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I a At- |L "v v' 2 4 & 1 't 4V sL" A, i( pr,y«.TyCf:V H9K9B9B6B9BS :W & rrrrnn rrrrrn rrrrrn covers better. iJJ^ERUm HI LUNG ^^SC/TY.U.S^ Dr. O. R. Crain OSTEOPATH Office ow»r Exchange National Dank LEOX, IOWA Will press your suit any hour you eay. Leon Laundry. For Sale or Trade—Ford tjuring car in good condition. See Eugene Massey. Look Here—Some Leon residences and two farms for sale on good terms. Jap Ceslerv 3-8t Mr. and Mrs. F. L. ^orey are ihe parents of a bouncing ten pound box born to them Tuesday night. Dr. C. H. Mitchell will leave next Sunday for Iowa C?ity, where he will spend a month taking a post grad uate course at the State University. The residence property in north Leon owned by Mrs. M. H. Wood, was purchased last week by Harley Ellis, of west of Leon, the consideration being $2,700. Order cut flower* and flora) de signs from O. E. Hull, local agent of Lozier, of Dee Moines, at The Re porter office. Orders tent by phone or i.ail, but order as early as po» vible. The "Story Hour" picnic will be held Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in charge of Mrs. Roy Stout, city librarian. All boys and girls are invited. Bring your baskets and "be at the library on time. Mrs. Zell JohnsOn, of Alliance, Neb., arrived last Saturday for a visilNat the liome of her uncle, W. W. Craig and other relatives in this citr and at Davis City. Mrs. Johnson will be remembered as Miss Zell Tharp, whose girlhood days were spent in L,eon. Manager L. J. Hill, of the Collins Filling Station in this city, thinks tourists are doing their best to wreck the fine new buildinf as two have tried to knock it down the past week. A traveling man driving a Ford did his best to drive right in at the door, but about the only damage he did was to twist an axle on his car, and then a lady tourist driving a big car tried to Tcnoclt down one of hurt li although side of her car considerably. One of the facts to be remembered fn these days of high priced clothing. We specialize in laundering silk shirts hand washed with Ivory Soap. LEON LAUNDRY COMPANY "fe This paint goes farther and costs less to make it go Lowe Brothers High Standard Paint has away of spread ing out and covering more surface than any paint you have ever used. Not only more surface, but covers ihtt'i whjr it always coats 1ms thaa cheap paints. High Standard not only saves you money—it makes you money because it makes your property worth mere. Besides lasting longer, this paint loekf better as long as it lasts If you want to prevent painting troubles you want to use High Standard. Come in ^and talk it over. Ask for baoklet and color card. Both arc free. ^Paints Dr. V. A. Englund OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Acute and Chronic Cases Treated Night calls treated same as day oal»» Office in Biggs block. rhone 16 Leon, Iowa. For Sale—Good residence prop erty 7 rooms and bath. See E. G. Alonroe for price and terms. ]\lr. and Airs. T'rancis Varga and children motored to Des Moines Tuesday evening for a few days visit. For Sale—Case separator and Avery engine in running order. Separator almost new. Will sell either one or both. D. B. Bright, Grand River, Iowa. 44-6t. See Smith St DeKalb who sell or trade Red River Valley lands. One fare for the round trip every Satur day. Call or write us at either Van Wert or DeKalb, Iowa. Smith & DeKalb. 13-tf- Charles Akers, who accompanied the remains of his father, Thomas J. Akers, who died in Denver, Colo rado, last Thursday, to this city for burial in the Palestine cemetery Sun day, left Tuesday for New Hampton, ivlo., where he will visit a few days at the U. G. Gibsffn home, before re turning to his home in Denver, Colorado. The members of and their families picnic at the home E. Housh on South Thursdav evening. Dynamite for gineering Co. For Sale- Angus bulls. Van Wert. •«nei» OBOBI9B For Bread-Biscuit-Cakes For Sale by LEW GILLHAM. LEOX, IOWA CLEAN CLOTHES WEAR O N E the Social Club enjoyed a lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Main street last They had a dandy good lot of eats,* and a very pleasant social evening with music was enjoyed^ Miss Goldeane Chastain, wha has been attending Drake University and the C. C. C. College at Des Moines the past year, taking a business course, came Saturday to spend the summer at the home of her parents, Mr. and Airs. John Chastain, east of Leon. She was accompanied to Leon by