case of er d«*th prior niture and bedding Mrs. Olive to my own, then that satd suin of Caster may dispose of as to her t&OO shall go to her daughter, Helen teems best. VliWsrdtt? 1'th. It is my further will »wj lOth I «t¥e. dfertse and bequeath desire and I therefor direct that all Rhe», wlH» has toK long yean of the rest, reeWue and remainder teMTtt lftttttftto friend aai aaao- at my aaid estate, titer the payment faaaily, tfc« sum of ot tk» beqwester^and the «taWUh tat of the trust fanda, a*d tka other and be their ow" theref(jr di ect that at my death Stookev the nMlow rocking chair to 1 uted among my legal heirs at law, Millard Gardner the leather rock- as provided by the laWs of the State TWENTVFIVE YEARS AGO Items Taken from the Files of The Reporter Published a Quarter ot a Century Ago. Flour has advanced forty cents in the last two weeks. Mrs. Elfea Snavely died at her home north of Decatur last Friday, her death being due to heart failure. At the annual meeing of the Iowa Funeral Directors held at Burling ton last week, James Grandstaff, of Leon, was selected as one of the five delegates to attend tlie national con vention to be held at Atlanta, Georgia. John V. Crum, of Bedford, a law student at the State University at Iowa City, won the 100 and 200 yard' foot 'race at the Inter-Collegiate Athletic games at Berkley Oval, New York, last Saturday, defeating the crack runners of Princeton, Yale and Harvard. Mrs. Henry Otten received a message yesterday with the sad news that her mother, Mrs. Anna Reuter, died Tuesday at Napoleon, Ohio, where she Mas visiting a mar ried daughter. The funeral will be held at Napoleon today. This is the regular year for the seventeen year locusts, and we are informed they have appeared in this county in great numbers. Last Satur day the ground in the vicinity of L. P. Sigler's residence in Leon was literally alive with them. They have the letter "w" on their wings. Dr. Layton is the proud owner of a new Victor bicycle which 'lie re ceived yesterday. A daughter was born tp Mr. and .Mrs. D. F. Avery yesterday. Dr. Layton claims to have estab lished a record by riding on his wheel from Blockley to Leon Tues day in 20 minutes. Of course the wind assisted him but he came in a flying. The following prices were realiz ed for the Leon horses at the big sale at Cleveland, Ohio. Blue Sign $600, Anheuser, $1,300, Marie $380, Hazel $505 and Gray Sign $135. Durand was sick and was not sold. All of the horses at the sale sold very low. Blue Sign was purchased bv E. De Gernea, of New York, and Anheuser by Thomas Gallagher, of Cleveland. Mrs. Minnie Brady departed for her home in Salt Lake City, Utah, yesterday morning, after visiting for six weeks with her many friends in this city. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Charles Carroll," who will spend a year or more in Utah. Mrs. M. P. Harris and Mrs. J. W. Allen departed yesterday for their old home at Farmville, Virginia, where they will visit for some time with relatives. Mrs. S. S. Horner, of Heppner, Oregon, arrived in Leon Thursday for a visit with her mother. Mrs. Dilsaver, and other relatives. Thomas Midair, of Woodland, is suffering from a badly bruised and sprained leg and ankle the result of an,accident one dav last week. He had started down in a well which lie was boring, expecting to go down 30 feet in the 83 foot well, to fasten a rope around some rods which were in the well, and had onlv gone about 18 feet when he realized there, were damps in the well, and had just time to speak to the men above when he became unconscious, and the men couM tell he had loosened his hold on the rope, and they saw the only way to get him out was to draw liim out by the oue foot which was in the loop in wljich he was standing. It was at first thought he was dead, but the nartieP worked with him, and wete £0011 overjoyed to liee him breathing, and lie will recover from the experience in time. 'The commencement exercises of the Leon High School were held last Tliursdav and Friday, there being 21 members in the class. Will J. Springer, Hallie Moore, Hattie I-Ias kett. Grace Albaugh. Henry S. Arnold. Stella Allen, Mary Snringer, Edward Thompson. Claudie Clapp, John Ogden, Minnie Smith, .Tames Con well, Edith Johnson, Maude Schenck, Orville Hamilton, Pearl Osborn, Nannie Paris, Edward O. Moore. Elhel Bowman, Ernest Homel and Frank Jackson. Commencement l-Jxercises. The auditorium of the Presbyter ian church was packed last Thursday evening at the forty-ninth annual commencement of the Leon High School, when a class of thirty receiv ed their diplomas. The church' was beautifully decorated with the class colors, nurnle and white, the flower of the class being the sweet pea, and their motto, "We- will find a way or make one." was hung over the plat form. The program opened with a selection bv the High School orches tra. followed by a quartet of High School girls who sang "Venetian Carnival," and the invocation was by Rev. A. E. Jervis. The salutatory was bv Miss Blanche Andrew, and Miss Feme Estes read "The Music Master," in a very pleasing manner, mixed chorus sang "When Day Fades, and then Rev. Geo. M. showing great talent as a reader: A Hughes, of St. Joe, Mo., 'delivered the address to the class, which was filled with excellent thoughts and splendid advice. The hieh School girls sang a chorus and then presi board presented the diplomas to the dent E. E. Bell of the Leon School fine class of young ladies and men. The benediction by Rev. G. T. Ronk closed th« exercises. Minnesota Land. South Central Minnesota corn, clover and alfalfa land. Renville, Meeker, McLeod. Kandiyoki