Miss Mary Miller, of Crestom who is also a student at the C. €. C. Col- Miss Cora Lunbeck. who had been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Ketcham in this City since her return from California, left Monday^ for Lake Okoboji, whfefe she will spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. G. S. sister, Mrs. A. L. fed teeyptr far she «av vtolt friends. Robinson. Her Curry, aficompan- -5 'J 1 A ,S«S *. Room for Rent—Phone 325. Will press your suit any hour you Bay. Leon Laundry. -Pure bred yearling L. G. Overholtzer, 43-4L For Sale—Refrigerator, corn and a good team. Simon' Goodman, Leon, Iowa. it. Force your late planted corn with •high grade fertilizer and beat the early frosts. Slade Engineering Co. 41-tf. For Sale—Pure bred coming yearling Jersey bull calves and some Jersey cows. Ralph Herrold, ti miles north of Leon. Phone on Van \Sert line. 44tf. I will be in Leon this summer and will teach violin and piano. Those wishing to study with me, "hone 2:J9 or call at my home on South Ma^ Street. .Mabel Bradley. 45-11. Glen Tapscott, who has been a studentat the State University at Iowa City, was a visitor in Leon Thursday, going from here to Davis City to visit liis sister, .Mrs. Glen 1 razier, before returning to his home at Lamoni. B. F. Robison anil sons, Alilo and ?Ioore, who had been here for a week visiting with relatives, return ed to their home at Eilston eriduy, his sister, .Mrs. A. F. Smith, of near Leon, going home with him for a few day:: viist. Mr. and .Mrs. ('. F. Wright and grandson Raymond Wright, of thit city, and Air. Wright's sister, Airs. H. I). Nevall, of Humeston, returned last VVYdnesday evening from a visit with relatives at llockwell Citv and Lake City. D. K. Smith, jf Griswold, Iowa, came 'Tuesday evening for a few days sit at the home of his neice, -Mrs. J. (J. Johnson, of west of Leon. Air. ini:L!i was an old time resident of I.eon, but had not been here for twenty-six vears. .Miss Florence Coffin, who had been spending a couple of weeks at the home of her parents, Air. and Airs. Charles Coffin, in this city, re turned to Des Moines to resume her studies at the C. C. C. College Wednesday morning. Or. F. A. Bowman has commencnl the work of remodeling his brick store building on the west side of the square. A new modern front will be put in, new floors laid, water and sewer connections made, and the office rooms on the second floor will also be remodeled and made up to-date. Miss El da Aleore. of Gregory, S. IX who has been attending Drake Uni versity at Des .Moines the past year, came to Leon Saturday for a visit with relatives, her motlier, Airs. Alilo .Moore, of Gregory, S. I)., having ar rived in Leon a few days before to \isit her father, \Y. II. Jenkins, and other relatives and friends. Prof. Ii. P. Sibley, of Lake Forest University at Lake Forest, Illinois, I arrived Tuesday far a few days visit :at tlie home of Air. and Airs. F. S. Stewart in this, city, coming to join 'Ralph Stewart and another college friend on an auto trip to Yellow stone National Park and other points of interest in the west. I .Mr. ('has. Piercy, wife and daugli •ter, Inez, started on an ex:ended itrip by automobile. They would go first to Omaha, Xeb., then "to northern 'Kansas, through Colorado and Utah, and into Idaho. They have relative. I in the different states to visit'and will take their time in making the trip, not expecting to leturn home before early fall.—Lamoni Chronicle. Some of the young friends of Air. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Calhoun, who were married in this city last Sat urday, gave them a pretty lively time of it when they started on their honeymoon auto trip. An auto lab eled "i\ewly Weds," with eow bells and tin cans dragging behind appris ed everybody of the fact that they were married,, and they paraded the streets ahead of the bridal party until they drove out of town. Dr. J. \V. Robinson returned Thursday evening from Bowling Green, Kentucky, where he and Airs. Robinson had been visiting with their son, Zell Robinson and wife, Airs. Robinson remaining there for a longer visit. Friday Dr. Robinson received a message saying Airs. Zell Robinson was dangerously ill with peritonitis, and had been taken to a hospital at Louisville, Kentucky, and he left for that city on the afternoon train. A letter from G. W. Brown, formerly of Grand River, now living at Torrington, Wyoming, says crops out there are looking fine, and lie