and Car ver counties. Write for information. McLeod County Land Company, 42-10t Hutchinson, iMinnesota. .rovisions of this will have been sat sfied, shall be divided and distrib- of Iowa. 20th. I hereby appoint Jfred E. Teale. of Leon, 16wa, as the executor of this my last will and testament, and a« trustee of the various funds bequeathed in trust herein. Witness my hand tWi 2tth day. of March, 1010. Almeaa Elixaoeth Gardner*^ Witneases—Fred H. Teale, KvP« TanWerden. ./.u 10 PAGES VOLUME LXVI, NO. 42& FORI) LIBERTY* MOTORS WIJUT GOVEllXMEXT CITATION. "Motors of Unusually Good Quality^ Says Director of Air Service. A certificate of merit, together" with a citation by the Director of Airr Service, War Department, lias jua& been received by the Ford Motor? Company, Detroit. The letter an~ nounces that the "Chief of Ordnance* made similar recommendation- andi. citation." It reads: "This company produced 3950?' complete Liberty-12 motors of unt~ usually good quality. They also pro-' duced all cylinder forging used by all plants in, the manufacture ot Liberty Motors and they invented? and developed special machinery and' process for this purpose. This plants was 100 per cent on war work.'1 Be sides the cylinder forgings, the Ford-. Company perfected and man fact ut ed all the cylinders and all the bear ings used in American made Liberty Motors. All war work handled by Henry Ford for the United States Govern ment was done at actual cost. New Court Cases. John L. Uban vs. W. B. Gilreath. et al. Suit is to quiet title to reap' estate. Varga & Son attorneys for plaintiff. J. S. and T. B. Ramsev vs. Alonzo Gould et al. Suit is to quiet title to real estate. Varga & Son attorneys for wlaintiff. W. H. Donald vs. i'rank Drinkall et al. Suit is to foreclose a mortgage given to secure two notes on which there is due $5,060. Miles & Steele attorneys for plaintiff. Ethan Castor vs. John A. Fulton' sheriff. Plaintiff asks a writ of. habeas corpus alleging he is restrain ed of his liberty on a writ of com mitment. Plaintiff plead guilty to the charge of assault with intent to, commit a great bodily injury and was fined $500 and costs to be paid by October 1 st. Failing to pay the fine: a writ of commitment to jail was:-, issued. W. S. McCaull attorney for-* plaintiff. Hurry Your Emnty Sacks Back To: Us! We are experiencing a great deal, of difficulty in securing cement ship ments, as cement manufacturers can not at this time buy new cement sacks at ar.y price and are not get ting a sufficient amount of old sacks back from the retailers with which to fill orders. We, therefore, ask that our customers return to us im mediately all empty cement sacks, from the following cement com panies, for which we will pay 10 to 25c each: Atlas Portland cement Company, HawKeye Portland Cement Co., Missouri Portland Cement: Works, Ash Grove Lime & Port land Cement Co:, American Cement Plaster Co., Acme Cement Plaster Co., Anchor Plaster Co. Minter & Frees Lumber Co. Parent-Teachers KTijcuyed a. Picnic afc»r South School. The Parent-Teachers Association, of the south school enjoyed a picnic at the school grounds on last Friday,, the ^losing day of school. They took great loads of good things to. eat, and parents and pupils enjoyed a fine time. Miss Jennie Lester Belt, surprised the gathering by treating' everyone to ice c.reani, and Arthur and Dorotha Johnston provided a treat of candy for all the children, which was greatly appreciated. Will lecide 011 Fair Saturday. Several meetings of tlie stockhold ers of the Decatur County Fair As sociation have been called and post poned, but a meeting will be held at Leon on Satu^dav of this week, notice, having been sent to all stockholders, and the question of whether to go ahead and have a fair this year or wait until next year in order to get the buildings erected, will be defin itely settled at this meeting. If you are interested in a fair be sure and' attend the meeting Saturday. Leon 11,. Chariton 3. The Leon base"ball team won their first game of the season on the home, grounds last Sunday when they de feated Chariton by a score of 11 to 3„ The visitors were entirely outclass ed and Leon plaved in their old time form. Leon will plav Osceola on the home grounds this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and a hot game is expected, as Osceola has played several games this season. Dr. Moore Appointed Dental Exam-, iner. Dr. H. O. Moore, of i_eon, has re-- ceived notice of his appointment as dental examiner and will give dentaii treatment to soldier natients under the Bureau of War Risk Insurance at Washington. The appointment came to him unsolicited, and Dr^. Moore will look after the soldiCT* boys in good shape. $5.00 Reward. We will pav a reward of $5.00 foe information leading to the detections of the boys who threw stones in the* electric light sub-station on west. Commercial street, causing us dam- age and inconvenience. Iowa Southern Utilities Co. Notice. Those who have received notice appointment as judges and clerks I at: ati election will confer a favor by malt ing the return cards promptly, eo that we may know at once where* vacancies occur. G. A. MEEK, County Auditor. Big Bargains in Used Car Dcfertn ment. One Ford 19 model coupe, Maxwell touring car, one Oakland 1* model touring car, One Buick lr model touring car, one Dodge tour~ ing car. J. R. Bowsher.,. v,:.^ Rooster Week. I will commence buying mday, May 31st for Rooster Call me up. Monday, ay 31st for Harry Stataell. 2t I -will be at the farm next FrtiMR# May 29th to »ell, weigh and drilm. com to those Who want to buf. Biwsher. V\