and Mr Ackerley have out 7." acres of corn, which is looking good. They have plowed it over the first time, and he says he never had a better prospect for corn, but don't know how long it will last in that western country, as the old settlers say it gets pretty dry there sometimes, but they had a good rain there last week. C. E. Chastain returned Sunday from a six weeks stay at Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Willard Lewis, son of J. F. Lewis, of Siloam Springs, accompanied him to Leon and after a visit here will return with his father in their car which was left here when the family moved to Siloam Springs last fall. Willard is a true blood Decatur county pro duct, and mighty glad to get back even for a visit, as he save he does not like Arkansas near as well as good old Iowa. Mrs. Rosetta Bedier, of Green River, Utah, a former well known Leon resident, in remitting again for Tie Reporter which she writes she cannot do without, says she is very sorry to Tead Persons 16. Sale—Slade En 41-tf For Sale—Millet seed. Hamilton. Joe /-P. 42tr. For Sale—Have a few loads of com for sale. Guy Chambers 44-2t. Lost—In Leon, a gold pencil. Finder please return to The Reporter office. of so many old friends crossing the "Great Divide," while numerous others are leaving the old town for the land of "Sun shine aod Flowers." At the present time she is enjoying a visit from her youngest son Logan Bedier and family.who live in Colorado. Mrs. ,Bedier says they had a very late snring^in Utah, but the -warm weather and plenty of water for ir rigating is doing "wonders for all kinds of crops, the farmers having commenced cutting alfalfa last week ts -Qfftll klnds will be plenti- "fell fHB LION BEPOHTXR, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. Page SEVEN wanting cherries call It. Will press your suit any hour yoi say. Leon Laundry. Wanted—Timothy Seed.' Biddlson Imp. Co. Found—Two keys on ring. Get them at The Reporter office. For Sale—Yearling Pedigreed Poll Angus bulls. George W. Baker. 44-4t. Pasture—Have GO acres of past ure for rent, or will take in stock by the head. Floyd Powers, Van Wert, Iowa. 37-tf Poland China Hogs For Sale— Young stock for sale at all times. Write or phone Eugene Massey, Garden Grove. I will be at the farm Tuesday, •June 2 2, to deliver corn. Parties wanting corn call on that day. J. It. Bowsher. Air. and Airs. A. IS. Runiley left .Sunday for the Sanitarium at Moul der where Airs. Rumley will undergo an operation on Thursday morning, .rune 10th, for the relief" of an ail ment of long standing.—Ft. Collins, Colorado, Express. Air. and Airs. T. .1. Bell returned to came Satin day evening for a few days visit with her parents, .Mr. and Airs. Gould Wallace, and to visit her si:- ter, Aliss Grace Wallace, who re turned last week from a three vears stay in south Carolina. Aliss Zella Stuteville returned to Pleasanton Tuesday after visiting a few days at the home of her par ents, .Mr. and Airs. W. AI. Stuteville, of west of Leon. Her little sister. Giendine, went to Pleasanton with lKr for a few davs visit. F. A. Gather, of northeast of Leon, went, to Seil.ilia, Alo., Friday Jo attend the general conference of the Church of the Brethren being held in that city. Lewis Sears also went to Sedalia a few davs befon to attend the conference. I)r. .1. XV. Robinson left Friday al noon for Louisville, Kentucky. !"'ing called there by the serious ill ness of his daughter-in-law. Airs. Zell Robinson, who was lakan sick at Bowling (ireen, several weeks aifo. and taken from that city to a hospital in Louisville. E. J. Sankey buys and sells land on commission, makes farm loans un approved security at the tcst rates, and does a general real estate busi ness. Has had 20 years' experience in the business. Oifire upstairs nt northwest corner or Slain ami Com mercial streets. Leon. Iowa. Airs. Lillie Reynolds. of Los Angeles, California, arrived Alondav evening for a few days visit av thi home, of her cousin, G. A. Long and other relatives in this city and vicin ity. Her daughter, Miss Beatrice Reynolds, had been a guest at the Long home for several weeks. A. L. Ackerley went to Iowa City Friday morning to attend •he com mencement exercises at the State t'r.iversity and visit his children, Leiand and Lo?s, who are students at the Fniversity. Aliss Lois being one of the graduates this year in the Liberal Arts course, and Leiand is a law student. Air. and Airs. A. c. YieMi and sen arl, of Oakland, Iowa, motored to Leon Thursday and visited over night with their daughter, Air.!. C. R. Barnum. The Marnum .family accompanied them home Friday. Air. Barnum returning to i.eon Monday, but. the family will visit at Oakland for a couple of weeks. Airs. J. S. DeBaum. of Los Angeles, California, who had been visiting tit the home of her mother. A! vs. Cyntha Shaffner, in this city went to Decatur Tuesday for a few dnys visit, her mother accompanying h:r. Airs. DeBaum will be remembered as Bervha Shaffner. daughter of the late Charles P. Shal'fner. Airs. J. A. Caster, Mis. Fred Bow man. Airs. Stephen Varsra and Airs. I). Frank Long went to Des .Moines Tuesday to attend the big Biennial Women's Clubs convention whidi convened yesterday for ail eight dny session. Quite a" number of the club ladies of Leon will go later in the week to attend the convention. Airs. Florence Bennett and son Finley John, of Portland, Oregon, who had been visiting for several weeks at the home of her aunt. Airs. T. S. Arnold, in this city, left, yester day morning for a visit wtih rela tives and friends at Des Aloines and Carlisle, but will return to Leon for another visit before going hack to Portland. Ralph Stewart returned from Lake Forest University last Sunday, completing the four year course in three and a half years. He will he joined here this week by his friends, Prof. R. P. Sibley, of Lake Forest, and his classmate", Herbert Koos, of Waukegan. Illinois, and the three expect to leave the latter part of the week for an auto trip of a month or six weeks, visiting the Yellowstone National Park and other points of interest. They will take a complete camp outfit, with them and enjoy camp life while on their trip. Word was received here by friends of the marriage of Aliss Sarali Lentz, adopted daughter of Air. and Mrs.' Hardy Lentz, well remembered former residents of Woodland, who moved to Alfalfa county, Oklahoma, a year or more ago, the marriaee taking place at the home of the bride's parents in that county on Thursday, June 3rd. The groom is said to be a prominent and wealthy farmer of that county and the many friends of the bride in this section of the country join in extending con gratulations and host wishes for their future happiness and pros perity.—Lineville Tribune. Air. and Airs. Harry Raymond, of Des Aloines. motored to Leon Satur day evening and visited over Sunday at"the*home of her parents. Air. and Airs. Horace Farquhar. Air. ttav mond is a district secretary of the Greater Iowa Association, and was recently given his choice of taking charge of the office at Des Aloines. or going with a similar organization to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, but he chose to remain in good old Iowa. Harry has been climbing tin raoidly in his secretarial work, and is look ed upon as one of the best men in this line in Iowa. Mrs. Raymond liq£ heen teaching- in the high school at. Cedar Falls, the ^ast year, but they are now located iiv their new home in Des Moines, where they expect to be permanently located. Farms Wanted. I will buy several farms in Deca tur county. See me if you want t-» sell worth the money. 35tf C/. C. M. Ak-58. 3%- THE CHUKCHJSs. Providence Baptist Church, Services Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning—Sunday school at 10 a. m. Jtoeaehing at J. Children's exercise at night. A cordial welcome to all. Bethel Baptist Church—Rev. E. C. Vanderpool will preach at Bethel at p. m. Rev. E. C. Vanderpool, Pastor. Methodist Church Notes. All our services as usual next Sunday. \\*e are placing special em phasis on making the morning serv ice special in the church. The pastor will endeavor to give an appealing sermon. The choir will assist with the music, and Aliss Dorothv Hoff man will sing a solo. Evening s'-rvice will be held in the open air, just west of the church. It was a decided success last Sunday evening, and the people enjoyed sit ting promiscuously on the lawn, and in their cars. We have a special place to park twenty cars, and the usher will direct you. The orchestra wil play for the music, old time hymns, bring your friends. Just west of church. Cool, breezy serv ic e. Brethren-- Church Votes. Sunday services next. Sunday morning as usual. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preaching at" II. The Children's Day program last Sunday was splendid, the children and the committee in charge deserving great credit. Next Sunday evening the semi-an nual communion services will be held. All members are urged to at tend. T1k: ni'-mbers of ihe countrv churches are cordially invited to b present. C. E. services will he at the usual hour. .Members of the Christian Endeav or and others interest, in tin: work are asked to meet at ehun-ii on Fiday evening r.t o' lo- k. Bravo me"! in a on Thursday tveni at o'clock at the c-htti. h. Eggs—White Pekin duck, T'^c per setting. Ralph Phipps, Decatur. M-tf Evcrsbarp Pencils Are yois tired of the old fashioned lead pen cil tiiaf is never sharp and always needs sharpening?. The Ever Sharp is always ready for use. Contains enough led for months of use and can be refilled for a lew cents. Makes an ideal gift for anyone thai writes. $ 1.00 and up OF COURSE IDLE HOUR THIS WEEK Friday and Saturday, June IK an5 I!)—Constance Binncy in— "ERSTWHILE SUSAN" A powerful appealing photo drama in six parts the picture with a mora!, its big. it reaches heart and soul. A picture you won't lorget. Every man, woman and child should see this picture. Al so a two reel' Comedy "She Loved a Sailor." A scream from start to finish. Sunday and .Monday, .June -O and -1—Special— "VIRGIN OF STAIMBOUL" This is the storv of a girl raised from the positica of a beggar to take her place in the Sheik Harem and how her American lover rescued her and tlieir escape to Amcrica. Arabians are noted for the finest horsemen in the world, and there are real Arabians in this picture. If you miss this picture you will be sorry eve.r after ward. Also big Comedy "Roavers and Lovers," a scream from start to finish. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 22 and 2:1—Constance Talmaclge in— "A TEMPERAMENTAL WIFE Thursday, June -t—Special I want a man who will love no one but me "and Billie." He must not speak to other women. He must be mine all the time, heart, and soul, from tooth to toe nail, and one old maid who had been trying to land a man for twenty-six years, stuck her tongue against a falseytooth, winked her left eye and said wiselv "There ain't no such-animal" but Billie thought there were. And did she find him? Come and see for yourself. Also Tuesday "The Silent Avenger" and Wednesday "The Lost City." Presbyterian Church Xotes. In spite of the hot weather, last Sunday \yas a good day with us. The Sunday school attendance was extra large. In the evening a large dele gation of Knights of Pythias attend ed in a body and listened to a special sermon. The pastor appreciates this fine courtesy on the part of his fraternal brothers it Is one of those kindly things that alter all makes life worth the living. Next Sunday morning we will have our regular preaching service at eleven o'clock. Sunday school at ten and Christian Endeavor at seven o'clock. Sunday evening the choir assisted by .Miss Faye Rhoades as special soloist, and others will pre or:t a musical program. Don't miss this evening service. You will en joy it. A Birthday Surprise. Friday, June 11th beibg the •JTtli birthday of Allen Ramsey, of Vi Wert, hs son, Claude, planned a little surprise on h'm for that night. It was lodge night and the two men were already at the hail when a younger son,'Lloyd, called them out. with the news there was a sick horse out home. They hurried out, but when Air. Ramsey came in for the lantern he found the room full of his brothers and sisters and their husbands and wives. At first lie was too surprised to speak, but soon recovered enough to bid the visitors welcome. ice cream and c-iike was served and all report an enjoyable evening. Those present were Air. and Airs. Allen Ramsey, Air. and Airs. Bent Ramsey, Air. and Airs. Jack Edwards, .nr. and Airs. Jim Sm th, Ck:inl Ramscv and fam ily and Air. an 1 A!is. Ben Barker arid wife. All accounts and past clue notes must positivelv he paid at once. I need the money NOW nd must have settlement inimediatelv. Biddison Tmnlem^nt Co. For Rent—riovura 1 good farms. Want, men with plenty of help, have one farm of 240 acres, with lots of t-oocl farm land. aee me- quick. C. AI. Akes. "MYSTERIOUS MR. BROWNING" I That's tlie title—sounds quite interesting doesn't it? and there are rescues, raids and fights, too, action galore and the sort of love interest that only Alelber and Panzi can supply. Don't miss this wonderful picture. Also Christie Comedy "Kids and Kidlets." Alatinees Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday 3:00 p. show 7.30 Saturday and Sunday 7:00—9:00—10:30. S 1 JJ I: m. Night